Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1941, p. 3

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THURSDAYY TmüLAny m",1941 MME CAADIAN STAiUËMÙM, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L. AsISeeit.I By Capi. elmore Philpeit U. S. AND US Several ai Winaton Churchiill' statements ai Uic past year have alrcady passcd inta Uic halls *of literary lImaortality. fiausands ai Yoars hence students may stilI read, with awc and admiration, Uic 'Oratians ai Pendces hi Uic golden age ai Athens; Uthymay translate Uic great speces ai thc leaders ai impcrial Rome. But Uic living words ai Churchill, as well as those ai Hitler Mussolini and Franklin Roosevekitwil be hoard in their own accents, fÉroin phanagraphic rqcorda and nat fram Uic pages aic some book. Churchill's words wiil live, not anlY because, on great accasions ho has isen almost t te Uic ghts tauchod by Lincoln et Gettysburg, but bocause Uic words themacîves were missiles in this'battle ai thc ages. Like broadsidea from a bat- tle fleet they are >deliberatlly tinied and definitely aimod. If Britain bas won Uic admiration ai the world in her defence ai Uic citadel oi froedam it la partly because a great and wisc leader aiiered his people nathig but blood and tears and tail and sweat when ho told the warld Uiat Uiey would nover surrender but de- fend every inch ai thoin island homo at any cast., In my opinion Churchill nover uttored any groater truth Uian when ho said, in scnding Lord Habliai ta Uic United States. "fie future af the whole world and the hopes ai bnoadening civiliza- tian founded an Christian ebticu depend upon relations between the British Empire, or Common- wealth ai Nations, and Uic United States-oai America." Wards sahi- Ian ta thaso above have been uttered sa many tons ai thousanda ai timos as more platitudes that it lu difficuit for some ai us I Canada ta realize Uiat they are naw thc expression ai a most pro- found and fateful truth. At ai- Most every international gaUier- ing in. North America, at least since the advent ai Uic "service"~ clubs, we inevitably heard about Uic three thousand mile unde- fended irontier, and friendshlp betwccn the English spcaking peoples. It Was aîl like Uic sing- ong aihUicsangs'-just part ai UC pragnam. But now ca-aperation between Bitain and the United States han became a living necossity - samcthing whlch nat pnly muet, be accompliahed an a scale iitting ta Uic noeds ai Uie actuel world situation - but accompllshcd un- don the pressure ai vanlshlng tume. fiase peoples ai Uic world who anc stiil froc have ta unite ta maintain their froodain or cIsc thoY wll have ta try ta unite *1 under trrniic handicaps at sanie Urne in the future, whcn more ai 9us have gone Uic way ai Narway, Uic Netherlanda and. France. SOUL GOES MARCHING ON VàeUier we Canadiens know it or not w. are wltnessing at close range anc ai the mait titanic bat- tles ai ail time. Someone has said thgt in Uic lust analysis hils war la a battle for the soul ai Ger- niany. Ita autcome wiil decide wheUier Germany becomes the western frontier ai a new Aiatic civilization - not Uic Asia ai China, with its laughtcr and lave ai home, but ai Jenghis Mhan, Attila Uie Hun, and al Uic other ruthleas namads who came sweep- ing aut ai Uic east ta burn and pillage and rape and kiR.I. h Uink that is anly hali the stary. What happons ta Germneny might ho described' as the negative side. What is more important for the world lu what happons in Uic. United States. As wc listen ta debates an Town meeting ai the Air, oir read reparts ai speeches in the U. S. press me in Canada cen sense for ourselves the gravity ai the issue. What is at stake is whether the United States is ta take her praper place in the world as it actuaily lu, and set abaut shaping it according ta her oWn ideals and traditions and hapes; dr whcther the United States la going ta try ta do what aîl Uic rest ai us tnied ta da tab long - ta live ta aurselves and for ourselves. fiat lu why I think that there la an issue in North Arnerica fan mare important than whether 'or nat Uic United