Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1941, p. 9

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~EùEàflAZ JANLTARY 9, 1941 4- TMf CANADIAN STATlâÉAJ, BOWMA"VILE. ONT.ABO PAGE NINg Socal n'dPersona Sr John Tamblyn has been ill. Un.Eagleson Is i Toronto. îndCobbledick la on holidays. tTdronto. »hn Sii n s haebeen Mi. and M.ts. A. Cowmn, Toron- toý opent, New -Year's here. Ifrâ. Dirummond la visiting her father who la in. Miss Marjorie Sisson, Vlhitby, ha& been on holidays. Mis Thelma Mylea has return- ed to Whitby. Scouts met Thursday evening wlth .18 present. Hear we are shortly to lose Ed. Witheridge from our mldst. Mr: Thos. McNeil vlaited Mrs. Q.Martin. Ail. quiet now and back to normal after the #olidays. ..t Mra. W. S. Roy. and Margaret b, vlsited I Toronto. a Mr. D. M. Somnierville, Chi- - cago, la vlsitlng here. r Mr. and Mrs. K. Hall vislted ait tl Mr. and Mrs. Stan Payne visit- a, ed, friends i Toronto.A There are some new books et tc the .library., Un., Watson and Mrs. Gauld 0 have been on the sick list. si Mr. and Mrs. G. Suggitt and le Nancyr vlsited Mrs.'Geo. Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hammi, Pet- Tl erbôro, vislted E. J. Hammi. A A Anew lot of men start traning Y' next Monday. P Mrm. W. C. -Lynch was i To- Ù ronto.M Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. bi B. Robbins, newlyweds. o Mise Beatrice Hammn, Hamilton, ta visitei et. home. Frank MeMüllen, Enfield, was Bq i town Saturday. PC Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. CIE M. Conhish on the~ birth of a son. ad Mr. Chas. Wood was ai Lake- se field. Miss Ruth Lowdcn, Toronto, « visited, Chas. M. Lowden. 01 th Neil Wood leaves next Monday w] for Toronto. EC We welcome Mr. Tennant and th family to the village.in Dr. W. W. Sherwin visited i th Guelph. th Mies . Sm-Ath wasý awarded a Y'ý diplomna in connection, with the m Trainig School held here. Courf.ice and Oshawa played te, the firdt hockey ganie here F1- d8 day ulght, Courtice winning 5-2. rI Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carruthers SI and Jane, Perth, visited H.. A. du Mu RuÙth Trot and frlend, Port d8e * Hope, were guests of Miss Mar- !ni &gret Roy. wi V-Bowmanviile soldiers played th, r 'hockey at Orono rink Mondey as afternoon. R KCari' Flintoff required several ar stitches i his lèg Thursday even- er, Jndue ta a fail while being eh~ !haIsed. an Congratulations ta Ikr. and Mrs. L. Moore, Tyrone (nee Marguerite MI Million) a former Oronalte, on Y their marriage. at Congratulations ta Mr. and ]N& Li Alc1rea~d of Newcastle who weré bo ir 'r",, r NEWS HEADS PARK BOARD -RdCross Memnbes -. ,~- *,,.~Plan To Include Aid 7- 1 *,7- , Front Rural District Charles Mller Wha ha alwuys taken a keen in- teost in i native village has been elected President cf the )monc Park Board. ecenfly rnurried by Rev. S. Lit- tlewood, Orono. No. 9 Home sud Scilool Club are' putting on the pragrani ut Antioch Home sud School Club t-night <Tilursduy). A tmuck - ailegedly driven byr an Dronoite - ran over a dog on Main St. Tuesday morning, hurting ifs lg sud back. Ron Patterson leit Menday for romonto, wiloe he ha joined the Ar Force. Ron las the second Young Omonoite ta do thla hi the ast two menths. Vital statistics for Clarke Town- 9hp for 1940 show: Births 16, larriagea 20, deaths 40. These )irfils do not ,include those which )curred