THURSDAI r'1 -_-_-_-__y_- l -1- L- ~ ,.. ...a.xi, 1¶Arlh- ? n LICENTIGUS DAYS YOUR WORLD AND MINE A licene tounrnylafucca (Copyright) A license to bave a radio, BY JOHN C. KIRKWOOD A license to kecp a liog; A license to buy one little drink, A license to fish or liunt, I have be&o'neeting a nian wbo jliad nof seen for many years. This A license to run your motor boat, is jobless - a white-liaircd man. lihotel-keeper liad been receivîng a Canoe Or some old punt; AUhbis life lie lias been corsnecfed1 Guelpis newspapcr for in a nriy A license f0 take a girl f0 wed, 1 witb the publishing business -1 years, and bad neyer paid for it. A license if I sboûld seli chiefly on fthe éditorial side. About The publisher of tise newspaper A littie bit of cloth or fhread, 1 a year ago lie was let out by lis bad failed to gef any responses A license if I sliould yell. 1 employers, and in the intervai lie 'f0 lis letters asking for payment. Next, it will be a license, sure, 1 lias earned less than $100. Smifli was empioyed b y this Wlien I go dow h tet Wlien lie iost bis job, lie sfarted newspapcr. He said, "I know I ie fIsown thstret, al j ouf witli some big ideas - big Joncs, and I'm going to Stratford I liensoeo I sould topt al Sprojccts. One was a newspaper MIl sec wbaf I can do." Wlicn Wfsmenr boi et -whicli would have a weckîy dis- Smifli cailed on Joncs, tiscre was Alcense if I sliouid go to siecp, tribution of 100,000 copies, and a welcome given to him by Joncs. A license if I sliould wake, t for flic cosfs of' whicli $3000 a Smithb said, "Bob, 1 suppose you A license if I sliould cook a meal,i wcck would be neccssary, this are like a good many others of O aeapeo ae flineyus am "' A license if 1 sliould buy a bat, f0 eytocome from adverfisers. usYou feit fliat flic amo , ndplc i o yofcd But this was far too big a projeccf fli annuai subscription to thé Andpae tohm e for fisis moncyîess mani f0 put1 Mirror was foo smaii f0 remit, and E lcense if flic underfak- over aIl by liimsclf; and in addi- fliaf you'd jusf leftflic amounts Er buries me wlien dead. tion the project was unsound. accmuae, and flien send aiong -Raipli Gordon. Then this man conccivcd an- ic wboîe amount duc." Joncs 628 Crawford Sf., Toronto. f ofiser pubiishîng project. Thsis said, "o ul sfi i? _________ projccf was flic production of a "$32,"', said Smith, and into lisd magazine for free distribution by Pocef wenf Joncs' liand and lie A -R BB 5 1 one of Canada's large cliain food counfted ouf $312, and asked for a A FIE SHU B 5 store organizations Tise magazine rceif a al donc as quickly wouid be an expensive one f0 and ashpleasanfly as fliaf! NT U' produce, and dependence for flic Smîfh, in flic course of many REA Y T JA E O moe rqie Iwud b lacnerp : sationsss tod me 0f RiOT KEO thr mazie.t asf00 aitios fhbeSmifs' C K GREATEST RUNNER t prjet asto abtiustobe Smthsway wlien lie faces _____ri undertaken by a moneyless man; new proposai or idea is f0 cx- h also, if was furncd dowxi by the amine if wîfli a cool and reserved Cream of Barley Camp Manager te cliain store company. jdment. Réc does flot look first Holds Several Distance Re- tc Affer fliese fwo failures this judg for and at flic iole in flic cords Af ter Thlrty 'Years i ma'sidasbcae ubu ,;ini- douglinuf, but atflic dougli. Away Prom Track Work Ca dced, lie bîmself became subdued. Smithi las been mucli atfracfed di The courage and ambifion wiid by a certain exterprise conceived (rmPtrooEaie) C lie iad wlien lie lost bis job, and by anoflier maxi. He said, "I like (Fo PerboExmn) C whîcli lie posscssed wblc lie bad your idea, and I fliink fliaf I can Alfie Slirnbb, thirty vearsago a fw hndrd ollrs n te el if,"yet five or six weeks were the Rreatest runner in the world, bank, oozed away as bis