THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 5'.1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAUIO a tryside. It was abvious that songe- Origin and Puipose of Conservative thing shouid be don.. Earl'in the autumnnof 1936 the A~1 Rotary Club of Simnca. invited re- AW Reforestation Association presentatives £rom several sur- rounding counties and at a special dinner meeting stressed the need By W. I. Porter ing the origin and early develop- of soin. concerted action ta hait Last week we reported a meet- ments i t te Ontario Conserva- the mad destruction af tree Ing held at Orona of Junior tion and Reforestation Associa- grawth. Monroe Landon and the Fermera attending a1 onfeence tion, which, for convenience, w. Norfolk County Chamber of Com- of the. Conservation and Refores- might term the O.C.R.A. This is merce haed been sounding the tation Zone No. 4. At the gather- flot an easy task, for a great mnany warning bell fôr several years and ,ing W. H. Porter, Editrof fhe people, scattered over the Pro- the County Council was already Farmer's Advocate, who ia tue vince of Ontario, have contributed then embarked on a reforestation outatndln prooterin O t o t the formation, as well as the programme. The meeting agreed forýconservationandefres Otaio development of this young and that time for action had corne and ,wa on ofthechif seakrs.Wesomewhat unique organization. Sa that one county could not accom- was on. of th hiefspeaersM Wefer as my knowledge peritls I plish very much alane. Tii. waod- tihe rih i ups suof ary of wil 4ttempt ta weave cause and ed areas and swamps in one te orn n proe i s im- effect into this brief iiistory of county feed tue streams that flow e an toe e: us the. O.C.R.A. and mention a few thraugh adjoining counties, it was ýonh stnstelu when af the circumstances leading up pointed out, and real progress '~ist sitaos wand emany ta the ultimate organization of could be made only when muni- dtr nsiuon weeeected. scores of genuine conservationists cipalities ail over the. province The date carVed i tone is accept- inta an association during the united in a forward-looking con- ed as the birtiiday by historians winter of 1936-37. servation policy actually put intc and by those Who pEuse ta read Bc nteerl hris effe<2t. ted chiseizett.logweea late John Burton, father aof Mrs. An article entitled, "A New Re- thew o exaaioenthata longfoeM. F. Hepburn, had several con- forestation Policy for Ontario," beoethe ass rklyrvestoswtF.SThmAg was published in The Fermer': an a hexv ation a d eonve uraon rs i t . .T he nuaslg -n Advocate, under date of Sept. 10, bcefoe the b ilmn as, rckle r in cutura rpen ttivhe in lgjn1936, and this brought forth con- tha ndsapntrsa fp ple wa ho e oun thesrer ing e huga e gi-siderable comment ram many fiscene the buiding a s eeth e n lie ind te s hre Up. in Lake En. different quartèrs f the Province tii. d t mi n aia e w e p e an d a lthe severe e.on Thei at was It w as becom ing increasingly ap- fi e raii d . vson athe n pd r -a nnuailyBu t akig ae . d the la t e p rent that Southwestern Ontario ce.d ta mke thir d oams r Burto sxggeste thseplaniong t any rate, was ready -for samE M&.pieAtru. Rcofso tsasedpreta aprevntthi s erasar1,kind ai a conservation pragramm( metore .HRc haron a s awc se atcur-rud tOW 5h~P but the. problem was ta get i me a rcor a fe fats egad-bridges whie the banks were gîv- ognzd niiul a e _______________________ing way and making it necessrypreacid ng efretion and con ta spend considerable su1ns of seathingrforemsttioyarscbu. .. Mlemaney for. repairs. Tis toghtsra r Tain