ini Bowmunvile Hospi- At a meeting of the School 30ard, John Tamblyn was ap- )ointed chairman and R. R. Wad- lell secrefary. If was deemed in- tvisable fo appoint an outaide icrefary-treasurer. Thursduy evening Mxs. Sander- !ck and Edwin were driving fa )rono frorn Clarke 'Union when, heim car slewed sud tipped ovex 'hile Edwili had the doax open. Cdwin landed ouf the d6cx under he car but sufiexed very slighf njumies. Mxs. Sandercock broke he glass in file car sud got ouf Lut way, unhurt. Dr.. McKenzie vas culled sud haif the neighboms n the vicinity rusiled ta the scene. Churcil services were well ut- ended ut Park St. Cilurcil Sun- ly. In the morning the choir endored file suthem "tînder the badow elthfie Almighty," witil &r. sud Mm.. R. Smith tuking the let part and R. E. Logan the hlo. Communion was udminister- d ut the close ai the service, dur- g wich Mms. Cilarles Tamblyn as xeceivod into rhembersilip. In .0 ovening the choir sang "Like sa Fafiler" wifil Mr. and& Mrs. L. Smith tuking thle duet in file if hem. At Sunday Scilool Rab- rt Huncock, Asst. Supt., was i Large. Over 100 weme in aftend- ice. Insfoad of a regulax meeting londay evening momabes cf file * P. Union ibId a skating purfy tOmono xink. In lucky spot skates .llian Fowlçr and escort won a ox cf chocolaites given by file inian, sud Marion Crago cf Bow- ,anville and escort won fthe box ývon by Mr. Watson. Thle escorta iere Junior West sud Johnny morester. Aitex skating the mem- ers camne back fa file Sunday ýhool reom wilere they enjoyed rokince and cilinese cheokem and Et soup and cruckers. Those who id flot* skate played checkers, a ox ai cilocoates being won by heen Jones. gil Fo Ibe Sc' ho dic Eil PURk St. Union. Viks W ay (Held over from last week) Tic Unil~ met Monday, Dec. 3th, and was in charge of Manley Lit- To RelieveMiuyofClds tlewood. Maria Hancock read the Mothmr everywheme au dwm0- crapture. Rev. S. Littlewood gave eng how easy It in to reɱev an intoresting talk on "Moral Re- IMley of colda wth ea "Vapoaub armament" dealing wifh the idea Maaage-reiev ooghlgans- that just as mllitary arma chang- culr soreflasagrytigflni5. ed ta meet modern conditions, so Wththlesmiorugh"*'a- each should re-arm morally, me, opoultice-ana-vaor stentening their resistance ta adtlo tekf Vafflub more modem ,temptationa. ly ~ A dedicatory service followed, VaPTU. *SIILlISehatand conisting of prayors by Mr. Lit- & ic or tlewood and Myrf le Smith, scrlp- ifhaaIRasulM eiffl * ture by Sam Keane, and an ex- 1 frInda a Vapo «=b planation regarding the awardIi TO ilvapom* asa o f certificates by the pastor. wWiiWlsbeelA-masffusg Certificates won at the Train- VBOub for 3 minutes OnU M. ing School were uwarded ta Miss- 10I au< I-àA or 0V aO es Steila Beat, Myrtie Tamblyn, ns Wfl as t anSfd cht - Bertha Cain and Margret Mill- çped a tblla 'pr on chUt, son and Mm. Glen Hancock. caver wth a>war=nie loth. E suaE ta use geulnslltm-uh It wpso decided ta send two dele- vzVICE VPOU gates ta the witem sohool at Lidsay, choosing being loft ta the Executive. *Oxeno Red Cross mnet Thursday evenig. Two letters af approcia- tion were moud, ulso a card fronm Dr. and Mrs. Manning wlsing fthe society succesa iifs work i 1941. A system cf boakkeeplng was peented so thut all sociefins would have the sanie farm. Treaauxror'a me p rt givon by Mrs. Murray showd a nice balance sud donations