reserve ahiowed f go by before Smith toîd flie Examiner the oflier day funds were consumed. In bis fearistarfed ouf f0 sli. lHe said, "I that witli a few weeksj of serions and in bis neccssify this man was belleve in making everytliing as trainingRlie could stiii bea thtree- willing f0 do anytliing whicli lad easy f0 seli as possible," and s0 in if flic promise of a regular lie used flic passing weeks f o gef iuarters of the long distange men weeky wgeandwbih le lad licproosa ani te atic of todav. "Tbere are some of fbem abily f0doae, gof win wli asae rmarg.licnd tudarie fwbo wouid beat me," lie admittedl, abiityto o. e gt i wih asal mae rght Hestuiedstraf- "but I conid take ms of tbem witb man wiso faîketi about sfartig a egy. lie made liimself master of .',H, m5 ostndmree newspaper, and flic man of wliom effective arguments. In o thser esse. ei 1nwadmxae I am wrifing was f0 be ifs editor. words, lie matie if easy f0 seli of ftle Cream of Barley_ csn aif But affer several wceks' connec- wbat lie set ouf fo seil. lic made Bowmsnviile. tioxi wifis this il-financeti andi un- baste siowiy. And lest anyone fbink Alfie sound enferprise, fisc man of Srb' ttmn sa debat wbom I write fouxid limseif being J C K l iubb'skstaent is antide bast. gyppeti by the would-be ncws- I fell of fliese fwo men iiflicofet hismanlook c arlyint licpast paper publisbcr, and if lie gof any liope fliaf fliir stories as I have d ii thmann wbo nae winee money at ail from if, if was lcss toiti them will be useful f0 some die i Nurfl ic nni of ta Gitn flir $5 - this for a full moxth's of my readers. The one man de- PaoNri ileRtiGe service. feafs biniseif by bis lifeln Cunninglianm, Percy Williams, and Ift was wlien ise "came f0 hlm- practice of finding fauifs and the rest of fliat couraeus, f leet- self" - wisen lie was ini dire cir- flaws wifb evcrything submifted leeeed race bis name wiil ilive for- cumsfanccs - that this maxi came f0 him for judgmenf anti acccpt- ever as lonL, as men shall match fo me, f0 fell me flic treary tale ance. lie sinks himsclf. Smithi, their streniztb and speed againsf escb of bis failures. I wantedt o lelp on flic other isand, refaixis bis otber on cinder f rack. Nor lias lie hem. I proposeti several projecfscourage and gocs aliead usixig zone to seed: he's as lean and wiry open f0 iim, wifiin flic range of sudh strcngth and opportunifies today as lie wss at heiglit of bis bis abilify, anti requiring no cap- as are bis. Eacis of fliese men bas1 career tbirtv vears sgo. He's living ital - jusf service, but fisc mani handicaps - ecd is pasf mididle an outdoor lufe, followinz bis old found faulfs and weaknesses wifhlilfe. and ecdi las a pliysical dis- traininz diet, keepinz ut) striRent everytising I proposed, anti in flic ability. 'mIues of bis oid profession in every enid I let hlm go willingly, for I Tiscre are *so many men wlio parficniar. felt fisat tisis "talent" of bis for sllow fhemscives ta be overcome Name Tlsrllled Millions fintiing the liole in flic douglinuf by adverse circumsfances '- wlio would kcep on defeafing hirn. quit trying. Anid tiscre are so Some day if you are driving You just can't belp a mani wlo is many men wiso are pessimistic - tbrouebh Bowmanviiie and stop for sef on finding faulf witlithfl ife- sen only flic dark side of every- Ras at bis camp. Aifie Slirubb will buoy whicli one tbrows bim f0 fing Life is as we make if. Wc f ili yonr tank. And if von are oid succor him fromn imminentf drowxi- can be kings and conquerors, or enoueli f0 remember the days of mng. we can be crawlers and compiain- liis grestness. if the cruncli of spike J C K ers. slioes on cinder mean anythiniz to Thcre's anotiser maxi wlomn I you. you'll iump from vYour car and have becbmeeting - a maxi ofpui)hsanadtelir