Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1941, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN ST~ BAN, BOWMANVIILE, ONTAIUO - TmIRSDAY; ~J. EWS. ands Dol eat Lindsay 8-1 ýy l'au Pack Cobourg Arena fllaplaylng a marked nnprove- ment over their initial outing, Kldland Regt. hockey teain de- iéated Lindsay Anti-tank Battery 8-1i an intermediate "A" O.H.A. eontest i Cqbaurg Tuesday night. It was Uic second straight win for Uic Midlands. Owen pacai Uic Midlands wlth 3 goals sud an nssst.t with Brocklcy sud Bird givingplenty of assistance in Uic rushes. A hlghllght ai Uic gaine was Uic goal keeping ai "Rai" James in.Uic victars' net. The game was undaubtedly anc of tl4c clasalcst in Uic history ai hockey at Cobourg. A special train was mun froin Lindsay ta Cobourgta coavey H. Q. Coy. Miinreginent sud Uic Anti- tOkbattery. -Besides Uic saunds oi 1,000 Uiraata, three banda we on hsud ta make Uic game appear Moare like a colegiate football gaie- Wih Ueic icofast it gave both teas planty ai chance ta body check, with Lindsay a little on Uic dlrty ide with five penal- .ta Uic theMidlands' anc. ..Sutton was deieated by Camp- beliford 3-1 Uic same night. Llncdoay -- Goal, Nash; defense, -Qufrt sud Charlton; centre, Mit- ray,wings, Balloansd -Snarr; subs, * l a'n Jones, Hill, Ega, Me- Midlands - Goal, James; de- fense, McCarthy sud Puffer; cen- fre, Brackley; wings, Bird sud YOUNG ATHLETFS START SEASON WITH CLOSE TILTS Twa close gaines sud anc un- even gaine ieatuîed Uic apcning af thc achedule ai the Church Hockey League., The gaines play- cd Saturday marning at Uic pub- lic schoal rink praved ta be fasst with many stars pîamising many thrilis in :future gaines. Ice sur- face was in perfect condition due ta Uic untiring and persistent ef- forts ai Dick Hall, expert and veteran ice maker.. Roughriders defeated' Spitfires 3-0 in Uic first gaine which was aiso thc cleanest with a na-penal- ty sheet. Roy McMuilen, a star ai last year,- scared tUic fraI twa goals for Roughriders unassisted, sud F. Lee came through with Uic' final counter. Spitfires, athaugh scarelcss, featured the brillant Owen; subs, Richardson, C. à. M. Pufier, Carp. Puffer, Rundle, An- giers, Richards sud Channel., Referee - Ma BresUin, Bow- manville. g PLYING SPARKS eause haH t he. tsthat dotroy go maaY homes. Eve if you are vory carful ~iU tire, mm Gay your u.lgbbor will have a tire whioh rnay canu darnag to your horna imaue todar hia awcli-knoWI, depedable stock tire hinsunan Je Je MASON & SON 1.INSURANCE AGENTS Phono 681 Bowmanyile INSULATE, YOUR HOME THE MODERN WAY WJTH AIRSEAL The New Fibre-Rock WooI Tne fuel It "avus pYs the out et applylngIL. Aiesl au bo quiekly and cually applied by suY hitefligemt woîrmon. Itlaisavallable hinIbie lerma: L% bulk for use on fl4t cclllngs or packing hInto ad lcaks. I batp for bctween raflais or sleping celing. In granulatcd woel for pouring lau inaccesslblc waJa.' Aisl may ho lnslallb without fuma or bether la your piogent home or i a home under con- struction. Ba easy la ArasaI to handle yau can do thep Job youraslf If you se desire. Maesure that your home l alated with Abuga rock wool fibre. Ask for an estinuate on' thse outan sd quantity iequied right away. Mr ,p,,Rot Proof Vermin Proof PIéé, Proof and Emiliy Applied Shoppad & W Lumber Co. .Ltd. Pno 715 em vtl PIia'ing of H. Sturrack, J. Welah Flyers f