Witlî Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 86 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1940NMBR1 ARMED TRIO.. WRECK CAR *FIEE INRODON FIELO DIVE UP WHEN POLICE. CD VER THEM War Effort Not Good Enough CONVENTION Statesman Awarded Trophy in Front Page ContestPob leR bryFstad Tp Overcome Cunning Foe HIGHLIGHTS . By Collision and PoieWr Says Canadian Club Speaker B mGJmsMnAmtFre eod _______ *Weeky newspaper editors from ail over Ontario and Quebec at-- tndd te anualpres coven Capt. Rawson, Toronto, Long Service tion in Windsor last week and ~Ti atdi oot UgsGetrAto okprinone of the most in- Trio NTIrE ~1Ii UresGeae Aton ____________ e rtandprofitable programs -U U Ibb M Ion Se ra Ch gs ln Industry to Meet sVtails of the aeveitint.hd eenA ISrTTnTM XT of Are Rob y Challenge - Stresses stad by the eassociation. h planned with an eye for the en- UI1U J IFacedcaedWa Training several ladies who attended, and "Red" Foster May Speak _______ the high standard set at the open-___ ing was neyer allowed to lapse. o Speaking to a large audience at Early Friday morning, the en- "ide wo haarr ed"cmbnt the Ladies' Night banquet of the. tire party - nearly 200 - was Foe rtek Hiryed"tO Awhc omnil olci e Men's Canadian Club Friday ev- .loaded into busses and taken to Fte fratio en rarBicyce roinetlonWdnBdiat eigathBamrlHtl e.the Ford plant at Windsor where, thYoraio f ice- rmie enatt heNrm nB am o a Ho te R v after having their pictures taken, Safety Club here. The letter noon, maia e s veno e n Cap. Nrmn Rwso aseredthey began one of the most in- was addressed to Charlie the maddingebras&t thtCnd ilhv optteresting journeys imag i n a b 1 e. Carter, who is chairman of frhan infinitely greater effort Wallace R. Campbell, presidentthLin aeyCm te wkg frhof the Ford Motor Company of sponsoring the organization. finding therse r hi oe than she has if this conflict is to Canada, greeted the visitors and The first meeting wîil be held stolen. end happily for the Allies. His welcomed them'with a few sin- on Saturday mornlng at 10 subject was "We End One War cere words before turning the * o'ciock in the Town Hall when Shortly fe ieo'lc h We Start Another." Party over to a group of well-. Mr. Foster or one of bis as- afternoona aton uocl trained guides for the tour thro' sistarns will bce me guest lided wit etoudTop Af ter a racy introduction Capt. the immense plant with over 7,000 speaker. Officers of the club soBrtesrukamlana Rawson commenced to speak of wrkrsoans ndhllweothtonadm h serlous matters. "People ask me suggs.wil c etiados mrde- such a variety of questions," hie of the moiemn motor car from ceive consideration at this to truck die itrPteic' began. "One is 'Why should a _____ the making of fine steel parts un-metn.Alycstarak- upiehehee enntecr miiserinersthisef n ol-til the finished car rolled off -~ . ed to be there. pcromp tly okt hi e tics?' I 'have neyer yet dragged Frank Williams the assembly lixe at the f ar end aross thefeds oh h a politics into the pulpit. But to-oftescn plt.T hie day the ministry must re-assert Who has beçn connected with the tof the seconeln.TefiePs and the tuksfee osdr itseif in politics and use its moral Bell Telephone Company here for touingacie and thehue influence more directly for the over 33 years. He started as col- tinîsy prese simldr fe chatie-Q T AT bedmg n huhtoo betterment of the country. Peo- lector and operator in 1906 andtinwtoesmpytefciv l1TIT AY TC f' the men i h a eetrw until they can only speak plati- maae.Faki n f it fr t ress.Ia tewasrn.Th phies in competition at the recent son. The handsome trophy, wîth shown onrghpeciinphewre nt juetosriula tudes, wîthout gîving offence. tw' mhioursorse-smf9l totsing ldoa e tering. Weekly esppr Convention in ts newspaper sheet in sîlver award presented by C. E. Bond, S LE!M FAiYiflUSE omîlTafi fie .F When affairs are in such a de- thusiasts and has been active in elt a steel slap below. If the Windsor was the Stephenson Me- standing on a walnut base was of New Liskeard. The trophy mnay prvn plorable state it is the. A. weasiest Cboys'a workésin bconnectionhhewithtmoriall plorl tato t tak e eIaetbosjumpi cned o it i in or a barie it a botephenson, editor of the Temis- for having-the best front page in Bakery wîndow Theres thig n hewoldfo te ardmebeshp nte otryCl b ut if t w a as iperfeti ut o, ig Speaker, in memory of towns of 4,500 or less population. Photos Courtesy Windsor Star Mrs. Phyllis Hetzberg Plans Art called andfndaakreov, neyer yet dragged politics into THREE LOCAL LADS couldn't make the grade and fell Exhîbit Next Week - Rs ral a itl ntebc .