THE CANADIAN, ~IGHT BOWMAtM2IVIL, ONTA1UO Phone Clarke 1114 BetJarvta ta nov in uthe klng's imlform, having joined bis friand, Gnr. Geo. Milton, ini the 2nd Bat- Y. tory, Royal Canadian Artillery. Rov. John Bonathan, Longueil, Que., visited his mothor, Mms. S. IL Bonathan. Mr. Geo. Bonathan, Toronto, was dovin for the week- St. George's Men's Club enter- talned St. John's, Bowmanville, on Tudsday evening whlen the two clubs Iéngaged la a league game of carpet bail. Mir. Geo. Crowther has retumn- ed ta work la J. Anderson Smithi Ca. factory, falaowing lita con- valescence from, flrst the flu and thon a iiomorrliage. Mir. and lira. Stanley Cordon and son, Bowmanville, were Sun- day guests of hem father, Mr. Harry Caucli, and of hem brothers, Harold ' Frod and Harry. Jr. Unr. Donald Gibson played the pipa organ ai St. George's Churcli Simday when lirs. John Garrod was absent througl i liness. It was the firat tune Mrs. Garrod had mlssod la four yoars. Mr. G. M. Linton, Orono, Supt. of Fomsfry, wil delivor an illus- trated addross at tic annual meet- ing af the Horticultural Soclety iki the Council Chambor on Mon- day evenig, Jan. 2th. Evory- * body invited. Un. Paaby Martin, viho had * beau la St. Joseph's Hospital, To- ronto, returned hQmo last wcolc. Atter leaving Uic hospital she stayod for a willa wîth lier daugli- tar-in-law's parents, Sgt. and Mrs. q ow foiDte« S Cowmfofit Monoy Compare the. suspected bill wth a genu- tee bill of the. same type. Te. portrait on dm p enuine bill Io deon eut and lfe-lUke. * On a cauniterfit If wfl b. dui, sudgy or unnaturolIy whte. A"d boe'* how to b. aura of YOUR COAL Fameus Reading Anthracite is tmademarked -with RED spots that cont e counterfeited. These red * sp idqptify the low ash bard oea! 1haVs',itundered free of lm- purifies. This. md trademarked meai in your bin maris maney In the bank-in the shape of lower coail bis. -J. J. FLETT FUELS 'Yard C.N.R. Sidini Phtene 2673 mesidence, Ontario Street Phone 2695 BoWMàANvnLLE PHONE 778 Wlliams, Toronto. Mir. Jus. Toms, whliasuffercd a paralytc stroke seven ycars ag and a been confined ta lis bc moat ai Uic time since, toak a serious tumu for Uic varse lastE weekend. His son, M. Eric Toms, Belleville, vias sent for. lira. Mary McLeod's ilineslas1 become mare critical. lier son,i Alex McLeod, Departmont afi Game and Fisheries, lias beon1 dovin ta sec lier. Ble is vicîl over 90 years ai age and las been malt-1 ing lier lame at Mr. and lira. John Rabinsaii's. W. A. ai United Clurdli met1 January 9Ui, with lira. J. H. Jasei presidmng. Rev. R. E. Morton in-i stailed thc officcrs and lirs. Josce resunicd tUichcair. Association1 voted an additional $50.00 ta the, dhurcI current fund. Executivei scrved reirealiments. Mms. R. E. Morton las been Il and ta nat expected ta be out ai Uic bouse for onothor six weeka. Mrs. W. F. Richard las been tak- ing lier place as one of thc teadli- ors in Uic Priary Class at Sun- day Scliool, asisting Miss Ienc Rincli. ira. W.. E. Beman, Prim- ary Buperintendent, lias not suif- ciently recovered from lier iliness ta resurne lier work. Rev. R. E. Morton conducted communion service in Uie United Churdli Sunday mornig, with lis son, Mr. Laurence Morton, off ic- iating at Uic pipe argon, lirs. E. C. Fisher not liaving yet recover- cd from lier iilncss. The evening service vas lcld in Uic S. B. audi- *torium and took- thc form ai a sang service conducted by thc pastor witi Miss Margaret Poarce at Uic piano. Mrs. Artliur Bail, viho vas bad- ly hurt in an automobile