.0-* Otn, eia Wlth Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanvillle News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News __________________86__ BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l4th, 1940NUBR4 Goodyear EMPloyoes Ness Wor'Bargainng Agreement *ianagement Slent on Issue le Third Meeting of Union Hled Sunday in Town Hall - Further Plans Made. On Sunday the majority o: Goodyear emplayees met in ti Iýwn Hall ta further discuss planû eid objectives ai their newl3 formed Union. This marked theil f third meeting. The iirst was a Oshawa. The second, which wac open ta thé public, was repartec in last week's Statesman. The Sunday meeting was an. naunced as a closed meeting; thai is, nat apen ta the general public, It was a meeting ai citizens af Bawianville wha are emp1ayees ai Goodyear, many being taxpay- ers and vaters. They met ta dis- cuss matters relevant ta their own welfare and, as such, ta the gen- eral weiare ai the cammunity. Some difficulty arase when the meeting carivened. Mayor R .0 Jones, accampanied. by Chief ai Police Ventan were reparted to have required information as ta the bona fides of thase preseni before tlie meeting covIld praceed. Some rumors had been spread that it was ta be a "secret" meet- ing and the terms "reds" and "canmunists" were used. The agenda was explained by one ai the camniittee, a returned soldier eîployee, to the satisfac- tian ai thase requiring the infor- mation and the meeting praceed- ed. The ent for the hall was paid out ai Unian funds. Among the matters discussed were tlie newly annaunced "bonus" by tie Goodyear Caom- pany; the routine aperation ai tlie Union and its relatiansliip ta, the Internalional Union; observance f 'heConsiutian as a prime. AC'uisite in any action undertaken and finally a discussion ai .tie xnany grievances in the plant. A copy ai the Company's bul- letin regarding tie new "bonus" ~was red, a4,o iws: ENew Toronto, Nov. 7, 1940 Effective as of November 4tli, *1940 the Gaodyear management ap aunoes that a bonus wiil be p4dal liaouly and piece-wark employees at New Toronto, Bowmanviile and St. Hyacinthe plants as falaows: Male adults -----$2.00 per week Females -------$150 *per week Yauths - ----- .0O per week If less than a full week af stan- dard liaurs is womked, this bonus wil be reduced prapor- tionately. It must.,be cleariy under- C. of C. Meets To-idght The Bowmanvllle District Chamber of Comimerce wil be held in St. Paul's Lecture Roorn at 7.30 sharp ta-niglit (Tliursday). Matters ai ex- ceptianal interest ta farmers, citizens and business men alike wlll bd discussed. An event oai-importance ta the whole cammunity is ta be planned and sjlonsored by the C. af C. Therefare every citi- zen shoul d be present. Pay- ment ai the nominal mem- bership iee and your presence is the least you can do ta give Bawmanviile a boost. staod this Bonus Plan is subject ta elirniriatiain or revisian at any time. S E. H. Kaken, Vice-President This was discussed at some 2length and tue meeting agreec unanimously tuat it was fat. iran satisiactory; that it was insuf- aficient ta meet tue needa ai pm. Lplayees wlio ask for a regular frate increase and tuat the foot. : note indicates it îay be remov- 3 ed wituaut cansulting the em- tplayees. It was viewed as a xnove *similar ta that ai 1937 whicii idefeated the Union attempt tuen. .Discussion furtuer eniphasizeci 1 tue right (which was praclaimeci by the Domidnion gavernient) ta radapt tic systeni of a callective bargainmng. This means that a representative cammittee ai eî- ployees îay discuss witi tueý managment, general grievances af tue whale body af warkems. Tue Ifasis af the whale matter is, finaily: better wages and better warking conditions., It was announced that a dcci- sion liad been amived at whemeby every possible resaurce wauld be