Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1939, p. 8

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THEP CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT t - --------- _----------------------------- -= = 0f Interest To ~»WQMEN --~--------------------------- - -*.---=-- =- "Mamma" asktd Willie, «"w m ly etO Bin Wo nBg thtI've been such a gooti boy in Me any more do you?" Task Fo Ntionl YukL "No, Wiflie; I feel that I canFo a n .i ns iu trust my littie man now." "Then why do you keep tht If one matie an effort ta think tht Iuititute in WiniUpeg. pantry door lackti?" aif something hard ta do, he might Ini tht Toronto factory there psiby chmnce upon tht task that are thirty-tight blinti wamen anti cPonfronta a blinti man loaking for girls steadily employeti. They are a job. That la a tifficult enough ai course, not ail Toronto people, undertaking, but tht blinti man for several have been brought in out ai employmtnt is much mort from other parts ai Ontario be- likely ta be succesaful in his cause it was impossible ta finti search ai a job than a blinti wo- anything for them ta do in tht man. A blind woman at wark vicinity ai their awn homes. Last was a rare phenomenan a few year thle ont factory turneti out 0L years go. over a quarter ai a million aprons anti same fiiity thausanti hause R One ai tht tasks which Tht drtsses. Tht workmanship on the lindset isl twenty-ant tht trade-mark "Blinticrait"' has TIR ZAT RI yersago wa t dico eunplay- bcm owl known thraugh- ment nd deelopemplayment out tht country as a mark ai high TaaMANwu,.u -E opruiisfr aal ln quality and.::: value that tht pepejn mns hs for fact that they are ctumlly matit who wok hd t befoud wre y bindstaunstresses is saune- Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. mn il n oe.Atog ie vrokd APRIL 20 - 21 - 22 binti wamtn art nat 80 aten setn Ttefcec xiieib on tht street as blinti men andTi heeblitiwen la qitere- there ila ageneral impression that tmarkabletin o tnis t e Tu U P IEUT there are few ai them amongs at kbe bti order oacm TRI S RPRIE M T tht population, tht iact la that.plish tht purpase ai tht Institutt 0F EKSSEA ON! about iorty-seven percent ai tht in aperating tht iactary whîch la or RISSEA X! blinti population are wamen andt t pravitit remuntrative tmplay- girs Amancoud tne ignsment for as many blinti women cane chairs, make brooma an i rl spsili sncs baskets, but there seemedtotande sary ta tmpla.y many workers litte wrk f ay kid aailblewhose tfficitncy s below standard. liotrtwamnkai n i ntitu avalalThese workers must be subaidized for men. Unaticl thtnontue wfaa i osaune extent anti that le why for mprmtay nneaithunit la necessary ta appeal ta tht was mploeti.public for support. -Now there are a great many In ts prognaun ai fintiing worlt blinti womnen anti girls employeti for both men anti women in pri- ï q in variaus occupations. Tht first vate industry tht Institute has Junove matie by tht Institute was been succesaful in placing severa] JANE G NORtht establishmnent ai a factory for workera. There is a girl in Hamn- tht manufacture ai simple hause ilton wha works in a steel mil on Ro it ONGOER dresses anti aprans. It was founti a simple manual operation. There that blinti women caulti be taught la a young lady packing biscuits s tao perate power tiriven sewing in ont ai tht large biscuit baker- FR HI TON machines on tht comparatively les in Toronto. There are young simple aperatians invalveti in blinti women packing cantiles