Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1940, p. 9

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I THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IST, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUE (RONO NEws a ir Lo LS n Is y p d d L- e S e y e m- Orono Hockey Lads Phne4016At Local Arena Bath Orono teams gave their "Council meets liext Tucsday. Oshawa opponents a very bad de- feat Friday night in the double- Bov Scouts met Thursdav mlghit feature hockey game at Orono with about 25 present. arena. - \iss Ruth Ldwdcn, Toronto, visit- In the first game Orano midgets cd MNr. and Mfrs. C. Ml. Lowden. defeated Oshawa midgets 9-4 ir a fast and exciting game. Goals Mfiss Ejîccu Riddell and M\rs. 1. J. for the locals were secured by Gilfillan clcbrated thir birthday's Staples 2, Glen Tamblyn 2, Chap- Thursdav. man 3. Dick Patterson 1, Cooper Mr. T. J. H.Ale.Pickcering, 1. Patterson received a nasty clip %vas zuest of his varent... Mr. anîd but soon played again. Howard M\rsR.Aln. Myles was goalie for Orono and To-morrow (Fridav) is Bear Day. played remarkably well. Mr.B. avs lasbecî tanfcred In the other game between Osh- ta Port Perrv Bank of Commerce. awa Sea Cadets and Orono, the age limit be;ng 20, Orono was Park St. Union will bc guests of victorious 13-3. Who says 13 is Trinitv Union, Bowmanvillc, Feb. unlucky? Well, maybe it was for l2th. instead of Feb. l5th. Oshawa. Goals for Orono were Old and vouing alike lad a Road secured by Middleton 1, Ron Pat- tim kating Jan. 3lst aftcr which tersan 5, Witheridge 4, LeRoy cr adlunch were enjov'ed in the Myles 1, Staples 1, Dick Patter- hall, son 1. The name 'Camneron' in the ac- mxdg em ue sm o h counit of the Park St. annual meet- mdet players which meant that inz in last issue should have rcad some played in bath games. Or- *'Tamblyn." a na goalie was Gilbert Dent. According ta Jimn Hunter the road between Orono and Lindsav is ivaad ean lu difficult ta traverse. Oranloites got ieadL r Cu cuite a kick out of bis Thutrsdav nght broadcast. The Live and Learn Club held Congratulations ta Mr. M1 1 J their skating party Saturday in- Tamblv'n wba was anceaof fifteen stead of next Saturday since the Canadian Prize winners ini an Ail-. L.O.L. hall had already been en- Ameica Jugin Catst1,3trd gaged for that night. About twen-' Ameica, Jdgig Cnte . ,53 tredty gathered in the hall in the af- for the 54 p)rizes offered, 15 of wbich ternoon, finished the course, werc an hyCanadans.worked on ther record books,se MîIssiariarv conveners of the Yaung curedi any information needed, People's Union arc bbliged tg have and enjoyed a period of games. their meeting Feb. l9th, owing ta the This was followed by a sumptu- Unimon ea:nz ta Bowmanv ille an their ous supper prepared by the girls ~> nigbt. Jan. l2th. The tprogramn will themselves and composed of a be in the form of a school in nd' lengthy and varied menu. Fol- A meeting wiIl bce held Tuesda, lowing the washing of dishes - re- Feb. 6th, in Park St. United S. S sulting in one casualty - the girls ront at 7 p.m. for the purpase af wended their way ta the rink and organiziniz for a Home Nursino enjoyed two hours of skating, class. AIl intcrested are urgcd t; which brought a delightful time attend. M.%rs. .1. C. Gamey bas agrecd ta an end. ta give the lessans once the class is The girfs are gaing ta keep on, organized. Ail wamcn and teen age meeting off and on until the girls welcome. Achievement Day in August, and Dr. Leslie, Toronto, spent the will probably hold an achieve- weekend here. J ment day of their own in Orono. Mr. Robt. Keane, Toronto, was home. 