ed the rear oi many a village lot, BIRTH a. .. ~~~~~~~has been undergoing a process aiof _____________ m e N e ca tl i ne en en cttndown ani rernodelling GODDRD -In onral, n a PHOE CARK 114*pearance ofan up-toàdategage Mrs. Frederick "Ted" Edwin Cod- PHONECLAKK 1114Mrs. Walter Seidan, Toronto, dard, a daughter, Lynne DorI. ___________________________--------____ q in company with Misses Mildred and Zelma Cale, Callingwoad, HIGHPIELD - In BowmanvilIe Mr. and Mrs. Langman visited George Sprmngham, sanitary en- viited Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Park- Hospital, an Saturday, 0Oct. 28th, In Toronto. gieer, and his men have practi- er Saturday aiternoon. Before 1939, ta Mr. and Mrs. L. C. High- Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Bemhan and cally completed his contract af tea they taok a tour thraugh New- field, the gif t of a son. I~lAUaes* Vtinrn Mrs. Philp visited Mrs. Adams, instailing the heatrng and plumb- castle, seeiàg its two busy fac- ________Saes_______________a Puli cho Eecie wi J~post office. îty hall. Lest DBNTIS Pli olndsay. es i ngsseln ilro' nwtre adisetd h omn-M R I Ji- Hewson, Hî8ghway No. 2, south LOST -PURSE ON KING ST., D.- C. DAVET, V.B., an..c R .O IK held Nov. 17, and the High School Many carloads ai apples are Ontario Municipal Board wil of Harmony, ie givn upfarming between Vanstone's hili and On- ('oot>aINecslOt Exercises Nov. 24. bigsipdfo eefo etthe Village Council and BROWN,- IdcKESSOCIÇ -The and- *i ell by' , auctiqI4 Mon- tario St. Finder Please leave So. t r . .Tge OvrLnma' treecu W. A. ai United Church meets CNta.any C. truck inoads-atRatepayers ai Newcastle-on-the- nmarrnage is announced. of Ruth day,% . 1thi2%s fari stock, Statesman Office and receive re- l fi KIng t D.Y. nri tThe tc.O fie hus aura n ai be . r.Pec ror andhav bn ong trutkin ail clirec-Lake lat a meeting in the com- Isabel, daughter of Mrs. McKces- implements, corn, roots al Patatoes; warci. 4-1Ofie lienS-BttTget. HNE83 .m.t ,pm.Pon i group has charge ffpormadhv enigoruattwainasdrc munity hall Wednesday after- sock and the late R. J. McKeack, also bousehold furniture. Sale i, ixm. det PHN 849aa menu. tions frtepas w ots noon, Nov. 15, ta discuss the Satina, to Mr. Williami Bryce Terms cash. Eliner Wilbur, auc- LOST - FOX HOUND, ALL RED ___________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- Reeve and Mrs. C. R. Carveth Council's building by-iaw affect- Brown, Whitby, ait thi home of tioneer. 45-1, with white turtie on chest. A. L. man and chiidren, Mapie Grave, received word ai thc bfrth of a ing ail building ait Newcastle-on- the Uide's mother an Saturday, Darcb, Bowmanville, Phon 596. _____________________________ were Sunday guests ai Mr. and grand-niece in Chicago. She is the-Lake. Nov. 4th, by Rev. Walter Rack- The undersigned has received in- 45-1* Mrs. W. J. Ciemence. the infant daughter af Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Kay, ham, Hampton. structions frn Lew Hayes, Lot il, Mr. Hutton, Toronto, is reliev- Mirs. George Uglaw and grand- New York, motored aver an Sat- CAM13RIDGE -RICHARDS - O Con. 3, Darington, Minvers 1goad, epW n d ing for three, weeks in tac tellers daughter