Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1939, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, 'ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1939 ------- .igt Norh me of rton. On Mon-kstock Mrs. Gail Elliott, Lakehurst, Mr. Tink, Flower Girl, Grace Kersey; Mr. ormn L Moron.On on-Everton White, Misses Marie and Coaleis-boy* Chinese, Lloyd Allia; day heyvistedin Trono. ev.Edythe White, Bethesda, Mr. and Indian, Acv Horn .Hallowe'en adult, ew ---lste In epen ent R. E. Morton was the minister at Recent Visitors: Miss FetMa Mrs. Will Tonkin, Masters Billy and Witch, Elleen Wray; Comic aduit, PHONE CLARKE 1114 before his ful ordination into the Trnto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Esli Oke's. Lottie Horm. Old Time CouDJe, Mrs. Mehds Mnsr.OnSnayJohnston...Ms Hazel Mountoy, Mrs. Joe Dumontelle and son, Kersev and Ted. Comic Couple, Mr. You Bave. 100 on euch raol 1 gt uelr tue Almda ouc, Bffao, a e a th UntedChuch arsn-morning he conducted the anru- Bronte, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Donald, Sudbi(r" visited hie« sister, and Mrs. Luther Pascor: Best with Art Borders rDc~oEg Miss leaCuhBufll dathUntdCuc as- versary and thank-offering ser- Mouq agan vsitng er ousnMn ag Ocobe 25 wen issBoia vce Knda UntedChuch nd ntjoy. . Miss Mabel Van Cardip, Mrs. Arthur Found. pressed Couple, Elsie Hadden and A. awde. n ercuiMs.J g cobr2,we Ms et ic tKna noiited CuhantheUniversity cf Toronto, with Mr. *nd Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Van Nest and Doris Cryderman; Group, -Baba, A.Ad.Lenora Fraser, daughter af Mn.i th~é atenooa fiit d. t tMn Mrs. Win. Van Camp... Mm 7 R. son, Brian, New Toronto, Mr. and Bots and Bubbles, Bertha. Armnour, Pinkhams i eflow'sTot10 ae Mn. Clarence Anin, Orono, was and Mi. E. H. Fraser, Paisley, fuxieral service for telaeMr Dickey, Nestieton, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Donald Cameron, Bessie and Edith Rackhamn and Nellic Armour; w.rBUhOAB.A a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. and Mn. Donald Douglas MacKay, Fowler at the home of bis son-rn- Rry a htY e'get tTeYugsGar n ao hn.cmp. 19c- Tiverton, son af Mr. a4d- krs. law and daugbter, Mr. and rdBi87e r8m7cg ri laa hty we'ussatTeYugst ar n CrlCat Puli Shol. I.Mcawr ntdi ereLno h .P i Vincent, TorQ-nto, Mrs. Robt. Archer Grange. Miss Jessie Knox, teacher at H sc 87 H.u.bl ol Commencement mrigeo H. MacKa.yB.wre ntodn Gorge ane o heW F ic-with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smihti. . Mrs. E. Price, Mise Hazel Trull don school, bas been home viith thë will be held in community hall MmaanrMsiage JolbyornRev.d M. R. ruE. Mortothn.unus 'ardrezefarm.l.. November 17. Remembrance Day, Saturday, A small lire that caused some wtMr. am ers.Ge . Joi s Toronto, an d r. Jay Tr attndedf hMr-A umbe fos.ongPol Mn. and Mrs. Eric W. L. Pearce Nov. 11, will be observed iNew- excitement fon aUie occurrd at wib r. Sa JerfMr.. MNsiss Mndand- silvr edngc eeleb a stiof. anumdbte cofear Ynce PeoBlack-ez lchl. .. . . .gi and faniily, Claremont. visited at castie with a public service I the Mrs. Jno. Douglas' bouse Ot. 25, Mr.d Hooer, hMrJon Nsith t and adMs ec ae eesl.