THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO *tttttttttttt t t - t t,. t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tt t t tt t t t tt ttttt t. t t t tt t ttt t t tt t t t t t = tt t. f * 0F Interest To * * 's- ~0 f f - t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t. t t.. t t t. t t tt t t.... t t t.... t t t t t t t t t t t.. J')" ta feast my cyca on if. The dec- HintsFor omebdies rations are nef .ornate but its inttenFor Tise tetes simplicity and the perfect pro- Writen or he Sateman portions of flic roopa are satisty- By ing. There is sa mucli fa be known .TESSIE ALLEN BROWN about fie rest cf Canada. Normal evemytiay l11e sliould be a part of aur news ' broaticasts. More Canadian News A Music Appreclation Hour For sanie fine, I have feif we The general trendi in educafion get f00 large a proportion of for- is te make stutients want te do eign andi international news in fie fiings theniseives. The idea be- C.B.C. news broadcasts. The Ca- ing, you get mudli more out of a nadian ncws is tragctiy, or ab- thing you want ta do, rather than normal, or ltdicrous. The Prov- being forcetiinta if. There lias inces differ se mucli anti we do been an interesting expeniment in net know enangli about fie ather Globe Collegiate, Ottawe, fhis parts of aur contry. There is in- year. Blythe Young, ancet the teresting normal news te be tolti senior students is very mucd in- anti it would - teresteti in Music anti feit thaf help us ta be ea tfere were other students who, mare n n i ted given the opportunity, wouid be Canada. W e ~ inferestet int hearing gacti music. gof sanie cf fie Se he starteti a Music Apprecia- sort cf fiing I tion Heur. If was heiti every ofier' mean over fie Tuesday for an hour affer four. air turing the There was no compulsion anti just Royal Visif. Dîi fiose interesteti came. He flouglif you know fiat there mugt possibly be filteen or t hecme weme .~ se who miglit be interesteti. There ever tif ty acro- weme as many as sevenfy anti the planes regular , - average attendance was between ly flying ouf of , thirty anti iorty. There were afi- Edimont on? Or rineset but coulti not come titi yen knaw .esste Allen on Tuesdays. However that day S a s katcliewan Brown was fie freesf for most. If was strict ly a students affair, alfieugli lias more horses flian people? I the feacher who directs flie Bandi was se gladt t hear flic announc- andthli Orchestra acted as con- er say that fie Councîl Chaniber suifant anti affentiet when pos- in fie Province Heuse in Halifax sible. There were, no discipline was consideredthfe nost beautiful probleins as fie boys and girls of any in Canada or possibly ta were there becense they wanted fie Empire. I hati not known it fa, anti if was quiet enougli ta was considereti se. P r o v i n c e hear fie praverbial pin drap. House, itself, (anti isn't fiét a dé- They listenedti theli best cf con- ightffl name for a Legisiative cerf, cpemafic anti orchestral mu- building), is a gem of Georgian sic. Senteetoffiem bronglit re- architecture. The Leg i sla tiv C cords which they cwned, but most Cliamber is -a nict beanfiful room of fie records were loaneti by anti 1, lippe iin several tifimes just fie dealers ta music. Information ______________________about fie composer anti et the particultir select ion wàs given. Sometirnes fiere were requests fgr longer compositions, sucli as WlYN TSEEConcertes, andteewr ie ordinarily have a meeting. Radios A L L 1 E 0 OPTICIANS are developing a love for music Noiedm 12 noon to 2 p.M i the yaunger generation, as fiey about a Thorouar~e having an opporftunify fa hear Eenlnation an 0Moem good music. This idea is worth Siye lasses at trying but if shoulti be stricfly a stutients' affair directeti by anti AlexMeGegor*9 or fiose who love goati music Alx regoanti welcome fie opportunify ta 1Uowmanvlll.