.. ..,.. ,.. - ~ ---, 'nt 1'flhTP~flAV TTTMF 1STTt 1O~9 THE CANADIAN STATESMXN, BOWMANVILLE,'ONTARIO S1XTEENTR INSTALLMENT Brower. Ini the afternoon sbie wrote She was on;ly waitingz for their word. a note to him. Would tbe imornirig mail briniz ber synopsis 'Dear Evan: answer? Wben tbe wealtby foster parents Tbis is i ust ta tell you tbat I Rot But it carne sooner tbani that. of Marjorie Wetherilt botb die she home todav and sbaill le 2'1a&ta see Tbelrna brougbt it Up to ber bejore finds a tetter telling tbat sbe bas a vanwbenever you feel like calling. she was dressed. A telegram. twin sister. tbat sbe was adopted Sincerely, "We have kept our contract. The wben ber own parents couldn't af- Marjorie." tirne is up. We want you witb ait our ford to support botb of tbemn and The tirne passed very ouicklv and bearts. We feel. tbat tbis is vour tbat ber real narne is Dorothy Gay. in the afternoon she went to see place if you stilt want to corne to us. Atone ini tbe world, but witb a- for- hier tawyer and cbeck uv) on busi- But flot unless you would rather tune of ber own. sbe considers look- ness niatters. Then just after din- corne. Letter fottows." igup her own famnily wborn she ner Evan Brower came. . It was signed witb aIl tbeir narnes. ba neyer seen. A neighbour. Evan Evan told ber of the news since Maorewstlngiasw- Brower tries to argue ber out of it she bad been gone. and at lest lie inz tbat. Sbe caugbt up ber tele- and tells ber be loves ber and asks got ouit tbe little velvet box again. Pbone and dictated a teleRrarn: ber toarnarry bim. She promises to '.Marjorie," lie said in g calm "Was corning anyway, wbrther you tbink it over but decides first tao e voice. "I want YOuta toPut myv ring wanted me or not. Could not stand ber familv. She Raoes t,, tbjir ad- on now and wear it.' it without vout. Brentwood for met dress. finds tbat tbey are destitute Then Marjorie looked calrnlv et Love to you ait. - Glory halîelujab t and gradually persuades tbem ito ac- Evan Brower and answered in a Marjorie t" cept tbinirs tbey need. Whien tbe clear voice: NettrigTdaor4o doctor calîs to see ber rnotber sbe "Evan, I do appreciate vour kind- the scene. A very property-clad notices that he seems priuat ness and vour thouglit for me, ond Ted. lookinz bandsome and capable. interested in lier s4ister. Marjorie I feel sorry that I had to be sa "Motber said I 'vas t on n Roes to church in Brentwood. wbere unoertain in tbe past when vau bellp pack," he seid simply. "Sbe ber famity used ta tive. and becornes talked to me about these tbings. said you oughtn't to be alone. Dad very much interested in the young But flow that I arn-,homne again I would bave corne but be couldn't minister tbere. Wbite at Brentwood bave tbougbt it aIl over and made leave his new job. of course." * sbe sees tbe home her farn:tY forrn-t erly owned, buys it back f or tbern and Rives the deed ta it to bey fatber on Christmas morning. Tbe wbote j farnily is vey Ioyful. Then, tbrougb t Marjoriie's efforts, ber fatber gets a good job. Meanwbite, Marjorie plansh to visit Chicago and i Gkeon* Reaver, 0 the youngR minister. plans to go part way witb ber. r But tbe next day wasn't baîf tong S enougb. and sped away so f ast tbey n were agxhast. Mari oric- was bere and there and everywhere. witb ber a mother and the cbildren, and every- body restless because the time was t Rettingr shorter andi sborter. Howt they were going to miss ber, tbe Sb daugliter wbo lied only known themnet a few short daysl1 11 ie Finialtv Marjorie and <ideon were ' aeated in the train as it moved of f.,h wavingto the fatber andi Test. Then ti the train swept out of the station There was real Joy in Detty's face. and tbey were atone. The inister got out bis pocket rny decision. Evan. I ar n ot