in THRE LO ESanufacturing aprons anti dress- a fctory in Halifamx, anti here and ta. That iactory established i there, wherever it le possible tc Toronto two decatits mgo, is still fint a. poaition which a blinti girl 'HA NA CY"lUb, in aperatian anti there le a alui- can fIl in tht industrial field, the 4 . lar establishmnent conducteti by Institute organizatian tries tafiti uneplaeciUim1 oa n n KIBEE * DODD *OE -Also - Richard Dix, Chester, Morris and Joan Fontaine "SKY GIANT" Matinee Saturday 2.30,p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. APRIL 24 - 25 - 26 TOG17im fi -' OSHAWA gT Free Parking - Phone 1011 .vide mer Friday - Saturday forN APRIL 21 - 22 end the "The Okahoma Kid"ig Starrlng citi2 TI -JAMES CAGNEY ho]c ROSEMARY LANE Apr HUMPHREY BOGART diar ADDED- Color Cartoon son' the REVIVAL vt Friday at 10.30 p.m. es 'Day attheRaces 'N Starring Bmli THE MARX BROS. ed by We eti Monday - Tuesday Sh, APIRI 24 - 25 byl 'Wfe Husband Friend' Starring WARNER BAXTER LORETTA YOUNG ti BINNIIE BARNES da> CESAR ROMERO. atti Wednes. - Thursday 1t' the APRIL 26 - 27 -yt IWings Of Thé Navy' an Starrlng Pcw]h - GEORGE BRENT - me OLIVA De HfAVILLAN». Ihi vthe -------------------- 1 tht position. In addition ta factary emplay-ý nt there are several Young Ld waunen who make their liv- gas stenographers. In tht In- ,ute heati-office there are f ive [d typista anti tht telephant itchhomrti which serves mîl tht xioua departunenta at heati- trters le operateti by a blinti rl. T'le orgànization which pro- des these avenues aifeqnploy- ent and which constantlt seeks widen the fielti ai opportunity rtht blinti wounen anti girls it [deavons ta serve, must have esupport ai tht public, which alizea tht grent work it le do- gIt la a work in which every zen is entitîetttaparticipate. [he citizens ai Bowmanville are ltiing a Tmg Day, Saturtiay, nril 2Mt, in behali ai tht Cana- an Institute for tht Blinti. Hampton W.C.T.U. W~. C. T. U. met at Mrs. Kater- n's on Tuestiay, Apnil '1l, with ýpresitient in tht chair. Mrs. Burns hati charge ai tht de- tianal, tht topic "Thanksgiving ,Continueti Pence." Miss Kat- son anti Miss Reynolds led ini ayer. A short pragraun foilow- 1Readiing by Miss Reynoldsa, arcatics i Canada"; Mrs. G. rron a reatiing, "Our Responsi- lity";- Mrs. C. J. Keralake favor- iwith a piano selection; rending FMra. W. Rackhanu, "Why Are le Here"; Miss Katerson peet n achapter ai tht Stutiy Book, What ai Tomorraw?"; tht Clip eet was given by Mrs. J. Chap- ani anti Mrs. J. Calwill, followed a discussion. Next meeting ta at Mis Reynolds'. Hampton W.I. An intenesting Women's Inati- te meeting was helti on Thurs- y miternoan, Apnil 6th, with an Lendance ai thirty-five. Roll wns caileti, anti a business eriat follawed during which il ras put an motion that tht masti. ite senti two girls ta Guelph tc ie short course thtsame as 1ai ear. A nauninating committee ai lestiames G. Farncamnb, .C. Johni nd Miss L. Reynolds were ap. ointeti for tht electian ai officerE rhich wiil take place at tht Ma3 jeeting when tht West group wil ive charge ai tht -progran. Mrs. H. E. Rundue conducttc àe prograun which was in chargi ftht South group. Communitl uging was led by Aima Runtile ith E. Sykea at tht piano. Tht âeme "Education" wns deait witl >tht nending by Mre. Ed. Doitige leas E. Sykea favoneti withi ana numben. Misa L. Reynolds Dcal leader in .."Quilta anti Qult g" gave an interesting talk or les line ai needlewark, offenini nany helpful suggestions. Rt