Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. FEBRUARX' 8TH, 1940 DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES COATS -- SUITS -- DRESSES 75c each or 2 for $1.00 Oshawa Laun dry & Dry Cleaning Ce Ltd. Phone 419 We Cali For and Deliver ROUD TRIP BARGAIN FARES from BOWMANVJLLE Feb. 16-17-18 To Chicago (Plus Exchange) $13.10 reu. i t- 17 10o wîndsor To Detroit $6 .70 'Tickets, Fanes, Transit Limits and Information fram Agents. Ask for Handbill T47 C ANA D1IA N P AC 1FI1-C field, but the plain near it, at Gan- Iot O der Lake, provides good landing 1 REALD -AND WRITE ad ak-ofFORliie. heOUar IIin extent. There will be a pwr By John C. Klrkwood fui wireless station which will ______________________have a transmitting radius reach- ingf-om thie Mediterranean to Perhaps yau have been curious China was estimated to be as high the shores of the Pacific. A ro- regarding the number of aliens at as 90 per cent. tating beacon will project two numerof As against aur alphabet of 26 beams of light, one clear, one red. jpresent in Britain. The ubro letters, the Chinese must learn The candie power of the clear those actuaily interned is small - 1000 characters. The subjects of light is 11,000,000, and in goad between 700 and 800. There are study are elementary arithmetic, weather it will have a range of 3000 who are farbidden to mave music, hygiene, geagraphy and 85 miles. beyond a 5-mile radius of their "ýcommon sense." hom.-s, nd ho ae rquird t * ** *Reubens and ather painters of report at intervals ta the police. The case of the man who is 40 hîs time liked fat wamen. To- Tniberg er 53,000, he go are ar mare years aid is giving very days fashion is for wamen with f reeo il roesrictions0anwho e many men of gaod will great ultra-slim waists, thighs and hips. are treated as considerately as if anxiety. On this continent several I saw an derimnt fa thy er o Bitshstock. ýsurveys h ave been made ta as- mechanism calied the "exercycle" theywer afBriishcertain the number of men of 40 - an eiectricaily-operated cantri- or more in emplayment. In one vance. The advertisement says: Despite the circumstance of survey it was found that of "You just get an and RELAX. It war, many, many thouýanids Of 2,500,000 employees only 33 per peels off pounds - easily. The ma- Chinese peasant and warkers, Icent'of them were aver 40. An- chine exercises you." Life gets bath chiidren and aduits, are ather survey of 3,781 plants in lazier and lazier. Machines just going ta schools iocated in the ten Massechusetts shawed that 230 shake the fat off and out of yau. fr-ee provinces of China. The aim plants had no employees over 45, of the Chinese gavernment is ta7 and that in 767 plants fewer than ceradicate iliteracy by 1946. 20 per cent of the emplayees were New York University gives lec- Ten years aga iliteracy in a ver 45. tures on economy in car awner- Yet there is manifest in these ship - on ecanomy in purchasing, present times af industriai re- maintaining and running yaur fl ~ vival a grawing appreciatian af car. One suspects that such a Business vîrectory aider artisans - men having spe- course is needed. It is assumed, cial skills. Aiso, there is this: the of course, that you awn a car. past decade of large unemploy- One thing I fail to understand is ment has sharply reduced the haw 50 many yaung persans can Legalnumber of apprentices and skiiled affard ta awn a car at ail. I sus- IL G V.GOUL, BA.,LL.B. young workers, and sa there is of pect that one expianatian of the IL . V GULD B..,necessity a growing reliance on large number of spinsters - per- Barrister, Solicitar, Ntary aider men. manent spinsters - in the warld is Phone 351**** that 50 many men awn cars. B3ank af Commerce Bldg. Here's a bit of information far Bawmanviiie. housewives: It has been shawn conclusively that the best methad For centuries there have been W. R. STRIKE ta follow, in cooking a raast of human aliments for which there Barrister, Solicitar, Notary beef, ta preserve full food value was na accauniting. Naw medicai Solicitor for Bank af Mantreai and ta Jeep down expense, is ta science has found that a hast af Money to Loan. Phone 791. 