-r -, . SomaBrown and Miss Rutb McKessock an be held on Sunday at 2 p.m. and Soi atheir marriaRe Saturctay. Cauiiius 7 p.m. Rev. S. Littlewood of - C.G.I.T. mother and daughter ban _rnpIl rah horwlJe Recent Visitors:, Mrs. Saah Mil- anet Fridav nigbt was a orreat suc- Recent Visitors:- Miss Marion assisted li the atternoon b h ler and IMiss Mary Miller, Ntew- cess. The tables were laden with aIl Beacock is stayinr witb bier grand- Osborne, and Wight Quartet, and burab, at Mr. Livingstone MÉIr's. the oood tbingzs imaeinable and the mother, Mrs. Isaac Whtil 'r n the evening bya rixed quartet -.Misses Helen and Muriel Baker Hnorarv Leader, Mrs. S. E. Werry Arthur Wonnacott is home fter a mr' Oshawa, of Peterbotop with their parents, Mr. acted as toastmnaster. Mrs. Rov Lang- pleasant visit with is mother at Y. P. U. met on Friday. £&th ]Paacoet Oshawa, Mr. Mtjrton Wat- snd Miss Muriel Langmnaid nropased Mr. snd Mrs. W. C. Hickli x and sip service. Elleen Wray, #ve t«%s Maxwell's School, snd Mr. and the toast ta the mothers and was Miss Inez, Allenwood, adMis te cail to WOIUP. Garth P>er- Mra.. Milton Pascoe and vitn, Sask, resuonded ta by Mrs. J. Reynolds. Osnha Hickling, Assistant Secretary rett read the Bible lemon and calledl on friendi here. Mrs. S. E. Mrs. S. E. Werri' proposed the toast of the Toranto Normal School, spent Frayfl Johns gave na retdlng. .Nul- Werry visited hier sister in Dpw- to the CG.I.T. gfroin> and was' re- the weekend at J. E. Elliotts. lie Armour led in prayer. the manville. .. Mr. Wright sud sister soondcd tp bv Miss Verna Millson. Mrs. R. Slemon) is visitinq lnr sistie ori. .Eeg. Rchamg fGae a i fremx Ballantrae, visited at Mr. jas. Miss Louise Pearce cf Ebeiuzer, Mrs. J. E. Elliott. ,%¶Trul WSReg. Rchamge Q ay Smales. .. Counillor L. C. and sang sand Mrs. W. J. Leask gave a A pleasant aitenon wa' huniorous reading. Edith Racke- Misss Ieen peu atham, and Nellie Armour favoured Mrs. Pasce sud Miss Bessie, En- couple of readings, and M e issste a ouiltingz bec at Mrs. Frcd Dayes'wtiavcldut oi rdr field, at Miss Mary Hogarths. . Bals*on and Jean Leach f avord ib at whicb the W.A. ladies set UPsd aita vecal re.Dis ACtrest- Mrs C.Tin sn daghtr at Mr. a piano de.Ms(Rev.) W- C- inisbcd a fan ouilt. A po Ideen- n tpi "owtensupt..Bil Geo. Whites... Miss Ilcn Balson Smith, Courtice, was guet speaker per was served wbich letnt ing a prsonal o kws e t edl with bier aunit, Mrs. Everett Cry- sud sooke on "«The DauRbter I Would ta b. desired. by WilfnRa P rîdsmaleo".a rse dL Misses Breckcnbridge and McLean cd witb singingf "I would bie truc." Mr. Walter Blackburn of Sauina, G.I.T. bancquet Rev. W. Ç Smith Z o attended the Teachers' Convention in visited bis f riend, Mr. A. L. Pascoe. Osbawa and Peterlioro.of rale The advcrtised football vamne sche- Betheida Homne and School Vs~:~ . ~W t rcsrsn Hallowe'en passed f rti duled for Saturdav here betwen opened itheir year's activities with Cametrn, Ma. and MJoyce M. ihp ce rsng i ouietl.y not much depredatiop Brooklin sud Hampton did nota Il enm qead. 'e and Mrs. Relit. Killen, at Mr. materaieoiztBoki t judges were Mrs. C. Warren cf Delbert Flintoff's, Kero... .M1r. Chas. P. Smitb bas sold is fam 1 able ta muster a tcam. Several L. G n r. .Mac ndMs stock and implements. wbo came ta sec the Rame wcre dis- L ÔGodman, Tyrone, wbo award- aon on),st. arysker.