st0aid abutti Lwas acted upon in the. Township atiMrkTwn oy id anoutthn of Southwold and there one can waut.,"Itwassugetdidarnn now see Cerolina ppaIrs, 40 toaotsevral ocasions and by dg R O T A prtcfingh holdm:teof id fa o vraloctasconseratdb ion 50 eethigiholingti. sippngferent parties, that 1 should ai RYL banks in place and in that way tempt t nt i hs ep __________some kind of an organization. An( oTr.TomsTREedscs it was agreed from the. starttha BOWMANVILLE- sions opened up the, bigger fiild itrmust be a rural mavement. I of sreâ imrovmen alng he armpeople and the. officer with steps ta rvn erasion of rural municîpalities wouid n< wiiicii is sa marked ail along the put their shoulders ta the. wheE Th urs. - Fri. _ Sat. Lae rieshrelie.In 195 ndthen itald otberth wu DECEMBER 5 - 6 - 7T was trying ta get sometiiing start- an invitation was sent out ta th ed in Elgin and w. discussed tiie nine counties in this.soutiiwesteî "M nInT ea dvisability af some kind af an peninsula ta meet ithe. A gnicul "M n nTh roll organizatian in these western tural Office, London, on .Decenr counties. Tii. first planu consider- ber 17th, 1936. The. respanse wa Maked was a modest one. We thought maost gratifying. The adn( Mask thenthat it would be well ta at- six out of the nîne caunties we:c With Louia Hayward and tempt a survey ai the streams on present and the other three e a watersiied and endeavour ta representatives. All the agricu Joan Bennett have the. property ownens plant tural representatives were in a shors -the banksansd ravines witii suit- tendance; officrs af the. Foresti - Sort -able trees. W. talked and thought Branch and ai the, Onterio D i terms ai Ketti, Cree)r, which partment of Agriculture wi we iioped ta improve ail the way there ta serve in any capacil up through St. Thomas ta Bel- where they were needed, as w.i mont. also members of thie press. T Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Then camethe exceedingly dry meeting bespoke a keen intere season ai 1936 when hundreds ai in conservation and the mov DEOCEMBER 9 - 10 - 11 f arm foks ail along the front of ment was launched. old Ontari - were drawing water In order ta expedite busine Lt I Ca ~ Fr fr domestic use and for their live sud keep the delegates togeth He Stayeu o stock. It was pitiful ta see cattie for the entire session, En yy miiling around dried-up water Weld, Manager of the. Wifllia Brea.kfast haies and going daily ta the Weld Company, ,ntertained tii stream bottams whei'e always at luncheon. Then they brakei WIth - u previousiy there was w a t e r. inta hall a dozen differentco Wells, that neyer failed before, mittees and drafted tue p Melvyn Douluand went dry, springs dried up.. Tiie gramme and policies tuat off îc Loretta Yount situation indeed was seriaus and ai the movment have since one could see that tue il effects tempted ta put into effect. News, ai drougiit iad been intensified Tii. meeting at London gs by the needless slaughter ai trees evidence ai a genuine inter, _____________________rand the-,denudatýPý oaitheécoun: throughout the. countrysidea iwas decided tuat otiien caunt were no doubt jyst as ready proceed along the same lin Cansequently, a meeting was ci ed at the. O.A.C., Guelph, on Jar ery 1Mt, 1937, for tue remaini P - and hene again tue respanse v~ k highly ýAvorable. A meeting (~I.Bowmanviile on Jsuuary 15th a at Kemptville on April 6tu, 19 completed tue organization ca tue committees at the Lonc meeting were subzitted ta, sini comnittees at Guelph, Bowmi ville sud K.mrptviile with theii suit tuat more tuan 1*00 men, prsenting all portions ai