* Men wlia acquire riches buy, mnany, many instances, a fari fiey aperate a farmn as a habi and do nat, as a rules, try fa mal if pay dividcnds; and fhcy coe finue fleir cify lii c and residenc using fie farmn as an "escapi Place or as a week-end pleasij Place, and in fie summer mont teY May live on flicir tarin Crelessly yct cxtravaganfly. Even paar men drearn af ha, ig a "Place in fli cocuntry," ar iUrnes af depression andi wide ped unemploymenf fanu en ~*s on rainbow hues - th desp î what bona i ide farmne, themselvcs say about iarming. AUi fi s but a way af lcadii Me up ta mention a new boal "Practical Fannihig for Begi miers", by H. A. Hlghsfone <Ha Per's).- I amn suggesting' ta bol ricli and poar men that ft should rcadtfils book luciore ft acfually stant farnlng - by bu: 199g or renfing a tarin. Thc chal tors aiftils book indicate ifs prac tical chanacter. Here arc somec the cliapter headings: The Sul uisteuice Farm; Determiuiing th * Acreage aiflice Subsistence Farn Major «Crops of fie Subsistent :Parm; When and How ta Stari Select ing fie Land; Capital RE quired. Tlerc are:othcr chap:eri Here ih an extracf from fth -mot ta be dciined as iarming fo a banc existence, but rafler .a ifarming ta flic end af supplyin, ail of ane's reasonable wents as direct filage oifie soil. In shor If la fiat complete indcpendenc ,on fie land whlch iôa many fol hope samcday fa achieve." Oct yaur public library ta pu this book an Ifs shelves, s0 thati wiil be avallable fa yau and fb Meny ofiers Whio drcaaio a.l11 free from fie arixicties and cen ervaf ions aif tawn and cify lufe. Talking about farming, I hearý a doctor (medical) say that -hi had seriaus thouglits an fie mat. ter of givlng up fie medical pro. fessian te became a scientiic larmer - a dhermical fariner -i fariner wlio uses chemstry tt make crops grow and fa get the Mast ouf ai flacks and herds. Ii this connectiori h note fiat fhert is tg be held during fie period Septemberý 9-13, fils yean, the 1OOfi meeting aifie Amienicau Cliemical Society at Detroit; anc that affis meeting representa- ivesofa science and iudustry are ~oprescrit reports spanning pro- gress in scientific husbandry since 1840, and fiat aufiorities an agri- cultural chemlstry will discuss Liebigs contributions ta agnicul. fturc and dcvelopments i plant nutrition. If wes 100 years agc that Baron Justus van Liebig, German cleiust, made an epacli- rnakingaddress befare fie Brn. di ts ~ iatian for fie Advance- mnent ai Science, and published a rcvalutionary. treatise an "Organ-. ic Cliemistry and Ifs Application ta Agriýulture and Pbysiology."1 Tl"War lias had a very dises- trous eiicct on dog-brcedig in Great Britain. Many dogs have af course beçrf desfroyed; yef an ci- Thirst kn ows ,>, ýf0no AuthordBot eof Coa-Cola" OCARBONATED BECVERAGES 08SHAWA PHONE 755 Goôd Light Savos - Sight CANADIAN ENERAL ELETRI f&. -f 71HUSAY, SEPTEMEM i9TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO _____ h ~ PAGE THHEE Canadian Red Cross Presents i fart - a rcduced anc - bas be n;made fa preserve tfli er spe by, mens and ta continue flic leai <e and all-important biood limes.( )n- ficial registration figures recen ce, lssucd by- flic Kennel Clubj r'y flic year cndediJune 30 lesta ire far tlic lut six manflis oai tis year shoawfliaf flic registrali -for the year drapped fronu average of over 50,000 fa 21,8' k.. There have been iew sanction nd shows, and mostly for tlie bene of ai cliarities and services. Duri M. flic six months ended June h1j registrations for aIl brceds tot Dr led 8,345. Far flic partiepcslad 1939 flic fatal was 22,599. ng Cocker spaniels hold flicle 1<, In flic registration figures. Ne m-. wcrc .wlre-haired. fox terrie kr- wlfb Scotties ranklng third. th ey I avericeard a mani say fliat t ey restaurant business changes: y-. character every 8-10 ycars, ai p.. fliat therciore a mnan inflic re lefaurant business, fa survive, IL of fa be constantly sensitive ta t b-. ever-changing patterni ai bis kb eé ai business. Changes