Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1939, p. 8

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PAGE ETGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, JULY 27TH, 1939 SPORT EWS Royals, Battle Through To Win Alter Overcoming Cobourg Lead Bowmanviile Rayais did their little otrnast ta let the cocky Coborg Juniors win Satordays bal Rame bot the bomesters ootdid tbe RayaIs in their Alphonseý and Gaston act, 50 Bowrnanville Intermediates bave now won seven in a raw, the seventb being ta the tune ai 7-6. It wasn't until thceI irst ai the nnth inningz that Cobourg Rave de- fimite evidence ai relusing Bow- manvilie's gzencrosity. In that I ate- fol f rame the Cubs committed enaugb boners for the Rayais ta nab f ive rons and the decison. Acl.ually the league leaders dcserved the boge total of anc run. the saine number ai earned tallies garnered by Ca- bourg. The latter bad ta wait until the seventb inning ta score an ban- est-to-gaodness ron but Bowmanviiie started ot braveiy by grabbing their anc legzimate tally in thiz initial turn at bat. Dave Osborne yielded an even dozen its but didn't bear down un- tii tac late stages ai the cantest. - The Royals bad ta, be satisfied witb eight bits off the spcedball deiivery ai Bill Baternan. bot six f ree tickets off tbe latter bclped. Bateman struck out nine against thirteen by Osborne. Long David fanncd tbe side in the ninth aiter Zealand bad led off witb bis fourth bit. Calville f orced Sîcinon wba bad singled in the opening blast and rscorcd as Rickard laid a double aver zthe ieft-fielder's bead. Cobburg gat 2that anc back in their bal on singles 5by Payne, Zeaiand and Wood plus the lirst ai Bowmanvilie's I ive er- rars. A walk. a passed bail and an jerror gave Cobourg the Iead in the second and they added a third '-un in the third on à bit ta rigbt by Lucas. a fluke bit in front oi tbc plate and error number tbree. It took a walkc a stolen base ane e!rrrs anc and twa for Cabourg tC vive the RayaIs a second run in the f ifth. a favaur tbey returned in the home team's hall a i the sventh wben a double by Lucas. a stoien base and a single by Zealand pro- duced Cobourg's faurtb tallv. (WhaI an earned mun). It took errors four and f ive packed around a double bi' King and a f ielder's choice ta finish the run-makcing for Cobourg witb a twa-run Rift in tac eiRbtb. Then came tbe nintb. Raacb startcd with a walk and wben sbortstor. King ai Cobaurg tbrew inta riRbt f ield on Siemon's bard shot, mer were an first and second. Anotber bad tbraw let Roach advance tc third alter be had been caugbt ofi second and be* scored wben KinR bad a lapse ai memaory an Ricbard's graunder. Bateman entered the sirit ai tbings by bittingz BagneIl and on a bit and ron play Kent pokcd a bit inta rigbt for the only safety ai the inning. First-basernan then let WaI- tan's bouncer go tbrough bis legs and the tving and winning markers crossed the plate. Box Score Bowmanvile AB R H F0 A E Roach. ss 31 22 1 1 Siemon. lb 4 2 1 9 0 1 Colvilie. If 4 I O 2 0 0 Rickard. c 5 1 1114 1 Osborne.p1) 5 0 10 50 Bagniell. cf 3 10 10 0 Kent. 3b 5 1 2 1 2 1 Walton. 2b 4 0 111 1 Tige. rf 5 0 00 0 O Totais 38 7 8 27 13 5 Cobourg &B RHPOA E Payne, cf 5 01 0 00 Lucas. lb 5 22 70 1 Zeaand. c 5 1 49 0 1 Woods, rf 5 02 10 0 Bateman. t) 5 00 0 30 Johns. 3b 5 10 31 0 King, ss 4 123 2 2 Smitb. 2b 3 1 1 '2 2 1 Dawe.lIf 2 00 10 0 Houston.lIf 2 0 0 I O Totals 41 6 12 27 8 5 Rons battcd in-Zcaland, Rickard 2. Osborne. Kent. Two-base its- Lucas. Kingz. Rickard. Sacrifice it- Siemon. Stolen bases-Lucas 2, Zea- ]and 3. Sienion. Richard. Bagneli, Kent. Left an lbass-Bowmanville Il. Cobourg 9. Bases on bals- Bateman 5. Osborne 1. Strike-outs- Bateman 9. Osborne 13. Hit by pitcher. bv Bateman-Bagnell. Um- ires-Devine of Part Hope and Turpin of Cobourg. OILERS TRIUMPH OVER PEPSI-COLAS Putting on a furiaus sixta inn- ing raily tac up and coming Whitc Rose squad quelled tac Pepsi Cohas' bopes of maving into a tic for second place, on Thursday night, tac score being 9 ta 5. Going into that fateful frame, thc ex-South Warders wére pro- tccting a hard earned two run Icad garnered as a result of the lone