THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH, 19401 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 9~3 NEXT WEEK MisMrion Rickaby, Toronto, O E RY WN PARK ST. W.M.S. 111edsMae OPENUNG GAME Park St. W.M.S. met Tuesday Social and Personal 11 " tedhre.ltin to Mr. and Mrs. F R SR with Miss M.Daypeing Phone 0r16 .te n on a 1tebrh0faduh Forestry won over Orono by Prayers were offered by Mrs. S. one run in the opening softbaii Littlewood and Mrs. R. Rainey, Oshawa won over Kirby 8-7 game played in the Orono Mcm- and acripture read by Miss Davy. Major J. C. Gamey was home. Monday night in the second of orial Park Thursday night, by Kindiy mention was made of the Miss Mary Sisson visited here. the games scheduled in the soft- 10-9. The game proved moat in- sick members and 0f the bass of Douglas Curry visited here. bal Icague. teresting, especiaily s0 in the last Mrs. S. Cutteli. Mention was J*<Stobart was home. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dent and son three inninga where they were made of the balle sent West. An- T.power uine is being buiit Toronto, and Miss Edith Dent oï tied until Forestry managed to get other bale wiil be sent to Scugog rapidly. Oshawa visited here. another run before darkness de- Island, and fruit to Toronto. Mrs. scended upon the land, necessi- H. Walsh gave a reading, with Edwin Manning, Garden Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carleton, To- tatingthe calling of the game be- short parts.being read by: Mrs. was here. ronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. M. fore the 9th. R. Rainey (churcb in China); Mrs. Mrs. Patterson visited Mrs. R. A. Carleton's. Orono's battery was G. Watson, H. Walsh (Racial Trouble); Mrs. Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn catcher, and Jim Powers, pitcher. A. Henry (church in Japan); Mrs. Messs. obet, ohnandMer attnde th HomesC 'myneOf their 9 runs Witheridge secur- J. J. Mellor (church in Angola); vyn ean, Trono, erehom. wddin atNewaste, atuday edtwo, J. Powers two, Ron Pat- Mrs. S. Littlewood (church in In- vyn Kea e, oro to, wer ho e. edd ng t N wca tie Sa urd y. terson tw o, N eil W ood one, W at- dia); M rs. W . S. C obbledick Mns. R. Beat ta home from the Miss Mamie Archer, Bowman- son one, and Staples one. (church in Korea); Mrs. F. Kelly hospital. ville, a former teacher at Clarke Forestry's battcry was, Major (church in Trinidad), and Mns. L. W. E. Davey lias had a porch Union, spent the weekend here. catcher, and Jim Wood and later Fralick (the church in Canada). built at the rear of his residence. Mrs. Harold Salter, Mrs L. E. Middleton pitcher. Their ten Ail showed how Christianity was Mr. Arthur Smith, Toronto, was Truli, Miss Gladys and Master runs were secured by R. Wood 3, tackiing the racial proble M. gusf Mr.and Mrs. A. Saunders. Franklin Truli visited Mrs. Chas _Wod_1,_K______3,_____ MW .G .McDonald visited Wood. . .1i N. Middleton'l, Jim Tamblyn i. here. We might add that there weref Miss Enid Cobbledick, Whitby, three Middletons on the team- .tKenaa Miss Thelma Myles is enjoying and Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, J., E. and N. - and that Jim Tam- two weeks vacation. visited here. blyn was just a substitute and not Mr. Ed. Davey spent a few days 'Mr. and Mrs. Hay, Toronto, and on either team regularly, althoughI Visitors: Mrs. Florence Wrightr at Bewdley. Miss Ruth Logan, Bowmanviiie, he lives in Orono. lis staying with friends in New-f Mn. W. C. Lynch is home from visited at Mr. R. E. Logan's. The chief item in the game wasj tonviiie. .. Mrs. Carnet Hallowell, Ottawa. Misses Helen Cotton and Doro- the number of flys. Everybody Mrs. Jack Little, Mrs. Ough and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat, Oak- thy Tapson, Bowmanviiie, visited seemed to be able to catch them. 