THIURSDAY, MARCH 14TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ',VOICE 0F THE PEOPLE "GIVE ME A SOBER PEOPLE thought brought me up with a reilIy fine actors brightened it AND) THE TREASUR I joît. Was flot aur own Provincial Up. SECURE" Government deliberately balanc- Dorothy Nichols, as wife of the ingisbde with broken bodies, "almanac astraloger, " showed Edior f Te tatsma,- blackened souls and broken uP none of the usual nervousness or One thing that is crying Out homes? And I had helped to place awkwardness of the amateur loud for adjustment in this Pro- that gavernment in pawer. NO actress. Also Jean Pal tridge gave vince is the question of "Liquor wonder I amn unhappy about the apretiproaino h Coî~tol."whole thing. . inquisitive neighbour type." We are straining every nerve Let us demand that this thmng" It is easy to see that only a for victory in this international cease. That we again regain aur certain class of peol utiks SWgle. If there was lever a time old faith like the great English o no aaerple yticetsg «wen we needed everyane clothed statesman who said "Give me a andrenay usa sate d p ay r Teyo and in his right mmnd it is now. sober people and the treasury i for ardioustre asosad aetiot Higher education is expensive. secure." We might go down ninteetdi h rmtcato We surely are flot seeing very temporary defeat but better ta but in the foîbles of their ac- straight when we tolerate a drug have honaurable defeat than vic- quaintances, the actors. which blights the very brains we tory with aur hands tied. While there is not a doubt in are going ta need s0 badly. I arn Mr. Editor, I can almost hear the world that amateur acting is concerned, perhaps because I amrn the disgusted grunts of the men a valuable experience for the a mother and it is easy therefore and women trained in the aid participants it is not in Canada, ta sympathize with mothers who school saying, Trash! Nonsense! at least, fit entertainment for are compelled ta watch the chil- i Another empty headed dreamer! audiences, except those made up dren for whcm they have sacri-! The last number of years there of aider people, relatives of the ficed sa much becoming heart-1 has seemed littie room for an players and children who do not aches instead o! blessings. Per- idealist in this practical, material- came ta see a drama unfold but hap aai bcaue an m- iîstic worîd. Perhaps that is why ta see how John and Mary be- ther I know what it takes ta be! we meet s0 many hard boiled in- have in public. It would heip ta a mother and remember the many dividuals. When yau meet one make amateur dramatics corne of time£r' I failed ta have what it, boasting of being hard boiled, you age if graups would aJtempt ta takes and my babies suffered I can be sure they are idealists in produce mare seriaus plays. through my ignorance or lack Of'!hîding. We hear so much of real- SELF-APPOINTED CRITIC. experience. Surely the lot of the ists. Hon. Neville Chamberlain is __________ baby whose mother is not at ail a realist. Dr. Benes is a realist. times herseif must be an unhappy' This confused me so I spent PUT PARTY POLITICS IN THE one. some time tryink ta find a home- SMALL CORNER IT Perhaps because 1 love yauth 'made definition ta satisfy. Here DESERVES My heart aches ta see those born it is: "A realist is one who faces ____ with high intelligence, of families facts as they arè yet dares ta Clarke, March 5, 1940 noted for their backbone, com- dream of something better. A Da dtr mon sense and honest decency, true ideaîist is one wha dreams DOea Edîtor: atcin becoming s 10o u c h y, mi a r o s le, then strives ta make the dream yOncsenagin eoae patchinr tauchy, irrespansible, some day workable." It is when aur realists yu peddeioilpg o ta be called unemployable. forgeta dream and aur ideaîists help in thinking things thraugh. The butcher, baker and candie- satisfied with dreaming alone that! On top Of the strain and ex-r stick maker have been writing the world gets in the jam it is pense of war we are being plung -r themselves in the red trying ta to-day. ed into the throes of anatherr carry custamers through the lean I arn rather proud of my pen political campaign with na anes years. Surely these big hearted name and prefer ta use it, but if quite sure of what it is ail about.c business men deserve samething you do nat care ta take the re- Personaîîy, I arn only sure ofr