explored and every inducement put forth reasanably ta urge tue Gaodyear Company ta sit down with tue employeca and negatiate on the many grievances they claiexlst. Iralng that, tue cansensus of tic meeting wms that the cm- ployeca- would be iorced ta con- On MondàY, Mm. Mackenzie, tic Union organizer, met Mr. Koken but -thc resut was a refusai by tue campany ta entertain tic bagaining idea. The-chairman ai tuéMemployee's cammittee alsQ requested thc pri- vilege ai the committee meeting tic management but without avail. No esans weme given by tic Company aificials for their refuisal, hence it appears that matters are approaching an i- passe at a time ai tue year, and under wam conditions, that îay be a seiaus setback -for tic whale community., Chaplain States No Sol1dier Ever Droken Ry Army Liie Ex-Semvice Men Hear Padre Leglon and Army. Dlg-. nitarles Ouests at Lions Club Memhorlal, Dînner. "When yau send your son into tie army I know, he wll corne bacla just as goad or better a ian ian before," sald Rev. Capt. W. F. Banister addressing tic Lions Club sud ex-service men Monday nigit. "Na strang ian lias ever been broken by tue ammy aud xnany weak meu have faund strength iu its discipline." Lions sud gucsts were deligit- cd tQ hear their former friend, ministér sud idllow Lion speak on tue occa5ioii ai a special Arm- Istice Day dinner ou tue sub]ect ai "ILoaking Aiter tic Canadian * Soldier." "Canadian training camps fal into twa categaries," Mm. Banisteir *began. "The firet 5 periaps la- cated lu a loucly place away frai large cities whcrc travel 5 <jil- <'ult in- winter. Petawawa isa ~ lace suci as tbis snd there are 2'àmes that even tue filuct char- actqgr Is tcmpted ta be loncly and bored ta deatu." Ticeallier kiud, located near large centres, pravides lots af mc- creation for tue ian ou leave - periape too niuci, sud so lu bath * ,'places temptatiaus of variaus I~inçjs beset tue ian lu training. Cj.Banistor stated tha u ne aDlactivity, borqdom, or when ticenmen iad been disappointcd -forance eason sud anotuer, it was easy ta sec tuat sanie taok tic ' uickest way out wltu tue result that dmlukiug greatly iucreased at tiese tumes. Tueri too tuere le tic ever 1resent temptatian ta seek entertainient wlth tic wman g klud ai woîen. Peut up eucrgy soictimes MAY lead ta outbreaks ai violence, and boredai ta indifference ta dm111 sud discipline. Worklug thraugli thc Canadian Legion Auxiliary War Services, ciaplains have an aPPartunity ta participate in tic many variai events whlch cicer up days sud ulgits ai thc boys away frai home. Many Diversions *Y.MC.A.' and Salvation Amy agencies aima do ticir part witi tic result tuat tiere are many (Contlnued on Page 3) POPYDAY FUND BETTER THAN 1939 CHILDRENASSIST Good westher and btter busi- ness conditians tuis year weme e- flected in tic greater success ai tic aunual Poppy Tag Day ield. ChidrýE;n ai tic public sud higi sciaaim gave their services as tag- gers for tue day sud wcre iigily praiscd for doing a splendid job by tic Poppy Fund Committee. Iu Bownisnvillc, retumus cx- ceedcd by $15.00 tic amount ais- ed last year, sud Newcastle did even bcttem, aising $16.00 in ex- cees ai tic 1939 figure. Figures eleased by R. M. Cotton show tic tag boxes toola lu $143.15 on tic streets af Bowmauyille sud $43.98 in Newcastle. Added ta tiese figures was tic amount irai tic sale ai wreaths whiic is iandled turougi tic Poppy Day organization, talllng $66.50. Private donations ta tice iund werc $2.00,. Summing up, total expeuditure for wroatlis sud pappies was $126,28, lcaving, a fine balance for tic iund o! $128.35. Tic latter figure will be augmeuted wheu returus irai Omano are available. Port Hope Boy Y Awarded Durhau *Aýwarded.top standing, aut ai a faelI ai 18 contestants, Christo- pher Taylor, PortHoe won tic public speaking cameition for Durhami