oae bout flic s% age as the man of DEPOSIT LUNGE horFormobihbn and i hvon arl e wliom I liave been telling. This PROM HATCHERY lionore. For ionohre o iil be maxi is nof robust, and lias fo go AT PETERBORO whose e ehi:lie ills mot wor 20,00; lien ameo-Department Ralses Stock of Game People ai! over flic worid tIlirty vears ptes 1929 ca 00000stroi e a eiis Flsh Despite Duficulties aRo a mati wbo brouglit bonors the199_atstoph,_nd_ s aiore to bis native Engzland, a mati man's fortune was losf f0 bim. wbo brougbt wild roars of applause But lie was not broken by this OfficiaIs of flic Ont ario Depart- f0 flic flroats of tlionsands wlien loss. Ever since beelias been ment of Game and Fisheries, par- lie broke the finisbing tape on earxiing a comforfable living as a ticularly Hon. Harry Nixon, flic Îiundreds of cinder f rscks on fire salesman - selling on lis own ac-! Minister and J. D. Taylor, bis de-cotnts couit. Tisat is f0 say, lie is a putv. are zoingz around wifb broadcotnts free-lance salesman, wifliout , smiles on fliir faces these days for Probablv flic onlv mati in flic boss. He is not ouf affer a big tlicy bave donc battie witli. and de- annais of track wliose recorc', par- income. Bofli bis age and bis nat- fested. oid Mother Nature lierself. suds fliat of Aifie Slirubb is Paavo ure ombne 0 mae iim ontet A prof o flc vcfor ovr î6ooNurmi of Finiand wbose in.atbine-like ti anmbinc o madequafe for bi s r to f tveic innge wi1i0bestride carried him fo close tf0 two ily aneeds. dqutefo is he ofieinhlrewl edozen worid records. Nurmi seems Tismx iscxinaly de- i. iberated f rom flic new Peterboro f0 eutshine Slimubb in fbis day. but ligitîig me by bis philosopisubater thsweek,-waile tound mucli of fliaf is because lie is a and his practices. lI bis lusfy days bore flusan d -in th contcd rvmucli more recent aflilete. If Paavo lie was regardeti by many as flctheb cd nfi btbr Nurmi's records stand for as long best salesmaxi tley ever met, leie pnds litui fey reacli fhi lengtb as some of Allie Sbmubb's have, flien was a good saiesman because lie of 10 inclies. wiil be flic time to compare flic fwo got orders wbere and wlien ochers Tliere is nofhinsc new in flic pro- men. in the service o f the sqaennv~î. nnantinn .,;- -- ;-~. , Ir--1 er failed. This man is fthe vcrY other types of gaine and commer- reverse of being flashy or "strong- cial fisb are concerned. but it cer- arned." His. manner is quiet and tsîniy is news when muskies bave to confident. He does flot antagonize been raised f0 the five-inch stage se buyers wlien lie cals on them. which. witb care. will certainly fol- '- His manner and bis conversation îow. bc soothe rather than rouse rcsist- ,Lbrton o ,00yugav ance. He does nof try to be hum- ieaon fth 100Yug orous. Hie sticks f0 business wlien figlters in eastern Ontario waters of he canvasses buyers. He is noft this week wil* mark the first occa- ru daunted by earîy negatîves. son on wbicb this typ)e of Ramne f isb si£ Quîetiy persistent and persuasive bas been successfully reared to the st lie gefs orders fromn men wliom "f isb" stage. To New York State ni ofliers find to be "difficuit." goes the honor of liaving raised m This man, namcd Smitb, was 1100 of the fish in state batclieries, 1 tclling me about a liotel-keeper but the cost was prohibitive and it lh whom lie knew quite weli, but wvas not attempted again. Ontario sir ___________________________ as successfuiiy combatted the pro- ho blem and now tbousands up)on i tbousands of the zreat figliters bave " rà, srln raisueIras Partof th~e ordinary i Battliniz instinct of the f isb, evenon ini the two-inch stage. provides the a chef probiem for the departrnent. th- In the Past it was found impossible1' to keeco enougli live food before -the 6 Young f isb and. beinz cannibais bv' nature. it was not long until the survival of thie f ittest left tbe rear- in.e onds stripped almost dlean. It "Tbey will not eat dead food. in EverytbinR has to be alivt and wrigc- as gling," said Mr. Taylor. "We bad ha to develiv a large supp)ly of naLural vya water f leas for their food. In addi- lef tion to that we rèar the ordinsry ed minnow in nursery ponds for feed 'T ourposes. So far the whQle scberne rec lias every appearance of success and wie we *will start to thin ont the an rearinir ponds witl f isb frQm five cen inclies up, we hope to be able f0 re- teui lease a great manv fisb about thie Shi 14-incli stage." raci A few of the little battiers whicli mil died were sent to the departmental the bioiogist for examination. D.eath. in foi neariy every case. was due tg lie tht ef forts of the little battiers to swal- as1 Gutta Percha Tire« are old iow a brother or sister of ecauai size. thei and recommended by: Howeyer. as longr as the water f leas Can MOKEEVER & BI1'IJ and minnows corne to the rescue. N TeMprane St Bomanvlleofficiais of ftle department gre con- unie Temerace t. - owmnvilef ident that they can keep their lat- shot ___________________________est progeriy from starting at each juui otber's liead and masticating me- to GUTTA PERCHA ~I TUtliodicaily until the taii disappears. cli ___________________________ lea TIR E '4Aman of tise worid must sccm wbe to be wliaf le wishcs f0 be toÉ thoughf."-Bruyere. to% Seven Records Sthli Stand For Allie Sbrubb once bejd close o two dozen distance recorà him- self. And fhirfy-five vears affer- wards a iance at a sports record book shows thaf seven stiil statid- an aimost unbelievable thinz in view of flic imo:rovement in t raçks and runnine sboes that bave been made scc bis day. Sbrubb's name stiii stands beside flic six. seven. ciglit. mie. eleven, tliirteen. and fourteen mile distances. It was in 1903 and 1904 fiat lie tnrned in times for tosc distances that bave neyer ince been ecuailed. He used f0 iod tflcfive and fen mile records as tic in 1924 and bis fen-mile mark wcll. but Nurmi took bis f ive-mile n 1928. Anoflier record lic used f0 iold wss for thle one-bour rIan - a sce seldom hliard of nowadays. but )e of flic most popular fwo de- ides and more ago. Nurmi took fat tifle. f00. wben lie ran 1h miles, 648 Yards in f bat t ime at a meet in erman y in 1928. Tracks Better To-day Alfic Slirubb lias only one regret. tis that tracks and running eoes b is day were not nearly as good s tlicv are now. "If oniyyve bad Ld fliose f wo advanfaizes thirfy ars agzo tome csf us would have It marks that would bave sfagger- flice boys csf foday." lie lamented. Tbev would nof bave toppled our ecords over so easiiy." A glance at bis record reveals namazine face: in fthc quarter entury lie was running as an 4ma- wr and ister as a professional, hmubb fook p)art in more than 1,800 ces that were f rom twcs f0 ten les long. lHe said tlie oflier day teaveraze flirougliont wouid be ir or f ive miles. And that means at duriniz bis career lie rail as f ar flice Kinz and Qucen travehlcd on eir entire fllQfth-lcsnjztrpoflirougli anada and flic United States. Noman blas ever run furfiser, lest if be Nurmi. So no mati uld be in as good position f0 igRe whefher foot racingz docs harm a mani - because tome people lirn that afliletes develop a jstrained art and hall a dozen other alment s hen tliey zrow oder. Not açcording Allie Shrubb. liere's wbat be bas sav about that: "I'm, firmly çon- 57,744.45 Operating Account for Year Ended Dec. 3 IN C O M E --------------------------------- Do e tc Lig it ----------------- 27,27 1.72 Commercial Liglit------------------- 9,787.18 Commercial Powcr -------------_45,892.95 Street