better than have these selfsame sponsibility for this letter yau are one thing and that is aur clear- customers eating, drinking, and at liberty ta sign my own naine. cut duty te mark a ballot on, making merry with money which These are onîy my own persanal election day. Our forefathersq is rightfully theirs. A papular reactians and given only in the fought and dîed ta place this tool J business slogan is "The custamer spirit of goodwill. in aur hands and we dare nat is always right." Surely the cus- Yours truly. betray their trust. This duty is thmris problemis festerigithe. RURAL MOTHER. sacred and demands aur best in r Thisprobem i feterig inthethought and action, aur faith ina minds and huarts of many people ourselves. aur feilows and in thec and sooner or later must bu faced SPEAKING 0F AMATEUR generatians yet unborn. and solvud. It is gaing ta taku PLAYS Bu0hr r amn us tact, patience, courage and good tions ta be answered before wec sense, but it can be solvud. A Editor "«Canadian Statusman": ca .elgnl rcncetos "holier than thou" attitude is Amateur plays have recuntly ly cast that vote. boiîd for failure. It must be at- came in for a gaod deal of rather I h is lc rts utc tackud from the inside out. harsh criticism lately at the hands dImndhe first place nrts jut When we realize aur bodies are of the nated actor Mauricu Col- demands proof o!anghman's guil temples of the Holy Spirit we will boumne and in aur humble opin- bforu w e çan han hm.sthere- not think of doing anything ta ion most of it is warranted and foreitabe ust wmunt kenw defile thum. When youth catches shauld be wulcomed by thase when aur lDominionthGovr the vision of what gaus inta a concurned. Naturally onu Must ment hase failed. SixarmonsOfr really great life he builds con- not look for a great degree o!f rhave pased- Weae sin aur structivuly and thosu things which perfection in the type of presunt- rehtfulplace - a te ideaif destray the heauty o! the struc- ation sponsored by Trinity Y..U.Grinut ing itain. Asgign c r ture lhu naturally liminates. Our last Friday evening. otaigh a eed asbe or puople must be uducated and pre- Conspicuous feature of the first out with ail speedf passoibefr 9pwilln tar especot. hat ml ens ayhe Courage, Mr. Greene" was are in England far advanced co-pera tionreitect. hgvermensth presence of one cigar and training whilu others are in train- cond ton thepath of government two cigarettes which were band- ing here. dI Somte mantsfago GordninSm- ied about with much show but Time spent in making-sure o! v Soirgae mntagdia dson isneyrddgtlt-hrb rvn bigo h ih odi ee p-rssvewrad Ci a.Te sory ta ther i îterlitisfactiypon that ime waste. Thtat is hyI as prhschwhaundhmenas The stary tothhurs tisfaxeciones at id-des etrouble l i s yI anss af Japan opuning up huge dens maidish contrai over the most in- o! action, or in discrimination of vice and drugs in tee conquer- nocent habits of its adherents. In shown in piacing of war arders? ed partseo! China. AUl this. was this play too, the augmunted If there has buen discriminationb g ilnfe gratis ta the Chinese girth a! onu o! the character ac- it should be givun sunlight. If is because tee Japanesu realizud the tors drew the audiences atten- an abominable practice and un-.o moral stamina a! China must be tion away from an atherwise fine wartey o! any party and yet its s destroyed before there could be perforrnbnce. ugly face is aiways appearing. s hopes of conquust. The teought The second play presented, In any organization we are ai-w of one nation deiiberately tryingý "Moan Signs" was by far tee most sure ta !ind three classes: h to break down the moral struc- better, not fram tee standpoint (1) Those who have a clear cut f ture o! another was buyond my of plot, but tee parts were evenly vision o! what the organization P comprehension, but the next distributed and two or three stands for and gives o! his best 01 1 ~ti MARY& JIM 0 0* CUT OUT WASTE A NATION AT WAP. NEEDS ~/ot~ tt A NATIO14AL GOVRMN NATONA BD ERNMENT Authorlzed by National Gvrnment Hed.queriers, 140 WIIIngton Street, Ottawa CTS ta reach teat goal; (2) Those who are in the arganization only for what teey can get out o!