i I PAGE TWO THE CANDIM~ STTETHU1RSD Uf Affl. 1 1I 1 dnfU ; Vd.v D .*- Oje 4rnbm-n 4tt#mn Establlshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEK Wlth whieh are Incorporated' The flowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News. 85 Years' continuons service to the Town of Bowmanvillie and Durham County. MEMBER Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and Clasm A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $2.00 a Year, strictly ln advanee. $2.50 a Year ln the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Edîtor. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29TH, 1939 Edjtor Demands Larger Waste- paper Basket or Else - Pcrliaps onie cfftic reasons wliy editers age prematurciy is the fact that, eacli weck, they nmust struggI e flrougli rcams cf ma- terial sent in by kindly disposcd people for publication in the newspaper. Uiîfortuuate- ly, most cf this material is propaganda for some group or indusfry w'hich thinks flue public should be acq.uainted with facts about their business or organization aftlh newspaper%'sexpense. The Statesman, like Chler weckly new-s- papers, is primarily inferested ini local new-s and for that reason local iîews is alwa>-s guven preference over aîy oCher type cf news. As far as this paper is concerned local news is s0 plentiful that if i.9 but s .eldom that wve can use ail of if fliat is available, let alone considcring the propa- ganda rececived. However, in case there is something which is of actual local interest in the luge pile of material which descends upon us flirougli the mails, if ail must be sort ed ouf and given careful scrutiny. Mo st edifors have untidy desks, and the major cause is thîs great mass cf lifterature whicli le is asked to inscrt free of charge. If cornes fromn every possible source, gov-- ernment, business, religious groups and even eccenfries. Affer a week's absence from tlie office flirougli sickuîess we refurn- ed Tuesday to find our desk pilcd up wiflî literaliy bales of thls stuff. There was material from several govemn- ment departments, fwo or tliree automobile manuifacurers, a couple cf bond lieuses whieh never give us a doliar's worf I cf ad- vertising, Red Cross Society, United Clurdli pîîblicity depart ment, Chiristian Science publieity office, Foreign Exchange Control Board, Minister cf National Defence, Can- adian Fire Inderw'rifers' Associationi, Can- adiauu War Legicu Service Iue, Health Leag-ue of Canada, National Conservative Party, thle Bacon Board, Co-operative Wool Growcrs, Y.M.C.A., Salvation Armv. In- stifutte cf Plu'mbing ,and Heating-, Federal Dept. of Finance, Institute cf Cîa rtercd Aceouîîtants, Direefor of Public Inform- ation. Ontario College of Pharmacy, Catuad- ian Broadcasting Corporation. Bank cf Cantada. Liberal Association, Boy Sceuits Association, Empire Tea Bureau and scores of others as this list doesn't take uts liaif way fhrough flie pile cf free publicity let- ters on ouîr desk. If w-e published al cf if wc w'ould have f0 issue a fwenty-four page paper every week witliout any local new-s or advertising. -As pe6ple hîty Tlie Sfatesnîan for the local news and advcrfisiiî. and as our bread and but- ter depeuîds upen fIe volume of t-lis ad- verfising, -e have te do jusf whlat ive are going te dIo when w-e finish this ediforia- consign uuost cf this free publicity stuff te tlie edifer's friend, fheic astepaper bîasket. voie iu u rze uemoci If is sig-nificant thaf, at the Iast: election, there -were oue and one la lion perseîîs w-li did îlot exercise thel te vote ini Cantada. Iu Durham C'eut think the vote peiied uvas slightiy cvE cf those citizeits actuaily entitled to There is a verx- poinfed commenti our deinocrafie ýsysten1 cf gevertîmet tained iin these figures. Our present righfte vote was wvon by baffle, insurrection and itiartyrdoi se accîîstomed have w-e become te thi ileg-e that w-e take it fer granteda many cases, are tee lazy te vote whei fion day coines areitn(. The very persens wuhe take titis ai are usuallv those wuho compiain iu thE est voece when the govemement dees tlîing with w-hich the3- are îlot in agrei Titis is a vital peried in tue poliiticý national life cf titis countfry. If is hoped thaf the ferfhceming federai e] wiil be înarked by as near as possible1 hundred per cent, vote. Betw-een now- and electien