from file L.O.L. and Musons. Mms. H. Murray, Mms. Wm. Am- strong sud Mn. R. Forreatex Were uppolnted delegates .ta the con- vention iToronto. FolloWing a lengthy discussion regarding creufing more Intereaf in the Red Cross work autside af file village, if was decided thut Mrs. Wm. Armstrong cqnfact Home sud Schooi clubs or other arganizatians in Leakard, Antiocil and'Clarke Union f0 se if they 'would make 'if part cf their agen- da ta fake up some phase cf file work. Mxs. N. F. Portex's resignatian fmom tho inspection commitfee was. acceedwith regret, sud Mxs ohws appoiteci ta taiçe hem place. Mrs. Forrester and Mr. Porter also wlshed ta resign from the finance comnnittee but no ad- tion was f uken. Vitamine Subj.ct 0f Girls' Club (Held aven from last week) Members cf file Live sud Learn Club sud sevexal visitors were pleasanfly ententuined ut fthe home of Mxs. W. S. Roy on Dec. 31sf. Miss lv2llson moud a letter from Miss Eadie regandlng club mut- tons. Miss Anna Staples favored with a piano solo. Miss Margaret Roy gave an mntemestmng and i- structive tl on Vitamins sud Proper Diofs, The first dealt with necessary foods, the second wlth menus. To illuatrato the latter botter silo asked criticism. ai varn- oua menus silo suggesfed, sud hud tile girls foll wiat was wrcng with eucil. Miss Caxp.Staples fav- ared wlilh a piano solo, affer which a, dainty lunch was served by file hostesses, with Mms. C. B. Tymeil pouing feu. Misses Olive1 Brown sud Maion Cooper assist- ed in serving. A sing sang failow- od. witil Miss Roy ut fthe piano, affer whicil a vote ai thanks was exfended f0 the ilostosses by Miss Millson on behalf of the girls. PLAN RALLIES FOR WAIR SAVINCS Central Commiftee ai Clarke Wan Savings Orgunization met Friduy ovening ta propane fox the csumpaign i Febxuary. If was do- cideta womk along three Uines: First - scilools, througil a bunk- ig system. Second - Fruternul Spciefies, Home sud Scilool Clubs, Women's Institutes, Young Peepbo's Socie- tues, sud Scouts, getting theni ta pledge regular, investinents in War Savings Certificutes. STilird - Thraugh holding thnee rallies: ist, in Orono, pxobably Jan. 29th; 2nd, i Kendul, prai- ably30til, sud the third iNew- tonvlle, pmobubly 31sf. These meetings wll take the ionm of sanie kind of enfertainnient, ut viuicil admission will be the buy- ing of a stanip ut the door wilicil wll be tile proporty of the pur- cilaser. Ail people helping i rganiz- mng, *Spea U, plnig or enfer- ]mnngfr tilawerk are doing if fre of charge, sud their efforts should meceivýefthe co-operatuen cf ail.. Littar From Engiand FPolhowlng la purt of a letter* ne- celved by Mms. H. IR. Rowe fxrnm kmn iSaltasil, England: «II tilank God we have escaped any injuny to person or praperfY up f0 file present, in spite of air raids sud air activity evon direct- iyoerheud. Plymouthl hua sut-1 fere badly sevemul finies but aur iff le fown wilicil is on the other side of the estuary ha been mir- aculously free from. casualty or mut onial damage. There have been, some cusualties and deatis but each hua been due ta heurt fuilume due fa shock and. all1 among elderly people. There ha. been scrne damage te ibouse pro- perty f00. An acquaintunce hud ull is windows and doors blown ln or ouf and the cost of repuirig then iwll be moughly $500. But tile gcvernment i la lunching an Insumance scileme smon, wilereby vie can