*THURSDAY, FEËRRUARY IST, 1940 'at DJlt ' BUWVAVItINVLL.E UNTAI ta s make motoring cheaper? Onesu erTstoww haeafetdanapotdhvhdeqa WH TO H R SA R E »A N RI E--F R YU-k as w îc il ue al U i e C o un C o n il s u rp lu s covering of snow and enough wind ta rig hts and equal privileges at al _ __ contained inthe gasoline Ise board meeWtihthescpplimens1of2te.sea-used wyJh .Kik dthh tyuse. It is known ta o e ~ V V V R p r o utps n h othaha o ta be that county councils had the B y J o h n C . K fr kf ardmt h e e e n t m o tp r r f u l l o n t a n s u w 5 w ill n o t fo rg e t a b o u t w h a t h a p p e n e d r ig h t, w h e th e r th e y e v e r e x e r c is e d ( e e b r x m n r far morepro aenergy perd gallonil , "Raanef" iftvesvearsow ale.ta gtt orm atott ofconamingrmtthoçof theveas aezOttawa noJournalinghas oe tehTr Ye n -o h e proa bg e r d danth o e w l m, Rafse ",which m ay it. Sa the problem of b th chem - Surplus in the n ighborhood of ten at m t tpolet fr m te çunties. Faithfully vours, three appointees ta a High School a good m m r r a g o i p seen s- ta fn e stage or n t so e da o n b s o ni C n- its a d e gner s a po*e h uaid dlasfor the year justAfter the laim was dim sdi n C. E. Brown. Borh r B ad o d cto r m n il g srie e q oe mov es th t ine Engish ac or, da. 1V is a reconstruction from a m eans of getting every cents nded iwas forecast v h te cou nlties 'Supreme Court, the cunties offered te ou t y hnthe Act b t w s c n c a g i m . I 9 5 a Sir Cedric Hardwjcke. Like sa memory. The writer of the screen worth from each gallon of gaso- clerk and treasurer in bis financial ta Day its own costs and the Wolwhne n 98 eti tingconPotAtu esidi peh mnany men, Cedric Hardwickei play, "Raffles", John Van Druten, line sold. statement at the close of theJanuary' er Board ta do likewise. It wsi1I*~t anist n rse h mi a be c ae d a " d eto u re d a n . n e s w th l c u s u , a d T h e n th e re 15 th e p ro b le m o f sess io nO f N o rth u m b erla n d an d D u r- tim a ted th at th e B o a rd w o u ld sen d V i e ~ t e r u , ; gt o r i ei t h e ount us t sidwh oh a e v s o , t t s a n h p H is f a th e r s n t a y s c n , 1 w h a t h e s a w th e r e w a s p h o to - p r o p e r c a r h e a i g e t î t n a m C u t e o n i .u n a a d e p u ta tio n a t th e J a n u ajl y s e s - I 1 9 39th e " W e w a n t m e n a t t heh e h e l m o u s id " W watdhssnV eadca;graphed on his memry. Most Of and coling. Good progress has The Special Schools Committee sion ta talk things over but no dele the schol district. By the199 ad] yet Cedric had the wish ta be an i'us would rather see the memoi-been made by several car makers was empowered torce ihtegtoîmteilzdadteBa. ndment whviouccasiben noThe n i hs ulte ht acoand an actor hle became. ed museum than the real thing. in the solution of this probem. necessarv legal arrangements incon annouicd its intentions of zoinz CAUS]YHGHSHOL~ ~ ~ B ~lt COcT HorSC OO Statesman the Counties Coun il CA S S T UN E Hl idea in his childhood: he attended good, for the story was a genuine roomier and more c 1mfotabl1 e IBoard\ decision t anapeal the Sup- i $1,f0fuand as ta h onispyI OIG O ES"n fwo a eie nV H AIR FMNH 5 acruand saw a sword-swal- thriller. car at a îower price than now reme court judgement wich all iid ots ta the Board. ut outside the district."OnT Ibive 's ac. Sa hen he bo got ules.dismssed ts cdismaisscd thetsundaimev a.ai Retdothelrke own- h.tReidneof hClarenae Tnren- horne he tried Vo swallow a caryvSaemnqotsfo h - Bads ilhvehd a ea ace e Kn bsnt knie!Hesarlysurivd tehncaI ead osery whch Itiseai thtaomlda!wisaîlic.A.ppinmen otmen#rsoe aresi» u.'eseitht te oar mgh Th eitr i dstnte'sden ruusteeneheonwaslthaVreNr.HeburMsid -a tempt, yet the early wish Vo be always gets a laugh, about Vwo be able ta live in the Temperat ot ors n om m, eris ouarîîd be blnffingh.Cl-Bar, aal hv hd neq apublic entertainer ook root, colored men who were fleeing Zone ail the year round - inside uiii a session which liad beeil bighbý- "Nîr. Morrow and I did ail e lingwood Bulletin in regard Vo say in everything pertaining Vo do ne hsdt ybscuty and today the one-time medical fromn a place where hey had tried aur motar Cars! That might be liglhted b1)y no conitentions issues or1 could to settle thc thing, stated County appaintments to High the administration of the schools. and henerwi.ITS'TN student is a titled actor- and at Vo steal chickens: they had been hard on California and