- Ont. heur if. QuaIItyU - Prices Down - AI Tfine Optiail Vary thse Work Toomto Rcelving Office z69 Yone at Qe One of fie problems of holi- Expert Repalring days is te kcep fie chiltimen ce- ________------ _____ cupieti. I was going ta say FAMILYRE-UNIONS LAMB REUNION One huntireti anti forty iment- bers aof te Lamb family gefliret et tie Creern af Bariey Ca=p an Saturdety fur anceofthfe iargest: pîvnies ant igef-togefiers helti. Races were helt intahfe efer- non anti prizes were awarded. Sports me, aise indulged intaby sone 'eof le eider crowti. Thel prize for Ihse oldiest man presenrt wenfte James Lamb of Fenelon Falls, whlle Mrs. George Woof, Version Tmwnsliip, captureti fiw honors for beithflce ltest lady 'Suififer LADIES' COATS and DRESSES The newest styles iii fine coats, for summer wear, pattos and m"ter nae nart and fashionable. - Priced As Iow AM - $4»95 A wide selection of coloured and many attractive styles. d&eaes, in al sBizes -Upwards ro= - $1,95 -W YfI.IeAl&«,rV% au '~ Clearance Pties on ail Swlm Sits, Blacks, Shorts, Halters and Other ]Beach Wear. - It will pay you »t buy now. Couch,. Johnston & Cryderman LrdmID Phonie 886 Bowmanvmfl -I fer word. A sfeady diet ai play can beconie a bore. Every moflier lias heard fie boreti, 'there is nothing f0 do'. A spot af werk for even fie smali dhultiren is a goati idea as if not only occupies turhe, but, leisure affer work is always more precions. Few chli- tiren like te help aroundthfe hanse anti I somefimes wantier if me- fiers are not a littie f0 biame. We give fieni jobs which are not specially interesting. R e a 1 1 y, fiere is nat much firillint wash- ing anti drying dishes or seffing the table. Try fieni ouf on fie ofier jobs arounti the hanse anti1 even if fie resuits are not fheE best at tirst, anti even if if is more trouble te have fiem do if flan ta d tifyeurself, let theni learn by tiaing. Vary fie work anti let fiernttry fleir liantiat tiuferent things. Tlitak over flic things yen givýe ydur dhiltiren te do anti if it is always dishes or thc table, use your tagenuity anti tindt fen soeiefing more tateresting te do. To Chiorihate Weter If yen are af ail doubtfvl et the water yen are using, if is possible ta dhloinate it for persenel use. Make up a stock soluftion of chIa- rine by rubbing a teaspoonful et chioride et lime ta a paste wifi aJ littie colti water ta a cup, then fili np fie cup wih calti water. Di- lute fhis solution wifi firce cups9 ai water. This is caileti a stock solution, anti if kept tightly closeti will keep #fs stengfi for a weck. To stemilize fie drinking wafer, atit a teaspoon oif tis solution ta 2 gallons ot watem anti let stand for af least ten minutes before usmng. Raspberry Jelly 3 quarts aspberrics 1 baffle pectin 7% cups sugar Crusli the berrnes fieronghly, place ta jelly bag anti squeeze out fie juice. There sliouid be 4 cups of juive. Il nef enougli juice, atit water te the pulp anti squeeze4 egata. Meesure fie juice and sn- gar tan large saucepan anti mix. Bring to e boil over fie liottest fire anti addt pecftan, stirring con- stantly. Bring toaafuil rollingj bofi anti boil liard exactly V2 min-1 ute. Remove tram fihe fine, sldm * anti pour itt glasses. Seal wilh - wax er fransparent paper ms. 1 Coffee Creamà 1lb. marshmallows 1/ cup lot coffee 2/2 pint whipptag crem Meit fie marshmallows -wifi fie 'hot coffee over a gentie heat, stirrtag constantly. Cool anti ibid in fie creani whicli las been whipped. Pour itt one large aor r tt individuel mouitis or shexlbet dishes anti cull until set 'Gar- nish wifi whippet i 6earm anti- rmarachino cherries if tiesireti. mgn- Gloti Save fie Ktag was suog d ail lef!t tireti but hiappy bop- gta see ail again next year. 1 AWDE CLAN REUNION Thse Awde Clan Rennion was hel the l hme et Mr. antiMirs. Bob Ritch et Drayton, Jnly 22nd. Relatives gafiereti tram Toronto, Oshawa, Newcastle, Tyrone, En- nislkillen, Raglan, Fergus, and Chicego, Ill. At the close of a sumptuons titaner, Presitient frwin Ormiston rdfjnesteti George Awtie et Dray- ton ta reeti a letter tram Miss Leora McDougell wio lias faken etivantage ai an opportnnity f0 trevel te fie Pacifie Coast anti joîn lier sister Marie *ho is ste- tianedti fere as a Deeceness et Victoria, B.C. Leore