Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1941, p. 4

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~UR TE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO TEUBSDAY, JA -l 'Haydon Mr. M. Blackburn loet one of 1-his best horses. Ar. A. Beech attended the 121 WoddlngAnniversary of Mr. and ý'* Austin Larmer, Bowman- 'SVinloe and School Club met on Tucuday evening wlth a good at- tondiance and President C. Avery Piesded. Mr. C. Siemon took charge cf tepro)gmain.Piano solos were gven BéÉsie Hil, Marie Ashton and Ronald Ashton; couple selections by the "Old Timers" orchestra were thorough- ~noyed; readlngs, by Mrs. Guarrard and Mrs. Roy Mc- Gin; duot, by Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Miss Wnnie Trewin and a duet by Mimes Bessie Blackburn and Eleen Cowling. An excellent address was given by Mir. E. E. Stailes on'«Potatoes or Roses" whièh held the attention of every- one present. An amusing version of Treasure Trail was enacted which caused many hearty laughs. Roy Graham ndm Clifford Trewin acted as Masters of Ceremony. Mrs. A. Read entertained the choir to tea on Wednesday. The evening was spent in gaines, aI- ter which practice was hcld. W. A. met at Mrs. Wm. Trcw- In'a on Thursday, with Mms. E. Bradley prosiding. Bible reading was read by Mrs. H. Ashton andÉ the devotional, by Mrs. T. C.Çw-E E VANG EL.ISTIC't TABERNACLE Suhday, 7.30 p.mo 19PECIIAL SUBJECT Elovement"t 44J5 IT FROM HEAVEN OR 0F MEN?" Cor nud Heai, for Yourself What We Belleve and TeacJ. Other Services as UsuaLly. -Rey. C. W. Lynn. n "VALOUR" The New Corticelli WOOLm Wonthy et its nmre 0 Fo>ur ply Botauy iu 4 oz, balil.i iu AUl Service Colours Oue bail .ufficient for i pair cf v 69ocC PER BAL Kulttilug DIrections Jneluded w .A New "Irl GUELPH WOOL For 1Uen Kulttng lu .lS Attractive Shaibes a 1 OZ. BALL B: See Thern For Yourselves ai ti a , W.Jewela BDIG O" W'-~ 150 flMl Is a 2fer-me Sp~Imtl2 for 25e *UY BRITIs Fer v 1c TO0R ---1.78 ILYONS TEA Coq",N VINEG Hi. P. SAUCE Lb 35e MeVITIE & FR14 BISCUITS »PRATT'S FUPI' O VALS AND BISCI LIPTON'S TEA Phona 36 S67FfflPeuh 1 bad been Uic beet misslonary ad- - he:rd those . present had ever 1Mon! Don't forget te attend Uic Canadian Club Fniday nigbi at the Bameral Hoiel and bear ivery tmmely address by su outtndtag Pho Cndian - Col. Geo. A.De, e - KW .C. llng. Piand soles w- Miss Wilma Wotten Crossman; recitation, 1istcm's Wife"I by Mm and a duet by minsse ling sud Wlmaa Wol w-as semved by Mme.N gneup sud a social]h joyed. LWilbun Blackburn Military camp ait Pe day for a menib's ti Visitons: Mies Lauma, Philli at home. -. Mr. an( Ashten sud f aaily, Bradley, Tomante, ai ley'& . . Mm. aad Mr at Mm. M. Blackburx Chas. Tamblyn sud: Tamblyn, Ornn, ai ton's. . . Mn. A. Be Rose Richards, Bown Mn. and Mmes. Normar ton; sud Miss Donothl ewa, ai Mr. D. Graha Veda Pundy, Bowmns W. Tbompson's...1 Thompson, wiib fnici monta..-. Miss Jess bad Miss Vomna Stev Normal, w-lihon rthis ai the public school. Blacks.im-tc W.M.S. met at Mmi. Kee's, with Jabez Wr dont, pnesiding. Mme. sud Mme. Earl Dor Bible Study, Uic ih "Finding* Uic way ti bible study la 1941."1 J answered by New Yei liens. Prograi w-as û Mme. N. Mountjoy's1 T. Samsdis gave "Stick te iFgbt." gave two noadlags "My "Wits End Cornor.", D Ernest Larmer sud1 Wright, "Living for J Mme. N. Mouaijoy tacl book "Witnessee o! t Japan" by Dm. Dan IN circuler letton from. Hambly, China, was me Dormoîl. Lunch sud a was enjoyed. Jan. 9Ui Uic A.Y.P. Mr§. P. Bailey's haine raual election o!f fh Tom Hodgo; Vice