PAGE TEN* THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE,. ONTABO TBRSDAY,NVMBR1,94 hThe Newcastle Independent Pbaue"Clarke 1114 Pte. Jas. Hockin, Lindsay, visit- velapment, growing in their 71î 1 ýÉl b 1u wfP M à 9 aI ed his mother, Mrs. W. J. Hockin. house, the largest is nearing the Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.p., was ripening stage. home from Ottawa over the week- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney N A E NTM R IG end. spent two days in 11krhngtôn ________________________ by's sale of Holstein cattie at Port Mrs. ArmouHmtn rcn wiah ta announce the engagement November 9, 1940, by Rev. Dr.OOM Missry o n Fr Ma.Sm tBAo Mrs. Alertb Rils, Ty d r. an of their daughter, Beatrice Ruth, Gordon A. Siso, Toronto, Hat- house oui îWeilA11t9- treqt3 al V itn' oly C netac' the high school staff, spent the George Méadows of the Veter- Mr. Wm. Yeo and the lat e Mrs. o! t e le Massed a< leti toe lct ie- ni çv lt F .Vritn, weekend at Embro with her Mo- ans Guard of Canada was home Yeo of Bow v o h wd rfe ld, Port.Hopdto ran ther. from the intcrnent camp <Çxar ding ta take place quîctîy the lat- Merrior T orto to FrantrkPoe38.4- poe77.4- Chalk«RUver where he is on auty. ter part of November. lfeMr ndMstWhrer C-metZApyMr.R.ECD>i Messrs. Aif. and Gardon Garrod ltHMr adStra.vedrCo ie visited their brother Victor in He has put on weight and is, look -__men.__________RE.____i Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, on ugetecyftadcpbe The engagement is bourg.e well, S ilver St. Phone 784. SRYDO O Sunday. Glenn Allun had his bicycle of Lorraine, youngcst daughter of CANA. _____________ DrigardC Couch Courtice o! the East End stolen from the'United Church Mr. and Mrs. C. Brockman, Osh- DEATEIS (-tZearZOwncr taprove nro Garage returned from a deer sheds Sunday alternoon while he awa, ta Mr. Alaen E. Pr'out, son o!fep atdpryadpyepne.!.C hunt. The party of six brought was in Sunday School. Constable Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Prout, PEARCE - In St. Michael's Nos- HeY lHoeyphne256. 4- down one deer. Jno. Garrod and the Chie! of Bowmanville. The weddmng ta pital, Toronto, Nbvember l2th, HELP WANTED - EXPERIENC- Miss Kathleen Toms spent the Police at Bawmanviile were noti- take place on November 30. Eric W. L. Pearce, belovcd hus- ae-.-.ed girl for genéral housework. TAE-NLO 6 O.2 weekend in Kingston with her f led of the theft. _____________ band o! Florence Walklngtan, Apply to Mra. Morley Vanstone, Crwihwieswadltl cousin, Miss Marion Fisher o! Wilson and Austin Trner load- an ahe fRbet arwnd Beech Ave. Phone 422. 48-l* pg.Onrmyhv aeb Queen's University. ed their fifth car of fancy seed '"'" ~ ~ ' and Douglas, of Ckaremont, Ont. prvn prptyad alg Howard Pearce is naw aperat- peas forthis season at the C.N.R. ReeeThrayadFiaS TT-n hw nTesyW k W ntdxpseC.ALrmrR.. ing his new Massey-Harris tractor. station Thursday. They were thec November 28th and 2Mt, for Bow- November 12, 1940, LewsE d- OKWNTD -MIID4- He hs i ped fsoeo!hslatoftissaonacrpgrwimanvîlle High School Commence- ward Scott, beloved father o!fa at amwr; eaaeAtce o hores n local farmiersi~n contract with ment. 45-tf Mis. C. Yeo, Hampton, and Mer-____man_____________________________ édR l Box Sale Newcastle High School Com- the Wellington Seed Company. , oseprec p mecmn xrie ilb edvin o! Oshawýa, in his 67th year. 84ù, aesmarin Ofce, el Boxn O AE-FCDSO~ Reetvstr ihMr. and On Friday afternoon, December Funeral from the Meagher Fn- Ad4,___________Office,________ an Friday evenîng, Nov. 22nd. A Mrs. E. W. Fisher were: her par- 6th, in Sons of England Hall, eral Home, 117 King St. P., Osh- JI il.4.