pi1c t n r e di glowtag portraits of lier impres- sions. She aise describeti in de- feu lier sajonrn wifi an uncle, Thomas Awde, et Heward, Sask., anti witli ler cousin, George Pas- cee, Saskatoon. A letter was reet b y fie secre- tary tram Mr. anti Mr. Thomas Awde ai Heward, Sask. Thcy are liopiag fer enofier samail crop this year whidl iwlUl be beffer flan fiey lave garneret fer ten years. Miss Vida Langmai et Oshawai propeset e toast ta fie hasts anti hestesses et Drayton. Mrs. James McDongall replieti offering the gethering fie pleasure ai remain- tag as guests dnring Snnday in fie Draytan vlcinity. George Awde proposed a toast ta fie lianaret gucat, Miss Vers Morse, ai Seneca, South Dakota, who for tive years lies been werk- lng in Chicago. Miss Morse stateti ta lier eply fiat lier enly regret w as fiat hem mofier coulti not be Sresent, but Veme was returning eme wlithfie lave ef Canada in lier heent whldh lier moflier lied aise acquireti In e brief sfay here some fwenty years ago. Jee Awte ai Tarante proposeti e toast te aur insmetiafe lest anti1 hostcss, the Ritchs. Mr. Ritdli e- plieti anti saidthfat if lis own clan were ta gafier fiey wenld nef number a dazen, but bis wite's people lied teken hlm fa fleir Bride-To-B. Reedves Lovely Fleer Lamp Miss Marion Staples. a bide-to-be, 3was presented with a beautifni f loor lanip. Fridav eveniner. at a present- ation held in the Nurses' ResiiÇéice. -Eigbteen girls wbo were asocWiated with Miss Staples durine lier train- iei period in the local bospitai were 1 present Miss Grace Werrv read -a .nicelv worded address wbicb ex- t ressed the congratulations cf the girls on Miss Staples' comme nl arr- iage, and wisbed lier the ntmnost of success and izood inck in ber . new career. Miss Allie Worden niade the Desentation. Miss Staffles thgnk- ed evervone most izraclouslv for their kindness. The roons was decorated in pink and white, with a chair cf bQnor for tlie bride-to-be in tbe centre, Refreshtients were served and a social bour was enioved. Mrs. Smnvtb kindlv donated the use of the residence for the present- atiosi. hearts as one of their awn. These afficers were e 1e ct ed: President - Jonathan Awde, New- castle; Sec'y.-Treas. , Mrs. Arthur Moore, Enniskillen; Management Committee - Vida L an g ma id, Frank Pascoe, Elda Mcuntjay, Hilton Peters. Doris McDougall. entcrtained the wemen and chiidren with gaines and a cantest. Prizes were awarded te, Vida Langmaid, Eve- lyn Awde, Mrs. Irwin Ormisten and Mrs. Russel Wright. Luther Peacce railieti the yeung folk in an adjoining fielti where a lively ganie ef basebaîl ensued. The sounti cf the supper bell terminat- ed flua spart. Andi se another Jolly reunion was brouglit ta a close unt il an- other year raIls aronnd. >~/kDlIM LANTERN present. Everyane sat down to a delic- ions and bountiful lunch, doing justice to their wbetted appetites. Ail agreed that it had been one of the mast successful reunions emers. came fram Pennsyl- vanta, Port Hope, Mllbrook, Cav- anville, Nestieton, Fenelon FaUs,1 Rosedale, Balsam Lake, Milton,i and Saskatchewan, as well as those from Bowmanville. GOYNE PICNIC The fffth annual picnic of the Goyne connection was held on the lovely picnic grounds of Mr. Rus- sel Luke, Tyrone. The afternoon was spent in a social time and a hearty meal was enjoyed. Howard Cale called the comp- any t0 order. Offilcers for the coming year are: President - Cas- tle Larmer; Sec.-Treas. - Mrs. Al. Coulter; Commitfee - Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson, Miss Velma Har- ris; Sports Commiftee - Stanley Harris, John Harris, Frank Emer- son, Ellen Emerson, Lawrence Coulter. Miss Velzna Harris favored with two readings in ber pieasing man- ner. It was decided ta bold the pic- flic next year in the same place and if possible the same date. A hearty vote of fhanks was ex- tended to the Luke family for their kind haspitality and for making the picnic a success. Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Rob Thomas and Roberta, Wick; Mrs. Dan Bac, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Al. Coulter and faxaily, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson and family, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coie, Mrs. Curtis and Miss Gamble, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Mr. and. Mrs. Castle Larmer, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris and faxnily of Oshawa. TAMBLYN FAMILY REUNION Those who were not at tlie elevenfli annual Tamblyn farnily « reunion on Saturday at tlie beau- tilul comniunity park, Hampton, le onadogathee wheth e li lnissed on ofthe est et.he y sports convener,, Carlas Tamblyn, Orono, had a basebali garne gomg, andi from then on until supper kept fhings iively with races and' stunil. The Tamblyn Drug Compaar., 'TS=eto, again donateti beautiful prizes which were distributedtu.~ï O]dest lady present, Mms.Y. M. Taniblyn, Bowmanville; Oldest gent present, Mr. J. Parsons, Bar- rie; recentiy mnarried couple, Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Harrison, Camn- eron. Other prizes were grvente lhe president, Mr. M. W. f'amblyn, Bowmanviile, and Mrs. A. E. Tamblyn, Cambray. Sports prizes were given ta: Boys, 7 years andi -under, Ronald Ashton; Girls, 7 years and under, Dorcîthy Btan-. tan; Boys 12 years and under, Jun- son Tamblyn; Girls 12 years andý under, Marie Ashton; Single boys, Glen Tamblyn; Single girls, Olive Brown; Marrieti men, Arthur Har- rison; Biscuit contest, Glen Tam- blyn; Pop Bottle content Frank- lyn Tamblyn; Married tîéI -~'nail driving contest, Mrs. Wiliamion; Rolling pin'contest, Mrs. 'Everett Brown. After a bounteous suaper these uMfcers were electeËL President, M. W. Tamblyn, Bowmtuanviice; Vice President, Robert Tamsblyn, Oshawa; Sec'y.-Treamr, M rs. Russell Ormiston, Hampton-, Fani- ,fUy Trec Convener, Miss Mfary Taxnblyn, Toronto; Sports Voni- mnitee, Olive Brown, Orirne, Clara Thoinpson, Oshawa, PFra =k1 y n Tamblyn, Orono, Mme. Carlos Tamsblyn; Table Comrnittee, Mrs. 'Ernest Werry, Enniskillen, Mrs. Lloyd 'Ashton, Enniskillen, Mrs. Howard :Brent, Tyrone. Miss 'Mary Tamblyn gave an 'interesting repart of lier wor' as: iasnily tise convener andi asked ail ta help her make if stffi more complete. Wedding Osborne-Wilkins A prctty midsummer wedding' was solemnized at flic home of Mr. andi Mrs. Albert Wilkins, Courtice, Jnly 22nd, when their eldest daugliter, Helen R. was United in marriage fa Gardon E. Osborne, Cameron Falls, Ont., eldest son of Mr. anti Mrs. Herbert F. Osborne, Ebenezer. The home was arfistically dec- orated with sumnmer flowers and the bridaI parfy taak their places beneath an arch of fern andi rases. Rev. W. C. Smifh conductcd the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father the lovely bride ware a fleor length gown af white triple sheer, with full skirf and quiited jacket. Hem finger-tip veil was shirred into a caronet af orange blossonis andi she carrieti a shower bouquet cf sunset roses. She were a string cf pearls, the gift aiflice groom. She was attended by lier sister, Miss Doris Wilkins, in a floor lcngth gawn of robin egg bine, who carried a bouquet et pink carnations. Mr. Haroldi Osborne was bis brafier's groonisman. During the signing of fthe regis- fer Miss Hazel Runtile sang "Be- cause" and Miss Ada L. Annis playeti the weddlng music. Following thie ceremony a buf- fet supper was serveti by cousins ef the bride and groom. Amid showers of confetti flic hiappy couple ici t for a wedding trip te Cleveland, Ohio, fie bride wearing a dress of lime green, with sand coat andi white acces- sories. After the first cf September Mr. and Mrs. Osbern'e will reside in Cameron Fafls. miss Helen Wilkins Honored By Friends A shawer was given af fie home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wor- den, Maple Grove, July 18th, by Misses Beryl anti Annie Wilkins ti honer ai their cousin, Miss H-elen Wilkins. About 40 relatives andi frientis were present. Alter Helen and Gardon lad been seat- ed in fie living room, which was beautifuily decorateti with white streamers, pink