Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1941, p. 7

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TET3EBDAY, JANARY 80, 1941 I - SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phono 683 E'. ý Mrs. W. J. Cufly la visittng lier daugliter, Mrs. Wm. Watson, Hani- iltô. 1i88 Aura Prout la holidaying wthher -cousin, Mrs. H. Leal, Pt.Rýna1d Rtchards,_Midland 1BeÈt., boý;& ashome for the f ok1Qrs uta, riit .L.A.C.JacI Èoàvh, R.C.A.F., is home otleavé'tram Port Wtiitarn. He wiil rétunn ta' Camp Borden at the endoat Ms leave ta resume lits course.' Atreraftsman Jack Gibbls, R.C. A.!',, Camp Borden, vistted lits parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibbls. Mrs. Wm. Davidson, of Virden, Man., was a visitar at the haome of Mr. and Mrs: R. B. Clark, Lberty Street. .The partnexship of MeKeever & Smith, Garage, lias been dissoived as of Dec. 31, 1940. The reason for this is on accaunt of Harold C.'Stth bing taken on the Na- 'ttaaal, Defense Departmeat at Ot- tawa. Mn. James McDaugall, Toronto, was in town lest week calhing on Mis aid friend Mr. John Mclntyre wloi lint very poor healtli. Jim stili keeps up lits taterest Mn the aid town by readtag The States- man. Mrs. Waoaa Clarke ntorms us that in last week's write-up about the 'Wornçn's Auxiliary af "D" Cay. it shouid nat have read twomnen are knitting for averseas boyg," because D. Cay. Auxliary at preseat are knittttag for the men of D.* Coy. socks and trigger mitts. Many friends of Lewis Luke, SWestrnaunt, Oshawa, will moura SKATES SHEARPEN ED Adute Ise15 Children 10eO Osborue'a Service Station Phone 897 King Street West INTEGRITY Inspires your trust! Yoql buy where you knuw that honesty la the flrSt uie, .Whero yon're certain that y'ou are gettlng ail that you pay .ior. Garton'a la, proud of lis reputation that wili 'be ýPreserïed. GARTON'S GARAGE Phione 26669-King St. Pleake SHORTENINO -2 Ibo., a Castle FLOORWAX M . 2 Campbell's TOMATO SOUP w-2tlns 1 Bowntrees COCOA *-- lb. 2 Tiger Brand ~ALM N - malcan 1 Fresh 'B \Orge ek Ground Orane PRCOFFEE SAIS\ TRA 35e lb. lRTS 33c lb. CoId Meets - Fresh Vegetabi eLUNN gowmau' THE CANADIAN STATESMAi, IBOWMANVILLE, bNTR.À1O Ca«nada haveno -idea what-t-hey have ta put up wtth. If they dtd same ôf' them wauld wake up that there ts a war gatng an. It is no tun ta lose yaur home. Everybody araund this xiace ,les sure use the boys sweli._ There are lots af dances, one neariy every niglit some place, but I don't dance sa that lets me out. The weathef ts nat very coid. Twtce ville last week the roads were ailtcee sa It was not,.very easy ta stay on i.,py zhôorwcycie wMtout ftali goff. VICTIM 0F BULLET r" F or That Extra Sométlingý liPaSStag. He ded last te buiial, at Oshawa, to-nr Jan. 31, at 2.30 D.S.T. Hi (ne nite Rchardson) an glter <IMida) Mrs. S. Scl are the sole remaining ai af the' tfamtly. Sparltag Mission Bandi Moaday1 ia Tntnity Primai, room. Feature of the mieeti stary of two boys' af T aamedXamdas and Raindi story was llustrated by rnap af Trnidad and also s bouse. There were 14 lia: sent and a collection of 5' taken. .70e was taken n lef Tue "Smiliag Thru Club, ladies held a euchre and d the home ai Mr. Earl Churcli St., on Moaday ei Prize wunrs were Miss1 Intyre, Earl Byarn Thomas William Sais tMiss J. Les MsT.Gaham.Mn. Hen: tbrape was wtnner of the db cushian. Lunch was servec ing a pleasant evening. proceeds af $45 will lies Telegram War Vtctims Pur Edgar Tomlinson, chef mr ic at McKeever's Garage, perance St., lias returned Toronto wbere lie taok an sive course ta motor mc at the Chry ler-Plymo