Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1939, p. 10

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- - ........- ,>, ~ -~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 20TH, 1939 The Newcastle Independont PHONE CLARKE 1114 Miss Ruth Allun spent Easter Evelyn Grubbe, Weston, and Miss with her aunts, Misses Laura and Reidhead, R.N., North Bay, were Isabelle Allun, Orono. Easter week guests of Mr. and Mr. Laurence Morton spent Eas- Mrs. Philip LeGresley. ter week with his uncle, Mr. N. L. Little Mary Toms gave the Morton, at Thornhlll. special talk on the lesson at the Mr. and Mrs. Ewart G. Clem- United Church Sunday School ence, Oshawa, were Sunday guests last Sunday. The wcek before of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cryderman. Glenn Allin of Joe Hockin's class Mr. Wm. Neil, Toronto, paid addressed the school. hi.s first visit of the scason ta his Miss Isabelle Mclnnes, Aider- Newcastle bouse and gardens last shot, Miss Ethel Webber, Hiliard- Saturday. ton, Mrs. Lawrence Kerr, Toronto, Mr. Hubert Anderson visited and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webbcr and hits mother, Mrs. W. H. Anderson, family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and sister, Miss Eleanor Anderson, and Mrs. H. C. AllUn. at Windsor. The cast of Lena Rivers sur- Congratulations ta Mr. W. F. prised Mr. W. Jackson on his Rickard, M.P., and Mrs. Rickard 8th birthday. After several hands on the birth of a son in Bowman- of cards a dE!lightful lunch was ville Hospital on April 15th. served by Mrs. Percy Brown and Miss Gladys Bradley, Glovers- Mrs. R. T. Rutherford. ville, N.Y., and Miss Muriel Brad- The play "Lena Rivers" based ley, Toronto, spent Easter with on the famous novel of that namne, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. will be presented in the Commun- Bradley. ity Hall, Friday, April ý28th, by the Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, and Miss groups of Mesdames Brown andc ______________________Rutherford of the W. A. of the1 United Church. 16-1S ___________________ Newcastle BasebalC*ub didI Snot take in the Boston Bruins - To- ronto Maple Leafs game at theP ____________________ Gardens, Toronto, Thursday night @!IM Mas they were unable ta secure tickets. Sa they will have the funds in reserve. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton and A son Richard, Thornhill, visited Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton at Baster. Later in the week Rev. and Mrs. Mortan returned the visit and brought their son Laur-r ence home with them.0 Owing ta bad roads the Y.P.U. didn't go ta Eldad but held theirr regular meeting at home. The1 Sauina people sent a message thata the condition of the local hîgh- ways would make it impossible for many of them ta reach the churcli. Miss Yvonne Van Dusen visitedP Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Wilkins, Brown's, durig lier Easter holi- days, *i company with her friend,a Miss Tolly Thkatch, Mrs. Wilkins' s youngest sister. Later she visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Tkatch in Bow-E ( pmanville. s Next Sunday, April 23, will be the last Sunday until after Labar Day i September that NewcastleC * churches will hald their worshipF services on Standard Time. Thec followig Sunday, April 30, St. George's Anglican, St. John's R.C. and the United Churcli will go onS Daylight Saving Time in conform-j ity with the civic bylaw. Mrs. J. H. Jase, president, wasc ithe chair for the United Church F W.A. meeting in the S1. S. hallS Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. T.T Rutherford's group