aiied ta live up ta their naine and flew away wlth an 11-1 defeat from Rangers. Don Gil- hooley, captain, was eaally the outstargding star oi the teamansd passibly af the morning's sche- dule. Although smn he cavers a lot af space and dasily gets around the bigger fellaws. Lux- tan vied with Gilhooley for hon- ours, scoring 3 goals ta Gilhooley's 8. Kilgannon *as the on]y scorer for Flyers. Penalties were handed out, ta Bird 3, and' Gilhooley. Ini the final gamne, the Flying Hawks succeeded in defeating the Buildogs 3-0. Again the captain led the way, B. Dunn scoring 2 goals, with A. Martin making the third counter. Dunn also gained the only penalty. Smokey Hayes and Kilpatrick starred for thc Bulldogs and it looks as if the latter tcam with a little practice should go places. Games Saurday, January l8th: 9.30 a.m. -Flying Hawks vs Ran- gers; 10.15 -Spit Fires vs Fliers; 11.00 -Buildags vs Rough Riders. Amy team.nont ready ta start on time will automatically forfeit Uic gaine. MIDLANDS TURN TABLES DuFEAT CAMPBELLFOIRD )8-5 COL. Gamey Officiatea at Intermodiate Hockey Seasen Opens at Oommunity Rink- Reginient Eus Strong Tean. Final Score Wau 8-5. Playing Uieir first gaine on Ca- oburg ice, Uic Midsud Reginenti scored an impressive victary aver Canipbellford Sunocas before a large crowd, at the Cobourg comn- inunity rink last Frlday night. The final score was 8-5 and Uic infan- trymen were full value for their win as Uicy outfought thc visitors ail along te Une. The ceremonies contingent ta Uic. openngaifUicegaine were most ciaborate. A parade was held Uirough the streeta ai Uic town in which Uic men cf A Com- pany stationed atCo urC Comipany stationed at PartHo toak part, and Utcepersonnel oai he 2nd Mldland Begm OnfaiCo- bourg taok part. The parade wa led by Uic Regimentai Bugle Band. During Uie gaine Uic newly farm- cd regimental brasa band played i Uic rnk. The initial face-off was markcd by Uic dropping af Uie puck by CoL J. C. Gamey, M.M., O.C. ai the unit. During Uic firat. periad Uic teains battled ta a staiemafe, ecd scoring two goals. Hawever, wi teaid af Penalties in tflicsecond cnote regiment -puiled away anid ran Uic score up ta 6-3. The teains again broke even on thc goals in Uic final period with two apiece. Bird To Fore The regiment uncovered a. real thrcat in Uic Uine coinasdoa Brockle, Owen and Bird.The latter played for Cobàurg's Junior O.H.A. teamn bat wlntcr sud neyer showed ta better advantage than ti Uic gaine against Campbefford. He scored two goals and gave sev- cral Passes ta build up -plays for others. The Puffer-Ruffer-Rundle' Une was aIma prominent for fhe wlnners. Bath Uines devclopedaa clever passing attack and were hard ta stop. James In Uic regi- mient net gave a dlean perform-. ance and the shota that beat hlm would have been goals i any- one's league. For Uic viaitors Phillips,Elsbury and Reid wcre prominent. The gaine tbraughout was re- markably fast cansidering that thc Ice becanie a bit heavy wli wet unow In Uic last two perioda sud it was hard ta carry and control Uic puck. The flrst two ffioda were clcsuly played, but Uic fald perlod féeeling began ta run hlgh sud rcsulted i fisti- cuf fs between CSM Puffer sud Wilkes. Before Uic Ice was clear- ed four or five flghts were golng on. However, Uic spectatars stay- cd off Uic Ice sud Referce Marri- son was soon able ta get things stralghtcned