Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1939, p. 10

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lkl ANDA TATESMAN, BOWMANVILLEý ONTA RIO TRU1XSDAYi A ,13 changed was ber life just in a short D C wSk's time.LITTLE RSTDAY btay reached the bouse. He was standing tOr hnseR NIGIIT O iu * * in the living room talkdnR te Betty,____ W. B. Mutton, Bowmanville tin i berhi ao ut a e an h h ristmas W om an W ith S ve re N euritia There assed peacefully to rest in in bis cbo idbo d hn he h d ba e n B ow m anville H ospital, A vril 21st, aloie a ong str nge s. eso ate and For the benefit of others w o W illiam Bens M utton at the age of forl to i edorn. , may be troubled with the complaint 62 yearà. He was son of Mrs. Mut- Betysodi h ora listen- she suffered from. a grateful woman ton and the late John Muttan of ingz sympathetically ta the story, and writes: Darlington Township and was a Marjorie thougbt she saw a wistful "Last May I had a very severe mason by trade and a good work- TENTH INSTALLMENT when ber own Parents couldn't af.. minister frein Brentwood. Gideon look in tbe young doctor's eodt upr oho hmadRaelyes. She attack of neuritis in tbe leiz. wbich pani. He lived a quiet life, and en- for t su pot bth of be . a d eavr!wondered if e ad a ore and fam- made it impossible for me to reàt Joyed te fleasures of te radio and synopsis that ber real narne is Dorothy Gay. "Oh "-sbe said, a quick color f ly- ily now to make Christmas tnerry durinz the day or to -et- egula his Rarden. He was a member af Aloe n the worl. utwib for-in nt er pbeents "I didn't ex- for him. or was be 'lonely yet? If sleep) at nights -ta say notbing the Ancient Order of Foresters. Wfbarerite Wethy f othe paet tune of er own, she considers look- pect to recognize anybody in tis e was how nice it wuld be if thy of the intense pain.HemridMtlaFgty h fnMariottr i Wethlat h e hsbe IRun er, own family wbom she b tagect. ee nyi retodadcotld "Varions nmedicines Rave me very vredeceased bim 24 years aiza.. To fwindsialter tll that she bas aVted hs neyer seen. A neigbbaur, Evan He seemcd as plcased as she was. invite bim ta Christmas dinnier. little relief, àn redavsdm this union wvere born two daughters, twnsse.ta h a d.tdBrower, tries ta argue er out af it He naused and talked ta er a min- Nice ta have Gideon Reave o.n redavsdm an-e--brb-avsbra--ssuc--l e bwmc b buhtBt icore he evr ttaRive Kruschen a trial, as sbe had Verna (Mrs. Harry Bartlett), and and tels her h loves er andasks ut. told er how uch hethuugdnBudo ofcrirsedtbenefit't doromivitbenhilstrosuf-whGladys- (deceased);*se an;da sixsxsons. ber ta marry bim. She promises ta of Ted, and wbat a fine fcllow be anythinz like 'that in this littehuefrigsialy IanSOtnku GantLoecBiiea Jak ]Business_____________ nd iioerbt eids ois tysewas gainR ta be. and then lhe hesi- Evan Brower was in a state ai that I took ber ;dvice. From the alaf Bowrnanville. IIarod was lier f bey re e h' ade tated and looked down at ber wist- mind when at last tbe Iflessaire gat very first battle I felt relieved, and killed in action in the World War in grad all peruads tem t acept "I was iust going into the tea Marjorie's address. He immediatel gRet a zood nigbts sleep." -(M rs.) sster,hMav (M . Walc Btte Legal things thev need. Wben the dactor room ta get a bite of lunch," be said, went ta work tryinR ta get ber on H.C.Osaa. Percy af New Toronto, calIs ta sec ber mother she notices "I wonder if vou wouldn't join me? the telepbone. Neuritis. like rbeurnatism, lum- ndatb rlbrother. Alber, pedecAed M. G. V. GOULU, B.A., LL.B. that be sccrns particularly intcrestcd It's lanev eating ail by myseli, At, last he went out and sent a b .ad catc, s fencusd bim se er.A lbveartg. 