'Miss Jean Forrester has been Park St. Union Son the sick list._____ Mrs. Albert Morton visited re- Miss Beatrice Hamm gave an latives at Newtonville. interesting and comprehensive re- r Mr Frak Hal hs ben onthepart of the Lindsay Winter Scbool sikri. akHl a no h which she attended as delegate, MankleyLtteod atbe. at the Union on Monday, which Manly Lttlwoodhasbee onwas in charge of Neil Wood and t4lsick list. Olive Brown. rNMiss Eileen Riddell visited in In her report, which took the Toronto. place of the topic, she outlined Mr.A A. Rolph is now at her the program, gave a few of the omne. highlights such as banquet, dis- Mrs. Frank Peate is able ta be cussions, study of Moving Mil- around again. lions, study of Dramatics, Music Mr.andMrs J T.Bron hveAppreciation, and fun night at Mr.ved Mnto J.heirBnew nme. whîch a most interesting school move ino thir ew hme. paper was read. She informed # Mr. Cecil Bruton, Midland, i the gathering that she taok Youth vissting here. and Marriage and Dramatics asJ Mrs. C. Knox visited in Kings- ber twa study groups, and inti- ton. mated that she would lead in a Mr. and Mrs. Luther Davey, discussion of the former at the Cobourg, were guests of Mr. and :ext Union meeting. Mrs. J. H. Morris. Scripture was read by Lillian Fowler, a reading by Neil Wood, Miss Marion Cooper suffered a m,,d a vocal solo by Mr. C. Tay- slight concussion as a resuit of a lar. faîl Saturday evening. An invitation was received ta Mr. Howard Gordon, Elizabeth- visit Newcastle Feb. 12th, which ville, was guest of Mr. Everett was declined as the Unidn is dated Stapleton. ta go ta Bowmanville where the Mrs. Wm. DeLine and family debate between Orono and Bow- are visiting ber parents, Mr. and manville will take place. Mrs. A. Clough. ______________ Mr. Frank Hall bas purchased Red Cross Branch met Saturday the bouse owned by Mrs. John in the Armouries and packed 21 Henry. large scarfs, 10 smaller scarfs, 9 Mrs. John Henry, who bas been sleeveless sweaters, 8 dozen pair visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hoop- wristlets, 23 pair socks, and 2 bel- er, bas returned ta Toronto. mets, which were shipped ta head Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and office in Toronto. family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Sunday visitors at Major and Mrs. C. F. Awde. Mrs. J. C. Gamey's were Mr. and Mr. W. W. Sberwin, O.V.C. Mrs. Robt. Beaumont and daugh- Guelph, spent the weekend at ter Yvorine and Mr. Ernest Roper, home. Toronto, Major and Mrs. Phillip Mr. Wm. Brown, MA, Hamil- Bigelow, Port Hope. Mrs. Roper ton viitd M. ad rs . R. H. who bas been visiting here re- Bon. i M.adMturned ta Toronto. Jrohn.Lwr n em oa Friday evening about 20 friends1 were wer andchoclmaes a hefrom Oshawa paid a surprise visit1 rirek Saturayonighoct. at ta Mr. and Mrs. K. Gamsby's1 rink aturay nght.home. After a period of sleigh- Mr. T. Cassidy, Mr. and Mrs. riding, dancing was enjoyed and Geo. Fligg and Brenda, Oshawa,i Mr. Jim Jackson performed at were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K.i the piano. Lunch was servedi and 4' Gamsby. icveryone enjoyed themselves. Orono fire brigade were called Orono Lîbrary beld a most de- out Saturday morning to check a ljghtful party in the Orange Hall cbimney f ire at the home of Mr. on Tuesday night. Winners in' Leaman wbo occupies the bouse Five Hundred were: Men's high~ owned by Mr. O. W. Sandercock. _'score, Albert Morton; men's con- Fortunately it was checked be- solatian, Thomas MeNeil; ladies' fore mucb damage was done. 