fake pli n; in buman bcliavianisni In relati e ta food and fa patrons' likes ai t; dikes iregard ta flic styli ai ofrestauranfs. s. If hsflic sar nhe icdcparfmei ce store field anid in flic food stoai Is field: fliere. is na greaf stabili r gr~ metliods and in flic manneri as departmcnt store styliag ar 19 practices. Thus, one vcry famci a dcpartmcnt store lias inaugurali t, a "quh-and-carry" deparfmentj ce iIfs basement; - conccived for tl cbenefit and the attraction ai t .10w-incarne buylng public - t, it "submerged third" aiflich popul it tion. For the prescri thflicme to cliandise stocks hinflic cash-anc te carry-division comprise womcn' > mcn's and chlldren's ready-1c wcar and accessorles. Small cour fers provide easy custamer accu d fa flic mcrchandlse. Prices rang Lfrarn 9 cents for soclis ta $11 fc t-men's suifs. Wltli rapidityc f- urnover sfressed, flic basemer zwil]l handle nuanufacturers' "clos a quts", job lots, seconds, irregular 0 and seeson-end clearances. Thl e liminafion. ai deliveries, lawe nselling casts, more efficient usec ,avallable selling space, and lowe d iarkinga may make passible ,10 per cent reduction in sellin nprices. This idea ai ofiering cash-and carry items at spécial prices elower than prices an delivec items - is. bcing faken up rafli ewidcly by bath department ang food stores. In Alaska is an expérimenta tfarri - s9metlhig neyer imuagine Din flue Klondike days. Alaskai 1'iaving anofier "rush", but to day flic "rushers" arc men wh -are ta build up barriers ai sorts ta nake if;liard forRussia ta ge ainto Northi America should si be nofioned that way. The 'U. S. Govcrzinent experi qn enfal farin .is- really a f arunir Jraject - a scttlerncnt project, bet gun in 1935, wlfh 200 famlles Jusf now tItis rural sefflement I booming: 'if supplies iarm anÉ dairy praducts fa nearby muarkets The colony hs a ca-operative. Il bas ifs awn vegetable carmery chickcn liafchery, clicese-makinf anlarit, dairy, and power-house There arecoclany achools and sc- cl centres. The sumrmer température 01 Alaska h about flic sanie, tfia oi aur Canadian Mart IV Pro. vinces - 60 ta 70 degrees. The 'section from Prince Rupert in British Columbia ta. Skagway i Alaska is totem-pale land. Mast of fie Indiens mrn curia shops! Canada may have fie largest annual exhibition ini fie world, but when if cames fa caunfy ar country faire, fie ioremost fair la In Caliiornia, nat; far from Holly- wood. If h flic Las Angeles Coun- fy Fair, wbich lests twa- weeks, anid is hcld et, Pomona. The fair grounds equal thase aofie Cana- dian National Exhibition I ex- fent - 350 acres, but fie attend- ance for fie two wecks la just about half fiat-aifite C.N.E. Ih was 637,000 fwa ycars ago - the pcak achievernent. A feminine occupation by no means avcr-crowd4d is landscape gardcning.- This ty>e ai work can be lcarned at a college - The Low- thorpe Schaol ai Landscape Arch- itecture, af Grof an, Mess. Until quite recenfly landscapc architec- ture gardening was supposed to be a strlcfly masculine vacation. This Lowthorpe School was es- tablIkhed by a womnan, a, Mrs. Low, about 40 years ago. The grounds of fie echool pro- vide Ifs laborafory, and ecd year atf leest anc desiqn for garden, ,er ,e Drish Red Cross Rcie a ,4 Fleet of 177 AinJulauoes Frhom Canadian Organizatioi ;al Tliousands af people atfended ed a firilig ceremony at fie Cana- hs dian National Exhibition in To- cve U s lieu! o- ronto when fie Canadiani Red '! âa Cross Society afiiciaily turncd Therelias neyer been a -over 177 ambulances ta fie Bri- newsaper printed fiat sat- et tish Red Cross, fie R.C.A.M.C., iîed 'verybody. But ficre âc and fie R.C.A.F. If was a "token" 18 a vcry- simple methad by presentation, because masf ai fie wluîch better newspapers I1- ambulances had already been cen be produced anid fiaf h ug shipped overseas and areI use for fiose wlio subscnlbe ta e- i England af fie prescrit moment. fhem fa take an individual ~. Egfambulances, on ficir way infcresf in seeing fiat