Statcs cames inta thc war. It lu whether Uic United States la ta came into thc peace. Indced, Uic minute that the Unit- cd.,Statc*, as a nation, decides ta camÏ inta the peace, with ail her welght and moral iiluence, she wil have donc more for Uic win- ning ai Uic wan than anything she could ever do with rifles or bayonets or bomba. There Wano hope for Uic warld, in my opinion, until Uic people oi, Uic United States recagnize that those imniortal words in Uic 9 reamble ta Uic Delaration ai dependence mean juat what thi ay~. The soul ai John Brown rcnued ta die at Uic Mason Dixie liTfe spirit ai Jefferson; Lin- coln and evcry 'other genuine democrat could neyer ho *halted by any threc mile limit. If, as I' believe with all my heanÏ,theUi spirit oi Anierican demacnacy la anc ai Uie zmast vital Uings in ail Uic hlstory ai man It la a reallty for Uic future far more thani for Uic past. Mature América muet "«write its awn ticket" for warld Jan=" . iiufult Jilco2 u 17c uftowiKETCHUP .i. 2 1»u*. 35cm 37A LARD 'M ol8< rtToto Julco AfIP' 31i*,I 2c ykg. 73" e, oEmaI4GPIlOm AUU S lic %~-a*.42,, n bgo~a 2 no no lp P o rk a l& u0111 ».. M. 8 c FLOUR 'SEOITEMrntNç2 a'. 2,3c 7-lb. Bag 2.5e Puant latitàLm se21c 24-1b. bag 8 S 3e à-nu 98.1b.Bag 3.19 BUTER b".6c Rumw HOST1b. 25e DIMIDh HOST lb. 19e SHORT à M HOqsrT b. 28e IPORE &OufaS=w.d . lb. 2e=to 1Jb. à25 poUR SE8 LD1S u'Ufn b. 25c BACON IREAKFAST-SLICED RINDLESS ilb. 33C CQFFEE BRA viooatous 8*11'INEr Bokai 1.Bu39c NMW an LLOWc 8 O'clock,-, 35c nm-e WICH MaiS ÈU-»Dhin OUIhNUI t& 12C RedCkeIe"'31c ô lANE AK1i24 w e-2 Freah Fruits and Vgotabla RANGES rtmma -tww29c 3"ime7< CANNOIS ONTARIO GROWN 3IaS F>âîwfl ao'l Zfor 9c Y'anSgs1fiev3b. owmd Moo "oï . hetmé. 'il deocr c iUcfture, o Ui tctwilneyer b. witenan thc Anierican way ofi lite wil go down in hlstory as a blind alley. Township Council DA41MGTON COUNqCEL fieiaugur'al meeting ai Dan- lingtan Council was held on Jan. 1MU with Uicenicinens elect al pr 'et Reeve W. R. Pickel pr- siig Rev. W. Rackham dcliv- erda very appropriate message ion thc occasion. Ater Uic open- lng cenenionies Uic coundil ad- juourned ion dinner. At 1.30 a'dlack business was rcaumed. Communications were r e a d froni Ontario Good Roade Asso- ciation, Ontario Municipal Asso- clation, Association ai Rural Mu- nicipalities, fie Navy Leaguce. and Uic Sîck Childnen'a Hospital, vhlch were iiled. on motion ai R. R. Stevens and L. C. Pascoe Uic Salvation Army vas given a grant ai $10.00.' fie Clark was lnstructed ta arder 7 copies aifie Municipal World. C. M. Carruthers addneused Uic council ne grant ta Wan Savings Committee ta help defray.expons- os ai advcrtising. Caundil grant- cd up ta $12.00. fiese By-laws were passed: Appointing Auditors, G. F. oAnnl and E. E. Staples; Park Commis- sion, Reove, A. Petons and, F. J. Groat;.Board ai HealUi, Dr. C. J. Austin, M.O.H., W. R. Pickcll and C. M. Carruthers; Sanitary In- epector, Sydney Kersoy; Assessor, H. T. Petons; Weed Inspectar, Si las Williams; Luvestock Valuetors, F. B. Glaspdl and N. J. Waadlcy; Schol Attendance Gufider, F. G. K eralake; To authorize bornoy- ainLf$20,000. oad Supt. presented bis neport. floue accaunts wcrc ordered oaronto Stamp & Stencil Ca., dog taga.ïï--- &----$ 21.62 Toronto Haspital or Cons., J. Dart .-- --------- --- -- 6.23 Ontario Hospital, Wood- stock, J. Penkins 45.00 IP .Bam eif4.00 Bell Telephone Ca., ser-. vice charges -- 3.58 Canadian Statesmiop"- printing, etc. 45.48 Prov. Treasurer, Insuliui. 