'high score, Miss Sadie Brown; <Miss Jean Logan, bride-to-be, ladies' consolation, Mrs. J. C. Ga- was entertained at a personal mey; lucky chair, Robert Glan- sbower at the home af Miss Pat ville. Euchre - Gents higb, Ar- Hooper, Bowmanville, an Tuesday thur Clougb; gent's low, Mr. Gib- ORI thc r2 reunio ter,M o1 Ja their A1 chat i the W( ciPie:' Congn ceived ton.A Millbr Bowrn *The N'cars hv Re, iheaulth St! Mrs., I voflic take2 Peole Di Died 23rd aged2 Nfr. to Ca %Ves Saturd these land : Dr. G. Treas. Ri v'e:t Devitti Lean. M r. vin:ces, M r. his sist M r. more. somet Petert( Tht 29th Youni home was n cease< was 1: she im iirst a kard tht dE ed to since son, a ery a Nume. Bown Tht la memb taughl still1 argani Churc Bab daugb Steph( ranto Mn. siayinI Miss: drey1 Courst Mn. now a Clarer son, b Mrs. 1 Clark, Mr. M Mason Friday Visil friend. Perrn Simps( Mrs. C Brown Morle3 Mn. B Roy B Woodli Brown Cong 4Tomlir wene r Mrs. Moses doctor' Pas Wii mea talii and Lb tht firat Canadian division down ta bard work in England route marching is playing no Mr.Wm very andonKnnt, tr a lef ndop lQngenau1 in artin ht raiingschdul. Tt ilusr aianshos ot a th Caadin Sottsh at- Toronto, Mrs. Pollock and son before it ta say. 'Isn't it bcautful?" ans swinging along, thtesmiles no doubt being due ta tht warmth of English welcome HanadMn n'r.Jhn "hrd omtiafrsMa bd I in anticipation of tht evening tea.- Pollock, Lockport, N.Y. eyery day." Eyesight . . . . . ........ it it ts Education .And Efficiency fly C.H.Tuck Optometrist Eyesight SpecWaist Disney Bldg. (opp. P. O.> Oshawa ONO COUPLE .L.. WHEN DAYS ARE SHORT Barley Seed is WED .56 YEAIRS Countesu neil £AlelI5e[s AAVABVKAWben davs are short and winter Valuable Feed for rand Mrs. R. H. Allen. higlu Retiri g__WBadcoT. TyRed ____ be eiet f-R trn r W r e . A è dBo ard and harsbi and sbrill, _____ mc esdnt fOra a s icre .__________________ And frost is tingling an the air, Brc euat' rdcsmr aison dectreofaia ppy amily Aad aIl out doors is chilI i)aiids preacre wtb a bighcermoe an at the home afi b daugl - Wben Charlie Miller, Orono's W'ATOHED W ben frazen f ield slcep) 'neatb the valut dn eracry oth her andi n or ~i,.IrinBrgg B in unofficial censor of "Wbat's What Shlow. grains, in those districts througbout an. 24th, on the occasion ai and Who's Who", sees Reeve T. A. A'nd wild tbings seck rcsort. Canada wbierc barlcy mav bc growr 56th weddinz annivcrsarN. R 'spicur on this page, we Whcn woodlands stanîd sa bleak and fowl dinncr. gamles and social can visualize bim sbifting bis ci- bare, satisiactorilY. Fromn the standpoint niade the time pass bpivfor gr aie onrolismuh lii asae hr.o eedino. rvalue for the variaus gae atecre-o i otWcndssaesot classes of live stock, barlev ranks orthv couple, uvbo werc the r- twisting bis head and exclaiming \\'lieu davs are short and little higbi. As a leed for bacona type bags its ai cards, letter.. and tifts. in characteristie pose, 'Wbat the tem particuilarly, barleNv is recagynized the ýraiulatory messages wr re- heck bas Bert Reid been doing Sii oscamsyaoi rlov sbenoeoftee d froin Pasadena. Cal.: lidmon- now ta get bis picture on this .Sipîosccsl lngwrdsovAr a beganaor hbesin Alta.; Toranta. Highland Creek, Beneaîbtheiir icy frost-capped coats aifcd.A afcdfobc am pai ile ae ag in' ries q es i nW hilc silent is their