TtflJI~SDA~ JANUJ Esa"blishel 1854 AN INI>E#ENDENT NUWSI"APER With whleh are Ideorziorated The Bowmanville News, The Neweaatle Ildependent, and The Orono News. 85 Feues continnus service to the Town Dowmaavllle #Md Durham County. MIC'MER Cauadian Weekly News»Ppers Assoelatli ansd Clans A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIP'TION RATES U.00 a Year, strlotly ln advance. $2.56 a Year ln the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Siot and SIug Machines A Toronto paper, iu scare Ijeadlues, scrêarned the news that Bowmanville tawn council pifoposed ta continue licensing- what now la facetioushy sud fatuously terin- ed i"an Msemet " machines, better kuown as élot 'machines, alias "onc-armmd bandits." This was bad publicity for flic law abiding cîtizens of Bawmanville. If wris advertised that althougli every siot Smachine in town had been rcrnoved ince D- 3ec. 31sf ou the order of Chief of Police Venton, Bowrnanville town council propos- cd ta continue ta defy the 18w; that, know- iu hsforrn of accepting rnoney is illegal, fltawn fathers (in niajonity) like Lot 's wlfc, loeked brick sud fook a chance. The questien rernains, "Haw rnueh?' The price of dislioner irat year was $50 per Miachine, the fatal license fees being around Onie operator is repanted ta have said: "If >~tley make iL $500. penrnmachiie I caxù afford to pay if. " Upon the 1940 basis, this would yicld $8,60Q. Why be pikers in crime? The Statesman, iu a recent issue, toek* the stand agaiuet discrimination. If we lieunse any, thon iceuse ail forma of gambling. There should flot be anc local law for the rich against eue' for fhllwly. Many citizeus -have expressed surprise, and wc rire with thein, that Deputy Reeve 0. G. Marris wlio sponsored flie lead in sup- por't of Iicensing siot machines openly stat- ed ieuncil ".We aire not partieularly cou- cerned with the moral aspect et this ques- tien." T~he Stritesman's stand le unaltenably lu opposition ta coepromise with inmmorality. -Ansd that is the 'issue, purely sud simply. 'W. would suggest that a deputation of cifi- zens wait on ceuneil rtit is ucît meeting or petition council rt once, expnessing their opposition te granting licenses te miLo machines iu Bewmanviile. Federationet, Agrieture There is in existence teday in'Canada, a tanrner organisation known as " The Crin- *dian Federation of Agriculture." It la an #filiation of farmer organisations tram trfôast ta east. It lias grown steadily with- oùt aid or advice frain gavernents. If lias relied solely upon its own funds, sud foday eonurnands respeettul attention. Within ifs fold are seven provincial chain- Ybrs ad tederatiens. 'liere are, in Ontario, feurteen agriculfural associations with *rect affiliation. Beside ail these are four- tÇMaiCounfy Federations in Ontario dircctly ylièIied with the Canadian, Federation. ýAU eto which is lierewitli set forth with flic id4ei of urging Durbamn Caunty te create a ]D urham Federation. Particulars as ta pro- oplure aie carried lu anathen column. ýN1 vew of conditions generaily in this '4 tp pzrihould be taken st once teon- -eal us alreridy bave been voted by -oàeot«two local organisations. Prokvincial politicians lately seisiug upan ex*ituation long known ta thein, bave soaglit k, ",to boost thenuselves and enibarrass Ottawa, 3) p> heuting: "Farinons ougbt ta organise "S F40rners' Union." Muis bas eonfused mauy farmnens who have "e if this mcmis a farta moveretet flic heFedenatien. , -n u T ý,1he fineie je ere te o, m a Durhiam Fed- e~C Income Tex Provisions W*e would particularly draw to the at- Étion of our readere the advertisement fiI appeared ini lait week's issue, insert- hy the. incarne tai division