go- And tben wben bis sister felt uPon w Bible and agrain and agzain the two ing to marry you. cither nowv or at his neck and embraced birn. crying beeds were bent over the text. Mar- any other time. I arn quite sure for every ioy. he rernarted.. quiteth jorie took out ber pencil and note- that I do not love you as a womnan casualty tboughi in' a jubitan"tone: ,a book and kept a great many refer- ougbt to loye a man she marries." "Gideon Reaver said he wag comn- ences for ber betp wben she Rot Evan Brower looked at her stead- ing over on Monday ta drive us bacin to Chicago atone. So the time ily. calmt.y, and stowly put tbe ringz back borne. He said you saîd you ai ftew fast. It seemed only a brief back in its box and tbe box eway were brining your car. and I ey, soace before Gideon bad to Put on in bis Docket. 1 baven't anv driver's ticense vet. Heth his overcoat. seize bis bat and suit- "Véry well," be said quiety, de- said I was ta wire birn wben we case. graso hber band for a cuick terrninectly. 'if you haven't corne to would be ready. He's crazy to i instant. and burry to get of f at Har- your senses yet I can wait. of corne t" ail risbî*rg. course, tilt you do." They were bard at work ilacling, frc .He waved to ber fromn the ptat- So presently be took bis lev. and there ivas a targe van drawn ui i form n intant and hen he tbefore the door taking. away furni- moved, on and she was atone. rAm Fnlyteecreaetrfon ture. sarne that was tco lie sent ta ci gret dsoltio cae oer er.Gideon and her heart leapec up 'toa t auction rooms for sate, and Would she ever set bim .again? wlon tsnig itesn vnsoine that was to be given to tbe f befdre sbe opened it. It wesn't a mission. bnEa rwrarvd It as trage henex rnrn:g tngletter. It was rnostty about Evan Brower glared at-Ted. witb to walcen and find hersetf almost his work and the questions she bad scarcetv an inclination of hi.% bead. bqck toý Chicago. t<> diess hurriedly asked. and soine books be was sendan h esidavgltaMr Itist irf tirne to gRef out and to find ingz. But it did say how mucli they ndo en esi aagl oMr ber own chauffeur waiting at thte misse'dlber.iri staton with ber car according t h etda iensetfoes "Can I seeyou alone somewbere ?" Te were crînion rse. dlee qd Mariorie Rave hbu an absent- They ere rimsn roes. eep n înded smile. The bouse was immaculate, tbe dark. She burîed ber face in tbeir Wbat was said bebind tbat closed - servants ait there in tbeir places. sweetness and closed ber eyes as door Mariorie tiever told birn. but ,Wecomnipov ber, tbanking bher for sbe carried thern uvstairs to ber it must have been decisive for tbe their holiday. apparentlv rçady to own private sancturn. She dîd flot caller presently came out walkingz go on with ife as she bad teft it. want tbem out of ber siglit. as if be were following to the grave Aftcr breakfast sbe went f rom And tben tbe week was up. after a dead hope. room ta room and tried -ta take up Mariorie arose with a feeling tbat The last truck was f ilted. and the treasi of- life. For this one great tbings mîgbt bappwen todey. sterted on its way; tbe cook badl week etleast she was cornritted to Woutd ber mother write at once, wep)t a fareWvett and had been taken do nothing definite about teaving bler or wasn't tbe week longz enough for to ber train en route for ber sister's home. But that did flot include Evan thern to decide? She bad decided. in tbe far west; tbe bouse wgs lock- ed and the kev handed over to the,- L 'À Cowuu,.p~.g j~o »nd owner: and they were aIl comfort abty seated in tht liig luxurious ca ready to start. "It's a beautiful bouse," remarket Gidèon. PIm 50 gtad to have stil wbere you were brought uîn," exi lie smiled et Marjorie. 