provided the rogram and refreshments. Mrs.2 .J. Malley and Mrs. A. W. Glen- SMAET, DAInTY ney contributed seasonable read- New York Prints g adMise eia okean that Winl set you up Rev. R. E. Morton preached the C for treet Wear In the first of a series of four sermons t warmer weather Just on Discipleship at the. United S on the way. Church Sunday morning. The i SIZES 14 to 4. theme was, The Cail ta Disciple-P ship. The evening theme was, The Experience of Discipleship. Next' Sunday, April 23, he will $2u98 speak an, The Expression of Dis- __________________cipleshîp, in the morning, and TheB Rewards of Discipleship, in the Spîn SilrsGarnet Rickardminthe cha.Ros Pliroga t cite afdquart jory Lycett gave the explanation.c selections by Bull, Ross, Doris Al- * lin and Lililan Pooley; vocal duets - , ~ by Pauline Dei. and Bert Jar- ,,~ '~\ vis; andi a number of impromptu fg 'f speeches by Norma VanDusen, Ji Newton Ashton, Reta Gorden, Ev- elyn Alun and Jared Kimbaîl. An hour of recreation was enjoyed. April 30th, the Young People will hold their anniversary. Rev. Clar- ence Ferguson, Bethany, will be <~ifiguest speaker. Shining STRAWS $1.98 Others at - $2.98 Firat loves for Sprlng! Narrow or wide-brlm- moi sailons, n e w 1 y hlgh-crowned! Navy, black, new colora. 1?A VoufSuit mviii. Rev. J. Scott Howard Dis At Newcastle Newcastle moumns this week the death of Rey. J. Scott How- ard, M.A., who passed away on Sunday morning, Apnil 16th. Ho was Rectar St. George's Anglican Churdli from 1901 ta 1912, coming from St. Matthew's, Taranto, tb. churcli le built, ta Newcastle in an excbange with Bey. Canon John Farncomb, after the lament- able death by drowning of Canon Farncomb's two sons on a Satur- day in August, 1901. Rev. J. Scott Howard bas been a resident of Newcastle for neanîy 38 years, and besides fulfilling the duties of a clergyman lielias been a valued citizen in other ways. He served with distinction on the Board of Education, took an ac- tive interest i the Horticultural Society, and since the founding of the Newcastle Memonial Lib- ary in 1923, lie bas been a mem- ber of the Library Board. Owing ta a severe illness lie was comp.lled ta resign as Rector of St. George's and St. Saviour's, Orono, in 1912, when lie was suc- ceeded by Bey. J. E. Fenning; but he bas since been ecoded as Honorary Assistant, and on many occasions lias conducted the ser- vices and preaclied and taken an active p art on specia1 occasions. Througliout bis years ber., by bis well chosen gifts, bis talks and bis kindly contacts, ie lias given mucb encouragement and inspira- tion ta th. yaung people of. the churcli, especially the junior members of the choir. They were mudli attaclied to himn and will always bold bis memory dear. mhe peiod of Rev. J. S. How- ard's incumbency încluded some of the most eventful years in the listory of St. George's. In 1904 the churcli underwent extensive repaira and was freshly decorated and a new north wlndow and reredos put in memory of Samuel Wibnot by the direction of the wiil of bis daugliter, Olive Wilmot Sanford. In memory of Mrs. San- fard tb. chancel wlndow, th. pomch doors, boundary walls and sidewalk were added through gifts by thxe son and grandohfl- dren of Henry Sanford, ber bus- band. The Vestry was bujît and the chancel fittinga were given by ber brother and sisters and their children, ta her honoured mem- ory. A fund of $5,000 was given as a partial endowment for the churcli property by ber friend, Henry S. Van Duzer. It was about this period too that Mr. Thos. Montagne return- ed from the U.S.A. ta make bis home in Newcastle. He and Rev. J. S. Howard became warm