* frnx 0dy ul;~lo2 good program la being prepared. enta, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keliar, Comipanians of the Forest. will awa, on Thursday, Nov. 14t, at Wantefie Adrone. Phone 2504. 46-1Wante Mrs. Fred Cowan and daughter, and her brothers, Elwood and hold a bazaar o! aprons, home 3 p.m. D.S.T. Interment Union Oecntawrcacai_______________ Ode arenvaiedMr.owan~s sstr, Mrs. Stuart Davcy and son nante.462 TPLTO- I Ccharte2c. hag o 2eextarisctio s o ci or aNTD or srap btteri CJEns oewih atran;im son, Mr. Fred Cowan, at S.Cath- Douglas, Sudbury. They also visit TPEO -nCako____g o 0 xraI adfr ea ateis hr arms. d Ms. ishr'ssiserMis Ga- Yu ae ivitd t atendan ayNovmbe 8t, 140,Erge mde hcnadvrtiemetatte.LndTCAanyur attry afl, bingin.n t hefer 18monha id.Ale Rosa Dickinson and Geo. Ste- don Garrod. old-fashoned Chicken Pie Supper Mrlton Stapletan, son ýo! Mr. and flot paîd sewcek a inser,ý .L E C L be X-rayed by aur 'newl yin- wullietbyyogbar phenson have been deer hunting Mrs. W. H. Pearce and !amîly from 5.30 ta .7.30 p.m., Thursday, Ms Wm. J. Stapleton, age 9 dion. Extra charge of 10o whCfl Lot 20, Broken Front Concession, stalled 'lWlllard Trouble 'Fid- P.cwatRR.3Bomn with a party. which inclùdcd Mi. received the sad news early Tues- November 2lst, in St. John's Par- years, 9 months. Interment at replies are directed te a Darlington, Base Line, on er Machine." G. F. Jamiesan, vle hn saa15r1 Dickinson's father, Mi. Beni. day 1borning o! the dcath o! her ish Hall. Tickets can be obtained BowmanvilleCemetery. 46-1a bxnme. ie&Batr hpKn n Dickinson, Hope Tp. eldeat son, Eric W. L. Pearce, in from Guild members, price 50c. ______________ Bfrtbs, deaths and marriages Novembr lOU140 silver sts. 46-t!FORSL-ODBR 0 John Rickard and Art Toms .st. Micahcl's Hospital, Toronto, 50eN 34';Inaima building 20' x 24'tandrd Ap- went out ta Haliburton an their follawing an operation for appen- 46-1 INM EM ORIAM fo5nie plus.10e Mer im,e orpm tadrdTm __________ ---____ vefrsnte. lus 1e perte-or BisHorses and Cattie - Bay Found pyE htOao hn annual deer hunt. frwin ColwiUl dicitis a few hours carier. Be A Fowl Supper (goose and chic- ASH-Memory's loving tribute ta vmare, 7siled advetise- 65r1mare46.1 ed Stan. Graham have been was rushcd ta the hospital from ken) will bc servcd at Zion adal aedhsadad monts acptedup unil6 ae yrs. ald; brse ow n mar.,re, 8OUD BNC FKESI planning to mo Wednesda. l. yra.toaid;ndJerseyrncawChuryra.,earencwveFOUNDan- BnNCHm.0FeKEYSa IN ta grwn o hi wane AirsClariemont an Mownd afernon Wurh(Welcomne Circuit) on father, Gardon Fredcrick Ash,_____________ about time o! sale; Jersey caw, 7 leather case. Apply Statesman -UL ACE RD A Ge.Wltnad hi gop a hldc e ssrvvdbyhsmo tedncsday, Nov. 20, cammencing who left us suddcnly November r.duDe 1t Ofc.4,, senor aloand hi ruso hlrnh ssriebyi m-a 5.30 p.m. Daylight Saving 'rime. l9th, 1938.V tesLitP td The following animais and pro-*Mdu,2cl. b.