af Dr. Stanley UglOw, urday and visited hier mather, au- n o.htatte oe fl miles rh of B 1avle o -V labè-P é e t while Mr. Sutherland is on vaca- Mrs. Percy Brown spent a week the weekend only. Mr. and Mrs. y brdes atrnft1, - d Viola Nov. l4th, the following: l Brown teamster, milkter and chore in= THREE-QUARiR ACRE OR- 5-R00OPRMETIEU tian. in St. Catharnnes visiting Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck and Jack and r. Yhnetduhe fM.sd Mrs. Mare; Holstein Cow, 7 yrs. old, ne- No tabacca or drink habits. Age chard; also 3-acre onchard, full tiful adsadliypn,00 Mrs. L. Cryderman, Hampton, Steele. On Sunday, Oct. 29, she Ida Stinson and Miss Frances, To- T hos. Richards, Bowmanville, was ui ted in manniage ta Pnivate newed çnd af August, bred Nov. 4th; no0 objection. Appiy P.W., States- berinw apple trees, with ww f vc- a ntcyewydoatd Mrs. J. Joli, Mrs. Fannie Clarke attended Memarial United Church ronta, also visited Mrs. Eiibeck R.umrign0 te1t Jersey and Durham Cow, 8 yrs. aid, man, Bowmanviile. 45-1 noom home, ail modern canven- funnchet and Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Joli, To- where she had the pleasurable and Murray. Emrys R.edACambridgJerey nofArshie ieces ronto, spent Sunday wita Mr. and experience ai heaning Wishart Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin and Miss Royalan nsoAo r . iad Heifer r.od ornwFb IO ED OIINA ORN UO O IECO Mrs. Geo. Joli. Campbell sing two solos. Mary and Mr. Jas. Quigg left on Cors, ud nJesonofer. nd 3rd er, 2 yrs. aild, t nwFe. IOW niN EEDS cpOSITIOASa.$5 Paoha omte fS.Sna namtrti oDl- Rev. W. F. Banister affiçiated. renew March 17th. Holstein Heifer Write ta Mrs Annie Flint, CIO 2 hwom9sln9 oatoKn 20.0t 5000 aytrs George's Church met at tac Rec- ther, Toronto, were guests ai Mr. ware and New Jersey and wiil 2 vns. aid; Durhams Heifer, 6 mos' Vimy Avenue, Oshawa. 45-1* St. West, Bowmanville. Poe72o rt tory Tuesday. Reports indicatcd and Mrs. J. H. Jase. Murray was visit relatives in Wihnington. Mr. ai; oitnHef,2ms.od that over $60.00 had been cleared empiayed at iarmn and dairy work Gardon VanDusen is looking after DEATEISHQlateHia fr in thesooe, 2ToRete eN atB at tac hot chicken supper. ait Mr. Jase's this past summner, tac stock, etc., i their absence ton of Hay, Quantity af Turnips; Weekend guests with Mrs. Jna. getting necessary e x Pe ri en ce and Mrs. Wm. Quigg is helping ARGALL - At Newtonville1 .Nav. Melotte Creain Separator, goo4 as HOUSE TO RENT- DE-C. IST. ___________________________ Douglas were lier son, Mr. Water pior ta taking a course ait tac wita tac dairy. 4th, 1939, Eleanor C. Ar&al, be- new; Massey-Harris Mower, ýSeed 7-roomed brick dweliing, attic, DougasNewYor, rturingO.AC.,Gueph.Mr. Ross Dickinson and his ioved wife of Wmn. H. Argall, Drill, 2 Farm Wagons, 3-HQre Cul- fireplace, good fionrs, 3-.piece batb, frm bsies tp a hiao, Canclbr hrs aws gfather, Mr. Beni. Dickinson, and age, 73 vears. Interment at New- tivator, Fleury Plow, No .; Steel Concession Street nean Beech Ave. and Mr. and Mn,. H. J. . Ragen, hanse stable, carniage shed and Mr. George Stephenson -ieft for tonville Cemetery. Team Raite, National Gang 'Plow, Apply J.. E. Eihiott, -Burketan, Toronto. hay barn, such as once encumber- Haliburton on their annual deer Disc, out-throw; Fanning Mili, Set R.R. 1, or C. H. Mason, Bowmian- O N hunt. John Rickard and Art Toms CARVETH - Suddenly in Victoia, Tain Harrows, Set Sieighs, Set ville. 