and white roses and pink candles, Mr. Bert Col- weli calleti the company together -and expiainedth fe reaning of tlie gafhering, aise thanking Mr. and Mrs. Worden for opening fleir home for the occasion. The pre- sents were opened tid fthe ac- companying verses reud. Helen and Gordon tbanked evcryone for their lovély gifts and invited ail te corne and sec themn in their new homne in fie far nerfh after Sept- 1sf, where Gar- don is engageti un the teaching, staff at Canseron Fals. The remainder aoflice evenîng was spent in yard piaying, and dainty refreshments were serveti. To Bau McCready Miss Margaret McCready was fie recipient of a beautiful gift from lier mnany Young friends at a tee helti ncioe±y at the home of Miss Helen Williams. The pre- sentation was accrampanieti by au atidress readti byMiss Dorothy Mitchell, expressing fie regrets at the deparfuiie af Miss Mc- Cready for ler home in Lefi- bridge, Alberta. Miss Graoe Mit- chell presenteti fie gif t. Margaret's paients, Mr. andi Mrs. T. H. MéCready, joinedth fe group of girls fur -tea, anti were introcluced te ber frientis. Misses Menti and Jean Ransay very ably assistet i msWfliams ta servtag a tdightfül luni, which was servet int a rcSni profusely dcc- orateti wifi 3beautifid roses. Margaret lias been attending Bowmanville HIgh Sclieol for two years, residing wiflilier grand- mofier, Mrs. A. E. MnaCready, un- til ber deafi. Set urday aftenonxa, Margaret was hast ta lier ySxng frientis at a tea on the spacinus iawn af Mr. and Mrs. F. C. 'Vanstene's home.- THURSDAY, .IULY 27TH, 1939 Synopsis looked at ber. Again be was aware Young. prettv Jane Barnes. wbo of quickened emotions. She revjved Iived witb ber brother. Baldwin. in haîf-forgotten ardors. Gave bimN Sherwood Park near 'Wasbington, back bis voutb. She used none ofi was flot particularly impressged wben tbe cut and dried metbods of sonbis-s she read tbat ricb. attractive Editb tication. Sbe was fearless. absolute-r Towne bad been left at the altar by ly alive. and in spite of ber cbeapf Delafield Simms. wealtby New gray suit. altogetber lovely. Yorker. However. she still mused So it was witb an air of almost over it wben sbe met Evans Follette, romantic cballenge tbat bd said, a voung neigbbor. wbom tbe war bad "Wbat would Yon advise ?" left completely discouraged and des- "I'd let ber alone. like little Bo- pondent. Evans bad always loved Peep). Sbe'll come bome before Yeon Jane. That morningr Baldwin Barnes. .kno, it. Mr. Towne." on bis wav to work in Wasbington. "I wisb that I cotild tbink it-bow-1 offered assistance to a taîl. lovely eei' ra ofr eko girl in distress. Later be found a ever. it's s .sagricomfo t ounow bag sbe bad leftintecr contain- tbat she is visiting friends. and tbat ing a diamond ring on wbicb was I've beard f rom ber. And now.1 inscribed "Del to Editb-F.orever.' about tbe things she wants. It seems He knew then tbat bis passenger bad absoîuteîv suilyto send tbem." 9 been Editb Towne. Already he was "Idnthikt' il- baîf way in, love witb ber. Tbat "Idntbikt'siy. nigbt be discussed tbe niatter witb "Wby not ?" Jane. and tbey decided ber uncle. "'Oh clotbes make sucb a lot of worldly, sopbisticated Fred e r i c k difference te a woman. 1 can ab- Towne. He visited tbem at their solutelv cbange my feelings by bome.. delighted witb Jane's simplic- cbanging MY f rock." ity. He told them Editb's story, and She rose. "'I'l leave tbe list witb tbey f illed in tbe missing lines. Be- Von and Von can telepbone Baldy cause ber uncle derired it, E-ditil when to come for thein." Towne bad accepted Delafield "Don't go. I want to talk to Yeu." Simms. wbom sbe liked but did flot "But you're busy." love. That did not prevent ber from "Not unless I want to be." becoming furious wben he f aile_4 to "But I am. 1 bave to go to mar- sbow np for tbe wedding. Sbe dis- e- appeared immediately after tbe wd- "Briggs can take you over. Fil ding was to bave taken place. Hear- cal up the garage." ing tbe story, Baldy and Janc sym- "Briggs! Can von imagine BriggRs