away. For a few minutes ater Uic fracas Uic tearns plydwitthhie iorwards ecd. pla cd lfard - Goal, Cork; defense, Hendy sud MacElraUi- centre, Lakce; wings, Godin and Reid; alto., Phililps, Esbury,, Robi- son, Wilkes sud McNevln. Mland Regt. - Goal, James; OUTDOOR .RINK US MEMORIAL TO TAYLORPS ARIENA Il is nathen ironlc'to sec Uic new ouldoor skating rink on Uiceiqh ai Uic ance prond arenawh used ta bouse Bowmanvile's le. hopes. But now a icw men in Jhe tawn whostilwant tsee ikatlng and hockey progresa and kcpt alive Uiroughoul Uic taown have Inutalled ouldoor rinks ta make Uicrth lack ai a belter indoor Tie. rest ai Uic citizenas eem satlified ta 1.1 these men do Uic work sud Uiey lake ailUicheenjoy- ment fan themselves. Thcy lle know Uic IhilIl these fcw hard- w kigeng et when eic sec Iheir b child*'e palroned by s0 many enthusiamllc skaîrs. But this stlldapnt gel us Uic mUnch necded covcndarcena. We need the backlng ai every citizen, even la the bickward merchants ai Uic tawn, ta put up su edifice thal evcryone can point ta wih pride, Until then wc will have ta continue la use Uic frigld auldoor surfacez and leI Uic naine ai Bow- manville go down as Uic tawn thal dldn't have cnough ambition ta bulld Itacif a nl!lk. TOMMY DEPKEW AgainTommy' pew makes headlies ti te playlng t*o gaines in anc sday. Iis happeé Saturday hIToronto when in- mY helped Marîros Juiors -de- feat Native Sans -1. fIthl game he scarcd Uic final gÔal. The second gaine was played Set- Urday evcning at Ravina with R.C.A.F.. againatStockyard Paek- crs, Uic gaine endlng i a 8-ail tic. Dcpew managed -to geisun assit i final score for Uic Flyers. Dickens also played hi Uic first gaine abtalnlng anecocuntersud an assist. Burk.tuin Popoler Fer Local SkI Entum~sU Skiers llved on Uie his around town over Uic weekend. An eWer increasig number'ai sports -bien and womcn arc taking up the spart sud gaing ont ta Burketon or other nearby alapes ta taise up Uic challenge ai the hfis. Although Uic snow was a llttle sticky an Saturday it prove capi- tal on Snnday, for ideal slng was ta be had evcrywhcrc. Soe ai Uic artists have taken ta red-' ing books again sud are becai9n quite adept at Uic varlous manoeu- vres an skis wihUthe-long naines. There has still not been la ski club arganized but -more sud more people are taking ta thc nnproved1 barrel staves sa a club will natur- aily fallow in Uic very near futur e. GRADS DEFEATED ÇY B.H.S. SENIORS Tired but flot discauraged, a lo- cal Grad teain finished far behlkid the senior bays' 9.H.S. Basket- bail team in an exhibition gaMe prayed at the high schaal gym- nasium Friday evening. The.sen- !or lads with' almast the saine team as Iast year were far super- lar ta the six men wha reported ta hold up the reputation of týe grads. The seniors have last only two men from their last ycar's leoggùue chatnpionship team and have add- ed strength from the junior ranks. Although they h~ave flot had much practice due ta the lateness 0f thc rugby season, and exaras. foflowç- ing soon aiter, we predlct they are bettV than anything they *Wi meet In teir awn league. Grouped wlth onl Cobourg and Oshawa it should be an càsy matter Ïor the B.H.S. squad ta sail right through and meet the win- ner af "A" grouping composed of Lindsay and Peterliara. B.H.S. Seniors - Brown, SIc- mon, Mcllveen, Calville, Taxnblyn, Aflin, Wheeler, Underhiil, Cas- bourn. B.HS. Grads