Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1939, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CNADIN STTESMN, BWMANILLE ONTRTO TURSeflAX? IV?? 2t> nl M 'The Newcastle Independent PHONE CLARKE I14 Reeve C. R. Carvetb attended Bnereton's front door and being the 'funeral of Mrs. G. M. Linton freshly pninted in blending colors at Orono on Tuesday. greatly enhances the appearance0 Mr. H. B. Foster shipped a car or the Breneton home in ils spa-c cf fat cattle from the C.N.R. sta- cious and well kept grounds. c tion to Montreal on Friday. In an N.O.N. fixture on Monday Mr. sud Mrs. Marshall, Toronto, evening on the softball diamond are bolidayîng at tbe summer the Newcastle girls, under the as- 1 home of ber brother, Mr. Wm. sistant managenship of Ray Brownf Neil. excelled the Orono girls by 23c runs to 3. Battery for Newcastle,1 Mrs. Percy Hare went 10 Brigh- Je1BntanadMar. ton Monday to sec ber un,,cle, Mr. Ja oahnadM rae Walter Foster who was crilically Pearce; for Orono, Alice McIsaac1 i11 and unconscious. sud Lilian Fowler, Iter Lilian 1 Fowlcr sud Jean Mercer. Mana-y Mrs. Donald Gibson will neceive ger Geo. Crowther could not at-a for the first lime since ber mar- tend being n member of the de-h niage, on Thursday, August 3rd, parîment wenking evertime at theG irons four bo six o'clock. J. Anderson Smith Co. faclory. e Mr. Geo. Gaines bas been re- Nol for a long lime had s0 novating bis dwelling bouse on many people been seen nI a pic- Beaver St. and furtber improving ture show in the communily hall the appearance of bis home. ns were present July 21. People Mrs. Merkley Clark bas been of the village and from the coun- visiting ber brothers, Mr. Jas. and tryside and summer residents at D Mn. Asa Broad, and ber sister, the lake flocked .10o the hall in X? Miss Hattie Brond, Belleville. large numbers, evidcnlly appre- Mr. and Mrs. E. Kemmerer and cinlive of the facl thal there was Miss Janice, of San Francisco, to be a nigbt of good ententainý- ca Calif., wene guesls of Mr. sud men righl aI home. About seven t: Mrs. W. G. Hny aI Ibeir collage at different piclures made up a ful L the lake. evening's enlertnînment, includ- fe Mrs. Asbely Price sud grand- ing an Austin Camipbell piclure of wj dnughten are visiting ber sister, life in Newcastle lu the 19201s. fo: Mis. John Robinson, also Mrs. S. The Rickard Family picnic will da White of Toronto, and ber sister, be beld aI the Foreslry Park, Or- fri Miss Doris Watson of Liverpool, ono, on Thursday aflernoon, Aug. ho Englnnd. 3rd. Ahl those connecled wilh the , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooke iamily, and their visitors, are Ar have modernized the appearance cordinlly inviled 10 attend. of tbeir beautiful grounds by re- The Pnrks Committee of the NE moving the enclosing fenoe on the Municipal Council bas bad Mr. M, east, in conforrnity wilh mosl of Wm. Henning, carpenler, make a 1«G the properlies further up Mill St. number of new tables sud bencbes on Mrs. Carl Selby gave a Party for the use of picnickers and sum- W. for Newton sud Doreen, July 19, mer resortens aItbe west side Nc sud cutcnlained a number of théir park and aI Hanley's Point, New- t young girl and boy friends and casîle-on-Ibe-Inke. Many people E:i their mothens. Ahl spent n jolly cal their noondny sud evening Mi lime with games, contests and re- meals at thens regularly. als fresbments. Iu the second ganse of the Live b& Mr. sud Mrs. Rex Wynunand Wires vs Newcastle, sofîbaîl being su, fnmily, Brantford, will be slnying tbe Ihense, the scorlug supremncy gre aI "Hanrs Lodge"~ for n two weeks wns reversed. The week before of vacation sud during theiîr occu- the Newcastle pickup learn man- Ri( psucy Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Wallon- aged one run more than the S. S. Ri( Bahl and Miss Eleanor will be at class, but on Thursday evening aré "Longwood', one of the cottages the Live Wires came out ahead by ai on the Harris Lodge estate. 