Florida - anvtiiîgi of more thanl routinenaur. Deptit%-Rceve Smnitbl of Niurrai School Boards or Boards of Edu- H. R. Pearce, Sec'y. for eigh eradIko Hollywood, of course. Mo 1g 1frdatb h we o h n ehaso aaa Started With $7,000Towship. "It is a case of wliere a cation and there is this observa- Newcastle Board of Education hm. actors want to go Vo Hollywood, chickens. they had urned at te-ShoBar lismeauoiv before they die. sonne corner, and sa were out of iTheyVtell me that medical doc- ileordfg the fiîîkan calsurr thateS hose wBoar bs e thorits________________\\_______________e____ ment f th clek an tre sur the than tv sew he Tectelkdowthe \Ve t son, "Wi n oers lim i n o ___________________________________________ that bullet?'" asked M o s e. " dullest public speakers in ail the: ialilvadIcntschwterigt h ulcshoscm heard it twic t," replied Sam. worîd. They may be able Vo write'pu f$.0.Te noefrmte fin.ilvad atscbis'theisritave publcrscr hoo] aco-- Lonond asn Blck oleaonB.laoccold ou earit wit?"entancng ook, bt bryhavecont304rte73as.18,70.1 wilî xpese f oin tocout o itis artivly ewoareforth1ap it~~~~~~~ iscledteBlcousun demandd Mos e ar tid am, Inotrarned ookuse Vhetnge h i a xe s $3148]o atoaljustified." it i caledthe lac Mueum.unpid axesof 13.64.8 ora ttalpointment." We hink this sen- -' emadedMos. Sid am,"I ot eared a ue teirtonueof $317 89501 Provincial bigbway r Col. F. D. Boggs. K. C. counties tence may be misleading. It is a Scotandi7~ard chamoer - an, and the next time when I passed 1ma hm go paforum men.4,W;cribre oiior sete hti hsoiin reta ung[rground fr Detectives geV t"' Moeov they hoa oV then.ay items. $20358; license fees, $28900 the counties liad an excellent caseConyaoitewreiiedn IV is noV a gay place. Its exhibits, W ell, Vey are making aer- man's vocabulary. 1 Total inome was $365,059.53. T e ad sol i.t er rg t f ds uso n on walls and in cases, are souven- planes now wbich fly faster than But in New York City tbey! expendjtures were madle ut) in part oesfvtigThScolA, irs of crime - crime commItVed in bullets. They are making planes have found saine doctors wbo ai couilties roads, $10020953; ad- 1- rea.hs : " 94,ap.emb erc a 22ar thePaS hîf entry Tbre reable ta fly 600 miles an bour, and knaw how Vo alk interestingly, ministration of justice, $16.923 69-Ii TI .:êir M i rw ahseparatemer c aol uport- ta be found baxes and runks in the speed of a bullet shot from a usefully, and audibly Va audiences budgctted. $16000: debenture an 0 ieL IL I ror wboasepapite d by supot- which buman bodies bad been put .45-calibre automatie revolver is I made up of the common people. lîeetPyet.$7698Icaunty cauncil shall noV vote or by the murderers. And there are 47 miles an hour - at haV rate.1 These wonderful men are giving cnlt patients, $8,568.16, budgetted.i________________ tews aepr nayo h knives, pistais, cudgels, axes, pok- Perbaps I aught ta say that some j a series of "Lectures for the $12.000; rcgistrv offices, $18,000. rews tk atinayo h ers - and ather imaginable bar- planes can fly faster than some Laity." The aim af the series is budgetted, $15.000: printîng, post- Maple Creek, Sask. proceedings of the board exclu- rible things. bullets. ta acquaint the public with the age, etc., $2,000, budgetted. $2,092: janîîary 9th, 1940. sively affecting thbe p ubl1i c This Black Museum - a rather To geV maximum speed for achievements of medical science counities home, $16,306.59, less in- Dear Nir. James: schools." / sertpae i en hw nsome bullets and ta keep tbemn and its aims. And the interesting caine of $5.091 .71, leavinz a net- Once n½ore the time of vear for 1927 and again in 1928 and TheiVe VV o Kr vy sert lc -i eigsow ngoing at maximum speed long thing is that doctors attend these total of $11,214-80, budgetted, $12.-'eitting the necessarv $200 bas Scool Law Amendment Act, M n W o K enougb Vo do their job, tbey areletrs 000: cbildren's aid, $9.000, budget- ýarriied and I am moved to write Chap. 53, Sec. 7, now reads: "A making them after the manner of We want equally good and lu- ted, $10000; counicil and committe, in connrection witb this remittance Vo member of a board wbo is a sep- WHEN you need insurance yo gneal those rackets wbicb. are suppased cid lectures in Canada for the $6.500- salaries, $3,800; county rooms 'express mny continued pleasure in arate school supporter, or a mem- ne tbdy ti r4rle oko ta be able ta carry men ta Mars- laity. What doctors bave we able *5,600; public