ý ý , ' - m - , 'ý - . 7 - -ele 1 - 111'- - ll r- , > t PAGÊ TWO AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Witi whloh ame Incoriorated The Eowmanvlle News, The Ne*castle Independent, adThe Orono News. U5 years'contiuous service to the Town et SowmanvlIe and Durham County. ~ Member of the Audit Bureau 0f Circulations SUESCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Tear, strbtly ln aulvance. $2%50 a Year inbbctheinited States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1941 "These Are the Facts"- But Not Ail the Facts ~. - il is tire policy of newspapers usually 10 refer 10 promineul adverlisemeuts in cdi- tarial columns. On page 3 is a full page, paid advertise- ment wbieh announces "Tirese Are Tire Facts... of confcr'encc ou tire Sirois Re- ipart."' But note lire fadas given by premiers outaide of Ontario are meagre and- picked with a purpose. From columu one o f Ibis goverumeut paid advcrlisement we quote: "Those of ùs wiro bilieve in democracy abiror tire very word propaganda because the circulation of rehdy- Made opinions . . .. is the mosl dangerous cnemy of ivilization." Propaganda usualiy omits important facts and lelling arguments of aIiers. -' Equally coucerncd in'tlie welfare ef Can- ada and lire Empire at tins particulan lime, are obher provinces, Ib will be observed that speeches of other provincial premiers are pared la innocuous generalities. Reaction of votera here who have accu ad- vance copies of this page spread is just tris: "Who pays for Ibis item cf. political- build- up wbich may riin close 10 $10,000.001 Dees il cone out of lh i crlacu's taxes or tfre party slush-fund?" These questions will ire repeatedly askcd by Ihose wbo have tire time ahid fortilude 10 negoliate all Ibis fine piI. Tire money brus speut would buy a lot o! War Savings Certificales. Wanted-Two Miflion War Savers One of the rnany features of lire War 5 Savings Certificaes campaigu 10 ire launci- ed'iii February is tire empirasis placed ou the nuniber of Canadian citizens parlicipal- * mg, rallier bran ounlire amount of money ta ire placed.11 With some 200,000 volunîary workera eoenbiug -the factories, offices, stores aud lomes trtughot e outruring th donir the successfulend of the campaigu. * BuI more important Iran tire aunounce- ment fromt Ottawa at tire end of Feirruary tiraI Canadians have pledged tbemselves la buy ten million dollars watir of certificates eacir month, will ire tire olhcr annouacement that lwe million loyal citizens are regulanly participating in lirese pledges. -No oe understands lthe real pleasure of home ownership until -ie iras bougbl iris own land sud irouse. Similanly, a citizen of Can- eda cannaI share lu tire truc pride of Can- àaa's achievement in Ibis war until he bas apersonal financial stake iu Canada's war Tire stcady increase on one 's holding in 'War Savinga Certificabes wil stcadily in- -e.rease lire pride ef bbc individual in bis &cuntry and what il stands for. Subversive Propaganda- Y Censors Asleep Mkorxung papers of Wedncsday, January ~ ~. ~Ib,1941 carry a C.P. release: "Six pro- '~vtaces turning out naval guns." And Ihen, . 1 *1delil "Tire Dominion Bridge Company's = pla#tt in Burnaby, &.C., near Vancouver, is ,.tng neconditianed for tire work aI a cost * ~f *ti0,00".... Ciief Queirce pl4ub is M St orel." "Tire Ogdeu sbops of the Cana- iýn Pacifie Railway iu Calgary are iring gwtpanded to produce guns sud mounting." ? "Ouly meagre delails have ireen inade public on.tie distribution efthIiswork." 