Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1940, p. 7

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- v rHURSDAY, NOMMER 14, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN k ?SOCIAL àAD :PERSONAL I Miss Helen Norwick spent the weckend wlth frlcnds in Tweed. Mrs. E. Bennett, Oshawasent Sunday with Mis. G. E. Prithard. Mrs. James 1MIiligan and Robert, North Bay, recently visItëd ber 'brothe, Mr. L. S. Dumnas. ¶ Pte. 'Byron Cryderman, Peta- wnwa, was home for Uic wcek- \4.Mss ay Vanstane, Toronto, ;as gueut af Mi. and Mis. F. C. *~9anstane. Mn. Anchie MacDonald af sta- tion CBL at Homnby was in tawn Frlday. - Miss Betty Flaxman, RXN, To- ronta, wns home over the week- end. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Clemence, Stayner, spent the wcckcnd with Mi. and Mis. W. C. Ferguson. Pte. Gea. Wiseman, North Bay, seemed happy ta be back in bis old home tawn lest Sntumday. ý Bombadier Jack Allin, Petnwa- 'wspent the weekcnd with bis parents, Mr., and Mis. Harry Aluin. Pte. Don Masan, Cobourg, was with bis parents over Uic weck- end. ýf Sergt.' Hubcrt Hooper, Petnwa- wa, spent bis weekend leave witb bis mother, Mis. HerscbelHooper. Sunday gucuts of Dm. and Mis. C. W. Sleman wcme Mi. and Mis. Alex Young and little daugbtcm and Dr. Harold Slemon, Toronto. Mr. James McDougall and Mar- lon, Mr. and Mia. James Haugh, Toronto, -0ited Mi. and Mis. J. Mclntyre. Mr. and 'Mis. Cottingham, Osh- awa, Mis. Wilbemt Fee, Omemcc, visited their nunt, Mis. J. Mcmn- tyre. .Pte. Hemb. Clmer, Petawawn, and Aincatsman Harold Calmer, Ottawa, spent Uic weckend with their mother, Mis. F. C. Calmer. 1Mr. and Mis. Tom Lycett, Steu- benville, Ohio, spent Uic weck- enmd with Mi. and Mis. Stuart candler.1 Mr. Charlie Hoar, De La Salle School, Toronto, spent Uic wcck- ensd wiUi bis parents, Mr. and Ms E. V. Hoar. ...tjs,.~DombyBradt, Wellcm Serctànial'Coiýerge, Taranto, speut Uic weckend, with ber parents, .Mr. and Mis. E. P. Bradt. Miss Doro thy Jones, Macdonal4 Hall, Guelph, spent the weekend w th her parents, Mayor and Mis. R. 0. Jones. Mr. Ned RelXdèr 'andMiss Bow-- den, Montreal,were, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Réhder for' te, week- end. Town em~playees are busy these days applying tar to the numerous cracke and* hales in the road in preparation for the cold weatber. Mr. Oliver Bradt, Vineland Harticultural Station, Miss* Jane Eyres, Hamilton, spent the, week- end witb Mt. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt. 'Miss Margaret Hutchinsan, R.N. Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. M. J. Hutchin- son. Mrs. -K. A. Gaudin writes tram Steeler, Alta., ta send her States- man, ta 15 Whittier Ave-. Tréns- cana, Man., where she expects ta stay tili May lst.,. Miss Cora McTaggart, Rev. J. N. and Mrs. Clarry, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hord, Ruth, John, Hugh and Marilyn, Toronto, were visitors at Mr. G. A. McTaggart's. G. Wesley ,Garlier bas been ap- pointed ;&, member af Oshawa Public Utilities Commission ta f111 tbe unexpired term of Norman C. Millman.ý Mrs. Jas. Fletcher, who has liv- ed far many years an Churcb Street, bas moved ta Oshawa and is naw living with ber son Ken- netb. Dr. N. S. McKechnie, Brock- ville, has accepted the cail ta Part Hope Baptist Church. The vacan- cy occurred when Rev. E. K. Smith resigned ta assume the dutieg'of chaplain with the C.A. S.F. at Pctawawa. Owing ta bis condition of health Major E. S. Ferguson, who bas been O. C. af "A" Coy., 2nd Bat- talion, Midland Regt. at Cobourg, has been transferred ta the re- serve of officers. Major Fergusan bas already resumed bis duties as Collector af Customs and Excise at Bowmanville. Harry Connely, Kirkland Lake, bas purchased from Melbourne Wight bis faim of 100 acres at providence known as the Jas. Wight farrn. Mr. and Mrs. Wight and daughter are now livig ini the bouse vacated by A. D. KÇean and f amlly on the Glam. Pre-Christma s-. . SPECI1AL S't CUT GLASS TUMBLERS iReg. $2.OO oz$. 