Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1939, p. 1

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Iead By 12,000 People Weekly ORONO NEWS ~ m ~r nonPate 9 NEWCASTLE NEWS Otan anen Page 10 With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME'85 BWAVLE ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1939 r armer-Poliician, Age 81 Celebrates On Ris Dirthday. DyOj4erafing Hay lMoEr W. J. Bragg, Ex-M.Pe' GELEBRATES BIRTHLDAI P. For Durham Talks 0Of Farm Probleme And Foreign Market Fqr Groundhoge By A. D. Kean Groundhogs for Norway, sing- Ing thruslies for children's pets, and an 81-year-oid pa t r ia reh mowing hay, aie ail taken in the daily stride, while cooling sum- mer breezes biow across sunlit meadows down on the Giil farm. Far fetched! you say. Weil, here's, how it happened. Trhe other day Irwin Bragg cail- ed about some standing hay - no < cash invalved. He liad the ie, I had the hay, so we tradedd i due course I started down the fild to see my neighbor begin liii second day's cuttmng. But we ran across a groundhog instead. My seven-year-old boy, Fraser, saw the shaggy, grizzie-haired young rodent first, and let out a yell of delight. 0f course, four- W. j. Bragg. year-oid sister Joanie took up the /chant and we ail three gave chase. Ex-M.P.P. for Durham Count3 The graundliog was stampeded; who recently celébrated lis 8h lost tracli of his zig-zag home- birthday. Mr. Bragg is stilli i trail and came to bay i a thistle fine health and took the day ol thicket,' from which shelter he to assist his son Irwmn with Som~ clicked his teeth belligerently and liay mowing. gazed tlirougli gieaming eyes as we did a-war-dance around hlm. While Joanie and I entertained LOCAL TEA ROOM the bewildered groundhog, Fraser speeded toward the house for a REGISTERS GUESTI length of sash-cord kept for rop- ing young rabbits, groundliogs Charlie Carter lias started some and any other small creatures tliat tling new in the Carter Famil, we miglit corne upon. Tea Room by having a guest-bool With the tiny lasso in hand we plâced on the counter so tlia parted the thistie tops cautiousiy everyane coming into the stori and dropped a loop of the sash- may register their names, just a cord about the wiggling ground- a matter of interest. hog; then returned witl i hm, un- Charlie got the idea when on hurt, to a cage in the barn. - trip up forth and thouglit hg "Tliat's another for Dr. Camp- wouid like to try it here. bell to send to Norway," I said, So far there are quite a numbei once the iid was closed on the of names registered and it is ver: wire-netted cage. "Now, maybe interesting to look througli ther Mr. Bragg would like to hear and see the many different placeg about At - iet's go back to the that travellers corne from wli hay field and tel lhi." drap into the shop. I was s0 taken up with the team For instance, there la the nain of upstanding, f as t -wà k in g of Mrs. M. Mundy, Bristol, Eng. draug -honses ahead of - sjè land, reglstered i the book, aî ma~~at the stnaw-liatted fig- well as innumerabie people froir MieoUtlie driver's seat did not various states in Anierica. Tii catch my attention 'for some mo- Canadians are also weil repre. ments. It was not until the teain sented from coast to cosail had swung around a clean-cut you wisli ta see just how many corner and drawn to a stop, tliat people drop'off at this fair towil I recognized the man at the lUnes. to have a lunch on their way, dror in and see the guest book, it Lç (Contunued on page 6) free for inspection. Octogenarian Thresher Retires Reluctantly Parts With Machine Dave mutton HEuwHad inter- CONSERVATIVES esting Career Silice Ooxing ELECT OFFICERS From Ziigland Over 60 Years Ago The National Conservative Wo- men's Association of Bowman- ville met in the council cliamber, After neariy 