Kent, Pagan, Witherldge, Ames, Rackhain, and James. Referees - Harold Longworth, Doug. Jackman. OSHAWA, ONT. Pýarling CoMndiang Frlday & Saturday JANUAEY 17 - 18 KaY Kyms ad hie "MakesYom wanaalmeBaàn.ila Wlth Glnny Sis - Barry B3abblt - Me Kabibble - Hfelen Paris - fournis OKode and the hSr bons Bonis Kalof - BeOa LuWo pet"r Loti. Monday & Tuesday . ANUAEY M - 21 Adolph MonJou -Cajole lam"i la Turnahout" w" th on Hubbamd a nhe flantng ,obra'aet the» world stuaton today. A l- ture evrY mmsansd woman wM lwant te se. World In Flanis " Wed. - Thurs. - Fr1. set. JANUAIT se - 23 - U4 - P.5 'The Thief of Bagdad' Wlth fabu - Conrad Veldt and, June Diapres and a cast*of thoumau ÈN TECENICOLOR tic moot spectacular story or en&lantuent ever etched on film. Uon't Ferget - OuIy Four Days' REVIVAL, Frlday NIght at 11I "Bachelor Méther" Ginger Rotera - ]Davld Niveq SOLDIERS SKI AT MULLBROOK How sar ct nskis was th tee i dyswarkout at !~ilro hnalcmane ai Uic 2nd Battalion Mdlad Regiment gathered for a day's skiing. The graup, headcd by Lieut.-Col. A. H. Bounsail, 0. C. af the battalion, sud Major P. H. Jabb, second i command, caver- cd a great deal ai tcrrltory sur- roundlng Mlllbrook. Major F. L. Dudley, 2nd in command ai Uic Midland Reginient C.A.S.F., also took Uic trip an~d actcd as guide. "D" Company from Bowmsu- ville was Uic best represented from Uic wholc battalion, havig almost two sections af men. Thiey were also called Uic best skiera and therefgrc were alloted Uic hardest *oi'k, but Uicy were not wrangly named as they did their tasks much ahead af schcdule. Mo Breslin, valisut private ai Uic line, tired ai skilng an snow provided a littlc variety for him- self by crassing a log over a stream sud tell in Uic water. Not satisfied with goig undcr once, he campletelyi submergcd twice i arder ta get up on his skis attach- cd ta his feet. The incident hap- pened about a mile frain Uic armouries but Private Mo made such spced Uiat his tracks could be easily followed by Uic path afi melted snow. Dinner sud aiternoon tea, serv- cd by Hcadquartcrs Company at Millbrookr, were Uiaraughly en- joyed by everyonc, even Uic bnrnt beans. Another day's skiing will be in the near future with Bowmanville as hasts, Uic his at Burketan being usai for Uic day's activities. Salem Rev. Gardner deivered a very fine discourse Sunday frainthUic text, "What Uink ye ai Christ?" The choir rendered extra fine music under the leadership ai Mrs. G. Burrus, wi Miss Daphne1 taking Uic solo.1 Y. P. U. met Jan. 8Ui. Mr.. G.4 Barrie, newly elected president, conducted thc apenlng exercises. Rev. Gardner gave Uic opening prayer. Programn was i charge af Mr. B. Darch. Bible references by G. Barrie. Mr. Gardner gave a splendid outline ai haw Uic taïcs for Uic new term should be tanen up which contained excellent ad-4 vice for Uic group leaders. Read-1 ings were given by Mrs. B. Win-1 ters, Miss B. Thampsan, Mrs. H, Barrie sud F. Blackburn. Vacan-1 cies an list ai officers wcre filled in as failows: lat Vice-Mis. R. Winters; 4th Vice -Miss G. T haomp s on; Treasurer-Mr. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. John Catar and son Ralph, Toronto, visited his parents an Snnday. New Year's Day Mia. F. Catar had a bad fail but is able ta be around again. Zioù Visitais: Mr. George Sonley, Mr. W iliamsToronto, ai Mr. Fred Camerani's... Mr. sud Mis. Fred Cameron sud Helen at Mi. Perey Bryce's, Toronto. . . Mr. sud IÏ. J. W. Baison sud Jean aI Mr. Leslie Houldn's Thonnton Core... Mi. sud lins. Rumasel Robbins sud Ruth at Mns. Harry Allin'., Bowmanvile. ., . Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronta, at Mi. J. W. Me.tr.. . Mr. sud Mis. lph- Glaspel, Tyran.,àaetMr. F. B. Glas- p s..Mi. sanl Mis. A. Knopsel, Trota, aI Mi. EHans>Geisberger's. ..Mi. sud Mis. J. W. Raison at Mis. W. J% Trlck's, Oshaw... Mr. sud Mis. Bernard McHwen, Osh- awa, at Mr. Wes. Caeos Mr. sud Mis. Russell Pcrkins sud Margaret at Mi. frai Ashtan's, Tornq. '. Mi. Clifford Johns, Beath Farina, Columnbus, at Mi. Wes.'Cameron's. .. Mr. sud Mis. A. T. Stainlon ai Misses ElUnor sud Lyla Stainton's, Oshawa. ... Miss Jean Leach, Bawmianvillc, Mi. and Mis. Donald Ydilowlecs, Columnbus, Mi. and Uis. George Gibsan at Mr. Norman Lcach's. Mi. Arla Baisan left for his home at Wapella, Sask., on Sun- day. W. A. met in,-Uic S. S. on Wed- nesday sud complqted Uic electian of officers: Preiident-Mrs. L. Warren; Vice Pres.-Mis. J. W. McMasler; Secc.Mrs. A. RaIson; Ti-eau. - Mis. J. Ciuickshanks; Pianisl-Mis. R. Stainlon. W. A. are coilecting old wooilens ta be made into blanketa for war woîk. They arc ta be taken ta Mis. F. B. Glaspel's where Uicy wml be packed for sending totahUicill aI with a rnlssionary Uiought; story, "The -Message that was dent," by fllebn Balson. KCathleen 11aker led ln same action songsa ater' whlch gaines werc enjoyed. Wc are an- tlcipatig à viait frain Tyrone Y.P.U. next Manday nlght.,, Several froin here are attend- ig Uic Short Course at Harnpton. Tyrone Y. P. U. met Monday cvenlng wi Wesley His, misslanary convener, in charge ôf Uic pro- grain. Tapic on "Paul" wah taken by Mrs. F. Dudley; readings by Gordyn Brent sud Marie Thom:- son; accordiort music by Eanl Luke; ofering, CUintan Blgelow.' Contestsansd lunch braught Uic meeting ta. a close. Miss Winnie Brooks, Harmany, visited at Mr. L. Brooks'. Mr. Jack Trinm is attcnding militia camp at Peterborough. Mis. Byron Moore who has been in Bowmnanviile Hospiial for several wecks has returned home. Buirk'Ceton Recent Visitors: Tpr. Haward Gatchdil, Camp Borden, with his parents. . .. Airciaitsman A. W. Breck, Picton, at home. . . Miss Betty Moiftt with her parents ln Oshawa... Mr. sud Mrs. D. GaI-- chdl sud Miss Evelyn-Stephenson, Oshawa, with Mr. J. Gaichell. ... Mià Ruby Bailcy, Blackstock, at home. Woman's Associatian elecied Ihese officers an January S3rd: President - Mi. D. McTaggart; Vice Prcs.-Mrs. J. Gill; Sec.- Mis. W. Hoskin; Treas.-Mrs. A. Aldred; Fruit sud Flowers-Mrs. N. Taylor sud Mis. E. Caughill; Organit-Mis. E. Cauf1hill; Asa't. -Mis. H. Lackey. ch reiing treasurer gave a splendid report on last year's finances sud the wamen arc ta be congralulated on what Uiey have acconiplished. Mis. Newton, Taylor, put on-a con- test sud a lovely lunch was serv- cd by Mik. Hoskn'sgroup. Shirley On Jsuuary 8Ui Mi. sud Mis. Frai Tans apened their home for a night meeting ai Shriley Wa- men's Institute sud a cuchre Party i aid ai Cartwright Red Cross. Presîdenî Mis. A. Moore pîesided. Mis. G. Strang sud Miss Jean Toms played a piano duel, sud Uic rest ai Uic evenig was given aver ta progressive cuchre. Saine 70 were present. Prises wère won by Mis. Virginia Arèher sud Mi. R. Coates. A suniptuaus lunch was servai. A similar meeting sud progressive cuchre will be held at thc home ai Mr. sud Mis. Coates in Febiuary. Neàlëton .Xestleton W. 1. met at Mrs. S. HI. 