Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1939, p. 4

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àgm P . Jila g.mtsd a =Moabl Laoeoe.uwd l h . 7 ougdslld- £m mampwa up. Thba ahm wm «r"" 8S5000-40i cash oraumn lâom~ s h.mqpnfe. ALL the sweet iemries in the world can Aneyer compensate those who> are left bebind for the hartiships andi humiliations of poverty that must h. endured when "there's no insurance." But, thousands of bereaved families live on in comfort, free fromn moncy werries, because a loving husband and father thoughtfuliy arranged ta perpetuate his incarne through Imperial Life. Their grief is tempereti by his forethought, flot intensified by privation. The question for you ta decide is: Wil you anake a slight tvolautatry sacr#ica n»w in order that your widow andi your children may not be calieti upon to make forced sacrfices tbus? Only >oa can decide. -See Uie Imperial Life representative today. Your decision wiil enable you ta ejoy Uic peace, of mimd of those who protect their loveti eues against future oeoney hazards. IMp;RIAL Mus US SD YOU 1»M18BOOK Ym ".di. la Wew Pnb!.Us L#. luaur." ou f. ,WP&tl.I &,Write ImperlalmiE Zïugdcei, 20 Victoria SureefToronto. O0" E.OSéORNE 1BOWMANVILL - - LWIf Roprosontativo htexaîiwqntfoi British Soldiers j.yous Pastime when 0f f-Duty Writttc For The Statesmazl Uic fume is ripe, Brîfaîn won'f sec Di' Marie Clark Benl-* nme for dusf 1.I Ghasgw, Scfland Everv wafian who lias tha urge i Glsgoemwr, 1939. weýrking, and as I have led ua. io f Der Sta tem 2, 93. urges," I am naturally on f le go Tea Emreisc tai"saile ail flic time. My principal dafies at Teserdyor Canada utraa7sae wasresent are dividcd befwcen in=ct- hiterly frpack da urom seta ste r o f billets, wighing ouf raftins, lith ralyDefu r m ein s i-c-and entertnining flic Tommies. The ferhrete lef ber itn,uf me îthi-ce dafies keen. 'ne fairly busv -' fierdt e pinv fr gm wicnt-av el-in f acf I sldcm cet a real mi ande I e t f oherab1y sae. Cuns cf coffee wifli a i-eh and ieiiy and lik to eel olerbly a-cem forte. If I find time, I have The "Duchess" cais - nice bonis f iied fuis - thaf is when there is tac - are I undersfand, te be any fishl If everythingelcIe fajhs, I convoyed scon, sc I hiînk I shahl beat, cot a liotel fo s-bian timeuntl thn. s son a I eelYorkshire. If fastes decidcdlY lus- Weighingz ouf Uic rations is as be- focie. I wroteq givinz you det ails S when I was in flic seutli cf Engiand. H-ere in Scefland if is Uic same -1 < ihi~Nif's paper, Uien weigh, brcwn paper S and stii add nauscuin, if yea let Fmqumt C oif cet Voa that wav. But as I tohd C O i you, I. arn a good sitter, and f rom LOS iglit bours te ten Pei- diem doesn't boe me. If's better flan beingz in VIL roeeing disa- flic trenclies 1 Now, I've told-yen nofrta cf choat about "«Billettin' ", at.îd I'vc tohd yen coMa andl ?"'#kt oeugha, rab about the butter, but I haven't fcld rVapoRub on tmcet and veti about Uic liglifer side - enter- backatWetie.Vap Rub'spaul- fainingr the Tommies. So II describe tiSwqx acionrmmmq- an evenine af flic Y.M.C.A., in flic tioofUpPrai == eaes oD b anc iafifwill intercsf voti. - soreess f cest nd nus- In aimosf evcry cifv and town in Bitain, there is a "Y" wlicre af ai- intjb ilee. mcsf anv hear cf the, affernot or & For couluing emal fritatd evening, groups cf soldiers off dafY i-tat cîused by cldae, Pt are ni-ene te cangregate. Oatside, On VapoRub on the dild's tonguetlt licwali, arge Posters prochaim flic t f0 the irritaton. lu fact fliat evcrv eveningt enfertain- massage VapoRuli on thrOat ment s are beinr arranwed 'for the and cheit. boys. If generalv ronds somcfhing e poda l «J' miike this: làq hod,= ImdtVa-mu "Comle one- Come ahi. Ia bowl of