70 years in the Juiy l7tli, with a large number business, David Mutton, liard in attendance. warkmng 81 year aid ve te r an An electian of officers took tliresher, drove lis tlireshing ma- place with tlie foiiowinig resuits: chine tlirough town on Tuesday Honorary President - Mrs. W. R. and officially netlred from business Strike; President - Miss Flara M. at Gaud's Corners where lie turn- Galbraith; lst Vice - Mrs. V. H. ed the contrais aver ta its new Storey; 2nd Vice- Mrs. Milton J. owner, Robert Brown Of Scugag Eiliatt;, 3rd Vice- Mrs. J. Thick- Island. son; Secretary - Mrs. W. E. Gerry; There was moisture in his eyes Treasurer - Miss Greta Wickett. as this old but active man parted Tlie speakers wlo addressed thp wltl ilis beloved machine that lie meeting included Dr. J. C. Devitt, lad operated for over sixteen Ex-Mayor Milton J. Elliott, and years, but lie stood at tli e lem W. Ross Strike, tlie Cansenvative and guided it down tlie main Candidate. street with a liand grown expert througli practice and training. It was lis last stand and lie made supervising thneshing machines. the most af it. He lias owned fÈve machines in His life began i England wliere ail, lis first an upriglit portable lie was born in conditions whîcli water bolier purchased trom Saw- made it necessary for hlm to start yer Massey, whicli Mn. Mutton out on lis own into tlie worid at ownad in partnership with George the age of ten. Sixty-one years Dobsoni. After a sliort time the aga h lieft Liverpool for a life of partnership dlssoived, ieaving Mr. adventura in Canada, arriving Mutton sole ownar. A later modgl here atter a journey whicli toak was punclased second liand from .iust a littia lasa than a mantli Robt. Clark, and Mr. Mutton en- imznediateiy lie found work us'-' deayouned ta run two auttits for ing has main vacation, tlreshlng, a tima until lie found it wasn't for lis steady work, but not Sit- paying weil. Another Sawyer ting idle durig off seasons. For Massey 17 liorsepawer machine two years lie was ini charge of was used for 18 years until lie the aid electric plant, near Jack- bouglit an upriglit traction en- man's,. whicli location~ is now usd gine which lie used for 8 saas DURHAM BORN BOY HÏOUSE ON WHEELSFINE HORSES RUM CROWN ATTORNEY Harnde, head mcaeait PRE-SEASON RACE ONTARIOCOUNTY eenatie hop almoyst ORONO SATURDAý wlat iooked like a buse on wleeis. Aftar several montîs Attorney-General G. D. Canant lad gane by, it neaned coni- Near SPilis and Many ThriIIs Announees Appolntment et piation and turnad out ta, be Agricultural Grounds - Drivers r Allin F. Aimla tajim- a modern, ratIer ritzy look- Do Utmost to Win, Though pratPost ing car trailir with canven- Prizes SmaII lencas of home. This year By an Onder-in-Council passed Mn. Harnden is nenting tlie at Quèen's Park July 20tli, AUlin. trailar and lias been sa bus>' Old timers wera igît ln thÈ F. Annis, Oshiawa, acting crqwn that le thinks it miglit be a element at Onono on Saturda attorney for Ontario Count>', was good idea if le lad another whan aven a dozen entnies corr appointed as Cnovrn Attorney and ana. Almost evan>' week this peted i the sulky races and pn Cienk of the Peace for Ontario summer, lis de luxe validle vided plant>' of intanasting an County. las been hitdhad ta local cars axciting competition witliaut tha! wliose destination lias been owners worrying a great dee It will be remambened that liundreds af miles away. The about the prize money luvolvec wlian Gardon D. Canant, K.C., ne- nawast renter is planning ta h ae ee lsiida sîgad ha ffie wen ie as visit tha Wonld's Pairi New ail the pnize monay pnovided wa naminated as Libarai candidate York sametime in August, sa homuttkni tti a fa Otai Rdig utl fil0 that the Bowmanvilie madeî and as anly about two or thre 1937, Mn.Ans was appolnted house on