Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1940, p. 7

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY-.8TH, 1940 THE CA NADIA N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 j Miss Lydia Fuller spent the- end with her parents, Mr. and weekend in Toronto. Mrs. G. L. Wagar. Miss Hazel Perkin, Oshawa Remember the Wartime Service was guest of Mrs. Walter Cole. '! of Intercession every Friday from Mr.andMrs M.Foge, oroto,5 to 5.30 p.m. This week it will spent the weekend at her bro- b edi h .A al o r thcr's, Mr. M. Breslin. invited. Rev. F. M. Ferguson and daughi Congratulations to Roy Col- ter Helen. Toronto, visited at Mr. mas'e Orono. who passed Christ- W. C. Fegusonas examinations first year a O1sgoode Hall. coming fourth in ai SMrs. R. Woodward, Mr. and class of 64.1 Mrs. Fred O. Smith visited Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colwell and ýand Mrs. J. M. Woodward. Picton. Mrs. Arthur Lymer. Oshawa, at- Miss Majorie Lycett and Mr. tended the funeral of their cou- Newton Ashton attended the an- sin, Miss Irene Stewart, at Beeton nual at home at O.A.C. on Friday on Friday. night. A special service will be hield Miss Gertrude Wagar. Univer- at the Salvation Armv Sunday sity of Toronto, spent the week- evening at 7 p.m., entitled "A 4 Just because aurmIeat is of the best quality sanie people have the idea aur ibrices are high toa. Dan't you believe ItL Read these Items and arder to-day: Pure Home-rendered Lard--------.lb. 13e 2 lbs .------------------..for 23c Pork Tenderloin ................. lb. 25c j. runmeu s.~î Fresh Pork - Picnic Hams lb. 15c Fresh Park Chop Hamis - lb. 20c-22e Loins - Hait or Whole t Shoulder 1chiop - aoins lb. 25e M l. 25e -lb. 23e MONDAY AND TUESDAY SPE U'~muurf Stek 1c lb. Hamurg Steak 2 for 27c I Round Steak - - lb. 25e Boston Sfrloin Bts---M 0 Steak - - lb. 28cBut---lb20 Porterbouse Chuck Steak - - lb. 30c Roast Beef - lb. 19c No. 1 Creamery m-q Batter - - lb. 30e IOur Own Old Fashioned. Ail Pork Sauisage - - lb. 20C - 2 lbs. 35c Beef and Pork I Sausage - - lb. 15c - 2 lbs. 25c For town folks, leave your order Friday to get an early Saturday morning delivery. 1 c lb. Less on ail Pork Cuts Cash and Carry Cawker's 1 PHONE382_ f z. BOWMAN VILLE 11 OUR SALESMEN HAVE THEM Butter Buns - Rich, Plain Buns - Cellophane Wrapped 14 ta Package 1 Oc Bunnette Deliclous Ricb Buns Cellophane Wrapped 10 10 Package lOc SFIC Y Fruit Buns Tasty with Spice - Lots of Fruit - Plped with Icing Cellophane Wrapped 12 »ta Package 15c OLD-FASHIONED Doughnuts Made the Old Home Way Packed in Double Wax Lined Bag 2 Doz. 25c FRUIT Lunch Cakes A Best Seller Cellophane Wrapped 15cEh Raisin Buns Sweet Rua wlth Australian Raisins Cellophane Wrapped 7 ta Package 1 Oc Cherry Buns Cherry Garnished - Covered with Icing Cellophane Wrapped ta Package 1 Oc Chelsqa Buns Deliclous Sweet Bun - Lots of Sugar Syrup Topped with Walnuts Cellophane Wrapped 6to Package 10c & 15c Fruit Bread Always A Favorite Wax Wrapped 12C La ALSO COOKIES FRUIT PIES JELLY ROLL LAYER CAKES Ail Wrapped or Boxed - Fresh ORDER FROM OUR SALESMEN TO-DAY THE CARTER FAMILY Phone 855 Bakers For Two Generations At a sleighing Party held by iMiss Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa. these Bowmanville people were present, Bill Colville, Bert John- ston, Ada Clark, Jack Dunn, Eve Piekard, Louis Dcwell, Lorraine Pickard, Jack Gibbs and Sydney Casbourn. Mrs. Mina Coiwell xvas callcd to Beeton Jan. 3lst owing to the sudden dcath of her niece, Miss Irene Stewart. Miss Stewart who was in her 43rd year was on thee teaching staff of Oakridge Sehool, Toronto, for some years and also taught in Beeton Continuation Sehool. She will be deeply mourn- cd by a large circle of friends. The counicil room at the Town Hall was packed ta capacity Mon- day night when St. Joseph's R. C. Church held a five hundred and euchre card party with 22 tables being f illed. Prizes winncrs were: 500 - Mrs. R. Bird, Mrs. N. Gil- more, Mrs. Chas. Mutton and Mrs. A. Boe; Euchre - Mrs. Large, Mrs. Cowle, Mrs. H. Smith and Miss L. Brault. The gasoline pumps that used to be on the curb at Tim Garton's gas station have been removed to give more adequate room for their customers ta turn around after having reteived their petrol at one of his up-to-date Imperial Oil pumps. This certainly is an im- provement, making the street look better and adding to the tidi- ness of the garage. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hall, Osh- awa, formerly of Bowmanville, have received word f rom their son Clifford that he has been "coin- missioned" to take a Pilot Officers course. Clifford joined the RA.F. in Dec. 1938 and is at present wireless operator and aerial gun- ner, attached to a Bomber, and has been on active service since last October, doing coastal patrol and reconnaissance work. Miss Mary Mussen, Women's Traffie Representative of th e Trans Canada Airways, will be guest speaker at the Lions Club Ladies' Night next Monday when she will not only address the ga- thering but plans to present max'- ing pictures of airways activities. It should be quite an enjoyablel evening as those in charge have, gone to considerable pains s. farl as decoration and entertainment1 are concerned.1 Col. Edwy White, Coral Gables, Florida, under date of Jan.' 20thl writes: Arn sorry ta say we had1 a very bad freeze last night. Alli' our beautiful flowers, poinsettias, etc. are gone and much of our shrubbery. The water in the bird bath was frozen soiid and literaliy millions of dollars lost in this1 county - tomatoes. beans, straw-i bernies, potatoes, etc. This only happens occasionally, usually we dont even need to heat our bouses.t The following item about a for- mer B.H.S. student while a resi- dent of Enniskillen some 50 ycars ago will interest many of our old- er readers: J. A. MacLaren, co- publisher of tee Barrie Examiner, was presentcd wite a "service di- ploma" at the annual meeting of the Barrie Horticultural a n d Town Improvement Society for more than 30 years of active ser- vice in the society. Presentation was made by Magistrate Compton Jcffs "in recognition of his many years of untiring and valuable activities on behaîf of the society." Groups of women throughout the world will unite in observance of World Day of Prayer on Fni- day, February 9th. The program to be uscd by Christian women al over the world was pnepared by the Misses Muriel and Doris Les- ter, founder of Kingsley Hall in the East End of London. Its theme is "In Quietness and Confidence shahl be Your Strength." Offer- ings received at these meetings will be used te supply Christian literature ta many lands. Bow- manville wamen are invited to meet in the Salvation Army Hall, beginning at 3 p.m. Obituary Mrs. John Tabb On January 21st there passed ta rcst at her home ip Darlington Lavina Cowllng, wlte Ôf the laie John Tabb. Although fný poor heaith for aver two years she seemed as wcll as usual but the end came vcry sudden. Dcceased was born at Haydan on Octoben 16, 1859, being the oldest daughter of tee late Wil- liam Cowling and Jane Luxon. In Jantaary 1891 she was united in marriage to John Tabb. Thcy lived ail their lives in Darlington and Cartwright townships except three years spent in Michigan. She was a lifelong member of thee Methodist Church and later Unit- ed Church. She leaves to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother, five sons and two daughters, Emily (Mrs. Norman Collacott), Lily (Mrs. Chas. Prescott), John, Tho- mas, Charles, George and Fred; also 17 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. D. Graham, Haydon, and four bro- thers, William, Thomas, Joseph and George Cowling. The funeral was held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nor- man Collacott, Tyrone, where a large number gathered to show their