(JantdK A V N Home and School Club met Tues- auoncd d prizes as fallows: Yaungest in Thm.sn),et.Ho ski Mr.dand daY nigbt and drafted out program a The msuraei tebseetcostume - Marion Wright; Best Thrnns e Ci onMand fMrsM N' HEyD L, for wintcr. . ofThe mchurh on thellowe n gt comic, child - Isaliel Vivian; BestTHorvey Hagoera, Meda and Ina WORK smwrs. Rg. £125N Holstein Friesian Annual meeting oaf wllttne d arh nd alare num- zhNational costume - Florence Run- Havywa a r J.W. alan's. . IKS TS R«.$12 fa elatne adalrenm dle and Dora Shantz; Best dressed O saada Mr . .r Istian Star .T cf Durham County will be beld in beraoftbose masked naraded ta, sec couple Alma Rundle and Effa M.ad MrChita orT- Sons of England Hall bier£an Nov. if thcy were worthy of a prize. Mr. Stamnton; Best comic couple - Mrs., ron toa M. Hans Geisberger's. 29th (Wcdnesday) at 10 o'clock and B. G. Stevens, Mrs. Roy Langmaid Cooke and Mrs. McClung; Best re-. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rolibins thebscict il le eldintb S nsd Mrs. Maurice Baker acted as presentative - Mamaon Werry; BesteasRthe.a.t.Mr erg IJns LADIES' CHIFFON 13MKIF dayScoa lasmet. reidntJon.judgca. Miss Ilcen Balson was chair- comic lady - Mrs. Rundlle; Best Necsl...Ms as. tainto Cruicksbsuk will preside and a gaood mari sud the following pragrami was comic gent - D. Wright. ansd .Grace with Mrs. Emma Cor- FABHIONED ROSE. Reg. 6 attenance s cxpcted.rendered: Mrs. W. J. Leask, a read- President J. Cooke conducted ni s.n r.Gro hrMx Brotherbood Executive met at the ing: a number f romn Bakcr's Scbool: the business Imeigan inwll'. . Mr. Alf Ayre and Miss hoeof Mr. sud Mrs. A. -L. Pascoc, song by the eIder boys;* Master called on R. Glaspell for this pro- Auey AyTret Mr. Wills Gla- aWednesdav nigrht and nmade arrange- Clif fard Miller, a Piano solo; 5010,. gram: Community singing led by trn ell'sTara to. r. Ayrer- M N' LBX IND0 mets for their winter program. We Pearl Leach-. Misses Ilee asnMro er;paode een Lloyd Staintan, Miss Eileen Stain- UNDERWEAR. Reg. $1.25. exPeet Rood winter meetings as us- sud Tean Leach, a piano duet; a skit and Marion Werry; humnorous ton at Mr. Marlow's, Nestletan. . . q ual. was put on entitled "A Mock Wedd- readings, C. Warren; Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sonley and The fine fait weathcr bas lie ingz." Csndv sud apples were served Wright read a story; Mrs. G. Henry, Mrs. McCrae, Whitby, Mr. good for Rettinw the apple crop sud sud a social tipieecnioyed. Brent sang a solo. Gamnes wcrc Wm. Walker, Miss Audrey Hall, d LADIES' CHA OIETE turnip cran gnathered ini. Quite a bit Mrs. J. Wesley Yellowlces gave a conducted by Aima Rundle, aftcr Broolelin, Messrs. Herbert and af ulowing vet te lie doiir. shower for Miss Ruth McKessock, which candies and apples wcre Roliert Cameron, Tyrone, at Mr. WOOL FAKOY KNiT GLOI Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Pic- ;a bride-ta-be on Wednesday night passcd and social tme enjayed. Fred Cameron's. .. Miss Audrey Rg 9 n 9.... Idering visitedl at ber f atbcr's, Mr. Ïast sud she received a lot of beau- Ayre with Miss Ruth Colwill. . . Rg d60............... H. E. Tinte, sud attended the wed- tiful and useful presents. A nice soc- Tvrs. A. T. Staintan, Miss Efleen ____________ dingr af ber cousin, Miss Ruth Mc- il time was cnjoyed. The newly Eflfllskillen Staintan at Misses Lyle and Eli- Kesseck married couple bavingz returned f romn nor Staintan's, Oshawa. . . Miss MEN'8 RED BLAOLXBLUI Congratulations ta 11k. Bryce their houcymnoan were treatcd ta a Jean Leach, Sluna, at Mr. Nor- OVERALLS with or withoul ____________________charivari Tucsclay night. Recent Visitors: Mr. aud Mrs' man Leach's. .. Mrs. Jas. Staintan __________ W. Wright at Mr. and M-rs. 