'Tes, it's1 Iovely home. But you're gzoing t ont jiust as pleasant, I think t1" "Sure tbing t" seid Ted ferveatty "Thougli this one's att right" i edded as if lie flared Mrjorie' feelingzsright be.hurt. Then tbey wound down along thi lake short. into tht city and out oi the higbwey for home. And such a drive as they had 1 But ohl. that homecoming. Hom precious it was t To lie fotded i ber mother's anms and to knom that she was at home 1 To watcl the loveligzht on ber fether's face a he said: "Welcorne home. mv daugh. ter 1" To feet the cildrten's eage sticky kissts and heer their scramE of weîcorne. To ste reat joy ir Betty's face, real welcome t Ahi That was better than al the othe: world lied to offer ber. And then to drive hastity over to -Brentwood and meet thetruk which lied just arrIved. and with Betty directing where things should go. It wes great t . There wes Betty in tht parlar with Keith Sheridan to belp, tLkin;z of f tht covers from tht uphoîstered furniture. And there was Gideon gzoingc quietty about doingz things witbout havingr to esk what to do next. just as if he were a son of the bouse and lied always lived with this furniture and these romps. "You went this here, don't vou Mariorie ?" le would say, and pro- ceed to put it there. And once in thteliack hall. towarc dusk. those two came hastily upon each other. Marjorie f rom tht way of tht kitchen, and Gideon f rom'the big pleesant library wliere lie lia just deposited an enmfuI of books that liad been misplaced byltht now departed movers, and they ran right, into tacli other Gideon put out bis erms and enfolded ber, perhaps ta seve lier frorn falling. but it beceme more than that of itself as suddenîv tliey wert close to ont anotber. and Gideon stooped and pîeced a tender kiss on ber lips. Then. j ust as suddenîy. while they were still under tht speil of tbe wonder of eaeh otber's lips. and did world for the momcnt, there stood Betty and Keith bend in bend. "Might a more brother in-taw of- fer congratutations ?" saluted Keith COMPLECTES 5 YEÂRO Herbert Murphy Who recently received his five year continuous service pin from the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. He bas been wlth the company nmne years altogether.. The Wingfoot Clan stated that 'Murpb' is a great softbail enthus. iast and from bis sbowing on the local league this year, there ta lUt- de doubt of his ab~iyto play te game. He bas also had some e:- perience as manager of girls' soft- bail teams. When there ta no soft- bail, be has been known to play hardball or -in winter some hoc- key. He is also an ardent fisher- man. He is married with a faniily of three girls and one boy. joyousty, "because we're in a pos tion oursetves to understand." H-e gzrinned and bowed tow wit his band upon bis heart. That i one hand, The other Betty had. Then be tooke<i up at the emba: rased two who, had been talcen uil awares and grinned. "It's a littie soon, I Supposet spring ait this on the Misemb , i, nultitudes." he offered. Marjorie witb glowing cheek and dancingz eyes was laughing nom "We didn't tcnow anytbing abou bhis oursetves titi a minute ago t" she announced sbyty. "I believe you t" said Betty sot rnnly. "Tbat's tbe way it ca me -t me. ail suddenty." "Welt, I'm flot asbarned of it tough I didn't think I dared a. nounce mv intentions so soon. Bui Im tlad t" said Gideon sQternty. ""Yes t" said Mariorie. "Aren'i we? But the rest were tcurrying te te f ront door to, welcorne the frnity. The motber watked into ber bouse id stood and tooked around witb wes f ull of wonder. "Oh, it's too gdod to have att hese thinoes at once t" she said. "My rt corneborne to Brentwood, and tI ýmy cbildren bere t" "Yes. Motber. dear," cbirped Betty romn the doorway, ber hand again nKeith's who winked across at 4ariorie and Gideon, "even more bildren than you had bargained ir t", Tbe End Legal M. G. V. GOULD, Bl.