County, at the 'annual gatliering held i Millbroak Fi- day evening. Tue event was un- dem auspices ai tic Durham Coun- ty Trustees' and Ratepayers' As- sociation, witi President W. J. S. Rickard, Siaw's Sehoal, in tic chair. Port Hope pupils iad ail the lionors, tic unne-up being Alex K ellaugi of tiat tawn. But it was canceded by tic capacity audi- ence tuat thc judges, Dm. Bannis- ter, Peterboroughi, R. A. Conisi, LPort Perry, W. R. Baxter, Col- !borne, and H. McLead, Brighton, liad a difficult task in ariving at tueir decisians, as ail entrants miade a îast creditable showlng. J. Wellington Pickup, K.C., Ta- ronta, an old Mllibrook boy, was iii attendance representing tic Toronto Durhiam Club and pre- Lseutcd ta Cliistopier Taylor, tic winnem ai tic cvcning, tic haud- soie sild which tuat body firstj gave for this coîpetition in 1932,j and wiici lias been cantinuously1 campeted for ecdiycam since. 9 Thse Amerlean Electian Choasing as hlm subi ect: "AnÀ event ai thc hour, and tic man bciind it," tic timely matemial cavcmring tic ecent election of President Roasevelt far 'a third term in tic White Housde> and its world significance, 'Christopierc Taylor couchai uis speech in fine language, iad an easy platri manner, rcquired no pompting, made a goad' appearance, and iadr no difiiculty whatever in holding closely tic attention ai thc large audience. Alex Kellougi, who was award-e ai second place, aima made a strang appeal ta tic listeners withr his theme: "A well knawn British statesman, Winsthn Churchilil," cavering hlm lufe, and militamy ac- complishients,ini camprehensiveM detail, and winning iearty and prolonged applause. Spoke af the Flat Tueme is noa doubt tuat tic pupils ai tic Durhami caunty pub- i lic schools wiil be well verscd inb tic iistory ai tic ilag; no less u tian six ai tic contestants an p Friday evening having chosenV tuis subject for ticir address. Yct ù nat two presentcd just tic came a] (Contlnued on page 7) BA HS. Seniors Loue to Belleville in Fiut of Semi-finil Rugby Series Iu tic ilmat ai home sud home gaies Bowmanville senior grid- ders lost 26-21 in Belleville on Wednesday. A returu gamc willl be played icre Saturday, Navem- Mber 23,Lu whihtic B.H.S. squad wlbegiven a chance ta pull ahead. Belleville drew first blood wicn Clame, outstanding star ai tic castemu teani, klcked aver tic deadliue for a point. Tic mcd, whilte sud black weme not laung lu etaliatlug wheu a pas frai Me- flvecn ta Fisher uctted thc ilmet toucidown wiici was converted by Brown. The rest o! tic quar- ter tue baîl remalned fairly sta- tionary lu centre field. Clame rampai tuougi tic Bow- manvllle deicuse ta start tic Belleville secorlg sprec"i tic second fraie. He scomed a touci- down sud tien caliVerted - it ta take tic lcad frai B.H.S. The Uino on tic Bowmauvllle teç= siawed noticeable wcakenlng ai morale or soie. such thlng. and dldn't regain its stengti until late lu tic hast quarter. Tue'hall cuded wti Belleville leading 7-6. How B.H.S. îtianagcd tapuIll out of the third quarter is stîlia miracle. Stu. McBmlde statcd tic Belleville teain off wltu a cou-1 veted tauchdown, qulckly fol-1 lawed by anotier by is brother <Contlnuid on page 7) An Iii ormed Public Nuit Knsw the Vicia A promincut speaker in a brosd- cast mcmarked that if dcmacracy is ta survive tic public must came out ai its letiargy sud be botter informai an tic important Issues ai tic day, Tiey muet nat anly know tic facts but tuey muet participate ta a greater extent in tic administration a! govemumeut sîl alaug the lime frain civic coun- cil ta parlaient. Mauy citizeus have iound in tic past atteuding tic local Caniadian Club meetings, wiere autstanding speakers dis- cuse tumcly subjects, lias been moat ielpful un acquiruug soie ai this knowledge. Iu war tume it is mare important than ever that 'bt tue Men's