'Billyas Barrister, Solicitar, Notary in ber sister. Marjorie goes ta cspecially in the midst of these Ray large box af wondcrful orcbjds te az.adsitc sofecue hm evrler io "ly',s Phone 351 churcb in Brentwood, wherc ber Christmas crowds. It scems tc. cm- ber Iiy tceRaph wiffi his Chritmas bv needlc-pointed uric acid crystals, he was famniliarly known. had a Royal Bank Bldg., Bawmanville family used ta live, and becomes phasize anc's loneîiness." Rrcetinoes. .. wbicb forrn as the result ai sluggîi cheerful izreetingz for everyanc. and __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ -__ _vcry much interested in the young "«W by, I'd lave tael" said Marjorie, He made bis plan tsliap iLway eliminatini r gr aQs. Kruscben belps was a kind and sincere fricnd ta ail W. R. STRIRE minister there. She then secs the nice with a suddcn unreasonîng feeling f rom bis mnotber's Sannuat ami ' lescnettoecytl nt am h nwh W.R TIEhome there that ber family had own- ai baving been crawned. She foi- Cbristmas -gatheriniz itt i ta cnvert oltonse cstas it arem- whe fne bim. plcefrm i Barrister, Solicitor, Natary cd and determines ta buv it back lowcd bim thraugh the Christmas after tbe old-fashianed mniddav din- hraugh the natural channels. late residence, April 24th, interment Solicitor for Bank of Montreal for them. She cansults a lawycr throngs ta a table in a corner wbere ner and take a Plane ta the City taking Place at Bowmanville Ceme- Money ta Loan. Phone 791. and makes ulans ta purchase it in there was comparative quiet. wherc Marjarie was staying. He terv witb Rev. W. F. Banister af- Bowmanvile, Ontario. order ta Rive it ta ber father as a Marjorieý af course, bad often would arrive in plenty ai time ta n ado iiaiiz'albaer e . od L. C. MASON, B.A. Christmas present. been ont ta lunch with ber younz take ber out for a late- dinner and tle ilUli man, H. Hackley. G. Somerscales, men f riends. but samebow tbis evenîng somiewhere. He did flot let rvcI G. White. W. Todizbam and. G. Barrister - Solicitor seemed the rare experience af a life- ber know ai bis caminoe.Jit was Sevc Humpage, all close neigbbours and Notary Public - Etc. "Well. I sbould say nat 1" said time. How silly she wasl This man better te take ber by surprîse. ZGro idaySih fin, Law ini ail its branches. Betty with a catcb in the last word was an utter stranger. All she knew Tbe Gays meanwhile, hadt been Relatroivesduand friendswoated Office immediately east of Royal like a sobi. about bim was that be cauld preacb bavinz a wonderful time getting __________________ tbe f uneral f rom a distance in- Theatre. Sudden!v a f lood ai happiness an interesting serma3j, and ber ready for Christmas. cludcd Mrs. Albert Muttan, Ham- Phones: Office 688; Home 553. rolled inta Marioric's beart. This brother adored bîm. ' It was the next maorning about Spread Out ilton:, Mrs. Percy Mutton. New To- -was ber Home. wberc she belongedl Sa sbc relaxcd and enjayed ber ten 0 clack wbile they were just in Experts flot only caution against ronto: Mr. William Mutton, Mr. Dental Tbey loved ber! lunde and the pîcasant talk that the Most interesting Part af gpen- too early sowing, but they alsa Norman Muttan, Mrs. W. Armour, Mr. Gay came in a littie after six, went on with it. ino- the nresents that the doorbell advise flot ta stop too soon. There Mr. Wallace Battle and Mr. Fred DR. .3. C. DEVYI? looking wcary but witb a strange I have been wanting ta ask you rang and an enarmaus box arrived *sn esnwypatnsce-Coeala saa Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisnon new content upan bim, a new self- sometbing,'" she said at last' as the fram anc af the biz city florists. net be cantinued in most parts of Floral tributes were numerous and Graduate of Royal Dental Col- respect. Marjorie, looking