00 'U Only a few dozen of these ln stock.and they ean't b3 be duplicateti at these pruces dosen kE SALAD OWLS Complete 0 c E wth Silver Fork andi Spoon Eah 95 a1 MENS WRIST WATCHESti Chrome case andi strap, beauti- li fully boxeti, a splendid gift for OneWek Oly $5-95 MODERN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES C We have jast receivet a complets assortment of electrical fil gootiu, Irons, toasters, waff le Irons, coffee silex's, etc. We a corduaily invite you to corne ln anti look aur stock over, y0u Bi are under no oblIgation to buy. We are sure w. have Juat the ai aiticIe you want for that special Christmas gif R [T1AR'S JWELLRLJA Phone 463 Bowmanflie Fi b3 at Joh.nston 's' Christmas Cards Pricet at ..CA--R----D--S----per tiozen1 00at MILITARY CARDS FOR PHOTOS9.0 With prlnteti names d tozeti BOXEDjCARDS AT LOW PRICES NEW GAMES 0OTPTREAR CONTACK e5and$.00 Playeti solitaire or by two or more anti1. RUMMOLI $1 .00 An Improvemeuit où Rummy . ___I DIRECT IT 11.00 The new target gaMq 4ý £ OeRitiTMÉA8STATIONMRy IN BOXES 0__ 2 ote8 Rangingfrom -.25----_____ NEW BOOKS IN THE LENDING LIE[RAiT TRIS WEEK. iohnston's Book Store Agents for the New Service Cleaners xi" st. among nations 'are cconomlc, icealistic and nntionalistlc. Secret ,iplomatic intercourse between nations bas donc much ta lament an atmasphere af dlstrust in in- ternational affairs. AUI this re- Bults lu destructive outbrcaks - war. Alas, nat; anly material da-1 mage cornes from. war but culture, Misses Dorothy and Virginia Wayer, Buffalo, N. Y., and Mr. M. ýRaenlgk, Stiatford, visited Mi. nd Mis. T. H. Knight. Postmaster C. B. Kent bas ask- ?d us ta draw ta the attention of ir readers that apples and other .uit cannot be exportcd except ta îe U.S. A number af citizens 'ho -bave included fruit in their bhristmas parcels ta soidiers aver- ieas bave bad ta repack their )ackagcs on accaunt af this gov- mnment reguaitian. '.North af Apslcy Uic hunting is ood" say Bill Caverly, Bill Bag- ieîl and Rex Caverly just return- .d tram their annual expedition nta the wilds af Ontario. This rar their success ixnitating the imous Nimrod was notable. Chey all got their caunt and Wed- isday when the tactful query vas madc just how many deer bit hé dust, the cloquent reply was: 'mell that!" Sure cnough! It as the succulent aroma af ronut- ng venison filllng the air. k.Y.P.A. Sp' onsors Scavenger Hunt St. John's A.Y.P.A. meeting on .onday nigbt wns ini charge of Lrence Shotter. The first cx- ýting item ta fMature the evening, ntertainment was an extensive cavenger hunt which led the rnung people ail over town in earch af certain elusive articles. )n rcturning ta the cburch cvery- ne took part in an old-fashiofcd, plling bec -which demonstrated Lat.even with ail the advantages lmodern education young folks xestill lacking in their know- edge of this important subi cct. rrinity Women's Ass'n. Trinity Woman's Association net Nov. 12th, with Mis. T. W. 