Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1940, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 9TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SEE OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING -A-TH uonleicoer sowLY L Prescriptions a Speqlalty Lamnb - Pork- Veai at Equaliy Goed Prices WHALE-At her home, 946 Dan- Disinfee$ant forth avenue, Toronto, on Tues- Bread Trays Phoe 32 -day, May 7, 1940, Mary Eliza-Antiseptie Phon 382beth (Minnie), beleved wife et Relish Dishes and For Prompt Delivery of Yoiir Order thnr f Harold, oand, e Butter Dishes - Etc. 3 oz. - 35e Phn E XMOOR and Mrs. C. G. Morris, Bow- ~7z-5 manville. Resting at the Trul Fvne o evc riday, 3 I.IYLJJJEW LR, - le6oz. 1.25 Phone 382 MEAT MARKET Bowxnanville p.m. Interment Park Lawn Phono 463 Phonnlle 792 W eie J sugLaft~&4~s ~ '~"~' «Imm@Fý-fl. X7 9- '4 b L " ........... .......... THURSDAY, MAY 9TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN week's issue who attended the Pauline Deline, Newcastle, 81; members ably moved a vote of IRotary District Conference at Ruth Hutchinson, Bowmanville, th a nks. IHamilton the names of Mr. and BR cvll N rey 9;D.i Sevns R . owan Vstos t hP a into içld SO I L A D P R OM r.Er unnhm wr ville, 78. ed Arnold Loos, Oshawa, Donald W o 8l aV Ve a J - OCIA AND PERS NALi tedi : m wee Next toHospital Sut SdeDcorpis teens, R. R. Bowman..Pooletosahneo an~d oa 1 Phon 66 Beattactie ejoylif. Ty J.LAR OUR(Prp.) lien Naylor, Bowmanville, 95. McMane, Hamilton. As usual D. Poe63Sendor "Beauty" Tablets. Two <Prop Orchestra - Trinity U n i t e di Morrison played for community weeks supply $1.00. McGregor's Phone 462 Box 185 Church, Bowmanville, 80. sýinging, with F. 0. Mcllveen lead- sl Chamber of Commerce meets supply $1.00. McGregor's Drug Drug Store. 19-1 Boy's Solo, unchanged voices - ig to-night <Thursday) in Council Store. 19-1 Mrs. H. H. Casbourn and daugh- Place your order wlth us for Sam Seymour, Orono, 821/2; Jim- Room aet 7.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Barrett ter Irene attended a shower for the followlng plants and you mie Watson , Port Hope, 82; Jack Miss Harriet Bartlett, Toronto, and son Bill, Consecon, were Sun- Miss Helen Kerr, given in her MiBTSBwavle 1 Obituary ' was a weekend guest of Mr. John day guests of Mr. A. E. Belîman honor by members of the Toronto wlll not be dlsappolnted: Muir, BS., owmut aille, 81. LOTS and Miss Eva Hellyar. and Marion. office of R. M. Hollingshead Com- ASTERS, separate colors and Wm. Lane, B.T.S., Bowman- o MsH.HthnoTrno é.WR.Tnomnseofpany at the home of Mrs. Cloak- and mlxed ville, 85; Eileen Wilson and Beryl Mrs. Fred Downey, Bowmanville W LPPRAN rs . d H. Huth ns, or ontoC. Rcev. SW.r. Tt onmni steCh r of ley, Toronto. ALYSSUM, white and new Challice, Millbrook, 80%. S rr w stuc it ra ic s d-I.9 c t vreisited her m the, Mr. P. . shamcoe sreetUnted Cch, Ito ev. Robert Cragg, Northport, violet Contralto Solo - Mary Taylor, Sdennessatra Bowmt aiesomed- roll Treb i o ck no e r d t e wee end. or s allhs accted a u c aî o w s g es r a h r at S . P u ' A G E R A T U M , blue and new R . R . 1, Port H ope, 75. 