4$5-1 V ~ . aiso went out last weekend. Ir- B.C., on Nov. 8th, 1939t,'Arthur Team Harness and Coliars, Fiat- -- 1G win Calwill and Stanley Graham W. Canveth, aged 79 years. Father Bottomed Rack, Gravel Box, Wagon Persoiial To- taire advantage of the a=aun'brgi ro are tainking ai starting on their of Reeve C. R. Canveth, Ne.wçastle. Box, Massey-Harris Turnjpi Pulper, i huntinig trip ta Haliburton tais SHEARDOWN cietlyGrindstone, 2 Apple Laddens, Pig TAKE "1RHUGO" FOR RHEU ofrddin B u " ~ ueci weekend.drowned at Eastford, Nothern Box, Pig Trough, Wheeibarrow, matism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neun-ofeeddrn h B u u r n è dJ. Anderson Smith Co. have Ontario, Nov. 4, 1939, Wate Whiffietrees, Neckyokes, Shovels, itis. Secure quick, safe relief- al engaged Norman Pingle, contrac- Samuel Sheardowu, belovçd us- Forks; Cook Stove, aiso a auantif ty reoP ricte. ur e&Lfe eial 3r4 Aimnn versa tar, Bowmanville, to build a large 'band of Laura Tindale, in bis 39th of H-ouseboid Furniture. Sale at i1 tr nwieThe pcat brick addition ta their factory. It vear. Interment Laurel Hili Ceai- p.m. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbun, Company, 104 Richmond W., To- A will have a 60 foot frontage an actyee.451Att. 5 P o u tsBaeStana et qa o etery, Bolton. ______________45-1_________45_3 tac combined deptas ai tac aid STRONG - In Bowmanville Hos- LvsokFrSl Agents Every Item fin Your M onebuligadtcnwaresoey pitai, on Tbursday, Nov. 2, 1939, HI-RE______________ addition put up last fali. Work John James Strong, eidest son af FOR SAL-NINE YORKSHR BE A IITO INDEPENDENT Ths d uIy ac I I D es on the foundation was finished Mn. sud Mrs, William Strong, age pigs, 6 weeks aId. Phone 2336, Dealer in exclusive tenitory. Twa ThsA ,FlyBc fI os early tais week 'and brick laymng 56 vears. Hampton Post Office. 45-1 huudred praducts: Tea, Caf fee, ____________________________ was started Wednesday. Food Products, Medicines, Toilet- Guaranteed Not HeIp You Young men's class ai United WINTER - In Oshawa, Nov. 4, FOR SALE - ONE JERSEY, ries, etc. Get Christmas business.Çiv e rosyth Church S. School and tac arches- 1939, Walter Nelson WinteLr in bis anc Holstein aud anc Durham. Start immediateiy on thirty day -Gv eeosyt h e rs tra entertaincd tac C.G.I.T. Tues- 68th vear. Native ai Kirby, CI.!rke William Riznek, Courtice. 45-2 trial. No risks. Free information, ,~~1 day evening and at tac same time Township. catalogue. Jito Products Çompanir, KER yuR OUH.w idla made a presentation of a pen and FOR SALE - TWO GRAY PER- 1435 Montcalm, Moatreal. 