Ontario, had some part in siiapi the policy and programme ai W, ia now the. O.C.R.A. Woul yo cle r ?It was agreed that the. Provii Woud ou le rsiiould be e dd dinto five zoi H DER who doesf't qUit. duer the each zone setting up an execul: A "uRDof tueir own. The thlree offic hurdie may talc. a bad cropper. Buit for aiecO znfomute uo -a serieus cropper combine a bad fire with caily become mnembers ai the P imBuranfcethat isf't qiee ul.Are YOU vinciai Committee aif lifte qmrdta ayo aeuit. ug enoghwiiichi laknown as- tue Onts insued hat ay r hve yu raflyeuoghConservation and Refarestal Ask us to check -up. Association. Copies ai the recommendatil approved by the. committees London, Guelph and Bowmanv were sent toa ah the caunty co, cils in Ôld Ontario at their Ja je Je MASON & SON ary session in 1937. The, ne drafted programme was wid INSU ANC AG NTSapproved by tiiese local gavE INSU ANC AG NTSments and since tuat time t Bowmsupport bas been one ai the r Phone 681 Bw af=II iesnfeatures ai the wl Ail mets. saitdwt Mrs. Knapp and famlly were sented wtu a tri-lite floor1 Remainder ai the evening Shoppard & Gill Lumbor Co.'PLimlitod spent in dancing and pli Phono 715 1owIumDviIIO carda. Quiltings are being heid ii ai the. Red Cross. Due to the iieavy snowi Scutters sud slelghs had to be h "1htg ai u"o-OFEU, Tme, M >p.., OKOO, Tmes, &W P.M., OeRO, im,tuN P.m. as many roads were impaE RIIIIIIIIIIIIII IMIIII for cars. S. J. HARTWIG King St. E. Knight Block Ou G.wutei Tu .A les-alietmont f« Trust Fonds Uncoruditi«oiy Guaaned ST19RLINC TRUfS CORPORATION Tue presentations wee made at Brenc. two difierent penioda duning the _________ evening. Foilowing is a list, show- ing the. recipients and those mak- ing tue presentatians: Enfield Te A. E. Mllaw Shield, for____ Character, Academic and Athletie Proiiciency, Sportsmanship and Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. James Personality - Laurence Millson; Cannar, Mr. and Mrs. Cunnier, by E. W. Fisher. Part Hope, at Mr. M. Sleeman's... The. P. R. Langman Shieid, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Pasca., Mar- Girl's Athl.tic - Doris Allin; by ian and Eveiyu;, at Mr. E. Pascoe's, Muriel Pedw.ll. Brooklin.. . Misses Annie Yeo Tii. J. Anderson Smith Shield, and Berthe Cain, Mr. J. Tamblyn Sr. Boy's Athietic-Maurice Ped- and Franklin, Mrs. R. Casey, Bob well; by Principal Hugh M. Mc- and Billy, Mrs. Russell Best, Or- Coll. ono, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Han- Jr. Boy's Athletic, B. ai E., hoc- cock, Columbus, Mn. and Mrs. key glaves-Ted Hoar; by Rosa Lloyd Thompsofl, Nestleton, at Dickinson. Mn. W. Bowman s. . . . Mr. and Jr. Girl's Athletic, Silver Cup- Mrs. L. Bradley and Aileen at Hazel Powell; by the. donon, Miss Mr. Clanence Bradley's, Asiiburn. Norma VanDusen. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Davison, Oshi- Lower Schoai English, a volume awa, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott ai George Elliot's navels, by Mrs. and farnily, Saline, at Mn. A. L. C. Fallas, London - Laurence Presctt's. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Morton; byý Miss Hattie Masan. Pascae and Bessie et IMr. H. L. J. E. W. Phulp Shieid, Grade IX Pascoe's. Columbus. . . Mn. and Proficiency - Farncomb LeGres- Mrs. Ted Anderson, Mrs. Roy ley; by Mn. Philp. Chabot, Rayai Oak, Michigan, at Dr. J. A. Bidtler Shield, Grade Mr. W. Asiiton's. . . Mn. sud Mrs. X Proficiency-Laureflce Morton; '! by Dr. Butler. Verse Speaking -lat, $3-00, Pauline Deline; 2nd, $2.00, Jean EU Bonathan; by the. danor, Mrs. J. A. Butler. ~ E. G. R. Ardagh Prize, for beat :3_0 easay on, How ta Beautiiy New- b'. e-7castie-Donis -Afin, $6.00; by T. A. Rodger. .........................................................................