Liglifing------------------------ 3 ,268.31 Mercliaxdise --Nef Profit------_' 599.29 Stores - Nef Profit --------------- 720.92 Truck Operation--------------------- 1,079.43 Building - Nef Revenue --- ---- 17.61 88,637.41 $185,204.44 1, 1938 $ 88,637.41 Operating Account for Year Ended Dec. 31 INCOME--------------- Consumers ----------------------------- 13,283.29 H ydrants ----------------------- 3,906.00 77189.29 EXPENDITURE ----------------------------------------- 14,461.76 Hydrant Maintenance---------------- 235.70 Mains anti Service Maintenance - 798.29 Mefer Maintenance --- - -- ---------- 149.52 Pump liouse Operation------------- 266.27 Meter Readiing, Billing, Colhecfing 852.21 Office Salaries anti Administrat'xi 1,035.25 Infeestant Ban Chrge - - -46--45 14,461.76 OPERATING PROFIT for Year f0 Surplus --- Surplus Account BALANCE AT CREDIT 1 Jaxiuary, 1938. --- - Nef Profit for year endeti 31 December, 1938 - BALANCE AT CREDIT 31 DECEMBER, 1938 TO BALANCE SHEET ------- --- - ------ $ 88,637.41 $ 50,389.76 111.80 6,99.07 58,250.7 $ 58,250.71 $ 58,250.71 2,727.53 $17,189.29 $187,478.90 il 1938 $ 17,189.29 5 ,289.29 $7,949.92 7,949.92 $7,949.92 I Audited by Oscar Hudson & Co. Chartered AccountantsI BOWMANVILLE PUBLICUTILITIES COMMISSION Electrical Departaient Balance Sheet as at December 31, 1938 ACTIVE Casli on Hanti --------- ------- Cashi in Banik .------- ------ Accouxits Receivable ---- -- H.E.P.C. of Ontario ----- -.------- Invenfory cf Stores 31 Dcc. 1938 - FIXED ----------------------------- Land anti Buildings ------------ Sub-Sfafioxi Equipmcnf Distribution System..........------ Transformers--------------------- M et crs ------------------------------ Street Ligliting Equipmcxit ------ Office Furnifure anti Equipment - Deprecjafcd Value ---------- Too]s - Depreciafeti Value - ------ Trucks - Deprcciafcd Value ------ Water Heaters Installafion ----- $ 20.273.26 100.00 6,143.88 3,895.03 5,178.14 4,956.21 20,273.26 28,628.36 894.47 49,530.99 9,419.03 18,948.13 7,857.04 2,096.97 530.53 585.08 2,182.59 CONTINGENT0------- Equity in H.E.P.C. of Ontfario-- 43,860.54 INC ORPORATION EXPENSES - re Purcliase of Plant_.------ --------- LIABILUTIS CURRENT ---- ----------------- - Consumers' Deposits ----------- 1,208.97 DEBENTURES - TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Proportion of Bond Issue Principal Unpaid -------- ---------------------- 28,872.63 CONTINGENT -- - -------------- Reserve for Equity in H.E.P.C. RESERVES DEPRECIATION - Plant and Equipment ------ 11,390.48 COMMISSION'S INVESTMENT DEBENTURE PRINCIPAL PAID---------------- 42,127.37 120.673.19 43,860.54 397.45 Wiater Department ACTIVE ASSETS, B a n t - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --s- - - - - - - - - -1 ,22 7 .59 AconsReccivable ------------------ 177.04 1,404.63 FIXED-------- Plant ------------------------------------------------195 33 M e f s - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 ,7 1 7 .4 4 Tool--- ---- --- ---- --- --458.34 -Î68,689.12 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES RE FIXED ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ------ CURENTLL4BLrI'S Customrs' Deposits ----- -------------49-------7 Accounts Payable --------------------- 205.67 355.64 DEBENTURES (Towxi of Bowmanville) ---- - Proportion of Bond Issue Principal unpaid ------.