day mî yeur b)usiness te knew' the issues af and the poiicies of the varieus Po. parties in.the field. Then vote. by all r in uine with yeur private opinions w-hat will be iin the best interests o counfry as a whele. Vote any - uv-ou but vote! Observations and Opinion WVho wili deuy the trufli of a state made by H. J. Heinz, one of the la manufacturers iin America, i11 a broa, f0 his employees in 70 chies in Canada fhe United Stafes? He said: "What uve in the world today is more courage, determinafion, co-operafion, hard w'ork, fidence iin our feilow men, and aboe hig-her ideals.' "The psycholegieal moment for the f ation of a national government in Cai came, w'hen this country, throughl its liament, declared war on German," fthc Hunfsville Forester. "From that ment, party polities should have playec part iu cur federal administration. fauif may be plaeed upon both polit leaders, and likew'ise upon fhe prese Canada. No overtures were made by King, noue were sought, so far as uve kii by Dr. Manion. There was no empli press demand.' The unanimous nomination tendere«d Frank Rickard by the Liberal cenventiot Orono on Wednesdav w-as a wel-deser tribute te a inan who lias given Duri faitliful representation in fhe bucse Commoîts for t.he past four xears. Dur that period he lias done mudli work on haif of his censtitueuts and he lias eari the gratitude of mai13 citizens of the cour Whie we hoid ne bricf for any peuit: party if is oniy fair that credit. should gîî'en where it is dite and there is no ga saying the fact that the Liberal parfy hai reai worker ini fli person of Mr. Riekai- Speaking cf reiieving reai estate cf su a lieavy burden cf muînicipal taxes the Pe broke Observer makes fuis prae'fical s51 gestion: "The poli tax cf oniy $5 upoiî i married men over 21 years cf age, who, îlot pay taxes on real estate, or businE tax, and yields the corporation a reven amouîîtin.- te approximately $400, is net andl ail wag-e earîîers, maie or female, w' are nef. otherw-ise faxed, should bce ma( te pay if. It is high fime fliat al vage car crs sholîod becorne fax consciuus, and re estate is nowv carr>ing beo mucli cf a b den. " Iac going to build a trans- continental 1R airway systemi would not the nat- ural and proper way have been fedeal econaisanc A s 1 S e i qete have started at tidewater on rri-lit B y Dorothy M. James By Elmore Philpott the wýest? asks the aggrieved pa- it- a- _ 1_______________p___ers in this area. 50< FLGTATPLTISONTEFLIGTRpZ cmng n-gîg c d Half of the trouble seems to us er 551( FLIHT T PLITCS N TE FYIN TRAEZE comngsandgoigs onncte taarise from tao little two-way vt.with the struggîe. contact between the peoples them- oe. The expression "Best Brains", Ottawa. Feb. 13 - The sorrow sle.Ams i fu nters ýalyN onl as used in Canadian poîitics, is over the passing of Lord Tweeds- Maybe the prosecutions which sefes.anadmkot aofusin e estl lit con- ruir here in Ottawa is genuine. the R.C.M.P. launched at the be- ofndate knSco Mateeoplan fast becoming as tiresome as For John Buchan the man was as ginning of the war had something inaely.in Schoolt neahesand frls "Confucius say." By the way, really loved as the late Governor- to do with it - although everyone larers nm ost unbmelfo ievb fo s Confucius really did say:- General was respected. Yet 1 here seems to think that they large nmberC onad eefryothis M.Ytimagine that the enforced cessa- were silly beyond words and de-patoCndaoeerohr is priv- t"n order to propagate virtue tion of the election campaign has liberately udrae for pub- part, particularly west of Ontario. ta te lcitypurose. Bu whtevr th Bu thre hs bentili lately, an, ontate's rldone must first r le be raiehomely we or thîg s n the ~peeare ail as close verylittle return flow. Business are happening these days *nOn mouthed as the proverbial oyster and professional people who visit1 on uo r to rule thescounty, tario which have knockede on local miîitary matters, though the Maritimes faromcentralCan- ttitude on utfrtr n' aiyoiia iea ln0 ap aign their importance is obvious and ~d r lotawy nahry lu- In order ta rule the family, one into a cocked hat. self evident. Yusimply cannot get ta know s e m e m u t f r s t r e g l a t o n 's o d y y i n o t h s l g h t s t h a -t h e s e p e o p le in a h u r r y . 