Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1939, p. 8

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U E 4 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939 OUR ENGLISH LETTER THAT NUISANCE., 'ITLER BY MISS ISOBEL STEPHENSON Now we hear that the Gerrnan of us have a rough guess. 'minorities' in Poland are sufer- most of the guesses are pes Ing untold humiliation, suppres- tic. sion, torture. Why Hitler, in his present Just Hitler screaming "foui" to of acquisitiveness, has been attract the referee's notice while ed ail, the lack of which wi most vuinerable chink in h he, Hitler, kicks Poland in the mour, heaven only knows. stomach. Perhaps the British Secrel The kick may have been ad- vice, which has been cale ministered by the time these real Goverrument of Britai words are in print; but at the Urne tains somewhere in its sleev of writing the Nazi boot is swung of aces to be played at the backward, gathering impetus. moments. Just what degree of impetus Then did we really 'la has been pravideil in the recent Hitler to pull off that où1 deal German acquisition of Roumaniari did a British Secret Servia où, time alone will tell. But most become entangledl in a siee. _____________________the vital moment, leaving1 with the only hand in the g Why didn't a Britishe walk i twenty-four hours ei NOTICIE anid offer to pay spot cas. Roumaniar i 01 rights for the fi ve years? Whatever the fumbles or ses in this most recent bit of tical sleight-of-hand, the la go, indubitably, to the Fui Our Eaminr wil b. T he def t speed with whicl OurFmnine wil b at mari acts is as commendalb Nex McGregorappiarent hesitation. 1Drugs And now it would se Bowmanvllle, Ont. with this new strength, by v of ofi ta mobilize his mecha EVERY MONDAY army, Hitler has courage to il amr. to 2 p.m. westward and deplore the ture' anid 'humiliation' of 'Gei Glisses At Prices You miriorities bending beneath Ca Afford. yoke of Polish tyrany'. ALLIED OPTICIANS This, we must know, can 169 Yonge Street be the prelude to the marc Toronto, Ont the Fuerher to free these' maris i bondage.' This greal noble aýct of mercy must ur RHEIIMATIC ACHE HAVE SEIN CURBED Dy Thoe.Capsules! &Rener.wbo bave taken a f ew dosesof "Urboenea" bave baeaPjfiedatbe reief ecred. thwîbn a re- sufeingcurbed. Rheumatc Aches Anrtis. Lumbago, Oblit. Sdatica. Neuritis, ibrostisanmd similar cesplaint --a'lbv en db "Uicones', a relable remedy for Rheumasufeingjta many foma. 'URICONUES" HAVE WON MERITED SUPPORT The mrelaecured with **jJcones" bave won for them the confidence of maLny Rheumatic auflerers. Reliefhaî been secured, rheumatlc aches bave been curbed by tbf. treatment wblch pou ame invted tt y wtbout cost or obligation. FRR TMIL TREATMUIIT FOR ALL 1 Tha above uutite shu owsseaothde main nheseof the aehuider. Ih M5 whm these neaare affected or fnfl.med tbat Rbeumatlc or Artbrf tic Tain -msltaelf evident. Exe.add in the systemn in vey frequently the cmseeft tbf.acbing. e*Urbcone'* help to free tbe bkoedsream cof pain- causlng excess acide. Sburwnet rlght inapicture of aboulder joint. Arzew ludicaethde "Pain zone" uhere Rleumatfc twinges ouusaide, se frequently the camse of twasufferfng. S«» ofetOur Dluiad Nieau The Countesa of Ravens. eEi GCaude Millet. air Robet wItt. Lady violet Braa.y. Lad Magdaen eIkdM y Ç Hamilton lUth. dy Bowles. lady IlyeLady Clayton. Lady 6' Send for i FREE Triai Supply if you suffer