'her two children, at Mrs. Neya ville, visited Miss M. Hall. here. As an example, in the 4th inr.ings Littie's.. Mr. Douglas Grey, To- Orono rctircd Forestry one-two- ronto, Mn1s. MacHardie, Vancou- Miss Thompson, Newtonvile, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie, three-out, juat like that, by three ver, with Mr. Alec Greig. .. Mrs. was gucat of Mrs. W. S. Roy. 1 Toronto, visited at Mr. Thomas flys heing caught by Orono play- Underwood in Marmora with ber Dr. Leslie, Toronto, visited 1 Smith's. crs. daugbter, Mrs. H. Linton. . . Miss here. Mr. Garnet Gamsby, Kingston, Ail in ail it was an exciting Edt mpiga wt r Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, 1 was here and took back his wife.- game. Ganàies are piayed every- Underwood.a was home. and son Billy. M.onday and Tbursday nights. . A. of Kendal were enter- _______________________ Mr. Andrew Jerome, Dr. and Oron 2 2 0 4 0 O 0 i - 9 taind at the residence of Rev.h Mrs. F. Cutteil and Mrs. Sturgcss Forestry 2 3 2 0 0 1 O 2 - 1 andMs.J McLachlan, Newton-v Sà oy Swerc here this week owing to thec LyaiLwr uprda he vle, on Thursday. ri death of Mrs. S. Cutteil. plate and Cccii Powers at thel Park community meeting wil I Park St. Sunday Scbool looks bases. be h eld June lOth.T reai nice since it bas been paper- A_______of_______and___ 'J HOT LITTLE HEAD ed and painted. Becs wcre heîd bora gathered at Uic home o! Mr. A fo al f t utthe ceiling wbîch MUSIC RECITAL and Mrs. John Patton to celebrate ki IS A DANGER SIGNAL wsdonc by Mr. M. Carleton. Air PARK STrREETr with theni their 30th weddingT WHEN your Baby's bead feels hot ta, 3our teresting Sunday, as greetings Mrs. W. C. Lynch, A.T.C.M. as- membpasedfwth eces byMr th.eG. band yen mut do somthing. And do it were extended to Mr. Ed. Davy itdb e mscpplW .memersano!therounil, r. C.G. 1 quicky. Reset wbat Mn. B- of Enterpnise Orono h eetyclbavey, s orby esta r mcppW .Mre n tes. hr as dme and wbat resuits sbe gets: "My no, who A.ebratc bhesadhnd ees ot I a by'gheýýs 0hîs r ety Rw' rheta r. .A e musical selections. Miss K. Ji I gve ima Sbys On Tblt a nDrummond, Mrs. M. H. Staples Stewart read the address and Uice1M by alter supper he was ail bette,." ~ Rv .Rchmpece tadM.JmsPwrgv e beautiful pair o! chairs whicb Ei And Mns. Francis Carolcf Mifflni, bu Park St. Churcb Sunday evening citai in Park St. Church Friday were preaented showed the high w this te say: "My little girl was sa feverishIs on 'Going the Third Mile." Rev. evening. esteern. in wbich the worthy dE Masreally alarmed. Then I tbought of Baby': S. Littlewood was taking S. S. The orchestra, comprised o! couple are beld. b: 0wTablets, sa I gave ber three every two anniversary services at Zion. Mrs. N. Clie, A. J. Knox, Jim heurs and by nigbt she was up and around." Colvilleno gea xcte Babys 0w, Tablet, are sweet-tasting, easy A large number o! I.O.O.F. Patterson, Roy Forrester, W. Tur- merida ocaftrnon eat e oe f it-1 to take, absolutely sale. Anaiyst's certificate members journeycd to Pontypool ansky, W. H. Rowe, Mrs. W. C. the R.C.A.F. planes was compel- W on every box. Quickiy reduce simple feve-n. a vnn o h hrhLnh ikMroH et n Equaliy good for teet ing levers, diarrboea, una cvnn foth curhLcDikMrnHBetad led to make a forccd landing on MV rhabydGet adother icne a fmen Poarae.e esrs.R..mihLo.gFaMs.a.nJdMiCo. gveyelnoAthunTonisons iel. W tdzy Siknss otohenPotereR.Loan nd . aylr nmbrs hroghot he vcngwcr gld onoarnehtonne ! strikes in thse nigt. 25 cents. Money back il contributed a quartette. including "Sympathy" which was the flycra suffcred serious injury. ro Yeu__am __nt_____________ Cuba met May 29th, with the aung by Mrs. Lynch and Jim Pow- The