'The opinion of Thre Statesman is liraI suf- f 4 Zient details are irere set forth ta give tire ç~a, clear-cut irmeprint of objectives. * Tira. relcase musI be considcred as propa- gaàda by a goverument, rcpresenting oe po 1l party only. Il seeka té bolaler ils on wih assurances sncb as these wiic ~*e otiingshort of subversive propaganda. ý-?hîe e lane other name for il. - Production With Safety A plea for "Production with Safty," for coming year is made iu tire laleal bul-, ofthtie Industrial Accident Preveution ciation. Proper instruction ta cm- yes, together.witir adequale supervision, U'~da a major effort towards aeiieve- -pjou'f tire-goal of tire safcly slogan. Pro4uction witir safcly dependa to ,a 1gge .extent upon lire manner in wirici' oper - mons are performed aud on tire upe af maçË1im ry g uards designed for specific *p'o stJon. ëak cf guard adjustinent, as ueR s ali~, ~observe- safe -wark prac- CntLegalize Siot Machines Moved, perhaps by the decision of a cer- tain Town Counbil-'a effer to license amuse- nent machines wbiali might be used for gambling, Âttorney-General G. D. Conant has issued a bulky memorandum which de- fines legal and illega2I siot machines and gives close directions to officers on pro-, cedure ini taking action. In other worda, illégal slot machines, or siot machines which are iscd in. an illegal fashion, cannot becrmade légal by any muni- cipal by-iaw purporting to license them. "Some people," advised Mr. Conant, "cappear to be under the impression that a municipal by-law purporting to license slot machines makea the use of such machines legal and regular. The-law regardiug illegal alôl machines is Dominion législation and part of the Oriminal Code. Only the Do- minion Parliameut eau change the law in any way. " Siol machines which are used for vendiug gum or candy with no chance of wiuning or losing anylhing and in which the resuit of placing the coin is known i advance, are flot illégal. Similarly slot machines in which a coin is inserted for the purpose of playing a game for amusement only witb no chance of winniug. or losing auything, are flot cou- trary to the Criminel code. Howcver officers are reminded tiraI machines legal in themscives caauibe used illegally. The foregoing may have no effeet on the decision of Bowmanvile couficil regardliug licensing machines. While ual fully défend- ing the action of the council it is well to point 49ut that tire orders. of the Attorney- Genera have flot been eontraveued in any way and the onus of keeping the use of the- machines withiu the somewhat "elastie" law has becu left to the owners and the police. Closlng Their Doors Our Orono contemporary carnes ucws, liraItbrec business places'in Ibat unusually euterprising village, anc closing ouI.f A radio sud electric business, a clothiug store, a grocery store, according te tiere n- parI, aJe simply pulling Up heirshultera. Wbal is tise reasont Il cau scarcely ire assumed under preseul conditions, tiraI these ajerciranîs have accumulaîcd a compelence. Rather il eau ire assumcd liraI, faccd with tire canveniences of paved roads, plus tire &"cpull " of. higi-pressure advertising in melropolîtan newapapers, bbc 'big cities are capluning tire.trade. Nearly ail communily centrèè similanly siîualcd, are bciug aubjected lat similar pressure, lb is a regrelful economic condi- tion. Tire are ways of meeting il; for instance, dloser sud ironest cooperalion auiong mer- chants, wba unden an organizalion sucir as s Chiaber of -Commerce, may affiliate with athel' centres sud moe l*aril ameudment of tire Municipal Act. Tax ' ad cortrol predalony "big business" that seeks la Ibrottie amali Iowns witliout contributing one tim dime la tire. towu 's wclf are or budget. ___________ Sirols Report Survival 'Téie financial requirem euts for tire struggle we are juat commcnciug tb face sud tire paramount nccessity of nepsiring tire rift la aur National Unit>' occasioned aI -tire Ottawa Conforence will soon reengage our attention. Tire stand that The Statesman bas cou- sistcntly maintained in respect la tire Smalas recommendations iras met wiîh no criîicism in this district. To tirose wiro ma>' enquire if tire issue is