-- -----44,255.31 BANK ADVANCES PENDING lSS E ý 0F DEBENTURES -~- ------- ----- 1JEi'1ECIATION - METERS----------6,060.00 COMMISSION'S INVESTMENT $ 1,404.63 168,689.12 17,385.15 355.64 44,255.31 SURPLUS BALANCE AT THIS DATE PER 1,208.97 28,872.63 SURPLUS BALANCE af this date per Sf atemexif Attaclied EXPENDITURE ------------------ Power Purchaset --------------- Suli-Staf ion Maintenance ------ Distribution System - Maint'axce Meter Maintenance ------------ Lixie Transformer Maintenance -. Billing anti Coiiecfîng ------ Office Salaries anti Administraf'n Street Lighfîng anti Maintenance Consumers' Premises Expense -- Promotion of Business ---------- Debenfure Principal ------------ Debenture Infercst---------- Wafcr licafers - Consumners' Premises Expense -------- Undistributeti Expexise ---- ---- Depreciation ------------------ 65,318.23, 38.27 2,349.64 32.46 527.92 2,063.69 2,097.65 560.88 19.95 294.96 2,912.40 1,509.80 543.71 1,052.94 2,556.00 Less Inferest - Bank --151.54 Intereaf li.E.P.C. of Ontario---------- 85.62 237.16 81,641.34 NET OPERATING PROFIT f0 Surplum Acct. Surplus Account BALANCE AT CREDIT 1 January, 1938 ---- Badi Debts recovered -.----- ------------ -- - Pole Rentals rec'd for years 1937 andi previous Street Liglilng Refunti-------. Net Operatlng Profit for year entie-----ti --- 31 December, 1938 ------------------- --- ----«---- BALANCE AT CREDIT 31 December, 1938 ta Balance Sheet -- ------------------------- 81,641.34 6,996.07 $88,637.41 506.26 57,744.45 THE CNADIN STAESMA. BOW ANVuTP OMA »TI rt Er .LL1KL vinced that if a man follows bis vresented his countrv in competition terprise, without stopping to, think TRIBUTE TO BE GIVEN wih haracter and reputation un- traininiz reRulations thorouizhiy and On the continent, in Australia. in of ha is actually being accom- PRIME MNIMSTER KING suiled respecting every amenity, conscientiously. he'll neyer suf fer Canada. ini the United States. and'plished.t AT TORONTO BANQUET a model for other public m records ttumbied before him like fine Thrice Prime Minister of Can- anv fil resuits from runninz races, vins. 1 peain 1rom the Atlantic to, Rt. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King ada, a review of Mr. ngsrecrd He wiii certainiy if hie abuses his the Pacifie mission work is Koai ob ooe yalag e mhszstecnitng'y body. You can't rberfof vears at Heand rehtrnanad to anm handicapped by lack of men and presentation of the Canadian pub- course. He espouses today the thi) t ud ndess youhave repara ed fvasaz adrtIndto1s e fprinciples witli which wtp s»e nd e c tou avgPe awa EnR if frsx or seven vears as MonyDr Smith stated. Not lic for his contribution to, the hie entered public life. He rates vour bodv cornpeteiy for that exer- coacli of Oxford University. He 1since cliurchuinei ad ae oiindrn i engthy tr ua ausaoepoet tioin." As far as lie himseif a brouRht the f irst combinded Oxford- younger men been needed in the lin public office. Tribute wilI be values. He seeks reformi and op- concerned lie said hee bas been care- mhrnridze track team to this side churcli as tliey are today. A fam- paid the Prime Minister at a ban- poses revolution. He champions fui to keeo fit at ai! times and hie of tliv water. And later. when bis ily can maire no greater contri- quet to be lield in Toronto on the tecue0 ao n ol m has neyer suf fered in beaitb as a bealtll was threatened f rom indoor bution today, he lield, than to evening of August 8th. This as- prove the lot of the working resuit of bis atbletic career. work iii the Oid Country. lie return- send a son into the missionary semblage of a large number of masses. But lie is flot anti-capi- Sed once aszain to Canada with bis field. To empliasize this point, lie leading Canadians, regardless of talistic. His supreme interest is He bas one suioremne rule of diet famiiv. recalled that 20 missionary fields race, color, creed or political af- the general good. He deplores that lie believes must be obeyed be- in one section of Canada have had filainwl ommrt h idsra n nentoa a for ail otbers. It is tbat a -man t________vaant_______meare__ ition, wll oemryof rae eand uil dbintenationealwar must take enougli exercise to be al olgraaabietwnteti nnverayofPiefn o u vld sHeubstitue cpean toeno bsfod."t' o ~s et-UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA n ograalbe Minister King's nomination as frrvly ela encle moeno out od. an sttnoe ownto IASPStFICS ________________leader of tle LbrlPry iGladstonian Liberal, but lie is inz utofbe ad itinz ow t RVAS OS OFIESCanada, iealPryi more progressive than Gladstone. breakfast imrnediateiy," Sbrubb said. MnraJl.