fri- ends for the rest of lis 1f. and he became a generous benefactor of the churcli. In 1907 the fiftietb anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of St. George's was celebrated witb special services on June 30, July 2 and July 7. Among former Newcastle resi- dents attending the funeral on Tuesday afternoon were: Bey. Lamne Thomas, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sutton, Coîbomne; Mr. Arthur Bell, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cannon, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Farncomb, Hampton; Mrs. A. D. Wheeler, Bowmanville; Mrs. Fuller Cator, Salem; and Rev. F. H. Mason who delivered the funeral address and Mrs. Mason, Toronto. Rev. Can- on Sawers, present Rector of St. Matthew's Churdli, Toronto, as- sisted the Rector, Rev. D. R. Dewdney, in the service. Township Council CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Council met April 1, with neinhers al present and Reeve Crcighton Devitt prcsiding. Com- munications were received frm Dept. of Highways approving the 1939 road cstimated expediture and credit of 1938 expenditure. AIl work performcd on Township roads must b. anthorized by the Raad Supt. or Patrol men, and the amounts fan saine must be O.Kd by Raad Supt. or Patrol man. Patrol men's accounts must be forwarded ta Road Snpt. on an hefone Saturday preccdinz Councîl meeting. Clcrk wi!l advertise for tenders for persan ta funnish pawer ta aper- ate the stane crusher fan present season. Onders werc signed as fo!lows: Rois Strike, saiicitor's services, collectng arrears -$ 15.00 H.E.P.. Arrears Hiawatha Hanse - 13.33 Clerk ne Mountjoy Decd - 2.50 H.E.P.. Service and Cansumption Hall and Amena 19.58 M. Emerson. Sec.-Treas. S.S. Na. 9 - 150.00 rreas., stamps. etc. - - 19.86 Treas.. Balance 1938 Salary - 40.00 0. Wright Roads - 765.77 H-. Beacock Sec.-Treas. S.S. Na. 5 - 250.00 r. A. Hyland, Assessor - 100.00 Council adjonrned ta May lst at New York beauty specialist who bas opend a school where girls wvill be tauglit how ta become charning brides, would do wel to include a course in broiling steaks and mixing salad dressing in the curriculum. - Cleveland Plain Dealer. IN MEMORIAM BRUCE - In loviuxg memory. of a dean busband and father, Robent James Bruce, wbo passed away Apnil l9tb, 1938: -Sadly missed by wif c and f amily. COUCH - In laving memary of aur father and mother. Mn. Wil- liam Couch lyho passcd away Apnil 17. 1937. and Mmi. William Coucb, who passed away March 1, 1934: Fond werc the tics that were broken, Dean are thc one's that are gene; In memory we shaîl keep tbcm As long as the years rail on. -Ever rcmembercd by. Alice and John and grandchldncn, Helen anud Bill. MOODY - In ever loving moemory of aur son and brother, Frc4dxe, who uassed away at Bowmanville, Apni! 23rd, 1930: -Mother. Father and Hayward. SMITH - In loving mnemory of Sidney Nelson Smith wbo p:lsscd away April l9tb, 1935: Itis sweet ta renenhen a son and brother sa dean. Though absent frm us yet even sa near. Unscen bv the worid, he stands by aur ide And whispens: "Dean lovcd ones," dcath cannot divide. -Lovinglv rcncmbered hy Mothen, Father. Sisters and Brothers. BIRTHS FOSTER - At Oshawa iGeneral Hospital. April lSth, ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Foster, (nee Eliza Dick R.N.) a dauighter (Nancy Ann). RICKARD - At Bowmanville Hos- pital. Saturday, April 15, D~39. ta W. F. Rickard, M.P., and Mrs. Rickard, Newcastle, a son. SANDERSON - In Victoria Mein- anial Hospital, Toronto, Friday, April 14,* ta Rev. and Mrs. Milton R. Sanderson. a dauglxter, Eliz- abeth Ann (Beth). MARRIAGE TWIST-FOLEY - At Courtice Parsonage, Monday. April l7th, by Rcv. W. C. Smith, Iva Mabel, daughter of Mr. H. R. Foiev, ta Ernest G. Twist, bath of Maple Grave. DEATHIS JCHIPPS - In Hammnony, April 13, 1939. Mary -Margaret Jamieson, beloved wife of Thomas W. Clhipps, in ber 69th year. DOUBT - I*-Oshawa, April 12, 1939. Henni Doubt in bis 86th year. GIBBS - In 6sbawa, April 16, 1939, Eliza Parr. beloved wife of George Gibbs. in ber 67tb year. Inter- ment Hampton Cenietery. 