closed, we would suggesl: "Watcir events as lirey unfold duning lire next 6 mentir." We bave rcfnained front violence of ex- pression but we lifItcfwadjetives from lire calumus of The Financial Post of Januar>' 251h, whicbh arc directed aI the wreck'ers of* tire Confercuce: - "Black.Camorra of provincial politi- cians, Stuito men, " Street riplers," "ireebooters," "bawdy perfor'mance." We must coucede that Ibis la "«going some,'" but wben wc pause sud listen ta tire rumine from tire central prairies Ihat Ibreal- eus ta - boycott Alberta asud Britisb Columi- ii, we wander irow the oracle of the East con reconcile al Ibis ta hiis dlaim tiraItire Sirois proposais wene a Ibreat la National Unity. -We shall stick la our original tiresis sud hasteuin'g events, we tink, will ircar us out. We mugt preserve unity sud wc must raise increasingl>' large sunis of mane>' Public demaud for reconsideration af tire Sirois Report la ln tire offiug Federation of Agriculture A week-iong convention of lire Canadian Federation ai Agriculture receul> cou- cluded aI Toronto. Nineleca nominstcd delegates went ou ta Ottawa Ibis week ta mccl lire full Federal Cabinet respectiug tarin problems. Hon. J. G. Gardiner hastcued back tramt western Canada b ire ounlire scene. He bnav- cd tire convention aI Landau; ire was rebut- ted in lire West sud now, buffeîcd sud alsrmed, ire la at asat aware liraI Ibere arc farinera, tarm problemsansd a fariner organ- isAlion. Reccul events bave brougirt ta public at- tention lire tact îhaî Ihere le an effeétive Federalian ai farinera. Tirroughir 14presi- dent H. H. Hanuami il peake' for tarmers everywhere lirrougiroul Canada. Il speaIts for somnolent - agronomista wiro, s0 far, have made no allenapt la organize or affiliate. Tis means that t.unds sud energy ai wide-awake farinera are emplaycd lu tire lu- tenesîs of Ihooe who, oit sud gloour. Ever>' counl>', municipalit>', naok sud cran>' iM Canada ougirt te organisq sud, ai. THE CANADLAN, WHa we About Extracte froulî the Bdtorlal Columns Of The Statesman ro May 1940 to Nov er 1940. EditorilNote: When, lhè Blitzkrelg bit Halland,, theid1=. tor of Ibis paper,' sensing, thaÀ desperate conflict of unprett able proportions was eaIq upon the world, redrafted elï1k*, to conform witb the inipèplAa necesslties of the timeà. EeàW*. ing that a weekly ,nw---" bas limitcd possibilitiesin'ý field of "spot news t hisWx was ýlaid down: First, to 'carry a weeklysum- mary of war's events and fol- low closely domestic develôp- ments. Second, to comment editorlal- ly upon these events wlth a view ta shaping local poû4tc opinion. And public opinion is the force that moves goyeru- ments. We believe that what we hv tried to do along these line5e lq thc highest duty of a communîty weekly. So, here below, we liât some of the things we have eàid, from week to week. .and We parallel them with some of the things that have been donc tbrough the force of publie opinion. May 3 1940: "Naw, today, lm- mediately, our people everywhere muàt *ake Up and-AC'fl A great duty naw falis upon thse, weekly press." Comment: Prorninent public mcn, bnly recently returnedi frein England, Jan. 1941, dlaim that we are still complacent-yet we haVe advailced-some. June 6, 1940: "Salvatian 'Qf Democracy la thse issue; We slbal win. It will be a long war. We should begiii aI once ta conalder post-war problems, even as-we fight." Comment: The need is greater today. June 13. ý1940: "We mu t'fight and pay and work-Work long hours and extra hours; make sac- rifices we neyer dreamed- we would be called uponto face..W iiiust ration gazoie."1 Comment: Today, we fifid workers idie for lack of materlals - and employers decreeing af holiday's. We are ilaylng at ~P And the goverament considr the gasoline question. June 20, 1940: "Ln mines and forest, in shipyards and factories, on farms and in gardens, WE MUST PRODUCE until war's necessities are rolled Up and, on-j ward."1 Comment: We still lack policy1 --especially agricultural policy. 