$.0 atendd thd junior C.G.I.T. girls ther, Mrs. W. H. Pearce, and two Good program Admission 50C -ic MryWthîllA) ctyo ohrsplteLptin-Agnstate C" uls frCrz Qita teddteRally in St. Andrew's youngcr brothers, Howard and and 35c. 44-46-1 n duhcr agaeAgdents OTC F IST Bak o,7 r. idu e. 2 bs 9c 2 $l0.Potg Church, Cobourg; Nov. 2nd. Ernest; his elder brother, H. R. 1_nd_____________ad___________F___ Bac cw,7 rs oddu Dc.12 R.. B. LeGresley installed a Pearce, and his sisters, Mrs. W. J. Helen. POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Holstein caw, 9- yrs. aid, renewed OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMAN exr.R natbnemxd faster aperating and more up-to- S. Rickaid, Shaw's, and Mis. Chas. gave Dick Railey, naw o! Toronto, 4 mnhmligwl;Jre RMNt aeago n date bottie filer and capper in Cowie, Grand Coulée, Sask. a framed motta. The Orchestra Cards of Thanks Voters' List 1940, Municipality of cow, 9 yis., due April; Durham came part or full tirne selling ys lO rpifrmkn the Newcastle Dairy Pasteurizing One hundred and fifty-four eîected Brenton Rickard president Bowmanville,.Couiuty of Durham caw, 7 yrs., heavy in cal!; Holstein made-to-measure suits, dresses, usulgfaBttshpWi- Pat tbotties and caps four at people dining in tne United in succession ta Boy and re-elect-cMrsChaplîsand Mry, Ncw cow, 3 young sweaters, underwear. Ae com- b.4- a trne. Church S. S. Hall Friday evening, cd Miss Reita Cooke aecretary- castie, wish ta thank the Firemen Notice is hpreby given that itI n osdeDcme.plete lineofo British Knitted- Mi. and Mis. W. E. Beman have under auspices o! the Parsonage treasurer. Rasa Allin' la now or- and boys of the town who camne have complied7 with Sec tion 10 o! The following Implements-M.- wear ta clothe the entire family.FO SAE-AP SFRE0 adwarf orange tree with five Committee, had their vague ideas chetra leader in succession ta so popl rdyeening and the Votera' List Act and that I H. Binder, 6 ft., worka likeew British Knitwear Ltd., Simcac, frt, cnts adDeia, Oranges in différent states o! de- o! a "Plunket" dinner clarified. Stanley Rickard and Chas. Clem- prevented what might have been have poated up in my office at 3-horse M.-H. cultivator; 3-horse Ont. 46-4 haprobrelGogeC ________________ ey. R. E. Morton introduced Mi. ence. a disastrous lire in their home. Bawmanvlle, an the 7th daY o! disc, good; M.-H. hay rake;4 sec- *AGENTS WANTED - IF YOU Hunt, master mind o! thec dmner _________Navember, 1940, the bast o! ail tian harrows; ridng plaw; 2 single want ta star! a business aofyur « ..which was an advertising project. Mi. Robt. Hamilton and !am'ily persans entitled ta vote in thc plows; 15 row seed drill, M.