'John sud Grace at Mr. Bruce Buck's, _Reg. $1.25 ...................... Barrie's, Newtonville. . . Miss 'Eva Oshawa. _______________ Haydon Saucb is home after visitinoe friends C.G.I.T. girls met at Miss Ber- in Tornto... Mrs. H. Stevens fit nice Warreu's home Saturday.MGIL'AL OLSW A liber daughter's, Mrs. Walton, Peter- Alf Ayre and Art Staintan are I> RShL.Wor L eves . ReetVstr.M.adMs boro... Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sleman deer hunting near Minden. n g rsotseýs....... Reen Vsior: r. and M nd aSiemion, To05onto' Prize winners at the masquer- 0 y À L Herli Scott, Orono, with Mrs. Silas with Mr. sud Mrs. H. Anns... ___________ il, Trewin.. Miss Annie Mountjo)y Mr and Mrs. E. Parrott sud f am- ade were: Childreu - licat dressed Cadus.. .Mr.Dave Tardiff, A' Warn... Miss Alice Ashton vin Warren; couple, Isabel and MEN'S DAEK GREY WOC BOWMANVILLE 1 Bow.manvilllc, at Mrs. E. M4o«RtioY's. with ber sister, Mrs. S. RodpIna-. . Douglas Cruickshanks; Best man, BOCKS. Specwa Valu. Reg . .Mr.andMrs. Fred Cowling sund Mr sud Mrs. A. Tamblyn, Lindsay, Bernice Warren; best waman, FeBlackstock, witb Mr. sud Mrs. Miss Verna and Mr. Ralph Ormnis: Annie Killen; couple, Beryl Glas -______________ Thurs. - Fr1. - St. ILMNi.. . and Mrs. Elmier ton, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Ormiston's. pet and Bernice Chapmnan; best NOV. 9 - 10 -n Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ash- Congratulations to, Mrs. Sanders comie, Reuben Stewart; ugliest ton with Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Ashton, baving ceîebratcd lber 80th birthday. face, Lloyd Ayre.I GIRLS' CEOKE COTTO: AoN IC N ! Toronto. . . Mrs. Milton Werry, Our chair, under thc Iead-âL»DEbip Mô14ys .... MA N F C N I Oshawa, Miss E. M. Werry, To- of Mr. E. E. Staples, qssisted at Eb n ze ____________ ronto, with Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Ash- Nartb Nestîcton annmversaiy. ____________________ in wmgk. ff ton... Mr. Paul Stephens, Miss Youngz People met Oct. 3st in the ____ 4»MM*sp«IUrsul McNeiI, Toronto, with Mr. f orm of s Hallowe'cn -iasqucrade. Services on Sunday were in MEN'S ALL.WOOL WORK tad, msu ad Mrs. A. McNeil. .. 1Mn. Fred Tbe f un commenced at 7 o'clock, charge of Rev. Merrull Fergusen, Rg 9 -.4ethmuf« . ~~Adams, Hampton, witb Mr. and when a special parade was held for with lantern slides bcing shawn R.29c.......................... tupiPJMrs. Earl Stephenson... Mri Wm- the school cildren. Af ter paradina an Africa at the eveuung service. Reg. 390c........ ...... .......... fi ~~~Trewin with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley around tbe league room several Attendance was good and suitalile______________ ,Mme Malcolm, Nestleton, sud astisted tbe times thc iudgres chose: as malst coin- music provided liy tic choir. Enniskillen cboir at Nestîcton anni- ical, a clown, june Ashton; Most Y. P. meeting was withdrawnOLA NGSEIL0 I versary... Mr. Arthur Beech with original, Chinese girl, Lorraine Page lionday eveuing. CLAIGIEILO Mr. sud Mrs. Alymer Becc, Enni- and best dressed, Cowlioy, Maurice Tucsday night the Broticrhood aI . REPER DRESES. Reg. te skillen. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham Preston. At 8 aclock the adults par- meeting will lie held at Elienezer. q sud Roy with Mr. and Mrs C. Ash- 'ade started with f ive ijudges, Miss Trait Rangera met Friday night ______________ ton, Burketon. .1 Bessie Pascoc, Mr. Frank McMul- at thc hame of Wesley Oke, witi AAt the Sunday School-êession a len, Enfield; Mr. McCELaiey, Union; Wesley in charge, sud opened missio1na.rv Progrsm was ziven con- Mrs. Lackev and Mrs. Austin, who with thc scripture readling given BOYS, ALL-WOOL SWEATI sistinig of readings by Misses Freda chose: as best dressed lady, Freda by tic Mentor. Business period I with zipper. Reg. $1.25 * I~Bradley and Blanche Degeer snd a Bradley;' most original, Mrs. C. followed witi President Ralph q chorus liv thc Rainbow Girls' Class. Crossman: best trio, Jean Burr, Found in charge. Devotional tapic s ,i Congratulations to Mr. ald Mrs. Alice Ashton sud John Siemion. Af- was given by Bob Rundie. Pro- Huizb Degeer (nec Grace Collier) on ter the ludges had civen their de- grami included: Mouti organ mnu- their marriaRe. cision snd characters bad unmasked sic by Eddie Rivctt sud Pete LADIES' FMN 0" EII We are gald to, welcomie Mr. sud Mvrtle Page took charge af s short Kichko; tapic on "'How to WinLildo nnd Mrs. Cecii Siemon to aur commun- voaram. Rev. H. H. Lackcv gave Frienda," Ralph Faund; reading, de orule ............. ity. They have moved .Onto their tie devotional; Piano solo, Blanche "Twe, Kinds af People," Wesley_______________ F- ue complutie progrMM of farm narth of the village vacated by Preston: humorous reading, Eunice Oke. Gaines wcrc played sud re- short geet4 mbjecis sud Mr. sud Mrs. Alfred Riciipds. Knapp; iruitar music liv Allan freshmnents servcdliy lira. Oke, Mr. Lloyd Slemon won second Wcarn: rcading liy Alice Ashton. when an cujayable time was MEN'S IIND OAPESKIN 003".eY Ustures. prize at the Aunual County Live- Remainder of the eveniug was spent spent. M uk rW4gecu .I Matins m tOurday 2M3 p.>». stock Judgir Contest at Blackstock. with Rames sud contests. Apples and Amnig thc ladies ta attend tichek rW, Ty rs» Synipatbv is extendcd te relatives csudv werc served. sectional meeting at Blackstock af q of Paul Cvmliroski wbo passed awsy Mr. sud Mrs. J. Tyers, Mrs. Eti. W.M.S. Presbyterial werc, lira. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. suddeuly on Sunday at Bowmnvillc Paisley anàl Joan sud Mis& Lorua Cecil Worden, Mrs. Ross Peace, NOV. 13- 14 -Hospital. Sanders, Taranto, Mrs. Sviter, Ot- lira. Beauchamp, Mrs. A. J. Gay,O n y 4 NOV. 18 14 - 15Cburcb service Sundav at 3 p.m. tawa, at Mr. T. M. Slemon's. Tby Mrs. Russel Gay, Mrs. W. C. u td cairne to celelirate Mrs. J. Sanders' Smith, Mrs. Franke Rundie, Mrs. i JAilifle"8th birtbday and prcsented lier with Herb-. Osborne, lirs. R. E. os- £T AD W INDVO Burketon a beautifiti boueuet of mumis. liorne, Miss Louise Osborne, lira. IKIEW. n Cunr A. meNv sts CArch,"gCae Ail eo raspledidS h o bl staring Fredoeio Mardi, _____ hstilAins. llPeortdalira. Ber B.nnhtt Ami S@b&» aD . Receut Visitors: Mrs. King and was gziven liv Mrs. Wmi. Stamton: o mtn. Serpr nsairGv e eo Ealph Eflh1my. Nina, Miss Marie Hartnctt, Osh- nrudintlv Mss ilî s htoSalns; Byron Wardeu, in comparnycie emto l ~iru-awa, witb Mr. sud Mrs. S. Mof fatt. __________iss_______________________ndsretrne on -*Mrs. T. Breck with Mr. Breck piano sola, Elva Orchard; paper liMdy w i ht fronda reuned ngti MainuMoMy4pm lnToono..WalceBrc adMiss Smale, Slins: solo liv Mrs. L nMaudayBelvlgeromachunting tp _________________ WmatnesXday .30 p.