P Leona Dovitt; Soc.,3 Damier; Treas., Mise Vt Con. Sec., Miss Eva Pa Victorien Women: sponsoned a card party eveniag in Uic comai Frlday evoning. Miss Ir Pumple Hillsud ,M? Wright.wcre pnize wim of chocolates weme dont W. L. Scott. Pnoceeds to Canadien ward in hospital. There wll onci theUicnear future. Congratulations te N(re. Tennyson Sami 25Ui w-edding annivens s'as celebrated by fr neighboume ai the bon 13Ui. Mme. Charles Veru Waeyne visitcd Lieut. Ci uing in bospital at Pei Mm. sud Mme. O. V. Loeanen, Brooklia, wor Saturday nighi sud L in Uic skating e i m Mme. Henry Mountjo3 Mrs. Stark, Enfleld, att Congratulations io Mre. Percy VanCampo ef flac baby girl on Mise Eva Penn was attending Uic funeral Mme. Alex Gilbert an visiting at Kitchener. Mm. sud Mme. Dunci and Wilson, w-lihMme.1 Camp. Mn. and Mme. O. «V !diUi visited Mm. sud wyn Peai, w-ho are in Queensville. Cadmui Mm. sud Mme. Gemd and- Mm. Whitfield,1 Brownand Mise Janet' Mr. Ross Brownand IM vlcCready, Tomante, vs cill Brewn's. The fammers iseme ari ting wood for next wI Ai our Sunday menio ageod congregalion w A, helpful, lnspifing mi given by Rev. D. -M. which ho streseed the euih sud courage te 1941. Pleased te see our el rig ia Uic service. ere givenby an M. C. Maple Grove E- i"The Min-___ rs C. Sîcinon Congregational meeting wiil b. 5 Meen Cow- held Friday ovening, Jan. l7th, tten, LunIch at 8.15 p.m. (D.S.T.) Wm. Mamtl n's Mm. and Mme. Delbert Flintef! half-oum nsd sons Wesley, Glen and Don m eported at Flintoff, Kodmon, visited at Mm. leerboro 'ri- Morley Flinteff's. -aining. Mm. Jack Smith, Boeaygeen, is visiting Mis sister, Mms. Edwin Lps, Toronte, Ormisten. id Mme. Fred Mm. and Mms. R. L. Worden Miss Viola visiied with Mm. Bert Wilkins, Mm. E. Brad- Courtice, on Sunday. Irs. C. Avery, ris. . . Mms. Mrs. 'JamesEnil Mm. L. Ash- sucel ýech, at Mm. 'suh rianville. .. . Visiters: Mm. Lavorno Stinson, anc an Hall, Clin- with bis mother, Mrs. John Stin- n y Hall, Osh- son. .. Mm. and Mme. L. C. Pascoe n am's... Miss and Bessie, at Mm. H. Tink's, So e nville, -at Mr. lina.. Mr. and Mms. Carl Fer- t Mr. Roland guson, Bowmanvîlle, at Mm. A. Uic uds la Te- Pesctt's.ea ie Knox bas Women's Association met Jan.ab; ens, Toronto 7th at Mme. L. C. Pascee's. Inter-Sab is past week, esting numbers on the prograin use were eading, by Mrs. F. Gilb utsge and a paper on «"Friendsbap" oy vol( Mme. W. Bownsan. i ock Sonsea local church membersch misdafine sermonSuaday by eha: Rev. H. H. Lackey on "Prayer it sJohn Mc- and Thanksglving." mal3 night, Presi- Our church bas bad a very good Uic Cecil Hill year as Uie books almost balance. corn .ell teok Uic This shows a. flac spirit intheUic heme beingcoemanunity. May Uic members ladi hrougb daily continue thoir grateful belp. wer R011 cal was Local discussion is the prie o! on ar'sResolu- butter -ad pomk. The silvor l 9jngon ia charge af te this cloud is that Uic farmmr resi gmoup. Mms. does't need te wonry about Mis yoi a reading, income tax. lg Mms. Ellioti There is certainly a shentage o!f ,y Bible" and help la Uic community but Uic uet by Mm5. mca are needed fl6me place cisc Wq Mms. Jabez just now. Josus Hom." Se far Uiis winter we bave k Uic study failed te sec Uic usual teanis the Way in' drawiag weod Urough Uic village Norman. A wblch will mesu mene business m. Miss Laura fer Uic ceai dealer. eadby ms. A social evening of cards sud Lsocial tlme gaines was beld ai Hoskin SmiUi's ?.A.me a naid o! Uic Sunday School. 