wheels ls neali>' be- hundrad race fans attendad, th Acting Cnown Attorney. The or- oigqieataelr ptwudntb o eeoE dar-in-council now gives Mn. An- Egc amiug qie t la trafelr pi al ntb a ee nia thie full status af the position. Elesay in e til lia afew There wene tlirea races ani Mr. nnl obaind ls LB. weksin eptmbe avil- thnee heata ta eadli. Roscoe Earl Mr. nnisobtinedhis LB. able. The trailer las sleeping owned b>' H. Inglas, Campbell fram Qagoode Hall in 1924 and On and cooking accommoatin, fod, won top honora tînea time June 20 of tifat year was calaed elactric light n water- during the first race, witli Pete ta the bar. On Juiy 2 lae bagan works. Tha only thing it Meniman, awnad by H. Bradley the practice of law with Mn. Con- won't do is ta run unden its Eiikletkn n hr n ait as junior partner. Haelias lad awni powar uphull. Like the Eflniseclind, tanding a r Dian an active career lu politicai, mule, it lias ta be pulled onr 0eons n ine le clunch, educational, sparting, civic puslied. owfed b>' E. Jones, Hastings and social organizations. Ha was __________ trbiling witl ana second and twi sacretary of the Rotary Club fan thirds. five years and was then eiected n The second race gave Ridlian president af the club for ana year. ra e ro u w Hall, awned by H. Ingles, tw( Ha la a past prasident of the Tan-Pln rm Otw firsts and ana second; Orphan An 'Y na Club and la an the Oflficiai T i msj ne, awned by S. Palmer, Pai Board of Smcoa StretiUnitedHope, won two seconda and oni ring firat; Duncan McKiilup, owned b3 ,f Ha sarvad fan tlrea yaars on the A. Gimlet, Oshawa, three tliirdj ~ ct>'cauclibeoneconastng ha The arrivai of a faderai govern- ild Goldi Grattan, owned by H~ mayaraity four yeans ago wiian le ment ampliîbîan plana from Ot- Hooey, Orno, traîled witli thra was defaated by a narrow margin tawa ta Newcastie-on-tlia-Laka, fourth, places. by John Staca>'. Haelias served in July 20tli, arousad mudl iInterest Third race want ta Oliver Har. an offiiai capacit>' on the Cliam- on the part af residanta and sum- vaster, awned b>' J. Sutherland bar ai Commence and an the Auto- mer visitons at the laka and Of Peterbaro, witli two firata and ant s mobile Club. Mn. Annis was for farmens round about and citizans second; Miss Peter Grattan, awn: six yaars a member af the Board af the village wlio clanced ta lear ad by A. Brown, Orona, in saconc e- ai Education, and las bean -an or see it zaoming down tramn the place with ana firat and twa sec- [y active membar -of the Liberal skies. It settlad iu tlia laka about onds; and Infringar Grattan, awn- k Party for sevaral years and a for- in front af Mn. Harrocka' or r5. ed by Inglea, Canipbellfand, toal t mer dliairman of the Oshawa Lib- Long's cottages and taxied up ta the rear witli tlrea thirds. ae anal Association.. within a boat's laugtli af the shore as Mn. AnnIs la son ai Mn. A. W. near the foot ai the street nun- Some ver>' fine hanses toak pari . Annis, Tyrona, wlio is a memberninng down tram Copper Beach and drivers wene aut for a wir a af Darligton Townshiip Council. and Mrs. Cat*e'a Pidlen's post evary tima tliay cauld maka il ie "~Tînturn"' and l~nd Mrs.E. E. Sveral near spîlla pnavîded plan- e _____________ Pattarson's. * 1tdischarged ty af tlnills and scaras. Oneaoa its thnee* passe ers wlia lad the4~unniest close spilis toak place ry ANGLICAN CLUBS fiown tram Ottawa ta %7,-it.Mrs. on the south aast band wlena n~~ PINCAFR N idier atlier sumnmer lame. Thay hanse last its footing and slid ta: ______AT_ ON ware lier sau-in-law, Pligît-Cam- a short distance an its buttack: ýs mander Guthrie, napliew ai Hon before gathering its feat lu place Lo Assembled Fîve Hundred Strong Hugli Gutlinie, Mns. Gutînia and andi tearing aiter the fild. LeAt Orono thein dauglitan..; 7ha avent was spousared bya aiss. Margaret Overand