accident on Christmas eve and taken ta Bovimanville Hospital, returncd ta lier home in the Fred Burley bouse last Saturday. Mr. and lira. Henry Pearce, Bovmanviile, cail- cd on Mt. and Mms. Bail on Sun- day. Mr. Bail is stil incapacitatcd irom injuries lie received in Uie accident and it vil l e tva months befare lira. Bail vil be able ta do any vork. Junior snd Senior Groupa of Newcastle C.G.I.T., under their leaders, lira. George Walton and lirs. Irwin Colil, met at the home aiflira. Thos. Envirigit on January 'lUi, and beld their open- ing exorcises jomntly. The groupa separated for their business ses- sions with Viola Cotter, president, in Uic chair for Juniors, and Betty Envrigît, presideut, conductiug deliberations ai the Seniors. A pleasont social evening vas spent. W. M. S. ai United Churcl met January 6Ui. Oving ta the ilnes ai President Mrs. Norman Allin, Mms. Chas. H-ancock took charge. Names af Uic nevi executive were rcad and Rev. Morton icld an in- stallation service. Yearly reports slioved that Uic diférent branch- es ai thc vork lad been ably hondled. lira. George Wsltou read the acripture lesson and lira. H. Hancack led in prayer. The study book vas taken by Mra. C. Haucock. -Emnie and Talbot Aldrcad with the Syndicate Tlireshing Machine are still vlacldnu avay at Uic grain thresbing. They apeut Most ai a vcek at Carl Selby's, Howv- ard Pcarce's and H. R. Pcamc's in the southvest corner ai Uic corporation ai Newicastle, and nov tbey are up in Uic. Sliav's and Providence sections. Tliey expeet- cd tuis week , among other jobs, ta stook-thresl buckvieat at Eber Crago's and aisa ta thrcsh out Uic grain cran ai Slav's onian kine, Reiiald Rucland. Jan. 13Ui, 1941 - Aildread Bras. were scen eoing east vith Uic SliaW's Syndicato Ureshiug outfit ta tlircsb grain for Eric Clark and Truman Clark lu Brovu's Sec- tion. Those boys do get around vii tictir ail rubbem-tircd cquip- ftI.ow 'vue ment. And Uicy ueed ta, for it seems ta be a case ai getting Uic 1940 crop tbreslied in tisse ta get some ai Uic grain cleoned up for the 1941 sprig seeding. There ta enough stravi in stacks and barns in these parts ta bcd dovu lu coam- fort Uicevihole tired Italion army. As a iurtlier means ai sounding a fire *alarn la case ofai aire in addition thUicriging ai Uic bell on Uic roof, Uic municipal council lias bougit a sircu that vil l e mounted In a cupala, ta be built an top ai Uic fire hall roof sud that con be blovu by pushing a button accessible ta Uic public. It vas being tested aut and demon- strated Frlday by a Toronto gen- tleman; but as msuy ditizens did not knovi about tai at tIc time Uicy Uiought vihen Uiey hbard Uic many loud vailings crescendolag up and dovu Uic scale that thore must lic anothr fimo somevîore sud that it vas Uic fire truck's siren Uiey vore lieariug. ,VITAL STATISTICS Addenda' Since perusing Clerk H. C. Bonathan's records ai marriagea sud deaths lu Newicastle lu 1940 sud compiliug a list vhlch ap- pcared in Jan. 9th issue, anc death, occurming in 1940, bas been regtatered sud anc marriage las also been rcgtatercd. Thc death was that ai Bertha Bdlid, 43, ou Dec. l3th. Thc niarriagc vas Uiat ai Lav- rence Albert Harris sud Inez Marie Morton an Dec. 14Ui, bY Rcv. D. R. Devduey, B.A. Aiea in making cxtraCts fromn thc records anc marriage vas ovcrlooked, that ai Ellsworth Stille Van Dem Veer sud Vivisu Gladys Bradlcy, an June 29th, by Bey. R. E. Morton. Thus Uic total number ai mar- niages in Uic village vas 11, and Uic deatbs 10. MUNICI[PAL COUNCIL