last respect to the deceased. Rev. A. W. March gave a very comforting message. The bearers were one nephew, Leslie Graham, four sons, John, Thomas, Charles and Fred Tabb, and Harold Mc- Donald whom she had cared for from a small child. Interment was made in Bethesda cemetery. Mrs. Emma Haifacre, Kendai Emmia Halfacre, widow of the late Williamn Halfacre. passed awav at hier homne in Kendal, Tanuarv 21st. after several weeks illness. She wvas boni in England 77 vears aLrc-. On corninu to Canada she took ult) resi- dence in Tvrone wherc she took a larvre part in the activities of the conunitv until recent years when she imoved to Kendal. The deccased took ant active role in ie llction %vith Kendal United Church as well as the \\oiieti's Institute. The funciral took place froin North- cutt & Smith's funeral chapel, Bow- inanville. lanuarv 23rd. with Rev. J. McLachlail Ncwtomsiile, in charge of the service. F-our niephew-, Oscar Luxton, Johnî Reynolds. Herb Nich- ols and Rov Aldwortii )erc pali- hearers. Interment wvas ruade in Bethieca Cemnetcry,. She is suirvived bhv one graildson.i Tedl \'oo<ardl, Orono; two hrothcr. Frank and lohn Aldvorth. , mn ville, and one sister, Mrs John Lux- ton, Bowrnanville. MOTHERS!I Don't Let Your Children Suffer Don't let them suffer from cougbs, colda, 'weakness or 11i- health that may be due to a Iack of the vital Vitamine A and D and C. Give them these vital Vitamine by a steady treatment with Haliborange. Haliborange la a splendid vita- min tonic; and la the niceat way of taklng Halibut Liver 0i1 (Vitamine A and D) and fresh orange juice (Vitamin C). Haliborange les sfe for very Young babies, and ail children and adults. Haliborange le pre- scribed by doctors ln many hospitals in Great Britain as well as In Canada. Get a five or ten ounce bottle of H ibrange from your drug- glst aned try it. See hovi quickly your chiidreu willi respond to Ite treatment. Remeniber the name Haliborange-The nicest way of taking Halibut i4ver 011. ALLEN AND) HANBURY'S Co. LIMJTED, LINDSAY, ONT. Lowest Prices VALE GIFTS FOR MEN Shaving Sets - - 49c up Shaving Brushes - 25c up Pipes - Lighteris - Etc. KEEP THAT YOUTHFUL FIGURE - TAKE Two W'eeks' supply -$1.00 Uple a4~<a24c IManufacturers' Spring Lay-Away Or Wear-Away Sale of Furs Nobleman's Choice." This subjcct wvill be illustrated by beautifully colored lantern slides. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne attended the Hayes-M c G à v i n wedding in Toronto on Saturday at which Mr. Osborne sang a sol and Mr. Francis Sutton plaed 1the wedding music. Did you know you can still get those good old Corbettfs humbugs that you uscd to enjoy Iast win- ter? Johnston's Bookstore has a complete stock on hand at ail times. Mr. Oscar Andrus, who has been a patient in Toronto General Hospital for over three months %vith blood poisoning in his right arm. was home for the f irst time on Tuesday. but returned to the city for further treatment. The Alice Jackson Mission Band of Trinity Church xviii hold a' Valentine tea at the home of Mrs. 1Aubrey Smith, Division St. on Wednesday afternoon,- Feb. l4th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Silver offering. E -eryone weloof 6- day- division, in the Holstein con- test. 3 year old class, Cedar Dale YIeePoseh Pabst owned by A. Irene yn Orono, came first %vith 428 pounds of fat from 12,471 pounds of milk. Be A Heart Specialîst on VALENTI NE'S DAY TrowN COUNCIL strong exception to an editorial _____which appc ared recently in The Caadian Statesman entitled "Put! (Continued fromn page 1) the Cemetery on a Paying Basis." if the business men didn't feel He claimed that the editorial was strongly enough on the matter to arfeto ncmtr o- make such an effort, there was mittees of the past few years and no reason whv council should suggested that an article he had! make any move. written should be forwarded to the Editor for publiction