of the dcpart- mt of national revenue, and outlining the wr iýistîlInent plan for payment of income w. Ko 're people in Canada wiil be required' ,lMy iaeome tui this year than ever be- M- în na who have neyer paid it'be- M '*lM tbUéi earb.paying it for the firet ~dam,Ukei their fellow citizens i rt ýoC Lii empire, ire making every q 1 0S~ to speed the day when the io4 forcew finally and permauently =wunrliped aggressors of the Oto ruImd oiptries; -and bring freedorn > 4ontodo peoplea of the ravaged ~fi u~toI! of rope. With neutral U.S. 4-ed»g. evx'yôft to help our -cause, ciea of eacuntry must do bis Pâ afihevna el m Lt of inco2fl ,7M 4 htthe~ Autbs i wie vaut.age of tbi b ot iterest, 76P gi7. In thibwd referred the ine vor simple la LIt telle yoixi mie tai. it temI, Lto pay it, and Ma.-or worn. w miade possible the tus by installffients ypths. Now it should ag choice of the >~s.If -you are to Sand without pullst,,à!tart payment -Up~t ta which on bas set details of 7d ôaccessable o~.ud when, iui41 yOi'tai 1 or nt The Statesman Iatbely carried an a( vertisement of TPhe Pioneer Brooni (3orn C of London. An agent of this company je no, in the district, seeking to -book aereagi under contract, for the production of, brooi corn. This is a neW proposai- for local farmer just as was the growing of tobbacco ini Du ham. It appears that brooni corn bas bee grow'n for some years in Western Ontari( The product bas been handled by the Con pany at local plants where grading aný sorting takes place and broojn manufac turers buy from the=. The matter was discussed here on Satur day at the Crop Improvement Associatior Letters were read shownig that many farm ers were dissatisfied with resiilti, but Di McRostie, the guet speaker, suggested ths there should bc no objection to experimeni being made locally. In accepting the advertisement, Ti Statesman in no way either endorses or dis approves this proposed innovation. Our stand in the inatter, as iail sucl proposai having to do with farm produe tion under contract i5: Read your contraci before signing and make full enquiry con cerning the whole proposition. Few Facts en Municipal Affaire To most people statisties art dry and un. interesting, but to citizens interested ini civk administration they 'will find an impres- sive story perusing in the 61h annual report of Municipal Statistice for 1939, just issued by the Ontario Department of Mfunicipal Affairs. Thne report shows that the taxable assesse ed values for 1939 amounted to $2,968,000,- 000, an increase of $35,000,000 as coinpared with 1938. The per capita assessed value a- mounted to $862. The ainount of municipal taxes levied ini 1939 reached the staggering total of $114,- 0,00,000, which was 82,000,000 less than the aniount for 1938. The municipal tax per capita amounted to $33.18, while in 1938 this amounted to $34.29. The« taxes levied for sohool purposes in 1939 exceeded sehool levies of the previous year by $97,000. Througtout the province the percentage of the current levy for 1939 colleeted was 84 per cent. Thus it will be seen that each municipality ha& to be high up in the eigh- tie. to have above the average collection. It is encouraging to. see that tax arrears continued the downward trend and at the close of 1939 amounted to approîimately $35,500,000, or $10.30 per capita as compar- ed with $38,7,00,000 arrears outstanding at the close of 1938. The gross debenture debt also showed a healthy clecrease ini 1939,. amounting to $388,200,000 or 81-12.75 per capita as coi- pared with the total of $404,300,000, or $119.11 per capita debt at the close of 1938& This represents a net reduction for the yeir of over $16,000,000, whîch has