insure aur homes includ- Ing furniture againsf war damage at a 4 % % premium. We have a large nurnber of evacueos in aur caunty frorn axeas wich have been bombed. My duughter's achool ha nearly doubied i nui-' bers because of til. Hem staff hus of course been increased fao ta cope with the Increase ai puPils. I arn really fao old fox service anywhemo, but I arn ailowed f0 serve home wlti First Aid womk and arn urea commandant for Our district. But 1I aul not b. ashani- ed aifrny record for I have been tloing and feacing tiat klnd ai work since 1900. I, hope befare tic end ai 1941 tie womld wlll aguin be at peuce- a lasting pee founded on trutil, brothemly knnsjustice sud lianor, as mon shail learn them frm filegreuteoaf a aochers, banus Christ. Mr neotte If you wsut to be ealhy hop 'Thnk thouglits tiat are Id sud truc, And Uve for the. other fehbow ,And $ho good filat you can do. Weddings * Robbina--Loutheed The marriage taok place ciuietly, wifh Rev. C. A. Gowans afficlut- eng of %iss Mary Myrtlo Loug- heed, only daugilter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Loughoed, Tcronth to C. Rosa Robbins, only son ý Mr. and Mrs. A. N. JRobbins, of Lesard. The bride wbre a pettfy frock of turquoisecre, at- ing hat witi blue shoulder aveÎl4 ud corsage cfPik roses ana wilte sweet eas.5 The attendants were Mr. an Mxs. Alan Gardner fhie latter wearing cerise wo;i crope, wlth matcihig turban and corsage cf yellow rases. Alt ex a short tnpk, Mx. and Mxs. Rabbins will live In West Tarante.- To- ronto Star. Pearce-Patterson A quiet but profty wedding- was soleinnizeci ut Cilurch of Christ, Keele St., Toronto, on Januuny 4fh, wilen Myrf le Putterson, dau- ghter of Mm. and Mxs. George Pafferson, Leakard, becanie the bilde ai Albexf Pearce, son cf Mm. and Mxr.. H. R. Pearce, Newcastle. ReV. H. Phiilips officiated. The bride wore a becoming blue satin frock wifh whlite uccessorles sud lingertip veil, sud camried a bouquet af ne~cissi, snupdragon and baby's bieath. Bile wus ut- fended by fihe groom's sister, Miss Patricia Pearce, who wore a ruat taffota gown with brown acces- sories sud a corsage ai narcissl and snupdragons. The groom was supporteè by Mr. Elmer Fowler of Orono. Pollowing the ceemony a me- ception wus ibid ut thehome of fthe bride'. aunt, Mms. L. Builied, Humberside Ave., Toronto. Afex a short honeymnoon fthe happy couple wil eside ut fhe home of fthe groom's pargnts ut Newcastle. DIN AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Froni The Orono News of January 10, 1918 Election esuits for Clarke Township: Reeve-Fred W. Bow- en; Deputy Reeve-Fmankln AI- lin; Counillos-A. J. Staplos, M. J. Helman, Howell Rowland. Clarke District Orange I.dge met *ÎifilHartwell Lowery in file chair in file absence ai District Master Bro. John Lowemy. Lettons of condolence on the deafils of Bras. John Duvey, Capt. Gilbert Edwards sud Pte. William Jase, the latter two huving mude file s rme sacrifice on file field of landers, weme ormdenut to-re- latives. Officers elected 7axe:,.W. Dist. Master-H. Lowery:; D.D.M. -F. Grahamn; Chuphain - A. A. Colwiil; Flni. Sec. - Bd. Morton; Rec. Sec.-Thos. Smith; Treas.- Wm. M cL e od; D. ofC.