HOLUS INAUGURAL MEETING Ncvcaste municipal council leld ita inaugural meeting Jan. 13Ui. A 15-minute delay vas due ta an ovorsiglit on Uic part ai someone in not requesting, ahead ai time, a clergyman ta lic prcsent ta conduct devotions. Howver, vîen a car vont.liurriedly ta tIc rectary sud Bey. D. R. DevdneY vas appriscd ai Uie councml's dilemnia sud visies, Uic Rector vas ou Uie scene in onother five minutes. Clcrk H. C. Bouathan adminis- tercd Uic oath ai office ta Reeve C. R. Carveth sud Councillors Fnc4 Coud sund Cîrta Lawi, aiter whicl Rcv. D. R. Devdney aifer- cd prayers sud besouglit divine guidance sud blessiug for those whli hold the reins ai local gav- emument. Later a vote of Uianks vas tendered Mm. Devduey. Coundillors J. H. Jase and E. A. Waltou vera absent for the open-, iug, but Councillor Walton came i beiore adjaurnment sud vis avoru lu. Thc meeting tien ad- joumned ta 8 p.m. REEVE C. R. CARVETH IS SUCCESSIUL CINEMA PRODUCER Reeve C. R. Carvctli, by meas aif bis movie camera sud lia screon projections, is becoming a popular entertainer.. Back in thc fal le gave a premier ai pictures ho took vîcu Mme. Carveth sud lé visitedi Western Canada st sumxnor. An appireciative gatlcr- lug vievcd thesa in the United Churdli Sunday Bdhool ball. And vîcu iu Allitantsd British Col- uimbia lie eutcrtainod vith Pic- tares ai dovu est foilk sud acenes. Ho las been addiug ta lis collec- tion ai meels sud liecu slovlng tliem at lame sud avay ta de- lighted gjathcmings. Hie running, explanatory commenta are good too. A short lime aga le vas the chief ententainer iu tbis vay at the Home sud School Club meet- ing at Leshard, in tic section whicî holda lialloved mcmories for members ai Uic Carveth f am- ily. It ta only'natural that among tiec inema films Reeve Carvcth is producing there sbould be some ai tle Leskard district for it vas away back lu tlie year ai conied- eratian, r867, Iliat lia grandiather. Johin Carveth, moved ta Leakard sud bought tic Delhi Flour Mille. Among bis films is one ai bunt- ing scenes sud camp lufe taken lu Halibunton by Irwin Colvill vîcu be sud Stan Graham vere an their aunual deer hunt. They liad a boan ai tic Rceve's camcera on, Ibis occasion sud made excellent use ai it. drove off the euemy withbuxt the bass ai ancR.A.F. piano appar- eutly. German prapcnslty ta attàck absolutely anythig, vas alipwu anc day vhen tîrce enxmy planes shot dovin an unarmed training crait. Havever, Uic esson Iwas put ta good use vbcu more loue trainera vere sent up ta draw Uic enemy but vith"sevoral fWglters liaveing above ta annihilata any- anc attackig it. lu this vay they cauglit scores. Before abruptly conclu itahi cngrossing addrass Uic Colonel assured lita audience that accom- modation for Canadian troops in England vas absalutely marvfel- ous - especiaily for t"e -fit ">o are beng ousd itheper- manent buts built by Haro-Bal- mIa i 1936. Tliey arc complet.i every vay and provide gS4d pro- tection against air raids. Nolle Parker, Aricue Northcutt, Betty Osborne, Alan St~kend George Roberts ai Uic Lions -Bi- cycle Saicty Club vore honored guests ai thc evcning, Arlane and Georgc making short speeches on Uic unique vark ai the club un- dcr its leader Charlie Carter. Other gucats vicre Capt. L. M. Curtis, Bovimanvile, and Dcptity District Governor Bort Hutchin- son, Roy Comuti sud Bil Clap- man , ai Port Perry Lions Club~. Mr. Jini Hancock, B.TS., sang twa entertsinmng tenar solos'i good voice. An impromptu feature consiat- cd ai Uic "rending" ai "Homc on