eshunents'were serveti by thi ýoup in charge. A generous reapanse ta tht re .aeat ai fancywork engaget ii turing tht winten montha ti ected a fine display, includini ioaked nuga belonging ta Mes lanes Ed. ]Paitge, L. D. Syke id J. Burns; Drestien plate quilti Enrs. H. Runtile anti Misa L. Rey joltis; bear's pnaw patcheti quili &ra. W. G. Doitige; embroitient' tntnes and towels, N. Harn; cro iet table cavera or spreads, MnE F R. Knox, Miss L. Reynoldis an4 &ra. Sykea; needît point lcueh ona, L. Harn; knitteti tints, E ;ykes; cr0ss stitch luncheon clatl, less Jeasie Knox, Sr.; smockeî Lngham apron, Mrs. A. Clemens cnitteti cushion (wool), Mnr ;ykea; quilt patches, Mrs. J1 [ills; krntttd wool cushion, Mri W. Doitige. Hints For Homebolios Wrltten for The Statesmaa DY JESSIE ALLEN BROWN I Thase ai yau who have gartiens, cauldn't you tuck nway, mont or lesa out ai sight, ont on two For- sythia anti Japonica shnube ion winter cutting? Think ai having branches ai lovely bloom in 'tht house in February anti March. If your aliruba are planteti for de- carative purpases, as unoat ai theun are, yau will hesitate ta cut themn. But if you have saune extra bushes you can cut theun freely anti when brought into tht house anti put inta water they will bunatita blooun. We ail have tirtama anti this is ont ai mine. Maybe saune day we will stay put long enough ion me ta plant Forsythia. You do it anti I will enjoy theun by proxy. Cocos lot-Box Cookies 1 cup shortening 3 cupa cake flour 1%½ cupa sugan 2/ teas. saît 2-3 cup cocon % cup chappeti walnuts 2 eggs 1 teapoon bmking powder. Creaun shontening anti sugar, atit beaten eggs. -Suft in dry in- gretiients ant i mx welbFrorm inta twa rails anti chill oven-nlght. Slce anti bake in a moderateoaven ai 350 degnees. Ginger Fork Cookies 3/ cup shontenung 1 cup brown sugar 1 legg 2 dupa flaun * 1 teaspoon ginger s 1 teapoon soda 1, 1 teaspoan creaun ai tartan -Crenun shotening anti sugan, 4atit well-beaten egg. Suft in dry 1 ingretiienta anti mix thanoughly. -Pinch off a amaîl piece aiftiough, 1roll in a baIl anti press down bath 1wnya with a fork. Bake in a mati- - erate aven ai 300 degrees for ten -minutes. Ayuggirl in a Baltimone -courtywn'sgsen-t ta jail ion throw- inakias at tht jutige. iâ won- :,a p objectedt t h15 uethoti of tielivery- - Guelph Mercury. e 1 k n -e ýg n d ;0 rl it 11 Business la Gettitg fetter 1 Business is picking up. How do I know? Just feel the welght bf your magazines and that will tel you. When business goes down, advertising is leseened andi the 1 magazines get smailer andi amal-i- er. Then when it begunu ta pick tpa bit more ie apent on ativer-i tiing. Pr!ng is a time of re- plenxshlng d let us try ta buyt as much as we can at home. Each purchase that le made li yaur own home town helpe ta keep the money in circulation andt t pro-r vide jobs andî keep people off1 relief. A littie monéy spent ls lilce a atone in a pool, with its ever widening circles. It starts with the mer-t chant andi ends Up with th e odd-job man or woman. There are times when it may flot be possible to buy Jeui. Allen 1 at home but if Brown 1 your merchant has flot your re- quirements he will gladly get them, if yau just give him a chance. One of the objections to ordering la the length of timniet often has ta wait. Things are speeded up now and the judicious use of the telephone and telegraph by town merchants might lessen the tîme required andi increase5 sales. Charity begins at home- business ahauld tao. Good-Looks