1 "We must stop al.- waste -in stantly. We must salvage scrapý-1 iran. We must bave a National Registration, and, in time, univer- sal miilitary service." Comment: -Belatedly, some of these things have corne t pas-1 yet Ihere's a luli. June 27, 1940: "The U.S.A. has made recent moves Ihat commit lier definitely upon the aide of Britain whether they know it or not-the tide will corne full flood, in time."P Comment: Can this be dcnied today? July 4, 1l940 "u double- columin editorial cailed for a national pollcy for- agriculture and planned production even un- tii 1945."1 Comwno.Ct: Oniy Ioday, January 1941, are we movlag alowly,. un- certalnly,, painfufly, loward Ibat objective-yet Uicrc's 'ne definite policy. *** July 11, 1940: "Premier King announces a cabinet reshuif le sud promises dcfiltely bo replace Mr. Gardiner as lialater o! Agricul- ture." Comment: Tis lastil a broken promise. "We secr evidences evcry- where that Canadians. arc nol; war-enscîous." Commnt: Tis la sttll truc ta- day. Wc should cail your atten- tion'la this wee#'s calumu, "As 1 Sec, IV-by Capt. Philpott. July 18, 194J "Our editor lal "Mackenzie King, a Statesmiân and a Polibiclan,"l was gelcbed by Tire Flnaclal.Post as Uic Cana- dien editorigl af Uic week. Lt called for dynamic leadersip sud forecast National'Governmenî."1 Comment: t-woilbe long uaw. July 25, 1940.: "Rloosevelb, or Willkic," wiren Uic ciectionÎ'ssue la setled, no malter wicl wins, watcli for prampt sud definite moves ln aid of Britain."1 Comment: Our fonecast dld naît envisian lMr. Wlllkic la England as Itmvlt champion of! "al ouI" ald. "Walch for vast mass dsetruc- lion over London by Hua bomb- ers?$- Comýment: t camne-sud bas net yct reached crescendo. Aug. 1, 1940: ."Mackenzie King ouglit l, o folow thec lead a! Churchill sud broadcast weekly messages o! resolule . determîna- lion ta Uic people o! Brian-and Caaadians.!' Comment:. Obier journals are naw urgiug jusl thal. Can lic be moved? Aug. 8, 1940: "Aa emcrgency la, 4n Uic offrng. Farm labor is go- ing bo factories.. There willl be serions restrictions hi* acreaage ln Ceamnent: Lb la Iruer today- yeb whaî lias-been doue about Il? Aug. 15, 1940: "The gravest ionmtic prablem fading u -o day la--wheat." Comment: Lb la stili wlihns. Mr. Gadlnér lias just returned fram Uic wesk-baffled. Aug. 29, 1940: Our editorial, "The Farinera sund tUicPackcrs", inspircd conféences which, ere long, may sec long ueeded public relations endeavors being institut- ed.- "United dollar power will ire thc fiuai test, and task of Ibis èountry. We shail corne te Il as thse great source of strengtli for ]Britata."$ Comment: Jauay 1941 brings this riglit ouIt O UIc open-wlth Hepburn la Uic offing. Septemben 5, 1940: "Quie o! Uic vital omnissions la aur laternal economy, prior la Ibis war, was lack af training among industrial wonkers."' Comment: Labcly we arc tack- ling Ibis problein. Sept. 12, 1940: "Agriculture la afll. bthe backbone ladnsbny Oa! filiale wiîh Ibis effective centrai organisa- lion. Fammers ai Dunram were given au ouI- hune af organisation pracedure lu s receut issue of Tire Stalesman. Tisla one more public cail ta action. Our cohuns ar'e open, for plans sud discussions. Let 'us ail jai n aI once in bcgiuning a Durhram F'deratiou. Citi zen Satety ls Paramount Satet>' on our sîreels and, bigirwaya iras been preached witir increasing fervor as tire ycàrs roll past b>' everyone , wiro hmas a irearl lire intercala ai tire citizenry, whetirer pedestrians or inotorists. NeWspaper and Magazine advertising sud articles, radia broadcas, posters, bulletins, ail have been used in au effort la educate .tire molaniat sud pedestnian la tire safer use et trattie tirorougirfares. Tirere