14 10 13; pretly close again. Bal- fl Members of the Middleton Con- tery for Live Wires cnptained by din nexion beld a fnmily picnic aI Carl Fisher consisled of Brenton fan Mr. and Mns. H. M. Allin's, July Rickard and Elford Cobbledick lbe 261h, lu bonor of Miss Vera Morse, pitchens, and Bill AllUn catcher. hal Chicago, Ill., wbo is a great grand- Genald Henning and Stan Brown ed daugbler of the laIe Henry Mid- ench took a turn lu the box for cas dieton of Ibe 3rd line, Clake, and the village boys and Sans Brere- gi:i grand-daugbter of Mr. J. A. Awde. ton, net 50 big, perfornsed quile apl Mrs. Geo. Warren, Swif t Cur- snlisiactonily behlud the plate. Err rent, Sask., is visiting ber mother, lu Mis. Wns. Bonathan. Laler in the w week ber son, Mn. Chas. Warren, NEWCASTLE VISITORS tf sud bis son Richard, sud Miss. t Marion Bonathan arnived by mo- Receul Visitors: Miss Isobel i ter. Mrs. Chas. Warren wenl 10 Coyne, Toronto, nI Mn. and Mrs. Delhi te visit ber people but will H. E. Hancock's. .. Mr. and Mrs. NE be coming to Newcastle laler. Howard Douglas and Mn. Clifford Cbas. Alldread, Eric Burley and Douglas sud friend, Toronto, wilb Douglas Walton weut te camp aI their granduiother, Mrs. Jno. pri Bnrriefield Sunday in company Douglas. . . Mn. sud Mrs. A. H. lai with Corporal Chas. Clensence of Fisher and Miss Marion, sud Mrs. cnr the Midland Reginsent. Chas. Harry Fisher, Belleville, with Mis. pre Flood Jr., formerly of Newcastle Geo. P. Ricknnd. . . Mn. Douglas mo but now of Toronto, was lu uni- Turner, Oshawa, Mr. Kenneth Jui ionm and stopped over lu New- Pearce, Oakville, Misses Florence neý castle for thc weekend befere go- Monteal, Mary Deer and Minnie exc lug on 10 Barrieiield. Pearce, Toronto, aI Mn. and Mrs.v Large qusutities of raspberries H. R. Pearcc's. . . Mi. and Mrs. visi are bclug expressed frons thc C. Richard Cowsu, Toronto, with waý N. R. station daily, a late train Mr. sud Mrs. Ross Dickinson. . . suc around il p.ns. stopping .1o pick Mr. Rd. MorIon, Tuornhill, with R. up those consigned la Montreal. Mr. Laurence Menton. .. Mr. and 30, Among these going ouI on Mon- Mis. Synse, Oakvflle, sud Mr. and gro day evenlug, sonse cast and some Mis. Synse Jr., and son, Port Cre- and West, výere consignsents ion To- dit, aI Mr. T. W. Jackson's. . . . cd ronlo,-Sudbury sud Montreal. AI- Misses Betty and Lena Lockbart, Fat se golug west werc eigbt large Niagara Falls, wilh Master Andy L cartons of. goods being expressed Lockhart, at Mn. and Mrs. Fred Uni te Vancouver, B.C., by thc J. An- Burley's.. . Miss Aileen Brethour, disc derson Smith Ce. Toronto, aI Rarris Lodge with wh Mr. Bert Breneton purchased Mis. W. H. Walton-Ball and Miss oui Uic large porch Uhal bas been on Elcanor. . . Master Harold Lux- for thc front of Mn. sud Mis. George ton, Bowmnsville, with Mn. and And Gaines' home, formcrly thc Wns. Mis. Harold Couch sud bis grand- assI Plckard homne, sud bad it remov- father, Mi. Harny Coucb, Sr. . .. solo cd te bis own residence fuither Mrs. Frank Hawkins and son and tony down Beaver St. It is now lu daugbter, Toronto, with ber par- Me, plnce lcading 10 Mr. sud Mis. lents, Mr. sud Mis. Ben Moise. . . for SALMONPEAcI 3 ,-w25< ive Roes Fleur1-4b.22 MIL - ii 8* UTER MIL15 SALE-ITH POU R CH I TZ A SHROM RDSATED ES 2 R4NDCFE NPA DOMINO Comionor t C«IuDOMINO DRPNG& Parowo-c' Tin ALER 6 L &O. AYMRWT OOICE C OKE MATSJa Miss Eileen Clark, Belleville Hos- pital, at ber mother's, Mrs. Merk- ley Clark, with ber brothers, Lewis and Arthur, and