and Women's Can- adîsu Clubs be at full strengtu. We would tiercioro urge aur citi- zens, for ticir awu enlîgiteumeut, ta join anc ai these clubs wiose series ai meetings open this monti. In iact tic Women's Can- adian Club meets uext Mouday in St. John's Parisi Hall at 3.30 p.m. wien tuat brIllant, well lnformid sud widely tavelled sud charni- lupersanality Nancy Pyper is golug ta speak on "Famous Peo- ple I Have Met." A speclal Invi- tation Io exteaded ta evemy woan iu tuis camîunlty ta attend sud join the club. Armistice DËay Speakers Rev. Capt. W. F. Banister lei former minister ai St. Paul's United Cliurch, Bowîanville, and now chaplain at Barriefield Miitapy Camp, Kingston, wio was guest speaker at the Lions Club Monday niglit when a nurnber ai Veterans ai thc 1914-18 wam wcre honored guests. Bey. A. R. Cragg (right) minister ai St. -Paul's United Churci, who gave the Remeibrance Day address on Armistice'Day, whici was held ini the Town Hall, instead of, at the cenotaph, on accaunt af wet weathem. lins lu Oratory n Club Trophy TSIOLDIERS ENJOY WAR, PICTUREI HWdnesday evening Lt. Cal. A H.Bonail, C. 2nd Batt.Md. land Regt., N.P.A.M. presented t< tic soldiers ai tieihrce units ir training icre a series of films oi war scenes at tic Badminton club Tue pictumes 'displaycd stirrini scenes ai actual preparatian fai warfare in tic developient à stmategy and tactica. iOfficers and saldiers wer( shown pmcparing defences,, dig. ging emplacements, canstructini wire, sand-bagging buildings, sur. veying terrain, clearing obstaclei and ,iasning guns. This plan lias been adoptai bý tue Dept. ai National Defence ti stimulate intcmest. It visualizeî in away tuat canuot be achievec ithrougi tcxt-baoks and lecture4 and te intensely -interestlng. Tic second series wiil be showsi icre on Nov. 27th and thc wiale niilitary district wiil be likewise served. Opinion is tuat it isa splendid idea. Major Jobb, 2nd in Commnand, assisted Lt. Col. Boun- saîl in tue presentation. AN HONEST MAN .EXPLAI4S WHY NE NEGLECTS TO PAV He came inta thec Statesman office tue otuer day and tuis i what ie iad ta say: "HIere's cigit bucas! Now cut îy paper off ."He smlcd wien he said it, 'oehe meant just what he sald. And he went on' ta explain tuat "these big-shat city papers dan't fool amound wheu tucir subscriptian expIres-tiey cut you aff." lec claimcd tiat tuis was the riglit policy; that wcekly publisi- ers were too lax; tiat tuey neyer insisted an paymnt and anc year ierged into anotuer until tue bill bdcame formidable. He ws rigit. And wc acccpt aur ahane af tic blame. To correct ali tuhs we jained tic Audit Bureau ai Circulations- which icans that tiose who drift behind, will actuaily be cut o!ff unlil tiey pay up. Our due and past accounts wcnt out tuis week. We know by now tuat you have ticm. Wc camicnd ta you that above example. Iu liii we salute au honcst man. He stated hsm mmd and paid 'thc bill. And lic Wvill continue ta get The Statesman because he is -a gaad citizen. Red Cross Donations Que reason that Bowmanviiie Red Cross funds for tuis yeam are atier slow lu gaing aver the top is tiat tue caninittee undertoola to raise a greater amaunt tuan is shauldcrcd by îany towns af the sane size. Tucy werc kceniy wame oa' thc great nccd and icerefome arc stmaining ta tue ut- mast ta raise thc objective of $5,500 in tuis district. To date collections are $4,312. rreasurer R. M. Cotton.