vlaehdacac oe-a usual instructions and games 17 crs as the orchestra played it. illagne o h a la es c i wcre present. A third Six «was A piano duet was given by that fiy over from Trentort and St !ormed with Bobby Wannan put Shirley Myles and Greta Mercer, many took the oppotunity thus St in charge. Members o! No. 1 Sx and also by Mna. Lynch and Bar- peetd h ln a i-K pianned a hike for June lst. The bara Rolph. Two two-pîano sel- pnesnted.anThempla n ecs diK fun concluded with a race. ections "Marche Militaire" and tîme by members o! the air force C] "Polonaise" werc given by Mns' froni Trenton. Be yOU Once again we take pleasure in N. Colville, Mns. M. H. Staples, JA V E S YO U paying respects to Orono's "Grand Mrs.Drmmond and Mn:. r OdMan," Mn. C. J. Hugbson, who Mrs. Lynch gave two piano solos, u HOU R oOnFJbnthday. celeates bis 93rd "ýRoniance" and "Juba Dance." IHc HOU S F irhdy.Hi mnyfnienda will Piano solos wer iene by th wisb him many more happy birth fioiggn n os en i~t days. Lynch, Barbara Roiph, Byron up eavy W or Toronto w:re called here Sunday Doreen Cornish' Shirley Brunt, ~ ta yC H e v o k owing to the sudden ilinesa Of Howand Wood, Marion Cornish,~t Mrs. eorg Seymur. rS. S Arvlla BuntShirley yeeM ______Seymour, Mns. G. Suggitt and Greta Mencen and Dawn Mof!att. for Nancy Suggitt remained. _____________ ýuida] At Choir practice May 29tb itPL V e a A SOLUTION* Of Gilett's Pure adeid to have the election ORONO PL deS9 A FIak Lyewilltake he o offcersand social tume on June IN TENNIS CROUP b er L5. Flke Ly will ~..C 9th* This is an innovation as the W'p drudgery out of dozens of task8. choir bas always held the election Port Hope Tennis Club Opens It clears clogged drans... lifti in September. Mrs. R. Smith, Season at Orono on Saturday < Mrs. C. Wood and Miss Myrtle ________.ý grese nd ardbakd fod ff amblyn wcrc piaced in change of Pont Hope Tennis Club opens pots and pns... It saves rub the social part o! the evcning. the Kawartha Tennis League sea- bing and scrubbing bcuei The home o! Mn. and Mrs. John son at Orono on Saturday, the Cowan was the scene o! a happy schcduie neveais. Seven teama , cuts through dirt ini a jififY. KeeP event May 29th when about 50 Port Hope, Orono, Lindsay, and a tin handy. relatives and frienda gatbered to four Peterbono teama, Uic Quaker wisb themn the beat of good thinga Club, Kawartba Crees, Kawartba on their 2th wedding annîver- Iroquois and Kawartha Hurons, R O YAL: FREE BOOKLET - The oIM'aL sary. The evening was spent in compose the league. The schedule '. Bookiet telle hcw tcis powerful cleanae games, and at the conclusion a is: clemsciogged daie. .. keepe out- lvl uc a evd ni-Jn houaet clan and odorle.. by dloey uchwa erc. n n Jn tise cotente of tihe Couet ... boue, tctresting feature was that it was 8-Port Hope at Onono. perfonssa dosno f tacite. Send for a thein daughtcr's l6th binthday. K. Iroquois at Quaker 'A . fecnyta Standard Brandi Ltd. T fre v.adLbry5re Scouts met May 29th, 28 being K. Hurons bye. Toroto, nt.present. The yard surrounding i2-Lindsay at K. Crees. their room was cieaned up and IS-Orono at Quaker........... c then the negulan meeting was heid K. Hurons at K. Iroquois as far as the opening exencises K. Crees bye. E were concenned. The Scouts will 22-Quaker at Port Hope. K take the service at Leakard K. Crees at Onono. E E n'd Church on the evening o! June K. Hurons at Lindsay.c 9th. Twelvc tricd the Kim game K. Iroquois bye. RA tests to complete thein 2nd clasa, July ail being succesaful. They were: 6-Port Hope at K. Crees. Ji Carman Cornish, Horace York, Orono at K. Hurons. Tommy Hobbs, Donald Staples, K. Iroquois at Lindsay. uýî:î. d %Junior West, Aubney Jordon, Quaker, bye. useL** Donald Goode, Howard Myles, 13-K. Hurons