'awker prcsiding. Mis. W. Webb id circle wcre in charge afthei [votional service and prograni. &rs. Curran rend the scripture esson and Mis. W. J. Henderson fered prayer. Rev. A. R. Cragg »ve a mast interestinè and in- piring addrcss on Women and hc Churcb. The followink splen- âd program was given: Violin ola by Allan Lobb, accompanicd ry Mis. Marie Clark Bell; playette ry eight littlc girls and boys, Joan roollcy, Elton and Ronnie Brock, nary and Russell Alldread, Mari- yn Carpenter, Glen Fry and Al- an Lobb. Reports af thc variaus ýrles werc prcscntcd. Batýtailon Reunion The biggest tprnout for same rars af men af the 136th Battal- on, C.E.F., was held in thc Win- îester Hatel, Toronto, Satunday !vcning. A bus load from Bow- nanville journeyed there ta at- end the reunlan dinner. Regigtration began at 1.30 p.m. md the men sat down ta an old- àsbioned bearty banquet at 8 dIcock. Entertainnient was given )y the Blue Top B. Ca., and they rpt the boys in the best af spirits 'îtb their singing, clever dancing, rntriloquistic stunts and jakes. Aboi4 4o from Bowmanvillc id Oshawa taok part in the mc- riion. The men Iram Bowman- 11 lcdclared tbey had the best imIthey bavehad for ycars. IANY FROM HERE AT CONVENTION FOR WOMEN Looking aver the pragram af he Ontario Womcn's. Institute >nvention held last week at the loyal York Hotel, Toronto, wc 'nd West Durham ladies played Lprominent Part. Mis. John 3aker, Hampton, presidcd at anc ofice sessions and was an Uic %eceptian Committec. Mis. W. W. roes, Ncwtonville, was on Regis- ration committce. Mis. R. J. ýooper, Orono, was canvener Of 1ommunity Activities and Relief. [rs. Johnson Thickson, Bowmnan- ic, was representative aon the rederated Board for West Dur- in District. Miss Mary Ruth rmes rendered two vocal solos, 'The Valley af Laugbter" and 'Tbcrc's a Land," nccampanicd ly Miss Helen Williams, A.T.C.M., ownianviilc. Others nttending hc convention from this district Lludcd Mis. W. L. Buttery, aowmanvillc. Mis. F. C. Hloney, fampton, Mis. W. W. Sherwin, rana, Mis. Morton, Newton- ice, Mrs. Wallace Holmes, New- ustie,.anjd Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, can nat witbstand a prolonged conflict cither. "If hait the money now being spent on war had been put into peace-time projects ten years aga there would be no trouble naw,", was the opinion af the speaker. Referring ta the woeful loss of 111e in war, Mr. Henkleman de- clared tbat there is no country which can afford ta lose the crcam af its youtb. Tbere are several remedies might be employed. One course is through politics. Youth, tbrougb a spirit af co-operatian and a lively interest in affairs, can accamplish much for peace. 'the church also bas much ta off er in guidance af those interested in politics. a Imagine what a state af perma- nent pence would be like. Instead af an everlasting armament race nations would live with a sense of security. A World Parliament can be envisioned mnstend af the secret diplomnatic talks whîcb bring only anxlous speculatian. One nation can make war, but it takes two or -mare ta make peace. Perhaps tbat is wby Chamberlamn faîlcd; tbe dictatars were not preparcd ta pledge their word in sincerity. Concluding, tbe speaker said it was the task of yauth ta endeavour ta promate a spirit of brotherhaod and co- aperatian in anotber effort ta make peace passible. The meeting was in cbarge of Cbairman Bert Jobnston, and the business was conducted by Lor- raine Pickard. By way of novel entertainnient Jim Hancock put on a quiz conteat of the type beard an "Treasure Trail," prizes for wblch were, lnstead af sîlver dollars, round, rasy Mclntosbha.- pIes valued inthis p art of te country even more highly than the silver museum-pleces. -Miss Helen Williams contribut- cd twa*fine piano solos ta tbe pro- gram. Z4abel. Brookbam, Russell Balsan, Jean Johns and Lew lRun- dle also took part. He is the happieat, be he kinig or peasant, who finds pence in bis home.-Goethe. The flrst indication af domestlc bappiness is the love af one's bonie.-Montlosler.0 You can wear slim, smart-fit- tlng clothes. Take Slendor ..Beau- ty" Tableta. Twa wceks supply $ 1.00. McGregor's Drug Store. 