* it; (3) Thase loyal ta tee organisation but their outlaok is sa narrow, teat their undisciplined enthus- iasm is ernbarrasîng. When this teird group can be educated te sue their tadividual obligation and respansibility ta their country and tee second tgroup learns teat "He who serves his party most is he who serves >his country best," teen these 1practices wiil cease. Party alone wiil neyer save a country and it is high tirne we aced teis trute and put party in tee really small corner it de- serves. Yours sincereLy, A WOMAN VOTER. SKATER'S WALTZ Dear Editor: Cold, clear nights wite lilting music on the air have, no doubt, tee same melawing effect on sanity as the warm, moon-lit niights o! summer. No oteer ex- pianation serns ta satisfacterily account for the propasal which has lately gained ground, teat a publiciy owned rink be built in Bowmanviile. Doubtless, like ail good propa- ganda, truth is its nxst conspic- uaus feature and in these days yaute must nat be neglected - or denied anyteing. A rink by al means! But lut it be privately owned. This is not tee ktad o! business a municipality should engage in. If the tewn must1 go inta business let it pick something a! direct benefit toalal citizens, such as a tewn forest. This iocality has such a var- iable winter climate as ta make a rink an uncurtain venture. At present tee twa outdoor inks serve ail tee needs of tee Young folks. Hockey garnes, it suems, mnust be huid under a roof if aîîy money is ta bu madu. We have1 neyer huard of any considerable sums o! money being made eithur out o! hockey gamus or by te praprietor o! a rink. If tee tawn should ducide ta build a rink it will find that te 'Skater's Waltz' bas livened up its tempo ta a merry jig and it wiil bu up ta the taxpayers ta 'pay tee piper.' Althaugh cam-« mercializud spart has corne ta bu a gigantic business tee terni carries wite it somuthing a! an opprobium. In essence, sport has lost its true charactur when it is commercialized. PAS'Z FIFTY. In The Editor's Mail THE BIG INTERESTS OUT TO KILL SMALL TOWNS Prince Rupert, B.C., Feb. 23, 1940. The Editar, Bawmanviile Statesman, Bowmanville. M'y Dear Mr. Editar: You are free ta use any new ideas teat rnight bu cantained heruin, in cannection with any further articles teat yau might write along tee lines a! tee onu in cannectian with tee loss o! a bakery te your town, terough outsidu campetition. The seriaus cansequences ta smail tewns, terough tee expan- sion o! chain stores, branch Arhoiesale houses, etc., is onu teat has been apparent ta tee writer for a long tinie, and unless te people awaken ta tee seriousness of tee situation, it is anly a ques- tion o! tume buforu 80 % of te business population o! Canada ta- Iay will bu working for con- solidated interests, and those ta charge o! tee business ta tee var- ious comniunities, oteer tean M!ontreal and Tarante, wiil bu employees. This is a matter teat should Particularly mnterest teYoung mien, and teey should bugin te Organize ta pruvent furteer con. centration; otherwise, noa matter what 'thuir ambition or ability, thy will find teat tee only chance teey have ta earh a liv- ig is ta work for sornu onu ulse. ither tee Fedemal or Provincial Gavemnnlu-nt, which ever bas te My idea o! the solution -is teat iuthority. should license ail man- ifacturers, wholesalers and ru- ailers and teey shauld not bu uermitted ta have branches, or ânancial interest in any business ngagud in their line. Furteer, îey shouid bu cornpeiled ta have )ne price toalal teir custemers, 11t fr-e4ta-sul atany_ rice..e ic ei p or ii ej G ai ul ta fil er th bt w TI ai t t th fil 7' me, om ab us NC tic in, Co iti( Lil evi liti 50- Ca Lil tur te HO ma by ta citizens an apportunity ta use teir abilities and enterprise in order ta win pmsperity and secur- ity for themseives, and ta doing Sa ta contribute ta the wull-being o! tee whole country.,, May I express tee desire that You continue your good wark, and that oteer papurs wiil jota Wite You. I consider it fo-rtunate teat I was lucky unough ta read Your comments ta "The Yarmouth Very truly yaurs. OLD SCHOOL LIBERAL. EDITRESS 0F STATESMAN 50 YEARS AGO WRITES FROM CALIFORNIA 1897 W. Adams Blvd., Las Angeles, Cali!., Dear George: Your ]etter gave me real plea- sure, flot alonu the news it con- veyed, but the fact that you remembered me, for 1 imagine we neyer get taa aid ta enjoy being rernembered. I wili be eight-one this May lst and have yet ta feul pain or symtem o! age. Enjoy perfect hualte and take as keen an interest in what is going on in tee world as ever. Notice you maku comment oc- casîanally about Col. Edwy