45-4* RE OURYOUIELpencil set. and stand ta their for- Card of Thanks . cheron colts, risinz three vcars oid. FLFGR TAEThe most ne- mer teacher and leader, Stanley _______________ broken ta 'work. Appiy Albert FrEcag FULFIGRE TAE .ilabbe rcmedy Rickard. Mr. Rickard is still Mrs. William Strang and famjly _____ _ _- WILL EXCHANGE 260 ACRE chcsty coughé chsta wenwîshta acknowiedge wîth grrateful FOR SALE - GOOD YOUNG i arm, Darlington' Tawnship, equip- a 9 ' d ieprit;btafwmnh preito h idepesions ai Yorkshire sow. R. B. Dickie, En- ped with 30 Holstein cowfs, other'* aV 5 ancta olekl. aorlinquish'ed tac leadership to sypathy fron relatives, f riends sud uisilnstcadimenes, ukco- A IE - - s oz. 4c ChsGeny neiRbbours i their sad and sudden trct P R O C,,L A £8 ia aita9cas. bereavement. FOR SALE-NINE YORKSHIRE tac'forsarfn( bu 0 The young men's quartette ai pigs, 6 weeks aid. S. Hockaday ars ia5 crs omnil AIio 25o si»e the United Church, Wlbur Black. COMINGI EVENTS Hampton, Phone 2182. 45-1 district, voixd buidings, ta excbange burn, Wilbur Baskerville, Chas. ________________ for 150 acres. Must be izood fanms Hard of Hearlng Clemence and Stanley Rickard, Womnea's, Guild ai St. J<>n 1 FOR SALE - Il YORKSHIRE and stock exchanges optianal. Osh- Whiereaa'the (Jounoilo! tii ono omn Candin Paies sang i Salem church on tac Col Cuc are hbolding~ an afternon tes pigs,.6 weeks aid; alsa Massey- awa Real Estate Companv Liniited viRe1 at a meeting held on Nov. Wltpee eouar Càndln Paies borne charge last Sunday after- Ctthurch rs SuheElgin Harris Plow, Farmer's. Frîend, Phono .25. 45-1 2 Weeks' Supply Au rifle Ear BalSaM noon and evening. Miss Margaret Street, on Thursday, Nov. 16, 1939, ridinz plow, goad condition. Phone - directing that proolamation b. e d ead h .$1.00 A simple home treatment wéhlch Pearce went wita taem as accom- fro 4 ta 6 pari. Tea, 25c. Every- 25. 45-1 Wanted osr e fc Dy __________________ le brlnging new hope and ha p anifon taeir eelectians and also ' osrvneo!Riemrn.Da. Nwteefrl usasppta forfvirorn elosywheMr..R.cpard.bodv welcome. 45-1* FOR SALE - 10 YOUNG PIGS, WANTED - WOODEN WAGON acoordancewthshIheey roam nion violin soeywer. . rs W lo Bskbe.rv i ard.ssLot 10, Con. 9, Darlington. Apply wheei for a waaden axle. 5ApJy wt hreso1ugIon E. Blaksles of New Brunswick, MsWlu akevleadM~ Hampton Church Harvest HoICe. Fred Tabb. - 45-i* W. C. Parsons, R.R. 2, Bowman- AJIM-BO ItM 9"7 wrteO "Hve s'donebottie of Phyllis Langmnan also accampani- ser icbedonSnas-. vle 5 1ARN A ASM n t e h ru h eeassisting w_____e_____o________.ville_4_- Cystex ---350-75c-$1.50 has beena odrfui help om ea: t heaniverary on ivitation aiof ov 1ru e iaWbtmasie pm.b FOR SALEd7- t1WANTDO-UCUNTRYGROC-Saturday, Novemb rllhl hafosnoena ondorfu1 help ta m hepsor e. o .Rickard. s n n ih aeqaet; 6 weeks od eleClaut RW NE ONR RC ho oearmonth a mi lotal Newcastle Women's Patriotic 7 P.m., Oshawa mixed quartette. 3, Bawmanvilie, Phone 2242.. 45-1* ery store or one in a sniail town. Lemmen Ch.ck Pain- able ta erpanyoaiytl League has been issued a charter Speaker for the day, Rev. S. Littie'.FRSL SVRLGO Business of $100 ta $200 a week froin 10.30 in the forenoon until 1.0oookno ofand had ta have repeats sa ottn rossarrcity n by v aairtued ai __BA., ____o 45-1 FRSL EEA oAppiy F. E. cia S±atesinan, Bow- of RI.matucs tat 1thetabled 1waulo t me, rar rant bycieyanad ian ed oof .Arn.grade cows and young piles. H. C. manville. 