- pojuted )ut, in part, iow thus moucy is ient. Fifty percent la uscd lacaliy ýbuy supplies ta carry an tic wrrl at home. Tue remainder mes ta tic National Red Cross r ticir needs, anc ai tic greatèst )f whici at present la ta send5 od ta prisoners ai war. In cases1 'icre coutributors are awarc ai he vital work tueir *money is do-1 ng and enligitened, by thc knaw-% edgc tuat workers perfri al helr duties on a purely voluntary )sais, the donations oiiered are twsys -ulgher. Open Satuday NighLi For ticeca niece 'ai cus- tamers and usubscrlbers Tic Statesman office will be open t ecd Saturday ecnlng irain 7.80 ta 9.30 p.m. D.S.T., till t furtuer notice. Accounts may V be paid aud orders taken for b pminting, advertising and sub- N scriptions.D Midland Regt. News Lieut. W. H. Qattes, Corporals A. C. Phiiiips and E. J. Rundle are in Part Hope taking classes and1 instruction on gas. Lieut. J. M. James is Instructor at the Physical Training Schoal at Cobourg. Along with liii tak- ing the course are Lance Corpar- ais E. V. Sheehan, Cyrus Elkins, J. Knox. Guards at tue Armouries are now being clianged at 10 a.m. in- stead af 6 p.m. Miss Ruth Hutchinson spent Soldiers and Civilians Honour Those Who Fought in Last War 1 "Farce aiarms is not enaugli ta ensure the cantinuance of those 114eals for which we are iighting. ..ho ideals must be enshrined 1ffliôtr own lieart," stated Rev. A. R.*,Cragg in lils Armistice Day address at the service Manday mornink. In simple, maving words Mr. Cragg told ai the impartant but difficuit task that soldiers and civilians alike had in arder ta keep the faith with those wha died in the cause ai freedam. He said that the figliting forces were doing ail they could ta keep the democratic lii e we cherisli from being destrayed at a strake. Nevertheless their effort is in- sufficient unless backed up witli a firm belief in the indestructibil- îty af these higli ideals. Heavy ram paured dawn at the eleventh liaur and the ceremony was held in the town hall audi- torium. "D" Company, afficers4 and men ai the Midland Regiment1 attended, the N.P.A.M., Scauts,9 Cubs, Girl Guides, Brownies, rnembers ai the Town Caundil, Public and Higli School pupils,t and several hundred citizens. c Aiter the reading ai the ral ai honor by His Worship Mayar R.8 0. Janes, the Last Post was im- presslvely saunded by Bugler1 Geo. Haod, the saldiers remaining at attention and the afficers Rcv. S. Davison actcd as chair- ian, with Rcv. Canon Spencer, padre, Bey. W. G. Blake and Ad- jutant J. D. Hart assisting iu tic inipressive service. Tic Canadian Legian Band played the accai- paniment for tic iymns.j Wreaths wcre laid on tic Ceno- tapi at the conclusion ai tic in- door service by tic following adian Club, Girl Guides-Rau-I "If, then, ian has not ccascd gers-Brownics, Canadian Legion, jta be a mere bcast ai prey, aur Province ai Ontario, Council af boasted modemn civilization is tic Town ai Bowmanvilie, Boy only an empty shaansd has no Scouts, Womcn's Canadian Club, rigit ta live. I ami pemsuadcd tiat High Scioal, Lions Club, Rotary lu tic final sualysis tic cure must Club, Goodyear, Public Sciool, be spiritual." Witi tiese womds sud Boys' Training Sciool. Rcv. W. P. Rogers, Ex-Presideut Tic fine service. Mouday owed af tic Bay af Quinte Coufereuce, its success sud impressiveness in couciudcd a scialamly addmcss on large part ta thie euergetic secre- tic League af Nations dclivcred tary a! tic Canadisu Legion icre, ta tic Rotary Club Friday. He R. M. Cotton, J.P., wlio neyer snalyzed lu detail tic measons it fails ta give is best ta tis i- had made suci slow progmess lu portant ycarîy service ai reici- tic cause ai warld peace. brance. Bcginning with tic thesis tiat _________________ any alliance suci as tic League ta be permanent sud effective must be made up af hamogeucous DONNMER WAGON clements, Mm. Rogers showed tuat GIVEN TO BRIDE suci an integration sud commun- ity ai intcmcst had neyer been Scaton Hall, Part Hope, was the achieved witiin tic League, scene ai s vemy pleasaut surprseticrefome wheu an international party on Monday evcuing, Nov crisis arase it was as pawerless 4tli, whcn iriends ai Mme. Chas: as s festier beiare a gale. Mascie met sud prccented hem ilWe read pi tic lanib sud tic witi a