àe pulpit but nevertheless I be- noabxfrdsas.Sue Atee'dsa f Wv tia iitrsdt o P S ...E A Evidence of sincere effort to TO ONTO AR ITS uearly 3, 0 Entries Dipluedi Europe With alitebgcnann a cake whatever course hie Sees fit assist and guard employees was VVvsp ye couple ofdznclo ae e for the moral bettermèent of the Examination results of the On- to be seen everywhere. Hydrau- ffAl 1 .L o s ~ H b y- volver but ,sme3cabr country. I have neyer had any tario Agricultural College, Guelph lic 1f ts by the dozen were spread V~~ jIIKJIi*uVnlEIi ki* Durham County is next week and some32Negbusndc- complaints about my incursions published last week included through the plant so that no em- PRO IDEPRO RAM Durng ion Cl b H bby Sh w to have probably the first art ex- ed the dircinteueigyuh into politics from my congrega- these naines of local interest: ployee had to do any but the ATLAit ~-i' rs. Therexibithon a th Provincidal osalkDe.Mri As an illustration of how the and Glen A. Mcîlveen 63%; L. G. every machine where there was a AT LA IE ' IAd I Trophy and Prize Winners -CUBS AND SCOUTS and 9th is being sponsored by Mrs. and ChiefSdietn fie training fitted hlm for life, he Brown, Orono, Second year exams possibility of the workem being Annonned Following Suc- WIL EL T GS wPhierour Hdlietbegohon mponbeanhi iveia told a story of his efforts in driv- with 2383 points out of a possible g ntined on paeL12)IRtarywClthShemsohusbandn livefllyon a small ttion. ing a team of army mules for nine 3200.<Ctludopae1) Rtry lu SosrsPry a 8fiIy tgdEvn TO HELP BLIND market farm about two miles Th m months and neyer swore at them High School Featurlng Olde Held in Badminton____ from the town limits just east of C...Thmnwr rcdt h once. That same technique, sid Tyme Village Quartette and Club Manvers Road. She is a graduate t a th paewllhnl ai Stanley St. John's____ What would you do if you îost of the Ontario College of A;t and printfaefoafw Aid, Church Board and the Choir. Pho e S sten He e Among ____rceta__ eeie an wrs rmyad e Trophy winners were announc- your sight? It is a question that theas li receivdm nyars fo as e caueoadgon In 1914 Capt. Rawson was a vrtit-o hnedpplsowg Ottayv: Ass ciatepW ithrellnCOttpwa Many entertainmr*nts have been ed last night for the Lions Club oe hmyfu ude epewell as numerous other prizes hwgtemehd ddfo whenthewarbroe ot. H in To Ass cia e W th B ll omp ny tagd b BowanvlleRotry obb Sho whch as ucha inOntriohav ha toask hem frin he .N.. an oter-adttheBa- terpmeted the state ofmid ofth Club but the Ladies' Night at the success at the Badminton Club on selves at one time. A few years showiiigs. stonble i i aCifVno yh ta diedy. paistces as tLes iv rvaePhn LA SC M L T D High School on Friday, wasin Saturday. In the junior division, ago, the question was hard f0 Mrs. Hertzberg's grandfather Officer Thmsnch'e h yufthat id d ay. Ptiersasltly he rvaePhn LA SC MP E E the opinion of many, just about Lorraine Farrow was the winner, nwr ody hr sol n was the late Robert Armour, a houses onteBsemendso a result of his education. But he Lines Here in 1881 - Bell FOR OUTSTAN DING the smartest affair held here for intermediate, Lloyd Kemsey; sen-anemTodyter SO19Ox prominent barrister who lived in found thatoefrerhdse aiso had Irish and French blood eehn opee60M SC F TIA may ers ior, Eileen Todd; and in the open sensible reply: consult The Can- Bowmanville and vicinity most of the trio 1rigt ntrteBs un his veins and patriotism un his TlpoeCmlts6 SC FSIA ayyas class, Norma Searle, Bowman- adian National Institute for thxe his life, while Mr. Hertzberg's Line schoowihhebe ls soul, and when the first military Years Operation____ Over 300 people crowded into ville. Unfortunately, we were un- Blind. If there is anything that father was un the Norwegîan Em- ed for sometm.Temnle band marched down the street he By Marie Clark Bell the auditorium with oîd and able f0 obtain the addresses of bassy in Toronto sevei'al years poeddesel rmtesho realzed herehis estiy la and Theyoung remaining from early ev- the first three winners. can be done for a blind person ago. Not satisfied with receuviigadrwakng south on th healited.eehsdsin a n h celebratuon on Monday last Maytime and festivaltime