patbized witb Edith, fnot with bier driving tbrongh tbe streets of Wash- uncle. Tbe next day Jane received no wihaoud fsuagad a basket of fruit f rom Towne. ask- anton -ibt aspt?" f anae n ing if be might caîl again. Mrs. Fol- a"tre-rb ouma t" uae o lette. widowed motber of Evans. a "Do ve ak on mea tba yonare go-h a woman of indomitable courage. Yon ?", Impoverished, sbe nevertbele$s mail- "Yes. There aren't any deliveries aged te keep) Evans and berseli in in Sbewood." comparative comfort by rnnzng a He hesitated for a moment. tben dairy fann. Evans mentally depress- tonched ber shoulder ligbhtly witb ed and disilnsioned. bad little self hi, forefinger. "Look bere. Let reliance und looked te bis motlier Briggzs take Yon to markét. then and Jane for guidance. Aiter re- corne back bere, and we'Ill mn np to turning f rom tbe Follett's next day, the bouse. zet tbe tbligs for luncb Baldv is called to tbe phone by Editb at Cbevy Chase .and Put Yoeu down, Towne. in answer te an ad. She sansages. bags and ail. at vour own *ed bim to bring ber rocketbook door in Sberwood." She is stavinz witb an oid einplovee "Really ?" She was ail sbining rad- at a 7hotel some miles away. iance. CHAPTER V "Really. You'll do it the.? Sit _______down a moment while 1 call ni) Frederick Towne neyer arrived in Briggs." lis office until ten o'clock So Jane He called the garage and tumned was abead of bisn. She sat i, a again te oW . "F'il dictate some luxrins utr ron. wating. important letters. and be readv for luxurous uterroovoYnuwben von get back." Wben be came in lie saw 'me at 'So Jane went tbrongb the line old onc. and elhd onteisn d t l-market. with its long aisles brilliant me. 'Yo'vebead framEdib?" with the bounty of field and gzarden, "Yes. Last nigbt. Toc late te let river. andi bay and sea. There were Tyou know." red meats and red tomatoes' and "Good. We'll go intomv rooni." red appées. oranges that were Yel- lane was tbrilled 'bý a seuse of low. and Dnmpkins a deeper orange. tbings bappening. Outwardlv câlin. Tbere were sbrimps tbat were pink. :Éhe was inwardly séirred bv cicite- and red-snappers a deeperi rose. ment. Tbere was tbe gold of butter and the izol ofbony -thegreen of spin- Sbe sat in aàbg leather chair c.tegrnof lisadte ~wicb nearlv swalloqwed ;ler up. and ah h re foie n h -staed br of -pickles in bowls of brine, statd be errnd.there was the brown of potatoes "Baldv tbongbt Id'dbetter coame. overflowinz in bnrlap bairs, and the ;he's so busy. and aaylow be tbjnks brown of bread bakefl te crustiness I bave more tact" She tilted 'ber -the brown of tbe plumage of dead dihin -at bum and smùied. dncks--the white of otijons and tbe "And Yon thought it needed tact." white of roses. "Weil. don't Yon. Mr. Towne? W~e Jane bQught modestly and Briggs really haven't anytbicig to do with it, cai-ried lber parcels. He eveýn made and I'm sure Yeu d2lflk so. OnIlv a suggestion as to tbe cnt of tbe aw we're in it. we vant te do thse steak. Hîs fatber. it seemed. bad es'we can." been a butcber. 'lsee. Since EÀbtb bas chosesi They drove back tben for Fred- van -and vour brotber as amibassa- erick. BrigaRs went up for him. and dors vou've got te use -diplomacy." retur'nied to say that Mr. Towne "She didn't cboose me. sbe chose wouid be down in a moment. Baidv." Frederick was. as a matter of "B-ut why can't she deal directly fact. finisbing a letter to Delafield witi, me ?" Simîns: "Sbe ran awav f rom Yu. And "I amn assuming that Yeu will get she isd't ready to corne baclc." vour mail at the Poinciana, bjit 1 "She ouzbt to come back?" shah aise send a coDy to vour New "She doesn't tbink so. And1 sbe's York office. Editb bas asked me to afraid vou'll insi$t." retnrn the ring to you. I shaîl bold "What does she want me to do?" it until I learn wbere it may be de- "Send her tbe baR with the money livered into your bands. and tbe dieckbook. and let Baldy "As for myself. I can oplv sav take ont a lot of things. Sbe gave tis-tbat my first impulse was to hiu % list. tbere's everytbing f roni kilI von. But