8.40 Dr. C. E. Wilson, Pneumo -Thorax rouilIs ..... _ 8.00 J.' D. Hogarth, excise and postag.... *- - 3.00 J. D. Hogarth, transporting J. Pollack ta Wetan and. J. Dart froin Weston ta Cbourg 15.00 ]. Pdduck, relief . -- 7.07 Miesa E. At. Hoît, relief__ 9.00î Sheppard & GiII, relief fuel 15.50, $189.88 Cauncil adjourned ta meet Sat- urday, February loti ai 1 o'dîock. J.DJ. Hogarth, CIerk. Sirois Report ' Explained. To Farmers on Droâïcast Bakerau.d Pewler Speakers U. S. - BRITISH UNION The moment that. Uic United States decides ta came inta Uic fea - (s dstinguishcd from coin- mng into Uic wan) - she will In-' efvltably move toward adoption ai the essential part ai Uic Union N w plan. That ls because Uic plan itsclfIsl based on common- tsense application ai Uic principles ai demacracy tte Uiceld ai in- ternational relations. Why la Uicrc such a deep-scatcd tradition i he Uictnited States against forclgn entanglements? Why daes Uic average Amenican, ewlthaut regard ta iparty affilia- 1tion or iarnuly backgraund, almast tautamaticaily believe such say- ings- as Uiat "Arnerica, iiever last a war or won a peace"l? Why lu the average Arnerican such an ineradicable distruat ôf inter- national conierences, especiaily hcld in Europe? Because experi- ence in the warld oi power poli- tics has canstaptly deeponed American distnust ai Uic procesa ai international diplamacy. He remembors, for instance, what happened ta the 14 points ai President Wilson's peace program in Uic last war. He wauld like ta say, for ail time ta came, "neyer 1again". But bitter experienco, administercd by Uic Nazis Japan- ose, and company, slowly. buý in- cscapably tcac;hhlm Uiat, haw- ever much he might want ta leave the warld ta itscli, the world re- fuses to recipracate. That is why I believe that Uic American people are an Uic ove of making a great dclslan! That if they cannot fit ita the aId International picture, wli satis- faction ta Uicmselvcs, the thlng ta do is ta change Uiat picture. BARKIS 18 WILLING It scems ta me, as: dean as dry- stal Uiat; if, as, and whcn Uic United States makes up its mix)d ta Uirow its full wcight into build- ing is own panticulan version ai world order it will iind Uic Bri- tish Commonwealthiwlling ta meet its wiahes at lcast hali way. Naturally Uic gavcrnent ai Great Britain lu nat gaing ta make any public appeal ta Uic United States ta enter a federal union wli it, especilly whcn It la fighting for its very existence. I ha ppen ta know Uiat Uic late Lord Lothian was a fqrcnt be- liever in Uic principle, Uiaugh nat necessarlly cevcry detail, ai Clan- ence Streit's plan for union ai the Uited States wlihUic six British self -gavernin g nations. N e v e r once, while h e was, AmbassadorE ta Washington, dld he say o pub- licly. ARl that an y such resptn- sible British leader caudsy under present circumatanae, l sameUiing like "Barklianla wlil Manwhile it scema ta me that Uic mast paintcd wards i Mr. Churchiil's latest speech about U. S.-British relations la that warnint,.oi failure:. "If.coapera- tion .. . were ta fanl Uic'Br"s Empire might hew Uts way, through and preserve its lite and strength for Uic Inevitable re- 1 newal ai Uic conilict an warse 1 ternis aiter an uncasy trce .. . But Uic chance ai setting thce march ai mankind alang the' ilghnaads ai humnan progress would be lout and might nover rcturn. Wo print herewlth Uic complète text ai the braadcast whlch came avor 'a genoral Esterli Canada hookup during noon-hour an Thunsday, January MU. It had been wldely advcrtiaed that R. M. Fowler, Toronto barris- ter, wha was a membrorfaitUi Commission Socretaniat, was ta jain with A., L. Baker ai Darlin~g- ton Township, in dîscusaing thc Reoat ion Uic benefit ai farmers. A iew haurs prior ta going oui Uic air, Mr. Fawler was offldlàfly, natified ofi4his dismisapi as aone oi the counsel on Uic Abitibi ques- tion. Further reicrence wll be made ta this in onder ta Inforin readers who wene favorably lm- pncssed with Mr. Fawler when lie spoke neccntly at Uic Rural-Urban banquet at Blackstock.' Holadlines ioaturcd Uic dismis- sal but i site ai ruinons and implication ,the programme we±it ionwand as scheduled., fie text iailows: Baker - Mr. Fawler, Farinons i Durhamn Caunty, Ontario, are very much interested in these Smalas Recammendations. I'm .