uthE Sdhaol. Erbseamed1 putatian fofrbeing one of tV and most accurate diagnoe wben it cames ta solvtag car trouble. Anather thir accounts ior lits popularit the matoring public 15 t] "gives service with a smi Thirty-six officers of the Battalion, Midland Regime the 32nd Comnpany VE Guard af Canada, assembi der onders, on Sunday a brook ton discussion of regi affaira. The annual mess 1: teatuned the occasion. ( tram Bowmanvtlle werg Lamne T. McLaughlin,1 D.S.O., Lt. Col. Percy Jol Major Spencer (Chaplain) Jae O'Neill, M.C., and LIE L. Baker, Lettch Scott, Bill Weekend weather was of ta, keep those wlio say w, have the aid-f ashionçd aay more, sitting home tire. The, mencury stood tar aliave zero and a big added ta the general ch Higliway traitie was ver: Perhaps the most unfartur fect af the weather happE a *member ai Tue' Statesmz who uadertaok ta readj Sunday about the Watki pedition wlntering ta Gre Hie was toi.nd on the ches- next mrnnnng with bath and feet badly frostbitten week he plans ta read Hunters af the Amazon." The Royal Canadian Ai recnuithg canipaiga ta tht: ity wil libe on the 3rd and February. ,The necruiting willibe present at thxe( Armauries ta receive appli( Thene exists an urgent w~ Air Cnew, Aero-engine Mec Service Police, Clenka, E tans, Instrument makers, phone operators, and ailier men. Speakiag of good deec bear that tive littie childhrE live ta the viciaty of Ceai Concession Sts. - Allieri Teddy Ott, Jtimiy and Ma enson and Keaneth Crawl put acnoss a stuat at weeli desenves special mention. made "Bird Puddings" a gested by Jim Huter in hi broadcast, tien sold thg neiglibors. They realjzed t] sum of $3.70 which 'they 1: torwarded ta The Taraatc gram British, War Victtni It takes chiîdrea éuch ai with -initiative ta do sop practical and patriotte, ta d bit tnaiwinning the war. «A time honored custom observed at St. Andrew's]1 terin ChOurcli at the Sunda: lag service when a Presb: Covenanter's Service will b Mn. John Irwin wil acti centar leading ha the hymns are suag withaut, use of. thE as was the custom- in the ai some years aga. Rev. Blake's sermon wil l e on a appropniate ta the cacul ZESCAPES DEATH NEAR PICKERING Only hits presence of mind in throwing hirnself ta the floor of the car when he realtzed that a crash was imminent is believed ta tnight; have saved the lite of Ross Rice, iOrwBowmanviile, when lits car ieft Ê0s wifw, the hlghwr a mile east otf ick- id dau- erig short y atter 5 o'clock Sun- ýhotteld, day xmorning., iembers Rice waz drlving eaut and mo- mentarily went to'sleep losing met on côntrol at Mis car whtch careened across the road, brolce off a dozen ry cassposs frm te,uard rails and rnidad smaslied uta a hugéeeirntree. The [a Thé impact pushed the hood of the a walî par back itt the front seat. à méel icecraledfrom the wek odlage witli oniy.a4 eut bond caused 2c was b 5flymng glâes. A passenger who 12c.was asiseep an the back seat es- es. caped uninjured. b" f 14 __________ Iraw at Byam, Counties Ward.n ývening. E. Me- Returns in Triumph Gouid, Leli and Returnnng ini triumph to the ry La- "aid home town" after a strenu- traw on aus week at Cobaurg during d, end- which hle was elected Warden of Entire the United Caunties of Narthurn- sent ta 'berland and Durhiam by a sub- rid. stantial majarity, Reeve Alex Ed- eclian- rnondstone was greeted in grand 1Tem- tashian by lits Bawrnanvilie fr1- I tram ends and esca ted ta the Higli iinten- Scliaal where lie Saidiers' Can- chanics cert was in pragress. Atter en- Service jayrng it tliaraughly lie was cail- the re- ed upan ta make a