boIing water. Have Music and Ccmmunity Singing fhdildeatht linfthc steailihig at8 e'<hcck vapors. ThiaseRa itmPbleglflRcfrcslments céars air passagusakes bàh- Men in uniforin admnitted -re."» lngocasi r. AIwsqeV~ a oRyh So nigbflv at 8, large nambers cf on trimat and duest = à Tom0< mies ,pour, info 'Uic halls, and familles use tiiose tbrec tilRa thc fun commences. The beys Uhim- tou c trat.seves cent ribute a gi-caf doni and Ments.Uiey enfer Uic affairea with a zest WV APORUS flatis wonderf ni. The cenccrf, Partv - on the stage consiste af a ianist, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1939 PAGE FOUR IDRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES COATS - DRESSES -SUITS 15c .each or 2.for $1.00 White Flannels At Regular Price Osbawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Ço. Ltd. Phono 419 W. CaUlFr S ad Delive THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BOBBY PORTERt PICKS A WINNER Passe vaImmbi p sEing tema sport. Hue hims e n otbr e fi ob eaI otXhm 1aeSar oey plraa forMail. hokm md e "teaa.h m isonof tahas tdhst who gencraily steers Uie ship al through and about eight pickcd singz- ers and fan-men whc keev Uiings goingr. Thev are alive te everv op- pcrtanitv cf «"Buttingin" W'with a chorus or shout, Uiat is appsopriate at unv gziven oppcrtunity.. LUt me explain aur methed cf Procedure. We start off bv playinoe on the Diane one or twc aid favoriteâ then we glide into the well known "Tipper- ary,"1 "There's a Long, Longz Trail," and "Kecu the Horne Pires Barn- ingz." Bv Uic end cf these, Uic whohe companv is merrv and rcadv for the f rav - a gzame cf "Baut," as it is callcd. Anvone who likes can stgnd an in Uic centre cf Uic stage, on Uic undcrstandingz that lie is the Butt af Uic audience and that lie muSt answer at once the quaestions put te him. If lie gzives the Chorus an cppprtunity cf buttinir in with a song cr chorus, hie is donc, and lie is "Bb-eg.-ce-dd" otf Uic stagfe. He must take aD tliat is ceming te himn in the matter cf cî'iticism. Oh I it's ireat fan. To il- lustrate the Rame, 1111 describe last nioelit's Butt. Somne cf the little scenes last nigzht were réhearsed bie- forchand, iust to ensare a littie extra faun, but mest cf Uiemn werc ciaite spontanecus. A p)rize cf ciga- rettes is given te the one wh&~stands un longzest - there is, therefore gi-cnt necd for a calm hcad and a readv wit. Ne. 1 - A Gordon Highlander. Q What's ver name? A Sandv Scott. Q Why? A That!' what I wis wenderin' masci'. 0 ew'd ve azit Uiat Rame Ieg? (Ramne - lame.) A I feli cwcr a Pole in thec Cor- ridor. (Great laugzhter.) 0 Did ye sec Herr Hitler? A Aye, that a did. 0 What was hie dciii'? A Gc'ringr. Q What does.'Hitier dc -on tlc Rhine? A Gobbiesi 0 What cisc? A He's gain' Russian al r ound. Q, What!s ycr trade? 'A A be4tcher. Q Whce's yer iran cross? A I lent it tac a fella tac p)ick bis teèIi.11 This particular felliow won the Fcigarettes, fer lhe kcpt on and on and couhd pot be stamipcd. Here's anotiier Butt: Q Wbat's ycr naine? A Hitler. (Bo-e!'y ', Whes yer Nazi badge? A I aave it tac, a natsy feihcw ai Uic deor. (Bco-ee.' Q Are ye*sure Ye're Hitler? A Ave. A (With apireiate gesture) -kameradl Kamcerad t .General -disorder with a bombard- mefit of- sandwiches, oranges aid brcad and butter, and hundi:eds ê1 "Bec-ces." One hast oranae flport him, and down lic gzoes. In come the stretcher bearers and té Uic strains c f Uic Dead Mardi, hie is 'borne awav. Hec contes baçk in. a moment te make his bowand 'thec Chorwà r ines put, «Oid * soldiers neyer- diei 1 7COMENWD KRSEN A~ mtsimportant te the well..beina of manaind. Tbeulte. incomnbination m, ereglr WOPEuctoniçotborgae f d imiaon = 8nd v rvour4"*tneas, il teteuftem or coffenor