sister Miss Myrtie Clark. . . Miss Suzanne Dean, Media, Penn., who is here on a visit with Mrs. W. H. B. Chaplin and Miss Mary. . . Mrs. Wasbbon and daugbters, Misses Diana and Elizabeth, and son John, fromn Florida, with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farn- comb, Mrs. A. N. McEvoy and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. LeGresley. Mrs. Washbon is a former Brandon, Man. girl, daughter of the late Hon. George Coldwell, one time a' cabinet minister in the Manitoba Legislature, and brother of the late Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb.... Master Gordon Dickson, Toronto, with bis cousins, the Van Dusen young people... Mr. George Bon- athan, Toronto, with his mother, Nfrs. S. R. Bonathan... Mr. Geo. Gaines, Brooklin, with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gaines. ..Miss Clara Caswell, Toronto, arltb Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Caswell. ..Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, .ith Mr. and Mrs. P. Martin. DR. ERNEST ALLIN PASSES IN LOS ANGELES. CALIF. Friends and relatives lu New- casIle were grievcd te learn of the death of Dr. Ernest AllUn lu Los Angeles, Calif., July 17tb, sud feel the deepest sympalhy for bis widow, nec Miss Ethel Stapîcton, frmerly of Newcastle, and bis aughten, Mrs. Roy Reynolds, who Iequently visited here ilulber girl- iood dnys. Tue funeral was behd lu Les uLgeles, July l9tb. The laIe Dr. Allin was a former iewcastle boy, a son of the hale VIn. and Mis. Wns. AllUn of Uic 'Glebe" farni. 0f Uic nine sens ily two now survive. Tucy are V. C. Allin, Bownsanvilhe, sud qorman Allin, Newcastle. Tue Lree sisters, Misses Ada and [izabeth AllUn, Newcastle, sud .rS. Win. Hawkins, Port Hope, Jse survive. The laie Dr. Allin, *sides bis second wlfe, is also urvived by bis dnughten sud two ýandsons. His first wifc, mether bf is only child, was Miss Editb tickard, daugblen ai the laIe Win. ickard, M.P.P., and Mns. Rick- rd. They were in Newcastle on visit aI Uic lime of Uic Uiirly- Ïfth anniversnry ai their wed- ung and entcrtained all their nsily connections aI a great ga- ering in Newcastle consmunity ill. Their relatives also surpris- I hens on this menserable oc- asion by prescnting thens with ifIs, ilewers sud an address of ppreciatien. In Los Angeles Dr. rnest Allin 100k su active part ichurcb and Sunday school rrk and was promincnîly iden- lied with al the best 111e and« terests of the cily. EWCASTLE CHURCH NEWS Rev. H. P. Charters of SI. Cy- mn Cburch, Toronto, and Chap in 10 Ibe Anglican consmuni-< unts ait Christie St. Hospital, will rcach lu St. George's Church lornlug sud cvening, Sunday, uly 30. He sud Rcv. D. R. Dcwd- ey, Reclor of St. George's,. arc Kchsuging pulpits ion the day.. Wilh thc influx of 'sunsmer uliters at Uic lake there is al- ays a large increase lu attend- ice aI nsorning mass lu St. John's C. Church. Next Sunday, July thc cburcb lu ils neathy kept c 'unds on Uic corner of Beaven f id Emily Sts. will likely be f111- s 1witb wershippcrs whcn Rev. fi ither Coffcy says mass, t .ast Sunday morning lu Uic C rIied Church Rcv. R. E. MorIon n scusscd, Uic doctrines of these r ho believe lu and teach Uic sec- id coming of Christ and look i rward le the millenluns. Missd dcersen ai Mrs. D. J. Galbraitls i isled Uic choir sud sang twod los, Tue Hohy Cityasuof-F y, ndI KowHe Watcheth eafter Uic sermon. Tue soloist Ui thcvenlug service was Mis.c T. Rutherford who sang, O C ,ubled Heart Be SÛRl. e The evening' services will be e( Ihdrawn lu Uic United Cbuicb 01 xing August while Uic pastor la T vacation. D C. G. I. T. held a picnic ait Uic ce July 14th, for, their leader, ai s. A. W. Glenney, who bas ne- ai ,ed aller several years' efficient