White Rase error and It look- cd as if the twa teains would be ticd for tac runner up position whill Front Street woula be in tac discard. Howevcr, the Qihers had other ideas and thcy put those ideàs in- ta the fom of a seven run rally that changcd the outcomne entire- ly. Manager Large, tac, anly man certain of a place on the all- star (?) team, started the bal rolling with a single and with anc out, Dcpew drove out a four- bagger. Rice followed with a double, Richards singled, and Pcpsi Cola helped out wlth three errors before Large got bis sec- ond hit'of the inning ta put the finishing touches an tac splurge. Ace Richards burled an out- standing game for tac Hodgson- ites, giving up only five bita and striking out nine wbile exblbiting perfect contrai. Johnny Semple also twirled a nice game, holding tac Hot Dog Growhers ta nirse bits but he passed three and five fumbles behind im hurt. Pepsi Cala banged out a twa- run lead in the first franme on a double by Little and a triple by Dunlop wita tac latter stealing borne. They picked up their other twa runs in tac fdurth when Don- lop singlcd, Dcpew dropped os- borne's fly bail and an infield out. The winners first crashed the score colurmn in tac second.on in- field hits by Large, Depew and Rice and an error. Large led the hitters with taree bingles and a wahk for a perfect night. Pepsi Cola - G. Cowle c,, Little rI; Piper 3b; Dunlop ss; Osborne lb; Moore If; Halimnan 2b; J. Cawle cf; Semple and Horn p. White Rase - Bagnell as and Pearson rf; Bird cf; F. Mutton c; Tighe 2b; Large lb; Blunt 11; De- pew rI and Sb; Rice 3b and ss; Richards p. FMKTMAf V 4(~ 4tRWMS<jtffT - s - - t, 0 TODAY at your grocery store there's a grand new breakfast surprise waiting. It's CUBS - and are they good! CUBS are little bundies of whole wheat-with ail the food energy of this famous grain. Made more delicious stili with a new malty flavor. Toasted to a golden crisp- ness. Fresh as though just fromn the oven. Just tumble them into your plate. Sprinkle with sugar. Pour on mi]k or cream. Then cip them- Up and sink your teeth into, their crunchy good- ness. You've neyer tasted such flavor! You've neyer drearned of a breakfast dish so delicious. So remnenber-get your supply of CUIBS today. À Produci of The Canadian Shredded Wheai Company, Limited. HURRYI-LIMITED TIME ONLY » Jut order one of the reglm-aud famfiy packages of CUES, aad ak your go=e to give you co of the FREE four-meving lsttoductory akmS.1rou'1l get both for thse rieS of orn. Bricks and Bouquets BY NELSON OSBORNE If Goodyear can corne throukh with a win aver the Pepsi Cola ta- nigbht <Thursday) then the latter souad wili go iflto the final Ramne of the schedule next Tborsday tic with Front Street. And since these -twa teams wiil be meeting an that occasion. it is quite passible that the iast pflayof f spot wili not be decided until the final Raine of the schedule. You can't have them much dloser than that. White Rose wcrc rather lucky ta trim the Pepsi Cola teamn on Thuirs- day. a seven run raliy daing the trick aiter the Soft Drink boyst baggred down in the last [rame. Acec Richards pitched a fine brand ofM bail for the winning Qulers. givingt up iust f ive hits. fanning fnine andt baviniz perfect contrai. It lop*ks like a grreat season.t Byth im.dear readers. (ther whoie twa of you) vau next see thist calumn. most of the regzular sche-c doles will lie completed and we willc be deco into thc playaffs. 50 save vour odd pennies for those stirring opsets which generally mark al playdawns. Next Wcdnesday, thef Rayais conclude their regular sche-1 dule althaugzh they will have oneN pastpancd Raine ta play with Oshawat Juniors. The softball bath in townt and at the Cream of Barley will be aver.E * * * However. tac Rayais still have a1 couple of vcry important '%its ta zet out of the way before they hitE the weii known trail1. And iust whereN will that trail leadi Will the RayaIs finaiiy rcach lthat ýciia-rpionship that bas been so near apid vet s0 f ar in the last few vears? Or will taey fail ta even get ,by their own leaRue? Boy. zet me my crystal and turban. One tainz that your reporter wauld like cieared