1HOWARD - In. Newcastle, on Sunday. April l6th, 1939. Rev. J. Scott MacLean Howard, beloved husband of Clarh E. Howard, in bis 83rd 'year.* lntcnixnt at St. George's Cemetery, Newcastl.. KINSMAN - At Toronto General Hospital. April 13, 1939, Andrew Kînsman. beloved husband of An- nie Kinsman of 210 Fairview Ave., West Toronto. aged 83 years. In- terment in Union Cemetery. Cad- mus. POLLARD - Entered inta rest in Oshawa. Apnil 17. 1939, Elizabeth Maude Scott. beloved wife of Ed- ward G. Pôllard in ber 55tb yeir. Internent Bowmanville Cemctery. FLORISTS Kingsway. FLOWER $HOP F L 0 R A L CREATIONS - Baskets Wreaths and Sprays, artistically and Indivldually arranged by expert de- signers. 'Flowers for ail occasions. Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 Bowmanvle Auctios Sq3po Saturday. April 29tb h f -J. Honey, Lot 2, Con. 7, Msndam, (Milliken P.O.) will sel! 45 Dairy Cows and Heifers, mostly f resh, calves by side. AIl cattle have anc clean blood test and are sold subject ta reteit. Sale 1 p.m. Termns cash. No reserve. Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. 16-2 Tucsday. April 25 - Mr. E. A. Wcrry. Lots 17 sud 18, Con. 9, Dam- lington, i mile north of Enniskillex, wilI sel! by pdblic auction 60 bead of Stocker dattle, cansisting of b.ef brecds, 15 steers and heifers, average 750 lbs. up; 20 steers and beifers, average 650 lbs. up; balance yearling steers and heifers. CCattle will b. sold f irst). 5 bead good young work horses; implements cansisting cf 4- hanse International Cultivator, Cock- sbutt Fertilizer Secd Drill, good as new: 11-disc Massey-Harris Seed Dri!l, 2 Potato Planters, Internation- al and Cocksbutt, 3 Potato Cutters. Froin 4 ta 6 o'clock wc will try and sel! anytbing you bring in the line Of secd grains. fccd of any kind, live stock or impiements. This is your apportunity ta dispose of something you don't want. Terni cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ted Jackson, Auctioncer. 16-1 Auctioneer Llcensod Auctloneer ELMER WILBUR Hmo~ton, Ont. Speclallzlnt lu Fanm, Llvstck, Implemontsand Furnîturo Sales TERMS MODERATE Phono for Ternis and Date te: Bowmnanvle 2428. COMING EVENT Regular meeting of the Wonmcn's Institute will b. held in the Pariali Hall. Thursday. April 27t1x, at- Z.30 p.m. Gucst speaker, Mr. E. A. Sum- mers. Agricultural Representative, wha will show slidcs. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE- DWELLING IN Hampton, with saine land, good buy. Apply J. J. Masan & Son, Bowmanville, 16-1 HOUSES FOR SALE - ONE bouse on Qucen St., 6-roomed with 3-piece bath, garage, sinall garden. solid brick cottage in South Ward on Ontario St. Both will be soid chea») as estate must be settled; also brick bouse on Wellington St. T. H. Knight, Phones: Office 565, Res. 768. Bowmanville. 16-tf FOR SALE -. BRICK HOUSE. 7 rooms. anc-bal f acre land. sinal barn, f ruit trees, 2 miles north af Bowmanville. on middle road. Apply B. McDonald, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. 16.2* HOUSE FOR SALE - 5-ROOM- cd house, pantry, summer kitchen, -water, fizhts. Hunt St. (Hamb1 Place) Price $550. Easy ternis, Apply T. Lymer, Box 51, Bow- mariville. Phone 379. 