1caak the raast long and siawiy, in aliments are traceable ta the foad Bownaniil, Otara. an open pan compiete with rack, we eat, ta the horses and cats Bowmnvile, ntaio. with na maîsture added. The use near ta us, ta pollens, and ta L. C. MASON, B.A. af a stiletto thermameter is an ather things. Sa the big thing is Barrister - Solicitar aid ta a gaad result. ta discaver the thing which gives Noar ubie-Etc. This discaverey was made after us rashes, which makes aur Nota-y ublc -a number af experiments - quick breathing difficuit, which makes Law in ail its branches. raasting at a continuously high us deathiy iii. They cali the up- Offce inimediately east of Rayai temperature, and with iawer and setting things "aliergy." We are Theatre. higher temperatures, with caver- said ta be "allergic" ta this and Phones: Office 688; Home 553. ed and uncovered pans. that. Much asthma is allergic; sa, too, are many headaches; so, toa, DenalAt crowded subway stations in are hives and eczema. ________Dental______ metrapolitan cities having im- I have just read twa books an DR. J. C. DEVITT mense populations there are men ti ujc falry n a whose jab is ta "ease in" passen- titie, "Yau Can't Eat That"; the Assisant: Dr. E. W. Sissoli gers into crawded caaches. They other, "What's Yaur Ailergy?" iGraduate of Royal Dental Col- get from $30 ta $35 a week for Sa, if yau have some inexpli- lege, Taranta. Office: Jury JubHee their pushful labour - and same- cable aliment, it may be due ta Bldg., Bawmanville. Office hours times they get, as a sort of bonus, your ailergy. You'll be hearing a 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- a punch in the jaw ar eye fram lat mare about allergy in the day. resentful passehgers. It takes a Years ahead. Phone 790. Hause phone 883. pretty stout man, and a man of X-Ray Equipment in Office. goad temper and much patience and finesse, ta perform this job, Ontario Farmers Fanerai Directors for hie has ta prevent some pas- Adie to ucae _____________________sengers from entry as weii as die toP rhs FUNERAL IRECTORS push in thase for whom there 15 Se u alyDt FUNERAL DMECTORS seemingly no room. Se tEryD t Service, any haur, any day. Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ont. Minister F. F. Morris Co. I woncier if*you are as sharply of Agriculture, States Plenty Modlem Motor Equipment, Arn- aware as you ought ta be - yau of Good Seed Avallable bulIance and Invalid Car. Cail who are men and you who are Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. women - of the artistry of the Ontario farmers are urzed bv the __________________________packages or cantainers of the provintcial Minister of Agriculture. things you buy at drug, grocery, Han. P. Ml. Dewan, ta make arrange-, Veterinarlan hardware and dry goods stores. ments immediately ta obtait- spring 1Every year there is held on this seed. D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Sc. continent a packaging exhibition, "The resuit oai a provincial seed Bowmanvllle and at the ane held in January survey luit completed by Agricul- Saccessor ta Dr. T. F. Tighe this year there were 30,000 en- tural Representatives. shows there is Office: King St. East, at Tlghei tries! plcnty of good quality seed to meet Resident - PHONE 843 The public - and this mneans teneso nai amr o iYOU - clamaours for more con-th.neso Otai rmsfr O ENTIST venient packages and for mare sprxniz planting. But this is continge'nt _________________________informative labels. on farîners arranginz for their needs DR. R. . DICKSON Always there is goîng on an right awav or at the earliest possible (Terooto) and Newcastle, ont. immense activity amang manu- moment as there alsa is a kcen de- Over Langman's Store, Newcas- facturers in the redesigning of mand for seed outside the province," tie. Office hours: Saturday only, their packages or cantainers; and said Mir. Dewan.. .. 9 a.m. ts 9 p'rr. mare and mare are articles being "Farmners, ini m% opinion, would _________________________packaged which aforetime were be w~ei advised ta get in touchi with supplied ta yau without a caver- their agricultural representative. Auctineering - a hammer, by way of ex- cliairman of thýeir f ield crop associa- Aucionerample. They are putting bed- tion or manager of seed cleaning ELMER WILBUR spreads in wrappers with win- plant ta learn the nearest and best Llcensed Auctioneer dows - cellophane ar pliofilm source af supply. If we are ta in- Hampton, Ont. windows. They are pauring cheese crcase production v» must use better ino pliofilm bags. They are mak- seed and, as a resuit of this îurvey, Specîalhzing in Fan, Livestack, ing a maple syrup bottle with an we know where this better seed is.' ImPlements and Furniture Sales apening an the side instead af at %Ir. Dewan stated. TERMS MODERATE the tap, ta make pauring easier. Phone for Ternis and Date ta:**** Bownianville 2428. The records show that alfout Fine Seed Display __________________________one in every five marriages ends __________________ in divarce. Sa now universities Planned for Farmers '«Lst e Frge'Iare putting on marniage courses. At Annual Meeting "Lest WeForget"On this continent over 300 cal-____ A. H. BOUNSALL leges and universities have cours- War-time crop production