la anc type ai traf fie violator, irow- ever, wira wîhl neyer learu tire lesson ai saftl>. Hec is tiraI moal despicairle type ai offender, lire cowardly callous Mlt-sud-rua driver for wirom prison bars are altoetirer 100 genenaus a ftl. Ever>' citizen wonth ireisait, Iberefore, will ire in iresrty accord wilh lire pies, ai Attorney-General Canant tiraI au> offene of Ibis type ire reporîed immediatel> la tire police b> au>' wiluess.. The Automotive Transport Association ai Ontario', wirosc member companies operate irundreda ai transports dail>' tir e icglir ud.breadhroa tire province, is giving full ca.operatien b>' baving ail drivers cmployed iry tirese coin- panies enlisled. as an army>'fai alcirs wiro ina>' ielp brng to inu>'asdaqtardi>' bib-sud- rua offeuder ii juat punisrmnent. Local meon clubs airou.ld follow suit by eurolliug tiroir meMirera iU~ an anti-hit- gud-run brigade wiro will reIp qCive Iremen- 'Canada. li la bclng sldetr&cked by a "dual" MInite." Comment: January 1941 secs Uic prospect of Agriculture aide- tràcklag thec Milter. , ,ý. "W. laCanada -mi.ât hasten aur tIivOghts' o ta ulu4y ansd means of tlùanclag ,aur second ybar di varfaWe. comment: We arc awakcbng- betweu Feb. 171h sud.Mardi 3 lst, we sisall have taken Uic declalen. Sept. 19, 1940: "Tiré Sirois Re- partIs theUicmostmasterful and farseeag ocuentever cam- pild l -t~s ouurysince Cen- fedrto.W u study i- acl upon il. for il icans, finafly, National IUnily." Commetit: We have steadlly, week by week, souglit. te Inforin aur public upon Ibis question. I was sibotaged aI Ottawa, *We shail continue aur crusade. MI* * Sept. 26, 1940: " We should have a smail War 'Cabitret sud Parliamentary U-ndersecretaries ta relieve pressure on. Cabinet Min- lsansd speed war policy." Comment: Tis wtll came, poq.- slbly, with Natianal governmedt. Oct. 3,' 1940: "IWliy hot develop a glass ldustry fer post war There las been mucli comment slace upon Ibis. LOct. 10, 1940: "National en- thusiasi necded mare Iban 30 day training." Comment: Tis pan be said wlth even greatcr force boday. t.Oct.* 17, 1940: "Cammuniby !anmlng by way _o! pooling powcr maciary. may bedome advlsable due to fa" labor shoirtage."1 Comment: Tic need for tis wtll becoeu lcreagingly abviaus durlug 1941. "Tic Damry Lndtry sud Datry Luteneats" opeued our caurpalgu for belter rcturns for producens. Can meul: Jsuuary 1941, finda producerabenefiting la Uic cx- beul o! 30c ercewt.* Oct. 24, 1940: "At thc risk of bccomlag disavowed prepliets, we venture Uic opinion Ibat 1941 wll sec a provincial clection la On- taria." Comment: We iravenb çhanged 'that opinion. Nov. 7, 1940: "'Tiere la neithen time non excuse for complacéncy or slackcning a! effort. On thc contrary, Il challenges us ail la drive on relentleasly bo make Uic v.ery utmost cf thc vital mautha aisead." .Nov. 21. 1940: 4'Thene it un., cerlalnty, unrest , dîscontent among farinera everywhere. Ticre must be a fai policy, latelli- genoe, brains sud planning or we -cannot meet Uic needs o! cm- bablled Britain."1 Summabien: Wc give Uic above as but a amali, part of lhings Ibat have been advocated la Uic ëolumns a! Tic Statesman as Canada bas struggled, with domestic sud wat's prablema. Many of these haVe engaged thc attention of gavera- ments mucli laier than. aur pub- lished commentesuad meny have recelved direct adieu. ,Tien, too, sctting modeaty aside, we have oirsenved Ibat mebrapolitan papers have follow- cd alang sud championcd mave- ments long slace mentiotied lu aur colramns--particularly in re- gard ta waste, scrap-irou sud f arm prablerus. 