and separate schools, readjnz your îveekly and in keeping ber appointed by the county coun- ne tbdy ti rpr YO URor the moon: tbey put a series of ta give tbem? Do you knaw af $9,800: hilzh îchools, $4676113; con- up some distant connection with a cil wbo is noV a resident of the _ that your insurance is in the hb d o e Y 0 U R explosives i their tails. These a single doctor wbo can mnake tinuation schools, $18,314.58; cdu- diminishing number of familiar high school district, shaîl noV vote E S T A T E explosives go off at fixed inter- imself eard beyond the third cation. $72,577.75; agricultural rants, namies. There is still much pleasure or otherwise take part in any f who speciaie in ail the 1 in, n us vals, and give the racket - and row of bis audience, who can talk $3.000: interest on boans.1 $4,000; iu- doinz this even thouRh the names the praceedings of the board ex- of ail forms of insurance. Then o Iiw bullet - a fresh pusb. the language of the man in the sundries, $2.600: counties home, $17,- spoken of are diminishîng. Many of clusively affecting tbe public ota or rtcini Ifyou want a prompt, There is no need ta go on witb street, and wbo can be as inter- 8P-.61. The surplus is expectcd Vo be those whQ wear well remain. as the schoals in such district." This its htyurpoeto e epreta tf y blets.IV suffes wit. an o in asa s * * * ercduced ta some extent by a number story in your last issue of, the Dia- much different and limits only the human judgment can niake it. lie aministratsioness- outlwhaltsitsing bataepitd I uoe ogteWsenof factors. mond Weddinz at the ThQmas Baker pawers of any caunty appitintee lieamnsrto f and accomplished in aerial war- Front, are 100,'000 carrier pigeons. Commentinz on the financial state- home in~ Solina reminded us. distict your estate, name as fare. Their job will be Vo carry mes- ment. the clerk and treasurer stated DuriiW last July. I spent ten days However, as far as the records yorEEUO-****sages from the front ta division that 1939 bad been a very successful iin Ba nf f and in passini; through show the Counties Counicil at Ca-Je e A O your EXECUTOR- hbeadquarters wben telephonic or year as far as the counties were Calary, was shown mucb kîndness by baurg bas neyer appointed a trus- N U A C AG The president of a motar car radio communicatian is impos- concernied. The debenture debt ivas your former townsman. Luther T- tee to the Newcastle Board of IS R N E A E T THE campany once told me that motor sible. $497511.32 made up of paving, Courtice. He, too, bias reacbed that Educatian wba resided autside of ST RLN T US S car engineers are always three These birds might noV win $357,696.42. construction and main- stage of life wbere leisure prevails the district although it always bas Phone 68 1 o m nil STERLINGTRUSTS y abaead of the cars put an prizes for looks at pigeon exhibi- tenance, $139,874.80; bank .blans, and he bas the good bealth Vo allow had the right, and still bas, of CORPORATION sale each year. Cars just can't tions. They are noV bred ar de- $40.000. him ta eniov the passiniz days. In bis daing sa. Therefare, the members catch up an engineers. Every veloped for appearance, but for Discussinzr the financial circum- companîv I îooQç in something of the of the Newcastle Board. bath elec- *________________________________ 372 BAY ST., TORONTO engineer knaws that the 1940 car strength and speed. They are stances of the counities Reeve R.j famous Calgary Stampede of which OVER 24 VEARS EXPERIENCE bas shortcomings. strong, ligbt-featbered and mauld- Mallor1y of Percv Township lauded j you have at least heard. However, Just wbat are the engineers try- ed with thick, round shoulders the 1939 wardcn, Reeve Bert Reid of 1 t is îlot of the Stampede that I pur- ing Vo do ta make cars better, or and a tapering body. The inspira- Clakî onhp ev hre a-ps eln huhteCukWLo _________________________tian of a homing pigeon is food. vak onhp ev hre a-jps eln huhteCukWoo ___________________________________________________ It is aught that food is ta be vr Of Campbellford, asked the clerk races were highly thrilling. (Now I faund anly in the home loft. if the ax rate would be reduced. The s.eethat T. E. Higinbotham i5 liv- Te life of one of these pigeons, c.erk doubted if jpare than a slight mgi agry awe a ec bar acidets, s frm 8 a 10reduction would be possible a% the that mnetropolis again, there will be DRY LEANNG HAT ATIS IES year. IV is stiil a wonder how