White. I remember the White family, onu o! the boys married Dr. Marshal Tauing's sister. I believe he edited a papur in Milton. Col. White caiied an me in San Diego in 129, he was there an sarne business for tee S. Army. He seemned a kindly likuabie feilow. Mark Ayre, an aid Bowmanviile boy, was a]sa with tee Salvatian Arxny for many years, in thuse parts, leavng a splendid record behind him. It hardly seerns passible, Geo- rge, teat yau have a 19-year-ald son, sa sw«t bas flown tee time silice you were tee baby boy o! the James household. The threei aider ones o! your hausehoid 1I gat te know so weil in the six years I spent in The Statesmnan office back in the 80's. For te tines were few teat tee children were nat teere ta help on paper.. night with te !ading and mail- ing, and they really were good, flot; Pert and fresh hike so many o! the rising generation. My mem- ory a! teem ail is as sweet, lav- able children. Is Sid. A. Jewell stil in tei Bethesda Home And School Club Bethusda Home. and Schoai Club mut March Ist wit thee prusîdent in charge. Mr. Cook took charge a! tee meeting. Mrs. D. Fraser gave tee devotional. Mr. D. Cale toak the chair and the foilowing pragrarn pesented: carnmunity singing led by Mr. L. Coombus; piano duet by Helen and Marion Werry; Mr. Burris accompanied by Mrs. Burris at tee piano, !avorud with tffo pleas- ing solos; Mr. Mifl, Hampiton, playud an accordian sala. Mr. Ted Chant a! Hampton Crearnury, delighted ail by show- ing maving picturus o! Butter Maktag, tee Royal Tour Pictumus and Camedy. Miss Daphinu Bar- ris sang a solo "The Second Min- uet" !ollowed by a vialin solo by Mr. L. Coombus; Mr. Mills played an accordian solo aftur which Mr.i Burris sang "The Road te Manda- lay." Lunch was served and social tinie enjoyed. Maney isn't essential ta marital million can bu just 'as happy as happiness. A couple wite two onu wite three million. rZWs connoc±ing Ncighbours ±lion I doa not know what yaur pal- ces are, but mine bas been of a âbural luaning. I regret, bow- ver, ta say, teat teere is vury tile Liberaljsrn practisud by te )-called Liberal Governmunt in ,nada taday. The principlu o! ,buralisrn is equaLity o! oppor- inity toalal, and thîs would suem bu borne out by tee speech te >norable Mr. Ralsten recently idu in Ontario, "Wbat la donu ytee Gavumnment is, or oughit Sbu, ta ensure ta ail tadividual -- -. -..-- .' - . - ---. - s.. I I E G;OOD seed is the first requirement for bigger, better i yields. That is wby it pays ta use Registered Seed. Registered Seed is pure as to variety and ensures cropa cf greater yield, higher qualiy and better grade. Registered Seed i Is sol. in s sae containem~ govermment-tagged, and governmen-inspectd It requires no cieaning. It pays ta use Registered Seedl For information regarding sources of supply of approved varieties write toe:--the District Supervisor, Plant Products Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture for your district, the nearest Dominion Experimentai Farm, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultura! College. Food supplies are L»gportant in JVartime- 7bsyaplant ami rase ouly the besti Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION DEPAJRTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE, O1TAWA Honeuarable James G. Gardne, Minister10 E THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ipAi,.IP TTTRP.P. land o! tee living? He was fore- man ta the office ovur four yeams o! tee time I was theru. I had a card from hlm right after the Old Boys' meut in Bawmanviliu. Helen reads most of contents a! The Statesman uach week. Of course many rnames are familiar and I suppose thosu eferred ta are childrun or grandchiidren of teose I knew. We have had a remarkably mild wtater, balniy and warm even now teough raining, mare or less ail week it is not at ahl coid and sa far this winter, I do not thmnk teey have had the smudge fires an in tee citrus graves, around hure, anyway. Dear Mrs. Pennington, she has buen such a faiteful correspond- ent, and with those crippied hands of hurs, I o! ten wonder how she manages. A faithful fi- end for more tean forty yuars and a goad onuý toa. I fuel that I have so much ta bu thankful for. For I arn wuil in mind and body and despite sight's handicap' enjoy my books and correspondencu much above ail I lave buing away from the cold and winter starms. Sincerely yaurs. MAY WEEKS.