sngz: rothe New aste, li a a d Ca rcoies qstion to bcîî lakes no lon er glint the sun, w hen ed ini proper proportion ili e avbie. ananswerinofg5 app ver b ried nd gom airghe aeditor b a osson taNo boats sail ta eacb part, ithe mixture. Eveîu for poultry, barley ev IRe narrilaed in o d Ofer eReid for omitting ta And gulîs, balf starved, scream accupies a élace ai importance. But ~v MRa.an sil reii ga make mention in tbese columrns overbead, it is ii; connection with the feeding ýi and active ini church and home ai the reetatio ta Clke When davs are short, ai bacons hogrs that barley just now MNr. Allen is Superintendent ai b shpsPoua eeon hs's creatincy the greater. interest. The Saviaurs Sundav~ Scliool and reimnsbip'st opu sWaReve n i 'is than at eve, wlien darkness falîs, aainGvrmn sugn am Allen is a great woLke<r iin the iretiirementanlast year as Warden ôarm n's organization, wvilc bahoa the United Counties of Durham île secks bis fireside chair. ers to increase their output ai bacon bohand Northumberland. We admit With aIl the lamily gzatheied 'round. and thase wba are in a p)osition ta a deep interest ini the youing many an editar bas been shot The warmtb ai home ta slare; Ircsiand and wbo grow their own e, somtims hlf hot fo con-Then thanklul hearts appreclate 1leed will naturally explore tbe pas- ______________ smtim sh allinexustblforfo- That sbeltering, dear home-part. sbilities ofextending their barley fense. In fact sucb an omission iWben aIl outside is cold and chilI, iacrcage. IM AND DISTANT of a news item bas often been iWbheu, davs are short. 1 siiti oncii htawr HAPPENINGS used as a true and just cause for RapbGado i arin this cdneible at abistime ____Th ____ es te anceing tone auberipadtio ta 28 Crawford St., Toronto Wlhilc barlev undoubtedly ranks bigb FromTheOron Nes th paer.But e ae gld t beas a f ield crop. it May flot be the January 28, 1915 - alive to tell the tale and admit chers - Bible Cas r.C u-ms rftbeca ago ne ____the fact that neither of these well Cas r.C u- poial rpt zo ne d:Cwn- At, Toronto, Jan. merited spiteful acts were inflict- Reeve T. A. Reid Ily isI an;YugPol certain conditions. In the f irst place, edont: winle ad re badewo t bnqetinbi Inor. Lan MrsngPJ.pT:,barley is a crap ',vich is mare ex- d, Howard Percival Cowani, e ntewike n ryha-woa aqe nhshn Pearce; Boys, R. J. Rowe; Girls, acting thara aats as ta sailfriil 26>cr.ed editor in this instance. Bert was presented with a beautifully jr.L aey r.C ors and drainagze On ricb, well-drained 26 W ~ars hsrture Reid is too gaod a sport for that. engraved wrist watch by his con- r r.L vry, Mrs. C. Morris;s .ett A..W.Mauie asreuredAlthough we'll venture the opin- freres on bis retirement as War-1-Jns et land and in areas enjaying ample. algaryAlta. ived.pecipittPrîmaryayMrs. bWillise îlgry Ala ion that a few readers bave con- den of the United Counties of Stapletan. The following receiedu recipthaion ly gi ter gri rebu st Durham Conservatives met . u n l eu osi y a d N rhu b ra d a d uh m rmed diplom a fo e ec at wh r tesilm y b a dav in Bawmanville and lected jrdu iteeungsiyaddotubeln n Dra. fancasn flmorpereatn- ltoms ain any , ot sri rp u confîdiential conversation the per- tnaea nd home pr neparin wereth siis flot sa ricb or where olficers: Pres. -Robt. Cape- tinent question "What's the edi- Mr uly lrneBrei ak riae asmyb Vfice-Harry Rawland; Sec.