45-1* AP B I O IA In 48 HthSpatinfaran ed oudnov hear t atis it naw becomes -tac New- St. Andîrew's Women's Auxiliary Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone 3823 AP B I O Oh, what *oyaw48e he u pîaer înîy sriagaoîn, t headio castle Branch ai the Red Cross are baviniz a bazaar on Thursday, Clarke. 45_1* L'Veather Stripping framem Jay lsthoo eufrdock w s trikeoforoth a th o er Society. The warrant has been Nov. 23rd, in tbe Suaday Scbool FOR SALE - TWO REGISTER- GTRAD O CL EA < be observed as a tune o! Remean esu oiluo rhuatoo~nuîtspan uting e of te opau NE Atr suitably framed and hed duan thepose Shontbomenbulle, ther - Have voun windows f ixed ail oltizens to observe ItFORacoordiugly. who uses thîs simple Inexpansîve uslngan. botie cmAURIN EAR as ns ein ta b'ro fcoacin t . mTe reig hr-Hv vu idvsfxd n iin oosrei home reclpe. Just get a" package BAL.SAM I can converse wlth the bcoundiJ. choen ttHwasdunveifed willecountcy ore, hoe onding, de vean aid, bath sire*sud dams ta stop) the draugzht with ali-metal family as Iu the gaod aid days, b r.J ct oad ie pos onr trfih P, igh record R.O.P. stock, priced wetestpig.W ln ak of the RU-EX PRESCRIPTION ertelokeringadlsn memben ai tac saciety, on Nov. candy, etc. Afternoon tea will lie reasonable. T. W. Scott, Q)shaW4weat stappino wm sie.a4Pice fram your drugglat. Mix t wth hIn onthe pok ms atrkl n iten 2nd. Iri.ntrrnediate Cammittee ai served. 45-2 RR .«~ srinonabe. W. M . lnCrjien-s AETEKN a qeust'o ateray.Ntro ule of over the air aud beglunlng taoen- Red ross Society has appointed RR 2t442 er sudBlenW M.Sbop, Kb - GSt.AVEE. 4 fnios.ItI esy.No robleat Joy 1f. as lu the past. Wouid its president, Mrs. Frank O'Neil, Reserve Wednesday, Dec. 6tb, for terand____________________St._E. al n pesnt ihy eomedARIEER its representative on tac New- Darlinizton Sunday Scbool Conven- For Sale Residence, Church & Ontario Sts., omnilo.SI,199 Vou need only 2 tablespoaufuis BALSAM toanayoue who la hard cateBrnho teRd rs. ta u le held at St. Paul's Churclr; ________________42-4__________ two tîmes a day. Often wthlu 48 of hearlng for I know it wil do Yon eol' Union met Bowmanviile. Full particulars later. FOR SALE - APPLES, YOU E ..OEMyr houre - samotîmos avernight - painl t,,.mgaod." Befor. you îuvest lu Monday ngt wita Bll Rowland 45-1 mav obtain vour suppiv af chaice Rteadîngs beaves, atff joints are Iimbered. expensive hearing devioes try oue. in charge ai devotionai and pro- Talman Sweets, Mcîatosb, Spies, Try this prescription. Feel good, bottle of AURINE EAR BALSAM. grain. Devotional peniod cansist- Tomorrow nigbt, Friday, is the Greeaings and Golden Rpssets by TEA CUP AND CARp59 FROM Costa oniy a few cents daiiy. o arhrdfheigav burn, vocal duet by Wilbun and Cburch, presented i nder the sponsor- pily A. O. Parker, Né.wcastie, Store. 43-4* hlouey back If t dons flot heîp yau. ruigadbzigl h a Helen Baskerville, scipture a ship aif tbe Woman's Assocain Phoae Canke 3712. 45-1 O NO OIMNIL __________________ Get AURINE EAR BALSAM ta. exlnto yRt lread, and when pia pupils ai Miss Dorotbv FRSL OAOS 0 day. RelIef le quick. Colts anîy a a readmng by Jean Holmes. Mar- M. Edger, A.T.C.M., will Present the FORgSALE5-ib. b Ag5c onJs, C ut2fRe0io0n fe et a.Mnybc f~ garet Pearce and Refta Cooke bprog7r-1.. 