~teddtecneec tBak CertitIed Antifreeze ..ga. 1 9 Mns. W. I. Pearce's. communty hall at 10.40 a.m. Rev. but neighbars and several men Mr. Nare man son wfth holbrn.. stock. Miss D)orothy Hennig's many S. Littiewood, Orono, will deliver fromf the J. Anderson Smith Co.Ms omnMNîy hm. The Public speaking c..oitest on non rustlng, retanded evaffla!tIOfl friends are glad to see ber around the address and Mrs. A. A. -Drum- factory were soon on the scene A number from here attended theHa p o Mondav nigzht in the Sunday School again ater ber iiiness. mond, Orono, will sig. Rev. D. and pnevented it front spneadig Durham CountvY Plowir.'g Match at £a1ILf room was cuite interestinz. There ________12'o__-__210 Mr. and Mns. Gowdy, Taronto, R. Dewdney, the Recton -oi St. or doig. any appreciable damage. Yelverton. Waýs twelve contçstants in ail. First Xduu49' --20 visited ber mother, Mns. Ed. Bit- George's, will conduct the servie. Smoke was seen issuig fromn a At the High School Hallowee Recent Visitons: Mr. Allan Park- rrize was awarded to Miss Tose0hine Box of 30 - --40 I tain, and aunit, Mns. Jno. Douglas. Ail in attendance thoroughly Snan room off the kitchen inParty in the Cotnmunity Hjjj, Mon- er, Montreal, with Mrs. M. Goodman Courtice: 2nd to Miss Betty Smales Eoc Sse - United Cburcb Junior Choir enjoyed the denlcous stewed chic- wbicb Mrs. Douglas bas installed dav eveninz Miss Margaret Thomp- jamss o uis ewGoantle, Mr. mi3dntost is s e n B rafoks.hei _______________ anniversary service Sunday even- the ladies ai St. 43eorges in the She and Mrs. Britton also use it as Rcynald Archer first for the lovs and Robisoi an 2ie0 levlan9eOiaeffrts hig. arisbhall ctobe 18th Dessrt aclothes closet and it la assumed Neil Jobnston won the prize for the Mr. Gea. Griggs, Califaynia, Mrs. We welcome to aur <çmmunity Tma 5 9 9 je.prihll, nd e, ith aee tat hefier.e aueanwhc cmi. r. . &.MANt.uan Wright.______TH Mrs. A. W. Glenne and son ai cakeMoore, Peterbora, Mrs. Griggs, PortMramMs.NWiht William Edward arrived home treats of autunin fruits, apple and at finst seemed a mystery, must Miss Lamna McColl were juge.lnd n .. Mrs. lE. L. Wil- AthothTempSunda cb gaol s en a oc 6 from Bowmanville Hospital Sat- grape, the kig and queen, con- have develaped from a spark get- Games ami dancing wet'e caloyed. Osiawaon...Mrs. EberJohntaff M. shotemwe rc lettogram ap r- Gind'ail --WSC- csFAMIY urday. cluded an appetizig meal. There tmngito a kixnona whicb Mrs. Al Saints Day was observdiOads A, W ri hts E an .Mr. S enabytd awheMpres ltvry w ch- Dd' >l ,-3oS A successful sale af bousehold was mne alter entetainient but Douglas had been wearig wbile St. Joh'sChb rancMs.AofnWigt nd r.Sa al.tol.aTe75anc 1.r6wic furnitune and appliances was beld the suppen guests ligened aven she was atteiidig the funnace or ons nc »i a',' Wright with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. had its lessan and Mr. H. Faulkner 0~ 5 .0' 9 atMn. . 'Nils atrdy !