at Port Hope. b Bob Cooper, George Walters, Dan K. Iroquois at Orono. Chmara, Peter Cbmara. Quaker at K. Crees. I Orono Red Cross held an en- Lindsay, bye. ~ IR UIIuao joyable card party in the Orange1 20-Port Hope at K. Irqoi.lw a ~U Vy3 Lodge oom Mnday ecninK. Crees at K. Hurons. h ONas,oldràpetya in hot seter. The enjoyed. Miss Adams announoed 1 24-Lindaay at Quaker. pu e acekih. lye aIV& IfI aî !. . - +h - j- riein-1:Hih crefo 7-O.nno at+ida. i e . August 10 - (a), fourth team at first team; (b), third team at second team. August 17 - If lst team wins (a), winner of (b) at winner of (a); if 4th team wins (a), win- ner of (a) at winner of (b). What sweet delight a quiet life affords.-Drummond. I have often said that all the risfortunes of men spring from their flot knowing how to live quietly at home, in their own roors.-Pascal. The heart that is to be filled to the brim with holy joy must be held still.-Bowes. high score for men, F. B. Whyte; low score for ladies, Mrs. H. Mer- cer; low score for men, W. E. Da- vey. Score carda of the others playing were placed together and from thcmn P. M. Lunn drew the carda of six people, whomn he presented with prizea: Mrs. Char- les Wood, Miss K. Colville, Mrs. Fred Cowan, Edgerton Hancock, Mrs. Harold Allen, Misa Elsie .Rowe. C. J. Hughson, Orono who next Wcdnesday, June 12ti will reacb the age o! 93 year: He has. for many years, bee known as Orono's "Grand O1 Man" whose love o! nature an bhildnen bas made bum a belove, figure in the village. He is alsc because o! bis dlean living ani rigbteous ideals, a fine exampl whom others un the communit point to as their conception o! fine Christian gentleman. Recent Visitors: Mn. and Mns Alivin Joncs, Port Hope, with Mr and hrs. George Stapleton Sr.. Mfr. and Mrs. J . A. Barrie at Mr and Mns. W. A. Wright's, Ennis. killen. .. Mn. Bert Stapleton witi Mfr. Howard Cordon, Elizabeth. vile- . . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mor. ri with fnienda at Baltimore.. Miss Rena Hoakin and Mr. Ivisor Tamblyn witb Mn. and Mns. Mark Soper, Kendal. . . Mr. and Mrs A. Irwin, Miss Pingie and Mr, Hayes, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs 'heodore Stephens and Mn. Nor- ian Andrews, Clarke, and Mnt. Irvin Farrow, Garden Hill, wit Mr. and Mns. George Henderson. 1.Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson, fackie and Jimmy, Hamilton, Urs. D. E. Mcmrili, Mn. and Mns. Eric Mcrrill and son J. D., Wank- wortis, Mn. J. Breckenbridgc anc laughten, Miss Lizzie Brecken- ridge, Westwood, with Mn. anc [nrs. Willis Joncs. .. Mns. Lorne îiddy, Port Hope, a brother, Mn. f. McCibbon, Victoria, B. C., at En. S. R. Joncs'. .. Mn. sud Mns. cnrt Caldwell, Miss Helen Cald. cill and Mn. Ernest Halse, To. înto, Mn. and Mns. A. A. Martin id !amily, Brighton, and Mn. R. dartin, Lake Shore, at Mn. Gco, tapleton's Jr., and Mns. Thos. apleton. . . Mns. Patton, Mns. ý en. Sopen and Mns. Mark Soper, 6endal, with Mns. Hoakin. .. Miss 'heckiey, Hamilton, with Miss Inrniece Milligan. Mrs. Henry Joncs attended Uic nenal o! Thos. Dayman at Pontý [ope. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. tri Walkey (nec Gladys Pearce) pon their manrage in the United %urch Satunday afternoon. Miss Kathleen Randail bas gone Oshawa Hospital for trcatment. Irs. Randail is staying in Oshawa )r a time and Mns. Wright, Ken- al, is with Miss Minnie Randail. Mrs. Bey. Jaynes bas been un- r-P CIe dco'cAr L ARE and OIE-QUARTEI For Round Trip ]MOIS BIRTH DAY 'hursday, J... l3th 3od oigail day Wednesday, uhne 1 2, -p to 2 P.M. (E.S..) Lesinaio p to £idaight Friday, June 14,9 1940; Frares andla,*ber information appi> tu any agent TO THIS SWORN FOU If you are bothercd b dandruff, rub Miard'a 1 n as no unpleaaant odor, and