fiey 1 is from factory fa destination, were gef more local ncws. Not d shown af fie ceremany whicli flat fie subscriber hs ex- s. toak place 'in frant aifie Red pected fa become a reporter c [f Cross Building. The, vehicles were wlien lic becomes a subscrilu- 1 Y, driven by khali-uniformcd mcm-i. er, but because fie ncws- c 19 bers oifie Transport -Section af paper s>ands as fie expon- e. fie Women's Voluntary Service cnt ai al fiat hs good for 1Corps, and waves ai applause fie community and because ioilowed fie ambulances as fiey civic pride should, fierciare, DI moved firougli fie grounds. lead ta encouragement af t Sir Gerald Campbell, British. sucli an Institution. If flic Higli Commissioner fa Canada, subscriber lias visifors,-if lic who accepted 130 ambulances "by lies been on a visit, or if lie taken" an behalf aifie Britih or she is gaing on one, flic 'y Red Cross, made a sflrning ad- neiglibors arc sure ta be in- 3dress in whicli le said, "If is sig- tercsfed I knowing about nificarit," I hfirk, "thaf fliose ai if. hI nyane lh injured in an tus who arc iigbting for Christian- accident, scmd if in, giving itit rs fitte Red . Crass. We particulars, especially as ta know hatfie lifidel does mat, place, injuries received, and and fiat hli h irefore, nat fit liow fie accident accurred. [a ta inherif flic carfi. Wbat liglit Tel fhcm flrougli fie cal- - fire hs in fieecye aiofie sufiercr ununs af The Statesman. who secs fie Red Cross - fie Every liff le Item af a local ile cross - corning wifl liglit or personal nature helpa aahope; if hs so different iram just fliaf mucli to make a thfe double cross - flic cmblcm ai stil botter ncwspaper and ruthlcss cruelfy and deafi."1 getfing if tota e fie or re- Twenty ambulances and sevcm quires vcry liffle exertion an station wagons were presented ta flic part ai anyone. That hs fite Royal Canadian Arrny Mcdi- liwfcsusrbrcelcp cal Corps for service oversees. make The Stafesman mare Thcy were recelved by Cal. R. M. mfterdsting, and sulscribers DGorssline, D.S.O., Direct ar-Gem- anc invited fa stant doiuig 50 eral ai Medical Services, Depant- af once. ment af National Defense. James ________________ S. Duncan, Deputy Minister ai Defense for Air, received by "faok- en" 27 ambulances presemted ta btu r teR.C.A.F. in canuiection wifi fie Empire Training Scbemc.- The ccrcmony was attended by Riohard F. Begnett delegates irom al aver Canada Aridnaislaandi- wbo atfended flic meeting aofie A eintoOsaandi- Central Council aifie Canadien trict for aver half a century, Red Cross lid Toronto. An im- Richard F. Bennçtf passed away portant decision made by flic suddenly af fie Oshawa Gencral Council was thaf fie Canadian Hospital September 12fi, ioliow- Red Cross shauld acf immedlafcly lng aý brice ilncss. an fie suggestion irom fie De- He had becr inh apparent goad partmerit ai Dci crse thaf fhelieliaîli and liad attended fie Osh- Society should establisli seven awa Fair for fie firec days. convalescentf haspîfals i varlous Thursday evenlng lic was sclzcd parts af Canada ta reccive con- witli a heant aftack af lis home, valescentf soldiers from mrnlifany 77 Drew Sftreet, anid was remavcd hospitals Ii Ergland and Canada, ta flic Oshawa General Hospital Wlithflic enfiuslasfic approval wlierc lie passed away about mld- ai cvery member prescrit, fie niglit. Central Cauncil alsa undcrtook ta The lafe Mr. Bennettf wes barri finance fie provision ai 10,000 In Clarke Township an December parces,aofaod cvcry week for 4 1864, and had livcd ini and near British prisoners ai war li Ger- dshawa for fie past sixfy ycars. many. The food will be purclias- Rtiing franri farmn lie lie naved ed andl packed in Canada at a cost inta Oshawa about ten. years ago, ai about $125,000 a monfli. and was wclî knawn in fie city "This is a great picce ai work and district. He was anceaofie for Canada," sald Dr. Fred W. faunders aiflice Ideal Dairy Comn- Rouf loy, national cammlssianer, peny. He was an active member "Here lsarinother emcrgency cal aiofie Session ai Centre Street whicli fice Canadien Red Cross UJnited Churcli and for many cari shaulder and thus relleve years lias becr i nfercsted In same aiflice frernendous burden churcli work.