Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1939, p. 7

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-THURSDAY, JUNE 15TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAPP ~vvvM SOCIAL AND PERSONAL PHONE 863 Mnr. W. Tonnant is visiting re- rot visited Mr. John and Miss latives in Toronto. Marfy Lumb. Mrs. Fowler, Toronto, spent Mr. Markus Roenigk, Stratford, Sapurdayf in Bowmanvilîe. was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs f G. Pozer, Toronto, cail- Mrs. T. H. Knight. edon'.frlonds Saturday. Decoration Day will be O1srv- Mr.Donld uin, itte Ln d in Bowmanville, Sunday, June1 lac, Doniaed Mr. H. tte Lng-25th, et the cemetery.1 lac vsîtd r. . arope. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. James spentj Mr. John Moore, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. SundaY with Mrs. Eli Wilson. Herman C. Lapp, Barrie. Col. and Mrs. . J. Gill, Bro&k- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, To- ville, called on friends in tawn. rontoi. are visiting her parents, Messrs. Bert and Eric Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. visited at Mr. J. Gibbs', Oshawa. Mr. Alex Birks passed exam- Mr. Clarence Oke has been inations at Toronto University for Visiting in Kingston with friends. his M.A. degree in Chemistry. Miss Mildred Towner, Roselle, Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Ireland, N.J., la visiting Miss Eva Hellyar. flonnie and Patricia, Toronto,1 Mrs. W. Cully and son Albert were weekend guests of Mr. and visited Mrs. W. Watson, Hamilton. Mrs. R. H. Westaway. Mrs. N. Knapp and son Ronnie Mr. John Neal, Massachusett's Peterboro, are visiting Mrs. ' Institute of Technology, Boston, Hobbs. is holidayirsg with bis parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collacott and Mrs. M. A. Neal. and Velma, Tyrone, visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cale and J. Wight. son Billy, Waterloo, Ont., were Rev. and Mrs. Gardon S. uy weekend guests of bis father, Mr. Burmna,,are visiting his faither, W. C. Cole. Mn. J. H. H. Jury. Miss Dorothy Bonnycastle at- D.and Mrs. S. Lumb, Ban- tended the St. Hilda's College v Alumnae dinner in Eaton's Round Room,* Toronto, Friday evening. jk Mr. James Colo left SaturdayE for Victoria, B.C., having spent as CLOSING CONCERT pleasant month's visit with bis - brother, Mr. W. C. Cole, and other RECITAL relatives here. Tuesday- June 27th Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg motor- TrinitY United Ohurch ed ta New York for the weekendc and attended the New York' 8.45 p.m. (D.S.T.) World's Fair.r Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollock andt Durham County's Little sym- daughter and Mrs. F. -V. Ott ands phony Orchestra, vocal and children went ta Hamilton ta seer Piano Solos, organ and piano the King and Queen, then on ta duets and quartettes. Brantford ta visit Mrs. Ott's rela- DR. T. A. PARTRI[DGE ties Director Miss Ruby -Colwill, Hampton,t Mr. Gerry l~aspel, Mion, Miss Silver Collection Jean Yellowlees and Mr. Donald Proceeds for Churcis purposes. Thompson, Columbus, visited with» _____________________Mr. and Mrs. -Gea. W. Graham on -Suu'uay. Fresh Fruit Sundaes Refreshing Tantalizing TREAT YOURSELF TODAY! FOUNTAIN SPECIAL THIS&WEEK Fresh Strawberry f or 25c Bake Shop Bargains Honey Macaroon30 Layer Cake.,,........... 0 Ban=aa30 Chiffon Pie ...........30 Plan to eat bore when your wlfo or mother la vacatlonlng. Fine Meala ... Reasonably Prlced. THE' CARTER FAMILY SPhono 855 Buy Fraus Bowmanvllle Bakers Bakers for Two Generations Join the KENWOOD CHRISTMAS CLUB lysoft, war-, fleecy, colourful lURNwOOD Bakets for Christ- mau-for yourself; for your frientis. Do it thse easy wsy - by joining aur KENWOOD CH1USTMAS CLUB. Ejach week you make a smsall weekly cleposit. It is entered in your KENWOOD PASS BOOK. By Christmas, the blankets you plan ta buy axe PAID FOR--and you've nover missed the money. Inquire St 01W blaisket depanimesit for full details af this simple, pleasant, purchasing plan. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT <WALKR STORES' fIMITED Phone 451 Bowmiaavfle S Mr. and Mrs. M. MeLeod, Fort William, and Mr. and Mrs. G. McCarley, Burwash, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cunningham, Centre Street. Bath couples are honeymooning. Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison and sons Trevor and Bob attonded graduation exorcises and gardon party at Aima College, St. Tho- mas, where their daughter Thora is a student They were accom- paniod by Mn,. Harry Foster. Mrs. James Sunter, Miss Emma Sunter, Taronto, Mr. Samuel Sun- ter, Mr. Wesley Sunter and Mr. Clare Benner, Detroit, Mlch., vis- ited the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Painton, Westmoufit, cele- brating Mrs. Sunter's 86th bintb- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns have returned from an interesting round trip, ta South Western On- tario, Niagara Falls, New York Stato and 1000 Islands Bridge at Ivy Lea. They are spending the remainder of their vacation at their cottage at Lake Scugog. Richard Witberidge, South Ward philosopher, is our informant that Wes. Perey is the Luther Burbank of Bowmanville. In his laboratory in the Cryderman blacksmitb shap Wes. is endeavauring ta cross a burdock shrub with wild bird seed to develop a new var- iety of Italian cabbage plant that bas the flavour of garlic. They do tbings ta a big way up around Maple Grave. As proaf of this statement Cliff Swallow brougbt a huge stalk of asparagus into the office Friday which weigh- ed haîf a pound. We gave the stalk ta one of aur employees and he reported it tender and delic- ious and enough for the wbole family. (He's our latest newly- wed). Country correspondents an d othens sending in news items are reminded that advance notices of meetings are advertistag and will be charged as such. In sending in sucb advts be sure ta state ta wbom account is to be sent or natice will not be inserted. Re- ports of meetings and concerts are welcomed news for which no charge is made for publishtag them. DEATH FREEMAN-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Wednesday, June 14, 1939, James H. Freeman, belov- ed husband of the late Delilah Nichols, age 71 years. Funeral from his daugbter's residence, Mrs. J. Everson Hobbs, Cburcb St., Bownianville, on Satunday, June 17, at 1 p.m. Interment Bobcaygeon Cemetery. Salem Sunday evening service was conducted by Rev. A. W. Marcb, wbo delivered a fine sermon on "And the eartb shal. be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters caven the earth." *Y.. P. U. meeting Wednesday evening was opened by the presi- dent. Prograus in change of Mns. H. Barrie included: Bible readtag, by tbe Leader; tapie, Mrs. L: Squair; neading, Mrs. E. Doidge; recitation, Mn. G. Thampson; via- lin selection, Mn. W. Taylor; piano sala, Miss M. Collacutt. Attend- ance 10. Mn. and Mrs. J. Cator and son, Toronto, motared down ta cele- brate bis fal:her's birthday on Sun- day,-and witb bis parents motored ta Cobourg and Newcastle. Sorry to learn that Kenneth Buttery is another victim of mess- les. Saturdsy afternoon Mns. F. Haney and Miss Mamaon were bostesses at an afternoon tea In thein spaciaus home when the East Group 6f the Hampton W. I. and a few ather friends met ta spend a social time with Miss E. Sykes previous to ber manniage. Miss Betty Knox's poetical talent was again displayed ta a bumorous address read ta the bride-to-be by Miss J. Knox, wben an elec- tric faonr lanip wss presented ta ber; a' sbowen of dusters were also given after betag bemmed by the ladies. A very dainty lun-c cheon was served by Mns. and i Miss Honey and Mrs. L. D. Sykesj poured, tes from a very prettilyd decorated tes table, and sîl en- i joyed a social time togethen. d Mns. F. Cator -hesds the list tna Salem for home grown straw- bernies, having picked two quart on Monday. Mns. Maody, Toronto, visitedh ber daugbter, Mrs. H. Gaud, also 1 Master W. Hurst, Toronto, bath i retunning home on Sundsy even-a ing. s Cards of Thanka Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beacock wish ta thank the neighbours and friends for the beautiful floral tributes and kirid expressions of sympathy and condolence during their recent sad bereavement. Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of powers contained in a certain martgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on Thur.sday, the sixth day of July. 1939, at 2 p.m. Daylight Saving Timne. at tiw office of A. J. Lyle, Town Hall, Ëow- manville, by W. J. Challis. Auction- cor. AIl and Singular tbat certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lyinz and being in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham and Province af Ontario, formerly a Part of Lot Number Twelve in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington and be- mez composed of Town Lot Number One Hundred and Fifty-four in Block letter "L," frontinR on the North side of Church Street in the said Town as shown on Plan of the Village of Bowmanville, made by John Grant and registered on the 25th day of April. 1852, formerly occupied bv Canada Slicer Corpor- ation Limited. Terms: 10% of purchase Price ta be paid at time of sale, balance in cash 30 davs thereafter. For further particulars and con- ditions af sale aPPly to A. J. Lyle, Town Hall, Bownianville Dated at Bownianvile tliis i2th day of June, 1939. 24-3 1, Page wss chosen ta be valedic- tanian and ber speech Was the higblight of the program. IMiss Page was recîpient of Imsny othen lovely and useful gaduadinag fnindsMWeleatiesd gadatmion giffrn reelaties heartiest congratulations ta GIs- dys and wisb ber continued suc- cess as she stops out into her life's career. AFTER 40 .. your lddneys tend ta slow up. If tlese blood filtens bocomne inflamed, ex- cerna acid stays in the systein. Needie p)ointeti acid crystablatioge in joints and muscln estting up irritation and rheu- matic pains. Take Gin Pille ta stimilate kidmicys andi ovt Prompt kol. Two Sises .-.-.Eeg. SOc0 New- .Eoonomy ise - - 750 (Double the quaatiti') COUNCIL <Continued tram page 1) tbree new drivers of the fine truck ta take care of emergencies. Thero 1are three drivers at presont, but 1Firemen Harnden, Ruiter and iLyle will be added ta the list..- All members of the brigade wMl be requined ta establisb perman- ent residence ta town and wll cease ta be members if they beave to'wn for any length of time. They must aiso natify the chief if they are leaving town for a short visit. To prevont complatats and crit- icisms received ta past, concernlng fine brigade matters and in fair-' ness te members, it was suggest- ed that present negulations caver- ffig the attendance of finemen in answering alarms be more rigidly respected and that finemen who fail ta report for duty on 3 con- secutivo alarms be summarily suspended until their case. has been reviewed by the fine cous- mittee. The practice of allowing firemen ta answer the roll, when they have nat reported for duty follawing the alarm, will be pro- hibited. It was also suggested that the acting fine chief supply copies of the roll caîl, certified by hlm ta be correct, ta the fire committee chaiËman. The chief or deputy chief will'be instructed ta assign finemen ta regular jobs while an duty and a list of the various dut- les will be posted in the hall. Council plans ta attend in a body the Drumhead Service at Orono on Sunday to commemor- ate Magna Carta Week. A cc o un ts totalling $2,340.35 were passed, including relief ac- counts of $217.49. Permission was granted Baw- manville Lions Club ta hold a Carnival and parade an Thurs- day, July 13tb. Reeve G. A. Edmondstone, chainman oi tbe praperty cam- mittee, reported that the commit- tee bad met a delegatian freim the Masonie Lodge and that an offer of $500 bad been made for the Slicer Building ta be converted itt a Masonic Temple. Council decided not ta accept the affer, feeling that it was much tee low. It was also tatimsted that a party from aout of tawn was aiso inter- ested' in purcbssing the building for tadustrial use. Rosds and Streets Comnsittee was empowered ta purchase one carload of crusbed stone at $54.00. A communication fraus St. An- drew's Cburcb asking for tnew sidewalk ta front of the cburch was referned ta Roads and Streets committee witb power ta act. Re- quest for a grant fram Durhams Central Agricultural Society was referred ta Finance Committee. Solicitor