resulted in the Ontario municipal debt being reduced to ite lowest figure ince 1923, at the end of which year it. amounted to $376,500,000. Sinking funda on hand at the close of 1939 amÙounted to, $63,3000,000 as compared with $61,700,000 at the close of 1938. Thus the net debenture debt now stands at $325,- 000,0Y00, or $94 per capita, as conxpared with the net debt of $843,000,000,0 or $101 per eapita, at the aloi. of 1938. Theavrae abat Shol t-ýatede th Wntr aI a O- regrat teydou't worry. On tendance fer tue pust year was 140. tawa sud vlalted tnieudsaut Lyn Sundsay e weeout sud s plece 75Ç Eich wihamembenshpo 208 wblcli and Wales. et shrapnel cime down juif bo- repreicufs 85 familes. - Enniakilcun: W. sypathhze with blud us sud et ceunse rcd bof. fi New Haven: Peter Holleubeck, Unir. Wm. Ok. ln the deafli et ber You csu't fouclu If, se If would Osha2wa Laundry & Dry Cleaning, thc German plureneboglat, gave an aiter lira. T. B. Holdge. .. F. W. buru ai well. Diana wcu te see interesting lecture on Success lu Lee han taken Mlra. Lee ta Toron- what ize if was. That D- plane Comaw iiu Lite lunfthc scboei bouse. Mauy 'to te consuit ai apeciala. . . Thon. laIf sill roaming round adsund . * 1 eCi o ev dlaim thaf h. ha equal fa Fowler McOhII taught Uic adult Bible 1 wiah ho would clear off but ur ?r 'bou l»u sud other renowued phrenolo- ýçhs Sunday. figliters whilmoen corne i enpeef. 1 TWO TECAKADIMi STIUkA, BOWMANVILLU. OITAEXO Milk and Cream In another coluzun we give a, brie£ si mary of the nesuits of the London, Ontar coufereuce. The conference resulted fri protesta over the pegged price aon butt When the Wantime Pnieu and Tre Board suddenly fixed a maximum pni witb no provision for a Minimum, a etcl of protest naturaily arase frein outrag .producers. Mno. James Gardiner was fore hurricdiy ta iay aside bis War Servit regalia and don bis lang unused Agnicultui foga and agreed te meet farmere face face rit Landau. payrnent of income je Lhrewing maney a, if he t ails ta take advantagc of the1 presented, s0 the wisest thing is ta tal liff le fume off and study the advertiscz thoroughly, s o that a proper understant ef the legislation migbt be ebtaiued. Durng the comingyear there arc, g f0 bc many calla upon your pafniofisin.7 will be asked ta support flic warisavings tificate drive lu February. Yen wiIl bei cd ta assist sevenal war charities in monfli of March. You will be asked te wan bonds, and there will be athere upon the average man tbrougbout the y To be able ta pay incarne fax in mont installmenfa in a special pnivilege, snd ci citizen, hable for incom.e tai should st the plan, and make arrangements te ti advautrige of iL before the end of1 month. Rerid the advertisement and find if yeu have te pay, liow to apy if, and fthc other details cannected with inceme 1 The Question of Broom Corn pelan 4"___ E The Folly of Gambliftg nent t W Oi v ifiOntrioedlia TernMe jo,(ny Grenvile Kliker) hng R. R. 6, Enwrnanvllie I don't sups'ouscruc hxai l o, Talleyrand, slle owed the bank five hunidred oing Sir.. alout it Ibute get a lvl rewasaskeci, "What Ithe greatest po1n.145 You W on te 1-nearly every dey. We have had p=esue i lite?" Re reple "o AUl formaet gamnblin are en- Ye eo h back Concessions" have followed your cors about 206 bomba wlthln a mile otfambeand wiii." When asked, ticlng, dlsappointlng and eiceed- cer- pretty closely, since yeu carne, like Young Gàlahad, ta unhorse us and it shakès the place, but "Wliat le the next pleasure ini ingly dangerous. They. lure the, ask. the talterlng Conservative'standard-bearer. stifi we are 0K. and still kcep lite?", lhe said, "«TÔ gamble and vitinme on with speclous promise the Ini ne waY can it