Uic Range" by Uirce aspling Carusos, Brovu, Ott sud Cravi- fard. Brief reports from sevoral cam- mnittce cliairmen comprised Uic busincss. ROTARY CLUB (Continusd from Page 1) suitcd ta thon iigliting," naively comniented %e cspeaker., "lIt takcs a violin mare thon a dentury ta become propcrly brok- cu mu. Those being madenawa- days vil be equal ta Uic Str4ds, etc., in years ta came. Eneecd' le Uic only great violinist vho p!ays a moderni instrument. Then Mr. Bartlett procceded ta dissect a violin, explaining in -dc- tail its componcut parts. lic stmessed Uic iact that Uic tîlu voad ai tic box vas braced and conditiouod ta vitlistand pressures as mudli as 68 pounids. The sounding box ta akilIlly dc- signcd viti regard for Uic laivs ai harmonica ta produce a fine tane - nat too icavy, too UIIM, but anc moat pleasiug ta Uthe sical car. w The type ai varnisi uscd Las been mucli discussed. One sbould be used that romains elastic sud pliable after it dries s0 it will not clip vith Uic vibrations oaitUic instrument. A good boy ta essential. This is usuaily made ai Pcmnambuco or Brazil vood vith a good spring i it. About 125 ta 150 special horse lairs are used in Uic boy. Same questions Mr. Bartlttl said lic lad been asked frequent- ly proved intcrcsting. Who ta Uic vorld's greateat violinlst? Many miglit bec cliscu as individual preference dictates. Fritz Kreis- ler, Mscla Elman, Jascha liai- fitz, Georges Enesco and several others are ail great masters ai the viollu. This very instructive talk vas delivcred viti bumor and coam- preheusivenessansd at its con- clusion Mm. Bartlctt's playing held the audience spellbound. Rotarian C. W. lemon ex- presscd Uic appreciation ai Uic club ta 1&. Bartlett sud Mm. Ocen. Mr. Bcott ai the. Brookdalc Nurseries vas tIc anly gucat pre- sent. One hundred percent attend- suce ioatured Uie mceting vli Presidcnt Fred Hoar presidlng aitor hie rocent tusabe witli the f lu. Board of Educaton (Contlnued from page 1) stating Uiat Uic ligît cast siadovis acrosa the stage indering thc production but suggestcd a reflec- tom vould remaedy tic situation. Thanks for use ai South Ward school vere extended ta Board by T. H. Lockliart. He stated, in lis. letter that Uic Sunday Bcbool laed a maximum attendanceofai-46 members. Dr. H. Fergusan vanted ta kuovi vhat arrangemets ad boèn made for Uiche=tlg pitIc achool garden. He also mentioned thiat le vould be willing ta sel tia pRroperty adjoiing Uic athletie Crop Improvement Aasocletion Holde Annual Meeting Thc second annual meeting ai The Durham Crop Impr9vement Associatiou bah place ou Bàtur- day i>the District Agrîcultural offices. Members vore present mass ail sections ai the county for the sunual ebectian ai officers; ta hear reports from secmetary sud president, sud ta lear Uic gucat- speaker, Dr. R. licRoatie ai Uic Field Huslisudmy Departmeut. Only tva changes vera made in electian ai afficers. Henry Blakely replaces Alex Sinclair i Monvers, sud Clarence Allin serves during 1941 instead af in. Rowland, Cbarke. The complote abate for ia ycar ta: Presidont-Walter B. Reynolds; V, Pres.