-thirplte h aplasntsocial bandling the ashes, and whicb A verv successful Officers' Con- Allin. Mr. and Mrs. U d.Pakert gave a short talk alôngz Temperance stone bot Oomp. $1-00 ternoon. atmospbere. she had afterwands bung in the gress Of the Oshawa Presbver 8 Oshawa, with Mrs. Ê iebr. unes. lIn the evêninoe W.M.Sha Buchu Jumiper Little Miss Marléne Laklng Many ai bher Newcastle friends littie noorni The garment was held in Blackstock United *Ciui'cb . . Mrs. E. S. Naylor and Miss Lil- charge of service, whin Bel', W.25-WC-10 celebrated ber fint, liallowèeni were pleased te meet and greet nuined and some damiage done ta aoven the weekend. The sessioni..be- lian Naylor, Bowmanville, at Mrs. RiRdam gave a fittiniz missionary -- - -10 panty at ber grandinother's, Mns. Miss Isobel Stephenson alter ber the paint and woadwOkedb the Kan Saturdav afternoon. A banciuet W., G. Doie's. .. Miàs Cecile Petit address. Mrs. Flance Roberts, Bow- Wmi. Hennlng. return home Oct. 24th, and ta room. wssre vlde fWA n ibMs ldr haaBw manville, contributed twa beapCiu Mn. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan express te ber pensonally the slides.were shown, in the evcning. mtanville. . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cav" sala "N1earer My God ta Thee" and,. 15e Glass BOWI e llteR o spent Sunday i Belleville and pleasure they had neceived in Two services on Sunday wene great- erly, Taronta, witb Mr. and Mrs. "The Lest Chord" wbicla were well à cakes Soap 5Bae attededannvensny ervce a redin berweely e'ttns ram NEWCASTLE Y. P. U. lv eniaye$L. A number of people .u C. W. Sauch who accomnanied theni nendercd and added much ta the Alfr-2cN O 9 Uttned aChurch ay ernace eangdan her conylètlent. Miss HALLÔ1VE'EN PARTY this cammunity entetWgned dolegates on their neturnata TarontQ... Mr. service. Mr. H. C. Ailin was in Bow- Stephenson attended St. Geoge's ta the Congreas ove Sunday. en--n-----avale t n manvie on Sunday afternoon Cburch on Sunday monning, Oct. oeetnng teSna Relatives and fniends gathencd at C. J. Kerslake's. . ,-M(rs. R. Remuie, Pus Chunch anmiversary. land, and received the delighted gneeted at the doon by a ghost- Stinson Wedaesdav eycninz ta bold Toronto, Mn. J. Streets, Ente, Qnt., CUURM DE Sypah l etnddteMn altainsf the members ai the like figure with a pumpinh head. a farewell Partv far Miss Marion with Mrs. W. J. and Mn. aud Mrs. A H RE Cyahni yaw ie a onlln- ogeainatendeber two .saltatins The Sunday school was deconated Stinso whô bas acepted a positian A. H. Clemens... Mr. and Uri. N. Recent Visitons: Mn. and Mns. S.Buke'-- 0-TO Law, on the death of ber brother, absence. witchcep pan c onnat pebukinISSU M. JaesD M.s obt. now T he str ee oung peopledhiweind the naomn, while in one corner an Cartwright Public Schoal pupils es Helen ad Betty Knox at Mr. L. Taylar's. . Mn. and Mns. M. o ---25-O Mand ugr Rb .owmnilwere grand witun peolinrfaeoaird witcb bent aven ber kettie an avd teachers were entetiied ta a D. Sykes. .. Mrs. A. Blgtichard in Emnersan with friends at Waadstock. Coentu*d,fm Sunday guests af Mn. land, Mns..Hallawe'en iquest of handouts iMissi o h un foeshwi h RylTetrBw oonand et n. Mnrc .Elme WightdMe, rn. to70r0. E IiTa .Piz - Walter Crowthen and Mn. and and any chcwables they mihtcent one could amuse oneself in manville Fnidav. This treat was ivn Misutson B ad met ischNch-. Les e W righ d MuneTrand, 0 theETSrhrrllu Mn.. Gea. Crowther. obtain. Tbey came fram baunts vartous ways. G u e asa i n g the bv the zood-earted Rotany Club. Minu.tese repb ori ws reid-a Mrs. Peter Wits M n. and 'toth sol Mn. and Mns. Irwin Allin'. and of village and countryside and weigbt ai a watermelon was idev. M ario ersep oortwrea Mrsll T naWilsn an .a nd Mswih rs.