-Ts oi-Ti itrcocso swtiu In every field of developmnent lie "You won't enioy eatingz unLess vou Mnra,-.y heDmn hi itre-cain swtotfavor orderly processes. bave walked around for a whule. I ion Post Office alone surpasses the'1, precedent and must, .indeed, be or wouid suzizest a gzood brisk two-miie United Oburcli of Canada in the gaiyn tohePmeM isr In he w dae fM. waik everv morning before breakfast number of its branches, fr o ef oreYogratre ify, ing thtisentPr i e Minsr ingtetwon odeaderofhMr othe insitutonwheter ril-given s0 freely of bis time' and of Canadian Lîberalism, political ias ood. esuchl asras ef nd weli-o total 0f ,9 eaestchingplces ability for the welfare and better- parties in this and in other coun- f ad is . h r b b b el e v s n ub t a n - ot l f ,4 9 p e a h i g l a c s ,C o s u t m e n t f liu m a n ity . trie s h a v e se e n m a n y le a d e rs c o m e ia od uha os efadWi-according to, a recent statement Trained for public life, scliooled and go. The fact that four years done steaks for the man in train*i". ade by Rev. Dr. A. Lloyd Smithi,. ago Mr. King led bis party into He doesn't favour much miik, orMnraCinse nj fre in social work, ripened by twenty office witb the largest majority it p)otatoes. or cake, or p)ie. One thing H-omne Mission secretary. He madeyerofedrsi0ftegea ever gained is proof, indeed, that he aiwavs ate a zreat deai of was the statement by way of illustrat-1 Liberal party and thirteen years the Cnda ulei ul wr toast. Life cf experience as Premier, Mr. Canadianrts publ i me ullyawar toast. a~ng the vast extent of the United King today occupies an envi ftabforslftePrmeMns Sbrubb started bis atbietic career Cliurch's home missionary activi- Assopostiniiateiooiicl:lfe1f thsGe n h prcatthersd t i in unconSDicuous fashion in Hor- tics. couiio ntrhe ptc ads eoth re- rnment has atained. sbam. A deiivery boy, lie came t0 It is perhaps because of its im- Oneofthe- is G- . spect of multitudes osf Canadians ýhe attention of the captain of a local mense cliaracter tliat tlie average runninz club, wbo prevailed uLon memer of thecnurtitufiosnto;*wlo are not connected wîtli bis i»On mem er f t e c urch fais t, 1 e 1party. He is as m ucli esteem ed "It seems f0 m e wc can neyer himn to enter competition iocaiiy. Af- realize what is being done in this Ren w . .fr - *nth and bis views are heard witli as give up longing an d wisliing whule ter seeinz Sbrubb run one race lie respect, and tlie romance contain-1 mucli deference in Washington w :old bim. lie bad cbampionsbip aquai- ed in missionary work, according -Sriea d euiY and in London as in Canada Mr are tlioroughly alive. Tliere ty. Six weeks later Sbrubb had to Dr. Smitli. He said fliat peo- Sic 81-ighsrece ihpaei :spure bs cuny ttiei0tbre ie re ncine f beiev tat in lis racieda;igl1ace inr are certain fhings wc feci to be captredhiscounv ttlein treepleare nclnedto, elive hatpersonal influence and prestige, beautiful and good, and wc must distances. and f rom tben o n bis privation, liardshup and lieroism but remains modest and unassum-hugratrlim"Gog E- career wss a blaze of zlory. He re- lare a part of the missionary en- ' ing, couteous to reat and mallEiot k @wmý A ý,. Y. k "eý,eýy Y, JULY 27'TH-, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNfANVILLE. ONTARTO y 7,949.92 Î187.478.90 17,189.29