and Braima The aId idea used ta be thati gooti-looksanmd braina neyer went together in women. Maybe wo-i men helped the idea along as it1 used tai be that men did not want wamen ta know much. They still f ail for the Dumb Doras, but the average man these days likes wo- men ta know something. There are tbree womnen in the House ofi Commans, two an the floor and ont in the Press Gallery. Ail are good-looking and very different types. Miss McPhail la a good- laoking woman, approaching the handsome type. Mrs. Black is a lovely looking woman *with a very sweet face. There are wamen whose age mellows them andi gives them beauty, but I amn sure Mrs. Black was a very pretty young woman - in fact she stilli s. Mrs. Evelyn Tuits le the oniy wo- man in the Press Gallery. She la a striking blonde who takes the eye of bath men and womnen. She has done many intereating things from covering the Lindbergh tial to flying in Alaska. She andi Miss McPhail made the historie f light from Ottawa tai Vancouver. Mrs. Tuft ta l an authority on Credit- unions, and Co-operatives. Three attractive wamen with looks andi braina. ý1Z Thoughtless Carelessas One day I went ta rny doctor'a office and he looketi sa down-cast I asked hlm what was the matter. He told me this tragic storY. He had a patient, a ten-year-olti girl who had developeti tubercuiosis very rapitily and was ini a seriaus condition. He coulti not under- stand where the contagion had corne framn and had trieti very ihard ta finti out. One day when he visiteti her the mother aaid Mary was feeling bad because her Sunday-school teacher had dieti. She was 50 goodtoioher dm5aio littie girls, had them ta her house very often, gave them parties, and taught themn handicraits. Itily the dactor asked what the waman had died from andi the answer was consumptian. Investigation show- ed that the woman had been In a sanitarium at different times. She knew she was tubercular andi 50 dîd the congregation andi the Sun- tiay-schaal officers. Apparently the danger was neyer conidertd. The doctar was rounding up the restaf the clasa, and sending them ta thÉe clinic for examinatian. There is no needt t draw a moral 1here. CANADIAN CLUB (Contin ued tram Page 1) "The Women, the Cradît and tht Plow.", The titlt ai Miss Hyndrnan's itidreas being "The Comparative Position ai Women Under Dema- cratic and Dictatorship and Total- itarian Forces ai Governnent," she went on ta, describe haw Can- adian wamnen would react ta euch a form af law and what shoulti be done ta prevent its occurring in thia country. There are four characteristica in bath the democracy and the cictatorahip, went on the sp2eaker, that may be compareti thusly: Democracy - (1) Ruled by a inajarity, with implieti fairneas ta minority; (2) Freedaun ai speech and the press, a right ta criticize and remave gavenuent; (3) Dir- ect responsibllity ta people; and (4) Sanction ai law; in short a subservanoe ai the atate ta the individual. Dictatorship - (1) Ruled by one man wha denies the rights ai the weaker portion ai the people, whether minarity or not; (2) No freedom ai speech, a cantrolleti press, anti the denial ai right ta criticize or remave the gaven- ment; (3) Na respansibility ta the people; and (4) Sanction in farce; in short subservience ai intiivid, ual ta the state.1 In order ta battie the menace froun witho4t, urged Miss Hynd- man, we must fight froun within. That daes nat mean a bloody re-- volution. We must malte demac- racy work, anti the anly way it can