-F. B. Loveih Jr.; Lecturers-W.,J. Put- ton, Loffua Bellamy.' Pulmer's "Unclo Tom'. èabin" cornpany was bllled for file opera ilouse home 'ruesduy nighf, sud a full house was promiseti. Tiley filed ta arrive, however, word being sent' ouf fiat they missed connection ut the caunfy's capital. Park Board M.mbes Discuse Means of Raising Money BlD LITTLE 25 YEAU IM GOODYEAE Lef t ta rlght: Superlntend'nt A. M. Hardy, S. Little, E. W. Crawford On Sept. 10, 1940, Sid. Little town's most important activities, .comPleted 25 years of service with being a councilor with many Goodyear. Ho is chief engîneer years' service and takig a lively nterest ini sports, espociaily base- at the plant. Born ut Port Hlope, bail. He has had soveral terme; as SId has adopted Bowmanviile as president of the Lake Shore hard lis real home and has for years bail teani and is one of the lpil- been prominent in soveral of the- lars" i the Oddfeilows Lodge. 25 YXARS SERVICE WITH GOODYNAR Loft to rlght: H. M. Cole, E. S. Varcoo, Supt. A. M. Hardy Elgin Varcoe, who la seen here duct Service of Mechanical Goods. being honorod after having cern- He now spends most of his time pleted 25 years at Goodyear, be- travelling for the company. gan 11f e right heroi Bowman- "Varc's" spaxe tiue activities are ville and must have beon mightily fishing, gardenig, skating and poasedi with the tawn for he is hockey - and perhaps we could tIni living happfly here. ?&. Var- include just stayig ut home play- co has had experience i many ing with his two fine childron, a departments but now la on Pro-, boy and a girl BRIDE AND GROOM Above i. pictuned a newcomer te' Bowmnanville Goodyear sud iWs bride. They weme quiotly wed ut the Unit ed Churcil pansenage in Franiville, Ont., on November 29th, vihen Miss Mabel Elizabeth Buchansu became file bride cf George F. Code. Bey. Keays af- ficiated. Resuts Chistmas Examinations Orono Continuation School Orono Parkc Board meeting was held Tuesday night, wlth Charles Grade IX Millex as cilairman. sud Charles Margaret Mackinnon 85.3 Tyreil as secrefury. Tribut e was Anna Staples -- --- 82.5 paid ta tic work of file lafe Dr. Alan Cornisil.h .- - 78.1 Coiville. R. RL Waddenl- moud the Carman Comnisil 73.81 treasurer's report silowlng bal, Shirley Myles-------72.5 suce on ilud -$721.83, receipts Joyce Lowery 70.6 $41.86, total $763.49; expendifures Thelmu Sweet----------- 70.5 ordmumry $45.02, expenditures for Jean Lageer 69.3 building shelfer $675.08, total James, Lowery 65.4 $720..10; balance $43.39. Audrey Tebble . ---.------- 64.8 .Wuys -sud nieuns ai raising Marion Camnisil. -----.. 64.2 money Àrero dlscussed. If was sug- Donald Goade ----------------64.1 gestéd that a sports day and pub- Audrey Billings --------63.5 lic meeting be iold sud thià wus William Ruthlerford-----55.5 leit te the Board. Chas. Tyrreli Jack, Coiville (abs. fox exarna.) radtecarmespondence. Chas. Grade X Wnler ment lened having a sup- per board sud tis was aise îeft Jean Paffersan----------- ---- 85.1 to -te Board. A1 vote of thanka Mur idi Tonnant ----------- --79.2 was niovoci ta R. R. Waddenl and Dan Cilmama ------------------ 78.0 Chas. Minler for ticir work on Jean Syer ------------------------ 70.9 file shelter. Shirley Portem - ------------- 69.8 H. A. Clarke, Chas. Miller> Chus. Suzanue Cook ------------ --67.0 Tyrmeil, A. E. West sud IR. R. Clarence Farw ---------- ----66.6 Waddenl were appoifed fa tthe June Gcode ------------------66.3 Board for 1941. Auditors are O. Neil Maffuf ------------------------66.2 W. Rolpil sud Mms. J. R. Ccopem. Marioxie