op are these romors that are fiyingz around aur piaus bamlet about the salarics that certain viavers on the Roaas are ar are not gzetting. No plaver on thc Bowmanvillé Intermediate Basebal teain is getting vpaid by the club, cither dircctly or indirectly. And when you read the above. don't smile knowingl.y and tellyor LDegt cjor1 neighbour that this is sa mucb guf f. The bank at the high schooi is be-t inir impraved and two of tac plaversà are doiniz the wark and tickets ant a radia are being sold ta caver tais1 cxpcnsc. Yaurs truly is the secretarv of the teain and ta tac bcst of My knowiedge the above statemejits aret facts. If Dinncd down. I would not8 denv that maybe players have beenf rcimbursed in former vears. bot that was nat in 1939. If there is any1 surplus at the end of this vear. itI wiil be dividcd cvenly amongst the plavers and wc do not think ariyone can bowl about that. since no moncy is beinR paid for time iost at wark. The dlirectorate of the club is inter-1 ested in ronning a baIl teain but is1 flot interested in f illing certain nackets wtb cash. and said pockets will remain very cmpty ajç far as basebaîl is concerned. At nresent their is a largze deficit in the club treasory and it will likeiv take al the league Play-offs ta crase *it. Although it was hard ta f ind any- thing gaad about Saturday's fiasco in Cobourg. after long tbooght we think it could have been worse. The boys got a lot of bad, baseWaJl out of their svstems and for onice. %they Rot rid of it out af town. That in itself is unosual. Bob Kent made anc f ine play in an attempted run dawn wben a Coboorgite became ovcriv bold. Doc Tigbe made bis debote in Intermediate campany and gave signs of beingr a hitter. al- thougb failiniz ta cannect safely in f ive trips. After finding a bat be iikcd. El- Doctor was robbed af a bit on a line drive ta rigbt field wbiie on bis final appearance he sent a long f i ta left field wbicb was beid up long enoogb by the wind for Houston ta get back under it. Dave Osborne bas beep bit bard1 in bis last two efforts passibiy be-1 cause be doesn't Ibear dawn iantil1 thc gaing gets taugb. Howevere. it] bebooves him ta psy a little nmore1 .attention to men an bases. Of the1 f ive stolen bases on Saturçiay, at] least four came because Davt refus-1 cd ta bald the runners close ta thei bags. This bas alwavs been bis1 main pitcbing fault. best sofeball tilts of the season... Timmv Wight was on top ail the way. .. Maple Grave Rais seem ta be copyingz the boys ... They too are losingz steadily . .. Who wil finish behind the Royals as runner- up) . .. Cobourg and Port Hope are runninir neck and neck. .. Eric Cowie bas been denied Permission ta play with Cobourg.. . The ail stars are zettiniz in some Practice an Tues- davs at the Public Schooi. .. No word bas been received vet as ta who or when they play. .. That's ail. First hunlng RalIy* Win* For Merchants Piling up a total of eight runs before a mnan was out in the first inning, Front Street <éoasted home ta a 14 ta 8 victory over the crippled White Rose outfit on Monday night. The win kept alive the chances of the Clerks making the playoffs. The handicapped Qulers started thec last hall of the initial stanza with only two autfielders and this fact permitted the ultimate win- ners ta get a head start. Bill Mut- ton was the hitting hero of the contest as he hit safely on each of his four trips ta the plate. The Oilers outhit the Clcrks but the latter left only two men on the basepaths and had the benefit of four walks given up by Brown. Tlmmy Wight fanned four and walked anc as he allowed thir- teen hits, one more than garnered by Front Street. Masan atarted off the Front Street haif of the first with a hit off the pitcher's mound and Mc- Ilveen lined a drive ta centre that went for a homer. Rundle bounc- ed a hit through second, James walked and bath men scorcd when Calmer doubled. Hub Hooper homered into right, the baîl being just inside first base and carom- mng out into fouI territary. Har- rison strolled, Brough tripled and Wight singlcd for the f i n a 1 splurge. It took another walk ta James, a second double by Calmer, a single by Harrison and a sacrifice f ly ta score three more iii the second. Rundie homered i the third for run No. 12 and Harrison claimed a circuit clout follawing an errar ta complete the scoring for Front Street in the fourth. White Rase picked up their runs in lots of two. 