ci ddevetedi service with Uic teen b( egirls. Reita Powell, Jean- nîthan and Margaret Pearce d beir cameras with hens and bu )k several pictures. Mis. R. E. cc )rton Iook snaps of the wholc Pi up wilh each camera. Il is Uic hi 'ntion of the girls to get eue sa the besl films enlarged and th Lsent il le Mrs. Glenney as a te an of Ibeir appreclation of lber H, lership and as a mensento ef v: sgel-together occasion. s S. A. CRUSADERS VISIT le NEWCASTLE lit hE Brigadier Riches and Major 111 Hîllier Also Rere Pl 1group of Salvalien Arnsy wi usaders under Uic leadership cf Pu tanRsof Salvation Army th 08ngScoL, oronto, visited L vcaslle July 191h. Tucy first he Id an open air meeting on the hu 'ncr of King and Mill sîreets, mi ilaten by arrangensent wiIh te vR. E. MorIon conducted a w( ver and praise service lu the M ited Church S. S. Hall, Iaking ro: tise of the regular week nigbt MI -otional service. Tuere was e n large attendance of mcm- te 'and adhcrcnts of the cburcb. lu rith Caplain Ross on the plat- an in wcre Major Hillier of Uic vil A. Corps, Bowmanvillc, who ex mcd the meeting sud Uisuked i 6R. E. Menton and Uiechurch pnu lails for the courtesies extend- a aise Brigadier Riches irons mi nto wbo spoke briefly. The se, ing Aimy ýmCruaers bnd t.1kr-ch R. Troi wit dur! on1 hnke Mru, sigu andl age Bon; bail tooJ Mor: grou oft pre, lentý tbis A Crus Capt Trai New held corn and Rev. pray Unit thet devo quitE bers fors S.A open Rev. offlci cd, Torti youn Io% ser Poison Ivy VlctlMS hav Oon't .pread it wlth lotion& or 15* Ointments. Get relief from blsters c and itchinq wlth Our famous hoCr- pahcplots. At your drugglots, r or postpald for 45 cents.. ri HOMEOPATHIC PI4ARMACV s (Eatd. 1868) 844 Vonge St. Toronto St 1 i n Wedding Gogerty-Brows A very pretty wedding was solemnized ln St. George's Angli- can Cburch, Newcastle, .Tuly 22nd, wben Miss Audrey Jackson Brown became the bride cf Michael John Gogerty, wîth Rev. Douglas bewd- ney officîating. The bride, who was gîven in marniage by ber father, Mr. Perey R. Brown, was lovely in a.gown of pink silk net over taffeta, witb bat and gloves te match, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. She was attended by Miss Frances Brereton who was cbarmlng in orchid chiffon with picture bat and carried yellow roses. The groom had for bis best mani his friend, Mr. Douglas Wright. Mr. George Crowthers and Mr. Tom- my Brereton were ushers. The bride's mother wore flower- ed sheer with orcbid accessonies, and a corsage of Talisman roses and lily of the valley. The church was beautiluy dec- orated by Mrs. Matthew Brown and Miss Dora Martin., Aniong the beautîful flowens were lilies given by Mn. Bull ef Bond Hend. After the oeremony a reception was beld on the spacious lawn at thse home of her grandfnther, Mr.j T. W. Jackson, followed by a buffet supper witb friends of the bride assistng in serving. Out of town guests were Mr. Charles DeGrogt, uncle. of the bride, and daughters, Am. Fran- cis J. Comerford, son Richard and laughter Marlon, Mrs. Edwin Connors and daughter Barbara, MIrs. Enni Feary and daugbter Carol, Miss Emma Chapmnn, Mrs. Clarence Meyer and two daugb- ters, Donothy and Norma, of Ro- chester, N. Y.; Mrs. Arthur Hor- rocks and son John, ôf Syracuse, N.Y.; Mrs. Emma Cinyten, great- aunt cf the bride, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Claylen, Wood- bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bol- ton, Mrs. Worley and two daugb- anrs, Mereda and Wilda, Miss Manrie Ellioît, Mn. Blair Leighton, ill of Toronto; Mr. sud Mrs. W. J. Fielding of Port Hope. The happy couple left for a trip to Rochester, N.Y. The bride wore pale blue sbarkskin suit witb .avy accessories sud navy blue oat. The choir of St. George's Cburcb :f which the bride is a member, gave ber a lovely gift, and two eowers were held.in houer of te bride. BRADLEY'S H. & S. PICNIC About 100 members of Ilradlev' Hlome and Scbool Club gaîhered fo their annual picnîc at Creani of Bar .ey Camp. Bowmanville. ArrajgE menîs wenc madc for the club as body. 10 visit the Goodyear Rubbe Plant. Assemblingz at thre parke o -ecord lime ail left for the facjor.