perbaps I am too civi- toilet water to talcum." lized te believe tbat voue: death "Suppose I refuse to send tbem ?" wouid make tbings better. Yeu must "Yon can. -of course. But You nnderstand. of course. tbat you've won't. will Yeu?" put vourself beyond tbe pgle of de- "No. I suppose not. I sban't ce- cent people." ,erce ber But it's ratber a strange Lucv's pencil wavered - a flusb thine for ber te be willing to trust staineti ber tbroat and cbeeks-tben ail this te vour brother She bas sbe wrote steadilv. as Frederick's seen bim onlv once!' voice continued: "Weil," said Jane, witb some spir- "You will fInd yourself black- it, "vou've seen Baldy only once, balled by several of the clubs. Wbat-i and wouldn't Yeu trust bim?' ever yonr motive, tbe world sees no She f lune tbe challenge at bum. excuse." and onîte snrprisingly lie found bum- He stopped. "Will Yeu read that self saying. "Yes. 1 would." over 'again. Miss Logan ?" "Weil." said Jane, "of course." Se Lncv read it - still witb tbat He leaned back in bis chair and bot flush on ber cbeeks. and when.. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATER BARGAINS 15 Reconditioned Guaranteed Electric Refrigerators General Electric - Frigidaire -llostesa - Kelvinator - Norge - Beach from $39.00 up -Bargain Prices on Brand New 1938 Models - We Guarantee The Lowest Prices In Ontario 'Oounty Refrigerator Service - AUI lMakes Don Christian Electric 38 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa OPEN EVENINGI Phone 84 - 744 TEMPLE DA I LEY' St. Joseph's Church ANNUAL LAWN SOCIAL AT ROTARY PARK - 3O'WMANVILLE Friday, August 4tIa, 1939 $100 - IN PIE $100 Attractive Boothi On GToe.mds Firat Prime -- ------- --------$5000 Second P i ------ -- ---c ----$25.00 Thfrd Prime $10.00 Fourth PrIie $1.00 Fifth Prime -------------- $ 5.00 Tickets-- -- ---25oeueah - 5 for $1.0 PAGE FIVE she bad finisbed Frederick said. "You can Iock the ring in the safe until I lzive you furtber instruc- tionis." A clerk came la. to say tbat the car ivas waiting. and presently Fred- erick Towne' went awav and Lucy was left alone ini the gzreat room. whicb was flot to ber a forest of adventure as it had seemed to Tane. but a gzreat Prison wbere sbe tuggRed at ber cbains. She thougbht of Delafield Simnis sailbiw fast to southern waters. Of those purpile seas-tbe blazing stars in tbe splendid nights. Delafield had told ber of them. Tbey bad often talked together. She turned tbe riniz aronnd (in ber f inger, studying tbe carved figure. The woman witb the butterfly wingZs was exuuisite-but sbe did flot know ber name. Sbe slipPed tbe ringz on tbe tbird linger of ber left band. Its diamonds blazed. Sbe locked it presently in tbe safe -tben came back and read tbe letter wbicb Towne bad signed. Sbe sealed it and stamped tbe ednve1ope. Then she wrote a( letter of ber own. Sb.e mnade a little ringz of ber bair. and fastened it to the page. Beneath it she wrote. "Lucy to Del-forever." Sbe kissed tbe words, beld tbe crackling sbeet against ber beart. Her eves were sbining The great room was no longer a prison. She saw bevdnad captivity to the open sea. Mrs. Allison and tbe tbree old ladies witb wbom Jane was to drink tea. were neigbbors. Mrs. Allison lived alone. and the otber tbree lived in tbe bomes of tbeir several sons and dangbhters. Tbev Played carda every Priday afternoon. athd Jane always came over when Mrs. Alli- son entertained and belped ber with tbe refresbments. They were very simple and pleasant old ladies witb a nice seng'e of tbeir owhl dignity. At anY rate. tbey bad Jane. Some (Contlnued on page 9) Sunimer Speelals Novelties Souvenfrs Magazines Cbinaware Knitting Wools Picmc Supplies Oolored Glasses Butterick Patterns Postcards and Cards for every occasion DRY - CLEANING Speclal DRESSES (Plain) 2 COATS (SPrmng) for TOPCOATS $10 SUITS$10 Or any combination, whites excepted. JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE. Phone 651 Bownsaavfle A- Gi land -aniusea-, Dut occupiea is me Dei- kept bright. and attractive wlth the help of WRIGLEIS