W. R. Strike will bo instructed te pnoceed witb con- tacttag the Attorney General in an effort ta make arrangement for recoinpense for use of local court raom for outside cases. Police& Comniittee were in- structed ta place No Parking signs an the west side of Division Street from King ta Wellington, and on King Street near Liberty, K stop sign will aiso be placed at Division aud King as the old one bas been removed. HOSPITAL BOARD le- <Contln ued tram page 1) tbst the amount budgeted for bas- pitais bas been materially -reduc- ed and that commenctag June 1, 1939, fia goverrnent grrant will be allowed for the finst five days' care of se]V pay ward patients. Thus the Hospital Board must charge the full $2.35 for the finst five days' care direct to the patients. Therefore the rate fan the first five days' cane of Self Pay Public W~ard Patients commencing June 11939, will be $2.35, instead of $1.75 as formerly.. This will work out by tbe week, 5days at $2.35, and 2 days at $1.75 -$15.25 payable by the patients instead of $12.25 as formerly. The Board regrets the necessity of this change, but yau can read- [y see that the hospital cannot Possibly assume tbe loss wbicb the discontinuance of this grant will nean when the average cost per day pen patient ta the bospital is round $3.00, the difference being miade up on grants and bequests. This change of rates aiso ap- Plies ta new bonn infants in the hospital. The gavernment former- [ paid 30c per day, but commenc- ig June 1, 1939, no grant will be llowed for the first five days of self pay ward patients, thus this 1.50 must aise be assumed by the arents of these new barn babies. HIGH HONORs WON AGRICULTURAL SOC. CARLISLE ADDRESS <Continued trom page 1) (Continued tram page 1) Stinday school and the mon re- ditions from the begininingt of bis- turned to the city hall. tory, man has been combative and 15 The success of the Holstein combative todav and likely will re- field day at the Port Perry and main so. It would be alm st im- Rseneath fairs last year, which possible - and I would sav impos- was reviewed in an address by sible - fer these different nations Joseph Tully of Otonabee, and haviniz different languages. each be- endorsed by several delegates, was ini selfish in endeavourinR ta get acknowledged by E. W. Webber the most for itself to arrive at a 0f Oshawa fair. Mr. Webber ex- illanimous agreement that could lme tolled the Shorthorn breed of cat- implemented. If it were possible for tie which he considered "about such an agreement to be made they the best" and declared that "fair orovided no means to enforce that directors shouldn't confine their agreement. Gradually one nation efforts ta one breed as the Hol- after another withdrew f rom the steins."' League. It is now flot an-organ- (Cantinued next week) ization of dominant influence. Before. or perhaps after. Germanyj and Italy and Tapan withdre3y rom, LIO S C UBthe League they entered into an« LIONS CLUBagreement for mutual support and 1 (Coninue fro pag 1) extensive planning - evidently with <Coninue tra pag 1) the thouRht that they would flot remedies instead of enumnerating only relieve themselves froin their objections, he said. We ail agree adverse conditions but would' iointlv that we should like to increase and severallv become dominant in- the national income and see that ternational powers. It looks quite it is fairly distributed. We wauld evident todav that the plan preovided ' like to balance the budget and for a three-way operation: Tapan to see that everyane bas a job. The undertake the conczuest of China - question is how ta attain these ob- and if successful ta contraI the rail- jectives and it does flot help much wavs and the seaport which are to say we are in favaur of reduc- vital t. Russia. This would open the ing taxation and public debts, or a for the conqusofSbraan tha we ar infavurof reviving the Philippines. She MLpuld laterE farmîing, of1 curing unemploy- be in a position ta establisb herseif ment, of making railways pay and in the Dutch East Indies and be a of deveioping aur reserves. We f actor in the affaîrs of Australia are ail in favour of these things, -an~d