have.. ening until well after midn.ight. Neary ,00etisweinnth aofidng im m-nd eE heelse.of the Diamond Jubilee anniver- of late years, become synonymnous The program began with numbers n ,0 nre eei n h a ffnighme-hem education in Canada she road ftheBos Taiigcho competition at the show, which ploymnent, in the way of teaching spent 13 months in Europe study- Camp whe eto n Top Despife a pair of slightly flat sary of the Bell Telephone Comn- in Durham County, and it is with by the Olde Tyme Village Quar- cowdedl fhe large hall to capacity hlm Braille or handicrafts, inaying art at Slate School, London, son saw te.Te uel p feet he got into the army. A pany recalis that there were net aemmesar uebadfledmc ftewi sae a tal nEgland, and at varlous aca- hypersensitive lad, he had no con- telephones in operation in Bow- feelings of renewed pleasure and vteffet, whose memberscaeasuerb dflled much of ane athe wallspce wy th e only source topoce ception of whaf lay un store for manville almost as soon as fhey animation that once again we wel- entertaining a large andcitcl rdct f aua rinn, o he CdanloNatfonahl is to danexes ivetri f.ther uro-dewhen with hr itne hum. Mst amuing wre thewere ade avilablecomme- comethe avent o anothr audencesfrihousciThecvarnd mestcesciece antdozenfof otee foline.Bin he henInsltufe peanountrus seeing toperfec volvrs dran reay for ction speaker's* witticisms in relating cially. It is shown by an 1881 Musical Festival, which is being their numbers, giving each an classes on exhibition, some of oraieh0ass ln ep e rt how through a little 'pull' he record that there were not less opportunity to perfom and when them excellent while others show- O cannzd ot ay o lnd eokMle.etbeg pcilze n wtew nane h a awed the officers into letting this than five private telephone lines held this year in Bowmanville, they retired tf0 allow Stanley St. dtafteexi-orhdfied iais oincaryithut ubatia lor rtrt, and mca f in m-thtpoe hdlixwelcvr rawandigorat ecrit(him- in operation here at that time. May 7-8-9. Year follows year, anxd John's orchestra f0 take over for hard, but needed more training. support from the public. That ples of hem work adomix the walis The trio eebogh oBw self) into His Majesty's Forces. The users were McClellan and festival follows festival, and we the balance of the evening, almost The committee, headed by Georgerthsbefohomn of hem ,rooms. Not content with o farenin this aa t eofnet Bttin Brohesonh are thriîed f0, discover that e everyone fet that they eff far L. Davidge, had a tremendous su pma vle oic st i n h e a yon e nCnd o tCrpnTelegraph Company, toso.ts nfnin pc o h aypast years, but if must be main- our o wn e okagrearitcknwsarchwdthttow seem to feel called upon to enlist. the Station Hotel and services at and more interest is concentrating to soon. edace tsc ask spay ut dig spafrkthe many tained, end if is not the businessldew okaogwt sa carryingulod revo1vers They do not seem to feel they are the McClellan Wharf. on ail that pertains to the oc- of just as high qualify and of the and were most pleased with the or one partion f the contry.Tere suppl irst lcl ats opinion MTepstead,2,Rbn ae 1 needed," the speaker continued. roepr ftecu upyaCis ls pno.W esed "These privilegd groups will have On February 27, 1880, L. B. casion. Truly if was nof always s0, type which pleases everyone in- entire affair. afe nee- nodsrc h r there o quote our critic as that and Rocco otlo 3,al0 o to come to realize before long McFarlane, the present dean of for in its initial stages the festival cluding novelty numbers and the Mrte atenoo, onto achyoth dsfedha that it is their 'future which is at telephone pioneers, canvassed was compelled f0 pass through a popular Cokey-Okey dance. Mm. dent judges from Oshawa had work for the C.N.I.B., and teeMsHezbgiseally a won- teederful ung atpolice record hefor phouse- stae ndthy us mkea.rnveBell Teleho ex cerviest, phase of incomplefeness thaf St. John took complefe charge gorie their rounds andl placed the is no district exempt from fthe p art tespecily nahe oi takpe andtey ut. makeealmo ewaleor subhngscrvis prîze winners, the doors were duty of doing ifs share f0 provide breakingadpeytive. He said we are wasting preci- That was two months before the every known. festival has been (Continued on page 7) thrown open f0 the public until the sinews of war. This week Pencil drawings, etchings, pCn The auto hyhdbe rvn ous time when we are not pre- Bell Company was incorporated. forced f0 experience af the outset. 