mmd 7icat MIL .oa L dr . etoe. Thcv simplv fade away 1" be Another Butt: Q What's yer name? o A HeaUitr Bell. Q Where were yc born?W A Edinburgb.le Q Where do ye ive? re A Bowinanvilhc. tu Q Where's Bomeille? .A In Canada. (Great cheera.) Q Whcn are Uic boys comm s A Wihcn Uic Kings Qf Canada sends theni. Q Ye mean Kingr George? a A No-, King Mac', Mr - Macken- zie King, Uic Prime Minister. Q Do yoa prefer Uie Canadiazis or Uic British? A Theyv're al Uic sanie te me t ncw. Bt Q dae ye no thmnkwerc bonne Hiladladdies? c A Sure, but so are tlhc Canad- ians. Q Wihh ye play us a fane? SA With leasare, what wôqhld yoa We'd like "S*eef Marp.» Chorush sings ' Swect 1]wtýpeand Uie Butt is over. Here's another - ý,hape I1 ona tire you 1 I *Q What's yer iame?. A Hitler. Q Where were >yeu born? à A A paint shop. Q What's yer fathers nadfie? A Scheister. QWhcrc dons lhe live?s A In iail.e Q Wrbere are ye gain ' ? A The Western FrontL QWbat ye gcun' te do? A. l'lu gàin to figrhf a mad buall. t Q Whaf's ver trade? A A barman. Here the Chorus butts in with,s "Tjust a Wee Dcclian' Doris." gâd that finishes that. Q Where werc ye borti' A Aberdeen. Q Where are ye goiff'? A Tac fecht fer, Uic rcd, .whiit l an' bItte. Chorus butts with. "Threc Chtesa for Uic Red, VWhife and Blue." And "for Uic lut anc ivpi laitc night: . , er1 r. ,ent Q What's r eiet '1 A The Arve an' Sutherland s. i Q Wbat bace ye donc wi' ver Il t A It's awa wi' Uic exciseman. Q What willI the Searge say abooi that ?1 A Dcilkens.4 QDoes yer mother knew Y'rc eut? A \I dinna ken. Q What are ye dciii' uP there? A Lookiti at a. lot od mugs. Q When yca comi' dewn? A, In'Uic sweet-bye an' bye. Chorus butta by ,singing "In the.: Sweet Be and,Byen And %0 if goes...on, night aiter. niglit.. 'heiconlv changes arc ip the p)ersonnel cf -thc audience. Severa cf car favearites wcre drafted',.yca- terdav -'for unlwown destinations.!' It's ail verv sad, and most trYing. Hcwever we ail. reahize, as vaado toc, ne doabt, that Uic thing bas got.te 1be donc, once --id for ail. Weil, meantime, we are ail doing aur bit in anc way cor anothexr. MY work is hhp)f ai toc, ne doubt - en- tertaining Tommies- nicç work when voa can get it 1 Cheerie, Statesman - and gRive nw regards te Canada. I hope te sec it sean. I've been thrQugh'one war over bere - arid that's ône -toc manv. Marie Clark Bell. MTE GRANARY 0F HEAVEN" Dy Rev. George E. Hartwell, »D.D. This Urilling Iife hstery cf Dr. George E. Hartwell, a pioncer mis- sionarv iWestern China, ij f ilcd witli flicexciting. flic lazardoas, and vet the satisfYing experiences cf flic earlv Metliedist missienaries in Sze- chuan prevince, China. Frcm Uicet ime cf their f irsf iourncy un the Yangtse River te Uic establishment af flic West China Union University if is anc fhrillitig experience affer anoflier. Tie. swiff carrent cf flic Yangtse, Uic fierce rapids. flic awesoe gorges, the hid- den shoals, and Uic ruthiess pirates, inifiated fliese infrcpid ionccrs info thc ncw experiences whicli lav befare flien. Affer eniv anc monfli cf se- iourn in flic i*w land flic wife cf anc of flic missionaries, anaccus- tomcd te the excessive lieat and flic filthy. ananifary conditions, becamne ili and passed away. The rcsf cf Uic party, bowever, continued in Uic work and within a vcar a smail dis- pensai-y was bailf. Here fliroul Uic ministry of healing flic message cf flic gospel was brouglif te theme waifint people. Sean a ittie school was estalished wherc Uic childi-en were t4ught simple bible verses and * THE VOICE 01 BY bl CI al tc 01 ha T si tc if cI a s, a caeintercstcdand began te lock ho pan ,,the missionries .ithl ess su- 1 oician.fitd Rading rooma wcre fite up' wbcre the people were f ree tP wan- der