0o '.. oia School Board. for 1941 is G. Tow for Uic an- Bewman, cheiman; H. OflaletOfl, fellc cers: Pres., and H. Smi; L. C. Pascoe is i Pres., Mies Sec.-Treas. Five were present ai Mm. Miss EUiOl tUic school meeting, zens fena Fonder; Rev. H. Lackey cbrlsiened Uicesund larr, two childron o! Mr. Wallace Pas- rs 's Institute cee, ai their home Sunday. Lt y sud social dn iunity bal den rene Ceaies Ca ~ l t Couple41 Ir. esmod wrg ncrs. Boxes Celebraxt Their tur ited by Mm. Slver W.ddlng the o! $22 goes _______ an English Sarneils - Feriusou leav be suother ev Mm.sudo!On Jan. 12Ui, 1916, ai Uic home who Mr. an o Uich brlde's parents, Mm. S. it Us on Uieim Fenguson, Blackstock, by Rev W. yeai ,samy, wbich Currie, Ida, cîder daughtem of intez riends sud Mm. sud Mme. Sam Ferguson, te Privý Inc on Jan. Tennyson Thomas SamelIs, only ncst. son o! Mr. Henry sud Uic laie S tning sud Mme. Sanadis, ail o! Blacksteck. er ,harles Von- On Monday evcniag about 35 Boy embroke. friends sumpised Mm. lsud Mme. av 1Shaw and Tennyson Samells by gaiberiag o! t ne in town ai their home te celebrate wiiboft Leanor teck thoin Uic 25Ui anniversary of ibeir a to ink. weddiag day, Jan. 12Ui. Alier arel Y is il wih social Uie spent in gaines, etc., thes teadlng ber. Mme. W. B. Fonguson, acting ~asp >Mm. and chairman,.escorted Uic bride sud aby1 on Uic bitb groom te eenved seats, sud ai- StE~ iJan. 9. -tom su latemestmng speech caled Stev in Torno on Mm. John Werny te read an te tI. of à friond. addmess. Gary Venalng sud Mau- F. -V nd Joan are rice Samelis presenteo. the couple Mrs wiia silver casserole sud silvor tom csu Heaslip .moumne pie plate; aise a numbor.sn Herry an-oa other useful -pyrex dishes. -A-l- Ser joined in singing "For Uiey are Sonv Wright sud joliy good !dilowe," afior which a Mme. Gold- Uic couple Uisuked Uic friende gent now living for Uic good wisbeesud giflesud Ca welcomed thein te stheir home, te b - ~Short speeches wcre given by a gv number who all exprssed Uic by t *don Brown made good neighbours, holplag stret Mr. I-eith each other la Urne o! aeed. Many Uic McConnell, wemc momanacing on Uic happen- the &ise Mildred ings o! 25 yeams ago. A genemeus Haw ,sie Rus- sud dolicieus lunch was semved. pe cbuey cul- IdieMs- ter s useo. Idn to@Utrib ning servie At Tabernace Mme. Aras preseai. LyIe nessage VZ8s On Wodnesday evenlag thce as~ Stm ni, InI Evangelistic Tabernacle was *r- the fae Oî f vicegedte have a missionary son- bag faeliei vice w-lUi Miss E. Edwards cf a India as Uic speaker. vellu choir assisi- The service. cemmonced w-lUi ang chorus singing by Uic Junior spok Chmc, ouwed by the congre- netc gatien singtag.soa Mýý ~Miss Edwards fimat gave a short lo talk on missionamy womk lan gon- -T oral cmphaslzmng Uic bopelesseigi condition o! ibose la heathen = darkness unîes Uice messagre o! Garton's Garage Service can Kcep You Out cf Trouble. BUT Winter Drivlng la Tough And Vf ycu àde get fate Alflultles CaliI2Me vo yet te see weather our ýrlécrew couldn't brave, GARTON'S GARAGE -. ý me 2,666 Bowrnanville yesght Edoc-atiw And C.1.Tu (e,,. P. 0.) Oshawa Number 10 L.et us consider that the kcy to icess is te be able andi efficiet#. is then, means' health, ondiùr. Le, reliability and ability. If Wei iw our limitations, our weak-ý s in any ef the above supports o>ur cfficiency we are given thé >wledge that we may use it In e interests of. the whole bo- ise the chain zheasured by thi cve links is no strenger than eweakest link, making thc best eof ail talents possessed by us, ow more four square in ouf de- lopment. Just a glance to emphasize the' anges mentionied. For