4- Little- Known Facte "DOUT Well-knownPeople The Journal of the Ontario Dental Association for October cantains a splendid write-up af the cancer af Dr. J. C. Dcvltt, autstnnding citizen af Bowml- ville, wbo was this year bonared witb an Honornry Life Member- sbip in the Association. The arti- cle in The Journal fallows: Each year Uic Ontario Dental Association confers an hanoraryr 111e membersbip on anc of Its Carry Y.ur Parcels War codaitions' 'arc changing mnny habits and old customs. One of the latest is Uic encouragerment of customers ta carry their par- cels. In . tbis wcek's issue we notice the Carter Fnmily Bakery and Cawker's Butcher Shop have reduced the prices af their gaads iwhen tbey are flot put ta Uic cx- -pense of delivery. In other words their customners now mnke n vcry substantial saving by cnrrying their own parcels. It is a sensible and saving iden whicb will appeal ta thrifty shoppers. Turn ta their advts. now for details. Hold Interesting Club Meeting Important matters were taken up at the Snturday meeting of the Lions Bicycle Safety Club. At- tendance was smallcr owing ta mnny tnking part in Uic Poppy Day campaign. In Uic absence of the sponsor af the club, Lion Charlie Carter, the meeting was presided aver by Lieut. Art Baker of the Veteran's Guard. Officers of the day were, President George Roberts, Secre- tnry Betty Osborne, and Vice Pre- sidents Nellie Parker and Alan Strike. Atter regular business had been completed Uic court docket bmougbt forward the week's ,cul- pritsl' for traffic violations. Mag- istrate Baker dismissed many for lnck ot accurate presentation of cases and instructed future club prosecutors as ta proper proccd- ure. It wns apparent that wbat the guilty fcared most was a sen- tence diecting them ta report ta Chief Venton, stating. the reasons for their appeamance. Others werc requimed ta repart the circum- stances ta their parents and ta write out the traff ic rules 10 ta 25 times. Discussion centred about the prospective trip ta Toronto, where under the auspices of Red Foster, n tcnm tram the Club is ta con- duct their traffic court aver Uic air, early in December. George Roberts bas witten an attractive script and, as the first club of its kind in Canada it is expected that wide attention will be sbown by the public in these days of bcavy traffic tatalities. Mis. William Roberts, as guest aIteClubs presented the follow- ing Clbsng which was practis- cd in chorus ta Uic tune of "John Bmown's Body": Club Sang We kids bave formcd a snfety club, And know just wbat ta do, No member heme is just a dud, We'll try ta hclp you too. Wc stop at ligbts, put out aur hand, And try ta be polite. LOur club goes iding on. Chorus Charlie, Charlie is aur leader,' 1Charlie, Charlie is aur leader, Charlie, Charlie is aur leader, .'flawmanville is on tUic map. B.H.S.oSiors Les. (Contlnued frým Pace 1) Bill whicb was 'bniconverted. Clare again went into the scoring departmcnt taking twa Nuges ta total thirteen points in lem than ten minutes. To climax the eid Bowmnanville fumnbled b e h In d! their own line, the ball quiclklu being retrieved by Stu. McBride. Tbeobald endcd Belleville scaring nailing Brown behind the line on a Clare kick. Bowmanville finaily came inta the game near tbe end af the quarter witb Brown taking scor- ing honors witb a benutiful punt over thc Belleville lime for a rouge and ane field goal. At thrce- quarter time Belleville was lead- ing 26-10.1 Atter mucb deliberation the B.H.S. lads turned on the beat in thc last frame. Sandy Calville started of f interccpting a Belle- ville pass ta scamper 80 yards down the field for a toucb that Brown failcd ta convert. Colville