14-3* PROPERTY FOR SALE-HOUSE and lot Qucen St., residence of the late Wm. Brock. Apply Wal- ter Hately, Qucen St., or R. L Mitchell. Canadian Banic of Com- merce. Bowmanvillc. 5-tf To Rent FOR RENT - SMALL STORE; aiso apartments. Apply W. J. Martyn, King St. 16-1* FOR RENT-50-ACRE PASTURE land for rent. Guaranteed water in dryest. weather. Paul Haynal, Maple Grave, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville. 16-1* ROOMS TO RENT - SUITABLE for iight housekeeping. Apply Mrs. Dinniwell. Silven Street, Bowman- HOUSE TO RENT - CARLYSLE Avenue, No, 1, hardwood flbars, 3-piece bath, funnace. Apply R. G. Thompson. Horsey Street, Bow- manville. 16-1* HOUSE TO RENT -6 ROOMED brick bouse. hardwood floars, well dccorated, wircd for electric stove; also gas service installed, bath, f ur- nace, possession Apnil 25th. Ap- ply W. . Clarke, Lover's Lane, Bowmiane'ille. , 15-tf FOR RENT - THREE-ROOMED apartinent and bath. Apply Victor Manor Apantinents, Bowmanvîile. 13-tf APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE roams. Apply Statesmnan Office. 49-tf FOR RENT - ABOUT 4 ACRES garden land on Scugog Street, N., incîudinir 1-4 acre of strawberry plants. and 1-4 acre of raspberry bushes; also several good appie trees. Apply G. Alex Edmond- stone. Phone 375 or 821. 14-tf Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - TWO YORKSHIRE saws with 17 f ine pigs, 3 wceks aId; four year aId Percheron mare. Oliver McCulloch, Lot 35, Con. 8, 1 Darlington. 16-1 FOR SALE - GELDING RISING 4 years aId, good in aIl harness. C. J. Kerslake, Hampton, Phone 2236. f6-l* FOR SALE - YOUNG COW, 6 years aId, j ust rcncwed, jersey and Durham. good milker; also good work horse, wcight about 1400 ibs. Apply Hilton Tink, Phone 2283, R.R. 2. Bowmanville. 16-1 FOR SALE - VOUR CHOICE 0F several vaung hanses. any size, any aize. Isaac Hardy, Hampton, Phone 2184. 16-1 FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F ncw milkers and springzers. F. J. Clemens. Oshawa, Phone 1567 W. 15-21 Readings MRS. BRANTON, O S HA WA, will be in Bowmanvillc, an Fmi- day. April 2lst., For appoifltment Phone 574. 16-1 Board end Room .BOARD AND ROOM-CENTRAL location. Apply F. McIndoo. Phone 894. Kinir St.. Bowmanville. 16-1* For Sale FOR SALE - 1931 CHRYSLER sedan in good condition, a bargain. Apply W. J. Martyn, Kign Street. .16-1l* FOR SALE - FIVE GOOD uscd coal burning brooder stoves, $5.00 up; also Jamcsway PoultrY Equipinent. Albin Clemens. Phone 2433. 15-tf FOR SALE - BICYCLES, ALL kintis f rom $10.00 tu). Trade-ins accepted. Repairs. welding, iccys made. Open cvenings. Victors 34 Kink, Street, West. Oshawa. 16-4 FOR SALE - CREAM WICKER baby buggy, in gooti condition, $8. Mrs. R. A. Morris. Brown St.. Bowmanvilic. 16-1* FOR SALE - CHATHAM IN- cubator, 120 cgg size, good con- dition. W. C. Basicerville, R.R. 3, Ncwcastle, Ont., Phone Clarke 1912. 16-1 FOR SALE - CHEVROLET tauningz car. Supeniar model; also famm wagon. W. G. Wcrry, R.R. 6, Bownanville. Phone 2253. 16-1* FOR SALE- STUDIO COUCH and full size b.d. bath practicaîly new: also single and three-quartcr size b.ds. Apply R. Spitzer. cor- ner Concession and Elgin Streets, Bowmnville. 16-1* FOR SALE - AWNINGS FOR store or residence; Venetian blindi, wood or metal slts; largest seiec- tion at Iowcst prices. Estimates given without obligation. Apply Northcutt & Smith, Bowmanvillc. 14-8 FOR SALE - NATURAL ICE, tested Grade A. for any use; 15c f or 25 Ibi, 25c f or 50 lbs. Prompt delivcry. C. Raby. Phone 310. 14-8* Seed For Sale FOR SALE - ERBAN QATS, Alaskca and Victory Governinent tested No. 1. Apply ta A. J. Tamblyn. Phone 65r4, Orono. 