inside and stùdy Uic manips, Uic M newspapcrs and -thce magazines. Thas fag indircctiv Uthenmen becamue ,intcrestcd, ati in western cultue and were - quite ~ anxioak te *knew more. and more bout tlic ways nd ideas. ci Uic rest Cl ýf thce wergd Ozjp*eisaW dthroagh- VO ot the trhelhc atcrv at Itbç intelli- la îence and have cof .lcarning displayed wy these pebple. However, horrible oractices -were stili caried on. and the nbsionarics ecred 'powçrless te ntetvene. ýPunishiùent 'cf offenses were mast brutal - pablîe exeçu- ionà and crucifiins. Regalsive, cf course, -toe crejincd nature cf Uic missionarVye 1 fthc anusual -unitY amoiw.- *e w &kcr> ad&th"r love Ioir,each ather-scsfrdte nalcç thcm wiln dface -pny. situation. *y s&*' the. pssibulifes ah=4 1s eUi wè-Hk mntiud te grow. .New buildings ,were added and Mocre, mole accepted .Uice Christian religion., At iiitervahs there were eut- -realca ampng those who sSed fa resenit the introduction cf fcrcign customs. Semetimes these rebellions wcrc quélle<I.by, fthc local imagistrates but twicetfli coi*pcund was attacked and Uic missianaries- were forced te fiee te homs of canverted Chinese and Inter, twe tliousand mites away. ta Shanghai.. Eacli timne affer thcvt returned, Christianity seemled te bave a new imupetusÎ. The Peope .seened overiaved to have the wôrkers back and welceaned tlicm with a great cehebration. New buildings. were can- structed and the work wenf an with renewed entliusiasm. New rmission- aries arrivcd and the Chengtu Charcli begran home mission work cônducted bv the earnest Chinese Christjps. Dr. Hartwell became an if inerant mis- - sionary, travelling about among the rural f olk in the great Cliengta pflain. Here he made manY f riends at the eating lieuses which proved cf great wertli wlen later mass move- ments inte the church became Pop- ular. At ther inns and slieps bock- lets and tracts were distribafed whicli wcre earnestlY ,cad and studied by these Chinese scjiolars- Meanwhil, Cliangtu itself becamne Uic centre cf 'the New Thouglit movement - inaagurated by a grouP cf brilliant Youtng men wlio had thc spirit of refom surging, within theni. This kindled a generai interemt and prornisinag youngz me p f locked ta tlic missioiiaries anxioatetolearn more about modemn thouglit and the western wcrld. Afraid cf flua grow- ingz interest in western culture, the lieads cfflthc gavernment becamne jeahoas and fearf aI cf the ancient civilization cf their own country se flic Boxer Rebellian breke oaf. Again flic West China iissianarics were forced te f Ice te Shanghiai. Bat in the words cf Dr. Hartwell, "dThe Boxer Uprising niay be re- eardcd as a mevement which was unwittinglv flic precarser cf a wide- s1read religieus awakeningz that Plac- cd Christianitv in a strangrer position flan was antic:ipafed at mach an early date cf its dcvelepmciit. Whcn if was ail aver, mission work was given a f ree band. Royal welcemes were planned bv flic of- ficiais cf evcrv city and Uichemissioni- ary was looked upon as a mmn of 1pewer. Handredg of pe came in- 1 te churcb. a irca ernothenal ad ue fl , ames chc gasthef ikr in Ui )lte land trofdte Raefine rutThei osaed shtrite a ne rawn caTi Uiced windtewrmittddrane glai st heowiatside frmtcao rlarly o adod lao. Oe roail Londn olv ëaed ol mv.Onlvherke thedon Blk t ht Law.' An inh r the la cf- )ut Law.-Atin thre maw dwIosfdt 'ruizth. norro w icse rrTh on a ifci.S w iThte thz a wichic. ose iwtrudth.Adat wmade s othein te Drt. Andcbbels ade uic ermnk )f De.GobesadteGr n1 mohle Lod1c' cpofpltc, aid someone. "It's a deaqd-end sub- I'Right vea arc," said someone1 1se. "Let's chanize the sublect.".- Se wc discussed PoliticÏ, until we came te the dead-end, whcn some- one said: "'Oh, what's Uic use cf anvthingz? 