of "Tin- mitteaftram Orno and waç St. John's Men'a Club aiong tal ctaehpee o1ocrt ieesinaig La witli clubs from Cobourg, New- agl"cttgdapua ab t ta creataite ras n ncm- Shaud with lien boat as the twin u tapvdep-ssncm Scastieansd Port Hope took pat in egidpaetxe ert h einfrhne.I a nu ýe the ârinual gat-togethar ai the niepln aidna otepiinfrhrs.I w nu- -Men's Club of the Deanier>' wîid sliore and placed it s0 that ana qualifiad success. fwas hld at Orona Juiy iStI, witli end rested an the beach with the I. M. Nattress, Miilbrook, actec y' five huudred people in attaudanca. otlen lu contact with the plana as starter, asslated by judgas H. nwlen it came ta nast. Pallia; Mllbroak, and Geo. E p Ideal weather conditionspre A cnew af five unifonmad men Caldwall, Port Hope. Also ou the vailed ton the auting which was waeein charge ai the airship stand were promineut citizens, in- heatit le oetr s envde park wîid wîan it toak off created cluding members af parliament, - a Onno.It asa dcidd sc-sort ai a miniature hurricane ai ex-membens af parlîsment, loca. ceas. surprising farce and wlidh those municipal politicians and othans. Attan the picnic lunch, Rav. who liad gathered aiang the ahanore________ Canon Spencer spake a few wands will nat farget fan soma tinia. ai appreciation ta thase presant Wbeu the angines bagan ta noan r INR C IE for their support ai the pieuîc. and the propallans ta spin thare C INR C IE Ha saad it was the sevantl i pînîc was a miglit> rushing wind; pao- FINE PROMOTION aied b>' the Man's Club ai tha pie wara biown lithar and thithen, Deanan>' sud le lad a pleasant a cauoe was turued aven, curled Mn. Clair Pinu wlo started in dut>' ta panform in makung a pra- hair was blowu out straiglit, sand Dominion Stores at Bowmanville santation ta the secretar>' who was raised and forced inta clath- as a clark undar Manager Mn. took a great part in ongnilzing the ig, eyes, ears and hair; but Gilbert Jouas, lias beau appoiuted picnic and wio liad bean the everyane saemed ta anja>' recaîl- stock-takar and store inspectar. Deaner>' secretan>' since the be- Ing the experieuoe and thougît it Clair was store manager ln New *ginning ai the arganization. Ha was fun, for an airship does't Torontoansd bis naw position will than asked the sacretary, Harry cail at Newcastia-an-tha-Lake ev- take lita man>' af lis camp- rBallard, ta came fanward and ac- ery day ta auliven the lotu and any' Western Ontario stores in- cept the presant ai -a Ben-Hur bring visitons ta the sununer comn- cluding GaIt wliera hae will make Eeiectric cdock iappraciation* af munit>'. lis headquarters. lis services from tlie Meu's Club af the Deaner>'. Durig the aitamnoan the crowd Sea wa etetane b te er venth tai tWin For néyals clowns. Tha>' wara appiauded ou several occasions ion thair claverAsC b u g P n e o n d 6 T sud amusig autica.____ tThe executiva committea af thaed Man's Club wîsl ta thaul ail thosa d Witheridge Pitches Close came iu the fifttl as Newton beat who lelpad make the picnic sudh To No Run Game In Twilight out a slow nouler down third basa a auccesa, aud ta the iollawing Fixture At Ohool way, stale second <accarding ta wlo vary kindi>' donatad prizasons the umpira), and scaned wliile ion the races: Mn. A. Ingram, Mn. GonaLaudyniore was beiug tlinown aut W. H. Anderson, Mn. H. C. Bona- at filrt. than and Mn. G. Meadows, ai Scarnug runs lu aacl ai the first Saturda>' wil.see the last lame Ndwcastla; Mr. L. Haldsworth,'Mn. four -innings, the Bowmanville gamne ai the adhedula as Tommy P. W. Johnson and Mn. H. Ballard Rayais lad a ratIer easy time Pointer and thea Part Hope On- ai Pont Hope; aud Mn. Roland manufacturnug t h e irnaig h th tarias came ta towni, the gama be- Bate, ai Bowmanville. straiglit win as theyr trimmed the ing ait 3 o'clock. During theafaternaou satbaii ICobaurg