16-1 FOR SALE - GLADIOLI BULBS choice exhibition varieties, mixed colons. $1.00 per bundrcd; aiso saine namcd varicties, reasonably priccd. J. H. Jase Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1121. 16-1* FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F malting barley for seed. Apply W. L. 13arton. Bowmanvilîe. 16-1* FOR SALE - 2-ROWED BAR- ley and oas. Lot 20. Con. 2, Dan- lington. Nick Hasiuk, Msp le Grave. 16-2* FARMERS. GARDENERS - Don't fail ta sec aur fine stock of higbcest quality scedi. Wc. bave what yau want in field, garden and flower secds, fertilizers. etc., and aur pnices are. ight. Stewart's Seed Store. Bowmanville, Phone 577. 16-1 SEED GRAIN - WE ARE 0F- fcning choice No-barb baricy, 70c bus. Get aur pices hefone buying your sccd grain. In dloyen we of- fer cverytbing f nom alfaîf a down at most reasonable pnices. Tele- vhane Clarke 2612. A. W. Gien- ncy. Ncwcastle. 16-1 FOR SALE - MIXED SEED grain, nalting barley; also renew- cd caws. and a quantity of good hanse bav. Apply W. B. Metcalf, Phone 2469. 16-1* FOR SALE - HOME GROWN 1938 Sweet Claver Seed $2.75 bushel; Victory Oats, Two Row Barley; also Timotby Secd, $3.00 bushel, secd delivcred. W. Leask, Taunton. Phone 163r13, Oshawa. 13-4 £M4 REXALL DRUG STORES IN CANADA 1084- thé airegular p'rie fo-one artide and' gel anodmer one imsi 11*.. fi for onlg ON1E CENT $1.00 Bottle REXALL 001ILIVEE OIL EMWLSIOR 2 fer $1,O SPRING S.UALE AT THE 1"I DRUG STORL WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY SUMMER Pay the regular. pria, for ont article and' ge anofher dne Jsuit i i for onls ONE CENT 35. Tin TOOTII POWDER 2 for 360 .Chicks For Sale FOR SALE - BAB3Y CHICICS, white leghorns snd barrcd rocks, scxed or mixed, blood-tested f Iock, sircd by pedigreed R.O.P. Cockercis. Average ecggs set over 26-ounce to the dozen. Stanted pullets and cockereis. A. H. CIe- mens, Phone 2433, Bowmanville. Il-tf FOR SALE - WHITE LEG- borus and Barred Plymouth Rock Baby Chicic f rom Goverilment cullcd and biood-tested stock Write for price list, H. J. Brooks. R.R. 3. Bowmanville. Phone 2636. 8-tf Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED - FAMILEX will itart you in a profitable busi- ness like bundreds of others tbroughout Canada. No experience required. We train you. Liberal commission for selling 200 guar- anteed necessities. Meet aIl coin- petition suéccssfully. Ambitions salesmen, write for f ree catalogue and plan without obligation. Fain- ilex Co., 570 St. Clement, Mont- reai. 16-i ATTENTION! - MEN AN D womcn for retailing large line. Househoid praducts, medicine, tes, cof fec, * etc. Persans chosen must be thoroughly reliable, and capable of takiniz charge of exclusive ter- ritary. Established dealers retail up to six thousand yearly. Write Mr. Jordan, 1536E Dundas Street, West. Toronto. '14-3 Wanted WANTED - SECOND HAND collapsible go-cart. in good condi- tion, Phone 2482. 16-1 WANTED-OLD HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. Nomby Fur Farm. Tynone. Phone 24115. 6-tf Fkçlp Waýnted W AN T ED - EXPERIENCED gzirl or woman ta assist with bouse, work. Apply Mrs. Ccdric Par- sons. R.R. 2, Bowmanville, Phone 2315. 16-1* Notice Te Road Faremen of the Town- ship of Darlington. Spring will b. an us in a rush so be sure ta get2 your road draggingz donc thoraughly and anv hales araund culvents iiled and leveled before that time cames. if yeu can't get a junior grader. hoak on vour draig snd make sure this jab is donc. It is important. t Thos. H. Richards, Rosd Superintendent. 16-2t Carpenter Work CARPENTER WORK - HAVEt those alterations donc now; that9 roaf re-sbingled; that floor laid;t screens built ta order. Estimatest f ree, promrit, guaranteed labor.t Chas. L. Warren. Hampton. 