at the Canada right through until July. beautiful nuin wrab ad lege, Toronto. Office: Jury .lubilee lizbt in bis eyes, realized what a . This wiil sread htavstnhpasfrs h ooya era-d BIdg., Bowmanville. Office hours bard tbingz it must bie for bim tliat season aver an equally long per- tien Club. Dept. 151A. New Toronto, 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily exoept Sun- he could earn natbing ta support bis iod with vegetables always fresh, Power House and Boiler Room, day. family, and wished witb al bher beart just coming ta maturity. - Goodyear Plant, Bowrnanvillc; Can- j Phon 79. Hose hon 883 tht smethnR iRh com ofherMuch more fun and much mare ada Bread; A.O.F. Lodge; St. X-Ray Equipment in Office. rcquest ta the lawyer about a posi-atisfaction results where garden- PauI's Eveninskr Auxiliary; White tion for him. ing is thus spread over the entIre Rose Gas Station, as well as otber Funeral Directors It was net until thescoand day season. While the whole plot may beautiful tributes fram neighbbars, - laer tat M. ByantsentMaririebe planted in a single afternoon, riends and. relatives. FUNERAL DIRECTORS word that he had the papers ready usually about the middle of May,_________ Service, any hour, any day. for ber. Sa Marjarie, amid a howi the inevitable consequence ia a less F. F Moris o. rom he hilden.stared ff erlyrush of flowers or vegetables fo- There are 700 dogs in the city h Modern Mtor Equlpment, Arn- To Marjorie the day was full ai On the ather hndbyol sowmng sold. Probably with licenses for 'bx balaince and Invalid Car. Cail ecitement. It was so good ta know apatoth seed of each packet cars and licenses for radios the exp Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. that the matter ai the bouse was aton time, by usmng short cut dog has ta stand ilUne and wait T Auctioneer going tbrough aIl riRbt and that she methods in the way of started his turn.-Peterbarough Examin- reci wol ar oewt e htplants, by providing a litte pro- er. Sci would carry borne witb ber that ~tection against early frosts next _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Licensel Auctloneer afternoon the deed wbich sbe might faîl, the amateur garden can be Emr R WMBRn do up in granidest Christmnas wrap- made alnxost cantinuausly produc- .. s Ehmwton, ont. ings for ber father and mother. tive. ' Y boum Bryant told ber that Mr. Mel- M >.~.:"'.4 aoeibllln lu Fant, LIV M orne hait toid him about hber Wlndig PatUs M,~:: impients and Fflrnltu e s father, and be bad been laoking* up Winding paths are always more TERM5 MODEATE several good apenings that migbt "YOU've given me a wonderfuily pleasant hour."y intriguing than plain straight . Phon f<r Trni aulDat t~matrialze ite Cbistms. e dsseones, but the beginner is advised Ph onefe Tranv Mde4Date n' te eilizebfer t hrat mh ad.bee sert was placed before tbem and "Miss Marjorie Wetberill. the against too many twists. One turn ________________________comrnissianed ta look unp Mr. tahseic waitrcss burried away again. driver annaunced. "Sign on the top is about ail the average city gar- reod n adfunGta slutely aps this isn't the place ta talkline il, y den cen affard. Moreover, pro- unimpeachable. bath as ta ability sc tbnsbuIwould se Marjorie looked up and smiled. fsinllnsaegardeners c'.~ < '<Lest We Forget" and character. but she sensed that iet know samething." 