< . .. . ndranMth eetc Prize-Donald Jase; by Rev. Fa- Stiien J. S. CofeY. - ' John Squeir French Pnize, $5.00 -~in book--Editu Hendry; by H. R. Pearce. Thas. - Montague sciiolerships, Middle Sehool Proficiency, $125.00 each-Edith Hendry, Donald Jase; ~r . ~ by Chairman H-. J. Toms. 7 Samuel Wiimat Gold Meda- 3 -.~ Donald Jose; by C. S. Horrocks 9 ~'on behalf af membersoai the.Wil- -- 2e-'mat Family. 2- I n t enternme diate Certif icates - - - ~- - 4'- Laurence Morton, Hazel Powell, -- - -<~Doliy Purdy; by the. Chairman. Graduation Diplomnas - Edith 14 Hendry, Donald Jasýe, Laurence - > Milison, Maurice Powell, Kath- 'S - " leen Toms; by the. Chairmen. Donald Jase, lading greduate, .~.- livend an interesting valedic- y toy address in wiiich he touched on some ai the problenus oaife -i and the pninciples ai education and briefiY reviewed uis four ýe years in Newcastle High Sehool. te The. PIaY "Elmer"' i Tii. Exercises reached their cli- n max ai entertairinient in the pnie . ~ -- ~ act play "Eimer."' It took ils Le .....e from its chiei ciiaacten, g Elmer Caller, a fourteen year aid eg "WeI-it's a séorta give and tae arrangement, Colonel-aur school boy who muade it his bui falmnevnth-fU lwn! "Cinderella" sister gat e square le deal fromn her sophisticeted aider ,dfw ateSchoolCo m ne ntTi major part wes teken with Rt red bloded viinu and thorough- if neas by Glenn Allun, on. ai the. rs I Season s.Outstanding S c e s yaungen students. His pretty six- ot teen yer ad siste, Susn.Collier, ýel whose cause hie championed, was le e ha o 1' Commencements, be- spoke the keen interest taken ini imprsonated by Pauline Deline. Y, cause ai their wide appeai, haveti. igh achoal and local educa- iti wngwe âe neyer failed ta fin the large com- tionai f acilities by the. people ai alike and witii identical hein-dos, 'n munity hall. Tue High School's, Newcastle sud vicinity. Tiie achool was taken by Doris Aluin and I-on Friday evenig, Nov. 22nid, wasmey b. small, but la weil equip- Jean Boathan. Betty Enwnigiit n- no exception. Residents ai Loclc- ped and iies a highly efficient and 'acted the. part of Mrs. Caller, the. as hert's, Brown's and Lake Shore earnest staff ai teachers. mter. Otiier essentiel charac- Of Sciiool Sections, wiience came A progrein ai music, folk danc- ters, acting their parts equehly re quit.ea number ai students ta the ing, acrobatic exhibitions and weil, were: Miss Louise Pinney, ,nt ~ highi achool, were present i large verse, speaklng was interspersed a dresamaker well on in yars- -û numbers togetiier wit citizens af with the presentation ai pnizes, June Aluin; Fannie Belle, e cal- t- Newcastle and also ai Newton- diplomes and sciiolarshipa. With oured day girl-Margaret Ash; xy ville sud Port Grnby wiiich alsa Laurence Martan,s achool pianiat, Hubert Brown and Russell Jame- )e contibute ta the enroilment. It et the piano, the chool made its son, boy inienda ai Janie and ne 1É interesting ta note that Tue finat eppeerence in e body in e Jean eBab Aluin and Laurence it Newcastle High Schooi was faund- group ai sangs, firat, O Canada, Moýrtoýn; as, odect but ne ed in 1858 sud was built largely in Englisii and then un FrenchdocIdogElmer's pet-Chure- hewitu money, Newcestle's siiere, and then tiieir School Sang, coin- moie Morton.Tepega cod est derîved from the sale ai Ciengy pased by Pauline Deline and June ed rounds and rounds af eppleuse ve- Reserves land, sud tuat on. ai its Allun and