work le when the majority, nat the minority, rules. Th e apathy ai the majarity in the pre- sent day ia a breeding graunti for totalitarianisun. Let us look on the other aide ai the question. What has a dic- tmtorshîp ta offer? High wages - no. Work for everyone - yes. Se- curity - yes anti no. There is no reaponsibility for the policy ai the governuent but thtenata in- securityoaithe country laobviaus. In quotin instances ahe had witnesstd at a women's organiza- tion when several yqung peoplt hati voiceti their opinion on pre- sent day circumatances, M i s s Hyntiman saiti, they all wanted security. Why? Their fathers anti foreinthers were flot looking for security. On the contrary they were inibueti with the spirit ai. ativenture, always capturing new- heîghta. This search for security le nat natural. They alsa have a national pnide and aapirations. Surely we can iurnish these, al- though they may nat be territor- ial. What have we ta affer that tht other gavernment has not? asked tht speaker. Freetiam? Wt have bten granteti a respite, let us use it well anti profit by the lesson ai September. By the eventa ai tht next iew years, aur harti- tanneti freetiom lives or dits. Why is it a job for women? - (1) It us aur general duty as citizens. (2) Because tht fathers ai aur chil- tiren are tht pratiuct ai a war, dis- illusianeti and cynical. (3) Anti this le a selfish reason - Wamen's ireetiom le mtnaced. Do you want ta be a beast ai burden, a hewer aio wooti, a tirawer ai water, anti a source ai supply ai human ma- >terial ta feeti tht egatisunofai dictator, or do yrau want ta be a factor in dttermining tht future of Canada? How can we take that respansi- bility? inquirtd Miss Hyntiman. iVote, work, talk, agitate anti leg- 1islate. Only in this way can wa- 1men keep thtir place in the caun- rtry as they have to-day, anti be- came a prominent part in the fcountry that la ta be. e Tht speaker was introduceti by 1Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. anti Mrs. aJ. U'Neill moveti tht vote ai 1thanka. B As it was the annual meeting, reports were rend. by the varlous officers, anti they showed gratiiy- sals Bwnnill at M.A.H on Mn. Wesley Taylor la in Baw- manville Hospital suffering froun infection in his hanti. -Wtdnesday evening n gootily number gathereti at tht home ai Mr. EliaTnimm anti presenteti Miss Helen Trimun anti Mn. Davidi Park with a miscellaneous show- Trheme ai Young Peaple's un- ion was Service. Prograun incluti- eti: Potun by Mies Helen Trimin; scnlpture by Misa Etina Cameran; prayen by Miss Helen Trimrn; rtading, Mns. R. Virtue; topic, Mn. Lamne Annia; solo, Miss Marie Thoinpsan; readinga by Mrs. J. Cook anti Miss Lonna Hoapen. Symipathy is extendedt taMn. T. Barr in tht death ai hie mother, Mrs. J. Barr, at Brampton. An authority says that unbal- ancet i det la responsible for auto- mobile accident-an argument in invor ai bigger anti better hot dogs.-Chatham News. IElectrlc Rtefrigerator DargainsI Reconditioned 1 KELVINATOR $79 4V2~ Cuble Foot--------------------- 1 WESTINGHOUSE *' $99 5% Cublo Foot ----------- ------------ 18SPARTON $ 1 5 Cublo Foot, 1938, Brand New----$ 1 GENERAL ELEMTIC SAE$ 5 Reg. $199.00------------- ---SL 15 5 Cuble Foot, 1938 Mode], Brand New. IGENERAL ELEOTRIO 0 Reg. $289.00- ------------------ SALE$20 11938 Brand New, 7 Cuble Foot. 1 WESTINGHOUSE BARGAIN 1938 Model, 6 Cuble Ft., De Luxe, Brand New Reg. $219.00. Don Christian Eglectrlc -OS38AWA, ONT. 1939 Dodge Cut om ,4-Door Scda