dries quickly. It'a tise swora foc of 4- dandruf-sit is o! muacular Boreneos and pain, joint aprain or stiffnac, tircd feet. m Excellent for colde and ordlnary Dore tbroat, 100. (Jet a bottle at Yor druggiaî'. todsy; keep it MINARD'S LINIMENT, -% 1 'ORONE) Obituary A igly respectd and ife-long resident o! Orono passed away May 29th, alter a lengthy illncs, in the person o! Rowland Zolman Hall, in is 85th year. M. HaUl was born in Orono being son, o! M. and Ms. Nelson Hall. Hiis education was secured in Orono. and Bowmanville. As a youth he learned the tailoning trade with is father, and iter he was ap- pointed Postmaster o! Orono Post Office, succeding Robt. Moment. This position o! trust was in is charge until a few years ago when he resigned and was aucceeded by Major J. C. Gamcey. Along wth Uhs Position he sold bond. M. Hall's advice regarding invcst- ments was often sought and cheerfully given, and proveti wisc counsel. He was a member o! Orono A. F. & A. M., and attendd Uic United Chunch. His dry bu- mo, kindly nature, and ever cheeful disposition made "R.Z." as e was caled, well-liked by al. The funeal was held Saturday from bis late nesidence, and was conductcd by Rev. S. Littlcwood who paid tribute to is cheerful- nesa even in ilncs, and gave a comfonting message to those be- reaved o! a loved one. Bearera wcre Messrs. G. M. Linton, J. J. Cornish, W. J. Riddell, P. M. Lunn, Wm. Armstrong and Mac Smith. Flower bearers were Messrs. . A. Gamnsby, J. J. Gil- fillan, Thomas Cowan, Charles Awde, John Stewart, ad William Jackson. Friends were present from Toronto, Courtice, and Oak- ville, as well as the mxediatc vicinity. Survivng are two sisters, Mins Minnie o! Orono, and Ettie (Mrs. J. B. Mont) of Oakville. Dlended For Quaflty. ROUND TRIP R AI1L BARGAINS Prom- BD WMAN VILLE JUNE 7-8-9 To Ottawa Ste. Anne de Beaupre Trois Rivieres $11.L0 $9.50 Firat train trom Bownilnvilie 10.12 p.m., June 7 Return Lirait - June 10 Not good on 3 P.m. trains from Ottawa aud Montreal TO TE MARITIME - JUNE 6 Ail Canadin Pacifie Stations lu New Brunswick Ail Dominion Atlantic Ry. Igtations la Nova, Scota For Limit, Detalied Service, Etc. Cosit Agent. Procure Handbili Not Good Retura on 3 pin. Train troin rMontreal CANADIAN CANADIAN PACIFIC NATIONAL PIOOL TRAIN SERVICE M ontreal 1940 il NEws lmat meeting. The shipment con- sised of 114 pairs of socks, 10 -.1 IU1 sweaters, à2 scarves, 4 pairs wrist- TeNewcastle Inaependent lt,1hle,1 optlgws Phn Cak 11i set of pyjamas, also a bale con- I Phne Carke1114taining clothing for refugees, and I 8 quilts. The following articles have Mr. Jack Corer, Toronto, spent J. E.W. Philp, is on a six weeks' been sent direct to present or for- Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ida visit with her sister at Bowden, ner Newcastle boys in different Corer, "Longwood. Alta. Miss Ballagh ia Newcastle's wartime services: To Sami Cowan, Mr. John VanDusen has gone leading knitter of mittens, having No. 1, Wireless School, Queen to Toronto to work for the De Ha- in two years knit at least 200 Mary Road, Montreal, 1 pr. socks, villand Company at their air port. pairs, mostly for The Neighbor- 1 scarf, 1 pullover; to Wm. But- Miss Grace Powell is spending hood Workers. ton, 1 pr. socks, 1 pullover, 1 scarf, the week in Whitby with lier Mary Sheila Gogerty, infant 1 pr. wristlets; to Bruce Cowan, aunt, Mrs. A. F. Pepper, who has daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael 2 prs. socks, 1 pullover; to Charlie fot been well. Gogerty, nee Audrey Brown, was Flood, 1 Pr. socks, i pulover, 1 Mr. Edwin Hancock, teacher at baptized in St. George's Church scarf; to MQueen Dudley, 1 pr. Lorrain Valley, Northern Ontario, on Sunday morning, June 2nd, by socks, i pullover; to