Poules 6-1 liera last nigît. Cabourg - Rallings 2b; Reymas matches' wane piayed b>' picked Ed Witharidge took the maund 3b; Brooks- If; D. Campbell cf; teams tram lthe organizations pre- 4ifor the first time in two weeks McCaig ni; Cooper c; Johuston sas; sent. and limîtad the Ponies ta tiva lits Newtau lb; A. Campbell and jaithougli lia gave up four walks Laudymane p. I ile fa; g i ve. H"' e ýWoa,1111_ - 1num, V ,le - W,,1,.,,oh. ;-ie iuk o a et a shutout a ques- mon lb; Tiglie sud Camaron If;f tionable dacision at second basa Rickard c; Osborne as; Bagnail ci;1 giving Cobourg the appantunit>' Kent 3b; Hoopar ni: Withanidga p. 1 ta maka thair nun. Cobourg 000 010 0 - i 5 31 The Rayais wane oui>' alla ta Bawmsuviile 221 100 x - 6 7 2 callecf sevan lits, but Arche Umpiras - Pair sud Tratt, Osh- Campbell donatad six free tickets awa. ta firaf betone baing reliaved b>' Landymore lu the third. Siemon waa the author ai two ai the lits. LIONS NET $1600 Waiton sud Siamon wena given FROM CARNI VAL free tranaportation ta firat ta stant ____ their haif ai the firat sud Frauk A ver>' succasaful report was Tiglie produced .his firat lit iu given ai the caruivai at the Mou- Intarmediata compan>' ta driva in day meeting ai the Lions Club. Waltau. Ricicard saut S l e m o n Camnivai treasuren Ra>' Diliig acrosa the plate with a long drivaesstad that the net naceipts ta centra. amountad ta $1600, whicl la wall Rounie Hooper was lit in the oven - the amount taken in last ias ta afart the second, Witlan- yaar. idga waa nobbad ai a circuit Preaidanf Malx McGragon was smash whau his driva lufa the lu charge ai the meeting. Lion trees tel back luoth fie ild ton J. J. Brown was expectad ta speak fwo bases. Waiton tIen iglad but ha lad mat neturuad iram thmougli the box ta score bath attanding the Lions International men. Convention in Pittsburgh. The final mun came lu tha founfli Booth managers gava thair i- aa Siemon singîad, stale second dividuai reports, whicl sliowad a sud compiatad the trip an Rick- mudli greaten balance tIsu lu pra- ard's ana basa knock ta lait. The viaus yaars. The report ai the tiith tal>' waa manutactunad lu parade was also satisiacton>', mudli N the third when Bagneil waikad, ai the succeas bling* givan tfatfIa stole second sud tIen waut ahl diligent wark ai John James lu 0 the way home whiie Hoopen was coopemating ta put fha aff air aven. hi liig run down betwaen firat sud Russell Osborne lad lu dam- ic second, munit>' singing, sud E. W. Craw- ut The loua maricar for the Poules fond acted as tailtwisfar.W NEW OROWN ATTORNEY Allan F. Aunis Oshawa, whosa appitmant as Crowu Attoame>'sud Clark ai the Peaca ion Outario Count>' waa pasaad isat week b>' su Ondar-in- Council. Mn. AnIs la a Durham Count>' Boy, being sou of Mn. A. W. Anula, Tymone. 9 4 à le n r 1 ýE r v ri U n d r n LI i - 1 ---- IN u ivij:)rjjm du 9Ambitious Paraide Planned SOUE POTATOIS Th ug li m an >' farm ar r aadailosîug a portin ai :s Fatuing utsandig B ud heir crop becausa ai dry weatliar, there ia ana mari wla is not wrying tao mucl. E. A. Wenry, nantI ai At otay7C rev l A ir.16 Enniskillan, patato gr ow an RECEIVESAPONM N Statesman office tîla week Entire Carnival To Be O~~ T and had most ai the staff Changed With More stumpd for a minute won- or dening wlatlar the huge Cob- ir FunFo Those Who bien was neail>' a potata or a l> 44. Pas Ii tunnip. It was mare than a M- Atenu - Plns StlEi hanutl sud would hava ted r- To Be Completed tour on tive pensons a good nd sized meal. Maasuning 13%½ ca Samethiug differant lu tlie way weighad 1 paund, 2% ounces, ad. ai Cannival parade la being plan- and was piantad May' 2nd ai nd uad b>' Bawmauville Rotary' Club this yan Mn. Warry said it rfor thaîr Pair on Waduasday, was the langast ha had seau de Auguat i6th. And the new ideas thia c>ear, but