5at we k w h n Mr . Fr d Do -f Feashion noltes.ditat e ed or msaîl nv iedCghrch. Uni wekte Cuc nySuhoAndaTis al kBOY's Solo, under 20 years - ney passed away at her home on i "eauy" ablts Tw weks owmnvlleHig Scoo Ca wek te Sndy Shoo Ani- AMARANTHUS Frank Hancock, R. R. Bowman- George Street on April 28th, af- ____________________det Inspection will be held on versary is to take place. Dr. D. CARNATIONS, mlxed vle 5 rvlnBon ... e er tak She is surviv- Thursday, May l6th, at 2 p.m. W. Best will be the mornng C EN LAB aville, 7 4. ly rw, ... edrby her hsa nd, ne on Citizens are invited to attend this speaker and Capt. Rev. W. F. CALENDULAxednile 4 db le ubnd n o even. Baistr wil dlîve th eveîng LOXEI, ble d Ladies' Duet - Helen and Mur- George, Toronto, and one daugh- Mr. Chas. Carter has been in address. b lulbie and white iel Abrams, Port Hooe, 83. ter Mildred. Bowmanville. Her r ST. PAUL'S UNITED st. Louis, Mo., this week attend- With Spring in the air basebl LARKSPUR, mlxed Violin Solo, open - Neil Mc_ only sister, Mrs. W. S. Cameron, ing a convention of the American is uppermost in the sport fans MARIGOLD, Fr'ch Harmony Culloch, R. R. 4, Oshawa, 80; Reg- Toronto, also survives. Suda eholllied Trades of the Baking In- id and just to make sure that MARIGOLD, New African inald Bolton, R. R. 1, Campbell- Mrs. Downey was born in Bow- m .r Miss Margaret Allen, Beech ball club this year just drop NUMBfJERGIA Ladies' Quartette - Mrs. G. Gar- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. A-LC AN I ER A Y Ave., lef t Toronto by Canada Air- around to the High School PETUNIA, Double Mxed> nett, Mrs. H. West, Mrs D. Skitch Richard Hamblyn who lived on LOWEST FOEAE A N V R A Y to be with her sister, Mrs. Kerr, are scheduled to have their first PETUNIA, Rose of Heaven 85. wife and mother and a true and F PRIi I whoisseiosl il.pratie tatig t .3 p.. ETNI, lod edTenor Solo - Wm. Watkins, faithful friend who delighted in on al on Miss Ruth James and Miss Bar- Their is sure to be a lot of talent PETUNIA, Balcony Blue Bort.S., 7owmArihue, 7. She a a mieccember 0f inity 140 TOC b ara S tok es n ar o L d es o - on h and to start th e season off P T UBA.Tia ts of C a i . B o rt H pe, Citiz ens U nited C hurch.t 19 0 S O C Sunday M ay 1 le e, Whitby, spent the weekend right. From the advance rumours PORT JLACA, double mixed Ba dT9 ars Su d y a 2 with the former's parents, Mr. itlooks -as% if Bowmanville will RUDBECKIA Bn,30mak.The from erl a elsdene wîth and Mrs. Geo. W. James. have a superman line-up for the SALVIAS Rev. Sidnm e Daeiso ncingkîd ____A lucky June bride will be sent RbTsebaCLUsquad this year.lSTOCKS off to a good start this year when The Salvation Army held spe- SALPIGLOSSISR TA YC Ulytitethr quiet, good- she receives a wedding cake free cial services on Sunday, known SCHIZANTHUS nature, ro pge1 her fai andice to leroiom MOrninig Service, il a.m. Watch the Carter Family adver- as "Home League Sunday." Ma- TAGETES plaining suffering during the past Spae:tisements this months for the full jor Kennedy of Toronto gave the VERBENAS sorts in totalitarian lands, build- few years when she has been ilI Spae:particulars. addresses. Mrs. G. Roberts sang ZINNIA ing, armament, youth programs, at intervals due to a heart con- Re.D .BsDD r onM e swsoea solo "He Lifted Me." James GERANIIUMS ee." - dition.FeeD lvr Re. . . es, .D M. oh M Jn~ ws neNokes and Laurie Hart played a The speaker stated that the rc reD lvr in Bom ani of the speakers ate itric rc Many beautiful floral tributes N eDsrcornet duet, and AdJt. and Mrs. No Better QualitT to be foiind has neyer produced a more dualbk thtgingme OT0FT NOR RS ECVEPO