speech. The lie best Warden, ini lis characteristic gen- etcians il manner, expressed lits pleasure Smatar and gratitude at tlieghigli honor g that accarded hint and lnvited everyi. Ly with ane ta itsLIa me ta canclude the' hfat lie evenmng witli lunch. Many mern- lie." bers af the town caunici and civie Seodbadies wére present ta officilly ntcand cangratulate the new Warden and etrand' accept the liaspitaiity af Warden ed rns and Mrs. Edmondstane. it Mill- banqet Red Cross Sponsors Officers Nutrition Classes ,e Cal. G.M.C., Housewlves in this cauntry can b, V.D., make a reai contributian tawards , Capt. wunnung the war by prepartng euts. A. fooad in such a way as ta give the Brown. members of thir hausehalds the , a type best passible chance of good e don't health for the least possible cost. winters This work is being carried on by the ini every country under the aus- at nat pices af the Red Cross and at the ,h wind marnent we ini Canada lag far be- .lltness. htnd ini this particular field. 'Y ltght. However, intensive efforts are îate et- now beiag made ta give tl* wo- ened ta men of Canada every opportunity an staff ta learu ail tliey can about titis a baok very important subjeet. Under Lans ex- the direction of the National Red enand. Cross a sertes of classes on nutri- terfield tion wil be heid lin the Hydro Lhands Shop starttng Tliursday, February 1,Next fth, at 8 p.m., and on Thursday "Head eve'nings for seven weeks follow- ing. x Force Ladies intendtng ta take thts [s vidan- course shouid register with Miss 14th of Dorothy Edger, phone 403, any 1officer week-day bttwedn the hours' of Oshawa 10 a.m. ta 2 p.m. Thxis la neces- [cattons. sary because of limited space and ,ed for obtaiatng suffictent literature. chanics, Collection of 5c per persan per ,lectrtc- meeting wili be taken ta defray )rele- part of expenses. No exaniination trades- wil be hled but certificates wil lie gtven those who attend seven ýs, we of the eight classes held. en wha A comaiittee of giaduates or tre and those who have taken special ta and nutrition courses wili be in ry pat- charge, composed of Mrs. Ross .ord - Strtke, clirman; Mrs.. W.. L. Pat- cwhicli erson, Mtss M. Archer,- Mrs. Earl .Tliey Cunninghiam, Miss Marjorie Bradt isug- Miss Dorothy Edger and Miss s news Anne. Buttery. Lem ta lie tidy proudly S0.LDIERS' LETIERS o Tele- 5Fund. England, Àthese December 23, 1940 nething Dear Mr. James: lo their 0 1 amn dropping these f ew limes, tyou ta thanli yau ever 50 rnuch will bel for *sending me the home town Prosby- news egch week düring the pgst Ly even- yer. It most certatnly lias been .a yterian weicome parcel tintlie Cdn. mai be lield. shipments. as 're-.I lso want ta take this appor- * wffch tunity -tn thankîng tlie tawn for ,e argan thetr gift re the wailets. I aisa churcli wish ta thank the Cdn. Legian, W. G. Lions Club, Wornen's Auxiliary theme St. Paul's Churdli, The Girls' n. Knitting Club, and the Saivatton Army for gtfts received. Last but flot least. my own persanal frtenda who did nat fai to forget me on q'gsa'tn"g*.you ,'a11 'once- again aad wishing you ail the success in. Tp. l, C A.SF see" ta the mniddle of the road ini January, especially near the ";Uge" where winter la wunter. Vese ind enclosed $?.00 ta caver cOOl of year's suliscription ta The S6atesman. î. R. G. Lawiey, 12 Brentwood d.S., Ktagsway, Toronto, writ- igfram Sask.: We have been away tram home .sunce Nov. lBfh. Où.