1 "For me? How ridiculous! HoW point out that there sbould never " be sPoke ai ber father with respect -l'Il certainîl,'lbe glad ta belp in in the world did anybody fi md out b curve withaut some definite m«'<~' A-HION A L adi herdhrhat n a can," he said. rhr a? eason such as a corner of build- A . H B O U S A L La n d t c e e r e b e r b e a r . a y w a w b e e I a s ?i n g o r f e n c e , o r a t r e e o r s r u b - i i . Desigent@r aniotsDaers, Doyetupoectwu. ps "Wel. then would you tell me Se Mariorie, auhinLy. opened te bery. But of course it la always Mo um nt, ra io,, Make,, et. sible, if there were an pening, that please. bw can y u tell whether box and discloed the wonderui per mnissible ta make a reasn for In Granite and Marbie. it could camne as an ofier f rom Yau're saved or net? I'm a chsirch arcbids. a curve by planting something in . __________________samewhere. and net have him know mfember ai , course. But is there a Th, card whicb lay on the 'ýtqp the way. t efeu ta the floor and Bud picloed rit Spaeing te lawyer sbyly. «'I tbink be wonld "Theme surely is 1"' said Gideon, up and read it aloud before any- Foveysaleetbslke. ENTERTAINER ledl better about it that way." is eyes ligbhting eargerly. body noticed ta stop> hm. Fetruce nd radish, rows 12 ike And be seemed ta understand for She met bis gaze carnestly. "bisrasGetig frMa-aetc ad i be s 12cien Bes, Seure RALPH GORDON, the be smiied and said: ."Suta retnsfrMr aatwRb ufiin.Bes 'Idruiyvrail er sbould tbink that migbt lbe ar- cd anday in yaur sermon yau talk- Janie froin Evan Brower." beans, carrots, peas and spinc wondrfuy Vmtueentr- alee." d alot about the new birth, and I Somebow Marjorie fit the eyes need eit least 15 inches between, tane.fo ou nx erang S sewetonhd ayt "m don't understand it at aIl. I've al- ai the family upon ber in qunestion, while potatoes, corn and staked m en er, for y eou rne ulrente.ain- Sa sh ppinnt ion aber w y ta pcpy-ways been tauR t that if I was good toug b th *Y adn't meant she tom atoes must have a couple of mdet. « 8bu ra.d crcu Sr eet,. plete e so in i n v ry h 1py Iw uld igo t a H eaven w en I die." s o nd. and the c l r crept u p int a feet or thirty inches. Space m ay Toronto. And then. right in the midst ai ..'Sa was V'" said Gideon srniîing, ber f air cbeeks. But she! langbed. be saved with thse latter type if Mthe iast few Purchases wbam sbouîd "but that is not truc." "Oh, he's just an aid iriend of the something quick maturing such as she came squiare upon but the young Marjomie gave birn a startled look. Wetherill farnily."' abe said casitally. lettuce and spinach are planted in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T e y ' r e r c i d s . a r e n ' t t e y ? " b e t w e e n . T h e b i g g e r t h i n g s w i i "No. because the law must be said Ted. almost accusingly, Mar- not noed thse full room at first _________________________ ept periedily ta be a means afi brie thouSbt. "They're about the and by the time thoy do, thse early saivatian. and no anc but Christ rnast expei-sivc flower thre is rpil eetofUewy I 1 evr ba orave coud b pcrecty aen'ttbe ~»Tender vegetables are these which 10 th O)riginal good. seit would be hopclcss for us "Why i don~t keow aboutth are grown quickly, thereforeth~e N A VO S A LE en. But thank God it isn't. We chdered rther rare.We', cuctavti v 'April Z6th t. May 601 believe the Bible ?" like ta have ber have them. New, ]Informaii Layouts "Oh, yes. ai course. I don't know let's forget themn and go back ta It la possible with very large se very rnucb about it I Suppose, aur stockingZs." grounds and skilled help, ta do i~lh J"Do vou believe its gospel: that neer had scb a happy Christmas rows and borders. But in the av- /11i~ ~Jesus was naild ta a cross for yu, in er lufe. Te trill ai eiving bhad erge case planting irregularly in /~~ 1 j lI I V takinc aI! the penalty ai your suis neer been ers befre. clumps wil produce the mostVO LL mt ho hrI 0f y u ii ire s by enduring God's ighteous judg- The îast present was a long en- pleasing effects. Sucis planting, y U Fiftet i oyurlf ment upon them ?" velope donc un in a fascinatiniz box