McLaren ------------66.1 The caetaker, Mr. Watson, me- Bruce Chapman ---------------65.2 ceived great praise for the work Howaxd' Myles ------------------ 61.7 ho hud done in tic park. Velma Morgan ---------------57.4 Board of Directons met and Grade XI elected: President-Chas. Miller; Camai Staples_-----------------81.7 Secretary-Chas. Tyrroil; Trous- Carol Dent -------- -------_68.9 ure-R. R. Waddenl. Lenora Wood --------- ------ 63.6 Ruby Ailin --------------------- 63.4 James And ---- ------------- ---- 62.4 Obituary ~Bob Coor---------- ----------- 56.7 Eleanor Ransberry------------- 56. Mmms. Wm. Underwood Edna Myles ------------------------54. Bob Coatham --- -------- 48.2 Tic funerul ai Mxs. Mary Cath- Bemnice Colville <abs. for exams.) orine Beafrico Foster Underwood, Grade XII widow ai William Undemwood, Dnl tpe ---------- --7. vias ibId New Year's day. Mrs. Doen ald Stap ..ies ---------75.9 Underwood wua daugilter aif t ennTmln-----7. late Mn. and Mrs. Wmlghtson Fo- Margaret Flinfofi---------71.4 te sdwa om n lrk ow-Kathleen Simpson ------------68.9 ship of United Empire Loyallst Ei ae -~---.~6. stOcjc.Silo had lived i Taxanfo Dick Monton 57.5 for 25 yeaxs where, silo wua anoiine ors53(b. m.9 keenlyintereated worker in ticJonn omeG r abs. xua. Y.W.C.A. Silo was- a keen bowler GaeXI sud wuan m original mexnber ai Kathl eiArd -----.-- 88.5 th. Baby Point Bowling Club. Doris Whyte .- -- .81.5 She was a nienber ai tic Higil Gwen Tennant 70.6 Park United Churcli. Ruth GQode --.----.- 69.0 Survivlng aro two sisters, Miss Bonald Dont 66.0 Elma Poster and Uri. J. M. Stan- Manley Lltflewood 53.0 loy, sud anc brother, Burke. Franklin Tamblyn <abs. 4 exams.) Informent wa made i Oone Cemetery. Rev. J. D. Parka of * Evy noble work lsaut first Rlgh Park United Churci officiat- impossible.-Carlyle. eci, asslated by Boy. Russeil Har- If fie action b. ai worth fiat I ris. Pailbearera weme: D. D. Mc- take i hand, neither shall su In Don h, H.'Dufin D M <GI accident discourage me, nom a braie, . .gIwa d Qd nake me carelem.- CAUGET AT, WORK * "Spec" Herman Edward.MHiisn of the Goodyear Personnel De- partment. He attended public school i Bowmanville and Orono and spent four yeaxs. i high scheol here. He has been with Goodyear over a year now. It's no secret that "Spe's"* spaxe tume hobbies axe fishing, skiing and skating. Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD; B.A., LLB. Barrister, Solicitor, N<tary Phone 351 Bank of 'Commerce Bldg. Bowxnanville W. R. STIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bankc af Montreal Money ta Loan . Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister -Splicitor Notury Public - Etc. Law in ail ifs branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental DR. J1. C. DEV1TT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Taranto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 . House phone 883 X.Ray Equipmont in Office DR. R. 0. DICKSON (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. Over Langman's Store, Newcastle. Office hours: Saturday only, 9 a.ni. to 9 p.m. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Mator Equipment, Am-. bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. 