TATNIO Conference of Rotary Interna- Hart rendered a vocal duet. Mrs. bankedte caset iigmt U FTW RESRC EP tional held in Hamilton this week. J. Aldworth gave a short address, elsewhere persoliality than Hitler. That must evidence of the sorrow felt by her Hi ujc a Tligthe Pub- be the secret of his power, the many friands. EeigSrce7p.. lic About Rotary." bwom erofthelkoonote. N e t As oeSun-alEe- eeomnto omlx ý Hîs subjeerviceTelhng basmg f her lkoonote. eat AsSdeenp-nt co Ple e- Palîbearers were T. H. Knight: O Speaker. ~Rev. P. L. Jull, Brooklin, will day, May l2th, Brigadier Riches, greens, Fruit Trees, Tomatoes, sonality essential to satisfy all his Frank Williams, Fred Pattinson, O N TS 80 Speker beguet seakr a Enisklle DiisinalComandr o th To Cabag, Culilowr, followers. He is a man who in the W. J. Dudley, M. W. Comstock Re. . .Baise, aylth.saeret bilîsln next Bomavleomandrcofctthe - Cbae alfoe, presence of hard facts will say and George Souch, all of Bow- Ph e65Bomnil Oapt. Rv .P Bns , S. S. Anniversaryý services on ronto East Division, will visit Peppers, Etc. "Don't upset my intuition." If he mavle. Interment was made in1 Phn65 O.AS.F wek'spapr fr fllparicuarsSunay ervces .notes that the national element in Bowmanville cemetery. including tea adfoncel prticMa 24. ______services. _ Best Quality Plants . . . his party is lacking enthusiasm Friends and relatives from a ______________________________ incldin teaandconcrt ay 2. he whips them Up by talking distance who attended the fun- _______All members, and any prospec-... At Lowest Prices about the restoration of the mon- eral included Mr. and Mrs. W. S. and for the past 23 years haed - ~ ' ""~ tive members, are cordially invit- BLIND CANVASS archy. If the socialist element is Camneron, Dr. W. B. and MTs enarsdn f apo en-___ ed to attend the Annual Meeting *Es ben rsientofHapto cin Lib tam ag ~ ______________________cooling he talks about the social- Cameron, Chas. W. Grant, Mrs. munity. Her quiet disposition and Special Music and Singing of the Bowmanville Women's Lb Continued ____pge1)______of___________awsn,____CasGant_(nt eral Association, at Miss N. E.-iztoofeat.JseDwonMr.Cs.Gn, acta of kindness and love endear- (eddfrls ek by the Choir Neads' office, May l3th, at 8 p.m. its editor for consistent and gen- FE A review of the progress of Gordon anîd Helen, Mr. and Mr5. ed her to a large circle of friends Trinity YugPol' no In hehit o Rtaias ad ros upprtofth Intiut e E STIVAL WUNNERS Hitlerîsm in Europe occupied a B. J. Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. here. met Mondyngr.II.Hrl Ro thes enti oed inadost sunc papomrtfte was oaizued (onin ranpgelarge part 0f Mr. Rogers' coin- Geo. McCrea, Toronto; Mr. C. H. epaiarsweehreg-Log rhwsincaead sumw Rotay Anes entonedin est inc a cmmitee as rganzed (Coninud frm pgprehensiveve adaddress. utedHexMquotedx, adiM.,aM Th.pA.beNix, erandr eMr. Lando ___________________________________here, to ail contributors for their fromsvrlatoitvewk M .JckSwr, Hamilton; Mr oburs .Ceens, A. H. Clemens, also condutdm orhpsr response, and to the foilowing,mseeaauhrttv wrk Ms.JcSeatrL.Cm who by their gift of time and en- provided the finest human inter- on. the subject to back Up his and Mrs. Grant Cameron, Ottawa E. Doidge, F. Honey, E. Adamson vice, assitdb Ms îe ergy in canvassing the town un- est story of the festival by wv-oin ios Te rgh-butf. and