years le or no chane has bcen de- inded of our eyes. The most cf ework was day work and Uic ming o! dark meant rest for- em. But wiUi Uic advance cf lustry and education, Uic cyce !rc expected te, and called up- to spend much of Uieim Urne fine work and instead of thgi Cful clements of nlght wc eha 'k by Uic means of atlJiU¶ ht. (te be ,centinued> Fet.m Couple Civen Farewell Retum t. Durham and Mrs Richard Ha'<wkéy Elonored by Saskatchewan Friends lu Farewell Party Mder residents of' Darlingion msbip wlll be iteresied in Uic lwing report which appeamed The Moon, o! Melfori, Sask., as. .and Mrs. .Hawkey wene citi- iof Tymone before going West 1are now visitlaig hs sister, sJ. H. Mutton, Wellington St. ter Uiey expcct te take up rosi- ie in Bowmanville. The arti- follows: ['The entime EUielten district Led eut te a banquet held, a- Community Hlall on Thursday- ming in honour of Mr. and Mrs.ý liard (Dick) Hawkey, wbe are ving Uic district. Mr. Hawkey, oh4s been a mesideni cf Uic rict for upwardis o! Uiirty' s, has disposed o! bis farming ersis homo sud ih retiring te vato life, seeking a well earaedý 'pper was served te over 100; )le. After supper Mr. J.ý G. yd, whe acted as chairman, ln: iery capable manner made a imemarks as te Uic purpose- tho gaUiemlag then calling foir oast te The King, which s died te by all presoat singing- SNational AnUiem. Following sMrs. Sain Serviss readered iane solo, Which was followed a duet by Mm. Bpyd and Mr. rcensen accompanicd by Mms. n Semviss on Uic piano. A toast te ladies was pmoposed by Mr. V. Bclliveau sud meplicd te by sH.> E. Pestor. Mr. H. E. Fos- gave one of his usûal comic «s and was cncomed. Mm. Bort viss accomp&aied by Mrs. Sam vise gave a viella. solo, sud this s!ollowed by a toast te the a meI popseObZMs rto Mormow, and responded byM. Stevenson. Mr. Boyd re a solo, which was followed tho "Trio frein down South." tv. Blezard was called on for ew words, and in bis memarks ýsed the loss Uic chumch and district will have sustained.by departure of Mr. and Mrs. rkey and wishing them God- ed. ms. Fmank Stevenson read a rverses writtent locally as a ite te Mr. and Mms. Hawkey. sA. Stevenson and Mr. R. eaise spoke. Mms. Webb Ad- sled in community singing. frs. Hawkcy was pmesented by chaimman with an evernight and Mm. Hawkey with a tra- ng bag. Mr. EHawkey, on ris- te acknowledge the gifts, ke vemy fcelingly sud Uianked proseni for their klndnesses only thon but ail thmough Iis iama in Ethelten. îe programme was ended by gng Uie,.National Anthem."l WholRaOMM CKWright? At Uic Rotary Club lunch- eon ai the Balmoral fatel on Friday noon, Secretamy Earl Cunninghsam uiaied ho had received iceweekly letton ef the Rotary Club o! Mercea, California. On it was this notaiion: "C. H. Wright, Sec- nciary, 52 yeame ago a tele- gneph openaton la Bow-msu- ville G. - T. Ry." Wiat W-e w-ould like te know are there any o! aur citizens who mre- memben Mm. Wright *hen ho w-as a resident of our tow-n? It was probably ai Uic tinse w-hon Bill Woods w-es G.T.R. station agent. AUTEOR Dr. Àlbent E. Allia Port William, sud e Durhami County boy, who bas jusi issuod e booklei on "The Vetobrato Fauna' o! Darlingion Township, Durhama County." D»R. ALBERT ALLIN AUtIHOR 0F BOOK ON DARLINGTON The Siatesman h as, happily, me- ceived a copy o! a bookbet "The Vertebrate Faune of Darliagion "Tow-nship, Durhama Couniy, On- tarie," by Dr. Albert E. Allia. Tise booklet lu mepninted from ',Trans- actions o! Uic Royal Canadien ha- stitute," Oct. 1940. The authon w-ill be, remembered