1 spent one cf the finest summers cf my 11f c in German3r. I .ke Uic coantrvý and I like the people as mauch as any others I've ever known. But their cars are stuffcd bv Goebbels. and new we have te igzht thcm whether we like kt or net, becaase cf Uic sta f f ing." "Oh, lêt's ferget it," saici some- one cisc. "I say, Uiat reminds me- when Otto wrote te me in Aagzust Le said vea mast have forgotten te return Uic negatives for those- pic- agres we teck on Uic Rhine that day wcwnt ini Uic boat." IBv j ove, I did forge Now 1 appose I cWnt send themn until t1his blànk war is ever. I amn sorr.'la "Don't break vour heart. Perhaes vu'Il have a chance to hand Uiem acress thc Magnet Line." "Oh, shut up." "Sorry. That was lousy of mc." "tYea .knew, sometimes 1I ..Uuink Otto harbcured a doabt or two as te Uic divinity cf his Fuerher and the unatiestienable honestv cf friend Goebbels." "Hm - mm - I deubt it. What chance had he te leann anvthingz but iwhat Uicv- taugzhtP For hcaven's sake, Greta, tol) playing wiUi Uic short- ýwave!i Vcu're makingr a h- cf a "Calter down old bey. 'Iiink I licar scthing in German'." "Oced. Brinz it in.- Wc'l trans- laté ii fo Isobel aftcrwards, if lt's anv geood." Which tiéev did. The voice speke urgcntly, quickiY, us thoughi stlivingz te transmit it's message, aainut Urne. Sa, miglit a veice -scand ever Uic ether .fom a sinkingr ship. Net hystrical. Net panic-stricloen. Onlv rdesperatcly argz- ent. The veice cf one te whoim the messagfe bing given was ail-impor- IF FREEDOM DISS ISOBEL STEPHENSON. tant One to whom versonal safety was valuable cnlv because bis voice was needed for the message. Watchine the startled faces f those who understced Grmu, I waited nearly wild with iflutience, until the bradcast should be finish- d and I should hear their ýrsns1a- tion. At last it nded: and thv al beRan tallkio at once. The Voice had describcs a coantrY where the neoffle could not buv f lotir or bread or mnilk 1 without written permission,'or potatees, om,.lggs, or sugzar, soap, cocos, leather. ceai or meat. "You wili flot hear f açts like these on the Goebbels radio," said the Voice. "Tbey suppress thç treuh. We state it. And more. We ask wbether certain thinas are trve, We are the German Freedm Station. We ask whether .it is truc that great areas cf land around Aachen and Saarbruecken have been evacaated "«Is it truc that women must Queue un for heurs to obtain the food theY are allowed for their families ?" The Voice spoke a message for Austria: "Thev promised us pros- veritv and freedom. Isistcad we are destitute and enslaved. Austrian men and women, stand tipl Show that vea are net afraid cf the tyrants 1" Where was the Voice ceming f rom? 1Ccrtai'nIv f rom no laxurieus broad- casting stuidio. Witlt every word, the speaker risked death. Did he stand or sit or creuch in the hidden cave f an bscure wood? Did he speac from a camouflaged van drawn Io some dark readside? Or fromi the garret in a sium cf some smail frontier town? He ciuoted a definition cf f reedomn comvosed by a German cf the cight- ecpth century. The dignificd lang- aRe had as mach rcsembianc" te the illiterate bellowings cf Hitler as the Japaniese language bas te the Frencb. The Voice had finished its mess- age for that nigzht. "We shall bc transmittine on this wavelength at 2:20 o'eieck Middle Furopean Time every ndght. Down with Hiter.1 Long. live the beroic resistance cf the free ,>eobies Long live f reedoml Long live nece!., Wc shall be bere ta- merrow night In, spite cf the Ges- Wemat, in our, dimiy-lit roocm in, the London blackoat night Our as masks were viled on thc piano. Wç ilit f resh cigarettes: mnd looked at Lone anether with shuning eyes. Isobel H. Stephenson, Cartwright