reaaonbly be argued that you have not smilng. The "nasties" wiflbave laie." of' great gain, but I the. end, buy ffilled Maryt y O ur promises. Fariners everywherc i Otaio te drap a lot more than they bave eall viM Ithik, oncee te iô& ou ave ccoplihedanddonc ta g et us down. We had, two Many people otherwisc sensible everyoiie loues. rals i~UI hlkcocee icgod~yo hveacamlihc sdtey bombs about 200 y aa u reitrt ambdes.Herse- Garnbling ie any torrn iddan- wn istes f ou May ic frciront et the ho rell rincito fveld.k it f iniabed four houseq bu't other- racing, stock cxchange specula- gerous. Kcep at it sud you wifl ca.atmsae yumyhv ae.lyi ueyPrvnilted wisc ne harrn donc. No anc was tien, roulette, alot-machines - lbac net only yaur money but aise vhly Y11 are knewn as a mnan action. Yeu are aise knawn as a really hurt. - .Arthur. these tù-ive an the gullible public. your self-respect. It lasha- rcy man proue te ImPulsivèe&ss-axd this latter quality otten leads tag r i rsesavu-eu nsd disinteg ati One evil udy te grave sud sametimes Irreparable errons. .To Mr. J; J. Mille, Haxppton,. cd for th sel dulg nc Aday you "stkeail' an- sue. Lake And it la precisely this about which I new write. 1 shail speak frrnbi nec Llylulpdlngr Amseindlagented A'Avoid gamblg for thete rea- tis new for niysclf aud those Who> are groupcd about Me iths Carot hseerbuyEnlyn: sayng "I eacavoural ta Ucsos coutniy dwometm ondsusin o ustosofUc Dear* Uncle J.Ya Th: e war excitemeut et roulette sud theIc proposes te get uemihig for aut day sema e1b8Uc6min epi atth gaming rmont. The doctars say it's nothing or. for leas than. a tair' ax. dwnt S i 1876 1he ben sarelgub ie onmyretan hve, night moment buit things are rather good for my health." ;It takes money frein legltimnate va. dete thris dayI have bhéhnorfstuh LigBrsd hv nyr quiet this way. ,We have lhad a This la contrary te thc opinion channels and turne It te ilmpropenl vote oterwse.I hd Uc hnonet upprtlg Eward Blalço few bombe this way but I arn glad et thase who have closely watchcd es wheuher ircn arie th is aceny sudiIghave toll we r on esay very Bltte daiiage bas been men sud wameu playmng roulette. It 'breeds dianeggrd for -the désrthir WtirdLuirand a cknzieg Klg udshllneer done. Thirty bombe werc droppcd Here. lsa acase Uiat la typical: rights et pnopcrty of othera. desertnd theadtona anc day, and Miracle et mir- An English Society wouiaflbe- ILt misuse9 time. ar- ndI av spported,'tbe Provincial Libéral Party eit ail acies, there was only eue man gan te play the grime in a seem- It je ovcr-stiniulating and I- tri, tirnes right Clown to this moment. For soethiug like 22 years I killed. That was Uic noisiest day ingly innocent way. She would capacitates the anc who -garnbles rom haereldent confidence o e Mc ~uicipal electorate, as thein we've had se far, sud I hope *e linit hier niàk te a, pound, she for his work. let. repesetatvein MunicipalCouncils. And I have hadd Uic honor dou't get any. more like that. I thaught. But luck was against It breaks moenud unden- t o f contesting thla contituency as thc Liberal. standard-bearen for nealiy expècted te be blowu sky her, and seau she lest hier Pound. mines caatn rid Uc Povncal ane.high at any minute, but I wasn't Her crédit was geod, se she It reacta a taise idée etgain. ic, utsicelatMarch, wc Liberals in this district, have actually afraid.' I arn glad te be "beughî from Uic bank"l, hoping It encouragea a talse pbilosoPhyý rm watched your course Wxth grave appreherision jYo wetout ot ableto Say that Uic Germens den't te recover her ls sud then stop. et lite. gd your way sud out ofYour field ixi a gratuitous attack on Mac- bother tUim at home. At the bè- lHer luck