ý the whaie we have had a very uitce winter in Saskatchewan and Iantaba. We are qutte giad be-- e oe ne is not sa tond af hot "aad cold trains. I have neyer seen ttsch beautitul hoar frost as there .bas been here ta the Prairie Pro- vk'fnes. We are not qutte sure *ifen we are returning ta Ontaria *bUt hape it won't lie too long. Kilnd regards toalal my frteads frbxn Bowaianvtlle. Mrs. Lorenza Mountjay, Nestie- to!Another year lias raiied 'around, and wtth it, The States- mari has made its weekly call. It certainly is aiways welcamed andl much enjoyed, for betag a "Dur- Iïimiid girl" there is aiways very interesting news cantatned withtn its "pages. I ar n eclastng $2.00 for my suliscriptian for the com- Ing year. May yau and yaur staff enjoy a Brighit and Prosperous New Year. Also, aiay I add, may it lie a victariaus one ta Britain 'çWhich it wiil eventually be, any- how. Here's wishing yoa al gaad héalth and able ta carry an ta Yotir good work. SOCIAL GOSPEL (Continued trom page 1) State. In whatever torm lits image ia set up lits worship seems en- tireiy out of p lace ta us. We can- flot compreliead a genuine deva- tion ta this stern-taced, steel- helaneted, nail-tisted deity. He aad his henclimen rule with an iran hand and riee raugli shad over ail wha stand la their way. There is simply no raam ta the universe for the God af the State aad the God af Jesus Christ. The Cuit of Pleasure Another gad betore wham many liow is the gad af a Good Time. It rnay lie this gad 15 enshrined ini millions af hearts because of a loss ai' faith tanabler gods. This cuit ta that of a generation ýwhich lias' had bitter experiences. with the pparent tutil¶ty af idealism and oaîl serlous endeavaur. Yauth to-day lives ta a world which no longer gives prmse af reason- able security and success ta han- esty and ndustry and which is aoW in the thraes ot a cruel war. "'Our time may lie brief indeed," la the thouglit spoken or unspoken of thia generatian. "Wellç thea, we have the riglit ta make it as good a time as we can." We are told there's a new way of living - a modern way, and uniess we go that way we are simply back numbers and out of date. It ta amazing haw quickly such il4eas catch on and gain headway; hew easily people drit away tram tH ld aidnioriags, frarn the aid 44varks and deceacies, the aid * e e 25c 30c THE CARTER FAMILI 55Bakers For Two Generattons Bol Fred Richardson Part Hope iawyer, who had a nar- raw escape tram death Saturday Moratng when W. J. Turner, Hope Townshitp fannier, entered lits af- ftce and atmed a .22 rifle at irnx, the bullet landiag tn Richaidsan's. jaw. Turner is dliarged with at- tempted murder. What makes yau sa coid over here ta the , dampi weather and we get lots of that, but no snaw ta speak of s0 f ar. Have you got verY mucli araund tawn? Will say gaod-night, hoping you ail had a Merry Chiristmas and a Happy New Year. I remaiaf your aId tniend, Dny C5329 LICpi. A. E. Densem, Hastings & Prtnce Edward Regt. C.A.S.F: First Can. Division, cla Base Post Office, Canada. SENSATIONAL OFFER 2 BOTTLIES Hind's Cr.am 50oeBSze Graves' L.B.A. Tablets 24o - 44o Ipatna Tooth Paste- 23c, - 43o I1ronlzed Yeast --- - 890 Jergen's Lotion -- 23e - 43e Lltebuoy Soap . for lic Lux Soip.