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmeanvle W. R. STRIKE Barrlster, Solicitor, Notary §olicitor for Bank of Montreal money to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. w -d OfE Id Ph a 's Gra lege ie Bldl )n 9 a.i day, Pl Is w n Mo( rPh< à - Mon ih is, to 19 ks W. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Ece immediately east of Royal Theatre. hones: Offire 688; Homie 553. Dental DR. J. C. DEV1Tr Asuistant: Dr. E. W. Simlon LcIuate of Royal Dental Col- e, Toronto. Office., Jury Jubilee dg., Bowmanviile. Office hours .m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- Phone 790. House phone 883. IC-Ray Euipment in Office. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. Morris Co. Ddemn Motor Equipment, Amn. oance and Invalid Car. Cali ,ne 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer LMcnsd Auctioneer -ELMER WILDUR Hanen,(Ont.- «lallidng In Fau=, Llveiîtock, ~iements and Purniture Sales TERMS MODERATER 'one for Ternisad Date to-, DowmanVtfle 2428. t "«Lest We Fortet"l A. H. BOUNSALL 1 Designer and Dealer i numents, Tablets, Mwark.,.s, etc. In Granite and Marbi. S1GNS & POSTERS - AUTOS - TRUCKS - WAGONS - ETC. PAINTED AND LETTERED - Mbe- Baby Carniages - Bicycles Purnituro - Refnlgferators Wleker Work - BOU. For Botter Painting Phono 441 J. H. NEEIDHAM Centre Street - Bowsnanvile Moi l i When I go to the city -and stay with my friends, They pesa me a '«guest towei" or two, That's a new fangled naine for e new drying clcth, That aggravaes me tbrough and through;. Then next cornes the 'Ifinger towel", placed et my plate, It's more like a hanky, I vow, It's for use et the table, but myt how I bate These stylisb things people have now. I'd love to go back to my old boy- bood's home, And wasb in rein weter once more, And dry bandsaend face on that old roiler towel That hung on the back kitcben door. That old towel got' dirty and grimy and black, But we'd. turn it to get a dlean place; Or we'd pick out the edges, which usually were white, And we'd use them to dry banda and face; D' Y' remember the wesh block thet stood by thc pump, A piece of sawed log set on end, The old battered wasb disb, thc cake of bard soap, The rein berrel, its water to lend? We'd wasb and Uine 'up just to wipe and to dry, We 'd iaugh and we'd joke there galore, How I long for the deys of tb'at old roUler towel That bung on the back kitchen door. -Ralph Gordon. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. SPRAY SERVICE Despite the unusuatty dry weatber, apffle growtb is devetoping et the îaverage rate. It is, therefore. im- Perative that att orchards lie sprayed r10 days after tht lest application. 1 It is the habit of a large percent- tage of growers. in dry weather such as bas prevailtd tatety. to tbink that beceuse rein bas flot washed off the test spray it is not necessary to spray agzain within the 10-day period. This idea is probabtv the cause of more worm iniury than any other liecause fo the f act that the very weather which aîtows the spray to remain is the ideat condition for Codting Math to tay eggs. Under these conditions etso. Codling Moth- eggs hatcb in two to three deys tess tirne than usuel. With these tboughts in mind the gfrower may readity recognize tht necessity of regutar 10-day apptica- tions of protective spray materiat if tht crop) is to be kept fret from worm injury. Another fact whicb should be kept in mind is that the littte apple. wb:cb is pow forrning. doubles its size every seven or tiglit days. Spray materiat once apptlied dots not sprtad with tbe growtb of tht leaf and fruit. The new growtb rnust be covered as it develojis. Orchard inspection shows stight scab infection which should lie kept in mi. and