14.4* Miscellaneous WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Sbop - We specializ.o in machinerv repairs. igenenal garagze repairs. welding towing service. J. L. Demerling. Praprietor. Molk- RE Daelad' USE die WANITuAbs PAGE TEN Oè "My wife's meals taste 82G botter when she serves Corbett's Bread!" Phone 890 Do the Men ln your 1f. show lb. proper enthusiasm for your cookiug? If not, don't blamo'It * entlrely on your abillty as a cook-lt îpay b. due to anothen factor: lb. broad you serve. Mon especlally Ilke plenty or wholesome,, nutritions bread with meàls. Serve Corbtt'. bread and 8001 Watch our windows for Week-end Speciale Jury C ovel Phon 778forBp.ey Dlivey Bwmanil1 *-APRIL 26, 21, 28y 29 Aterations HAVE YOUR LAST YEAR'S coats or dresses altered ta bring them up-to-date. Eviyn Shop AI- terations Dept. 'il do your work for you at reasoI*le prices. Phxone 594. 16-tf Sportsmen A shaoting license must b. secured before anv citizen wili b. Iegally allowed ta carry a rifle or shoot groundhogs, stariings. crows * ver- min. Licenses miay b. obtainedefront, W. J. Martyn, Gaine Overseer, Bow- )U manville. Permission of farinera' must also b. obtained for shooting on private property. Licenses wifilb. issued at the discretion of the Gaine Overseer. 16-1* Mortgages MORTGAGES - FIRST AND second mortgaaes, agreements for sale on farin, city and lakeshore properties purchased. Northx Shore Realty Company, Limited, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 3130. Il-tf Personal MEN PAST 401 - FEEL LIKE wbole body mun down? Try Ostrex Tablets of 2 stimulants f rom raw oysters plus 4 blood, nerve, body tonics. If not delighted with re- sults first package, maker refunda its low price. You don't risk a penny. Cal write Jury & Loveli and ail good druggists. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of MARY JANE WESTAWAY, Deceased. AIl persans having dlaims against the estate of thxe above mentioned, who died at the Town of Bowman- ville, in the County of Durhamx, on or about the 9tb day of Mardi, 1939. are requircd ta file proof of same with the Solicitar for the un- dersigned on or bef ore the 7th day of -May, 1939. After that date the Estate will be distributed, having re- gard only ta the dlaims of Wyhich the undersigned wjll then have had notice. Dated at Bowmnanville this 6tb day of April, 1939. Harold T. Howe. 1220 King St., West. Hamilton, Ontario, by bis Solicitor. Lawrence C. Mason, Bow- manville. Ont. 14-3 Notice to Creditors Inr fixe matter of thxe Estate of JOHN BROWN MARTYN, de- ceased. NOTICE is bereby given that al personý having any dlaim or demand against the late John Brown Mar- tyn, who died on or about the Bth of March 1939. at the Town of Bow- manville, in the. Cqunty of Durbai, Province of Ontario, are requxred ta send by post prepaid or to deliver ta the undersigned solicitors herein for Carnie Mertyn, executrix~ of the. es- tate. their naines aixL.addr"ses and f ull particulars in Mntingz of their dlaims and statements of their ac- counts and tbe nature of thxe securi- tics, if any. Ield by thein and that after the 27th day of Apnil, 9t the said executrix will distrit the assets of the said estate amyi the persans entitled thereto havi g regard only to thxe caims of wbich she shall then have bad notice. Datcd at Oshawa this Iltlx day of April. 1939. CONANT & ANNIS. Barristers, &c., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the 'Executrix. 15-2 - 1 1- Phone 718 for Speedy Delivery Bowmanvme

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