-H.; O n eom neednt, - r un xlandtlentuea NWATL~Y P . wish ta express ta friends and said municipality at Municipal Honey !anning xill; 4 ton !armn wiet-a o h IOPo A M th dnnrand its Iurpose. A neighbors their heartfelt thankIs Elections, and that such list re- wagon; hay and stock rack, nearîy _writiotadayNo ric JITPro- mu "P lunket" dinner is a co-operative Y. P. U. met Nov. 4th, with Pro- for kindness and sympathy tend- mains there for inspection. ne;wgnwt npdmp; positiaon NorikTuerothiorny - ï adverttising 'meal designed ta aident Gainet Rickard in the ered them durmng their recent And I hereby cail upon all vot- top buggy; 2 cutters; light siçigh; pdaytr il offerTemot com- big teatninoth i-chair. The prograin was in charge bereavement. ers ta take immédiate praceedings turnip drill; forks and ail other Irdcs RbrinAg tasthe o ateiofa!the dré- a! Miss Maroano Lycett, Christian ______have__________eriars or omissions amall articles,. rdut or consumera. Start ta hae anynow ta prepare for big Christ- M A R ut fsvrlfo rdchefultpe idconse o! sing ionmnsFer Sale corrected according ta law the las! H-arnes-Set team nharnesa. mas business. Women and mon TEcompanies Mi. Hunt prnduhscingfCulre one fnegoioyna day for appeal being Friday, the Quantity o! hay. accepted. Apply at JITO, 1435 BOWMANVILLE Mr. McDonald, were represcnting and recital o! the Beatitudea in Wlo' untr O 22nd day of November, 1940. Furniture - Sinalail hoater; Montcalm, Montreal. 45-4 Rev. Arthur P. Addison, B.A., tributed a vocal solo and MiA.Js le , 3burercoataleaoveTiwnaenAR E YOU TH MAN? - WAT.. D.D., Toronto, occupied thc Unît- Patricia Pearce led iî payr Studio CouchesCero!teow good square piano, solid mahog- cd huchpulithee Sndy renonRikar, ccm paoy5euiflsui.cuhstaDtdo! Bowmanville. any case; cheaterfield .suite; bath- kîns Dealer (between Z5 and 55 T us- r.-Sat. when Boy. B. E. Morton was con- Misa Margaret Pearce, contribut- !hos rom. Very attractive cov- November, 1940. 4- tabes, osand chirbeda, yeao!ae, ith car>, neural NOVEMBER 14 - 15 - 16 ducting anniversary services at cd a dlaine! sblo. Other pleasing crmgs. $18.95 up. You can save 'rr-s ati ndal ua o auto to hand out Baking Pow- Keswick. In the marning ho numbers were: Vocal duet by Miss 40%. TerniO0s:ud ul nd als that der sud Cocoa at spécial bar-PrmO Vr Double Feature preached on"Doing"-What must alieDeline and Bort Jarvis, Mattresses qNoti ce C rCuirs 200amo un e mo csh. c red th nap ie rand supply estab- Cmlt eeto Jsada New spring !iflcd mattress9& NdOhespôe otsbaigineet lse essitforiesda ~~TL T g 69th, evning subject was "Borrowing"6l solo by Miss Pauline Deline en- .gonuine damask ticlcing, all sizea, *n tesprvdntsbern noet N *ttis includlng Spices, o euiu 'The rîghting -Hn e that wouîd borrow o! thee titîed "Cary. On." The topic was extra special, $9.95. Alo el mt- INTH ESTATE 0F SARAH the rate a! 5% per a.nnum. Extracts, Medicines, Toiet Pro-d turn nat away. Dr. Addison spoke taken by Miss Helen M. Smith, treserle dewl ild RC KDCAE J. D. Hogarth, ElmerWilbur, patinCesrsMnraz-n am s U--'Bin tina!hsbohoddy e- esexpeniences with Indian childi DCEAED lek. ctonen. N Ch6-1 To ncs. 73earsreputain Or CagneyPat ,interestingly by way o! introduc- B.A., who spake o! some o! her Woniler!ul value, ail aizes, $4.49. Ai esn aig disCek' Acin e cd Stock, Hog, and Poultry -castie when ho sat li Uic family __________e sefclSie againat the Estate o! Sarah Grace 10,000 Dealers. Must be satis-a!LwPie George Bren! pew on Sundays and listened to Luxuious suites in the latest Oke, Married WoniÏan, late -o! the and his !ather's winsame preaching. FIREMEN AVERT DANGER styles and mas! attractive caver- Township of