set tai the tune ai "Al 50 thet et times the. youthiul ec- firat pupils under its firat master, Amenican Girl." toshd ta wituiiold their Uines ie Mr. John Turýpin, B.A., just ne- - Principal Hugli M. McCoU, B.A., utlti inrhusd d fo ercentiy died in the persan ai Mns. extended the, school's welcome ta the ugttg a hen panl n esa .C.Bmm ail present in a brief, happy tii.m. ýe On .ntering the. hall on Friday speechi and sincerely thanked ail _________ emvening pensons were received et thase who in any way had iielped ,Pthe. door by turee ai the. boy stu- Miss Hein M. Smith, B.A., hum-Shw ra- dents, Farncomb Le Gresley, Non- self and students ta meke tuis h w ens man Dent and Jim Pattersan ne- event sucii e succesa. Tii. girls aiof___ et- spiendent in achool - colours oi the. achool, trained by Miss Smith, purpie sud gald, afficiai New- eppeared in twa folk dences, Shew's Homne & School club ave castle Higii Sehool sweaters sud looking dcidedly attractive in had an enjoyable meeting and mn est trausers with broad, gay stripes their achool tunics. Laurence Mon- spite ai unfavourable weatiier and uP and don the outside ai the ton pleyed the accampanying mu- tiiere was n fair attendence. Presi- ties legs. Tue baya courteousiy usher- sic. dent Gernet Rickard pnesided. ta ed ail who wîshed ta seats and Laten tue achool rndered two Same extra equipment fan kit- nes., dispensed programi sheets. The more sangs, "Carry On", wit lots ciien ta aid i preparatian af nl- ich achool colours wene muchin ofa vixn, sud "Our Old Higii lunches was decided on. Repre- nu- evidence througiiout t.e evening, School", with the. irvour ai layai sentatives were appointed ta the ing adorning the costumes ai baya students. Tue boys showed ex- meeting held in Hampton Thurs- nto sud girls, sud being generous in ceptionel akil as acrobats, lithe day ,vening in connectian witii was length stamped every number and and supple, in demanstretians ai wer work. Pnograma opened wîtii et every act with 'dasii and eclat. pynemid building, and ta com- a sing sang. led by Walter Rick- mMn. Howard J. Toms, Chairmmn p1e ~~p~~f u r. eblee thte duty ai ai7 ofthe Board ai Education. pre- Glenn Aluin did some furtiier ap- ail ta learn the. words ai "Tuere'Il u-sided and R.v. R. E. Morton con- la iuse winning stunts in somer- Alweys b. an England,"1 as well ai ducted devotional exencises. sauîting and body thnowing. as tue tune. Failing ta secure su ion Mn. Toms voiced the apprecia- Tue Vers. Speking conteat outside speaker Miss Cnonk read ier tian ai the Board and himnseii for brought out ten campetitois sud veny ententainingiy a condensed Éan- the very lange attendence. It be- eltiiough tuey ail couldn't win iorm ai an aid French story, "The ne- ______________prizes tiiey iiad an equal ahane in Diamand Necklace." Aic Prout ne- providîng pleasing .nterteinmient. and Chas. Gilks introduced. a Quiz Oid- Olive Brown, a firat yeer student, conteat, gaines sud stunts, ending ingI repeeted, "If You Cultivete a with e singing gae, sponsored rhat '-- --. Smile" Leslie Gibson recited "Sir by Miss Crank and led by the. II.. Adolph Spens," a poetic satire an children. A dainty andl abundant Éc the Germans sud especielly Go.r- lunch was served.-Next meeting ones -.4 ing, witten by Maurice Pedwell Jenuary 7. 1941. i fan the, 1939-40 Yan Book. June tense Allin, Doris Ailin and Margaret cesAsh nicely intenpneted stirringBrw s Lati-- paems. Mns. Donald Robb, Orona, r w ' ýro-wes sole judge and graded eacii een, one carefully by points. 