as e Hampton boy, son o! Uic late Mm. sud Mms. Fred Allia. Albert graduated froin B.H.S. sud w-cal on ta iake bis Doctor's degreei et University o! Teooto. Ai present ho lu w-lihUiceProvincial Labora- tories, Fort William. For 'those fansiliar wlihUic Township, Uic booklet lu most ab- sebing. itdeais w-lUiall Uicmain- mals, birds, reptiles, amnphibiens and flubes w-hich are kaown te occur or bave occurcd in Dam- lington. Through Uic generosity of Dr. Jabez H. Ellioti, Tomante, an ilus- trigus Durhamn County boy, e cloUi-covered copy o! tise bro- chure lu te be pmesented toecacis scisool in Darliagton, Cartwright, Manvers,, Clarke and Baw-msu- ville, carly in 1941. Weî-' Uaak Dr . Allan for aur copy which we have reed wiUi great latercet. The introduction lu rlch w-lUi histonical data. We are ild thai original inhabiients wemc thc Mississauge Indiens; Usait the firsi setilers arrived freintise U.S.A. around 1794. Reference lu made 10 Bakcr's Bog, wihdeoscrip- lions o! its content. A footnote sys: "LIt is descrving o! more at- tention Uien we have been able te give Il." A valuable bibliogra- phy is listed on Uic fly-loa!. Alto- gether, it is an ebsombing compila- tien. Infornmton About 1Aïr Raid Victlnqe The National Coundil af Social Service have opened regional megisters te w-hlcb enquiries about air raid casualties and th 'r rela- tives w-houe home addmess lu in Use counties served by these regis- teme sbould be sent. For Civil Defence, Regioa 1: Counties w-hich, include Northsum- berland, Durhams, Notah Riding of Yorkshire, wmlle The Tyneside Council o! Social Service, 11 Rld- ley Place, New-castle, Englsud. For Civil Defence, Regions 2 sud 10: Counties, West and Est Rlding o! Yorkshire, Lancashire, Ch e shli1re, Westmoreland sud Cumberland, wmite The Liverpool Council of Social Service, 14 Cas, île Street, Liverpool, Enquirles to 34 Stanley Street, Liverpool, Eng- land. For Civil Defeace, Regions 3- sud 9: Counties, Derbyçhire, Not-- tingisamshire, Lincolashime, ýe1-- ctersisire. Nb'Uiampton sh i re,- Rutlend, Soke o! Peterborough, .Sbropshire, Staffordehlre, fore- fondshire, Worcestensbire, sud Wamwlckshlre, w-rite The Mid- landse»egional Officer, National1 Council o! Social Service, 19 Cal- thorpe Rcad, Edgbastoh, Biring-1 hans, England.9 For Civil 'Defence, Reglons 6 and 7: Counties, Buckinghamshire, Beksire, Surrey, Hampshilre, [ele o Wight, Glouceslershlre, Soomeet, Wiltshire, Dorset, De- yenCsud Cor0awall, w-rite The Bris- tol Couneil o!Social Service, ThseI Centre, Bristol, 1, England. For Civil Defence, Roglon 8: Caunties, Nantis and South Wales, write Tise Seuls Wales & Nom- aoulbshire Council o! Social Ser- -vice, 118 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, Wales. For Civil Defence, Regions 4, 5 and 12: Counties, Cambridge- sire, Isle o! Ely, Huntingdon- isime, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, N.orfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent, Sussex, London & Middlesex, Wnhte London Council o! Social @ervice, 7 Baylcy Street, W.C.l, I London, England. M tural Representalives, shows thet in Uic province as a w-iole,! there lu apparently sufficieni supplies o! gaed qualiiy seed afi al stand- ard varieties t e cci Uicdemand, oxcepi for a.possible sisortage la sonne of tise smsil seede. This lu alw-eys of course provided those roquiring seed secure supplies early w-ile Uic grain lu stil aval- able sud bofome -being fed te live stock or oiberw-lse diepose4 of. Officiels point. oui ibai w-th e shortage of trained labour the