Clifford Hall, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney. 1 pr. socks, 1 scarf, 1 pullover; to H. E. Hancock. A number of friends of the fam- Alfred Smith, 2 prs. socks, 1 pull- Mr. W. H. Anderson has been ily in addition to members of the over; to Murray Butler, Royal in W indsor w ith his daughter, o g e at o w .ere present to wit- A r F r e S a i n h r e a ness the ceremony. land, Emsworth, Hant, Eng., 1 pr. Miss Eleanor Anderson, and son, socks, 1 scarf, i pullover. Grate- Mr. Fred Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp re- fui acknowiedgments have been The basket of beautiful, long- ceived word from Ottawa of the received. -. stem m ed tulips adorning the birth of a daughter, Frances W in - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ United Church Sunday were from nifred, to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Whit- the Dr. Butler gardens. tle, on May 3st. It will be re- Mr. and Mrs. James Swarbrick, membered that Mrs. Whittle wasI th, Kendal, assited the United Church the former Miss Marion MacLean, I E M R rs. choir Sunday evening and Mr. daughter of Rev. S. MacLean, a eni Swarbrick sang a solo, He Lifted former pastor of Newcastle Unit- )d Me. ed Church, and Mrs. MacLean. IH U H OY U id Mrs. Morris, Toronto, daughter A public meeting of the citizens ed of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Newcastle will be held in the9 s0, Mcçoy, and niece of the late Mr. Community Hall on Friday even- ' id and Mrs. Wrn. Rickard, is visiting ing of thiis wek, June 7th, when BR A F S le Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Mr. McGee, Toronto, Irispector for tY Mr. Ross Dickinson is plantirig Shaw and Beggs, will speak on a out 6 acres of tomato plants under Fire Prevention. He will espec- contract with The Campbell Soup ially discuss the need of New- Co. The tomatoes are to be de- caste having more water tanksý ivered in Toronto. and wil suggest the best locations; Hon. Gordon D. Conant, At- for these. torney-General for Ontario, and Rev. R. E. Morton is attending Mrs. Conant, Oshawa, were week-1Bay of Quinte Conference in Port' BSen ale rs oDW . atn Hope. Mr. J. A. Awde, Lay Re-! r. M s. R ~ Gbson~ h ar-presentative, accompanied him on Mrs R.W. ibon lsohasca- Ted Next Sunday afternoon r. ner at work. She has had the -and evening Rev. R. E. MortonÀ S- rar f her house taken down will be the preacher at anniver- th and in its stead will have a ver- sary services at Pontypool and in à-anda built at the east side, facing the evening Rev. J. McCormack, rthe spacious gardens. Pontypool, will occupy the pulpit Recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. of the Newcastle United Church. Y U )E P. F. LeGresley's were, Mrs. Bal- Acreto nabifr- Y U -four, Fort William, Mrs. C. C. vA corrte etiotlen a brief re- SGrubbe, Weston, - Mr. and M\rs.view of thyearboNeste igz C IL RE -Bennett, A tty.-at-Law , Chicago, S ho ls ea b ok T e Bu er Ill., Miss Reidhead, R.N., North appearing in May 23rd issue, EDT EP EIU Bay. Maurice Powell was credited with NEDTEP COU S. Many of his old friends were the authorship, along with er Im a .h pleased to meet Mr. Jos. Watts many other achievements and ac- 1. w ho has been living w ith his da c m ls m nt ,0uh-p e , " f ghters in Akron, Ohio. He came "dlhSes This however down from Bowmanvillere was an error. The author of this he ws viitin hisdau her M clever sea ballad was a Grade XI li Roy Hooper. daghtrMr. maie student, Maurice Pcdwell. Mr.andMrs LeisPareil ac dAmong the many lovely garden TrentnreewPed ldac- dMrls. J.A. utiers i h ilg companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ipas0 uisi h ilg ard Craddock and daughter Patsy the largest doubtless are Mr. and e