ý and under the capable managemenl of Mn. A. M. Hardy and assistantu All nesent who ever attended Brad lv's School regzistered at the entranct In gzrouos of 20 they wenc conduct ed through the Plant. Finally as semblingr in the auditqniuwi. Mu Hiardy in bis pleasiniz mamna s»ok nrief iv and a draw was beld of th namnes regzistened. Those winninu lvelv rubber mats were Mns. Frani ['homoson. Miss Margzaret Hepbur and Miss Hazel Cryderman. A vot of thanks was tendered Mn. Hard, for bis kindness by Will Leask.suc seconded by Gordon Le4sk Aftei haviniz the gnrou»p icture taken a the Goodyear aIlloroceeded 10 liii Creama of Barley Camp for the Pic. nic. The usual line of sports wau run off for the children. A sumptuous supper was servei Loped with ice creani. Vice-IPresi- ent Everett Cryderman called tht roup 10onoder for a short business iscussion and exoressed regzret thc President was absent tbrougzh ilîneas. He called on, Treas. Mns. M. Gilroy who also convened the counmittee ini largze of the cf ficiencv vnizes fesý tcb class in the scirool arid prqdsent- A IS alo the best renIer anul the )ne having the. neatest note bock. rhese children aIl receivel books as rizes anul eplied suitably. Remaininz sports were nun off tter suopej and ail left for home tineeing the day most wortbwhiîe In rerv respect and long 10o be reeni- rred. )ad instruments with Uicm sad- înstiluted a quartette whlch layed fer the sluging of the vyaunud also rcndcrcd special acned nsusic. Tue members ai me quartette wilb cornet, alto, non sud baritone bons were feny DeVries, VicIer Merritt, ictor Grccnwood sud Ivan Rob- on. Interest lu the meeting was in- ensificd when Captain Ross men- lmcd Ibal oeeof the young men id arlistic abilities and would ustrate two songs as Uicy were laycd and sung. Ivan Robson ien took bais casel anud paper, i bais palette, brushes and- ints and illustrated lu lime wvlth ie music the hyn, Let thc owcr Lights Be Burulug. Laten epainted a second Pidture Il- istrnting Rock of Ages. After thc ieting he prcsenlcd the plceures )Doreen sud Lenore Clark who src present wiIb Uicir Parents, r. and Mis. Gardon Clark, To- )nte, and their grafidmoîhen, ns. Jesse Baskcryilhe. Accompanylug Uic S. A. greup Newcastle sud occupying seats LIte audience wcre Mns. Rimler ad Miss Ada Conveny, Bowmaan- le. Both teck part lu tbe s t cercises sud Uic indoor nseefg Captain' Ross conductcd e rayer sud tcstimony meeting lu seul stirring, beart warming tunner sud addre.5sed the as- ublage on the thense of Cbnlst's Lnged rehationsbip te bais fol- vers, Henoefertb I cail you rget vants; ion the servant. knowtli )twbat bais lord doeth; but I me calhcd you friculs. - St. John CaPtain Ross and lais band of ,usndcrs are Ieurlug Ontario nsm Toronto eastward and will it lowns sud cilles dowu Uic .Lawrnce and up the Ottawa anrs and lu Uic area between. F AD gA., £ADj [MATHlS BATTLE - At Ottawa, Tuly 26th, 1939. Arthur Allan Battie of Bow- manville. azed 65 Years. Remains are restingz at Morris Ce. Funeral' Parlor. Bowmanville, wbere oni- vate funeral service will be held Fniday at 2.30 P.m. Interment in Bowmanville Cemnetery. BUNNER - Iu Bowmanville. on Saturdav. July 22nd. 1939. Nellie Grant Bunner. beloved wife of Rev. John W. Bunner. Interment Bowmanville Cemnetery. COULTER - In Bowmnpyille, on Mondav. July 