New Zealand. This Plan also but how are they ta be brought încluded the abolition of the open aboutdoor ta China. There are frequent attacks onflItalv was ta more firmly cstablish1 our system of gavernment as well herself in Ethiopia. She had na as its policies and it may be it is aprn ipt ihEhoin out of date and needs averhauling, apparentcdisue frwh-Ethiopia fa but, mn my opinion, there are at apparent cause for war - J ut at least three things we have ta do: ecodnut- the abjtec ben uit (1) Observe the Constitution; (2) o evieIalywas oft eure on r Continue the Federal System in ftehedwtrso htNl n Canada, and (3) Preserve the twa- îndirectly the Sudan, and be In af party system. position to fortify herself well on Mr. iekrd as itrouce bythe coast af the Red Sea. thereby p roag ra mcommittee chairman, SueCnai ne.ber ptin in the Rev. W. F. Banister, and Ch as. Sefaa oe Tepa ute Carer ovd te vte0f hans.provided for Italy better fortifying .Other business included report erslf haghu.heMdtern of a directors' meeting showing en that a donation of $50 had been Germanv was ta build a powerful passed for th e Legian Band; a let- military arganization and ta layc ter receîved expressing apprecia- conquest ta Continental Europe. t tion of members af Durham Swine Owinz ta the location of Spain, Club for the coaperation received the communistic tendencv of ber in purchasing swine of advanced gaverfiment. ber close alliance with registry.* A report was presented - Russia. ber strategzic position ta on the praposed conversion of the shippiniz - and especially as it af- Badminton Club cellar into a com- fected Enzland and the Western en- munity centre with cost estimated trance ta the Mediterranean - the at $4,200, not including cost af triple pawers decîded upan the con-f building. Ouest of Spain. The Spanish War , One hundred per cent pins were was not a civil war, but a war en- presented by attendance commit- gineered and planned largely by tee chairman A. M. Thompson to Germanv and Italy; a war that bathr 23 members of the club. Several these nations supParted. That war had over 4 years attendance with- has ended. and i ust w hat positione out missing a meeting. Spain would take in case of military Announcement was made of disturbances in Europe cannpt ber Trenton Lions Club Charter Night> determined at this time.n Friday, June 16, and several in- These plans, ta the present time.1 dicated their intention of attend- bave been implemented almast with- «ing. District Gavernor J. J. Brown out variatian. These operatians put wrill be the speaker. the warld inta a state of nerves, Alterations in Carnival com- dislocated business. caused immense rnittees were announced, with G. investments in armament, interferedf L. Davidge the new chairman of ivith both commercial and financial the parade committee.1 operations, and we,. with the rest of] Miss Eva Englisb with Mr. and 'enâ tTEASPOONS tACH SPOON ONLY 10' AND 2 BLACK BANDS FROM PALMOLIVE SOAP %l ASK FOR ONtDES ILANK li WeII and Tree PLAT TER SPECIAL $4.951 the world. are today somewhat b- wildered as ta the outcome. While the three nations referred ta were planning an exçiciitve their plans. England, as well as the wbole British Commonwealth. was largcly inactive in preparing ta meet these conditions - until the aggreesor na- tions (Japan. Germany and Italy) were in a strong, if nat a dominant position - and it was ony at a very late date that England undertook ta put ber affairs in a better position. Fromn the time of the termination af the late war ta the present ad- ministration of Premier Daladier, France was in a continua turmoil constantlv changineg overnMçnts and gzoingz from bad fo worse. Since the 1present administration came inta of- fice France bas made Rreat imp)rôve- ment mn puttinir herself into not anly' a stronz but an effective position. a France and England are working in unity. England bas made treaties witb some of the lesser nations. These treaties strengthen England's position. England and France are now negotîating agreements with Russia and the resuit of these trans- actions will likely be - owing to their magnitude and the