1 s e r v e d sm- ms is euaeoesbd y There snthelits ha with a whole section of them in ,emet. mral rainngdow of a doubt that Mr. King dîd TRUE BLUE BLUE NOSES the last war and it was months1 emet. ora trinigdecide to dissolve Parliament before we really began to know' ýa and In order to regulate the body, wheri he did because he really be- One cannot visit Nova Scotiaantrsoeaohrwihea to e oe ustfirt eguateon's md ieed hatitwould be inadvis- even for a day or two without confidence. But when you do getý Lecio Inorer e eguat th nndable to attempt to prolong the realizing that this part of Canada te know them you really have lecton n orer e reulae th m'ndlife of Parliament with the On- is distinctly different in its gen- achieved something. For nonec te one one must first be sincere in one's tario legislature at open and or- eral attitude towards the rest of that I have -Me a e r ot intentions, ganized enmity to the federal the Dominion. The French Cana- knowing. e r o ot .ke it In order to be sincere, one must government. And whatever the dians think of themseives as the_______________ stae frstinceas on's nowedg." effect of the solution on public Canadians, and are rather sur- ,tae irt ncras oe' knwldg." opinion at large; whatever the prised when one of us from fur- m.~ Aitical We are suddenly made sa grievance that parliament did not ther west lays dlaim te a share Thse Counselor ýneans. brains-conscious, that the people have a chance to hold the govern- of that titie. I have always been as t<) have acquired the look of medical ment accountable for its war ad- amnused when I remember the R. W. ArmstrongÀ ministration - the victory over tone of voice used by the hair1 (oyghRervd at. the brain and conducting intelli- Ontario Liberal party has been sa rnentioned that she tao was Cana- gence tests on unsuspecting sub- sweeping and s0 instantaneous dian, and the reply: Non, non Ma- "Thinking Aloud in War Time" jects. We turn on the radio only that the government has iost its dame, vous etes Anglaise. Ontario is the title of a timely book by to find a political candidate tell- best talking points in the eîec- people neyer think of themnselves Dr. Leslie Weatherhead, the fam- istioneering arguments, as Ontarians as such, being ra- ous minister of City Temple, Lon- ing us Canada is at present gov- For Premier Hepburn has been ther prone to take for granted don, England. It reveals the men- erned by mentalities rivalled only publicly deserted by ail the Lib- that Ontario is Canada. Further tal and spiritual adjustments that ement by Einstein. Turn the dial and Io erals who voted with himn in the west there are decided local "pa- many Christians have feit it nec- irgest there is a voice insisting that Ontario Legislature in censure triotisms", and just as deepaesrytmkeinete u- idcast those now in office are nearîy ail against the King Government. sense as in the Maritimes that thbraofw. vc They hv been climbing on the cost of Cenfederation is borne by I eetyasteehsbe a and L ofmenta defcienc andband wagon on the federal liberal the outlying sections, while the I eetyasteebsbe need are incapable of doing any more parade with such unseemly haste profits are collected by what the a growing conviction that war is faithi, than feeding themselves, washing as to be Positively ridiculous. west cals "the east" but by which iChristan ityath the day wals con- their hans and staring with Thus we find one Liberal M.P.P. it really means the centre. B ut fastappyad htte a a inrdcnghsseehi in Nova Scotia many of the peo- at proaching when it would ail, nl xrsin hncnrn-iitouighssec nsptse ucnsciously seem to think of be unnecessary. Some even feit ed ih rsposibiity ofthe ingcanidat wih tesethemselves justly as Nova Sco- that that day had arrived. Sud- cdwit epniii words: "I voted for Mitch though elthyfudhmsvsen The only remedy for this epi- I knew he was wrong." And a few tians, whose tie to the Canadian gfdnlaeyifuand thsevesn orm- demC 0f riii syofn or miles away Hon. T. B. McQuesten, aiyi something like that ofglfdiastuio whcws form dei ) briniis s t fid yur-who is President of the Ontario step-children - taken in by rea- net of their making and which- =da elfa pogrm wich uarntes Lberl Asocitio aswel asson of a marriage with which the seemed te offer no alternative to par- to relieve your own headache Minister of Highways, and who volved two lve ha