- fallmng an Brîtain." Besides bis wifc, formerly Hem- nief fa Ncwsarne, li survived by PROVERBS 0F SPEECH anc daugliter, Miss Flossie Beni- nett, af borne, twa sons, Roy F. Bennett aifie staff.ffthfe Brant- Bpeak Wdiaifby frlcnds; lue fard Collegiafe Institut e, and W. silent as fa fy enemis.-German. O. Bennett, ai Excelaior Lufe In- Speakin wif bout thinking Is surance Ca., Oshawa. He ls alsa like shootlng wlfhauf faking aim. survivcd by a fwin brother, H. C. - English. Bennett, Oshawa, also two bro- Two cars ta arie'tangue; there- thers, George and William Ben- foreheartwic as uch s y inetf aiVancouver, and anc is speak.-Turksh. ast er, Mrs. J. H. Clark, Toronto. IRAI - A WRTE . Foet oIf - A fy John C. Klkwoed men )eci- ing Of- itly for and bhat tian an 870. ned ing 30 tal- 1Lin ead rext ,ers, the ifs and lias bud ace !on and ng ent ýres 1 uid us i he the ,la- id- tor in ut se Ms' ude tawards aur Mother Country. -English. li days March o,. Il Smartly-uniformed mnembers af nadian Army Miedical Corps for the Women's Volunfary Service service overseas, and 27 ambu- Corps, Transport Section, fook lances ta flic Royal Canadian Air ,art in a calorful ceremany in Force in connection wlth flic Em- Toronto last week when flie Ca- pire Tralnlng Soheme. If was a nadian Red Cross presented 130 "token" presentaf ion b ec a it s e ambulances f0 fthe Britisli Red mast aoflic 'ambulances have al- Cross, 20 ambulances and seven ready been shipped overseàs and station wagons ta flic oyal Ca-I are in use in England. Eght an- A mb lan e form an unfavorable impression af a store they wlll not only stay gway tliemselves but wiil influ- ence otherg againit If. On flic * ' other liand good wili can be builf up by clerks giving flic sanie t houglitiul attention fa ail. What People BeaIIy Want To fmnd out wliat people reaily do want in this world a question- aire was sent ta tbousands com- prising a cross section aoflice pop- ulation. Not surprising was flhe first answer, Healf b, but flic sec- ond expresscd a desire for a bet- fer knowledge of liow fa gef along wifb people. The mercliant wlio knows liaw ta get along -with people is flic merchant fa wliom people like ta corne. Paying a compliment ta flic in- fluence ai The Stafesman, fthc success ai whicli be bas followed with interest, flic speaker adman- ished flic business men ta read - their local newspaper. "Perbaps it tels fliat Mrs. Janes' liusband bas been sick. Tlie mercliant wbo - readi flic paper carefully will bave noted 1"i facf and wben .... ....Mrs. Joncs cornes in ta buy lier weekend groceries or oflier sup- plies, inquires about tflic lafa Mr. Joncs, thus nof only being court cous but building up good Tefirst flirce decades ai tliis century saw many changes take place~ in business. From 1908 fa 1918 was a period or organizafion and building when fliose wlia -werc willlng ta invest their money did so. As a result ai thaf we are able ta live in luxury to-day. In flic period ai 1918 fa 1929 every- body was busy endeavoring ta re- duce flic cost fa prarnote sales. After '1929 suddenly wc faund that we had paid very little at- tention ta fhe public or tlic poli- ticians, but fa-day fthc people arc paying close attention ta liow business men are freafing fhem, how they deal with flicir cm- S ployees in flic matter af wages and so forth. Alil this, he said, had been brought about býy transpor- bulances, an their way from fac- fation which is tlic basis af ail tory ta destination, were shown wcalth. Transportation rnulfiplied af flic ceremony. The top picfure distribution ai ncwspapcrs. Tbe shows flic womcn drivers lincd radio, motor cars and planes vast- up I front ai tbe ambulances. In ly broadened aur lives. flic- lower picture Mrs. W. D. "There is no substitufe for Chambers, Monfreal, n a