5h. - '*" awarded firat pnize ta* Paulie (Intended for lest week) ion- Deline fanriiighest points in the~ Red Cross Conunittee' met et score. Second went ta Jean Bone- Mns. Chas. B.dwin's. Next meet- i t 2tiin who ecited "The Traveller " ing t Ms. Wellington Fro' etand third ta Jean Gray for her Dec. 5th. vile Wateh aur window for bar- "Engiand."- Visitons: Mn. Douglas Leydlaw un- gains in Christmas Gifts The stage presented a naval and Mns. Ted Gibson, iormerly ai inu- that will b. ti!uly pr- scene with a battle ship upon the. Winnipeg and now stationed et ewly elated. deîy iiigii sees ion the school's eppear- Trenton R.C.A.F., et Mr. Welling- ern- GOLD $s 0 t 5 nce in the third group ai sangs. ton Farraw's. . . Mn. and Mns. R. ;heur LOCKETS $20( t $-5 On the. deck eround the. taîl fun- Branch and iamily sud Mn. B. sot - nel wene thie students in sailars' Clark et Mr. C. Turner's. .. Mns. ,hle COMPACTS 5 c ta $r.50 attire. Pnolong.d epplfause o- G.o. Mass, Osaa1t i.R AT------------ 50 $w2 hirsnin i"ings Graham's. ..Mr. and s.B tueOver the. Navy" and "Rule Bni- Petuick, Newtonviile, Mn. and ~~~~~~~R- YTE SGESINS tuna" n. .Trner, Laisand Jean, Fountain Pens.............. SOc to $5.00 Eversharp Pencils 15c - 25e - 69e - $1.00 Chistmas Stationexy Cedar Boxes .. 89e $ 1.00 - $1.25 - 52.50 Fancy Gift Boxes ............ 25c - 52.00 flUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL MAGAZINES TAKEN IIERE SAUCERS 29C - soc - SSe soc- $1.00-5Ise 15c25 - SWC Largest hae Evsrten TOYS! TOYS! Theape Trains - $1.75 & $200 Contack -- - 50o Bingo $ 5Oc - 75o - $1.00 Target Gaines 50e & $1.0 Sewing Sets 25c - 50e Blockd - - -- - 25o Camera Shot Gaine 50o Drums 25e - 50e - $1.00 Teddy Bears- 25c -35o Tree Lights .. . ..59C - 89C -.51.19-5$2.00 Christmas Candies............ 5c - 25e Christmas Cards at Ail Prices White i12s hot.50e --Red & Green --10 shoots Se Tissue raper - ae #hes5 .Dooks sSuhable foi Youg People Picturç Books ...............Ise - 51.00 Story Books ................. 25C -5$2.00 FPhone Johnston's Book. Store Agents for the New Service Cleaflers I L. Stinson sud f suuuiy, Hemilton, and Evelyn Pesca. came aven to witu Mns. J. Stinson. Mns. A. Pneacatt apened her home Tuursday aiternoon for e Red Cross quiiting. Two quilts were iinished. Enfleld School -News (By Merle Ormiston) We have sterted practîsing for the Christmas concert. .. In Sa- cial Studies Grades III and IV are teking tiie Bronze Men. Grades V sud VI are taking Jacques Car- tie. . . Mrs. Persans cames eveny sing ,ach, Friday. . . W. had a discussion ta se. whether we would do more homework ta give more time for manuai training i achool. We decided ta do mare iiomework. . . W. iiad ea-science test Thunday. He thet urges gratitude pleads the ceuse bath ai Gai sud men, for witiiaut it w, can neituen b. sociable non neligious.-Seneca. ýPLAYOROUNO YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria GOLF is played ail year 'roandt Warm seabreezes and the protection of the. mighty Coastal mounitains$ miaintain a moderato. temperature in which, ail o#i:door sports take on en invigorating newness. ' Plan now to. visit Canada's EVER. GENPI on-ýô es rplali, ~ofith Ie il ace fo torouh y * enjoyablé, winter vacation! Special iqu l' ~g . Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel JU U ,qfl Vancouver's spaclous rooms and de- MoTule' lightful accommodations wiil add to A L L < AR sei pleasure of your stay ini Vancouver. ROUNDTRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY COMNIIAL UMMTD ATTRACTIVE RAIL RATES R&idesIa.#N-carfama... Lm 'muIaa u w swàs CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS _____SK______'r: 1 KIng Bt. 10000&»» 1 1 -- I 651