Gardens Club, .1 London, MW.C' 1. _£ngland. $132.00 $76.84 $85.00 Modernize your home NOW. Under the Govemnient Homne Improvemelit Loan Acf, or Dure Finance Plan, fthc cesf cf deing se can be spread over a periad nef excee-ding fb-ce years. Full 1h- formation. and fi-ce boolilef s an reqacaf. Dort Parlker PLUMBER Cen alto ha suppfled for Gasoline Enins operaflon BÀPIRE DRASS MFG'. CO.. LTrD. London Hamîlfon Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 239 )idiu cf the olein ally Uic wcrtk_______________________________ ms ciimaxed iii 1910 by the ergan- 'zinnn, ihalisacsrlwonderfulsaifcontje m- tio fl cfthe West* Chuna Union gvrmn, wt1i t acsrlstîfcîn %~,1s us rUversitv -'a fine, well equiPPcd worshiy and love cf Uic past, te the sienaries. 4 ioern nicsity with a strongz Republican ferm of zovernment1 This bock is a tribute to the Iultv. Her e Ucveunger oener- With itS cutlook into the future and Canadian church and it is a& tribute on cfChinawas tainedte g its dissatisfaction with past civiliza- te its loyal. virile, early worlçrsBu / Fth and te instruct its ewn people tiens.1 sucb a bock is'also f ascinatiig tei( ihealth. sanitation, science and Christianity was advanciniz by leaps lav reader for it wilh cause hjm te, îrstianity. How pecessarv these ad bounds. It had captivated the pause and censider Uic great cntri- ang people 'were in bridging Uice voanier generation. China coald nfot bation cf Christianitv tte Ui rowth pl btwen Uie monarchical ferm cf go back, it must go ahead. What a cf this new and awakniqg. republic. IýSTIkONG CAND EELPFUL Ever strng andt rustworthy, threugli 122 years of Canada's history, the Bank of Montrei hacontributeti mach ta chus couatry'B mmý&cml security. To the individa depositar thc Banik bas meant compiete safety for persenal savungs. To the farmer it hua been a strong, usefiiliy and a reliable couasel on con- ditions. Ta industry it bas'been a source of finarcial powver andi a help in avoiding unwazranted speculation. For Government -national, provincial and local-a& dipeoçi- able financial collaboratar. AU Canaduans, wbatever their staton ig life, wering for a. greater and s«Ml greate Canada, knew rhey can place fl canfi- dence in an institution which bas neyer changeti in cbarmcer, yer bas constandy modernized its services. In 1817 we pio- neereti aheng Sound, helpfuil Uns. Ibo year 1939 finds us SÛRl pionecrlng &long sounti. helpful limes. DANH O,' MONTREAL ESTABLISHiED 1817 Bowinanville Brandi: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager MODEEN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ... th# .utce eofnx=eati saoeessfu op.wwi.1 I. Lieave, .Her -'More than justYour Photogtaph * .~ YOU and Imperial L ife cati arrange now to. keep your widow in 'comfort PERMIT CIT CONVENIENCES if your home is in the country or in a toOr I village nt served by a Community Water SupplY System, a Duro PunmP wili supply running water under* i' pressure toalal parts of your home, barns, dairy-build- ings, etc. Without running water your familyr cannot have bathroom facilities and other cenveniences 80 necC- essary te their ccmfort, health and daily work. Dura Water Systems and Emco bathrooam and kitchen equipment are made in designs and quality ta meet the needs of every type of home. Emco Pi@ducts Axe R.aks@nbly Pgiceid ,ThBfurlit-m Bath, he, Troilt ni lavatry wBilt in tmnswrady oist andlato, as onl ...............Bell pis'..I.anpipe . m .. im. t ).. . Other complete Bathraem Equipment as low as A Dura Special Pumping Systemi complete with 25 gai. Galvanized Tak, 25 or 60 cycle mator with capacity of 250 gas. per hur, costs only .. AL Bowmanviue phone 2684

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