that mosgo~f ee TIw iactns, t aa de .wTthePa vangig 10 as a ta arge. ha antire show will be claugad. Taerap w 10 ags h ce T h e i r e t o rs al n g it h ai rT h e p o ta to w a s p a n fa c t> ' Scammittea chairmen, hld a meet- tormad sud was souud sud id ing eariy this waek sud laid the solîd. If tIare are ani> like rl foundatian for ana af the mast tIat, liousawivas will saan lia l- ambitiaus attractions this tawu askîng thaîn husbands if the>' Le las ever seau. waut a quarter or su aiglitl er The parade wiil ba a neal at- ai a spud ton dinaer. Ara W1 tempt ta autartain sud tlinill those tIare au>' more big anas lu rd people who yaastar yaar hava the district? ecama ta sea it sud wlo have doua "s, sa mudl b>' way ai suppartiug the v0 Carnival . Those who hava beau lu Vienua durng festival saasou, rd wil-i praseut plans c anrny Dr. G. E. Reama New Bottle Washer vo trouh, indtlemsalves lu a n-soewatsiilratm o sp le r e Pmeni>' Superintendent ai tlie At Glen Rae Daiy St durng the paradeand tlie carul- Boys' Training Sclool, las beau aval follawIng. appointed Profassor ai Englial )y Laading the parade, it is plan- sud Head ai the Englial Depart- The Gien Rae Dair>' las Instail.- ds ned ta lava ona ai the toramoat meut at the Ontario Agricultural ad a naw type ai bottle washar R. bauds ini Canada wliose name wa Callage, Guelphi. The appomntmaut whicli las beau in aperation ior ae will reveal at a latar date wheu is effective tram Sept. 1, 1939. about a moutl. It la called the arrangements liave beau complet- Saakar typa ai washer and b>' r.ad. This alona wiil bean attrac- feeding the bottiasinto the ma- d, tion wall wartli comiug man>' No 01« ROM RER]: china, the>' ara raturned corn- ie miles ta seeand hear as tha>' wîll WINS pRIZE MO)NEY pietel>' clemied sud raady for use rba piayiug au the grounds at____ agaIn. The Proceas includas six id RotaLry Park during the pracaed- diffamant actions within a periad - mngs there. Didn't notice an>' Bowmauvilla ai sevan minutes. r- The balauce ai the parade wiîî people lu the prizë moue>' for the Pomi>bttswae ase )k lucluda a galax>' ai gongeous natioual advrtisiug catest con- Frel ote eewse floats featurnug products ai ven>' ductad b>' the it>' dailis. Haw- b> meaus ai a mcanical spray rt description. To provide ton his ve, we wera glad ta sea wenea or b>' te hand brusli wash. Now Ithe priza list for mrchants' sud former esidat, Mrs. Rta Ron_ evrythiug la doe b>' machine, i igk Humby, Hamilton, neceived a whicli makas the work mucli mare I. (Continued on page 6) $.0cs award. efficieut sud satistacto>', sud $5.0 cah save ail more sanitar>'. ,e The uaw type ai machiue la mat D l Yet commou. It las oui>' beau a re h u dRaces Prove o u a iutnoduced lu the citias for a short )r tima, sud the oua whlcl bas beau e____D y Y iustallad b>' Gleu Rae i la nl ýs A Kenal Feld ay W dnesay ana afi ts kind between Toronto sud Ottawa. a t On aatKlevieounEdgroMsdSttevenai "s RalPh Gordon, Statesman peet Ha>'; 13 sud undar, Jean Patter- lia stated that le tait if it was .1-ntraie I eiu e wan mixad races.- Girls, 16 sud sudh a mathod, ha saw no reasan O f Amusing Programi under, Helen Mencar, Irena Pow- wl>' it should not lia used lu a ail; Boys, 16 sud undar, Marvan smailar plant. NearAllMen, Bifi>' Allen. Neryfive huudnad people The grayhound races provad ta spant a gala time at tIe Kendal be a van>' axciting place ai antan-BU IE S GR La id Day hld ou Wdusday. talumant. As the novelty was B SN U GR 1-Two bail games, races for the uew with most people, it was ONW S E NT I tdhldren, graylound races, sud a tlirilliug ta sea the daga racing Iconcert in tlie evanlug pnovided anaund at an incredibla rate ai Miss Leala Milanlailet Bow- a fie day's autertaiumaut. spaad. Dog-owuars wîo put anm- mauvilie ou Sunda>' niglit ion an The finst bail gama