-J. H. Farder; flirectora: Hope -W. Reynolds, BE1m or e Scott, Cavan - Wesbey B r o v u, Gordon Staples; Manvera - Gea. H. Neals, Henry Blakely* S. Mous- gbon-J. Whittlngtan, W. C" Day- sou; Cartvmigt-J. H. ïorder, Carl Wrighit; Darllngton-Garnet Richard, Maurice Baker; Clarke- Evorett Brown, Clarence Ailin. E. A. Summers vas. re-clectcd Secmetary-Treasurer at tic samo salary. Auditara' repart sîoved a bal- ance on hond ai $43.98 - an im- provemeut oai$42 ovor ist year. Mm. Bummors gave a compre- bensive summary ai vomh doue sud resulta obtaincd sud refcmrcd ta the encleavor. beig made ta lutroduce bmoom-comu production inta tisdistrict. Trmeeletters vere rcad froni Agricultural ro- presentatives in Western Ontario Counties ail ai vbicl rcportcd uniavonable experiendo. Bath Mm. Buminers sud Dr. Me- Rostie 'cautloncd against produc- tion save only in su experimental, way. It le probable that further enquiry vil be undertaken i re- gard ta Uic question. Before lutraducing Dr. licRos- tic, Uic President remiànded the meeting ai Uic convention ai Uic Durham Plovimans Ass'u. Dr. McRostie's opcning remanka deait vith broam corn sud varu- cd that it vas not resistant ta coru-boror; in f act sasse daim it vas respo 'le for sprcading Uic pest. "But if you try it,', said Dr. McRostie, "try it only in on ex- penumnentL vay ta learu ii it ta suitable fan this dtatrict." Space does not permit detlailcd autliueofaiDr. McRostice sintemcst- ing sud instructive hour-sud-a- half speech but some ai the sig- nificaut tlings vere: "Plant early, jue as soon as the sou ta mready - sud you. lnvarlably get botter me- , tumus. That lias beon our expori- o nce in testa* carried on for 50 1years sud marc. Every day caunta. Ylelds drap vith delay i seed- 1 itg. Tva weeks dcbay i seeding S-slows definite dedlino, sud tlirec veeka, under normal conditions, generally means only hait ai Uic real effective." 1 "The ideal ta lie adiieved ta - the Most cran for the money, for 1vwhat ve put inta it." .Dr. licRostie rcvieved in de- ,tail Uich varlous fiecld draps, the varlous varieties viti comparison ai yields, ail ai vilci, no doulit, y. w lie preaentcd lu official bulle- tins, sud tic sumniation hingcd upon the advlce: "Get plovlug . doucin he icfail; geed vihat ta rcady as soan as ready; it meapis îmore moncy - you con lic sure ai 1it In almoat every circumestauce."1 lie varned againat musty grain as seed sud advlsed that evemyone 1sîould test for germnmation lu 1plenty ai time before sccding.. 1 unvlev ai Uic iact Uiat sa mucli 1musty grain ta on hsud in many districts, tii ta luportant advicc. Follovlug Dr. McRostic's ad- dresa, a resolution vas carmied strongly endoralug Uic movemeut ai organizilig fanmerain one ef- fective Association but no funds vwero voted for Uic purpose. Delegates vore advised ta lie an bond at Uic sunual meeting i Toronto four veeka from Mouday tIe lath. TRINITY W.M.&~ CIVES REPORT -YEAR'S WORK 1Trinity Woas's Misslonary Sa- ciety met Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 'lUi, vith Mme. R. H. Warder's grup hi charge ai thc pngram. Mme. F. H. Moarris rcad Uic scrlp- turc lesan; Xisel Florence Wemry gaea vemy helpiul talk on "Bible Stdy n i Le ofai sChristian"; aud 1;r. arder concludcd Uic devotional scrvice wyul prayer. 1 Mra. Don Pumdy 'prcaented the luaddition tota 11, tic Society raise4: Thauh Offering $152-16; Envelape Givings $292 .97, Mite Boxes $7,60; Assodiale Helpers Dept. $34.30; otier sources $227.30. Sanie expouses had ta lia dedudt- ed fass Ihis amnount.' A soleni n sd impresaive Iu- stallation Service was couducted by Bey. B. Davisan, vihan thc In- camlng officers for 1941,,tah up- ou tiemeelves Uic oblig ations par- tainlng ta their offices. lira. M J. Hutclinsou, Ithe nov presîdeul, vas ionmally Intraduc- ed by Mr. Davison. lra. Sleunon; on behali ai tic soclely, ilu'a feld voîl chasen vards, paid beautiful tribute ta Mms. DayJean the retizr- lu g prestdant, for