Daniington, County Auction Sale !ied with Fa resonabence p Mis. Addison accompanied her FROM CHIMNEY FIRE inga, fully guaranteed cOnstruc- o! Durham and Province a! On-1 fui. Sellipg expérience unnec- ~~ s o husband ecatead they aîow.ace on r-ins4 u. i 15U -aiwday o!optm ber 90 outuadytheobe th-John eparie.WCréit lmmosd iy he t, "Five Littie PepperS were guests of Mr. and Mia. W. E. Reach Seene In Four Minutes atiown. ae nice $49 u. Lbealt arjo wofdied on or, 9,abot t e sda C'on. D19 ates. Writ frihed nig, hte Beman.NecsiFieBgae dan Bedroom Suites requeated ta forward full partucu- mies th o!. ,Hampiton, on R. Watkins Comnpany, Mon- A t Homestl Thrilligrygnedeamar watnr lais o! saine, duly vcni!ied upon AtH m *other cail on Friday evcning when farilldesglly ,semecto. ae ott teudrige no highway, will sel by public auc- treal, Que., Dept. 0-B-9. 45-4CRIMA CED kj ihORCHESTRA AND YOUNG Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin's fireplace pMad$39ep fverombeyouter1thow ofDepersonaiy ulur EJEthFelou OREASS OOCIATES sud fiames were *cang fro tBeafs Sie 1940, after which date, the assota monts, hay, grain, poultry, sud _____________ ____________FORER_________ i ndfanc ! icwrs belazes o! Uic Chooekfmatgrandeselcton, o!Uicstate wil be dlstributed, some household furniture. For BLUE BIRD BEAUTY P;RLORSeo inneofhe_____laesofhe_________agrndsélcton having regard only ta the dlaims particulars see bills. Sale at 1 p.m. Spécial - $5.00 Oi Permanent The Young Men's Clasa o! the kînd the family had ever seen. ail styles and colora. Sale $18.95 thon received and ignoring all StandardTino. Ternis cash. El- fan $23Q(, indluding sharma, BLC &WRT .5 M on. - Tues. - Wed. U.C.S.S. and the Orchestra pro- Mis. Chaplin phaned Clake Cen- up. others. mer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 45-2* finger-wave, from Nov. lut until fze .. i NOVMBE 8 1 -20 sented gifts o! remembrance las! tral at Newtonville sud Misa Elsie Cedar Chests Dated this 12th day o! Novein- Dec. 14th. Phone 339. Open ___ NOE E 8-1 0 Sunday ta young mon who have Wallace a! the switchbaard ans- No matter how much or how ber, 1940. F. J. Colo.and Dosen _______-- recontly le!! the community and wered. She immediately called littie you cao tao spend, we have M. F. SWARTZ, Livestock For Sale F.Jev e. sd4d4-a 4 i. COOE ___ "My Sn, My SI) have had ta sever their active Harry Cauch's house and gat Ha- jus! what you want, a! YOUB J i g St. E., Osh-BULCAFwa, I ___ aoncinwt hs rganiza- ryan iso Harold, cifdrvrprce! And each lovely CHEST, Solcto fr h Executor. FOR SALE - UL00o Mselaeu wfth tians. The Orchestra presented tao! the fire truck. Harold rushcd regardless o! pruce, has ful Ton- 46-3 mcnths aid, a grandson o! Ma- ea ou2»_ __ Madeein Caroi, Bian Lieut. Chas. Clemence o! the Mid- up ta the fire hall, rang the bell, nessee rcd coda lining! Sale -__________ ddc Gsudhi, the dam sud grand MATTRESSES &, COMVFORTERSCOO » 18 M een ari rm land Régiment, former leader, a ta i.hich membeis o! the. brigade price $ 12.95, up. dani R.O.P. records. Apply ta .