24th, 1939. Tbomas Coulter. agze 76 years. Funernl froni bis Inte residence, Wellingz- ton Street, July 26th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. LINTON - In Oshawa, Jutly 22nd. 1939. Doris Jean Linton. belqved wife of Mr. G. M. Linton (Super- intendent of the Provinçial For- estrv Station, Orono). Interment Orono Cemetery. MORRIS - In Bowmanville. on Sunday. July 23rd, 1939. Mantha Adelaide Morris. widow of the late David T. Morris, age 87 years. Funerni froni the residçnce. Hor- sey Street, July 2Sîh. Interment PENFOUND - In Oshawa, July' 21. 1939. Mary Charlotte VanNest, beloved wife of McKenzie- Pen- found. Interment Bo2wmaziville Cemeterv. POWER - In Darlington on Thurs- day, Julv Z9th. 1939. James Her- bert Power. agze 67 years. Funeral from Mn»le Grove Church. July 24th. Interment Bowmanville Cemeterv. IN MEMORIAM REYNOLDS - In loving memory of a dear father. Samuel I.. Rey- nolds. who »assed nwav eight vears aizo. July 27tb. 1931: The thrush that seeks a brighter land Sinzs just as sweetlv there. The rose that blooms beyond the wall Sheds fragzrance iust as rare, Our dear one bas but %gone away To f airer lands of rest, There is no deatb wbere there is love- And God knows what is best. -Lovinzlv remembered bv daugh- ter and son. Cards of Thanks The wife anul famuly of the late Mn. W. A. Thonipson wish tq thank- fully acknowledge expressions of sympvatby and floral offerings froni their many frieuls and relatives dur- ing their meent sad bereavement. Mn. and Mrs. L. B. Nicholîs andl Douglias wish to thank their fnienîs and neigirbours on' Carlisle Ave, for the beautiful foot stool and end table which was sent to themf on Monday July 24th. They extend a hearýty invitation for aIl their frieuls t10 visit them at their new hcjme in Calabogzie at any lime. Rev. John W. Bunner and family wish to express their sincere apprec- ution of the many kinduesses ex- tended by fiends during thein receni bereavement. For Sale 1FOR SALE - USED OIL BURN-- er Coal Ranges, $15.00 and $19.50; used Gas Ranges, $5.00 gn~d $19.5o. Robent Simipson Co.. Oshawa Office. 30-1 FOR SALE - USED FINDLAY Oval Coal Ranire. with shelf. $32.50: othens at $4.50. $9.50 and $12.50. Robent Simpson Co.. Osh- awa Store. 30-h FOR SALE - USED MOFFAT Combinntpn Coal and Gas Range, $6500,- h Happy Thouizht.Coni- bination Coai and Gas. $39.50. Robent Simipson Co.. Oshawa Store. 30-1 FOR SALE - NEW NqO. 77 Fleury pllows. 3 second-hand plows, in good condition. h Rcnfrew separator. like new. ADply T. S. Mountioy. R.R. 6. Bowmanville. Phone 2503. 30-1 FOR SALE - 2 ONLY NEW. 61 cu. ft.. Kelvintor Refrigeratons, 1938 model. negular $26900, to0 dlean. $169-50 and youj old ice box - 36 months 10 »ay. Robent Simipson Co., Oshawa Office. 30-1 Livestock For Sale PIGS FOR SALE - 50 SHOATS, various sizes, dlean and healihy. Hnnny Biggs, Myrte. O t. 30-e FOR SALE - 1 REGIS.TERED Holstein cow. four veans QII. i ust ncnewed. T.B. and Blood Testel. Appfly Noble Melcaîf. Maple Grove. Phone Bowmnnville 2259. e0-1 Windows For Sale FOR SALE - OVER 35 WIN- dows complete with glass. in vnry- ing sizes. about four feet Iigh and 18 iuches wide, good for chiçken coup on mnv other similar building. $1.00 Per window. Phone 2368. 30-1 WE SELL FOR LESS- SPEC- ial vrces on radios. electriç wash- ers. refrigzerators. vacuum clean- ers and rangzes. also a few fnctory rebuilt washers. William Phillips. Phone Bowmanville 2238. 30-11 FOR SALE - BUILDING LOTS in gzood location in Bowmanville. No reasonable offer refused. Ap- Ply David Mutton, Hospital Street. 29-tf FARM. 65 ACRES - FOR SALE. rent. or exchangze for a smaller farm. Auply to owner Steve Rausa, R.R 2. Bowmanville, Lot 30, Con. 2. Darlingrton., 29-2 FARM FOR SALE - 69 ACRES. f irst class land. 1 mile south of Courtice. 