hem able leader- slip aud untirlug effortIn the luterasts ai the sacloty, aud con- cludçd liy preeentlug ber wlth a beautitul bouquet ai crinison rosas..lira. Davioon made a suit- able sud graceful raply. liu. Hlutclhimon ol Uic chair sud concluded th. remainlng business. BIRTIIS CAPENTRfl - At Bowviaville Hospital, January 8tli, 1941,, ta ]gr. and lira. Walter Carpenter, a sister (Patricia Ann) for Lor- raine Joan. MITCHELL - At Bovimanviflo H-osplt*, Friclay ,January lOth, 1941, toa Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernard Mitchell <nea Nora Gibson), a daugîter, Mary Vçrnon. DEATiIS ALLIN - In Bovimanvilla on January 14th, 1941, Margàret Allin, widow af Uic late John Alfln, aged 90 ycars. Funeral vil takep lace from lier late residance, King St., on January lGth, at 2.30Jp.m. In- terment Bovimanville Ceetey BATTING - on January 12, 1941, at 47 DeWson *Street, Toronto, Charles, beloved liusband ai the late Cathierine Kana Battig, la lits 77tli year. ToMs - iri Newcastle, January 14th, 1941, josephi Toms, in lits 86th year. Funeral private from lits late residonco, Newcastbe, an Janu- ary 16th, at 4 o'clock, and leav- ig for intermcnt in Bond Head Cemctery. Card of Thanksr Mr. w. H. Thickson and family visl ta tliank their many friends for their thouglitful intercat' and sympathyas c kind neigîbors for thei sitneat the tinie of the recent loss of bis vufe and their mother. IN MEMORIAM STAPLETON - In loving mcmn- ory of a beloved mother, lira. Jemima E. Stapleton. "Until Uic day break and Uic sliadows f ice away." 1 -Ever rcmembercd 1by The Famiiy, Las Angeles, Cafli. Notices WE BUY, ARX1ANGE, AND COL- lect mortgages and agreements ofisale. Narthi Shore Bealty Ca. Ltd. Plione 80 Oshiawa. 39-tf IIelp Wanted 1 WOMEN AND MiEN WANTED - Would you like taoviwn a busi- ness in an exclusive district? Bel two hundred guarantcod houseliold necessities suaI as Spices, Extracts, Food Products, Tea, Coffee, Farm necosaitios, etc. Na risk. Thlrty day trial off er freo. We lielp you realize nice profits. Proposition sont wlitout any obligation.. JITO, 1435 Montcalm, Montreal. 3-4 HELP WANTED - CAPABLE lousekeeper ta Uvci, for home with marricd couple. Phone 538, Bovimanville. 3-1 HELP WANTED - MARRIED couple wiUi no family or only anechcild, vioman capable of do- ing goneral liousework, good coak; mon ta be good milker. and teanister. Reply Box 101, Statosmnan Office, Bowmanvflle, giving referonces. 3-2* Dlphtherla Toxold The firat doses ai Diplitheria Toxoid wlll bc givcn at Uic South Ward Bclool on Friday, Jan. 24th. The second and third doses vil be given on Feb. 2lat and Mardi 2lst. At Uic Central Scliool the tinat doses vil be given on Jan. 3lst, the second and third dosas on Feb. 28tli and liard 28th. Parcnts knay bring pre-school children ta the nèarest scbool at nic a'clock oni these marnings. W. H. Eirk, M.O.H. 3-3 Notice To Creditors lu the Estate of Ohailes Burgess, deceased. Ail persans liaving clainis agalnst the~ Estate ai Charles Bur- gess, late of Uic Township ai Dar- lington, retimod farmer, whli died on or about Uic 29th day af No- vember, 1940, are liereby notiiied ta sond particulars ai their cdaim ta the undersigned on or before the 5th day aof ebruamy 1941, ai- ter wiih date the assets-ai Uic Deceased vil bè dttributcd among the parties entitled thereto havig regard only ta tlie daims ai wiidl the undersigned sial then hava notice. Dated at Oshawia this lltli day af January 1941. CHARLES C. McGIBBON, Solicitar for thc said Estate, Glatt rusohen - - - 69c. Nax.ema & 190 - 250 Iodised Throat %argle - 85o Rexail Branchial Syrup 50o FLU REMEDIES Rexali CoId Capsules- 25o Rlcker's Dramide of Quinine -- ------19 Rexail Nase & Thro&t Draps .