toc, wiII add an air of spaciaus- travelier i You'Ii know you're "Yes, ai course, I believe that." with a great scal and long mcd rnb- nes giving even tiny backyard winner the instant you fel the sur «"WeL, do you belibvc that be- bons hangintr imom the package. gedns the appearance of much cause He died that God raised Him "Te Mr. George Gay with many lne plots. of lis Valve-in-Head Engin. i And from the dead and exalted Him in wishes for'a Happy Christmas that Were passible Usere should be Oct your spl of the bigbest beavens?" shah Ilast ail tbe year,' ead Ted as a lawn in Use foreground,- with an conclusive groof of this fact when bautiful NARVO et the"e attractive "Yes, indccci I believe that, ai- be bandeci it ont witb a fiourish. irregularly shaped bcd of flowers Chevrolet take the. I.ad In moving1 beruinpues.ascolurutochosefroi.tboucb I neyer beard it statcd in Ted was as Mucb in the dark about around Use odgos and passibly a r e 0clus oios rm ust that way before. it a v o te, fr arjante haçlSroningof rbsarss thernlhtIes the. fatesf-accelerating car in lis am Prille saviez mues "You behieve. then that Jesus is decideci not ta tel anyone hem sec-_abtre ou ase and driv es U mc nmir hn teriw .$1.500.S 04.00 the Christ. the Son ai Go<i?" et. aottehueaddie ih- uhnmlrto te o- %L alots zoo. .75 2.15 'Why, certainly. But thev had ta wait some time clunipa of flowcrs and sbrubs and .Urfatelga ouetinal noc1onltaln in vr el' temu oefu iIcibr renu lweatotcre e on'.o Re thechceckc. s'dlove "Look<neme, this wan't do, Mother! ta eve ttam. book that may help at the stt. ouL'bt ta lie ight down and est andi se th aere oua et l'Il senci it aven ta you. Good-bye, bave evcrvbody kccp still 1" he said E V bl0 la 0 oji othomua 1 Iwîsb I dldn't bave ta rush awýay. anxîausly. E D vS deonabe.raEya You've gziven me a wondefully "Oh. no." said Mother smiling A D R WHE ortet of tLin 10 Imoe r buptaant Ionl thn"ouRh ber teans. "Don't yau knowlABUTERRO _____I'fl~ O"Oh. andi yu've sown me an in- that oy neer kils ?" C TE R heitance I didn't deam before that (To Be Continued) neOP COUTtIce O I bad 1" said Marjonie with shining O cyes. One way ta dodge excessive As she took hem way home an transportation coata lo ta grow' 4 mIî !ILI %I' boum laten she rellected how utterly podcajf"u.iy / A~FOR PLEÀRSURE Tise success of a man depends 1 Tise reason a wife knows she la s on bis talents tisan on bis, always right is becauso ber bus- iaracter. 1 band' always wrong.--Quebec Wise mon profit by tbeir awn ChronIcle-Telegrapb. rperience; Use still wiser by tise Bicycle manufacturers are smil- rperionce of others. ing since Premier Hepburn booât- To make a pound of ail of rases ed tise gasoline tax. Their motive quires eigbt tons of flowers. -power la stiil tex free.-Oshawa- once Service. Times. if. out ef thus aridlng the urging power d you'iI have en You watch atraffici1 8price range -priced cars 1 too-m uch oer car. fetst '-prlced cars limblng, flrst >omy-and the thrll ot on the hulis. boet tow- md car, the PChevndol Ir COSTI" Y NICHOL ADVAMEDKKEE-AC11ON MUiNISSYTM Frictionlesa Coii Springs.. Double-Acting Shock Absorb.. ors; Ride Stabilizer; Shckro~ Duel Cross Steening. STEERNO COLMI GEA-SMIF "Vacuum assist- supplies 80% of shlfUing effort simple, posi- tive design. OnIy $13 extra. NEW AEROSTRU STYUNG bODîR y posHuit Long,-i1- and roomy . . . o- proved No-Draft Ventilation.. ali-steel Body by Fiher witlg OMbservation Car" visibility. CHERUTs FAIMOUS VALVE-l- six, ValV-in-bead engines have mode ail world records...on Iand --On Water......nd ln the air. PEJJEIMJ(udmAsê Maximum affect witl, minimum pedal pressure . . mergency 's 0.1211 9omnîî I -~ TIEX que ffl-rbm R muni 01 MFF7 T14P

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