frer RHEUMATISM, ART RITIS, GOUT, SCI, TICA, LUMBAG NEURITIS, SYNOVIT FIBROSITIS. Whetber your comgaint be Itiueumatlsm, Artffa.c Lumao.Nurta broaiti s or Synevitis, tbee be for-, yj Put It tethe test 1 Fil! in and imail coupon below to : Mn. H. A. Smallmaii ~ Dept. 94-1, ~ 4124 St. Catuerine St. Montreal, P.Q. 1're Sainp1l Yeament vilu y.u=ge ,I wtlu abookWie ail sttoerbeumatlc suifen "URICONES"ARE SOLO BY AIL UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORES Tmdda Enqairsec Laurcatian Agencies, Monurel FmR Ma SAMPLU, HOWVUL MAIL "Ha AOVE SOUPN TO MR. H. A. SMALNM Milk. the boldy builder JUGE Di TME lUUUTI OIE-EUILDNG MINEALS, IMM X= lm18VITAL NfOUE- UMM"ENT FOI TOUE=HlDEE IT la the. Calcium and Phesporona la mlii that bgfl Mad miaintains stur4ybne"auad aoemd teth. For ûh5 »a nutrltlaulute reoommend one quart of mlii 80W' fer, ever>' chlld, andi a pint for ever>' admit. D'saa #kMple roelpe for good health! WHBN you buy MUiiib. sure you know something 'r. bout the lair>' tut produees IL. Glen Bae Dalry hans buj5g gs reputation over many years et dependable servie mè so atlloavancement. Produets bearlag car naine rem*oa ur àtable.4the Peak of t41cm gootinesa. "Glen Rae Dairy le aftennowth .sdn oga Missent Band met Thursday Remember! À Good Deal De pends on the Dealer!I Bar in charge. Theme, tue Eas- 's j ter Message, "He la Risen"; wor- p ~ship atony, "An Easter Stony" by ____________ Miss Nina Hodgson; acipture, the :' esurrection, by Arnold McKen -_____________ ROàI H L -U $ED CARS zme. Mail was brought in by Ar-RO I H L nold McKenzle and read as fol- êi Ioas: "The Easter Das" Billie Dudley- I"Lit Up", Donald Dud- Courtice Bowmanvllle w ley; rmuslc by Glen Brooks witu ll w' Bille Dudley at tue piana; stany, To HAROLD A. SMALLMAN, Manufacturer and Importer. t>ept.'4-1 4124 St. Catherine St. W.. Montreal. P.Q. Pinss, mid YIt d popald a Trial SM~ et '*UrloenW'"wth bookt on HOW and theybedpovercmep.beumatUcandaUmeda-nmmta Nou ...... Addras.. ............. ... ......... Ainwi....... .... ..... ..... ..... (im"l.P .ole .as .Wr gi .un .B Loch ..L .f. 'r.) 4 r., r m r -. Mr. Lorrie Mortson at his home1 at Larigstaff. Largst hotgrahieMonageMr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam anid family at Mr. J. Lillicrapp's, Can- For ew ork Worl's air Miss Reta Carr anidMr. George For ewY rkWold' îrir AldradBowmnvileat Mr. *Archie Virtue's. *Anid Mrs. L. Brooks, Winnie and ssimis- Glenn, with hier sister, Mrs. Ai- ter Sunderland. t mood Mr; and Mrs. Herb. Burgess and hand-faiuly, Long Sault, visited her a th motlher, Mrs. Viola Smith. rs ar- Miss Viola Shortt, Cane, with iis ar-M rs Laura Virtue. t Ser- r. Wm. Lamb, Nestieton, at <I te Mr. George Brooks'. n, re- 'e lots right Lake Shore, Clarke ullow"Miss Annabelle Hendry, Ponty- LI? Orpool, is holidayiig with lier Par .e ace ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry. ve at Miss Etta Holmes with relatives Hitler here. game? Mrs. Hermari Peters, Port Bni- envoy tain, wîth Mrs. Clarence Mitchell. arlier Mr.arid Mrs. Beverley Jaynes jale irsua- h for with friends in Bowmariville. .... wlCh n t t1 enext Miss Madeline Hay, Toronto, is, that W uae hat with Mrs. W. Lake. 1 W aa youn ge ul afod fines- Mr.. Frarik Parker, Cowanville, an¶ ll b tont myfr r; f Poli- I1lE largeut colored phtographiie with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. anfod weh1 antobyfa iy but for insef" surels .1. montage ever attempted forma Fred Parker.aor tIdint uyfnlYm se auher. liem bagon te e xhibitem tdforme Sunday School re-opened Sur-i- ore Monthly Incomne In-..... 