-.. P5e- soc Re xail, Chest Rub - 25o - 50d SCOTT'S IEMULSION LI4TO"ITMMA8uI j URY a LOVELIL lissok o Sl FOR SALE - 2 FOXHOUNDS, black and tan, ane 18 mlontba, one 3 years aid, good hiuntlng strain. Apply Gea. C. Wright, Newcaitle, Ont. 3-1* Radios. Ail types of tubes test- cd. R. Quinn, phono 575, King Street. 31 Articles- For Sale FOR SALE -RUEBER G00DB, Sundrlos, etc., mailed postpald ini plain, sealod virapper. 80% less than ratail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Dept. K-2, Box 91, Hamil- ton, Ont. 34 FOR, SALE - STACK 0F HA.Y, about 5 loads, win sel or ex- change for pigs. Apply Wilson Abernethy, R. R. 2, Bowiman- ville, phono 2419. 1 3-1* CARS FOR SALE - 1940 PON- tlac Sedan 8, 1940 Pontiac Se- dan 6, 1939 Plymouth Sedan, 1938 Plymouth Sedan, 1985 Ford Coach, 1933 Pontiac Coach (trbink>, 1932 Pontiac Coach. Apply Chas. Britton, P. O. Box 374, Bowmanvlllc. 3-1* Wanted WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap batteries. When y ur battery fails, brng it in ta, bX-rayed by aur 'new1y in- stailed ,Wilard Trouble Flnd- or. Machino."o G. F. Jileson, Tire & Battery Shap, Kilng and Silver Bts. 46-tf Weekly'Pçed Speclal W E EKXLY FEED SPECIAL - Barley ar Mixcd Chop, $1.30 per cwt. or $26.00 per ton. Offer good until Jan. 23rd. F. C. Van-, stone, plione 777. 3-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT - BRICK bungalow on Wellington St. for sale or rent; i fimut class shape; garage and gardon. Apply Box 100, cla Statesman Office. 2-* FOR SALE OR RENT-100 ACRE f arm near Hampton, for rent or sale. Apply J. D. Hogarthi, phoane 2364. 2-2 Wanted to Rent WANTED' TO RENT - SIX OR seven roomcd hanse, i tavn, witli ail conveniences. Apply J. Hatfield, Bowman House. 3-l* WANTED TO RENT - SALALL bousc or apartmcent wantcd ta rent; vil base. Write Box 102, Statesman Office. 3-1 HOUSE WANTED WITH OPTION ai buyig, six ta cigît rooms, wlihcanvoniances and garage, wlthin town limita. Apply Box 98, cla Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 3-1 Ful.Vue ook bothersome temples up out af the way. Now, Numont Fui-Vue Tri.FIcx gos farther-by eliminaing end- pieces onlenses. Temples are 'atached nly ta the bridge; hro:ih graceluily curvcd, gold- fille anas hidden behind he lenses. Lens risare remarkably nconspicuou, yet give added Pro jtcion ta lenses by absorbing ilhoèk 'and sraîn af everyday vear. Let u: show yoù the. sipart dm. pliciîy af these modemr glaises THU1tSflAY, SOAP PRICES SLASHED LUX 2 9ctrmIu At-- 2 for 9 lasses go tt*ie At---_ 2-or 9 C AtEX 2 or 9 c 1U-1-0NT At-_- 2 r 9c F U1- V U E At 2trllC TRI -FLEX FOR SALE - FIVE YORKSHRY bred gilts from a qu'alMfed sow, priced to sell; also potats. W. deliver. Apply H. RowIanýd& Son, Newcastle, Ont.' Ph an Clarke 1902. 't'li FOR SALE-il S99ATS ABOUT 90 lbs. each. Aisjly to aliU Short, R. R. 5, EoWmanOiié FOR SALE - SIX YOlJlCSEIR piga 9 weekokald.' A 17,y », VanCamp, R. R. 2, Bowrnawlll. Phono 2310. 3-1 BOWMANVI LLE Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. F JÂNUAY 1 - 17 -18 « Double Feature EDWAKD G. ROIRINSON ln "Brother Orchid" and' "Cisco Kid And the, Lady" Starrlng C. Romano and V. Field Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JANUARY 20 -21 -22 Tyrona Powier an&. Dorothy Lamour ln r Johnny Apollo' and a oaut or stars PhaayFrolic News Phone 178 - xbw gimt