'Malcolm's January 8Ui. Pneui- dent Mia. M. F. Emerson. was i the chair. Ladies dcclded ta niake more quilta sud have a cuchre party in aid ai Bed Cross, misa buy saine new books for out Lib- iary sud ecd member ta, donate saine books. Mr. W. G. Bowles spoke an Leglalation wbieh was enjoyai by ail. Solo by Mis. H. Philp, 'II heard yen go by." Col- lection i aid ai a Red Cross Hos- pital Ward i Englsud. Hearty vote ai lUmnka was given Mis. Malcolmin d ail wha hclped with a profitable afternoon. Lunch was served by Mis. Malcolnm, as- sisted by Mis. M. Nesbitt, Miss G.- Beacock sud Mis. L. JobUin. Visitais: Mis. Anson Taylor wli her daughter, Mia. M. lies- ....... Mr. sud Mis. S. H. Malcolmi at Mi. W. G. Bowls'. .. Mis. R. McColl has reiurned ta Taranto. ..Miss Ruby McGill visitcd Miss HUa JOhns..-.Mr. sud Mis. K. Samells and Melville lnLndsay. ..Mi. sud Mis. Rebt. Ewcrs wiUi Mi. C. H. Poreus. .. Mi. sud Mis. Lloyd Hunier and Jamie wli Miss Cora Crozier . . . W. sud Mis. W. G. Bowles i Toron- to... Mi. sud Mis. R. W. Marlow .wli Mr. G. Marlow. .. Mis. John Haaey wlihMis H. Samels. .. Mi. Frank Wilson, Oshawa, haine wli his family. Mis. S. H. Malcolm inviîcd ail who were intercalai in Uic Sun&. day Schoal ta ber home Manday nlght ta re-organize. Ebenezer W. M. Society met January 9' Solfla with an attendance ai 22. xet tive was in charge. Prayer wasi offeiqd by Rev. W. C. SmiUi .who Visitais: Misa Mabel Harris with loois conducted Installation ai ai- friendsata WhItby. . . Mi. Oea.filcers. Reports were given by Gibson Sr., Columbus, at Mir. Ed- secretaies sud alsa Uic treasurer. gar Prescott's. . . Mi. and Mis. The devotional wlth Uic theme, Wea. Yeilowleesa t Mi. Clare AI- Living Uic Christian Lufe, was i UnsBomsvil... Mi. George charge af Mis. W. C. SniUi. Fiast Wcry University ai Toronto, at chapter ai SI. John was rcad sud Mi.r. E. Werr's... Mi. sud is. nlccly explainai by Mis. SmIi Perc Deweil, Ksale, at Mi. H. wlihUic theme, "Flndig Uic E. Tink's. . . Mi. and Mis. Alan Christian Way ai LUfe." Study White, Newlonbiaok, aI Mi. Oea. book was given i twa p arts by Whitc s. . . Mis. Ernest Larmer, vlrs. F. W. Rundle sud Mis. Hall Blackstock, at Mi. A. J. Balson's. Oke. Piano solo, M:is. W. C. Mir. ArIa Raison bas relurnai Smi. ta Saskatchewan ater ~ibitig bis Mission Circle met Wedncsday uncle, Mi. A. J. Raison. evenig ai Mis. Aichie Mulr's Jr. Soina Home sud Scbool will wli an allendance ai 20. The mccl Friday night, Jan. 17Ui, ai devotional was in charge aifMis. 7.30 p.m. S.T. Harry Gay, wlihM»s.. Bioc Cour- Women's Institule met on tic. icadlng Uic aciplure leasonr Thuraday wihMis. S. H. Wcrry Temperance readlng given by Mcl preslding. War work was discusa- Raison; readinga wcre misa given cd and more woel dlstrlbuted. by Mie. Arche Muir Jr., Mis. Pragram icluded a readig by Clarence Mockin, sud Mis. Hqrb. Mia. W. Lcaak; vocal solo, Pearl NichoIs. The slnd y book wam giv- Leach; Quiz contest conducted by en by Mis. Lloyd Courtice. Re- Mrs. G. Leask; camminly singe frcshinenla were served and. a Ing led by Misa. John Baker was social tlrnp njayed. cnjoyed, ater which lunch was W. R. Plckell relirai froin Uic served. Board of Trustees aI No. 4 and Y. P. U. met Manday nighi wlth was ouccccild- by Alan I)own. Uic progiam i charge aiflneen Stan. Coveîly was appointed the Baison, the mlsslanary convener. new caretalcer. Gladys Yeilowlees sud Marjory Ladies' »erean Clama are look- Groal picsenled Uic worshlp ser- lng fonward ta a pleasant supper- vice; vocal solo, "My Task", Pearl Party in Jan. 2Mt and hope for Leach; rail call was anmwercd good weAther sud roads. RE.