explain-,l Hospital Criticlzed ing that the cemctery was on ai Quite a spirited discussion took paying basis. Thc article will place betwccn Mayor Jones and appear in our ncxt issue. Dcputy-Reeve Morris when a re- Mr. Morris also took the occa- quest for the annual Hospital sion to criticize The Statesman grant of $500 was read to counicil. eoitor for past assertions which The Mayor suggested that it he claimed were not altogether might be a good idea if council correct and seemeci to show that reccived better co-operation from1 the edi-tor was trying to take jabs the Hospital before any grant was' at the council. He fclt that coun,; discussed. "Wc have askcd them! cil should "risc up on their cars" to send notice of indigent patients when such assertions came out in as soon as admitted and copies of the press and correct them for buils whih have been sent to, pa- the publics information. tients, but they don't seem to feel q can't remember theý editor like doing it." he stated. The suggesting that anything be donc matter of a grant was referred to aottecmtr ~hnh a the Finance Committee. mayor and had the power to do Later in the evening, notice of it,*' said Mayor Joncs. three patients being admittcd to Councillors signed Mr. Morris' the hospital was read and again article and passed it over to the the Mayor became critical be- Statesman reporter for publica- cause no information was given tion. as to why these people had been singled out as possible indigents Other business inciudcd two and there was no information as tenders for Municipal Public Lia- to who they were. bility Insurance. Miss Nina Neads xvas given the business at a pre- Deputy-Reeve Morris, also - amu of$6.0 member of thc Hospital Boardmu f 260 stated that he felt the Hositl Communication from R. E. Os- Board and staff wcre compîying borne referring to difficulty in with every regulation laid down draining water from the cellar of by the Provincial authorities in his North Ward house was laid on scnding notices and that if coun- the table after considerable dis- cil has any objections, thcy should cussion. bc takcn up with the Provincial An application fromn Fred C., government who made the regu- Martyn for the position of Wced lations. Or, if counicil desired Inspector was laid over until by-i more information, and would en- laws for appointment of town large the hospital grant, a secre- officials will be discussed at a tary could be obtaincd to take special meeting. care of it. At present, the superin- Cheque for $1,704.99 was re- tendent has too many forms Of ccivcd from the Washington Loan one kind and another to fill out & Trust Co. concerning the Mc- that thcy interfere with her regu- Gill Estate. The amounit, less the lar work. If there are any diffi- solicitor's percentage, will be de- culties betwcen thc two boards, posited. I'm sure the Hospital Board would Requests for grants fromn the be willing to sit down and try to Library Board and the Sick Chul- settle thcm." dren's Hospital were rcferred to "I feel diffcrently about this," F!nance Commiittee. said Mayor Joncs, "and don't A c c o u n t s totalling $1,196.50« think your Board has played the were passed. Police report was game. We'vc asked themn to send received. Details are published copies of bills that have been sent in a separate article. to patients who might be indigent, but they've neyer been sent and Counicil decided not to join the in some cases even the patients Ontario Municipal Association, have neyer rcceived 4'hemn It's thereby saving tee town $25.00.. getting s0 the hospitals are doing Notice of Good Roads Convention nothing more nor less than use on Feb. 21-22 was received and the councils as their collection f iled. agencies. What attempts do they Fire Committee chairman J. H. make to collect their bis?" Aberncthy complained that 300 maefeet of hose purchased last year "Every effort possible is md