- tor got against Bert Reid when he Clarke UJnion Mary Denault, Margaret Denauît. better proposiion. C. Bonnycastle, Bowmianville; leaves out a report like this?" Among those from here attend- In inv parts ai the Prairie Pro- -Jas. Nokes. Addresses wert Absolutely nothing. ing the Masonit banquet in New- vncets, barley bas been particularly by C. J. Thornton. M.P., J. H. Well, we'll tell you that it ahl Mr. Gea. Cain lost a work castle Friday nigbt were: Miss popular as a cleaning crop. t May tM.P.P., Barrister E. H. Nlc- bappened through a bit af care- horse. Mary Lane, Mr. Melville Jones, be sawn late in tht sprin.g and still lessness in not reporting tbe coun- Miss Eileen Souch spent the Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones, Miss ripen bebfore f rosi normallv occurs, Williamn Cooncy, Western Pro- ties counicil sessions the week weekend in Toronto. Elsie Wallace, Mr. Leonard Ire- t he r eb ytaIf forddiing a an excell1entt sop par- is visitinz aId iriends. they happened. The re po r ts, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor and land, Mrs. J. Wade and son Jack, tunity aeaiae idoî n Reynolds ai Midland. visitcd which we clipped from a Cobourg family, Markham, visited ber par- Reeve T. A. Reid and Mrs. Reid, other noxious weeds. ster. Mrs. W. T. Andrus. paper, became misplaced or lost ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Cain. Miss Hazel Reid, Miss Gladys Tht question ai variety and quaI- John Hodge is in tawn once and the incident was forgotten Mr. Gordon Power visited Mrs. Pearce, Mr. Earl Walkey, Mr. and itv ofa secd used is also ont ai im- Mr. Hodge left the sixîlu line until several weeks bad passed. Ed. Power in Oshawa. Mrs. J. Stark. partance, mn recerit years, certain new twtlve vears ago ta reside at It was then too late to give a Miss' Lorna Clarke visited in A few from Newcastle were en- varieties have been making their ap- aro. detailed report of the proceedings Oshawa. îertained at a skating party at pearance. These are wartb investigat- ai tbe counicil, but not too late Farmers in the section are get- our local rink Wednesday even- ing. Therefore those wbo contemplat yet ta inform the people "back ting home their winter's supply ing by Miss Kathleen McKay andgrin hal fothfrslmen Obituaty home" ai the presentation ta the of wood. gMr. Jack Woradee.st im i ______ xetiring Warden. Mr.__Jack________ a number ai years will be wtll ad- This grand event took place at ___________ vised ta atet in toucb with tht nearest efuneral took place January the British Hotel, Cobourg, when ~ a 1 Experimenlal Station for advice as in Toronto of Sarah Jane abu nehnrd ony on ewtonvile eion al ervces to tht varjelv which naw !is recam- dadghton es r.Inter etcillars and former members at- _______ for thepariuardsrict. ai bfer agtr nem t tended the banquet ta honor Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Tht Canadian Legion constituent nade in Orono cemetery. De- Warden T. A. Reid. Reeve C. M. A. Harris, Toronto, with Mr. and member orgzanization for Canada ai d, who was Jennie Young, Carruthers read an eulogistie ad- Mrs. Reuben Payne. Mr and teBiihEpr evc ege Price Relationship born 'near Peterboro. When dress pitn u h naubeMs avyObre LdÀ1n arried Mr. Dobson she lived pitngatte naual r. avy son adÀl n oth Bin odEmpie Serc eaueo n F r o service rendered by Mr. Reid as Welcome, with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. ts no intprdtontaie reer i U ar o at Antioch and later at Les- caunicillor and Warden, and Depu- . . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp 1S o iteC ag where they kept store. On ty Reeve W. J. Patton, on behaîf and Alfred with Whitby friends. ence ta its mulliludinaus accomplisb ____ eath ai Mr. Dobson she mav- ai his colleagues, presented the.. Mr. Robt. Martin, Lake Shore, menîs in tht inlertats ai ex-service Price rtlalionsbips raîber than o Toronto where she bas oua Warden wîth a beauti- at Mr. Wm. Stapletoni's.. . Mr. men and their families wauld only bce mere prices are tht chief inîcrest ai .ndd tA sn dagh leyMrsoA- as a engraved gold wrist watch Dave Denault, Misses Margaretitedious repelition af facts alreadv'lbhe farmer, and relationships have and todue Mrs. PoA uvive s slight token ai their appre- and Mary Denault and Miss Betty wtll known. lbwe itile change since the out- ad s re ls sti vive. ciation ai bis services and iriend- Stapleton in Oshawa.. Mr. Jack1 It is indicative, bawever. of the break of war, the Agricultural Suî,- mosanvila oati istrlicts.nship. McLachlan, ebr, with Rev. ,biLyb regard ini whicb tht Leguanais Plies Committet beaded by A. M. stnle r.doono mitbers Mr. Reid acknawledged the gi and Mrs. J. McLachlan. . . Mr. held that tht Government sbould ac-1 Shaw, directar ai tht Dominion Agr'- aer Dbter h a be e in bis usual graciaus and kindly and Mrs. Alvin Jones, Port Hope, 'cept ils oaller ta assisl in performing culture Department's marketing se' d muic o nueros peplemanner and took occasion, in a at Mr. George E. Stapleton's. ' ont ai tht most responsible and im- vice. rtparted Ibis week f rom tlmusiga numers eopyea brief address, ta refer ta some ai Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Mr. 1 partant ai war-time duties - thal Ottawa. ist in the Bible Christian temare important accomplish- W.- E. Davey, Misses Laura and ai wtlfare work for tht armed forcq5 Tht cammittebas investigated h naw St. Saviaur's. ments in caunty affairs during bis1 Belle Allin, Orono, at Mr. R. J. at home and overseas. t is sensible.,aeul h ogtr eainhp _____________ tenure ai office. A toast list suit- Rowe's. . . . Mrs. Fred Burley, too. that this work should bc en- caretwtth ries otem aieshand able ta the occasion broughi forth Ntwycastle, witb Mrs. Lofitus Bel- trusted ta a bodv ai such proven prices ai livestock praducts wilb a B o nsaddresses from dignitaries in fed- lamy. . . Miss Doreen BErley, experience and abilîty. ve aetmîn h aresa polities, eacb paying glowing tri- Pat Ware. . . Mr. Wilbur Barrie Ina order that its regular Iunctions, prescrit prices aI bran, shorts and y Lynn Stephenson, infant bute ta Warden Reid for the ca- and son Alec, Canton, at Mr. J. A. ta wbich bave been added eveil middlings in relation ta prtvailing ter ai Mr. and Mrs. Gea. pable leadership and efficient Barrie's. . . Miss Eileen Morton, greater obligationS arisinL rarm tht nces of boas and dairy Producîs. ienson, is quite ill in To- manner in which be had canduct-' Port Hope, at Mr. Robt. Morton's. war, may bc carried on unhindtred. Tht relation ai tht price ai any Sick Children's Hospital. ed the caunties business. I . . Mrs. W. C. Lane with Mr. and tht Legion bas created a subsidiary ont aroduct ta tht prices ai Mill- and M rs. Stephenson are And sa wiib this belated repart Mrs. Harry Lane, Coîborne. . . . organizatian for tht new weliare ieeds, tht committet bound, may he ig in Taronto. the ediior bas endeavoured ta Melville Jones and Earl Walkey work it is ta diacharge. This orgahi- calcuîated hi' seeing baw many pounds ses Wylma Farrow and Au- make amends for the omission inr in Toronto. ization