~i.4!r C.uwaggkoa* I~ A.&P. TO puy mon Ent.rlng S*Mvc* Ail qualified employeca ai The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tfea Ca. Liniited, entering active service, will receive frainthUicocmpany 20 % af their wages, up ta, a maxi- mum paymciit ai $100.0% per month for anc yçar, it has been annaunced by Mr. John A. Hart- fard, President.. The company's policy also pro- vides that Uic company will pay group ic insurance preiuma for all emplayeca entering Uic ser- vice, for Uic anc ycar perlad. As approved by Uic Board ai Direc- tors, thc palicy applies toalal ful timne emnployees working at least hilrty hours a week sud with six months cantinuaus service. Ini commnentlng on ibis, L. W. Eebee, General Manager of the company's Canadian oroaniztiOn,. explained, that this would- apply to those emplayees who have al- ready entered the service, as 'aJei as to any who enter the service from this date ibn. Mr'. Bebee sald. «i amn particularly proud 'to sees aur company add this ta the nuln- crous benefits that aur e.rnpoy~es already receive. ENTERTrAiNER Secure SALPE GôRfON, the. wonderfuly vèrsate e nt$ r- laier, for your neit entertai- nient. Ilustrated circula fre. - Addrm s - 628b Crawford Street Toronto VANIN m 8toftfothers Of&wiilidmi WHEN COLD ... .Raeli Miry the 1mpe Honae-Te8ted Viks Way ... Penfectoâ for, Clildren No matter what you have triedin the pat ta relleve nwy afçolds-treat your child the h yod Vlck a is- with a "VapoR.uà<>maaa"~. Them notice how swlftly It starts ta, quiet coughing, case muscular aorêehs or tightness and brlng coinfort. With this MORS THOROUGH treat- nient (devel by Vicks atahe i poli, -n -va poanaction ofVlcks vapoRub mare cffectively... mnmam irnltated air peagis wth saathing medcinal vap«as, lnbaIe deeply withevyWui sY1uuUTE chest and back Mmkea warming paultloe or pinter. Te ca "VapoRub Mansage" wlth al ltmbenefts,.herceswhat yaudo: Mas- sage VapoRub for 3 minutes on im- PORTANT RIB-AREA 0F RACK as well asschest sud tbroat-spread a thlc genuine Vlcka VapoRub. WhenYpUoscthe renu of this im- proed ick tratimtyou wlIl wooù- der how any sensi- ble, thriftymiother could possibly deny ber child the cmotand re- Shoppard.& GiII Lumbor Co. Ltd., King st. Bowmauvli. b Mh "lo adn-OFMTua., MpF^, 0KOO, Tums, &W ps., OFROTb qo,, 0* p.5 ROUND TR-IP RAIL BARGAINS Prom BOWMMENVILLE, JAN. 17-18-19 To Ottawa Montrelal Quebec $&.10 $7.30 $41130 Trois Rnviereu 95 Ste. Anne de Beaupre $119 PlUT TRAIN ROM DWMNIL 10.12 p.=. MN 17 % TRNLDIT N. 20 Net goed on 8 p.m. trains frein Ottawa suit Montreal To The Maritimes January 16 AUl Canadilau Pacifie Stations i New BrunswICk AUl Dominion Atlantic Railway 8tati<èns i Nova Stia For rates, linits, dotailed service, etc. Conut Agent - Procure Haadbgl Net Good Return on 8 Paun. Train frein MoutreaL Pool Train Service C ANADIAN CAJN'ADUAN P'A CIF IC AýrIO NA L TIM CAlqADIANý &TA' ffl, BOVILANvnzal ONTAIUO il

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