thorough coverage must be maintained to prevent its spread to the f ruit. This application on commercial orchards sboud lie rnade witb Ben- tonite-Sulphur or other non-caustic sprays, according to manufacturer's direction. in combination witb Ar- senete of Lead et tht rate of 2 Ilis. to tacb 40 gallons of dîtute spray. In orchards which bave flot been reguîerty covered since the detayed dormant stage. Urne Sulphur at the rate of ont gallon to each 100 gal- Ions of ditute spray may lie added to tht above mixture. Subsecautnt sprays must lie apptied et regular 10-day intervals for pro- per Protection. Spray tborougbly f rom tht under side of the tret as welt as from tht outside. We are edvised liv research au- thorities that tht amount of spray rîecesserv to properly cover tht tret is as follows: 8 to 12 vears old use f rom 3 to 4 «ellons; 12 to 18 vears old ueoe f rom 4 to 7 gallons; 18 to 25 yeers old use f rom 2 to Il gallons; 25 vears and older use f rom Il to 14 gatlons. The above amounts are figured on trees of normal.,tealthy growth and. wilI very according to tht var- ety. However, -this table mav be uscd as e guide to aid in determining lie quentity of spray rtquired per rtc -for adequate coverage. Spray regutarty and thoroughly. IUSY HOUSE FLY MENACE TO HEALTH If Egvorybody Would Conscion- tlusuly Do Thetr Part, Film, Would Not Romain a Major Health Probleus A femnale bouse fly deposita 100 to 150 eggs et ont time and, from tis batcb of eggs, It may be less tan two weeks, in warmn weather, before the winged fies emerge. tla obvious, then, bow quickiy the mulily unIesa they are yu controiled end, in any am untts wbere ebey are left mmolested, they mey bring a real >pdemlc of slcknessaend diseese r they are carrionsf of typhold uid ailier germe. If their bree- mg places, wblch are usuafly out- 1-doo. on garbage, manurj il" rsd ulmilar situations, ce be lmlnated, thib would reduoe the Canrot FIy Damage Control Moamures By delaying plantingz of carrot un- tiI tht middle of June in Eastern Canada. iniury f rom the carrot rust f lv witl be avoideI. states the Divi- Ssion of Entornotogy, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. There are Lreatly two generations of carrot rust fy Iv very vear, the first in tate Mev and earIy lune, the second in tate August and early September. Tht in- sects winter in the ground, and soyon after emiergingz in 'the spring tlay their eggs upon or in tht soit im .- mediatety surrounding tbe tiny car- rot seedtingzs. When tht maggots betch. thev kilt many of -the smalt carrots or burrow into the roots of tbe larger ones and create rnuch damage bv the tunnels tbey niake. By tht middle of June, most of the cerrot rust fMtes bave disappeared, bence the detav in ptanting gRives tht seedlings a chance. When carrots are planted early for the summer market the f ly cen be controlled liv waterîig the seedlings twice with corrosive sublimate. used in the strength of one ounce to 10 gallons of water. Tht first 'applica- THE OLD ROLLER TOWEL I travel a lot and I go hère and tbere, I note what is done far and neer, And often I see the most wonder- ful tblngs, And some that seem useless and queer; For instance tbey give me some thin paper towels, With wbich I must dry face and hands, or maybe a wind machine blows heated air, From hidden electricai fans. But these new contraptions don't figure with me, They make me most awfully sore, So give me that old fasbioned long roller towei That hung on the back kitchen door. ~ / HA 4DY SEAL-TIGHT POUCH 1 SC Ya.