nthings. First, tct. he on - says with somie "bubbling, friendly" actually seconded the Hepburn to do and haif resented. vle w hns istecn m e- po w er. If t t rea ens to o m - m ot on f c nsu e, s b an d y e - am p articu larly in terested in d on in g of a p rogram of in ter- 111 - P d e . I it th r ate s t co - m tio of cen ure is bla dly ex - this resentm ent because it seem s national banditary, and second, d ii fort your indigestion tao, you are laine ing toptoetKing canidthes to me to have a reai basis of jus- the destruction of christian ideals The nded frtunte.etat hre il spprt thegm in the 1tification. Moreover the perma- and achievements. There was nol ýThel Bit hyti indeeddiafoantunat. election onford, creKnsaid,.bynentpeaceobasis which I am try- other way 0f preventing thesej tical ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý Bu h hsetariayadta eymto fcnue n oavcate on this speaking things but by taking up arms. s f nvlepai ngo overn It would not make sense any-tp-nmeyferiuonfth Dr. Weatherhead's book shouid Mr. mehere elsmethan iniOntarioanandi 15 genuaine democracies as the be 0f great help to those who tr metudr mno bit Fn do not think that it wîll make nucleus of future world govern- have found themselves perplexed now. cy the pages in history that wiil very much sense right here on ment - would solve the economic by the situation. The following at te be devoted to this great year 1940, election day. From what 1 hear difficulties of the far east in Ca- Paragraph expiains what has gone when Canada hit upon the unique everywhere Ontario people every- nada and also the west as no other on in his own mind. idea of electing men of intelli- where are sick and tired of the plan that I know of possibly could. "I served during the last War antics of "the daring young men not only as a Chaplain but as 1te gence ta conduct the country's on the flying trapeze"' that oper- combatant and later as a Staff n in affairs. Think, the historians will ate in Queen's Park. But I per- STEP-CHILDREN COMPLAIN Officer, and ever since the last 'ved say, what a revelation it must sonally would not bet that this hani have been ta those happy compla- feeling would help Mr. King in There is real reason in the com- War I have been trying to think the election in Ontario. I should plaint that the people of the Mari- my way through the difficuit of cent people, spending $1,000,000 a guess that it would weaken his time province are stili taoo re- probiems which it sets up for [ riug day on war, to liscover that many case in two ways: First, it dis- quently treated as step-children any Christian thinker. At one b- of their difficuties might be solv- siPitates the idea of a reaîy ser- of Confederation. A case in point point I amost became a pacifist, J. 'ed ed or even avoided by having mn ous menace centring about Mr. is the Trans-Canada Airway. As and the reader of this book will 9mnHepburn, who has been sa in- we ail know it was organized find that there are arguments it3-. of sound training and intelligence stantaneousiy deserted by his fol- first from Montreai and Toronto in it for pacifism which pas- ical in the government. iowers in the real showdown. Sec- to Vancouver. Oniy lately, and sibly neyer occurred to him. be Surely ail this concentration on ondly, it discredits the whole then in a half-hearted manner, But I have fought my way Ontario Liberal party as such, in has the line been pushed eastward through to a position which I in- best brains is an open confession spots at least. Ail of which ,yould as far as Moncton. Halifax is con- hope is not bellicose but which s by our political organizations that indicate to me that Ontario is nected by a private feeder planes is certainly not the view of the -d. only a rousing big war is capable extremely likely to swing weîî which had a crack-up on the very pacifist."r of stimulating action. We declare back into the Conservative col- first fiight, naturally enough cry- In spite of the adjustment that îch wa -andbeol, wars f n-umn in the*omiýng election. stalliîzîng the generai resentment. many Christians are making they uch ar an beoldswams f i- Al ofwhih, oreverWhat annoys many of these must be careful not to abandon ým_ tllect of il paties a Ail, ots wh eicu hinmorover sug- Acadian people is the bland as- their ideal of a warless