financial strenRth back of them - ta elim- mnate the possibilities of war. If the peoples of the world had an assur- ance of peace it would go a long way in improving conditions. How- ever. there is one thing that we must not overloak: even if there aýre fair- IV satisfactory arrangements made in the avaidance of war, there re- mains the prablem, of competition. Each natian will take its position in commerce, finance and production. I take it the competition fôr-'Canada, United States and Great Britjin will bie keener' than beretofore. As far as Canada and the United States are concerned, they will bave ta re-vamp their present procedure whereby they may secure lower costs if tbey aré ta enter the export f ield - wbich field is so essential ta Canada. There is no business that can per- manently succeed unless it cani per- manently compete. Artifical sup- parts are anly temporary and nec- essarilv must fail. My thauglit is that the greatest task, bath for United States aild Canada is. nat anly now but will continue ta be, ta adjust themselves ta thîs special condition. I Marr's iewelry Phone 463 Bowmanvllle Mrs. Fred Willan. Miss Flo Smith, Bethany, visited Mrs. Wmn. Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon and fam- ily. Toronto, witb their sister. Mrs. Florence Thomson. REAL BARGAINS MASON & DALES HARDWARE 3-BURNER OIL STOVES COLEMAN IGASOLINE STO VIS From $S.45 up KING BUG RILLER 20-lb. bags -75c 5-lb. bags 25e MASDN& DALE Hardware Hoadquarters Phone 408 Wo Deliver -$1 to $2.95 -- $2.50 up -- $1.75 up *--$3.95 u WEEK mEND VALUES Through the tremendous buying power of our co-operative wholesale house, of which each I. D. A. druggist is a part owner, we are able to niake many savings on the cost of our merchandizq. This enàbles us to average a normal profit and atml give you the benefit cf lower Prkes. Juat glance over this ad for proof of the fine values we offer, and shop this 'week at your I. D. A. Drug, Store. Lowest Prices FILMI Kodak and Sel Complete Fres LISTRIN the Sale Antiseptic the Quiclc Docdorant 25* - 49Ç e 794 BUHiON SALVES TRY 5 0 e. e * f eu UNITED MA~GR STORE 4GENOY Phone 792 DRUGS Bowmanvllle i r Bathing Caps Vacuum Botties------29e 19e -25e -29c -35e No Special Offers 25e Noxzema- - 15e Arrid'Cream -39c-59c Neet - - - - 54c ILysai - - - - 35c-65C Odorono - -> - 35c-59C 15e Seidlitz Powders - - 2 for 17c 15c Flaxseed- 16-oz. carton 9c Olive 018 4, 8, 16-oz. 1 Sc - 35c - 59e Hygeol-- 35e-60C Nu - Feet - - - 25e Powder Puffs 3 for 'Oc Idasal, 100's - - - 39o Andrew's SLiver SaIts - 34c-51c Castile Soap - 10 for 25o Is Paper Plates --. 20's 15c eiochrome Paper Serviettes - - - 60'. 10e ah Stock d"IT"y White Shoe Cleaner - - - 25c - JUST BETTER PHOTO FINISHING No need for speeali nducements bre - other than the fineàt photo- flnlshing you've ever had. Every pieture you take from your best to even your least Important la accorded the same skilled hand- ling and personally lnterested at- tention. Our work ls unequalled here and unexcelled elsewhere. PROMPT SERVICE SPRECIAL OFFER A Bandana with each large Botte of ind's reain TAT ANT TRAPS Guaranteed - 29 2 FREE GIFTS land ..a ~ 1mohg Fae Powisr wu »d W Wu Au" S"hs .890. ~89~ PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX I i. Bread Trays Casseroles - Pie Plate% - Muffin Dishes McOREOOR Recent Visitors : Rev. and Mrs. Frank Neweil and family. Hastings. with Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright. Mrs. F. W. Marlow, Miss Edith H-ewitt and Miss Ruth Marlow, To- ronto. with Mrs. Jas. Marlow. Miss Pearl Taylor, Toronto. visît- ed Miss Grace Hooper., Miss Florence McLaughlin, Ta- ronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dow- nev, Reaboro. with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin. Mrs. James E. Spinks. Treherne Man.. is visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Darcy. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginin and family. Bethany. witb Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ginn. 1 1 , THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN DRUCS BowmanvIlle

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