will he Designer and Dealer in es an marinage and family living, the theme af agricultural annual 1mOnumnnete, Tablets, Markers, etc and many Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. meetings scheduled for Toronto the in GranIte and Marbie. centres have similar courses.wekoFb.lh.Tentrarp Bw nvleOn. Here's what one educatar says: ekoFb.1t TeOaroCp Bowmaville Ont. "We have now came ta see that Improvemient Assn. which ilaw has the best way ta prevent divarce is 30 branches, is spansorînz a seed dis- __________________________ta establish praper founidatians of plav dormez the entire week. while __________________________mariag andfamiy ivig. du-the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair cation far marriage, tagether with i hldn"a-omeria "sedshi-1 EN ER AIER intelligent caunselîing centres, with i)rizes. AIl this activitv isbene ÊNTERTANER the would urquestionably curb the hou1scd lini the King Edward Hotel1 Becure RALPH GORDON,te rising tide of estrangements, sep- and over 1000 delegates wiIl be Dre- wonderfully veratile eAnt*e,- ldvores. Roy Niechols Courtice Plowmens' Assn. wiIl lîar an inter- estinz address on "'Ihat'., New ini Farm Machincerv md lil pllenlt." bs' Prof. L. G.' Heinmpel, Macdoniald College, Quebec. "Brdîîch Match MNanagemenit" is aaother iîîteresting item anl the pragrain. The pl")wmen meet Feb. 13th. Marketing of Hogs Shows Increase Ovea Puuavious Vear lotted ail1- ovr the province are pre- - m ------- lum pared ta give leadership in the effort ta increase crap production. Tie The volume of hogs mrarketed in delegates will hear addresses an the Canada during 1939 sbawed a sub. dairv products situation bv V. S. stantial advance aver that for 1938. Milburn, Sec.-Treas. af the Canadi-In 1939. 3,701,061 hogs were market- ian Dairy Farmers' Federatian, while ed as against 3,239,798 in 1938, an Hon. J. G. Taggart, chairman af the increase af 461,263 hags, or 14.23 per Bacon Board, Ottawa. wiIl talk an cent. Ail the Provinces, with the ex- bacon. and Dr. L. H. Newman, Do- ception af the Maritimes, registered million Cerealist, Ottawa, on field ail increase. Althoueh Ontario and craps. Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Alberta marketed the greatest num- Minister oi Agriculture. and Hon, ber of hags, 1,667,950 and 979,892 Mfr. Taggart will speak at the ban- respectively, the percentages of in- quet, crease (2.23 for Ontario and 25.17 Womnen are taling an ever-increas- for Alberta) were less than thowe ai inz and important part iin the work Saskatchewan, whicli had ap increase of Agricultural Societies and a two- ai 43.76 per .cnt with 312.188 hoizs day pragram has been outlinied for marketed, and. Manitoba witli a per- them. Amangz other matters,, the, centage increase of 30.85 anl 327,212 wiIl discuss method., t,, vercome hagzs markeled. Quele markiýed lharmnful competition of extensive 336,573 llags - an increase 'f 53,486 and so-calle(l professiotial exlibitors. hogs, or 18.89 per cent. The Ontario CmopImpînrovemnlt The detaild figures are a,, follows, Assni.metn Feb. 14 will bave with the 1938 figures in brackets: saine 300 delegates present ta hear Canada. 3,701,061 (3,239,798), ini- the seed situation ini Canada discuss- cease 461.263, or 14.23 per cent; cc] liv\W. T. G. \Veiner, secd suipîly Aberta, 979,892 (782,838), increase coînmittee, Ottawa. Thie restilts of 197,054, or 25.17 per cent; Saskat- crap-testinz work and reconiicda- cliewani, 3!2,188 (217,152>. increase tiails ini Eastern and Western Ontario 95.036, or 43.76 lier cent: %allitoba, wilI lx. given I)v Dr. L. H. Newman 327.212 (250,055), inerease 77,157. or and D)r. Ci. P. MecRostie, O.A.C.. 30.85; On'ario, ,66'7,95() (1,631,473), Guielph; Jaines Laughland, flA.C., incrriëse 36477, or 2.23; Quebec, 336,- will talk an ruist resitait vaities. 573 (283,087) increase 53,486, or Haln. 1'.1M. Dcwani will spcak at the 18.89; Msaritime Provinîces, 77,246 banquet. (80,911), decrease 3,665, or 4.52. Over 250 inem-bers of the Ontario The increase in hbac production was Bowmanville reflected ini a heavier v o f o i ur entire war ecanamie structure. 