also scored the final B.H.S. touch- down on another pass froni SIc- mon wbicb was converted. Game cnded 26-21. Bowmanville bas ta overcome tbis five point Belleville icad here next weck before they can tbink about going ta Toronto for the finals. Bowmanville - Halves, Brown, Slemon, Mcllveen; flying wing. Caiville; quarter, Tamblyn; snap, Underbill;, insides, Hutchinson, Denscm; middles, Casbourn, Rick- ard; ends, Allun, Fisher; subs, El- liott, Mitcbell, Summersford, Ven- ton, Lambourne, Payne, Ferguson. BeIleville-Flying wing, Cronk; balves, S. McBride and B. Mc- Bride, Clare; quarter, Pigden; in- sides, Pickering and Sharpe; nid- dlcs, Mulbollnnd, Joncs; outside, Warren, Campbell; snap, Zuflt; subs, Rowe, Gardner, Theobald, Smith, Tripp, O'Connor, Hunter. Port Hope Youth. (Ccntinued from page 1) material, and aIl used drawings in calor of tbe tbree crasses mak- ing up the flag as illustrative af their remnrks. Every contestant wbo took part was given a wdll bound book, as an encouragement ta continue in the goad cause af competent pub- lic speaking, Mr. Pickup present- ing these. Musical Program Adding varicty ta an entertain- ing progran werc the musical sciections given by pupîls af Parti Hope and Millbroak scboals, un-1 der their respective supervisors, T. W. Stanley, of the lakeside town, and Homer Oulette, of Ca- van. A gencral sing-song, with Mi. Stanley at the piano, gave the entire audience a chance ta relax wbilc the judgcs' score cards werc bcing totalled, and the results made ready toananounce. Tbe past president of tbe Association, Rus- sell Osborne, Bowmanville, an- nounced tbec winners, others on the stage being ex-Warden Percy Stinson, and L. H. Winslow, a member of tbe executive. The secretary, Mis. J. R. Cooper, Or- ana, was also in attendance, and' Mis. Fred W. Bowen, county or- ganizer for tbe Home and School Associatidns .Thase who taok part in tbe pub- lic speaking were: Joyce Martin, Clarke; Isabella Carveth and Jean Brown, Manvers; Clea Morton, Hope; John Hicks, Millbrook; Irene Piper and Haines Bellm~an, Bowmanvllle; Lillian Osborne, Darlington; Marie Allen, Clarke; Carl Flintoif, Orona; Murray Wal- tan, Newcastle; Jobn Tinney, Ca- van; Alex Kellougb and Chris- topher Taylor, Part Hope; Tbelda Hubbeard, Zion; Harold Hamil- ton, Fleetwood; Merlin Bailey, Blackstock; Earl Cox, Bowman- ville. Lions Club Trophy The collection taken ta defray expenses amounted ta over eigbt dollars, and appreciation was 1warmnly expressed for a contribu- 1tion of five dollars tram Han. G. N. Gardon, of Peterborougb. District competitiôn takes place at Brighton on Nov. 22, at 7.30 p.m., where they will cappete for further bonors, those taklng top place here gomng on ta the pro- vincial cantest. Mr. Pickup extcnded an invita- tion ta Christopher Taylor ta be guest of Toranto Durhami Club on Nov. lOth, and ta repeat bMs address on tbat occasion, the as- sociation having comniissloned bini ta invite the 'gueot-o£,.I e and ta réquest tis fav,èo ofhli. Tbe sbield for the boy taking second place on Friday night is being given by the Lions Club af Bowmanvllle, and will be present- ed later. CHURCH NOTICE St. Paul's United Church-Rev. A. R. Cragg, M.A., Associate MmJ- ister. Sunday, November l7th: il a.m.