%.LOK.TOP" lTIN - 600 aiso pack.d in PocIoet Tins It DOS go in pie!" tion sbould lie made during the first week in June and the second appli- cation a week leter. The solution shoutd lic poured over the plants, cere beingz taken to wet tbem thor- oughty, as welt as two or tbree inches of the soit, around the seed- tings. Wooden pails or graniteware containers onty shourd lie used in 'AF TO f These tlirnete loses its strengtb in eetingr .eway the surface of conteinerj made 1of metat. Corrosive sublimaje is e deadlv poison and should lie bendled witb tbe utmnost care. In order to escape damnge by the mnaggots of the second generation of the carrot rust ftly in late August, the icarrots sbouîd lie barveated as soon Feature~ exp tain whby CHEVROLET Leads in Sales.. Leads in Performance Leads in Value TAKE a look et tht unequailed sales record of the new 1939 Chevrolet-then take a look et tht unequeiled Fut of Chevrolet quality feetures shown et tht right ... Therc's a direct connection between the twO! Chevrolet is leadi.ng ailother maies of cars in sajes, beceuseit's the only car that gives you so mmach for your money-bringing you ail these modern features at such low costt Suds great velue brings greet volume; great volume brings stili greater velue; and thus- Chevrolet keeps on- piting up its velue leadership over ail other cars ins tht field, yeer after year. You want tht car thet oui-styles, out-accelerates ead out-climbs ail others ins its price range; you want tht car that is first i sales, first in velue; yon iwant a ne. 1939 Cbevroletl Better sec it and drive it-todayI Low monthly payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. No OIler Car Combines Ai hes. Famous F.,cuures 1. bd.seiu Stedng-CAImSeau> Shu ifiWlh"Vuaam Auit" (Aval, able onaU lmoe' laet cnly $13 extra.) 2., New AeoStrou.aStyilng New Rodls by Flube 3. 85 Horusp.wer Vulve.n-Nei Mx 4. IPereed <Ouadro.AstIe) Nydrouli, Irake 5. New "Obeumilsu Car" Vfllllty 6. Advaroed K.e-Atn Ridhng SYuI teWih Shodiproof, lIa (usas StOOring (Availsllbe on Mastér DeLuze modela only-.) 7. tIehforced M-Ste.!T.t MTep hdy by flubr km lmut niStzer 9. FluerN ~4rftuniatio 10., Eaurgeucy Br&@s Eomtd Uude vSlh et Loft I.SymeroMeuh Tramwu.dsl !2. Tlptos-Matlc Guldi M3 Exduuslybox 6l*r aasds Frua. 14. Hypold-« euw esAxie 15. DeflsIuy, Stautlng, Llghtng, Ignition ... Md scores of other important feature., acasSafety GI...throughout. Automatic Voltage Contrai, Sound Insulatim., Rubber- Mounted Ignuine, Automatdc Manifold Heut Control, EIectropiateciOr. y -Iran Pistons, Crankcase Ventilation, Adjustable Sent@, Safety-Tread Runnlng Boards, Counter- flalaniced Crankshaft, Convenient Btey I.ocatlon. Screened Cowi Ventilator, n many oteé MOT NICROLS Courtice . Bowmanvone ~m £ : jdl Lit- A- 1 fly menace to a very minor prob- lem, but, unfortunately, this can- not be adequately done. The files mttherefore, be prevented frmcarrying f ilth and dangerous germs from out-of-doors onto feeding botties, food- or drink tbat's lef t exposed mnside the home. *As we have already sald, the most important tblng is to deèan up thoroughly where potentiel breeding places exiat out-of-doors, particularly adjoining the bouse. To prevent files entering the bouse, doors and windows must be screened. Children's cribs should be protected and ail ex- posed food or drink covered. How- ever, whatever is done, (and tbere is a surprisingly large number of people who are not interested enough to do any'thing> files have a way of entering most homes in smail or large numbers. In sucb a case, a rew Wilson's Fly Pads, put in convenlent places around the house, ail the tlnk un- til cold weather cclmes and the fly danger bs over, wili effectlvely stop their activities. Tbey work qulckly, cleanly and kil ail the files. Join your fellow citizens, who believe in a safer, cleaner com- munity for the chfldren and pub- lic at. large, by doing your part to combat and eliminate the fly menace. GRANDESI TOIACCO THERE Is$! 4 wm THURSDAY.t. t-EIS 13 y.