LUXURY AND BEAUTYUN EVERY DETAIL ButthpricetasawllIgvs evea blgger thriII -forDodge Spacumu Inerks FmousOp.atlg Eoneyl bably y rpresent car will LOOK eth.ed.Javrd price of a fore ia the 25 yeurs cf Dodge morethancakecareofyourdowa Dog Six inate price panel blacory. paymentt and leave ver moderato above Trhia rc arl on Bofore you decide on ANY cat mothlypyet.Scyi amang thet$1oPt't prlced cars, go to your Dodge-DeSoo dealer Dodge-D0oWo dealer today and Look stt h.e hree other aew and examine these 1939 carsin DIVE one Of ehees amnlpg Dodge lines for 1939. Tht Dotipeevr excidang detail. You iget new Dodge Cam& De Luxe, Dodge De Luxe Secaul f=moa Dodge Dependabilty, and h big, luxurlous Dodge Long LIfE and Low OperatiaSTN NMjrUweAutm Custom. Fach gives you more Csts. Yen ptsatisfactlon! Lok Heur... .TIUR$DAY& 9-20 pun for your money cha ever be- -snd COMPARE 1<"X., Ciluble Network. DEPENDA13ILITY-A Dodge Quellty for TwentY.Five Y ours W. J. CHALLIS Phone 2653 Bownianvllle «"WHEN do w. est" la a popular chorus but "What do we est" Ia a Most IMpot uestioni Famillès that est Shredded Weat, euiuriy, enjay chia taesty. satlafying brekatbecuse Shrded Wheat mie thet. vital food essentlala found in wioie aht n mnppetlzlng and ornait? digested faim. ltes an Idealnourlshing fo for everybody. Buy the famillar package codsy. Nlaaaam b . - Ceuni1. j r * Good Advice for Constipation! A dotor llltell Yen that the. boeUt ng ta "doIni cse of alck- noa ut lnd ti a"a. îjjo d htepryrdies . hd ticaeaithealmet! It wauld be". If aurdlet. 1ke that oa i ma p le l u- balanced - fia doubt Rt lacks "bulk." "d "buIkW' daesnt mssequstty, but the kt" a; food that doea not complote! y asalmilate anid lame a soit "*mass"lln the boirais that helps the bawel ta mave. lf that ia wbat la lackdng. the solution la ta est KengLi AUl- B r n . c r a n d t a n te , f o r breakfast. R elpa iarm the "bulk" anid centaine Vitanuln Bi., the naturel Intestinal tane Eat nome Ail-Bren every day, drink lots af water and becamé =re ula"! made Iln London, aad.by Kellogg. At ail gra- cern and 1938 -Models 1 G-E. MONITOR TOP $99 5 % C u b l o F o o t - - - - - ---- - - --- - - - - - GENERAL ELEOTRIC l$7 3 Cuble Foot, Brand New ---------- 1 PRIMIAIRE BARGAIN 1938 Master DeLuxe, Brand New, Reg. $265. GENERAL ELECTRIC t 19 Raeg. $p.58.00O ----- --- SALE ' 6 Cuble Foot, 1938 Mode!, Brand New. KELVDiATOR $7 W« $900.00 $2-7-AL 18 Cuble Foot, 4 Doors Porcelain cabinet. Ice Boxes-- - $2.00 up lA Matnees Manday 4 p.m. Wedne8day 2.30 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 2OTH, 1939 12 big bimfut ln every box SH .-REDD EDWH'EAT MADE IN CANADA - 0F CANADIA-N WHEAT- taok charge ion tht business meet- ing. These officera were electeti for tht coming twa years: Past Presitient - Mra. L. T. McLaugh- lin; President - Mrs. A. R. Virgin; lat 'Vice - Mrs. W. P. Rogers; 2nti Vice - Mre. E. P. Bratit; Recording Secretary - Mrs. J. H. H-. Jury; Conresponding Secnetmry - Miss Donothy Bonnycastle; Treasurer - Mrs. D. R. Marnison; Executive - Miss M. Hutchisan, Mne. M. G. V. Gaulti Mra. V. H. Storey, Mrs. L. J. C. Langa', Miss M. Wagar, anti Mra. A. Gibson, Newcastle. Tyrone Mr. anti Mrs. A. W. Annis visit- eti frientis in Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Edigar Rosevear, Pont Hope, visiteti their son, Mn. Gussie Rosevear. Congratulations ta Mr. anti Mrs. Daviti Park, net Miss Helen Tnimun, on their manrage. Mn. anti Mns. Thea Down -anti

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