'An error, a walk and a two base knock by W. Mutton accounted for the first pair in the second. In the fourth it took singles by the same Mut- ton, Blunt and Depew plus the second and last Front Street error ta get the duo of runs. Bird sing- Ied and Brown homered when McIlveen misjudged his fly into left for a pair in the fifth, and in the seventh F. Mutton and Large singled and W. Mutton doubled for the final pair. White Rose - Bagnel 1f and ss; Bird cf; Brown p; F. Mutton c; Large lb; Rice 3b; W. Mutton 2b; Cooper ss and Blunt 1f; Raby and Depew rf. Front Street - Mason ss; Mc- flveen If; Rundle ri; James lb; Calmer 3b; Hooper c; Harrison 2b; Brough cf; Wight p. White Rase 020 220 2 - 8 13 2 Front Street 831 200 x -14 12 2 Umpires - Hobbs and Tweedle. Cames For W.*k 'July 27th to August Srd Basebal Saturday, Juiy 29, Port Hope at Bowmanville. 3.00 p.m. Aogust 2. Bowmanviiie at Cobourg. Sottbafl Juiy 27, South Ward vs Gaodyears. July 31, Goodyear vs Wbite Rose. Creamn of Barley Juiy 28. Maple Grave vs Provi4ence. Aug. 1. Providence vs Salemn. Ladies' Softball July 27. Hampton at Maple Grave. Aug. 1. Courtice at Hampton,. Aug. 2, Mapie Grave at Salemn. Soccer July 29, Hampton at Braaklin. Aug. 2. Caurtice at Zion. Local Bowl.rs Win Three Bowmanviile teamns werc successful in a tournament held last Wednesday on the local bowling green. Rinks from Whit- by, Oshawa and Cobourg coin- peted in a hard faught battle wi'th these teains cmerging as winners: First prize, Jim Infantine, Ab. Moore; 2nd prize, M. G. V. Gould, Daug. NichaIs; 3rd prize, H. Lay- man, M. H. Minore - ail froin Bowmanviile. Now, was t ha t showing the hospitable spiit ta send the visitors home prizcless? R H E Providence 3 6 3 Caurtice 0 2 1 Providence - Wight and J. Ric- Icard. Courtice - Peterson and Wilson. Standint July 2th W L P.C. Providence 5 1 834 Salem 4 3 571 Courtice 4 4 500 Maple Grave 0 7 000 Salem Misses Tean and Greta Cornish. Tawn. are holidaying witb their grandiarents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. P. Conin and Miss Joan. Oshawa. were Saturday visit- ors at The Maples and Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge accampanicd thern ta the races at Orono. Syrnpatay is extended ta tac Rcv. J. W. Bonnet in the deatb of a loy- ing wiie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cator and son. Mrs. Hobbs and son. and baby Man- drea. and Mrs. Pring. Toronto, werc Suindav visitars with Mr. a»d Mrs. F. Cator. Littlc Ronald Jobbs re- mained aver far a vacatiah. Little Miss Martha Brooker. To- ronto. is balidaying with ber aunt. Mrs. H. Gaud. Solfina Rccent Visitors: Mr. Alan MacKenzie, Columbus, Miss Audrey Powell. Oshawa, at Mr. Ralph Davis'. .. Mrs.- Walter Par- rinder and Evelyn are iii-Harnilton. Dr. and Mrs. A. Chisholin. Miss Florence Ch1isholin and Mrs. John Fletcher. Kalainazoo. Micb., wita Miss Mary Hagarth and Mrs. R. Pascoc and other relatives. .. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Janes. Osbasta. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Vice. Braoklin. Mr. Harold Cary, Hampton, at Mr. Chas. Blanchard's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Baker. Mr. Tam andi Miss Kaffileen Baker. Messrs Gearge and Weslev Werry with Miss Muriel Baker. Peterboro. an d Miss Helen Baker at Stoney Lake. .. Mr. and Mrs. Percv Dewcll. Whitby. at Mr. H. E. Tink's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoc at Mr, Walter Bray's. Pic- keringz.. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mac- key and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoc. Brooklin. and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe. Braoklin, at Miss Mary Hagarth's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and faniilv witb friends at Oakwood. .. Mr. Roy Dewell at Mr. Frank Dewell's. Witby. .. Mr. Robert Awde. Torgnta. at Mr. A. Maore's. The temperance prograin at Son- day School on Sonday inorning was in charge ai Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Miss Betty Sinales sang: chavter f rom tac study book was given by Mrs. Ray Langmaid. A pflcasing featore was the presentation ai a book ta Miss Helen Langmaid. a gift frain the W.C.T.U, ai Durham and Ontario caunties foar ber stand- ing in the recent temperance exain- inations. Mrs. S. E. Werry, President. pre- sided at the Warnens Institute in the S.S. roorn. It was decided ta exhibit agzain at Oshawa Fair -and a cammittee was appainted ta se- cure information regarding the cjilt- ing campetitian- at the C.N.E. The rail caîl "a cammonity need" was well respanded ta, Programn was in charge ai Mrs. Russel Gilbc-rt lead- er afi group twa. under the Iieailing ai Histarical Research. Misses Ilcen Balsan and Jean Leach gave a piano duet and Mrs. J. T. RondIt R ave a reading: comrnonity singfing was en- ioyed witb Miss Ileen Balson at the piano; Mrs. Russel Gilbert gave an iliostrated paper an Hosehold Bud- geting wbicb was interesting and pro- fitable. Two visitars Present. Mrs. Alan McKessock. Thamesiord, and Mrs. S. Tbompsan, Toronta. spoke bricfly. A dainty lunch was scrved by Mrs. Gilbert and ber groop. Next meeting will be a picnic at Hamptan Park on Aug. IOth. Mr. Frank Westiake had a Jersey cow taken f ram bis Pasture Thors- day night but it has since been re- covcred near Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore at- tended tac Awde farnilv reunian at Maorefield. SaY GoId and Silver Buried Near Resort Ta this day. it is claimed. gold and silver coins lie boried in the groond in the vicinity ai the bistoric Man- or Richelieu. Canada's gay vacation mecca at Murray Bay in the Pro- vince af Ooebec. According ta story tellers in that district. the early French settiers bid their monev froin the British, potting the coins in ketties whicb tbey bor- ied. Fortberrnore. it is said. these People muttered magic words over their boards sa that nabody cauld raise the socîl bot theinselves. Inter- waven witb the bistory and quaint iegends and traditions associated with the "Kingzdom af the Saguenay." stories of breasure huithf.g ahd riches prabably originatcd as f ar back as the sixteentlhÊentury. coin- petent authorities beli.. DONT GEl YOUR NAME IN THÉ PAPERS *Every week-end thse newa- papers contain thse names of those injured in motot acci- dents due to blowouts. You may neyer have had a blow. out .. . but this hazard rides with you always. Goodyear IJfeGuards can make your car safe froin b1Qwout accidents. Keep. your nmine out of the papers ... have your Good- year dealer equiip your car today, wih... lel OSHAWA 1101 Quoqi Zixnj QWom1, Friday - Saturday SON.IA HNIE TYRONE POWER "Second Fiddle" 1 Wth RUDY VALLEE EDNA MAT OLIVER Added - Color Cartoon "Thse Owi and The Pussycat", RE.VIVAgI' Friday at 10.40 p.m. "Professor Beware" with HAROLD LLOYD PHYLLIS WELCif. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JULY 31 - ÂUG. 2 "It's a Wonderful World" Starring CLAUDETTE COLBERT JAMES STEWART. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. AUG. 3- 5 "M4an About Town"? Starrlng - JACK BENNY- DOROTHY LAMOUR EDWARD ARNOLD BINNIE BARNES - PHUL HARRIS - BETTY GRABLE Added - Color Cartoon "«Playful Polar Bears" ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARIES AUG. 3 to C.N.R. Stations ln thse Marimne Province. Provinice of Quebec. New Brunswick. Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia. Aug. 4.- 5 To Ottawa - $5.10 Aug. 4 - 5 - 6 To Moýntreal - To Quebec City .$7.30 $1 1.30 To Ste. Aqne de Beaupre - $11-90 Tickets, Fares, Transit Limits and Information £ronm Agents. Askfor Handbill -T233A CANA DEAN ICA NADIANM N A T10N A L1PA C 1FI1C nourlshment mIIk gives! Glen Rae MU k ontainsa aLh things b&by needa hinb-a i1Ii- Mnems of growing up. Ho gets nouriubment, vitamnin, miner- aI nd sats. .. au noo.uary elements t h a t build strong bones and sound bodies. Give hmGlen Rat 1 Phone 2665 Bowsnanvlli - - ~ ...'ft~l" r ~ - ~ - 54~a ~ j GLEN RAE -DAIRY PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 27TH, 1939 t, 1

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