45-15cHamat acksCort pfealin n Idasal- do es a I . Mn. ak f It avored with a piano duet. The ___________4_-1_Hampton__44-3 Tabet nest ai tac program included a Attention - Ex-members ai the WOOD OR SALE - 60 CORDS -alt Thc most reading by Pat. Pearce, piano 136th Battalion C. E. F., Durhami bard and soit wood, anc mile east Notice is bereby given that tbeI 5 grain b effective salas by Jim Powers ai Orano, Regiment. The Toronto Brauch of ai Yeiverton, Manvers Twp., bahf firat sittinirs of tbe Court ai Revision Kidney and selections by -tac Orono Boys' the Battalion Association are hoidiugz mile soutb off 7-A }lighWvay. for the Town aiofBawmaavilie, wili Unexcelleed f o r1j.e»mt1> Bras, urtte Mrs. Jini Tamn- colds, t bly Qart, ee an Armistice NiRht Banquet at the Roland McGiil, R.R. 1, Betbany. be beld ia the Council Room in the c coîdagriA h - flon the byn Orno- ld in anfiteresting Winchester Hotel, corner o a i n- 4- adT nFiaNvme _________- __ ' S 3-9 ai Mn. W. J. S. Rickard, wlth Mrs. fields ai endeavor and action. In Notice is hereby given that I'have 32 o. 3 b 9 lE. C. Fisher at tac ongan, sang as tac present state ai affairs man complied with Section 10 ai hve 1 30C Ib tac first anthem, "Great and Mar- needs moat ofa al-a-av---,fatVotons' List Act and that I av lblu,1I wiM.H . AI- in bis iclhow man restoned. W x N T :t osted up i my office atBowln- *oî lin and Mrs. H. M. Allin sang a The Chair sang "I Wilh Feed ville, on h t a ýNyme. tenon and alto duet. As an offer- My Fhack," tac basses and tenons 1939, the ls fah pensons eutite Bpeciala unlude seasonable punpin tory tac male quartette, Wihbur leading off in rlch volume, and A L. L..1 E B OPTICIANS ta 'vote itaec said municipaiity at New.Benn 1Baskerville, Wilbur Blackburn, Just befare the close ai the ser- Mnaa1 entlpm Municipal Elections, and that such LM N U R N EP E b 5 cream goccl, douglinuts, cakes, ceodes Stanley Rickard and Chas. Clemn- vice a ladies' quartette, Mesdames aout as 12 no teg pM. ift romnaine thene for insnectian. MOOR N EP L U. red1the best moneyr cmn buy. ecLang 11onHacve r ofta C.A.lfl an H. R.ParehsaM.ng ians"*MAnd I 1hreby eali upan ailvotonsa8 Ibe. Sooded oneLan " I te he erod tain A oan . R. PCare, sH.gm. e ew anc&t Modemta take immediate pnoceedjngs ta CURRAIIT - 25o RAIUtS - 5 le on your street ev.ry weekday - choir rendcned tac a n t h c m, "Now tac Day le Over." bave an.v errons onr missions cor- "Praise tac Lard ail ye nations," Baskets af îoveîy gncenhouso Alex McGregor nocted acarding to law the last a i whlch Misa Isobel Clemence chrysanthemunis a n d h a r d y CrI o ~elhin ndy a 4hTRON PEEL Me0 CUT P l 0 TV S uAKuERY and Miis Evelyn Allin, sopranos, 'munis fromn gardons adorned tac UOwmsnvflle --ont. iNvo~ei1939., and bMiss Jean Clemnence and Mrs. chunch at bath services.f 50,QWàar 'Up - r"Do»sh)a- *Au na, 0>gj J Lle Bowmanvile H. R. Pemrce, altos, were heard in The financiai objective ai$50. J.'-.-, le aitaT ni a aum-ettepart. was nat quIte achdb trnti- 01t "ie01Sz ea u c Itae cvcning Rev. S. Little- butions acatlconilng in and it ----- opsri- Dated this %hda'â wood's theme was, Falth In Man. la being closely appraached. ----- Novemb.~ 1939. 45-2 "J i I i 4 f s i I j 2 i .' *