% - 3s 8for2 -- Db- 0 Mn. and Ms.. Howard Aflin'. made bouse to bouse cals on charge ai Cbarley Glenney 'and call bv Shirley Piagle. Caîl ta wor- ends in Oshawa.. *Mn. Win. Haw- J ' rod.dT ottb.2o young people sfent Hallowe'en at most ai thc burghers and their A awn i 'c ael ba Ucnene al msbip by M~rs. J. Reynalds: scriptune thorne, Newcastle, with bis aunt, _______________________ thc home ai thefr suunt, Mrs. S. damnes and i most cases neceived A arof______nth nrne readinz by Audrey Kerscy. wanship Mrs. Jas. WilliamnWo .. Mrs. R. Venten, Bowmanville. some tribute ai candies, apples, ai wbich was tabulated by Wil- trwatodb Ms.gyls, cClwihren I.Tot.. Th J Adeso Sit C. opor o pants Bitonsbur Basisenville,. alter eacb per- Our chair funnishcd the music in soywstl y n. yod, McColl wih ficd I. oana.NOVA -KELP T BL S he J.Ak nd eeranewmibanda. Storno eman oen pe5i lon's guess, was won by Patricia the aiternoan at Long Saut 'An- and onai'cr bn Joyce Alli-. 0f feninK Miss Mnl oe with Mn. J. aye aknn gtsvrl ns hae as.orend gaedgso!pseets p i a c. nnstGsbaondrss i 'ena nd repart a fine service. was taken by Marion Kesey. Prayen lobs... Mn. and Mns.. 1. Wiffler 79e 13 27 bee ndinit shionthae goud ls b nddav afish of llera. M aryasashcik, guesaed the weigbt of Y.P.U. on Oct. 25th was opeued by. Phyllis Niddery fallwztd by a in Oshawa... Mn., and Mns. L in place ai much Prdy, by the w n n wbo paid bis cent, and by the Presiclent, and Miss M. Cal- storv b, Mrs. Reynolds. Games were Tablin with the Wilson f amilies... --W etls u i ree tue ork plae ofiacory laver-rya itte ame ad tee ie agave an apple if be was five lacutt taok change of this Pnogtramn: nlaved.Ms oaPre&s ootwt busywr. Tefcop svr na ize aoofmeadresbm a w.pounds eut Allthose not in cos- bible reading, Mn. W. Taylor. t2pic, Y.P.U. beld a Hallawe'n mas- Mn. and Mns. C. H. Porteu. . .PHN IIUt L K Anivrssyan Tan-afcing Aofaeoogue tarswaws lia turne judged those wbo weïe, a!- RAv. A. W. March; readings, Mrs. auerade on Friday. The pnognam Messrs Ralob ani d 1 ur ' Emrson 05 r l UW IIr m u EIE snierveswslan.ed The Umte Ui c h raom eaiMs Norni dan t tnrthey .had rmarched anound ln H. Barrie, Mn. L. Squain, Miss If.consisted of piano solo, Mrs. Albert with Mn. and Mft M. Emerson. .. POEP .C W I sherceslbeh Sunyen.d5threentai of ited Cboran W.M ,their groupa. The failowing won Werv and Mrs. S. Buttcrv; -vocal Cle: solos, Mn.. Richards; Sax- Mr. Oscar Edwards, Richmond Hill Bey. S.nLitlewoda, OrNo. wi S., Ocet ofrU26,tudenUc upc esWM.pnizes: Best dressed lady - Arthur .solo, Mns. Dancb; piano salo, Daphine aphone numbens, Al6ert Darch, af with frienda ..r....Mns, Sara Gil- pncacS.hLatlewa.m. a n opm Te M.. Wm. Cawun auspd ises Ciemence; best dressed gent -Bill Buris: mouth argan selection, Mn. Bowmanville: akit b1 ' n m Mrs. christ at bier home in Shant, Bay. pchr u 11r a.c lander7bpaMn. Ten f rus m ans andliss ERowland; beat coups -Bill Baw- C. Collacutt. A contest was con- Charlie Warren and Reg. Rackbam: ..Mn. and Mns. M. Nesbitt, Mn. W. J S.Ricknd ill ravde . Blckbrn rlatd th exeniland and Madeleie Fax; best ducted