4 acres orchard; with croi». implements and stock $7500, or $6000 for farmn only. A>ply to owner. John Benicka, R.R. 2, Bow- FOR SALE - BRICK HOUSE. rooms. one-half acre land. small barn. fruit trees. 2 miles nort of Bowmanville. on Middle Road. Ap- ply B. McDonald. Manvers Rond, Bowmanville. 30-2* PROPERTY FOR SALE - 1 acres* of land. izood frame bouse. seven rooms, with hydro. Firsi class zarden with small fruits; barn. - stable. drivin&r shed, and work shop. nice location; quarter mile from villagze of Hampton on Paved road. Avply te owner, Mrs. W. T. Doidize. Hampton.- 30-ï Room and Board 7 f BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL location. Aoply F. McIndo, Phone 894 Kiniz St.. Bowmanville. 30-2* BOARD WANTED ON FARM - Thirteen year old boy, fond of fanm. would like gzood home for the month of August. no children the sanie age. Particulans from Mrs. C. V. Edmunds. 46 inx St. E.. Oshawa, Phone Osbawa 630. 30-1 Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Vanstone's Growing Mash. -$1.80 Per cwt. 0f fer good until Au. 3. F. C. Vanstone. Phone 777. 30-1 Personal William Barreil. Bowmanvillh, wil not be responsible for any debts incurred bv bis wife after this day, July 27th, 1939. 30-h MEN 1 WANT VIM? TRY RAW oyster tonic. Ostrex Tablets. to ven up whole bodv auick I If not delighted with results f îrst pack- age. maker refunds its low onice, You don't nisk a penny. Caîl, write Jury & LoveIlland aIll good dnuggiists. . 30-1 Agents Wanted MENI1 HERE IS GOOD PAYING work with a large manufactuning conceru of 200 daily necessities used in eveny home. Sure and auick repeaters. No experince needcd. Good pay every day if ac- tive. and Permanent business cer- tain if oersevering. Investigate our plan at once without obligation. Catalogue free. Familex Ce.. 570 St. Clement. Montreal. 30-1 Farm Wanted FARM WANTED - FROM 50OTO 100 acres. state situation, price, ternis. Aoply "B. T." c/o States- man Office. 301* Readings EEADINGS - "YELLOW SHUT- tens" Tea Rooni. Bowmanville Beach. East Side. 30-4* Bi13cycles WVE BUY. ELL. RENT AND reonir bicycles. jack Allin, King St.. Bowmanville. Phones 367.'368 and 607. 30-h Lost ..OST. - A BROWN ýRINDLE feinale English Collie with four white oaws. Apply Lawrence Lunn. Phone 867, Orono. 30-1 LOST - ON SCUGOG STREET, immediately north of C.F.R., on 'uesday. July 2Sth. abouit 9 p.m.. a large. Paddy green leatherette ourse. containing owney's f ull ad- dress. car license. keys. small sum of monev and pensonal -articles. Finder *rewarded bv Phoningz 2104 on lcna4inz same at Statesmn Office. 30-1 Tenders Wanted rENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up 10 Monday. August 7th, for changing the heat- ing svstem of the Masonic Lodge Roonis in the Community Hall, Newcastle. C. R..Carvcth. Sec'y.- Treas. of Hall Manaewpnt Coni- mittee. 30-1 Beauty Culture RIS BEAUTY SALON~ - PER- manent waves. $1.95 up. Phone 2601 for oocinments. 30-l* For Rent )TTAGE TO RENT - AT THE East Side. Bowmanville B-qach. Aoply Mrs. A. Bingzham Phone FOR RENT - FIVE - ROOMED Atpartmehp. August lst. Apply Muriel L. Dunn, Division Street. Phone 645. 30-1 FOR RENT - CABIN TRAILER equipped with accommodation for four. aise outbonrd motor. En- cluire of E. S. Hnrnden. Ontario St. Phone 2690. 2- 1A tbing aif eauly may remain a c oeve,-if Uic cthen fllow marries ber. BUSY HOUSEWIVES H A V E little time durinR summer fninths to make necessary alterations in their clothes to keep tem u-tO- date. The Evlyn Sho» tales a soecialty of repairinz and alteringz arments to conform witb the season's styles. Try us today. You will not be disaooînted. 