production of large yields on lias- iled acreages by goed cultivationi, judicious application - o!f -ertilla- ers sud the use o! simong, vigofflus, g lup see !sutbevah'etiqs, eornes prmut theUicpio- duction e!axmm rps iwith tise minimum o! labor in 1941. Onitarlo bas Uic seed. Every,1 Agricultumel Representelive bas a copy o! Uic seed survey Wlsich liste county by ceunty sud-..4is- trict by district Uic naines 'of those baving soed fan sale sud Uie quentity. The best advice ai 'the Departinent lu. ta sec ibis list et Uic office o! your local AgmIril- tural Repesentetive or *neareat seed cleenper in order ibat yOU maY locate your seed Pupplies eerly before Uie best eeed is pick- cd up sud w-bile pnices are sti veny easonable. At a meeting o! Court 964 Can- adien *Order o! Fonesters, Fred L van Lueven w-as lnitieted. The' Court' lso isonored Mor1eyEtcher w-ho is on beave. A n,*ber of. members o! Caurt Oshe*a were pýresent. Lunch w-as. sçrd. YOU CAN WINA CASH PRIZE -B'Y ENTERING THE - RtOYAL COURT WORD CONTEST Brush uin èu rour vocabulary and wln oneO of the CASH FRIZES. An Entry CarA wlth Every Tablet of Royal Court. WRITING PAPER These Low Prices for Two Weeks Only. SMALL SIZE TAULE! T FOLD-OVER SIZE For19 LETTER SIZE i9 For ----------- - - 9 PAPETERES 3 c.5 For - ,-------------- - ENVELOPES TO MATCH f For 9.--- . -- - - -.. c TRy THE NEW ROYAL ýCOURT. Johnston's Book Store Phone 651 omuil TRIBUTE TO WOMEN'S WAE WORK ORGANIZATION To Uic Editor of The Statesmian: Dear Sir,- As onc not actively engaged ln Red Cross work now, but keenly intemested just Uice saine, I would like to pay tribute te Uic work donq'in Bowmanville tbis past ycar by Uic officçrs and memnbers of The Women s War Work OrganIzation. As an ex- ample of industry, co-operation and rcsults, it' sle cmest eut- standing exanIple of effective or- ganization I have ever seen. Promn the chairman, secretary, conven- crs, and through Uic membersbip, they have worked timelessly, loyal- ly, and wlth no reward but Uic sense of duty .done. Thfs attitude might well be recomniended te other groups - asseciated groups in the villages around, as well as Uic Women's Institute cf Bow- manville have helped te greatly swellthUiimpressive list o! arti- cles sent - 7632 articles, plus 2496 lbs. of jam, inanai. It is planncd te have at limnes thmeugh thc coming yeam, dispîsys .of work donc, and women can then sec for Uicmsevcs how many things tiiere are which comc easily wihiln ibeir scope. ýt mây bc lack Of confidence in ibeir own ability, or it may be seme OUier feeling, that keeps se many of Our fdllow towns-women from helping, but if Uiey would only comne and off or te belp Uiey will be jeyfully re,. ceived and their help be mnuch appreclated. The council reom will be ope n Wednesdays, Thursdays and Frl- days of every week frein 2 te 5 p.m. for Uiis work and someone wlll always be in charge. Janet Jury. S IN GER S AN D THEIR SONGS Wrltteu scaliy for The Staiesman by weiliknown Durham-boy, Fred IL Foley, 123 Lake St., St. Cathrfue, Out. COWLING SELLS iTE BEËSI AND SERVIES YOJ WELL 750 U 9 Nouna Cutex vacuumn A.S.A. Crear Pollahes Boules Tablets !390 25c 39C 19i Ayersi10D Cod Liver Coulettes cap. on Righly Concentrated Cod Liver On1 Ideal For ChIIdrefl 50 capse 1.09 67ec- 1.69 100 caps -- 19 Soap Specials Lux - - - 2 for f Lfebuoy - 2 fr iliceo a Pamolive- 2 for oc Odex - - - 2 for go Caghmere Bouq. 2 for. lic Woodbury's - 4 for 24d Sick Room Needs Syringe Fittints - 39e Clinleal1 Thermorneters 50c - 1.00 Lysol- 350 - 650 - 1.25 Rubber Gloves - 23e_____________ Absorbent Cotton loc . 