1 rovement in municipal financing during and after the last war bacon exiîorted f romn Canada to the Work now deferred will then bec as evidence that a strang inave. wouid be repeated, with a canse- United Kingdamn. Exp)ort.s duri:îg not only useful but prabably very men~t for ecanomy was making quent risc in national weaith ta 1939 totalled 199.458.916>11),., a., necessary," said Mr. Macdonald, :t cli feit in Canada, even befare meet war costs. again',î 1()8,489,716 lbs. ini 1938,,a citing the Toronto traffie artery as the nutbreak of war. In two years, "The autstanding success of the inicrease ai 30,969,200 lbs. fo)r 1939. the type af public work which 1 16 cities across Canada had cutreenlaa sapepofa h ______________ well could be delayed. He oh- their debt by $2 1,000,000. In On- confidence ai Canadians in their served with appraval that wark taria, municipalities were again country, and that Canada wili 6Sth Annual Meeting on several federal prajeets had on a sound basis, having reduced emerge aiter the war a stranger been pastponed. '"So long as this their debt by $100,000,000 since member of the empire," he said. Confederation Life continues, individual sacrifices, 1932. Five years ago, $105,000,000 He paid tribute ta ca-aperatian no matter how onerous, will be in debentures ai Ontario munici- of the Foreign Exchange Contrai C. S. Macdanald, in his presi-, borne with calm determination," palities was in default. 0f this, Board in placing fareign exchange dential address at the 68th annuai he was confident. $102,000,000 naw has been re- at the dispasal of Canadian life meeting af the Confederation Life funded. Association in Toronto on Janu- Mr. Macdonald warned that insurancq companies. No policy ary 23, urged rigid curtailment aifwar restrictions an business must "In the improved recard af awner outside Canada, with the pivate and public spending an be scrapped when the conflict municipal finance is seen the ef- mincir exception ai a few living ail except war measures, expiain- ends. "If regimentatian is main- fect of that frugal instinct that in enemy-controlled countries, ing that reserves should be ac- tandi ieo ectelne d ntsthtlesfhlmtavepage had failed ta receive maney due. cumulated for projects which will l toined in timn et peaeel i t es n the le a mia aerag be needed in the periad af e- cracy and a tataltarian state debts and keep his liabilities with- He, boasting: Say, when I lçiss- habilitation after the war. 1 would be siight indeed," he said. in reasonabie baunds," observed a girl I dont fool around. "When emoilzaton ome, t "Matters which the state takes aut Mr. Macdonald. "It is proof that She: Why not? Are you bash- "Whn dmobliztio caes, ofa contra i af the indivîdual shauld aur econamic life is sound and ful? brings with it the dismantling of. be laoked upan as inhenent per- offers an inspiring note of confi -_______________ sonai ights which aur citizens dence at a tume when Canada is m have iodged with the gaverniment assuming further obligations." HET as a tempomary custodian, ta bel Painting out that Confederation LOOK U O TIRED ad ACHEY returned when the wam l'S aven. Life business has increased maire We are ail prepared ta farega cer- than 600 per cent since 1914, Mr.T U L v r Sluggish kidneys may be ta blamne. Gin tain ights, but these sacrifices Macdonald said that the expan- OUIIV ? Pilla help eliminate toxic wastes that shauld flot be allowed tai entail sion was in line with Canada's Ioay-h*ab.fortroubla. tend ta slow up kidney action. In the the permanent loss ai liberty." growth in the last 25 years. The Buck It up the right way, wlth United States ask far "Gino Pill". Opportunîty ta work out a per- Dominion was a young and un- Fruita.ti. _Felagad. manent solution ta national prob- tnîed nation in 1914. Giant stnides ,e. ktsoratug lyubê lems such as relief, the railway in manufacturing and mining, Tordtre l h tu ni lurwsed i deficit, and fanm conditions.i which have more than tripled awmam ..oy dd k. itpemm western Canada, should be seized etheiri 1914hépraductian have mude me naw, tai simpiify the transition Canada capable ai a greater warfo~whîP,«0W8IlbtOU back tai a peace ecanamy. War- effort with less strain than in the leu 7<I Wh YurlivOt itaaeut ofI rde time activity would lessen de- Iast conflict. He predîcted that M-èo eu,e Ii 70mae ad o... Y*:e mand for relief and increase rail the napid, expansion whîch came Ve kPh" Y Yubel -* hidcy revenue. Western p r os pe ri ty backachy, di-y, dragg.d ont ail the i. . IP L Swould be on a firmer foundation Rni yourE of.1temiaaie, as theuaud FOR THE if it were based an the raising aiyy .e WthFitAtvu or3 ya Cme hogs, sheep and cattle as well as, argeat selma, liyer remiedy. Fruit.a-ive I V.. h staed.ailMuate lienr liv.r,,bring prompt reie-i.ek Noting that Canada had 27,000Puibl ieanr rsi.GtFi-&d gaverning bodies, he suggested a ?uiy- àq el id ane"Yrs.25, . eFuta-l. ah ain Canada and the U.S.-Reogular that wartime might be a goad oc- 'fve and nei, large E&onomy elze. isi casion ail which tai reduce aven ITÀ-I [SJKO lapping. gavernment services. Im- F OR IL SS FR»ab t.. C A NA DI1A N N A T1N A L THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FOUR y

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