-a ianmers son -* and going u2' an4 dawn Uic "lback concessions as I do, I iind that ianmers want tà know what it's ail about. You were. wli the Cammission and have studied Uic Report. I woni- don if yau cen answer saine ai Uic questions I have. heard asked. Fowler - Well, Mn. Baker, I try.. Far h believe that, next ta lo war effort - ad indeed as pa oi it - Uic SiËais Repart is Uic most important mattor fading Canada ta-day. Ncxt Tuosday Uic Dominion-Provincial Conteronce wll start in Ottawa. fie resuit ai that contenance wlil, lai my opinion, affect Uic wholo future ai Canada - and wil influence Uic lives ai cvery Canadien fariner - and, hs children and grandchil- dren- atter hini. What's'yaur firat question?.1 Baker - Weil, Mn. Fowler, Uic farmers ai Eastern Canada have becn having a prctty tquigh- Urnie for ten yeqrs or more. Prices for farzm 'praducta have been 10w; ..asta ai may tgs wc have, ta buy have aven o ven .300 % sicc thceat'wan; taxes have been ris'ngstcadil. Daca is Sirois repart. offer any solution'1 for Xarmers, difficulties? 1 Fowler - Yes, h Uiink it daces; But firut let me say that. althougli I live in a city, h belicve that aMe: of aur' greatest needs in Canad to-day la ta mid a way ta restare4 thc fanmer to bis rlghtiul plac.1 in Uice Canadian earomy. B that, I mean we mnuit make trn Incaines compare in purchasin power wlth farnin hiaes ai 25 on 30 yeans mgo. Ta do that aur governinents inuit take effective action - they must intraduce miore effective marketing plans, they must impose taxes in a way9 that wlllnot stifle business, Uiey1 nust avald waste and incfflciency.9 In other words, Uic govérnnental1 nachine inuit -b madern, andi smioth-running and up-to-date. fie trauble with Uic Canadien machine la that It la old-iaahloned auid ineficicuit. It's auai wonden - for It was deslgncd in 1867 - more than 70 years ago, and there have been tremendous changes i Canada, i those yeans. We must enovate Uic machine - and change It, sa that It cen dope with modern conditions. This may secin a long answen to yoUr question but h believe the [armer in Eastern Canada must tink ai these thléigs when hoe isc loklng for a solution ai bis own 'roblems. Wc have an ald, inci- Iciont forin aigoverninont. Ifwe Rre to salve the farin prablem, th Ur4stP mstbe*to create a mnod- 1 rnefcin governmental ma-a Baker But what about this a1 ýurden ai local taxation, h mon- ci Joned a moment aga - dacs Uic tE irais Report affer any solution nl 'r that? I Fowler - Ycs, Uic Report sug- o"s changes hi Uic duties ai Pro- el incial and Dominion Govcrn- ta nents. Some ai these changes will n 'duce local taxes dincctiy - P% )hers wlil make It passible in- pl lrectly ta reduçe the bunden ai n( oçal taxes. sa iaker - First, what la the dir- th et relief fain local taxatian? fi Fowler - The Repart recam-ah end Uat the Domidnion take ,cnr al! unemplayment relief musts ta employable people eveny- S vhere i Canada. That means afi Lge saving in municipal taxes. su n 1937, for example, it w or Lave meant a lawering ai muni- Ipal taxes i Ontario and Quebec ai ýY many millions ai dollars, ai Baker - We've spaken about local or municipal taxes - what about other kinds oi taxes. Fanm- ers pay a lot of taxes - whether we know it or flot - every trne we buy a binder; a mowcr; a rake; a hoc; or a suit of clothes; we pay taxes. Does the Report deal with taxes generaily? Fowler - That's anc ai the most important parts of the Report. The Commidssion spent a great deal oi Urne studying and maklng recommendations about aur tax system. It found that we are ini a sort ýof constitutional strait-jacket as far as taxes are concerned. Our tax system is cumbersome and inefficient. Huge sumos are spent ,by gavernments every year in ýcoflect1ng taxes. People In differ- etpovinces are taxed unequa]ly. venr within a single province, taxes are flot imposed efficiently. And in a way that wHIi do as lit- tic harm as possible ta taxpayers. The whale trouble is that aur 70-year-ald constitution was nev- er designed ta meet the tax prab- [emis ai ta-day. It has ta be mod- ernlzed, - and so0 the Report ne- eominends a number ai changea n taxing pawers, ta make a fair and efficient tax systemn possible for the first Urne. Baker - Some litt2le time aga, Mr. Fowler, you said somcthing about thc relation ai the Report to the war. I want ta ask yau this question. Is it praper ta make hanges as important as these are Ln, war time? Fanmers every- wherc support the wan effort - 00 