1Comparlug Uic above dates .with later dcvelopments we feel thal, aur readers will agree Ibat we have trcd tb fulfill aur duty as a communitg, weckly lu Uiese limes. We shall continue aloug bliese lines. -Thc Editor. dons force ta tire Attorney-Genersi 's Cam- paigu agai'nst lirese criminals aiflire road. Even>' pedestiâu siouid coasiden hmscîf - speciticali>' appoinibed b>' Mn. Canant 10 assisî lire autirilies in ersdicating Ibis type of Irattie menace. Lel 's ail pull logether sud lie iti-aud- run driver will soon fiud'tire ProKine of Ontario an unireallir> spot ta Inysn gel away wiîir bis maiming and killing. Hall Holiday. for Farmiers' Alrcady in Januar>', according la press reporta, we resd oi 'business firmes declaming irshi-iolidays, in midweek, for employees. We have seareired tire overseas papers wiiccme to oun cdesk but eau find no simi- han provision witim embatlled Bnitain. They stnive on, working long heurs, wili, sleep- les nigirtsan sd mark yen, wilireut coin- plaint sud no demaud for 1'l ime out." j But, war-weary, in Canada we caunot wiîirstand lire ennui liraI cames fro-cm aven- work. We waut short irours, sot oslermoons, speeding autos sud seuseless pleasures. , We are "ail-ont " la wlu this war 1 And wbile Ibis maduess seizes us we are Cou- strained ta say-Lel us make it unairnous sud deee mid-,week balf-iralidays tor fanin. ers, lea. Fron lire lime lire> *are able ta laddle le tire irarn witi milk pail sud lautern igirî clown latirte day 11w 4ocler gives 111cm a ticket to eternil>', fariera bave been ae- cuslomed la work seven days eacir week- aud then sonre.. Sa, wirile Queens 'sPark aud Ottawa val- iantly vie witi eali alle r 10 give farinera a better breakr, whT Dot emuJate City-folk aud taise "lime ont'If Tire war wM l o on Jnst the. mm.. TET3ýSÊÙAYI >1941 the -ad Diut Pt v SaidThese iui Sa nada ýat War FUTY YEARS AGO Prom Thre Caamadian Stêteajna, - Fcruan 4,1891 Tic correspondent wio senda us in Eigirth Lina Darlinglcm news la guilt3' o! !alaelood sud iras, TWETY-IVETZRS AGO Pcb. 3, 1916 Municipal govcrnmeut by a commission la thé «rrect syatem And bas been recousmended in tbis journal for years. The dit- ficulty o e mcrng capable men te ruzi Is apparent aI -every elcc- ltion. From Dan Douglas in France: A French tbreshing outfil amuses* Canadiens: it las werked by horse power on the tread mill systemn. Wc're practlcal]y free of mud rrow; jusl upto the aikleslinmost places. Could't we Juat value co af those jobs thse fellows at home kick about? District S. S. Institute was -a succcss. At Tyrone Mrs. B. M. Warnlca prcsented the subject of Graded Lessons. Miss Lulu Rey- nolds of Eldad took up the sub- ject of thse Intermediate Dept., Miss Vera Colville sang a solo.. Anniual meeting oft tis Agricul- lural Sotiety reappolnted W. E. Jcwell manager. President W. J. Braggýoccupied thc chair. A short report of tie 1915 Fair showed a surp lus. Cpl. G. L. Eastman, a brother- in-law of Miss Annie Emmerson, *Bowmnillc, sud Mrs.- Byron Moore, Tyrone, bas been awarded thse Distguhe Conducl Medal for saving Uic lives of a score af bis comrades. While doing 'picket duty one nigit lic saw a. live German bomb come over. lIcI setzcd it and'hurled it back. It cxploded just over thre Gèrman trench. Gordon D. - Canant, Osliawa's Cisief Magistrale, a Young Liberal *wbasc star la aiready la thc ascen- dent addresied thc Young Lib- cral's Associationl in h c Cundil Chamber. A pîcasaut aiternoan was* spent kt thc home o! Mro. Cecil Osborne,1 when 80 ladies assemblcd fer Uic Institute meeting. Four little girls, Margaret Alln, Helen Osborne, -Helen Knlght and Nelle Bounsall sang. Mayor J. B. Mitchell aud Reeve Gco. W. James wcre lu Taronto rcprescnting Bownav ol n Ui deputation front Eastern- Ontario, wblcb waitcd .on Sir 4dazn Beck, la reference ta brtnging Hydra Electric Power itb Ibis part of Uic province. Ernest W. Rundie underwepit an operatian for appendicitis lu 50w- manville Hospital. .Rev. R. J. Treleaven of H-igh Park Churcb, Toranto, preached a flace sermon liere Sunday. Miss Martin sang a sala.4 Mrs. Fred. R. Foley la vislttug Mla ,Port Huron, Midi. Birtis: Lee -i Iu Bowmanvllle, Jan 9ti. a 1r. udMrs. 