9d3 ditrnict, ' f kn d lleeistaarian anTag Dan ________________onivee-)Ysouref aagToo paring for more fierce fighting f0 On Mamch 17, 1880, Mr. McFar- A wider understanding of its and isrcîtuzens taung a--illditrctnd__Ta_____n____eYo come. There should be un Canada lane, who was af thaf fime super- usefuiness to the communify has REV. WILLIAM lIILLS vantage of the opporfunity to at- Saturday, May 4fh. If is under and was dae d osdrb a universal training scheme for intendent of the old Dominion come te be realised, and has S AKS T -III tend. Comments were ail favor- fthe direction of the local comn- TY Two ofteiehv be the youth so thaf. fhey can be Telegraph Company, returned f0, grown with lime. ,E O-IH able and many of fthe adult folk miftee for the Blind. Every Advertisng Head charged ithcryn oca preptring for the miiifary servie Bwavlef aeascn This year we realise thaf ail ST. JiOHN'S CHURCH were absolutely amazed f0Bwavil omkeascn see worker is a volunteen. The In-. weaponsadththrwthv- wheimutiei_______r.cavs. htws nisinac t h e such fine work being done by stitufe does nof pay commissions rancy. Tie, aebenrmne whih us inviaby b teis.canas. hatwa lx fs nfnc atfIe e-youngstfor trial and are af presntent lix thetria The greaf cost of patriotism was The Bell Company was incor- ginning, bas decidediy assumed a Rev. Williamà Hills, B.A., L.Th., Coslte r f0 cpeas n oe tons.heverkfry c t 1d J vividly and patheticaily depicfed porated on Apnil 29, 1880. On more mature and established Assistant Curaf e at Sf. Pu' aefv fti su.wscnrbtd by the speaker when he fold of December l6th of thaf samne year, form. The fact thaf this year, Bloor Sf. Anglican Church, To- pg ieo asise a ofiue Once agansatpoiewr how he had f0 go overseas with- un a lisf of exchanges and agenc- entnies are numerous - un some ronto, will be the guest speaker may h cnln ouf even going home f0 say good- ies correlafed un the Bell organ- classes, more numerous than ever af the Ascension Day service beld Se vc. though non fte e ol bye f0 his mnother. "If is not only ization founded by the late Char- before - goes far to prove thaf Thursday evening (to-night), in :'.Iam*' n lR fa, admit they eedigayhn fhe soldiers who pay the price of les Fleefford Sise, father of the enthusiasm is growing by leaps St. John's Anglican Cburch. His Co-o#e aia nd ett'r ervnc but taking i o-le sacrifice," he said. present president Bowmanville and bounds. Moreover the fact sIWb.dha e ospifality of the EnglisIx appears, associated wifh Montreal, thaf the nunriber of preliminary theiFace of i_ ac r'C n e to (et h rosmksold Ottawa, Halifax, Saint John, Vicestivain' held lix .fhe rural districtsn. WBII 1 thefstrvaspsemakes -.rurlBAisriALLtheROUePo ffeslong f0 come f0, the aid foria, B.C. and several smailer bas aiso increased, proves decis- War".The ser-.GE of the mofheriand again. When centres. ively that the far reaching effects........~ vice un charge Oven 350 bakers ilisadpeetda hsa yeo d E one gets f0 know the English well The late C. F. Sise's dairy num- of festival benefifs have spread of the local rmlesadpeetd nuuultp fa-"FORI 90SA O (Cotlned n age5) crsamng he houans o in f the higbways and byways, and A.Y.P.A., has membens of the Ailied Trades mhet dress entifled "Come and Get If", beennedonpge5 Cxsceedtethuans fiu n the King Edward Hotel, To- in which he urged bakers f0 fake Basebal fn n xctv feresfing exhibits contained in are not confîned f0 the limits of ben x ed ronto, on April 23-24 f0 discussamoepmnntlcenthmtafheBuoalHeln the Bell Telephione Historical fowns. We launch ouf afresh, witb theywe ir sn es oheir vinga thoeiprommrtpaeintemta 150 OD.DFELLOWS Museum at Montreal. Under date the knowledge thaf our efforts planned, and ways ndmeas f ipr haebogtbnfca eutwill be atten- hi uies hi services f0 life of tercmunifies. He was Tuedayheveigaddcdd ofSptmer6 18,there ap- have buouiht beneficial resuits, ood fIxe firsf practice on FnidW. MARCH TO CHU[C H pears tais eryun, n.188e'sthaf we have aftained a higher ded by' mem tepulcMnayer nwlde flnrdue b dîo Go W heandwhs ritingnM. usicisadadta aseen er ftethe undustry. They obtained some James of The Canadian States- .Myltx ffehg colbi exA ..uifed un es rd ts, n h xat berPs . of offhe outtaning peaers.nd.an, owmnvule,1bo1u'hi niousf0haens aA ycn 1 1 '-,C' WITH