-Morning Worship; 7 pan. - Evening Worsbip, s u b j e c t, "Would it belp .ta bang IHitier?"' h. g THIS YEAR DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPINO AT YOUR I.D.A. DRUG STORE It wil pay you te visit aur store aow te, select your Christ- Lowest mas Gits. Our stocks are i anti dispisys matie, Civig Pricésyou a witie selection te choose fromt. Gifts sent overseas P---e- must be maileti at once. Dont delay. Visit us tetiay. jLarger Stocks - Lowest Prices 80 REFRE8HING TO THE SKIN THIS ABSOLUTELY MILD SOAP WITH THE DEUCATE FRAmRHOfAPMBLOSM A Box of Six Cak.s-Only 570 Cashmere Bouquet Gift Sets 25e - 50e - 75e - $1.00 Gin Puis PLLS Two Sises 39e - 69C Eno's Fruit Sait Handy Size - 53c Househld Size 87e Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets PRICES Z»9 - 3.49 4.00 -5.2S $750 SEVEN & TEN .. ...... -lePIEECE SETS 7.50 -12.95 420 -403-L145 Ail sets ln stock are ail flr5t grade, open stock designs. Extra pleces may be purchaseti at any time. SHAVING KITS 25e - 500 - $1.00 - $200 CUTEX GIFT SETS 350 te $8.50 YARDLEY SETS Men's -- 1.00 up Ladies -$1.00 up PEN AND PENCIL SETS $1.00 to $10.00 CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxeti assortmenta 19e Individual Cardas 2 for 5c - 5c - 10o - up ALEX Phone 792 PALMOLIVE MEN'SGCl"; SETS 49c- 98c Dr. J. C. Dcvitt bigbly honoured and greatly es- tccmed menibers. This year it was aur proud privilege ta fit- tigyrecognize the lite and works af Dm. James C. Dcvitt, af Bowmanvillc, a Past President af aur Association and an autstand- ing Canadian citizen. Dr. Dcvitt, after a preliminary education, graduated from Uic Royal College of Dental Surgeons in 1899, and was for ten years associatcd with Dr. J. M. Brima- combe, wha was the first gradu- ate af Uic Dental College. Wbcu Dm. Brimacombe rctired, Dr. Dcv- itt taok aven the practice, and bas since then scrvcd Uice pealle af bis cammunity in a most efficient manner. Dr. Devitt bas been and is an expert tishemman, and speuds part af cach year in Northern Ontario, travelling long distances by canoe and pbotograpbing as be gocs. His photogrnpbs ot Uic wild 111e and scencry af Uic grent hinterland are as tamous 'as bhis irophies, and have becu 'sought by Govcmrnmcut departments ta il- lustrate the beauties af Canada. He bas for years been actively intercsted in sparts, particularly soccer and hockey. He bas taken a lively interest in the 111e af the conixunity, being Recarding Ste- ward and Supeintendent af Sun- day School af Trinity United 'Church. Dr. Pevitt served on Uic Higb Scbool Board for thirty-five ycars. He bas been President af Uic Canadinu Club, President af Uic Roary Club, President af the Chamber af Commerde, active in the Masonic Order, be is a 32nd degrce memiber af Uic Scottish Rite, and Past Noble Grand of the Independent- Order af Odd- Idllows, alsa a member af the Loyal Orange Association. The Ontario Dental Association is proud ta be pcrmitted ta add the name af Dr. James C. Devitt ta Uic list af honourable men f it- tingly recognized by Uic Ontario Dental Association because af the many valuablW contributions they have made fotahUicdvnncement af dentistry in this province. I~~~> mw.e NOXZEMA LjChap.d ind Milette Blue Blades 5 for 25e $1.00 Prescriptions a Speciaity McOREOOR w. eie "ANNOUNCING" APPLE BLOSSOM Soap by Williams f s. s Phions 651 WELCOME NEWS FOR THRIFTY SHOPPERS Commencing this week we have adopteti a new merchandising poiicy which reduces the caut ot your meat bill 2 te, 3 cents per pounti. This means that the best quality meats at the lowest prîces lu town are pracureti at aur store. The customçgs who buy theIr ment at aur shop anti carry it home ta save tieliverY casts, make these warthwhile savings: Deiivered Carried ROUND STEAK 28c lb. 25c lb. SIRLOIN STEAK 30c lb. 28c lb PORTERHOUSE 30c lb. 28c lb Steak or Roaset POT ROAST lic IL 15C lb. Rolied SAUSAGES 15c àb 2 lbs. 25c OTHER CUTS OFFER MIEILR REDUCTIONS C AWKER' S Phone 382 MEAT MARKET -, BowmanvIUe If your teeth look duil andi tingy make them bright as ipeas wit Tartaroif -- 25c JUshe queuil Iu& Dmw Mc.b

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