- î - tifr 9e 25e Noxzema - - - - 19e Pàhnaltve Soap - 2frS Sal Hepatica --- Su-590 Steedman's Teething PowdAers 250 Thermogene Wooi - .490 980 Vaseline, Yellow - 1e -150 Wample'Extrait -',$1.00 Zambuck Ointmelit ' 470 Mrs.' D. Pollard, 36 McG regor St., Oshawa: We are Very pieased ta receive tlie newsy paper every week. Mrs. M. M. Welch, Sandridge, Man.: Eaclased la my renewal ton anotbçr year for your very valu- able paper whlch I enjoy so muci., It is .like a letter fror.nim coin- ing every week. With best wishes for a vrysuccessftl~ year and health and happiness ta you and yours. Ed. Youagman, Pontypool: It la 10.15 a.m. and the temperature reading la 5 degrees above zero. Twenty-tour hours ago, on Jan. 18, the temperature was '42 de- grees above zero, and I was div- iag, a teaxa down the Long Sault. About 70 rads north ot the scliool liause corner, the sleigli straddled, what, I thought, was a piece of piow Unie. I stopped the teani, ani iound ta my amazfemnelt, that the piece of piowline, was a green garter snake about 18 taches long. As soon as the littie tellow saw I was interested in hlm hle crawled aven the. snow itt Mrs. Wallace Miller's swanxp. I've seen early robins -and other wunter phenam- ena, but haaged if I ever saw or heard of a 'snake taking a "look *COMING EVENTS No. 9 Hame and School Club Valentine annual deace and card party ta Ora.no town hall, Feli. 14., Gallaway's Orchestra. Admission 40C.52 A shower' oftuf mts' garnients ton War Victi. Babies wil lie held ta the Salvatton A.ray Hall, Wednesdlay, Feb. 12thx train 3 ta 5 p.m., ,under theauspices af the H. L. and Red Shield workers. The public are inÇrited ta assist titis worthy cause. 5-i SpectaL Services at Salvation Army an Suaday, Feli. 2ad, at il a.rn. and 7 p.m. conducted by Eavoy Harley and a group af S. A. Wrkers of Hamilton. South .Darlingtoa 'Girls will hold their annual Softlial Dance at Pidduck's, Hall, Courtice, on Fiday, February 7th. Everyoae welcorne. Admission 25c. 5-1 Football Dance, South Darling- ton League, at Pidduck's Hall, Caurtice, on Thursday, Feli. th. Came one and ail - and welcome. Admission 25c. 5-1 On Thuxsday, Feli. 27th, a dance ta the Commnuntty Hall, Newcas- tle, under the auspices of, the Hall Board of Management; Music by Jack Crayford and lits Embassy Orchestra. 5-1 .The annual meeting of the Bow- inanville Brandi, of.-the Red Cross' wifl lie held ta CouncillChamber, Tliursday, Jan. 3th, at 8 p.m. Every citizen la expected ta lie prepent and lend a harid with the esseatial work. ' 3-3 Reserve Friday, January 3lst, for the "Invasion af Norway." Speaker, Pilot Officer Waerner af Camp Little Norway, Toronto. In Town Hall at 8 a'clock, under sus-. picçs af the Girls' Service Club. Admission 25c. Proceeds for war wark. Don't miss this outsteLndiýng eveat. 5-1 respecta and courtesies. Withj these things there cornes the ne- pudiation af religion, the dental of God and the crowdtag out ofi life of the htghest and best things. Our trouble to-day fundarnen- tally ta moral and spiritual. We have sown ta the winds and are reaping the whirlwind. We have flung God's commandments inta the streets and bave trampled them under aur feet. Where la the worship aif tic god ai Good Time takmng us? Thene are tliree answers ta this question: Remember the Sabbath First, the attempt ta make tlie Sabbath a day of pleasure: Thé day of reat and worship is la great pei. Tue Attorney-Gcn- enal lias aanounced that it ta tbe intention ai the Goverament ai Ontario ta introduce legislation legalizing spécial excursion trains on the Sabliath for the benefit ai skiiag parties fram the United States and Canada. Already tle law pravides that citizeas and tourista can travel on the Sabbath liy train and bus.. Speciai excursion trains are there- fore unnecessary. We utter aur prt= against commercial ex- plittofa Sunday wlietlier it lie by special excursion, trains, open theatres or anythn le Surely moneýary cornetien are not ta lie given priority aven CHECK THESE WEEK-END ORDO .VALUES Again your I.D.A. Drug Store leads in offerlng you outstanding