Mrs. R. H. Hamley and Wil. and J. Cowling. Morton,Palyros ndJc der the convenership of Mrs. E. ning the gold medal in the 9 and policy of Hitler to Russia came in fred, Oshawa. The beautiful floral tributes Dunn. Mr.W1.Covlesn W. Crawford, made an indispens- under boy's solo class when he for criticism. For years Hitler haed____ sent by kind neighbors, frîends two solosdrn hewrhi F or Superb Entertainment able contribution te the success wasn't efficially scheduled as a been telling his people the rulers Miss Jessie Knox and relatives showed the high es- peried.Thtpi"OrAiud of this undertaking: Mrs. A. E. participant. His older brother of Russia were the vilest on earth teem in which Miss Knox was Towardth Wa"wsgvnb ]Be Sure te Attend the Devitt, Mrs. A. L. Smale, Miss contracted the measles enly a few and then he turned around mak- The death of Miss Jessie Grace held. Hubert Ho1 r h one u Eileen Crockett, Mrs. F. H. Mor- days ago and Johnnie took his ing an alliance with them. Knox occurred May 2nd at the To mourn her less «Iffiss Knox that three eea oiin r ris, Miss Nellie Mutton, Miss place and won the event although By that action Hitler has play- home of lher sister, Mrs. L. D. leaves one sister, Mrs. Sykes, and now beingtknb u on ____ Florence Werry, Mrs. Thomas much smaller than mest of his ed the one card he had up his Sykes, of Darlington Township. two brothers, Mr. Roy Knox of people - spot0 h a n Hailon Ms.M.J.Htcinon cmptior.sleeve, te be used enly in an ex- The late Miss Knox was the dau- Darlington Township, and Mr. enlistment asv aqisec Hamilon, Ms. M.J. Htchinon, cmpetiors.treme emergency. He has played ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Knox of Fenella. She alint h a;dsprvlo the Mrs. F. V. Ott, Mrs. N. S. B. Prîze Wlnners it against Great Brjtain and Robert Knox of Fenella, Ont. leaves seven nieces and one war. HE sgetdta vr Souch, Mrs. O. Plummer, Mr5. ner - Kirby Scheol 83; Leck- National Socialismn surrendered te by Rev. W. Rackham, pastor. of attached and by whem she was lieve in whtteihn srgt by Tuerk, Mrs. S. McMurter, Mrs. H. hart's School 80; Ebenezer 79. Nihilism and Joseph Stalin won Hampton United Church, took deeply loved. Harold LoI ot de e Jr. . DdsnMs Louis W. A. Rural Chorus, one room, uni- the game. Would you rather face place at the residence ef Mr. and The funeral was largely attend- words onrh ujc eln h Edger, Mrs. P. E. Greenfield, Mrs. son - Blackstock 84, Providence Hitler or Stalin? That is what we Mrs. Sykes. Interment was made ed by friends and relatives fram members t aeamr eiu G o d M e da i i R er S Edwin Wod, Mrs. Orville Boe, 8 1 ;S. S. No. 7 Manvers 80. - are up against to-day. in Bowmanville Cemetery May Kingston, Carnpbeilford, Wark- attitude wad ths iuton soMrs. F rano Jisn, Mrs. . Str aile83Pa ck Stocn 81 ~te the Club by Dr. J. C. Devitt Miss Knox had resided with her Port Hope, Toronto, Peterborough of Mine"wicwaveym h son Ms. rak amiso, ronSarle 83;0.ksok81 y and Ross Strike on behaîf et the sister the greater part et her life and Orono. appreciated of Kenneth Cox, Mrs. W. J. E. Or- rn 0 miston, Mrs. Wm. Hoskin, Mrs. Rural, Part Song, twe rooms- UN a.IH. J. Babcock, and Mrs. C. Curtis. Orono 82; Maple Grove 80; Cour- Durham £YIusIie estival tice ô76. _ _ _ _ _ inB alysand Bowmanville Schools tied V M B R with 84 points. - henoflrttiu Bradley's Community Club con- Boys' Chorus, Open - Port Hope j..saucy perfm es V . U luded a very successful terra, Central Schoel 90; Cartwright - Trinity U ie Churchi holding their closing meeting in School 84; Dr. Powers School,jD A the school Friday evening. Vice- Port Hope, 83. President Mrs. W. Leask presided. Public School, Open - Port Hope 1ITE' A Bowmanville Although Mrs. E. Crydermnan, 87; Cartwright 84; Bowmanville President, was unable te be pre- 83. .1ffW 1 sent she assured us that her Rhythm Band - Cartwright CI I V M Y 1T o theughts were with us in a mes- 80%; Maple Grave 80; S. S. No. 7 SUN AY M Y 2T page which was read te the club. Manvers 791/2 Lowest F R I )AY!, IM1À Y 1 O th A varied program 0of the usual Mixed School Chorus - Grade Yotir rememibrance to your Mother need flot be an elaborate p re- ~L high standard was presented. The 10, Whitby, 83; Blackstock 82; Prices sent.. Just a single inexpensive gift will convey you.r sentimet 7.0p.m. Young People displayed their Bowmanville 81. et theatrical talent thraugh their Sorano Solo - Vivien Jennings, ---prfetly and she wiil certainiy appreciate your--- (STANDARD TIME) presentation nt the playette e Port Hope, 80; Jean Stevens, Ma- hu tso tilerdy fda. Hitching Post" in whîch Howard ple Grave, 76; Lillian Roche, Port FILMS togt ntibrdyo as This willi conclude the Festival whlch bas been such a success Millson, impersonating Parson Hope, 75. Parsnip prenounced Margaret PioSlopn-Drsnc For Mother's Day We list some practicai suggestions. Let us set yu ail iveek. Talent bas been exceptlonaily hlgh and only the Brackenridge, the bride, being PiSort o, 8op'eCop-etoFrshstockch, Ty ic best wlll be on this final program. Corne early te married fer the third time, and Pr oe 1 o ee rsSokgift aside for you now CER H be sure et a seat. Everett Vice, the frustrated groom, Baritone Solo - Ronald Dag- DEVELOPING 500; 13.00 5, Sae Adle- 5 -Oiden-2c ta be "that which they mest de- gett, Port Hope, 75; Frank Dean, ADPITN ie siet." Th bid'sfaheci Ontario Training School, Bow- Films left by 9 a.m. ready CH C L T S - - 2ct $2OT TA TTR P Smale, had to attend his daugh- mnie,7.at 6 p.m.-% AiA ter's wedding minus a colaer due Mezzo-Soprano Sale - Mrs. Don- _______________Mofrs - Neilson's - Page &'Shaw te his misfortune in swallowing ald Skitch, Port Hope, 80; Jean Special Mother's Day Wrappigs Fer aIl types _______________________________________his only colaer button while pre- Malcolm, Nestleton, 77; Helen et Ants paring fer the wedding, a tact Metcalf, Maple Grave, 75. ~~~~which his wife, Verna Millson. Bass Sale - Arthur Dallack, AW E ' O H R A A D ct 5 found very exasperating. The Ontario Training School, Bow- ~ ~ maid of honour, Evelyn Baker, manville, 77. SUrrLY OF kept the pages, Stanley Millsn Ladies' Challenge Solo - Lillian Qu ELv FANCY SOAPS PERFME and George Gilray, under her Naylor, Bowmanville, 85. Yardey sLaveder----55eIVAg thub bfoe tehwadnlennge Soloerens BthCoty's Lorigan ---60c-$1.00 0 >, -during the ceremeny put the best MewlnsCrHallengeSoo0. Jak o agenerous botle ol Soap --- ------ doz. 49e Quelque-Fleurs -$1.00-$1.50 EUARSZ man, Harvey Yellowlees, in his Boy 's Solo, 9 yrs. and under -this cool. refrashing Yardiey s Soap - 3 cakes YrlysLvno * place at times. Ewart Leask, the Jon GtynotHpe 0 lenaresîe ue1f with Frp.e Perfulme -$10 ea tn----2e-O-I the Cllnew M ai 0 1, . . i

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