wainut'dinner wagon and lon lyiug dowu tagether - but silver rose bowl. Mmc. Chas. Ro- we neyer read about tic lamb berts, ln icr naturaliy graciaus gettiug up again, sud 50 it will way, voiced tic sentiment o! ahl ever be wicn no higier law tian present when she wished iMlm. tic lsw ai tic jungle is observai,"l Massie liappinese lu hem approaci- ho said. ing mammiage, and little Patsy Anu For a century or marc Britain Smith ai Bowmanville miade tue has relied. on tic metiode ai preseutation. A niast enjoyable 'Balance a! Pawee' sud 'Collec- prognani ai musc, meadnge, etc., tive Security' ta keep thc peace. provldcd a happy cvening's en- Tuc former was a failume because tertainment aud refresiments îucvitably tic tinie camé wien wvere served at thc close frai, a anc party caucluded tint it was table, tic decorations ai wiici tic stronger sud caînienced ag- were absolutely beautiful. Mme. greselan. Witnecs the Crimean Mssle's mariage ta Mm. Frank War sud tic Franco-Prussian W. Priar, Toronto, took place Wsr. Tuat systEýM was thmawn NoTveînber 9ti. into tic discard aiter 1914. Wiy Big Demonstration With Apple Show I. Being PIanned rThe Apple Show and Cooking FSchool anauncai last week hc 5ccrtainly stirring up county-widE intemest and enthusiasi. Suci a large attendance ai mural and ur- ban folks is anticipated that lar- gem quarters have been secumcd. The show will now be hcld in tic Town Hall, Bownianville, on Fmi- day, Nov. 29th, with sessions ai- temnoon and cvening. Two thous- and invitations will be maiied out ta tue woîen -o! Bownianville and West Durham ta be tic gucsts of tic sponsors. Tiere is no ad- mission ice or collection taken and cvemy guest will have an op- pomtunity ai winnîng anc o! tic numemous valuable prizes ta be given away at each session. Sa mark tic date on tic kitchen cal- endar now. Tue Hydra Commission is giv- ing wholeiexted co-aperation ta tuis. event by sending tucir head dietician and caaking expert, Miss Muir, ta canduct tic coaking schoal. Tue sponsors af tuis unique comiunity event include tic Bowmanville District Clianber a! Commerce, Dumrani Apple Gmaw- crs Association, Public Utilities Commission, Agicultural Repre- sentative and local electrical deal- crs. County wcstward, giving infor- iý mation as ta control and proced- te: ure in case the disease appearcd tic thérein. ga The Statesman, just ging ta bo press, merely brings the local thq condition ta the notice af readers in but unfartunately lias no officiai information frai the Depart!Pent in regard ta caîbating tlie out- thi break. Soie days aga we wrote ti ta th~e Minister ai Agriculture but, Permission Given Red Cross To Use High SchooI Roonus Teachers' Contracis Debated RATEPAYERS ASK Mderator and SOME REDUCTION Enumerate Neq IN ASSESSMENTS China Like Ste In a mighty eiiart ta do justice ta those taxpayers ai Bowman- ville who considered soiephs ai their assessment too hifo r aceis Shipjed Overseas members ai the town council (oiiicially known as a Court ai The cliaice callection ai Revision) toola their places in the Christmas gifts listed in last council chamber Thumsday even- week's Statesman are now on ing and wrestled with the appeal hi a oteby vr problenis. Clerk Alex Lyle and sathe at aneo oer- a Town Assessor Fred Pattinson ps as, the Ca aan pLen fi w ere on and ith th ei re ord late last w eek by m e mnbers ai volumes to give muci needed as- 7h ein sitdb e sisane.citizens. The postage alone on s Chairman Chas. Searle ably the 39 packages was over $30. C prcsided while Councillors Evans, Tokidhrtd epe Abernethy and Deputy Reeve w kidhat pol R Morris composed the board of wlio wisli ta remain anany- v arbitration. mous contributed $5.00 each ai Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, foMhsCrsta lcr addressed the court asking for a reduction of $300 on the assess-T