waa be- mals in the races wane prasant extended vacation trip ta the twaeu Gardan Hill sud Newton- fromn Oshiawa, Pont Hope, sud West, whicl wiU inciude stop- ville, with the Garden Hill boys Bowmsuville. Thana were sevan avers at Moasa Jaw, Banff, Lake takiug the wIn b>' a score ai 9 races with a total ai about tweuty Louise, Vancouver, Victoria, sud to8 .Mre uldtewlu- dogs campeting. the Boundar>' nmning districts of uens ta a fine atart for the firat Iu the aveuing, that wall kiiowii well as tl ishCausufrit arwin sevan innings, L. Bryns taking ententainar, Raipli Gardon, ai To-arellas aie Okoga fut Koten> nup wliara ha lait off sud finish- routa, pnaseuted a splendid slow %,aiieys.Trugafotnec- eiug witli aaona score margin. ta the daliglit ao uatetvecmac ia T MIlgha otnwas an- Arthur Inule>' cauglit for lotI, audience. assistad b>' Miss Pild- abled ta arrange for a Skyline The Newtouvlle baya made a Ing. Mare particulars uaxt waak. tour ai the Rockias that Wlin take lard bld ion the victory .with A. ________ vPollard ou the mouud ton the lier aven a five-da>' horaelack tirat five innings, sud H. Qusutril ROTARIANS AT NORTH BAY Lic e as miBaifft T raine making lis bld lu the ist for n k_____asmen ro teailRid- ans ai the Canadisu Roakies AS- attempted catch-up, but it was ail President J. Rosa Stutt sud Sec- sodiation. On this particular part lui vain. Ehiier Pollard backad ratar> Mania>' Vanstane ai Bow- ai han western visit. Miss Milanr thamn up af the plate. manvilia Rotary' Club were in wll be undar the Personal super- Iu tlie girls' soitbsil gama, the Nanth Bs>' Monda>' sud Tuaaday vision afn .Mrr> ibn Oran belestoulifa lrd ameattudig aRotary' District As- sud athar officiais ai the C.P.R. sud won if in the final score. samb>' pnasîdad aven b>' District On han neturu jaune>' Misa Milanr Newtonvlle triad valiant>' in the Gaveruor J. Oweu Henit>' ai wiil visit friands sud relatives at iast iuning sud wifh the auding Belleville. Mns. Stutt sud Mns. M. Blairmone, Alberta, sud Minea- acore big 29 ta 23, it was a sad J. Hutchinsan'acampaniad tham. polis. Minnesota. disaPPOintmaut ion tha lakeshane girls. Aice Mcîaaac shawed gaod formn in pitcliug for Ornuo, whila W se n r'n i Jean Mancen was catcher. Audrey' etr h O is ii o E s Brownuhld up the NawtonvilaertVni o E s girls belind the plate, catclhing FuJ same wali-pitclad balls b>' Helen S rprised M SmAt& a Cuhfor the tirat tIrea inningaSuS aI G in F e d sud Mns. Pata Stark ion the st four. W. L. McLaren, Calgary, Says the coal tram the minas ai AI- The chiidrnu wene wall rapre- brbt , btasdSktcwncudli sated lu the races, witl man>' -brai GVernment S"()n sad ta adsktcag lu e s tham being so close it was liard ta Wane Âlthough Might wena it nat for certain restric- discn the wiuuans. However, Stiil Win tions sud prejudices. esdli nunnan wss givan a prize sud Turning ta tIe subject ai poli- thîs campausatad for au>' errons tics ha taît the Aberlarfian gov- whidli migît have accurad b>' the Monda>' mdrniug tînougli fIe erumant waa on the wane altho judgas. tîaugîtulesa ai Luther E. if the>' weut ta the country' naw Winnrs f te rcesare Mounta>', Bunkaton, the aditor if la quita Possible fIa>' would be iollows: Savan yeana sud uuder, We thla pleasura ai meeting a neai returnad with a amai majanit>'. Ray' Quantril, Graca Mncr, 9 amer, boru lu fhe west, wlio In the faderai field le lutimnated __________________9_____ makiug lis firsftntrp taEs- neither the Gnit or Tory admiuis- sud uudan, Violat Marcan, -Diale ten Canada. Ha was W. L. Mc- trations lunacant years lad given Laren, Calgary', Alta., a cousin ai genarai satisfaction ta the mesi- PASSES SUDDENLY IMn. Mountjoansd a grndaau ai dents ai the prairie provinces. - ~Mrn. sudM-s W.Mcaeuwo a-ta maonle aidmt i

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