'AuctIoneer ELaMRRWHBuR Llcensed Anetioneer anpton - Ontarie S'pecillzlng I Farm, Llvestock, Implements and Fumiture Sales TERMS MODERATEC Phono for Temne,_and Date ta: B3ownvlfe 2428 Use your gif#faiathfufly, and theahl b. enarged; practice wha yu uow, and you shall attan ohigher knoviledge. - Arnold.. AN OPEN LETTE Pion orne Ontado Faim., - TO AUl farme E)N Dear Mr. Editor: The prophefs of gloom are abroad in the land. Political trick- sters, with pick-ax and pike-pole, are tosting depths - trying for foot-hoids. But mark you this: They axe the crowd who don't know fthe smel cf ammonia thaf cornes1 fmom rich manume. And the gang who have forgotton farmers as they idl and swizzle in the per-j fumed pmecincts cf luxury hotela.1 They are the crowd who in-maud-1 lin moments, wail about fthe fam-1 or as "the forgotten man" ihi big City Press, from time ta finie,1 and thon proceed ta cut is throatt ta the tune cf politicai oxpediency.e Ànd what la it ail about at thet mioment? Tiley are out ta sabo-3 tage the Rowell-Sirois Repart.i And that's why I write tis letter.t I wife if because few cf us. knowE what it lsa ai about. My intemestt in it was aroused when a young feilow named Fowler told us5 farmers in Durham a lot about it, ut a farmers' meeting.1 So I read up on it, and 1 wantc ta say that I think this Rawell-t Sirois business if appraached if a statesmanlike way and its mainc provisions put into off oct, thona we farmors wiil get a botter break and we can, in the long run, move1 up out cf til past ton year periodt whero we have made ne pmogross. t This ane letter can't tell ailt about it. I propose to write some mare because farmera ought ta know ail they can about it. We'vo à gof to tako the long view and the I wide viow. We've got to think cf S farmers everywhere. We have triod to organize and we are mak- ing progress. And this Report will.i promoto that toc.h What we are intorested ila markets, prices, policy, taxes, cl lowered ceassi wiat we buy, transportation and cost of distri- bution, education and the score cf things tilat will assure the future of our rlaing generation sud keep tilem on the fanms.E NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION .Union Public and lllgh School Boards Financial Statement, 1940 Expenditures TEACHERS' SALARIES: Public School ~3,177.60 High School ---- -- 3,225.70 - $ 6,403.30 COST 0F ADMINSTRATION: H. R. Pearce,,See'y.-Treas. Ms. B.Alln, S. A. Officer __ J. D. Coornbs, Ent. B. Exps. T. A. Rodgen, Ent.«B. Exps. R. A. A. MeConneil, Ent. B. Exps. Rcss Dickinson, O.E.A. - -___ Excise Stamps, Postage, etc. Prinfing sud Advertisig COST OF OPERATION: H. Breretan, Janitor F. Grahami, coul ~.- - Geo. Juniieson, coal N.H.E.S., Electricity H. Coucil, wood __ P. Halubenko, wood M. Alldnead, sawing wood-_ _ Sanifury sud Toilet Supplies COST 0F MAINTENANCE: H. C. Bonathan, hardware$ H. Brereten, repuins F. Gibson, tnucking __ B. E. Moise, decorating ---- F. F. Morris Co., window silades---- Gea. Robinson, cut grass J. W. Bradley, insumance Percy Brown, iix. furnace Small Aniaunts COST 0F INSTRUCTIONAL EQUIPMENT: W. H. Anderson A. E. Meilow------ H. C. Bonuthan ----------------- Torontoa Firns, baoks sud supplies---- AUXIIARY AGENCIES: W. H. Anderson, modula -- --- Jas. Manx, engmaving - --- -- - Thos. A. Rodger, Sciloal Exhib. ut Orono Edifi Hendny, T. Monfague Scholarsilip Donald Jose. T. Monfague Scilolarship Doris Aluin, E. G. R. Ardagil Prise Ted Hoar, Field Day Prize 15.00 7.13 8.47 11.87 3.00' 21.97 12.01 -$ 139.45 330.00 267.01 217.13 66.05 10.00 2.25 3.00 84.50 <tii - $ 979.94 41.44 5.40 11.00 182.00 44.60 2.00 24.80 12.15 1.00- 144.27 24.24 13.55 186.00-$ 3.33 3.75 5.00 125.00 125.00 6.00 2.92 324.39. 