ment af $3,900 on the FairbairnH g C oea Srk sa property corner af Elgin and Con- lr tie cession Sts. When it was di1sclos-~ gCh e hta previaus eduction ai f<lRu D src $300 liad been made last ycar and Local Ru~& ral isrc m that the figure set aon tuis pro- D,___ perty compared very favorably vi with other sîmilar places in the Hog Cholera has again broken he neigiborhood, the court found no out in South Darlington. Breed- th, legitimate ground ta grant the ing stock and litters have been ti petitian. destroyed on several fanms in tue If the taxes continue high on Courtice district under orders ai the Senkler poperty on Beeci Dr. W. Tennant ai the Dominion Avenue, the trustees will seriaus- Health ai Animals brandi. lh ly consider tearing the liause Reports are that the disease ;ý down, declared M. G. V. Gould has broken out in other parts ai ni: asking for a reduction on the as- the township. WB sessment af $5,800. He further According ta latcst information ti stated that the property had been the origîn was traced ta a farmer ti well advertiscd and the Public of foreign extraction who ied gar- anq Trustees were oficring it at a bage brought froni a nearby city wl ridiculously low figure, neverthe- and disposai af his dead iags in mb lcss there liad not been and wasa.mrh nui. no prospect ai a sale. The house amrh nuid lias now been vacant for sanie Dr. Tennant is doing uis utmast era time but the grounds have been ta check the outbreak. cal kept in good condition. A reduc- The Ontario Department o!f.Ag- es tian ai $300 was granted. Deputy riculture authorized advertise- ta ments in weekly papers last week led <Continued on page 6) coeri 1' he isrctfmOnaroPr( Janitor is lIired for Winter Months--New Math. Teacher Begins Duties. Board ai Education meeting Tuesday night was featured by (1) a carefuily planned sales tala; <2) a lialf-hearted continu- ance ai the discussion on wlia may use the school buildings; (3) a verbal strafing ai The Statesman for alleged "inaccumacies" and (4) a discussion ai conditians under which a teaclier miglit be released frai a yearly contract. Iîmediately upon Mr. Lucas being called up for mîlitary ser- vice, some days ago, lie was me- Waring Elements Within League Tied ItsRands When Crisis Came PILOT OFFFlUCER CLIFFORD HALL ON GERMAN SOIL We wonder iow many ai aur citîzeus wio take tue Toronto Star Weekly noticed lu tue issue ai Sept. 7th Pilot Officer R. Cliii Hall, 22-ycsr-oid sou ai Mr. and Mmc. Gea. L. Hall, Oshawa, for- merly of Bowmanville? Cliii was wcaring hcavy iighting cquipnient sud wss witi an R.A.F. crew on a huge twin-matomed bomber. Tic cmcw thougit tiey had land- cd lu France, but upon iquiry iound thcy wcre on Gerruan soil. Realizing their mistake a quicla get-away was cffected but nat bcfome. they were ciased by Ger- man sirmen. Hawever, tiey land- cd ssiely bacla in England. It is just two years ths mantu tuat Cliii leit Canada an hus awn ta join tic R.A.F. At present he le engagcd in air gunnery Instruc- tion saîcwherc in tic ïBritisi IdIes. has Collectiv e Security nat prov- cd ta be a succese? Tiat is tic probleni ta be dealt wlti icre. Tic League has accomplished muci sud was not a failure in many respects; anecoculd as rea4- ily believe tiat Jesus, because he was crucified, was a faihure. Tic Disarniament Caniereuce was anc ai tic great triumphs ai tue Les- gue; neyer bcfite had tue repre- sentatives ai so many millions gatiered togetuer wlth anc pur- <Contlnu.d on Page 3) 14- placed by anatuer niatiematics teacher, Omer VanSicale, who was available an short nb'Iicè. 1r. VanSicale has been teacing~ in Blind River. It was suggested tiat other changes in tue staff wcrc pending but no afficial resigna- tians have yet been receivcd. A representative ai a duplicat. îng iachjne was present ta de- manstrateis weigity, streai- licd