world, E m- elect o ai prtis a n getstha srios hinin people sumption in what they cail "Up- and their hope for a universal ng trthancrwou0fterd-otie ntroad better beginPer Canada" that naturaily the brotherhood. Above ail we must Un coons ready to be summoned to thinking whether or not they want Maritime link would be left till not allow ourselves to become do the Cabinet fold. They are not to risk a stalemate in this contest. last, as not being of as much im-j bellicose. In the last analysis the For by no conceivable reckoning portance anyway. If Canada was war was causcd by the abandon- es needed in times of peade. The can the Conservatives win a clear me peace-time problems apparently majority. The choice is between sa can be solved by anyone desirous King and a stalemate. a ,011 of having M.P. or M.L.A. after his ar, name regardless of his qualifica- SPRING PREVIEW IN ,ho tions. No one party has a mono- HALIFAX ýde poly on this attitude. It is char- Halifax, Feb. 20 - Spring and ID D f ri- acteristie of both Liberal and Con- 1 arrived in Halifax together yes- grJM*M ~E 'ai servative. "If we perspire more terday, and I got my second reaF i- in times of peace, we will bleed thrill in this old weather mellow- ler- in t.me of war" - so tink ed sea port whese sombre Scottish Chiang Kae-Shek. face conceals the warmness of its heart. The fîrst I had tao long Our local Conservative candi- forgotten - it was just after the S date has given a reaîîy construc- Ar-mistice of 1918 when our ship re tive and fine outline of his politi- steamed into the harbor here, and every whistle, hemn, church bell he cal intentions and there is no rea- and small boy sounded out a wel- lt son to suppose that his worthy corne which warmed our very sl Liberal apportent has not done hearts - the more so as it was so cquai]y weil. By his appeal te the unexpected. need of out theConervaive Yesterday's littie spring pre- nees 0 yuthth Cosevatveview xvas semething like the Io candidate has struck a vital note. snippets they give you at the But what is gained by having ail movies - just enough to make aspiring onma stand on the you want more. It had ail the * balm that enly the Canadian saine platform, and deliver him-srigcnhvweeteyeay for tinkin the outh f thena- h adc ongaer who uts hisall tilfonhe a ba cae f slf-m- adhbev te dverowain A Challenge to Merchants Bow'manvilie uvas flocded a few- days ago with mail order cataloues anîdeid ti Dundaik reccived a siuiiar dose of ti.s iipopular literature" for liere is a ceununeiit -from flic editoi'iai page cf The lierald: "Tite catalogue-,s cf a m~c -uîî- tail order lious(' arrivcd at the local posf* office iast w'eek for distribiîiticu iii this ilistiit - 670 of tluem. Local niereliants emi combat that kind of cnîpetifiotu iii flîre evas: Firist, by steckiuug fliir sheives wif l a widî' choice of gocds; secodi., selling if at a compefitive price, anî id lx- ettîieg tt' publie kiiov' flaf fhey have thiis goods iii stock and flic prices tfli.ceau pi-dliast, if for. No ofler miedium eau touch flic lov-a uewspaper for this latter purpose. "One semefimes hears a iuer-elaiit cciii- pliniiî fat business is duil or fluet lie is uuot gettiug a fair share cfflice local trade. Vs- ualiy flic reason is fIat lic is one w-li, iii- &tead of consisteuttlv scckiuig trade Iby ineaiis of tIc prinfed w'ou'danîd attractive w-îiido%- displays, thiuiks lie is iso weil kutcw-n t be lie does ut need fo adverfise. It s a umis- takeuu nofion that people uxiii beaf a pet h- way te 3our door just becatîse flic>-kiox you. lIstances arcercceu'ded of firms v. on ecasing tliîî'advertisinig, w'cu'cse qîuticklxforgotfcuu that fleic>'jst fadcd aw'a-. People. may kiuow- vout. but fhcvy bu>' from flue felloxv wluo lets fhucua know w'hat lic lias f'or sale and wliat fluex may bc ecxpeced te pay- fou- it. Mur. Mercliaut, thrcîîglu flice advcrf sii columiis of yoiîr local ncw'spapcu'-, let tihe people cf fuis district know ivhat youi liax-e f0 offer ilieun anîdflie prices'flic>- wili be expccted to pay. Tluci' is no better w'a- of combafting mail cuder house compefition.- National unity as uuged by Primle Mi-isteu' Kinîg shouîd start firsf et homje. WVlî-fo have fth afelief bnried ai uîîake p'ueimiet' Hepliuu'i flicMinister of Air- fou'('aiiade ?- St. Cathar'ine's Standard. 