f i a n a 1 worci-of-rnoutli adverfising,"1 Mr. commandant aoflice Transport Kcrby said, "flic facts thaf anc Corps, inspects one oi the vehicles. rnan fells another about your business are flic ones lic will be- ROTARY CLUB lieve." Telephone Technique <Continued from page 1) "Gaod felephone technique is anc ai the greatesf salcs assefs int emerge frarn fli schools ai On- flic warld. Used rigltif i is morer faria every ycar. I have carne in poweriul than any ather factor tfa contact witb merchants wlio freat -build up good wiil."c fliese youngsters with their liffle Business men ai to-day naf anlyc money ta spcnd ncglcctfully. contrai lich brick and mort an ai Bowmanville itself bas a popula- their establishmennts. The iuxnan tian ai 3,860, cvcry anc of which elernent is esscntially important.c is a possible customer for a mer- "Neyer forgef a customer and1 chant. Also 850ofa these arc at- neyer let a custarner forget yau" fending schools bere and if is is a slogan for evcry business definifcly ta a merchanf's advan- man. tage ta realize fliaf lii future hs Three words which lis moflier tied up with nat jusf a icw pea- fauglif him ta always rcmember ple, but witb flic masses. In flic arc applicable ta flic succcssful past 10 ycars fliere lias been an business aifa-day. Service, Self- increase ai 400,000 in flic popula- Sacrifice and Self-Control sliould tion ai.-Ontario,, cdionc af wliom be flic watcbwards ai business. bas attéched hinuself ta sorne Remember that you may gef flic1 mercliant as a customer." best af an argument but in doing No purchase h faoo insignificant s0 yau rnay lose a fricnd, lie con- fa accord flic sarne attention as cluded.t would be given flic wealfbiest Mr. Kerby was introduced fa custorner, Mr. Kerby said. The flic club by Gea. W. James, and t cliildren wlio corne into a store R. L. Mitchell e.xpressed flicN with a fcw cents fa spend are flic thanks aoflice audience for anc ai 1, custamers aif o-morrow. If flicy flicmast practical and lielpful t THE CANADIM STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO c The orcler of the day, over here and "over ther<l Canada's most popular cigarettes ackieve their distinc- tion through the perfect blending of 38 classifications of the ckoicest Virginia tobaccos. Smooth and fragrant, Sweet Caporal cigarettes merit. the favour th.y oeîoy. BýY ca Package today! "The parest foim in m4dch tobacco can be ssuoked1" addresses the club bas heard for Events in flie East during the sarne fime. past few weeks show that Japan During tlic business session of as been regardng Hng Kong the meeting Scretary Earl Cun- with greedy, envius eyes. But ningham made a reprt on attend- flow that ur friendly neiglbour ancc and annuncd names of fthe ta fthe sufli has sa opportunely, captains of bowling teams for the yet indirectly, core ta the aid f coming sason. Brifain, ths bumptius power in Guests included: Dr. Norman the Orient wll have a ard Allin, Edmonton, Alfa., Jack Bid- enough Ure cpmng with the war dulph, Oshawa, Gordon R. Elliat, i China wifhut trying ta annoy new member of B.H.S. teacing Bian staff, and Fred Crydernan, an The States, in passing this legis- honorary member of the cub. lain, was osfnsibly protecting ber own interests - strengtlienlng, bersel internally. But there is U.S.A. Stops Sale more than meets the eye. Actual,- 1Y he as essnin th poerof GaBoline to Japan this Oriental country. It wifl be interesting to sec wat kind of a relatonship wMl The United Stafes' recent action spring up befween Japan and in cutting off flie sale af gasoline Russia, flic other large ail and ta Japan indicates her band-in- gasoline centre af tbe world, naw * hand co-operation witli Great Bni- that Japan finds lierseif lacking tain. Since Japan relies upon tle fua vtly i or nt artm U. . fr 7% a be suply of material. this vital war-f.ime necessity, she will na longer be able ta continue It is anc tbing fa speak mucli her flireatening dictatorial atti- and anather ta speak pertinently.