bv the leader for tbe social Rev. W. Rackbam gave a reading: and Mns. S. Malcolm in Tgroata. ian chuncli wene well attended and' tai. vBwavleRtnaaa speci.lS.usic cniHprvi es Baikber np eted N e Yesi cmie- Bent Janvis. Ch a ie y aeriod. Attendance 14. Reoe. Rackbam conducted humanous Miss F. Fallis is able ta nestiue the fowl suppen and concert wene Fia feno tRylTete Seea ecateldesa-cmany with Miss Lilian Smnale Clemence aud Garnet Rickard led Sornv ta lcarn that. Mrs. J. New- conteatMs . il e ncai- lher duties at Caemuhsarca School %run $00 tede UiNceabtel et ing lda i Uic sigbts h ad in gamnes. A lunch ai pumnpinhman bas been laid un for aven a munitv singinz. Candy and apples Mns. H. Sheffield i. unden th ercbe iniat ncedshurohunda00 ai W.MS. the lcksb tock mes-ng andt the nds ir. she asepie, apples and coffee was served. week were served. The Iudges were Mns. Dr.'s cane.Sevc aUtdCbrhSny Adier erWnso ws da Wm. . avt Ck . A.eCo- she sa e ptred s ai hei L onraultin o.an. d Mrs. Albert Cole ami Mn.and Mns. Ipercy Sympathy of the commniity is was taken b, Rev. S. SaywelL Stabb ic ie awo Mae .R avtC.A o-soe n.. W. E. emaofgave a _L Skewis, Oshawa, (nçecViola Cowling, Bownxanville. Prizse wyi- xtended to Mrs. (Rev.) J. Forbes, Mn. Robt. Camp)bèll ba,Cgone te egvealf. h hcbhkr MnpHle.Franciad H. .nPethe, arrivaI. W.f. aefan gveeaners were: Nursery Rbyme, Humpty Weston, in -the sudden de&th ai Mr. work fan Mn. Wilfne Bowles. Mllhv agtcasa hi w jwith Mn. E. C. Fisher arganist, taIs, illustrated with miany fie M p urove babycirl. te:rialo af 1 Dumpty, Shinley Pingle and'Phyllis Forbes. PbiScalbiedf ar-nnmanthmePotAhu renend aqurtete an M. W pst ara sd na meos, oudber.__and_ s A.Niddery: Hallowe'en, Cat, Mar aet Soecial services in the Presbyter- wrigbt township were well enter-NesConce E. Bemnan pnepared and preseutcd neccut trip ta Uic Mariiie u Glad ta wclcome Mn.andMrs a pageant. some ai Uic New England States, Recent X9sitors: Miss Ruth Armu- Richards 'back tao 'ur communiît. Mn. Balph Gibson, Oshawa, was i company with Mn. Beman and strng, Toronto Hospital, Weston, at Thev are moying in this week. iu Newcastle Ou Manday and vis- their niccc, Miss Irene Rincb. home. .. Mn. B. G..Stephçns, Solina, Mn. PR Carnishbibts returned f ro* itedtheUi higb achool te get a cen- Bey. R. E. Morton was Uic ev- Mn. Clark Stephens, Enxtjijçllen. at the West. tWfed statement af bis schaol eaing preacher at Uic Unianville Mns. R. H. ArmsÙrngs... Miss u standig in anticipation of bis Unitedi Cbuncb on Suuday, Oct. Jessie Yellowlees, Oshawa, visited 'a l - - goig toNatbern Ontario t taise 29th, Uictheaccasion oaihe6ti Mrs. D. Pickad. . Mn. and Mns. gWE a position as tume keeper at Uic anniversary ai Uic cbuc. Ms. Bert Clwell, son Teddy, Town, Mr.ixg a l uiet wper lug. wasils ofrh Mortoner m paniTh him, o s he Uic Mrs. .W.r FoIntne hm .Bwav.,EVL D east af Kapukasing. 'trip and alter the service Uiey Mark Blackburn, Orono, on Sunday. Recent Visitons: Mu. and Mrs.U .u with then... Mns. L. C. Snowden, Mn. and Mrs. F. G. Smith... Mn. Misses Betty and Mildned Snowden and Mn.. Wmn. Smith, Tononto, witb witfi Mn. and Mns Norman PiagIe, Mn. and Mrs. Robent Sums ajd also Town, and attended St. Paul's an- called on Mn. and Mrs. D. B. Fan niversarv services. .