'irr t h e Caad roand tioal l iaia of attheday, April 9th. surance. When a Confederation letas Canadia Bildinat tilwi.nw thoeMr. Ralph Simpson with friends. )l s Canad BoldingMoe ta N e etr here. "True, 1 now have an in- Life rePresentative oalm long and watii an average .heigit cf corne eaoh month from L uIpon YOU, a8k him to ex that, fourteen feet, the. montage bas a y ofeeaonLf plnthe ubta t l virtue photographic surface of approx. -Conditions NHaveO p olîy nderIm nt ct- e npeith ustofantoiedel Eunical lmately savon hundred square fuet C ang n M niobadendeFnt a tu- on if a onyIncme- turn It Is in full color-»every place of ______I Maitba ally dPedn p ay ti deMo hlIcre 'tor- colo ing bfteen ped b>' apran Winnipeg, Mani. April lit - body, but believe mne, if poliy, with Total Dise- ai h d ninCfe atur v mderanporaio Thene are 9,000 fewer people of 1 were living rmy life over bility and Double Indern- teagecyplaneCanda from modem pas-British origin in Manitoba to-day again, I would own al the nityý Benefits. sengocmoesr plane annd ue s tathari at the. begiriming of the de- choîy e M locomotiv s te t>nn thta cade anid 27,000 more nori-Énitish ~h o ar ut!! sedprosectng ii ii.farpeople, stated Rev. Dr. J. A. Cor- Ger- north of the. Dominion. The mon- exhibit i. given to the Don %lo splane egnecae aamea iSueitnen fUle and tage, whicb Io a blending of one pic- new commercial air service, Tran.- housiffig inid. the. plane. The. pho. Church mission work in Mantoba ahap- t'eit nte amc iesieCanada Air Lines. Part of this dis- tographs show Miss PhyDis Baker, Conferenoe. The report was pre- fauion as a movie fade-out. curves play' Includes a model of a T C A the artist, coloring one of the or eitdrcnl t u nulD around a linge screen on which passenger plane. It in eigiit feet long teen Panels whicli comprise the meeting of the Board of Home ..s~e os, nattera!l orOd motion pictures of and lias a wing spread of ten fuet huge photographie montage; a work- Missions of The United Church of ls@rei...y0 SCanada will be dlsPlayed continu. A sens.Of movemlent is imparted by Man building the model plane and Canada. ____ ously on the. latest type television tii. whirling propellersl which are the. Canada Building at the. World's The report stated: "Manitoba iu' ' saeen. COD$iderlble space in the. kept la motion by a tiny, model air- Fair. haON Oa HEarger UGRErainlan populationTUIONS tuan any other province in Can- -_______________________________ pily entail Germany's 'reclania- L Li "A Gilt for tue King" by Miss ada, and this group increased dur- tion' of tue Polish Corridor. N~etetofl Nina Hodgson; "Nature's Greet- mng tue five years from 73,606, ta ed King Street United Church. 'Reclamation' will be Hitler's____ ing" given by four juniors, Fay 86,982. There are to-day approxi- bituar'y She is survived by her second word for it. The Nestieton W. I. met at tue March, Jean Dudley, Allyn Tay- mately 95,000 Ukrainlans in Mani- ubnhrfrthsadhv (Roosevelt could use it too, we home of Mrs. Hugh Taylor Wed- lor and Helen Hall. Meeting clos- toaadtey constitute 13%er ofthubad av suppoe, fh vrwatdt r- nesday afternooArlSu h ed witu a hymn, fallowed by Our population. TheEurpan irs. John W. Froster, Oshawa ing died 30 years