>». n rot..d lam e Bh rck1uda Ashton, "Is That Snmebadv You.?"; thnrqtia ofele Con eahliigur lir E Aaîs wthM.. . art, on Red Cross Work h iss M. tir quByoaa. de. ogratuls- "Treasure Trait" which causda Son WsoMr. sud Mrs. T. Baley sud tslkM. tofa yran W.nodu 230P.».westr adMs.1 Ge E. Virtue, Taranto. A social tjme Mr.sud lira. BfilAllin as n great deat of fun. Lunhwslf Rub, . Mr. age nTMrt. . Gee. was svent sud lunch served.. Dean, Bowmanville, were Sun- served. a Mr. a . HgS. of in enate.. Aunual Thank -Offering service day gucats wti lMr. sud lira. W. W. M. S. met Octalier 3ilat, witi tice, m~u. r. udMrs S Mofat i Oba>a.will b. beld in our cburcb on Sun- R. pickdl lra. A. His, president, in charge. 0f c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO h. We CD Elke ho>»bld1fr.Biod Wicoxeutetale tccommunity hall as a fine fe»Ciao11.59J P.>. Nov. 21. SIý -WoCanMak-Thm Rlda iew inienda at a Hallowe'en succeas witi a gaodly numlier in Net good ou trains 15 and 6. Smit party. costume. Prizes were awarded te For laU Information, consuit trio Sixteen W.M.S. members at-I Miss Helen Youngman, Miss Lor- Agents. Procure Handbll. wen< tended Oshawa Presbytcry Sec- na Hoaper, Stewart g{ooey, Wes- POOnRI SRIE Peî no &. atu tional Raily at Biaclestack. ley Hilis, Harold Martin, Sidney PO RINSRIE Mr. vookd Sistation GaMis oee arin inIrn CmrauDneWl Perrctt sud 1fr. H. Faulkener at- aid Dudlcy, Doris Park,p Edith Canadien Canadien Vi tle' selsid eaddr cent ior art n, y.Ms Le. Cmron, asDon- &IOM a w KIg t, moi% , Eouawle]Phone 26dte26s cnetona ediy i. .latsn sist-PalcNaoa tI Peterboro. cd by Mr. H. Parkin, took charge A c M È -Special Harveat Services will ai tic entertainnient, which was- war IAU I I SATURDI ARE Ri THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH. 19»9 I Y' Y! kt The Arcade ;teadily and colder weather coming these bargain days are indeod timely LGE 0F THESE WONDERFUL VALUES AND SHOP NOW PULL 69o .......2pr.$ IBOYS' HIZAVY YAMA OLOTH PYJAMAS. Reg. $1.29 ......................... ILA]ýIE8' RAYON MIXTURE WARM ROSE ............ ..... pro. MEBINATION$ I .............................. sh AND ALL I VESM ..............2 pr . S I I r $1. MEN'S FLANNELETTE PYJAM AME NIGHTSHIRTS.\ Reg. $1.35 .................. IDENIN AISMN ISS EV Ltbbsa 5M L WP,' JV FLANNECLETTE PYJAMAS .................. T ERS MEN'S EEAVY RIBED WOOL SHIRTS ....s I...... AND DRAWERS. Eeg. $1.25 ............... DL WORK K.190 . 6 $ys IIH GW Ia'l ases ............ 2 for$ I MEN'S FINE ENGLISH BROADOLOTE R FLANNEL $1ME1GIS RADLT .............................SHIRTS. Reg. $1.25 and $1,50 ........ ............4 pros ...........3 pro: $ LDES' oII$ $3. 5 ................. PANCY. PATTERNED BATHE TOWELS, 20" x40" ...................... 4 for$ 'i $ !ERS $1, SPECIAL VALUE. BATH TOWELS $ ........................ 15" x30" .....................................10 for h. rq GLOVES ,I IBOYS, INED LEATHMITTS, ............................ knitted ouffi .............................1...........3 pra. iGLovEs Reg. $1.25....... r. LADIES' auLKOREPE AMm SATUN I B OUSES. Reg. $1.49 ............... ........... M.ore Shopping Deys te Cbristmas p At The Arcade [y t the Red Coss duriug their Caupi-n for Fuids me fine thoughts on tic prayer varu'. Guest speaker, Mr. Jarvis, sud how it helpa aur individ- Betbsuy, spoke on "Bec Kecping sud sud church lice was given by Honey ;" Mrs. Jabez Wright favared leader, lira. A. Hilas. Election witb a piano instrumentq "The officers will ha heid at Dcerni- Babblingr Brook ;" a talk on~ Com- meeting. munitv Activities was Riven 1w lira. Hermnan Hooey, who also cqndu ctcd a ouiz cont ct. There wag a good BlacksEL-tock atnac.f _______A 25th weddiugz anniversary was celelirated at the home of Mr. sud Zeccut Visitors: Mn. aud Mrs. Mrs. Rupert Bvers Nov. lst in han- rry Vincent, Toronto, with Mr. aur of Mr. almMnr. Harrv Graham 1Mrs. Chas. Smit... Mr. and (uce Mav Mouutjoy) of Tarpnto. A 1.W. SadIen, Mr. Richard Day ounse of moi'-' was preseuted ta 1f amilv, Balsam, with Mr. sud thcm sud a vcry bappy cvening was ,.Raobert Sadien. .. Miss -Mildred tniovcd. cer sud Mr. Elmer Archer vis- A good cnowd atteuded the W.M.S. around Minden. . . Mi. sud Mrs Rallv lu the United Church, Thurs- ssel Willsu, Tononto, witb Mrs. day. Sec report eîsewbere. i. Stuele. . . Mn. aud Mrs. Ivan 3ok, Toronto, witb Mns. John St. John's Anglican Cbnrch held xlow. Sho their Annual Fowl Supper Friday evenîng, a large crawd Pantoate of, lublic Sho teachers wene away the maiiv rood thinga toeat. A play ursday sud Fridav attencling thÇ from Ebenezer, Provided thie enter- ichers' Convention lu Oshawa sud anet .erboro.Service at the United Cburch $un- lie United Cbuncb W.A. met at day eveningr was witbdnawn lu f av- sAllient Wrigbt's Iast Tbursdav our of the North Neatîctan Anniven- )n Tuesday about 50 junior Fanm- n. gathcred lu the village ta eurîll n oceeded ta neigbboringr farma Amniog tic important coopera- ne thev ludged stock. A lianqtict tive services rendened by public îservcd to them lu the cveuîug te United Churcb. Sec fîsllen ne- graups is thc Enrolmeut of Nurses lui anotber columu. for Emcergency Service, jointîy tJohn's A.Y.P.A. met at the provlded by tic Canadian Nurses' th Bras' Oct. 31st. Talkç ou the Association sud tic Canadian Red ota the convention at HamiltonCr -e yc lve Miss Vers Farder, Cros. A list ai nurses, approvcd sildeut, asld Miss Ethel Carter, liy thc Registered Nurses Associa- .Tom Hodge sud Mn. Gea. tien, is pravidcd for thc Depart- fe. meut of National Defence, wlth rictorian Wameu's Institute met tenre'adcsskp pt Mr s. A. W. Wrigbt's Nov. lat.tenrs'adse kpu o ammittee waa chosen ta Icad in date, sa tiat nurses cailed upon ,work sud $10 voted for buving mray ha reached at any time. 13ATA COMPANY STARTS E«PORT Indicative ai thc speed ai con- struction sud building sud in- stallation ai praducing machin- cry, is thc fact that tic fauet ahlp- ment ai shoes manufactured by thc Bata Shoe Company for ex- port, left tic factary at Franke- fard tie otier daý' en route to Kingstan, Jamaica sud Port of Spain, Trinidad. Wti production increasing at a napld rate, expert ai shea wlll accondlugly b. greater, a report from, tic lite Of tic compsuy stated ta-day. IELP KIINMýEYSI!% GIN PILLS help to flush away toil waatua, bnla;ging reief Imom bctah and iheumnatio twingua, Ia the United Statesasie for 1"GInoPil, à ain umm M sd thé u.8.-EnuIu sud n0w, lut* sBonomy 8" .Us BOYS' ENGLUEH BROADOLOTH SHIRTS. Reg. 69o ........................ 2 for -à 1 J I I p il i il i I J. i iil il£ ilI - h 'j h i~I il£ i j, h i~J UIIZTTE ADIES, BILK siips wfth 5 .................................... adjustable shoulder dzape ........................ 2 for - b à-