tluctuated, sud seau' she kziKngadouflweitp.inig*fth izre It la ususily pramoted sud Qen- ýed kui igadyufloe tu.gnigo the rgtee was. Plunging tram oee oss into ductcd by persans et unacrupu- edI took Uic resolve then thât neyer weuld I tuntiier support were about a dozen bomba drap- suother, until she ewed Uic bank loua chanacter. ces you. But you seemed te recède from youn eutbunst sud hope ped in a field nean Ramsgate but one hundred pounds.. It bnings the anc gainblingito ial revived. mhen came tlhc Ottà<wa bye-electien with its ýover- tfley haven't bothered te drop any Iu a deaperate effort fa regain undeairable auraundingus ad un- ta whelmng majority, tollowed -by the meeting ofathUicOntario arouud that way since. When I lhernbas she beL the maximum, savonyasociations. Libéral Association. was visitiug in Ramsagate in Uic sud tiualy, at three o'clock in -the ItL15 tinchistiali it its cveny These seemed te encourage you in thc beiet that yo sa summer I waa lucky cnaugh te morning,--nenveus sud rçmerseful, phase. Mr edyu ldtm wy heýhthpeedYuaanb get'a tinut cdasview af su air ____________________________ tir. fhd yu ld turyn aay.peehenwha h appan ac oun unat battle. Six J'crrys were braught ta" forh mpusielylua seec wichwa anatackouMackenzie doWn that day sud gcc it wai ex- Our cars anc al ou Uic aient anly going ever sud saine are lgs King. Our réselve heneabouta la that thus ilaoeeMore nail ln YOur citing. We actually saw thrne eoftot-uight but I've net bast a uight's aura. I should thlnk there is't, political coffin. thein coming dowu. Qune was in sleep yet. Once I got up but went much ofthUicFrench Ports left) Now cames ta the front thse, Jsuary Conférence ou the Sirols flames, anc had ia tail kuocked back again. Some are up uearly this house shakes as they boMb the Récomniendations. Thei- reMramons that you may ýgo te thc off, sud the last was iu a spiral evenY nlght. It lai rot for Uiey anc there. - Ida. aid country on the issue. If se we , are ready ton you in a way that dive. I haveu't accu suything like___________________________ lier niay epe2n your cyes. that since. - Lily. red If there la eue quality Jhatfarinera poaleas, it la loyalty sud ice patniotiani. Wc wiii neyer permit any demagogue te stanipede us To Mr. sud lins. Jack Tait, of into sectionalism, particulanrly lun wartirnè. uElgin St., Bowmsuviile: re dWc have stnuggled fon the pait 12 >years making nQ headway Ralph ws an engineer an that i. c r O u t T h is A d ! ied andwe arc prepared te strugge saine mare sud make sacrifices, ship Donce Star which was suuk, has ta Uic end Uiat farinera evei'ywhenc May acieve a degrecetof but lucky ton mn, lie'left Uic ses cçouemice panity. We knaw sohiethiug et this Sirois Report. what sud went int o the shipyand te EAR eut this ad, bring on mail it lu with your order for on la ret stake la National Unity sud'fhe standard of living fer millions work just befone that happened. T200 on mare Bray Chicks befone the end et Jsuuary, et o Canadians and amy whines about.Ontario'a loua weu't malce He trsveiled Uic seau 10 years sud we will- sec that ýou get a cinculan Chck Guard, fre. any impression upen us for wsp take Uic long view.1 araund' New Weatminister, Van- ,i- couver, Seattle,. San Francisco, It's a mighty hsudy thing te have anound your brooder, thec on Se notice la senvcd upon yeu, Mn. Hepburn, that should-you btnyrgtyu s.Isc 'frtfwdy-ep ep~ecik ls eUc'amh on make this matter a political Issue, yen ýwou't get support frein butk la Uic . H. ur ar. TI se prs ent s hi cornea, ud eaiks flos o thdrafts., many old-time Liberals. It haa been srid in thc past that we JakolnteVd.Gad Ti rvnspln ncrera'bek lo rfs US hard-shelis weuld