-Mattresses rebuil!, obsolutely on Ahere ad Luis aywrd.conaduntio th he as, adnruck, swson Uic scneoinside Floor Coverlng Secal Notice To Creditors Estate o! L. C. Snowden, R. R. 3, new. Feather bedsa maçe into conjnctin wih th Clas, atruc, an wason te _______id Bowmanvile. Phono 2149. s a n i tair y folding mattreames. ¶N W AN) HOT kinHeadquarters Company, Mid- said they were there in ajifyheavy inoleus in all witla *Creditors sud others having 461 Fad swahd' suppciad J r o e "Cross Country Doctor" land Regiment, sud a !ramed mot- after she had put in the cau. Visit oui very large floar caver- clainm againat Uic Estate o! Law- FOR SALE--HOLSTEIN HEIFER made rdow n cPoienforters.n~ ta ta Boy- Ashton, Bank a! Com- Water was pumped around the ings, rugs and capot dept. Save rende Richard Wood, lateofo!hUic about ta renew. Apply Nelson aierdopri-ce. Re ene nw. merce, Campbeilfard. The Clasa chirnney sud on the roofs from, 40% City o! Chatham in the County o Rbbins, Hampton, phono 2349. Phono 362. 46-41 ___________________________________________the truck's 80 gallon "Booster"' Christmas Gift Suggestions Kent, Gentleman, !onxnerly o! the 46.1 tan whle suyactve elprs oda chats matreses îapsTown o! Bowmanvilie, Ont., who - ______________ takpt heuppy u b act r lprmshonsariikers, alnu! ts ables, died an or about Uic 2th Octaber,- FOR SALE -A GREY JERSEY, kethe sll. Tis boster hsaok, sscwng cainetsarugs, 1940, are roquested ta fie particu- 6 years aid, due ta freshen this khepwl.Th!il"bointre anesal-ho, swcinfrtorcabdsp eads, ccasioailais o! their daims with the un- week, T. B. and blood tested, wgys etfleinraies scmrtrbdpedocsol dersigned solicitor for the Execu- 'good miikor. C. Barchard, New- a very important Meature o! the chairs,, mirions, studio cauch. tor by th day o! Decembor, 1940, castie. 4- VI quipinent and is generally ail chester!îeld suite, bedroon suite, ater which date the estafe wlll be 46Y o that la needed for putting Ou! dinette suite, 1001 lasting gi!ts ta distributed having regard oniy ta ORSL -10G DYRK The fireplace had nat been A small deposit wiil hoid your been received. Leicester ram $10.; Oxford ramUR amalifor icpent lfi ea.nd aseile t om Caritas. l ar btrs d i s hotice has shied.pCgs J.<su c h egl, te wed CO O Yfrom material !ound a! Uic bat- oui easy Chistmas budget plan. CAthamD O ntLAiEL, ., cate PhoneClirke 1914. 461* ~ I uomsedordito a ong ieandticeuniChhsans kao t aOLario ..,,nc.C.J ichlNw that the birda had been nesting yaur monoy. 46-3 Wiey av Sliitrfo .e x'ut tomntherwimead ! as ovident yOui oer nce stvlys4eSlcio-fn3c xcuo.FOR SALE - YORKSHIRE PIGS E in hechino an hd acuu- '6 and 9 weeks aid. Phone Bow- EE lated a lot o! dry and inflammable W1180o178 Furniture Co. manvilie 2208. 46-2 matter. Befare the firemen le!! 40 KING W. - 20 CHURCH ST. NoieT Crdt s FO SA'E-8YRKH E Free ~~~they leaned and mopped up ail OSHAWA 45-tf Ntc oCeiogF0RSA OKHR the mess and persuaded Mis. pigs, 8 weeks aid. Appiy ta Boyy road otonaacipucsd flic!. o Otaia wll t i ibîay IWE BUY, ARRANGE, AND COL- Phn 8 thOZ0 ldi e rcîtation a!fthe r Uni. A. A. Drummond, Onono, on ic eraltblewsaIlc otggssdareet Psalr n x unison. The namea o! thrilled ail with her solo "'There's wreath o! commemaration paedIof sale. North Shore Realty Ca.____________________________ the boys of South Clarke who a Land," accampanled by is. there by Mis. M. Brown. LLtd. Phone 80 Oahawa. 39-tf i -' 4 i -i k v 0 2