is known as "Tht Canadian ai tht feeds is equivalent in pnice Webber attended the Short aur repantorial duties aifoone of Y . P. U aio United Church on Legion War Services." ta a aiven amount aI tht animal ;e banquet ai Canton Frîday. tht highlights in tht public carter January 23rd put an this pro- bbc scoot of its activities, wbich Product. and Mrs. Wellington Far- ai tht Counties Wardtn for 1939. gram: Bible reading, Margaret are beiniz canducted on a non-profit For example, in flecember 100 and Wylma, Mr. and Mrs. Denault; prayer, Mrs. C. Burley; making hasis, are far-reacbing. Ont pounds aI live bogs in Toronto was nce Turner, Miss E. Simp- vocal solo, June Ware, accom- aI its nrimnarv funictions is tht pro- equivalent in prîce ta 690 pounds aI Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Honey, r i u panied by Elsie Wallace; Current vision ai lacilities ta enable young shorts. Tht average relatianship be- Mferkley Clark, Miss Bessie Starkville Events, Mrs. J. Stark; mouthorgan saldiers ai aIl classes ta Continu twetn tht arides ai these commodit- Mr. Lloyd Stephenson andnu [elinGraamatendd htand guitar, Harry Burley; poem, thein educational studies even thaugh les for tht 10 ytans prectding was lelic rhmatne h Mrs. C. Burley; music, Elsie Wal- a ciesrie hs adbe100. aounds of livê hogs in Toronto lebanquet in Newcastle Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Russell lace. Rev. J. McLachlan conduct- ontesevitei. Tis, anlale hse10680 naunlds ai shorts. Hence, de- tors: Mrs. G. Arnnold with at Elizabethville. . . Mr. and Mrs. aoQi"fnts lre e ithe Legion's undentakinsfo.isptthrentreinhrspie, ls in Oshawa. .. Misses Jean Harold Barrowclough, W e s 1 e y- Wdkn dSi apncrd termy rsJackaddition, it is praviding wbalesomne tt mblinter sinice watioap- iWylma Farrow and Ethel ville, at Mrs. John McKay's. ' * e n idLncse*vru entertainment for tht force, bas intl nttsm tlosi ;on, Mrs. Arnold, Mr. and Miss Wilma CarsonKa, at Tvaian Bruce, Margaret Denault, estahiished personal servict bureaux watbth terie(- ai hogs. C.Turner and Sam, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Warren CaesnaI., Gladys Pearce and Annie Ander- where the new fiiabtiniz men nîay Simiiariy. ont pounld ai butter fat ri, rche Bown nd illMr.Raymond arsanWesle son. Tht boys won by 2 points. rective advict and guidance f ram ni Otroi eebrwseuv a, Archie Brown and Bih Mr.~ This was followed Faro, e a mnarousicemarls quv y at Mr. Clifford Brown's... ville, Mr. Lavern Farrow, Kendal, by a usica thein aid comiradt.%, and is carrving glicn ii ride ta 23.3 paunds ai brani ili Clark at Mr. and Mrs. at Mr. Victor Farrow's. . . Mr. cotst ut other nedessari' and important at Taratt coanpared with an aver- ranch's. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell at Mn. Willis Farrow bas a ntw "Ter-1 auxiliary work wiîrevtr there arc age aifaile aound butter fat ta 21.2 lock and Douglas at Mrs. J. 1 and Mrs. Ed. White's, Elizabeth- raplane." concentratiaons ai traops. Wbile ibis 1Ipounds ai bran aven tht last 10 n'S.1 ville. . . Harold Bryson, Kendal, These officers and teachers have work is ai great importance ini Can- i Years. siigbtiy above average rela- igratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. -ai Art McKay's. . . Misses Norma been elected for tht U. C. Sunday ada ane Lais but visuaîizt tht magnii- tioWhile rson, net Katie Clark, wha Hallowell and Marion Green ai School for 1940: Supt. - L. Sav-td it is assiamine in Enrland anîd hetht price relatianships ear>y married. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallawell's. ery; Asst. Sid Lancaster; Sec'y..France now that the lst Division ai in 1939 were ltss favorable ta tht Freemnan EddyadMs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Perry- - Alfred Redknapp ASst- -Mînnie tht CAS.F.bas arrived a','rseaý; dairymen thanta tht boa producers" Heard have been under tht town, with their daughter, Mrs., Randall Treas. Marian Bruce; 4ýnd as tht war Progresses it dan bce çmiterpre,"ssta 's care. Warren-Carson. 'Miss. Treas. -Mary Burley; Tea- uîderstaad how naîiaralîy it Nwil onbsbncrrtehyhtetl txpand iota ather iorms africe.rase in butterfat arides ENGLIBH YOUNGOTERS CHEER CANADIAN TROQPS Tht importance ai such work dan- cult uSli ce Committe5jan --..-. - .-.*'--~ mot be over-estimattd. Guns and tnan t eaini èQse toucb witb hullets alone do liai win wars. Morale thL stutonwih it to eing contnued) the earth and we oon; we turn àl- L them and they no other.-Olive OSHAWA Free Parking-- Phone 1011 Thurs. - Fri..- Sat. Fm. 1-3 Hunchback 0f Notre Dame Starrlng -Charles Laughton- Sir Cedrie Hardwlcke Maureen O'Hara Added - %nformation Please REVIVAL "Artists and Models Abroad" Friday at 10.45 p.. wlth Jack BennY, Joan Bennett Yacht Club Boys. Mon. - Tues. « Wed. F191. 5.-7 Robert Taylor - Greer Garson in Remember l wlth Lew Ayres - Bih. Burke Added - Pound Foollsh - Crime Doesn't Pay. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. IB. 8 - 10 James Cagney - Priscila Laue lu The Roaring Twenties wlth Humphrey Bogart Gladys George Jeffrey Lynn. LumherjackSag a Bchla'sMitr Grand Medicine for Som GRIPY couva@ It takeà a lot to gmt a lumb.rjack dowa, but it neu4ed oaly Bucley'a Mixture to get hlm up agamniRead what W. G. McClure, Cowichia Luike, B.C., says: 111 had " cka sevm erp py' cold that1had to go to be4The camp foremun brought e a boft of Buckley'u Mixture, and tiank to 14, I amrn uMy feet &gain. You may una this lutter to lette world know &bout this grand medicine&" Bucdey's Mixture is madle to do one tliing only -give relief ini shorte t dme fromn coughs, colds, grippe, bronchitis, etc. Prove for yourself that it doéà mart timne you have a cough or cold. Don't experimen-Buy Buckley's. 25 OVER 10 MILLION morrm.i SOLDs Number 117 Any tyt defeci - uncorrected will rtgister an impraper impres- sion thraugh tht distarted, indis- tinct appearance in tht vision. In Ibis regard I may say further that many children are unnecessarily sacnificed ta ignorance and ne- gleet and when they do survive thein future lufe is handicapped by impaired health, heredîtery weakness, and defects commen- surate with bad living conditions and enviranment. When tht tyts are cancerned it is essential ta have tht besi examination pas- sible. As in tht interests of health, we may say tht same laws will have a strong bearing upon the person's vision. Good vision, poor vision in tht child's developmnent depend ta a very great extent up- on proper nourishment, proper rest, proper exercises, and proper care ta follawing tht laws of nature. Failure i tht above in lawering tht vitality wil have a strong beaning upon aur vasson and where tht same is defective tht condition will become more effective. This is noticed in Hyper- opic conditions where tyt strain is experienced. In Myopia by tht increase in the error. PAGE NIN£ (to be ci Men are like 1 are like the mc ways one side ti think there is Schreiner.

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