-. Mrs. Tac Du nelI. .. Mn. and Mn.. Cvrus Kg- Montel, Sudbury, daughter Mary niedv and Helen, Port Hope, Mn. and Joan, at ber bratben's, Mn. Charlie Mns. W. G. Smith, Toronto, with Steensamhome aftcr a visit witb Miss Ellen Kincaid and. Leut.ET HS AIIis-Chalmers Tractor andrelatives at Caurtrigbt. Mn. Ross Gordon Cawlinr wene iLarried in__________________ Uning AleC am r rco n Stevens, Mn. and Mns. M. M. Mun- Tarante, Sept. 16tb. Thev wilL ne- Pbwday retunned hame last week.. side in Toronto wbere Mrs. Cowling BSAVE ON A FU]tRIINE FI.UIY lo Miss Miltinet Snowden visiteti Miss will continue bier collegre course. Irene Lyon, Toronto, and attendeti Miss Mabel McRoberts neceiveti W IN TER "m COAT flhflA MfVE~ RFR~ thQu4en's-Varsityr rugby-. gaine. beati injuries wbile walng tbrougÊh MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6th ~~~~Rev. Mcmiii Fergusan, West Ani- Collacutt's woods, fnom a falling eualVles1Wm-tyo gola, China, will speak at church limb. Rma'beV~Ds 8n tls 2 pn to 6 P.M. service, Sunday. wefl nide coato that are realy un- A zaod cnowd was eut Syjnday ta Burketon 'n lr o saleprce1 w wbien two splendid addresses were____ 14 to 44. W rig tso W i ht' Fa ni ivea by Miss Betty Stevcns on Recent Visitons: Mn.. Sanderson Bomavilesu ¼nothcfHihwy) "Yauaz Caniada' Wan Cri' and Mn. dMn. W. Brns in Toronto.. .% (1 mile euat cf Bwafl n 19wt fRgw Lloyd Dawn, Ebenesen, on "TemPen- Urs. Catharine Cnaaks, Midland, Pl'wngAfafas uradonanse ami the Use cf Alcohol," Miss with Mn. and Mn.. Robert Philp. . I 29 PlwgA&f u onDonotby Snowden, who Me sick, Mn. and- Mn.. W. Bryant, Mn. andi_____________________ will Rive bier address anote t me. Mns. A. Moffatt and Marylin, Miss Representatives wlilb. present from thse Mus9-Cialmmr Misses Doris Stevens and Lenore Glaçlys Pnevost, Oshawa, witb Mn. Compargy and tihe Flèury Compaay tea aiswer myl questons. Collacutt satin "God will talce cane and Mn.. S. Mf fatt.. . Mn. ad of vau." Above atidresses wene ive n .CcrnDnadDorec at Temnenance Convention at Onono. with Mn. and Mn.. E. Adams. EVERYDODY WELCOME . Sec Comin Events for narticulans Mns. N. Bnayley, Toronto, Mns.. J. about lantern slides in basement cf Blight, Bnooklin, with Mn. J. Sb.ort- church Frida, eveninir. 4amit n . useMnnlt- ,."AdL oolk S um art lu M& t t.$, oream goodop doughnUby ,cakes, coolcies Boman bthexoressd tnein tnanks.chrefAdAanswtEleOk oq*#'s iu.ad, the but money eaz bu,'. lunch aIl leit for thein homes leav- ivinn the salI to worship: acripture innz with Mr. and Mn.. Bowman neadingz, Louise Ceurtice; chorus ai Ji n yurstreet very we1kday theù. best wishes and kind memqries. sonir was conducted by Velma Pearce on yourand vocal solo, Velma Pearcq. poem, ,~~ DAICERY ~~~~Regulations .ay that a Canadian senved.H.dutrufrFn lhe -i % FR soldisi' in unionni cannot cross Harny Wontien, Glen Pickell antimqut o FI Ub ]Bowmauvilla e U ne ta United States. Any lu- Onvil Gills anc cnjoyinz a. hplidy Phone M54 vasion af Uiat land must be af huntinu in the casternaProvinces.Bo m 4 _î Uic peaceful mufti variety. - Pet- Mn. snd Mn,. Hanni' Munnae and 4enbarop4gh Examiner. Margaret Joan, Toronto, Mn. and Il f PAGE SIX r- p..,

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