vote for a yellow dag rather than depart freon war la terrible, but wc can take td Party Unes. There may be a very few of that old acheel let. Le it. Anl the guns wcrc firing whle You deu't have te take deliveny et these 200 Bray Chicks t we wene trying te get te aur shel- i Jsany-just order Uiem. But Uic way thingsar c us hepe Uiey may not be forced in this province, oven thia issue, ter last niglit. Twenty people uhaping lu the poulti-y business, we believe it wouldbe g00à Dle te stuitily their conscience aud sustein that>old tradition. were killed beside us eue night, bsns i o aeUcpee qimu ehnl hm Yu truly, weget bomba otahUicbrick et us, butsc iv eIfy, hathe oe qipett anl h THOS. BAKER bomba ote cfront at US. t aedlvrto - Ex-Reeve et Darllniton Township. My ueighbon waa kiiled wliha Hampton, Ontario, Janusry 10, 1941. srain ob yuwudU k"One of the Firmest In Yearsl _____________________________________________ ft was coming night fan yeu, but Tou dan't have ta take aur be Increaeed when January i1 we have a lot te thauk b oGoodta. okatwatan.cear ulihd a-I f la ~~~~~~~~~~~sterrible wheu yeu fhlnk wrdorta. ooatht tcerepbje. o.I Km th D m md Dita t as bth la oer you. We wlilbe the Officiai Dominion Govern- "Storaý:egs have now been, 0 u tmuet b wnriglit. It Je Repont aays about ffor usa rthe rcientable e,1 P~ront Theistatemm n ies terribly dark rit niglit, we neyer go foaktha hag rneaf rae egg te be vl-t oij ut. You in Canada are bucky te Teputymre a hn-ueo trg mt elf have ne blackouts. Ralph wonka ed ver quiokly Into ane of the over into Doceniber end eVeu. - lot overtime and.At ta 5.2me theat exPerlenced In years. Into January, and thls bau b.d FJ T'EAERS AGO .'X'g.'. .. Thiere was a gild tUi-ite be ounflic alert for raids. We gLIeO~%~* iO4 n a deprnsig ifunê-'trte r-Ic lesuf t Ui eedlnghecoute a au.t are dellghted te knew whaf Can- De. Ya î , ,00,000 lbe. wbole egg market suaIôn. Bn Frolatntek The course n t55 sm rida lu doing in this wsr. Now it less tien - yea saco, with every This year,.the stal' eén 0. Jaauary 21, 1891 mle isp th a tbaond.. .Sntde l geftlg tfnme ta put Uic hot prospect that .the shontage will lderably ounder."0 whp fablon..SokwdUi water botties in Uic shelter sud Ta' togagmnlutit ne odcih n- ~~~~~~~Brou. arc -doing go okwt sec flirt al la wel lu case we have hVa toirgmns' t oodego cik î id Town Ceuncil: Mayor Allen de- their claver null. . te ru there, sîtheugli we sincene- (c.g., Bray Chicks) early? Usually, earby chicka psy best., e- iveed is nauura adres. J ,Sauna: W. Wcrry has becu on a ly hape mnet asI iamréeal tired te- Eaniy cockenels usuafly hif botter markets; eanby pullets arc ~- iveed isinaguri tri p nontis et Toronto niglit. - Hannali sud Ralph. fully devceped sud laying pnemniuni-sized egga by thé finie P. Rice was ne-appeinfed .H. S. sud brouglit horne a yaung pig ton r- Trustée; Chas. Keifli and' J. S. breeding purpoues. . . . Thos. pas- To lira. Gorthipnc, i egg m#arket begins dlimbing. Why net atart carlier tula i. Mearcnatt, Audifens; B e anr d et ceoet "Higbtieid Farm" bai pur- Bowmanviile: season? And ton 'a tiret step, tean eut tai ad, mail on bring . [1- HerilUi, Mayor, Clerk, J. Higgii- chased tfltaini of A. J. Reyuolds, Dean Ciccby, A Uine ta let yu it i with your onder ton 200 Bray Chicka (betere Jaui. 31) r. bathain, Gardon D. Fletcher and 50) acres- for $4,000. . . . 'Semia know we are safe as yct. We bad sud we w']] sec that yau get your Chick Guand, abaeluteiy t Thos. Hean; M.g.O. - Dr. A. Beith; acJlc las su atteudance of 65 a good many planes ever basf ftee. Sanitary Inspecter- R. Jarvis. 