machine and point out many measans wiy it wauld cast thc board very. very little (in tic long run) ta buy. A decision on tue purciase was deicrred Until nexýt meeting wien it would be casier ta sec if any funda would be available. In tiat cannection tic report ai tue finance coi- mittce siowed tiat 1940 expen- ditures would be wituin thir budget-but not; wituln tue figure set by tue parent body, thc town council. H. E. Smith wiç> is usually ap- painted as assistant caretaker tirough tue wintcr niontis wlU again help Mr. Moyse, tuis year .at a sliglitly -higier salsry. W . R. Strike iad put. a letter in Secretary Masou's handi ask- ing for use af tue EHigi School gym and deliionstration room anc zkigit ecd weck for thc pur- pase afilnstructing a Rai Cross class lu haie nursing. 0f course tuis requcst brougit up thc vex- ing question Bo much discussed at last mauti's meeting ai use afi tuS Public building. Trustee Goddard braugit forth an editanial irai tue Toronto Star an thc subject and passed it around. In a serles afi'"off tue record" amides thc trustees coin- nicnted on thc clipping, on tue Press lu gencral, Thc Statesman in particular until tue meeting wascalled ta order again ta quictly procced witi tic merits ai Mm. Strike's requcet. Principal Dippel sald the auditorium was being used tirce nigits a wcek ta practice for tic commencement, nevertielese a sutiable tume could be iound. III move we grant tic mcqucst if ticy are willing ta pay for tic isnitor's supervision" said Trustee Goddard. The motion was camried. "We're stuck witu tic lights"l protestai Dr. Bonnycastie. Considerable tume was taken discussing tic conditions ai me- lease af Miss Iris Matthcws frai hem contmact. Miss Mattuews lias acceptai anatier position expect- lng ta be reicased frai hem con- tract heme on the candition sic make good ta tic Board an in- crease thcy migit have ta psy ta secure anotuer good teacher. It was fcît tuat since no increme would lkley have ta be pald Miss Mattucws siould nat hesitate ta haud lu a formai résignation. - 1 \001- Ans . m -, -- a Mlissiouary ,eds of Church ee1lunCruc1bl Now or Neyer Church Must Aid China, Says Dr. McClure. Two truly great men addressed a rally of United Churcli people from the Oshawa Presbytery in rnity Church Wednesday even- ing. One was Rt. Rev. Dr. Aubrey S. Tuttie, Moderator of the United Church .in Canada. The other, Dr. Rt. B. McClure, one of the most versatile and dynamjc mission- aries the church has ever been privileged to have carry on its nedical work in China. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Port Per- ypresided at the supper meeting ;ndc Rev. S. Davison, pastor at Trinity, was chalrman at an open meeting in the auditorium. In burning words Dr. Tuttie and Dr. McClure brauglit enthusiastic, vital messages which. iired their âearers with a new vigor of en- 1usiasm, to carry on the work of te church at home and abroad. The Moderator Beginning his after-dinner ad- Iress the Maderator coniessed bat a certain sentiment liad for Lany years been attached to the ie of Bowmanville for him. It vas created by acquaintances;in he West who had connections i Lis town. The Allins and Soucis, id now Rev. A. R. Cragg, ail of hum lie has known, made Bow- inville more than a mere name. "I had'no ambition ta be Mod- 'ator," Dr. Tuttie said. -W mi ally he recalled the circunî8tan - ssurrounding lis recent el&Uton- Dthe high office and acko&W- -dged that aiter ail the hand of Iovidence midght be in it. Im- iediately after lis election let- ers and telegrams of congratula- bn and support poured in wliich. ave him a realization of the firm ,d af fellowship existing among e consecrated band of ministers ,the United Churcli. Secularism la Dangerous "Axnong: many thiings which .reaten the very foundations of âe church to-day, two stand out 1