368.06 - $ 271.00 $ 8,486.14 Balance on hund, Januany 1, 1940 -Music Grant, Prov. cl Ontario H. S. Lit. Soc'y., efund on Duplicaton --- H. S. Maintenance Grant, Counties' Council H. S. Lit. Soc'y., efund on typewritem - Bond Coupons ------------------------ -- -- -- - P. S. Grant, Prov. ai Ontanio - -- H. S. Grant, Pmov. of Ontaria ---- -- - Newcastle Municipal Council-i------ Tomont o Gen. Trusts Conp., Montugue Trust. E. G. R. Amdugh, Donation for Essay Pnize- 1,163.26 56.00 5.00 1,612.42 44.40 9.50 002.64 578.00 5,250.00 250.00 Suncuny ieceipta----------- ------ - .~ 2.14 - $ 9,583.36 Total Receipta $ 91583.36, Tetal Expenditurea $ 8,486.14 Balance on ilsud $ 1,097.22 Deducted froni Touchers' Salaries menthiy for N. D. T. .$ 15.70 Deducted frorn Touchers' Salaries for Supemannuation --$201.00 H. J. TOMS, Cilairman. H. R. PEARCE, Secretary-Treaaurer. Total Expendlitunes Recelpte The World's News Seen Tbrough ,iTHE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AuIsnternational Daily Newspaper la Trudd-Coaatvey,-UablImed-Froe froin Sestladm- iun-BdtorWsAre TlauIy and instructv, snd Ite Dely Foeun.,Togedur jwlhh "h.Wky M«g.zineSastoi, Make d» Monitormn Id- Nqm eforth" Hdmne Tii. Chridan Science Publithing Soclety On., Norw4y s»,e oitoi, Mamschuustu Price 012.00 Y.arleyor $1.00 a Mon&h Saturday IT». lcludln# Magain Section, $Z.60 a Y.ar. Lutod=oery Ofe.r, 6 Isuu 25 Cents. 8A~PLq.COPY ON REQUEST ,::,::-- ----------------------- ----- s hi 2uak4 TUA And til Rowell-Sirols Rep«ort aimsaut Just that, as I see If. Eveéryane knows, that Premier King has called a Conférence of Provincial Premiers f0 diacusa file matter. It moofs Jsuuary l4th, 1941. There's danger of politica creeping in and defeafing the pro- posais. We've got ta stop that. It, is not a political question. In any outline cf what it la ahl about wo ought first f0 go back f0 the beginning. Home, then, la the sotup. Ini 1937 a Royal Com- mission was set up ta study Can- ada's prosent neds in Govern- mont. Tis Comn-lssiofi was head- ed by N. W. Rowell and Josephl Sirois, s0 the Report la referred. to i thein nanies. Tiley took three yeaxs to complote their task. They itorviowed people and organiza- tions from. coast ta coat; fan-. ors, business mon, touchers, doc- tors, municipal and provincial gavennmenfs; a complote cross- section cf opinion and camplainta. Rightly viewed, if la a PEOPLE'S, Report. The Commnission slfted1 ouf trutil and made recommonda- fions. Those they put before tho govomnment. And now, ta-day, our governxnent representutives are f0 sfudy the propoual. Because wo, genoeraly are se liff le informed about fiewhole fhing, some cf theserepresènta- fives who muy be politically Iminded may upset the, whole thing. We've got ta stop any sucil move for the wilole future af Canada la ut stake. And nover forget that vie are ut wax ta.-day. . I hope te show lut er, because'*of that fuot vie need ta farce the issue NOW. If ever there was a fiie' for farmens ta ride herd and ride Liard, that tume la NOW 1 With your permission I shail cntinue later. Yours truly, THOS. BAKER, Ex-Reeve of Daxlington 'Township. Haumpton, R. R. 1. PAGE Ni", '5

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