counities were beingz operated at rock additional interest. I shaîl have ta, pigeons can find their way, with- bottomn. find out if T.E. continues Vo part out bestiatian or searching, ta the Commlttee Recomniendation his haie in the saine way as of aid.) COATS - SUITS - DRESSES home loft. Sight, memaory, hear- The committee reports Lutiedmthehatlinter me u a ing, and some special sense. are only the average rcmedtosPlawing mthta neetdm credited with their ability ta fly in regard ta resolutions forwarded very inuch sa I thought it rnight be i c ea h o 2 fr$1 Ostraight and fast for hundreds of f,,ro ther councils. The legisla- worth while tao ass this oa Vou homelot. . an bylawscomitte reom-readers. I do not recaîl tbat I ever They began using pigeons in mendattendedawinctiatchfanhethink the Franco-German war of 1870. ~ne that ascinofterls thtey were noV much in the pub- . Oshawa Laundry & Cleaning Ce o. -'yaetigtiycmrso order be deleted where it stipu- pien trpe oth ids cdtostînsad adst- eye back in the dbosing days <of Dry V~~~t po ns they aetgthae ra's tehus. I a hl htthe l9th century. Still, in connectian. .1 -I Phone 419 W. Oail For and Deliver breast, and pictures are taken frhtehus twshl ht t fasdfeda heset _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ au to mn atica îy as the b ird fies on w ,th th e large am ount of com m ittee of lth sin gf l o fe l as uithe dc en 0 " its course. with now being done as comparcd eains wearing the minimum o: wer vers ait to sttigs er ayharnessi and of the contestantstefam w Term d R dicuousare very mucb at home betweent ht In connection lyitq the by-law plow handles. I presume the climaiv whicb permits the counities Vo bar- of the effort lies in that final furrovw miiistraton of the counties af fairs blemish. Irernember looking along pe d n thA I Sr w o ev coup etio$ 50. 0f r a d- tie sho u ld ew i f th o t co okt e or7 - clcrk and treasurer labelbedl as rid- William Rov Larm, south of Tyrone,*J ~ -. iculous the Rovernment requiring whcre the plowinR had been done by .---sr'-:.-i the school grants Vo be paid in the Jim Pooley in the long ago. When ~ ~ , -- B IsJuRmmer instead of at the endl of the the passer-by couldlokangsc vear and then providiniz no immed- furrows, thcy were the special pride- ~rtoîE$ZEiate legaî machinery permitting the of teplowman. The only plawing I ~~o ~obligaton. It cost the counties money furraw gangZ where ane hadl ta keep ta geV the necessary autbority Vo the horses RoinR and ta trv ty make R oOM . b9rrow for this purpose. the corner tuens in gocodrer. 0f MORE A committec was 'appointed, con- caurse, I do noV know that it bias sistîngz of the warden, the clerk and ever been peoven tbat grqin graws treasurer, Reeve Mallory. chairman better above a straigbt furrow than of finance and Reeve C. Devitt Vo on a crooked ane peovided that al interview the Department of Muni- Of the soil bas been turned. Perhaps cipal Affairs in Cannection with the that is where the craoked furrowSR VN <sscbool gzrants f inancing.faîdon but 1 arn no expert an A brief sumniary in conflection Plowing. witb the counties manufacture of At this plowiniz match, which was ~ .a~their own snaw fence was Riven by helcl somcwhere ten miles or more ......... Mr. A. S. Miller. He pointcd out outside of the city. ail of the con- S - iP\that at anc time the caunties oh- testants were members of the dity O W RN .' ~~~:<~'rrr,« ~tained their snow fende f rom the police force. I suppose tlhLev had been governmcnt machine a Orono but discussing deeds of vrowess in this >. .ta nwfnemnfcueso-bn hntesa a ligi VIoetake notichances and atborizcd pleasant outine that day, so probably theprpartin of the counties' rep- van bad better scnd a copn, of this resentations for the appeal. issue Vo Mr. Courtice, 103f Thirteenth The case arase ont of a dlaim by Ave., West, Calgary, sc0 that lie may the Wooler Continuation School correct anv wrong impressions. I l ~Board for $1,176.00 for tran.sortinR If von tbink your readers will be lorieB wm nil ving pnarts. The counties contended you sametbing about P.F.R.A. ac- fadin f ndan Hmes for aver 100 Years Bow anvllethat Board bad no authoritv Vo co tivitv in this localitv for Maple atnt and pick up students outsidc the Creek is anc of the favared centres. school section and brinz them in by We hope ta 5ecsame of the green bus and then ta tnrn around and - that cames frQm irrigation bere next---------- q .1 -"'J 'j 1 PAEeHE