ago, and by one Quebc fr te Untednreidet wa inthechai an gaes.have brought tueir old-world re- Mrs. John W. Foster, nesident daughter, Mrs. Violet Bennett of ~ aes.Whocars aouttueBa- metig oene bysiningtu Yong eope'sUrion etigious preferences as well as of Oshawa for tue past 17 years, Oshawa, and two sons, Harold Saftes hoPlans oubrhe am?) Ode. ng p nd by by Mrgth Yusdayeegs. R.iVnrte tueir social customs. In tue town died April 9tu at her home, 495 Wite of Stirlii, and Clarence ,pu . nîure eam .wer i of Morris wlth a population Of Albert Street, followig t wo White of Brampton, also one sis- G. Thompson; ahl joined in smng- and Miss Marion Werry wr n80tuene aresi churches, a Unit- weeks illness. She had nat been ter and one brother, Mrs. C. B. Detached from Germany by tue ing "O Canada"; paper given by charge of program. Worship per- ed Church of Canada church, a in good health for tue past three Rchmond, Daysland, Alta., and Allies in 1919, ta aflord Poland Mrs. H. Philp on Legisîntion; iod was follawed by tuis pragrani: RoMan CtoicadforGi access ta tue Baltic, tue Poluah readings, Miss M. Pnoutt, "Paint- Musical selections by Miss Agnes man languagenchurc r esr- years. She was in hier 80tu year John Mastin of Sidney, Ont. province of Pomorze, which com_- ing Up", Mrs. R. Jackson "Queen and Mn. Cranston Scott; topic by D.Crepondoutatueand ro acmn aOhw nemn okpaei no Sprises tue Corridor has been land Mary", Mrs. H. Taylor "IWon't Mns. G. Rosevear; piano duet by decliin atue riumbers of Britishlie nBwavleSeatndCe tey ýH. of bitter dispute for more tuan 600 Run for Reeve"; contest won- by Misses Helen and Marlon Werry. stc en wnln ruso lA. years. Mrs. C. Wilson; Rail cal, pay- Games brought tue meeting to a Ut~ean wnln ruso >0 Previaus ta 1308 it had been an ment of dues. Lunch was served close.,Umtd Church folk, generaily so rispar ofPolnd nomby Ms. H. Taylor, assisted by Mrs. J. Hendricks and Ms situated tht rearangement of 10 o1464 it belonged ta tue Mrs. L. Joblin. Hearty vote of Joyce af Trenton have moved in tmoesitern.r sdflutad fe L SAL Teutonic Knights. Then for 208 thanks was given Mrs. Taylor and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. isile.l an rdcio oéA R L S L yasit tue Poliah again, until Mrs. Fallis for use of tuer home. B. F. Grdi~ nerM..Ls-ta a level cansidenably higher Fnedenick teGetan; ti r n r.Atu on t r eleBok n r e-tuan tuat of tue previotes year, tue of 't,1772. Fram theon..uritl 1919 it ne- visited Mr. and Mrs. John VM lie Thompson are attendmng Grandpncsrahdtuloetoita lh:mained ta German possession, son. Lodge at Lindsay. Pie ece h oetpiti Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. -several years, tue report painted GoId Cross Paints, Now, after 20 years nespite, Mrs. H. Sheffield spent the George Gaam nee Miss Susie out. According ta Dr. Corme, theVanseSanEc Poland must face once more a weekend ta Toronto. Thompson, on their recent mar- aormai pnîce of wheat for in- Van-eSanEc t u .treat ta hier gateway to the sea. Mn. Ralph Emerson spent the iage. stance, was not more tuan haîf of To encourage the. use of W. But turough ail tue years of weekend wîtu his parents. Tuesday evening a number of htlefte aria nis et byd Gls roestsel! dute1am being overrun by Germany or Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolmn frienda gathered at tue home of wetuegherrifntas f ma stenial in. autedto s. fo thwla cas