JanTrnto, rneed ld c-Mrs. Frank Branton's, Dr. and b quaintances here Sunday. Mrs. C. A. BCowsand TerM re. i>'of i.St amin l a Newcastle frienda were sorry Mr.C .Cwn.Ter r naéut ;'l fvtni ii to earn from Mrs. R. T. Ruhr probably 500 to 1000 blooms in eaent ai to norm rowrth and déve1o~ - o d h t i r o he ,e ch of these gardens, or have m ent in chi dr n . ac f h a ial fo d ha er mo heM rs. Allin, .et retards d veopment. The *rin i -who has spent several seamons been. Mr. and Mrs. Branton's wnhoiu whatla one of the bot krgwn ere, is nowa confirmed invalid present a colorful picture to sources o Vitamii SI. in the home of a daughter in passers-by, but a visit into th 0Cbecicn h hlewet Kingston, N. Y. Butler and Cowan gardens has to * C be c a m c whl w ea - M aj r a d M s. . W Du lcy be pa d to becom e acquaint d the br a, the m inera s, the preciou s reevMajo ailro Mr. WanDdley with all the gorgeous tulips whet gerni. Moreover they are a ros A rth u r C lark an d son of B u ffalo , pr u y b oo ng n th i. T e e c e g3 fo d N. Y. Mrs. Clark waa the former are many other strikingly lovely Fortunately they arc taty, too. To thet Miss Ettie Collins of Newcastle, beds of smaller proportions in the nut-like flavor of thc whole wheat, mel- sister of Mr. Wm. CollinsNew village, ncluding the Horticul- -l. " t adds its delicious gooducus tonville, whom they lo is ew- tural Society's, carcd for by Mr. The temptmng, spoon-sire buncles arc Mr.J. . oomaB.A, as c-Geo. C. Wright and Douglas at cepted a position on th c teaching the top of th c west hill end Utohd agld nbo n T e a et staff of Lawrence Park Collegiate Municipal Council's in thc Com- you crispyfrch as thougl just freux the Institute, Toronto, and has re- nunty Hall grounds. ven. Order a package of Cube from signed as Principal of Newcastle Newcatle Red Cross Society your reer today- High School. At Lawrence Park met in the counicil chamber May A product of The Canadien Shredded hie will teach Engiih and History. 3th, with President Mrs. J. A. What Compatw> Limited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Malley at- Huterin tic chair. Mrs. J. C. tended the funeral of er father, ancock led in Uic opening pray- Robert Gray of Pontypool M e rs. Treasurer Ms. Herb. Toma 27th Mr. Mlle isan stcMay reportcd a balance of $261.73. It meh-mers.of theyNewcanst nied was decîded to send $100 cash to Chubrch f chir wcastjoin itd hcadquarters in Toronto. Bila other Necatir fiendjoin cx hamounting to $144.65 for pyjama oterNdn ewpstsympties ie- cloth and wooi werc ordcrcd paid. Tennamde f stsmaies.~ To meet a special Red Cross ap- ence was inadvertcntly om itted p ai rs D. B Si so an M s from the list of United Cuc Saxon Graham wr pone commtte tocanvass the village Junior Choir members appearmig for wolnbakt.I a e last week in connection with tU i olcnakes. itaspdles S. S Aniveraryrepot. issand to meet for thia purpose un- Clemence is a valued and regular der a committee of Mrs. Saxon member of both the senior and Graham, Mrs. H. S. Britton, Mrs. junior choirs. Weeknd visitors wiUi Mr. and J. C. Hancock and Miss Ruth Mrs. T. F. Branton were Ms Hancock at the home of Mrs. Gra- John Tuff, Mr. Pery Tuf! is ham. Arrangements wre made Salisbury, Misses Hilda and Mary to sponsor a tea at the home of Tuf! and Master Kenneth Fen- M rs. J. C. Hancock on Friday ning, Toronto. Whn returning aftrnoon, June 7th. tbe t ok it Ui m rma ul of M iss B eatrice M cntosh, Con -0 tulips whicb Mr. and Mrs. Bran- vener of the Shipping Committcc,.,. ton kindly cut for theni.. submitted a report o! articles sent Miss Effie Ballagh, who bas to Red Cross headquartcreinc been spending the past two yars with ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Newtonville TEA Quebec $11-30