'I ment of christian principles Or, the part of certain individual, and groups. This fact Should con- stitute a challenge to ail who be-ý lieve in christian principles t emphasizes the need of a more thorough application of them to human society. The best the war can do is te hold forces of aggressive pagan. ism in check until christian prin. ciples have a chance to assert themselves anew. The new pro- gram of missionary endeavor mnav call for a devotion and a sacrificýe as great if not greater than that of any previous endeavor on the part of the Church.r Yes, I commend Dr. Weather- head's book. A party of American tourists iný a motor coach were being driven among the mounitains Of Switzer- land. Say, where did those large rocks corne from?" asked the man next to the driver. "The glaciers brought t h e m down," replied the driver. "But where are the glaciers?" was the next question. "They've gone back to fetch mnore rocks," was the weary reply. HAVE YOUR WATCH or CIOCI( REPAIRED At HARTWIG'S The Repair Shop where fine watch and dlock repal;tIng is carefully done. Workmianshlp Guaranteed. S. J. HART WIG Watchmaker Knight Block King St., E. BOWMANVIILLE Most cf the Liberal nierrbers of flic0O tarie Legisiattre iv'ho sîipUrtecl a reseli fieuî condemning ftic Kinig Govcmnunent ai 110w sulpporfung- Kirig candidates in th federai electicîts. If w-as a sharp furuthij fhey liad te make if. Affer ail, if îuas foolis fer a provincial Liberal meinlîcu' f0 fiuti lie eotil< oppose a federal Liberal mcmlii or caîîdidatc iin lis own riding. Hle could d tbcn and re-election.It mstoapeorehi t* l lîowever, as a carivasser and diminish Iii inifi uee w-leutlie cal is on flielectors tf support flhe ve-nnei e lias censureci ni'î oi a i ueir uuatter but lîpon thlit' nain issue. Wc llanit' Premjier Ihepbiirn by) vli> dictatorial mefhcds and hi5 cliildisli p)ecr sonal petty uaps af Prinic Miuuister Kin- foi iii vol vinig lis followers into sued a mecss whli ih lies cerfainly low'ered flicpurestige and respect cf present day politicians wltc are' afraid te speak and vote as the>- realiY f hin k. 'lite openinig gul iii flue lectien eauîîpaigui of Ross Strike, Nafiontal Conseru-ative cani- didate for Ditrham, as rcportcd il, fuis papier', indicates in nouicnucertairu and con- viiing ulanner that lie is deferuniiicd te mun ana honorueablelcfiglut. Ouîe cruo lielp but admire andi respect MIr. Strike when lie anroicec riglif at flic start andc fu'oinu epublie plat t'rm that lis cauuîpa igu -'is -oiîg ,te be fret- frein tndergui-euuudl pu'etiees .. .unc fuuîds slippcd lîeue anid t luc'-e w-lure if w'ildo(flich e stf ood .-.- nie g-roecuies dclive-ru'd(land no calionis of loi-i I keri ote libaek door. If yei ia ve Io se ve <lcuueu'uaevwitli thiuugs likiethat let hontre w-licn gri en ai-e d>iug foîr it oni flie iuutic I i ie, t heru denocrac v isjust îuet %vortfihs -ii.'If tak's a man w'ifl oue" arnd st -ong ý<u i-htiens te litirl a blaist siireli as luis befei'e a pui cailielleeî, re'ug tlie uîdcrhand practices w'hidli have le-e ('oing eut inuflic (lection fi-lits live.ail clsew-lie'cin tflc' îost.Sel f-i'espeet iIig <iti zeuis le -ecuut eu t tiis d irty-w "cw-ît app))uoval toc long. Plenty of evidence to confirm this zen. f pon fvew. So let us try washing Our ownB AKO N T But let us think who made poli- local political hands first. Oniy tics a questionable game. If is net then dan we expect to solve the ESTABLISHED 1817 alone the members fault. The bigger problems. Only then wili guilt much more frequentîy lies the "best brains" be in an en- on the shouiders of the grasping, vironment cenducive to good gev- scheming, petfy, little constituents ernmenf. Bwinil rnh F. 0. MILVEEN Mana back home. If is tey who requeit 'Polit ics is the study 0f idealBwnavle ra huC.EÂ,Mn favors, demand patronage, insist social organizafion. It inet as jon jobs in local governmenf in- one might suppose, the art and " A K W E E S A L A C U T R stitutions in return for their votes science of capfuring and keeping A BAN1 and *thaf of their familles. That is office." _________________ 'WERS )f luvestock, poul- roduce to market; rm improvements iprovement Plan. ir brandi nearest .d your seasonal to receive your in. ik" REAL IgEr C M - N I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAMM.T.V. nWrrAIMTe% rrtriTrýQnAV PPRRTTAPV «)ûrTý - ager