ý1t Russia, Poland has remaied a and Mn. George and Miss Cora Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson a te favenfierts of Mai al îdth oHwgcs nation..In hi pn vice f is pravinceitd fiedofn oPtam-prspnicesir auuntiladthApriles f Mniobad. onze, of a population of possiblyCoze vite fred nPtadpeetdturduge, not have a good year. ilCosutloAr an Wte 1,225,000, one ta eveny ten citizens Penny. Miss Susie, witu a miscellaneous A nemarkable neduction inall os-------hite aaGena.Master Beverley Veale is spend- shower. chuloch debts-was-noted-by$tue )Ring tue halidays ta Toronto. Easter Visitors: superitendent. The wonst of tue uata --------------85e As an added attraction ta tue Congratulations to Mn. Lewis Mn. Bill Brooks, Miss Myrtle drought appears ta have passed, Pas------5 R 'rescuing of our suppnessed Ger- Watson and Miss Hilda Drury, Brooks, Mn. Leslie Sleight, Toron- he believed. Fifteen'of 22 charges This la a hlih grade paint. man brotuers', and tue uniting of Toronto, on tucir recent marriage. ta, Miss Ruth Colwell, Hampton, in Rock Lake Presbytery in whîchJ. .AB N TH East Prussia with tue nest of Ger- Mn. Edgar Emerson is spending at Mn. Leslie Brooks'. tue draught-stricken area la situ- Conesson. t.BowRNanvll many, by tue invasion of Poland, his holidays witu his parents. Mn. and Mns. I. W. Larmen, Miss ated equalled or excelleil tueir Ponesione., 431 vil Hitler has tue prospect of acquir- Miss Jean Alloway with hen Melba Bal and Master A. J. Bajl, givings ta tue Missionary andPhn43 tag tue Polish harbour of Gdynia parents in Oshawa. Millbnaok, at Mn. Gus Rosevear's. Maintenance Fund of tue church. ___________________________ at tue nortuern end of tue Carri- - Miss Betty Beacock, Peterboro, -M don. Gdynia has. a population of wituh ler grandparents, Mn. and 8,000 and tue best shipping facili- Mrs. Wm. Beacock. ties, grain, stonage and refnigera- Mn. and Mns. Kennetu Sameils tion ta tue Baltic. It is open ail and family with hen parents, Mn. year rounid while Memel la fro- and Mns. John Hendenson, Janet- zen from November ta March. ville. Yes, indeed, tue vintue of nescu- The sympatuy of tue commun- E R LOD D W T ing 'suffering' Germans unden ity goes out ta Mns. Bruce Heas- vm~ S Polish rule will bring its own e- lip in the deatu of her fatue, M. . I II A J The Nestieton W. A. and M. S. A22**wl etonTedyatnon In 1934 the German-Polish Non- Apnil 18, ta tue basement of tue.W A£'i Aggnession Pact eliminated for 10 church. Meeting in charge of Mns. m v £ , s ,o years tue use of fonce between tue R. W. Marlow's group. All ladies w J us ' o M& two countries. corne prepared ta quilt. 4 Hitler has kept tuat pact for The Ensten service in tue Pres- five years. Not bad. Not bad. bytenian Church on Sunday even-i ing was well attended. Rev. Mn.. ed an areemen whichHayes, Glenarm, was tue minis- 9 nl' In 1921 France and Poland sign- .. adMsHuhTyospn'o e- a clause ta tue effect tuat if one Sunday evening witu Mn. andOmpely oehud or bath of tue Pawens wene at- Mna. Wm. Beacack. OPely vrhud tacked wltlout Provocation hotu _______mtrwh iny o Governments would concert ta- mporwer Go t iend o and sao fead thei leitmateer. yronetidean aetuer a dfenad teir enitmny Tyr neinsideappemriwce. Tires intenests. ___in foi" shko. $5 0 a e. i-lý ý 1 1 1 1 - - . THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1939

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