per cent. Let's hean your es- Lmate! Fowler - I think, Mr. Baker, it à nat only praper, but essential. if we need ta imprave thc ciii- eency ai aur gaverrnents - ta ivold wastes ai public iunds - ta =cease aur production - in cacetime, isn't it doubly neces- iary that we do ail those thingai t'atinie - and do them withaut Lmoment's delay? Wiil we ever ce able ta forgive aurselves,' if )ur war effort is weakened be- ýase we hadn't cnough courage o improve aur system ai gavcrn- nent and make it work efficient- There's another thing. Our war 1fort is costing and wiil cantinue o cast huge sums ai money. That naney must came irom Canadian *ople - for there'e no other lace it con came from. We must iot shrink irom making whatever acrifices are necessary. But I hink it is fair ta ask that sacri- ices should be borne equally by ,. That can only be donc if %Are ave a fair tax system - and as sald a moment aga, the present ystem la ver y wasteiul and un- qir. If we don 't make changes àch as thc Repart suggcsts, the nly thlng we can do la ta raise ur present scales ai taxation - much higher sales tax ior ex- mple which will add ta Uic price fevery article wc buy. Surely is foalish ta pay the increased Dts ai the war, by lncrcasing txes which arc already mIiefi- lnt - when we can pay for thc Pa i a much better way by re- isng aurý tax systeni as thc Ré- ort suggests. Debts are anothen ing - war boans must be rais- 1 - but thcy cen only be raised 1Utc credit ai Canadien govern- tents is maintalned. Do nat aver- ok Uiat iact. We must maintain ir national credit! Baker, - Now, Mr. Fawlcr, aur me Is ncarly up - but bciorc we op' I went ta return ta Uct psi on ai Uic iarm er in tUils wh l Icture. I knaw iram aur experi- ice how hard a row the' farmer sa had ta hoe, for many ycars. has beeni a story ai constantly ling income, and constanty ris- g oosta. There arc many ianm- w in aur caunty who have had Sbuy thein improvements and ty Uhir taxes out ai savlngs at thcy have guardcd for 15 or 1 years. Ii Uiey wercn't lucky tough ta have savings, Uic y have bne into dcbt. What lu the tu- PAGE L Don't. Be Surpriseci Don 't be alarmed when you ne *~e amazig 'values W. ian offering ini aur dresu department. W. have taken dremsouit of aur stock priced up ta $5.95 and are letting them go st bargain pricea. Pinest materials, anud latest styles feature tuba sale. Sises 14 to 44. COME IN AND ONT A GOOD OHOICI .Don'tMiss This Sale Dresses Formerly $5.95 Special Sale Price 31.095 finite help. How will Federai un- omployment leglalatian hclp Uic farmen? Fowier - fie unemploymcnt recammendatlans make it possible for the fiist time ta make a rosI, co-ordinated attack on unemploy- ment when It anises. Yau can imagine Uic sort ni unemplay- ment ditticulties that will anise when the wan is aven, and aur soldions are deoabilized and wan production stops. We must pre- pare for that - and we can only do sa, if we have anc gaverninent doing the planning instead ai a hundred separate local plans. This bas practical value ta Uic farm- ers - for uinless plans are made to meet future unemployment the markets for f arm praduco wil shrink. hIwo koep wonkers i Canada warking - we cen soUl farm praduce. Iwo want ta maintain markets for fanin pro- ducts, h believe we must provent serious outbreaks ai unemploy- ment in Uic future. fie Sirois repart shows us how ta begin that task.1 Baker - You mentioned mar- kets for fanin products - daes Uic Sirois Report deal with marketing jurisdiction? Farinons have had a tough timo trying ta abtain any workable marketing plans. What bas been the trouble and what la the solution? Fowler - fie trouble has been constitutianal. Marketing _.l1a w s were unknawn when aur cansti- tution was written in 1867 -,and natunaily no provision was made for this type ai leglulatian. Under this aId constitution, it bas been pnactically impassible for cliter the Dominion or Provincial gav- ernmont ta pass warkablc market- ing laws. fie Smalas Report ne- commends that there shauld be a simple clear-cut methad ta pro- ývide ion the grading and market- ing ai