bargains. Note how 0w ounr pnices are. Check up and you wHifnd tliey are rock- bottom. Take advantage of our speclala and stock-up on -the produets you need. M.wi For Cémf or? and Utlity-1 Aika-Seltzer - - - Anacin Tablets -- Babys Own Soap- Eeeeliam's Puba çoeay soap - - - Cutex 35c Poluah - 3 for 230 - '3 for Dodd's Kidney Pilla 330 Ex-Lax --150 - 33e Fruitatives --22o - 39e Gio Pillae - 390 - 690 SCOTT'S EMULSION "maBèféter Way ïo tak, Uit Cod Llver 0L11 oit Contains Vitamîns A end D 59 0& 981Ae SPECIAL BARGAINS 1001H BRUSHES el-ae EPSOM SAITS 1iWlb. POCKET COMBS MINERAL DIL 1 z ev BABY PANTS la.reS, s WRITING PADS heSis NIPPLES Real Latex Rublier 3, fé ENVELOPES 4c - 2fi HALIBT LIVR ou Capsules ALEX Laura Secord Candies 9c 9c 4c 29.c forl7c 79c Prescriptions a Specialty McORoOR79 WeRUOSve 't PAGE SEVEN wmanvillel Phone 596 moral principles' ini matters af can ta rernave temptation from, Sabliail observance at a time their path. when we are* at war 'ta save the Thle Gambllng Menace treedam ot the world fan the de- Again there is the gambling velopment of Cliristian civiliza- peril which lihas recentiy been tion. Naw there is a great need brouglit ta aur attention. This, ta conserve moral values in 50d taa becornes a god at wliose iety. We cannat affard ta liarter shriné men worship. A proteat these for monetary cansideratians. lias been made against the use inx . The God ot Bacchus a ur tawn of gamblhng devices, the Next there is the trait ic ta ta- operation. of wlich i la tilegal. toxicants - the god of Bacchius. Surely as citizeas we do nat want It ta recogatzed that the drink revenue, the source of whicli may problem ig one of the most urgent lie the means ai sending a youth of aur tirne. It is the cause of alang tlie dawnward path. Surely waste, poverty and crime and la we liave some respansibility tn a major factor in the increasing sucli matters. toil of higliway accidenta. The Perhaps there ta anme justifica- menace af drink ta greatly inten- tion for the charge af incoasis- sified when a nation is at war. tency laid at aur door and this In Britahn during the Great War rnay lie the time ta urge organiza- one source af national weakness tians within the 'toWn ta 'desitt was the drink traffie. Newspapers fram the practice af raismng tunds and parliamentarians cried. out by sucli means.> Whether it lie for against it. The tendency ta-day. ta personal gain or charitable work ta ciothe the drink evil with the the pninciple ta wrong., garments of respectalility and ta ýThe churclies rnust give leader- think of it as being, quite the' slip an these questions which thing. Indeed, I ar» tald that it have ta do with the moral weil- is being regarded as an essentiailibeing of the people. If you can- part of the refreshmeats at pni- nat find that leadership in the vate parties and the like. But this churdli where are you ta look iconstîtutes a real menace ta the for it? moral weli being of aur yaung We are engaged ta a total war- people. Now that Sa many of aur I wauld plead this marning for a youaýg men are, being called ta the total Clinistianity. Tue man-made service of their country it la sure- goda are in the f ield. What ai the ly aur Christian duty ta do ahl we God ot Jesus Christ? VOIUR' FAVORITE TO LS Sp 3 CAS17 TAKE A BRICK HO&IM I THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL PlIqEAPiLE - STRAWBERRY Aristocrat ]BRICK E.ch 25e Pecan Fruil Phone 85e L m= Try DE LUXE IE CREAM. 5 DIFFERENT BRICKS Vanilla - Two Flavors Nearnalitarn - Partv '~ -- t Roll - a «A 1.7

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