150 -.250 Gr<>vesl Bromo Qu"e 24o- Adheuive LaxgAolds.-----------u Tape- 10o - 15e - 25o Buekicys' Cold Caps - 35o Pluez P1nkhýW8' For Cern- Couths Pound 32e 07e Lactogen 6 9e - 1.59 Pablum - - 45o ~0~AiU ~t~sAjrO Castoin - 290 - 590 Haliborange -.79e -1.35 e - Mead's Viouterol 65e-1.75 Twentyn -25o - 50o Dodd'. fHot Water We Test Eyes end Fit Trusses to Your Entire Satisfaction. IN MI. QUALITY, STYLE A%»)PRaIC Ph95 P. R. C OWLINGI. hm O8 Prompt STANDING AT TEPORTAL OF THE OPENING YEAR This stirring sud chalenglag New Year hyma w-as w-ittea by Frances Rldley Hevergal, coeo! tise gifted sud devoled w-omen o! Eagland w-ho consecteted boer lime and bier talent te the seorvice a! bier Master.. -Hem father, Rev. William H. Hevergal, was a clergymen of Uic Anglican Churcs, a skilled musi- cien sud a composer o! over onc huadred hymne. So, much o! lier talent for meligieus poetmy sud music came - ta onlirby naturel inherhtance as w-cil as by educa- tion and enviroamient. Hon voyage over tésea of lifq w-as in a freil crait, but by bonr ciscerful devotion and consecra- lion, she masoe bove Uic handicap. o! w-oakness sud suffoning, sud lher hymne are expressions -of Uic abundani joy la Christian hife sud service. Miss Havergal died aetlise early age o! forty-twÔ, but Uic contri- bution she madc te hemr genona- tion w-ili meke-ils iniprcss on gea- eralions yet ta came. Homo are e ýew o! lier w-idoly knowa hymne: 1 ans tmusting Thcc, Lord Jesus. Truc hcarted, w-hale bearted. God w-Il take'came o! you. Tell il ouI among Uic heathen. I gave my lifo for thee. Josus, Master, w-hem I serve. Take my 111e sud lot il be. Hem hyma for New Ycar'e ser- vice w-il be sung ia Uiousands of churcses by millions of Christians at the beginning'-o! evemy yoar. The athers are in constant use among alI classes sud creeds. Standing et Uic portal Of Uic oponing year, Womds o! comfort mccl us, Husbing evemy fear; Speken Uirough lise silence By aur Faiber's voice, Tender, strong, sud faithful, Making us rojoice. Onw-ard, thon and fear not, Children o! Uic day; For fis word shall nover, Nover paso aw-ey. I, Uic Lord, amnw-liUiee, Be tiscu not efraid.; I wil help and strengiben, Be lbou nol; dismayed: Yea, h w-ill upbold tisee WIihMy 0wn nlghbo hnd; Thau art called sud cboe ha My sigist ta stand. For Uic year before 'us, O w-bat nicis supplies! For tise poor sud aeedy Living stieenis shall mise; For Uic sad sud sinful Shaîll is grace abound; For the feint and feeble Perfect strengib be found. Hle wlU nover fail'us, Ho wil net forsake; His etonnaI covenant Ho w-Ilnover break. Resting on Hie promise, Whal have w-e to fear? God is mîl-sufficleni Par Uic coming year. Amen. -Franees Ridley Havergal, 1836-1879. Dopartmant Advlýes 'Early Purchase 0f Sed Grain Lgrieultural Represenaives Have Copy of Survey Listing SosA Grain Supplies Ceunty By County - CompileA py Ont. ,Dept. of Agriculture Officiais Tise second annuel Ontario Sced Survcy cemplled by Uic Ontario Dopt, o! Agriculture frein infor- mation assembled by 53 Agnicul- t ~ j Across the loacup Whai eau be abeer thsn JO rust a! 1er a hard atternoon' s aopplint by ccrnfng aIe c ar tes roorn and chatting over the tes cups with your fnienda. The friimdlv &t- ~:$ Kme~emoppIbere' audA goci food are FILOWERDAL. E 15 Tak Hmeneof Qur New Souvenr Menus THE CARTER FAMILY BAKERS FOR TWO GENERATIONS Phone 85 5. ewmiauvUie 7Xese 11471mes 4will ydmà- ut w 1 k vo Y plr*l POUR ýHMDAY, JA : -0

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