farm, producta, abraad and NEED A NEW SUIT? GET A CELEBRATED GLENCREST SUIT And look your bout, ln a made-to-meaiure hlgh quality Engllsh cloth suit. We have handled ihese suite for years and guarantce thein for fitiand quallty. At the Men's Department of Couch, iohnston & Cryderman Price Ranges Start At 325.0 COUCH JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN, Ltd.. Phone 836 mng 8~eet J turc for Uiese meni end women - and for their children? Fowler - Weil, Mn. Baker, h ho- loeve cveryone who thinks ai Uic conditions you mention, must have great sympathy for the fanm- er who lu faced wiUi these seriaus difficultios. I ran into much Uic saine thing in Uic West. AlUio' it's a difieront type ai iarming, there la Uic sarne stary, -in cames gono, buildings and equip- ment detcniorated, dobta mount- mng up yean by year. I dôn't be- loeve that either Uic Easten fanm- er an Uic Western tanner bas braught this candition about Uiraugh extravagance or stupid- ity. Ho hasn't - as a general nule - iarmed badly or wasted what moneh had. He bas been the victin in part ai international disasters and in part ai a national tailure ta face up ta aur own prabbema. Atter travelling with Uic Sirois Commission froi n a.side ai Canada ta Uic ather, it sooms ta me Uiat we Canadiens have fail- cd ta realize that wo are anc nation - nat nine squabbling like states. h think it la time wo grew up. During the asat ton yehrs there lias been tar too much fric- tion and bittefioss between Can-. adien governnients - wha arc ail servants ai Uic saine master - Uic Canadien People. Tao- da y there are toa many people i one province saying that Uic peoplei another province have in Uic past been iaalisb, an extravagant - Uic iact la we've ail made mis- takos and no good wiil camne ai raking them up. Cen we nat take a braad na- tianal, long-range view? Sureby it la not impossible ion Canaduans ta sec that if Uic condition ai Uic Western fariner la impnaved lie vil be able ta buy mort goa manutactuncd in Uic factorles of Ontario and Qucbec - and if those factonles' are busy, their warkmen yUll b. able ta buy and pay highen pniceà for Uic producta ai Ontario and Quebec farms. fie Sirois Report suggests readjust- monts whicb vil inprave Uic Canadian systein and give advan- Get an with Uic van! OLiDSMOB *THIS YEAR chaosie thecar ailorod to suit the. tempuo of the .times-Oldsmobile's "Special Six-the car that pute you in the big-car cimu esi fine-car clais, thé. moden&. car clans, at a pice within your popular- pnriced-car budget i With ats extra uix. - .ith its extra ce ot . . . With its extra power ... its Styleader beau*ty.. . ite inbred quaiu>..Aid with H dia-Matic Drive naw available ou ail madls. .. this great Oldaumobile is thc car for thse farsiglatod buyer-"tho car ahoad", built ta give y'ear after year of modem motorine, yot priced right dawn. Sec it ; . .rve i-. . taday. tages ta Canadians lui every pro- vince - each UneUic advantage wiil bo passed an ta other Cana- dans, wherever Uicy -live. Have we Uic vision and courage ta mec and grasp Uic advantages that Uic Report offens? Baker - You upeak ai visio and courage. Let me say this: No citizemofaiCanada have dlearer vision oi aur preseuit and ultiniate degtiny Uian fanions. Na citizçho have shown greater courage duar- ing continuing dcpresuonand present wan. FP = p aigene ta factarice. fMMIlsnd faiacresl wiil lie 1dIe this year. Ta-mory vo se minlaters meeting at Lon- don- considering ian problems. 1Iam c arged. by famalong., this watning ta political leaders: "Do nat truIfe wli fanonrs or fanm prablemo! Do not seek tai- trude politics inta this great ques- tion ai Dominion-Provincial rela- tions. Ta do so invites political oblivion, for party limes, mn tammeni, are gone with Uic vhSg HYDR/ý-MATIC DRIVEý fully UWM-t ,4-q.e.d qemeh . l mobiles mHv*MohleDrive k dme weaI's bu a" oly - --- - --- bo. t simpuife 4,v- lfSPEcl& Roy Nickela Courtice BOLD "IATF Il 1. Men 's Department News . 1 PAG]c i It c t b 19 ri Khw Street c ic c c c c c c c âmg 1 il v

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