5cliolay?5. ulghf going on te,.Landau. They _________ tg Old Tisse Farmiag ln West Dur- dld net dropap sy lere but Uic. .Vatoe, hams - by Win. Wright: I con ne- guswr eylute ho ow manvilne. le nember Uic iast 40 ycans distinct- TWENTY-FIIVE YEARS AGX)ourgunswce amven bu, Ui shok eux boue ainuettenouh te shke the.Tyrone a- ly. If wcamritothsitrtmeic t e r omhe aIf down.. We have bossu given rab- L.Byam, Troe cleue cmefatu dstrct B- ro Te Mndia tatesman, ber pluga te put in eux éans, but I R. Lloyd St:ephenson, h with Uic old open machine. . . . I* don't suppose I shail use them ecate r- What waubd eux tathens have 'Fromt Dan Douglas in France: much. _ ________ Jak HuO-1n, roo thUought et a. manu sitting with We didu't wclceme Uic New Ycan If has been a littie quleter latelyJcOo. overcoat sud mitts on behiud a with bell ringing. I didn't notice because et Uic mists lu France. I flirce herse teain doiug liii fail anythlng but Uic crash et rifle rcaliy seemed funny withaut thein plougbing sud ne tired legs with grenades. The eld year paased coming'aven sud it was a great wa]king! Modern mac hi nenry sadly fer ust'or intUiclsat twe freat tego tobed in comfort with- would have beeu ne geod Uic days we lest twa et eux aid cam- ouf woudering whrit would hapý, fields were se ful of stuxups. Faîl rades, Rod Hanty sud Drive Lu- peu befone merning. They have wbeat was Uic chef crop - anc cas. But if la mat ali saduess hene anashed two houses a tew deena ma no Ureshed 70 bus. te flic acre. - bad a geed Iaugh Uic other day tram nme, we were in bcd about My father teid me wlien he kuew rt Uic expense et Major McLaugh- 4 a.n. sud were awakeued by Uic alUihe rses in Dalingten sud lin, noise sud shock, 'Our ahebter is - they did flot number' a dazen. Rev. Dr. G. C. Workman pays ful et waten se we have te atay b About 58 years ago lie bouglit a s worthy trubute te Dr. S. Morley luIc ie use sud take eux chance. d bag et grain tram John Semera Wickctt hi bis riddreaa rit Shen- They dropped quite a lot et J ou Uic saine tarm fliat his son bounie St. Church, Toronto. band mines aretmd here whch owns uow, eue mile crai t the Pt es. Milton Ssuderson, Floyd bent windows i, bbew seme et Nursery corner, snd started for Dudley, Will Rowc sud Hamblyn then eut sud knocked two bouses 1- Bowmanville with if on bis brick are taking a course ut SigualUing dowu. If neally drepped in a field te get If greund sud lest huiseif Sclioei, Kingston. but Uiey nake sucli a big crater lu th e woeds - travefled til night Hampton: The chieft tpic et that ne anc nean stands a chance. sud then turned UP in lus own conversation these days le Uic I saw anc floating in Uic air sud fleehive Golden falw - would nef have known Post Office appôlutinent. For I Uieught my bouse was going S rp 2 "e i b 9 Hopeutte ee fthi vote t rid rne w b oen rank arX. Cela +hel d cte own abong, you cohea then a .r Deoiclus n- ot1utee7 tos The two-day session was s0 hectic that]Y Gardiner sud bis aupportiug "expert have returned ta Ottawa with mauy thin ta think about. But the strange thing emerging frais.ti confereuce " was that uethig was ma about the pnice of wliole milk. Mir. Gardin missed a bet there. He could have counteri provincial paliticians effectively. The pri of creain bas kept puce with fthe prie., butter. But the pnice ef creani as contaizt in a quart of rnflk for city causumption i not maved upward' rt the same scale. And this is a niatter purely and simplje the doarstep of provincial autharitica. Ht, P. M. De;Van, Provincial Minlater et, Agr culture, escaped fthc bickbats-indeed,c the contrrny, he was applauded. On bebaîf of milk producers inu fl u fnief we suggest that Mn. Dewan uaw rimen bis shorteomingesud leud bis weigbt te sei uring for producers a better price for whcl milk. 1