was not the type that had been to collect," asserted Mr. Morris, odrd ao oc adi a "not only by the superintendent, too late to complain now and that but by the secretary of the board they would have to be more care- and the finance committee." ful to avoid a recurrence of the Councîl passed a motion re- situation. questig the Hospital Board to Deputy-Reeve Morris moved provide more information on two that ahl spending bodies and those of the three patients who were who would be rcquesting grants not known by councillors and should submît estimates and re- that in future copies of bills be quests before Fcb. 29th. sent to counicil. The meeting concluded officiai- Deputy-Reeve M or r is t o ok1 ly, but continued in the clerk's FISH & CHIPS - Prom- WHITING'S mu Phone 411 WE DELIVER Open 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sunday 4 - 11i p.m. TINES FOR EVERYONE Th.is year we are featux-ing a complete lime of Greeting Card<i, Comiacs, Chocolates ini Heart-shaped boxes, and Special GiLft Sets, for Valentine 's Day, Feb. A4th. Visit our store and select your Valentine Gifts now. - NGilet plue &'i//eff Bada: AIWAYS UNîPCRM 3 for c IN TASTI AND IN25 TIXTURE Junior Foods - 2 for 23e BLISTERI NE the. Sale AntisÇptic the Quiclc Deodorant 254 - 49* 0 79Ç UNITED CWIAR STORE AGENCY ! a e sse ff .eie h r l NlA VErNLO New HALO Shsmo. .' s, , 15,c AND 59,c GIFTS FOR LADIES Perfumes - - - 25o up Compacts --$1.00 up Bath Sats -23c -$2.00 Cutex Sets- - 35e up Combination Sets 25C up CASHMERE TISSU E 1000 shoot te the Roll 2f«25« Lemnon Juice Recipe Cheeki Rfièuînatic Pain Quickly If you suifer from rheumatlc o r neuritîs pain try this simple liepnive ho me recipe. Get a pcaeof RU-EX PRESCRIP- TION from your druggist. Mix it wlth a q uart of wat r , add the juice of 4 1lemonsa. 1t? easy. No trouble at ail and pleasant. You need oniy 2 tablespoons. fui two times a day. Often withIn 48 hours . sometimes overnlght - splendid resuits are 0obtalned. i f the Pains do nor, iky ev and if you do not feel beter, RU. X PRE- SCRIPTION wiii cost you no- thlng to try as It sasoid by y our druggaist under an abso1ute g uarantee cf Mo ney back, If it does not help you. Prescriptions a Specialty ALEX McOREOOR Phone 792 DRUGS We Deliver (- à, , -À ~1~ Greetmg Cards 'ValenLines and Comics Ic - 60c Chocolates Bes :d50cu MOIR'S, NEILSON'S AND PAGE & SHAW immilib TERMS: Cash If You Have It - Credit If You Want IL. The gayest. most gorgeaus Valentine Gift that ever whispered ""I Love You!" sa make it a flower Val- entine for your sweetheart, your wife, your mother, or your little daughter. "Say It with Fiowers"l froni the KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP WE DELIVER Phone 772 or 2632 A Special Representative of HUDSON FUR MFG. CO. of Toronto Is Now At The Evlyn Ladies' IWear and every woman who is con- sidering the purchase of a new Fur Coat is invitcd to sec these wonderful fur garments .... FACTORY SHOWROOM SAMPLES of the great liud- son Fur Mfg. Co. in Toronto. Wc are fortunate in being able to offer themn to the women of this district at SENSATIONAL reductions during our Special Lay-Away Sale. Scores of bril- liant new fashians in Hudson Seals, French Seais, Muskrat, Caracul, Persian Lamb, Broad- tail, and a host of other furs . . these are definitely the coats you want . . . at prices you'll be glad to pay. Don't delay! Without fail visit this store immediately. A tremendous saving-of-a-lifetime with every fur coat purchased now. 4ýý 4ý dd- 1 ' 1 'q THURSDAY, FEBRUARY%8TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN office for some time as councillors and resolutions. It must have operied their hearts to continue been haif an hour later that the the arguments which had been clerk was able to turn out the temporarily delayed by motions lights and go home to bed, ORDER -(Dlb «=Wrg >tvle"

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