29-tf Mlortgage Money 'Avallable HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON Bowmanville Real Estate. Special attention to National Housing Act Loans. Inquire Bradley Bros.. Oshawa. Phone 169. 25-tf Notice Mr. W. R. Strike's office wil be closed from Auizust ist to Auizust 12th. inclusive. »_2 Dr. C. W. Semon will be on holi- days from July 3st to Auizust 2st. From Aurzust 5th to August 19th the office wiIl be open. when Dr. H. V. Slemon- will havç Fharge. Raspherries Car Radio DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER- and Ri Come to Salem with vour own basket and pick as many ras- C l bernies as you want for only 3 cents Betwcen Hours a uuart. The bernies are bi. 12.30 and sweet and delicius. Hertzberg at 6.30 snd Salem, Phone 2200. 30-1 Q Wanted Khng Street WANTED AT ONCE - SEÇ,GD b aud building gbout 40 x80 similar to the average church sheýd. state pnrticulars and lowest cash onice. OJ< "D. W.". Statesman Office. 30-1* WANTED TO RENT OR BUY - AIL i 50 to 100 acres. good buildings and lajd, and pflenty of water Apply AUG.4 to Box 274. Bownianvil!c' 30-le B WM* Found WINDSOR RING FOUND - SILVER PLAT-DTRT- cd -ring found at Bowmanville CHICAGO- Beach. Owner may have same by Frttaif auilYing at Statesman Office, w tanf Poving roperty and Payingz ex- 5.15 p.m. A penses. 30-1. Returnlng -" Li 'Attention!1 Chicago 1.59 PICK YOUR W RASPffR.m Consut Agents -i ries on the bush. Sc Per box. A. POOL TRAI] Laird. Maple Grove. 30-1 Canad 'ian Sonse People are not; on spcak- Pacifie Business Wanted, RESPON-SIBLE PARTY WANTS a iroiniz business or sound pro- nosîtion, situated anywhere. Par- ticulars in confidence to iudge of suitabilitv must be stiven in reely or will not be interested. Adver- tiser. Post Office Box 338. Osh- awa. Ont. 30-2 What's wrong with the youth of this province? Nothlng, ac- cording te, the managemnent of the Canadian National Exhibition, who are as pleased as.Punh at the marner mn whch Ontrio y=uh esonded te invitations te prcipate in the Exhibition. Youth, activities include Junior Farniers and Farmerettes, junior Directors, Junior Track Meets, the Hobby Show and the School Ex- hibits. The latter bas becomne se popular that il ba» had te be mev- ed te larger quarters in Autemo- tive Buildinig's Mezzanine Floor. 1ng teni aihteru SERVICE MAXEa os lnstalled tepalred 175 rs or - i1.00 p.m. d7.00 P.m. - owmanviill DTRW MILLE To $ - 6.70 $ - 6.70 ---$13.10 'rom Toronto Aumut 4th. Last train from ia.m., snd p.m., Aug..8. Procure Randbl IN SERVICE Canadian National A TREAT FOR YOU ls ln, store If you haveu't trieoee e1 our many deliclous sandwich lunch speclals or a fountain tee cream preparation. Come ln to- day. You'il be satisted. Don'eVorget to larder coffée wth your sandwich. We are prend et ut ... good coffee ... good rlch 1WEEK-END 9PECIAL Fresh Ftaspberry Pie --25o Golden Layer Cake with Freah Raapberry Ibing- 30o Nfresh Raapberry Bundaes Buy From'owmavle Bakers Dakers for Two Gezerations Phone 855 Fine Photo Finishing and Supplies Kodak camera film and Unique photo fin- izhing make the ideal cembination for botter pictures. Scientifie de- veleping and printing asi*ré you ot finest quality work. Bnlng Your film here to-day. Bpeedy Service Bathlng Needs Caps - - - - XIo"c-9 Beach Balla - 15c.25c Beach Bats - 19c-25o JURY <g LOVELL (iivbq on thB Eff ? OnIy if your glam ise r tod with TILLYER Loneos are th"y doing AIL for your oye. that science eau do. W. fit Tillys, Ions at ne higher prie than otier good ions. Phono 778 Bowinanvlflo -f -c- - 1 Alterations -1 - 1 -1- ý 1 1 - 1 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 'rTZTTDCnAV TTTTV 17rtr inffl 1 - r Phone 778 Real Estate For Sale RADIO 1 ALL 1 Efectrical Supplies Bowmanvine

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