1pérci Wrtr~ mal-,. LuDarlington, Fcb. lIs, la 1fr. and Mrs. C. J. Smale, a daugliter. SBlrtb: Evcly - Lu Daritn, Jan. 29Ui, ta Mr. and Mrs. John W. EvelY, a daugliter. Birtis: Blackburn-In Darling-à ton, Jan. 30, ta ,r. and Mrs. Mark1 Blackburn, a daugliter.1 SCartwright Townshlp Algricul-1 tural Society met with President9 John Jobb ln thc chair. Lady ex-t hibitors came la for bigli praise havtag over 400 exiribits lic h armaries. Sccretary Robert Pbilip prescuted thc financial report, showing a good balance on baud. Shoppard & GilLwnbsr Co. Lmntod am BOWMAIIV=LZ 0OliTAMO - made biiacli amenable to, law. Hè muaI -apologizé ta Uice lady!he bas bcIlcd or take the 'Conuc- quences, and la future must Scnd us trutbful. news or none. Town officcrs 1891: R. Wlndatl, Clerk $500'-R. Burden, Assesor, $200; 1%. Î;lrtue, Collecter, 1 50;, R. -Jarvls, constable, $600; graS. Hoar, Fire Cbief, $20. 1A meetngwasucd ta ictown~1 hall callcd ' UctMhe a isU cuss thc licenslug of batela adC shopa. Speeches agplnst thre iouar traffic wcre delivered. J. 'W.?t prefcrred theeclevalon'o!efré fic Uic thegliai s tandard. TWoÔ resolutions waradoptedz one re- qucsta council w0 submIt a by- law twoaway wlihshèb'ltcea and another asktng bars be cIos- cd frein 8 p.m. ta 7 a.. 1Mr. and Mrs. John Perc, 'Hot- sey St. were sprdsed by a nn- ber o!fin who gathered, te celebrabe Mrs. Percy's btrthday. A lovely china tea set waj, pre- sentedby W. H. Wlliamns Bey. Jas Woodsworth, Brandon, Man., preached la Uic Methodist church and gave a tais on Mon. day evenlag. C . M. Cawkcr sud John Hulyer are Uic ýchair and pew stewards o! Uic Methadist cisurcs. Flfty more sittinga, could be rented if there were any. 7brough Uic influence o! aur representatives an County Ceuncil $250 has been grianted tewards thc erection of enderson' s bridge on thc north cast boundary of Uic town. Town cauncil met Monday sud .wound up with a mail dlsgraoeful quarrel betwcen Mayor Allia, Reeve Prower, Counciier Horsey. The language uscd* ta boa filthy for publication. Thre petitions for doing away wli liquar stores were ual sdopted. Every year two wheelers arc becomlng more fashionable. What la said to be Uic best piaeton carl for sale in Canada la seen aI Plip sud Edger's sud Morris Carniage Works. Salvation Army la making su effort b sàecure 50,000 signatures ta Uic Prohibition petitions ta bath liauses o! Parliament. Evcry- anc oven 10 yeans o! age bas an apportunity te aigu. Higli Scisool Notes: Friendi e01 A. T. DeLury, B.A., wiU be pleas- cd ta learn of lis appointaient le Uic teaching staff o! a xpcw col- lege lu Vancouver, B.C. Mr. De- Lury's unusuafly 'succesul career as a student la Bowmaavtlle Hiigli Scliool together with lis - brU-» lisace at Uic U. a! T. bave admlr- ably filted i for thc positior ic la la take. .. With commendable action a literary saciety lias beefs formed. Officers arc: Hou. prs.j Jas. Gilfillan; Sec., iss E. Camp- bell; Treas., Orlando Jaliffe, ,Tyrane: Fricnds a! Sella Divi- alan gave a good program a oan open bouse. Th.pj apg of Miss and- Master geatile Is worbhy of speclal mention. Tyrone Glee Club Sang very well. Newcastle: A fatal case o! suf- focation by gas accurred liere. A graaddaughten o! Joseph Gibson was surprised on relurniug home ta find thre bouse Iocked. She broke iland found Uic smedl aiof icoal gas stifling. Maktag lier-way ~ bo Uic rooms of ber grandparents slle was liortlfled ta flud Mia. J. -Gîbson dead beside lier huaband and le was unconscious. The jobs are here ta do aud .Il la uP ta Uic ordlnary citizen tb do tlcm.-James S. Duncan, Acing Deputy Minater of Defense for Air. Lt wiil be.necessary la 1941 ta divert a maximum of goods from, civil to mnilitary *use.-R. A. C. Henry, Ecanomics Advlser, De- Partment of Munitions and Sup- .ply. ,m'Ir