Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1939, p. 4

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THURSDAY, APRIL 13 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR four sons, mentioned above, and he bad made a host of frienjls wher- f ast. I was in the dining moom as tradte winds blow through open win-fuso, etndabv ndleaimdeahtofrenswe. West IndUes anid the sip came into Cartagena's in- dows and doors and the atmospbere W OM AN AGOE O W IT Htwo nephews, Sandy Moore and ever he visited. I South America terestinR harbor, but at 4 p.m. wheti is quiet and soothing. One beginss cI A T IC A mnt Co ae of Si n te r- e Inendarbor heba cabee n om IBY we saiied out again I was at the rail, to understand why the mette of the Cemetery, Prince Albert. a member of the Players Guild. In Miss Elsie Carruthers binoculars in hand, watching those troPics is: I'Neyer do today w,, NowPraies Krusohen past years hiehadl been f amous for L..old sixteenth century forts on the von can put off tilt tomorrow." Mrs. Russell Cochrane, Enfteld hi, part as "end man"~ in local Min- Aril N.4mainland of a fascinating continent St. Patrick's dinned on board-on When sciatica attacked this wo- strel shows. His last theatrical ap- S.rS.cNewNoor4 until ail was lost in indistinctness. te Panama. We docked at Cristobal man six vears ago, she couldn't There passed to her eternal pearance was in the pageant given S. . Nw YrlçCartagea was right ini the heart of a town of 5,000 where live Canal move wîthout great pain. Treatment rest on Sunday, March 26th, Mrs. last summer in honor of Henry' March 19, 1939 the Spanish Main and-into its harbor and Army officiais and which lies after treatment f ailed to help bier. Russell Cochrane, nee Mabel Ab- Ford's birthday anniversary. Sunday. a day of rest and relax- formed bv two isiands, sailed Sir in the .Canal Zone. Colon. a roaring She trîed Krushcben and got quicl bot, in her 34th year. She had Mr. Parr was a mnember of Dear- ation ini tbis oh, so wouderful suni- Francis Drake and many other buc- city, more so by night than by day, relief. been suffering from cancer andLoeN.72FanAM, shine. after two days of strenuous caneers. Engtish, French and Span- is only a few minutes walk f rom the 'i er g.Isfee er had been removed to the Toronto born Lde o 72F ni. sight-seeingl We can lie back in our ish. There were two straits througlh dock but it belongs to the Republic ribly f rom sciatica," she writes. ««J General Hospital.th RoaArhMsn ad th deck chairs and try to remnember ail which ships came: Boca Grande and of Panama. Botoh Colon on the At- tried everytliing, but to no avait. She had formerly taken a very First Presbyterian Cburcb. the strange and exciting things we Boca Chica, meaning Large Mouth lantic side. and Panama City on the Then I took Kruscben Saîts. The active part in church work at Survivingz are bis widow, Mrs. bave seen. But there is a f resh wind and Smati Mouth. So many attacks Pacific are f ree ports and therefore first few doses gave quick reiief. At Burketon, but since her marriage Fioretta I. Parr; a daughter Miss blowing tbe spray onto our cheeks- were made on the city, which seemed a shopper's paradise. French per- the eind of a few weeks My sciatica had lived near Enfield and was Kmathleen Parr; four sisters, MissC the waves in this lovely Caribbean to draw enemies içresistibly that fumes seling lu New York for $36 hadl gone. Now I atways begin the more engaged with her fanily Mary Parr, Mrs. D. C. Martin, M rs.A Sea today are big. blue as deep del-Ba Grande was fitled lu and is aul ounce may be bo#ght for quarter day with a Dincb of Kruschen i The fuenral serviceatended FnyLsy and Mrs. Nettie M. pinium and crested with white. The now the fashionable suberb where and less that price. Chinese silks lu glass of water. I live a strenuous by many friends, *as held at McLeod of Grand Rapids, and two 91 sbip cuts through them with a slight the Americans and Canadians in the the Bombay stores. where East in- life. being ioe four years ago Burketon Church on Wednesday, brothers. David and John Parr of b: rock and roll motion which we only ail business live; and where iunue dian clerks with black eyes wait on and haviniz a son to keep. I run arc 9 e. itnS erso etot fidehlraig tak odes o t oel oss vewr uet o.are somethiug to dream about, boarding-house, rise at 6 a.m., and of Toronto conducted, assisted by ri while it is making a few people a for luncheon. But more af that tater. but which Yeu must dicker for, yet retire at Il p.m. I amn 52, but every- Raw ut the decevaed. rtherp- S ho l en r litiepalt he ayis o ran tat There are at teast two reasons why casually, as if yoil didn't really care onue says I look 32-thanks to Krus- bearers were Messrs. Leslie Coch- " mtiakes concentration difficult, but Cartagena xas destroyed again aud at ait whethier you bought that beau- chen Salts.'-(Mrs.) F.ReR. rane, Lloyd Cochrane, Ivan Coch- S&IN making an effort, I remember that again and these are, that Cartagena tifuilv embroidered jacket or those The severe' pain which is char- rane, Clive Abbot, Acy Abbot andt ages ago, that is Fiday mnorniung, atong with Mexico and Lima, was gorgeous silk pyj.amas. One mutt acteristic of sciatica is often due te Howard Abbot. T. h e f 10o w e r OIAt Marc 17.we dcke at artaenathe seat of the Inquisition iu the keep remniuding oneself, "Wilt I ueedte-pointed uric acid crystals in bearers were Messrs. Milton Coch- Reotormdierer of1 at 9 a.m. New \Vorld which accounts for Sir hiave ail%, us for this when I get the sheath of the great sciatica rane, Walter Cochrane, Delbert S. S. No. 20, Darlington: Having a healthy desire for break- Frausic Drake's persistent attacks; home?' or the possibility is that onue nerve. Two of the ingredient saits Abbot, Lorne Knapp, Cyril Av- Gr. IX - Boyd Ayre, B; Velrna 2: ______________________ udalo ataen wsonce the itl buy lhall the merchaudise in a iu Kruschen dissolve uric acid crys- ery, Clarence Avery and Henry Balson, B; Frayn Johns, B; Char- a ____and________Cartagena______ lie Langmaid, *A; Albert Robin- i' richest citv lu the Americas or the store Iust because the prices are so tals. Other saîts in Kruschen beip Adams. sonB., W~est Inidies. Its very oId buildings idicutlousiow aue toepltos sle Besides hier grief-stricken hus- Gr. VIII - Lloyd Ayre B; Annie1 (the city w~as louundcd in 1585) and I-owever. to proceed witb our crystals through the naturat chan- band and two smaîl children left Potter A.T incredibtv lnarraw streets with bal- Panama shore trip - we took the nels. to mourn hier loss, she is survived Gr. VII - Helen Langmnaid A; jý conicd bouses iii the Spanish mnanner, train frntedokand-chugge by hier mother; four sisters, Misses Kenneth McEwen C; Evelyn Par- ri give anc a hint ai by-gouc gîsmor. our wvav to the first set ai bocks Margaret and Jean Abbot, Elsie rinder B.e 3 34 More thritling sitl - nid Cartagena (threc iu number) known as Gatuui, O itQre (Mrs. Davidson) of Oshawa, Oris Gr. VI - Roy Dewell B. On uavnIed 1ust is a waltcd city, therefore Europesn wtici lift ships ighty-five feet taeMs ob fBleae n ie Gr. V - Dorothy Hardy B; Anna0 C.dtifkat.s sud aucient lu stmnosplbcre and re- the tevet of the Gatun Lake, man- brothers, Clive uf Oshawa, Ted Johns B; Jimmie Potter B; Ruthp ______mindig onue uhat the danger imust made and 164 square miles iu exteut. Mrs. Somerville Moffatt and Thomas of Sudbury, Delbert Reynolds B. f have been vcry great ta buitd a wa The overfltw f rom this lake pro- of Ottawa, and Howard of Burke- Gr. IV - Clifford Miller B; Glen A legal investment fot f nrtv leet thick. The goats live uin- vides power ta operate the lock Atter a long illness Sarah Anu ton. Her father, Mr. J. Abbot, Wiliams B. Trut Funds disturbed ou top ni it nnw. machinerv as wetl as for the sur- Kelly, wife of the late Somervile predeceased her several years ago. Gr. III - Alan McEwen B; John We were met at the boat by mv rounding country. The water is Moffatt, passed away in Whitby Interment took place at Hamp- Parker C; Rae Pascoe A; Arte Unconditionally Gueranterd cousin Margaret McGregor aud a lresli, led by the Chagers River and on Friday last. She was born near tnCmtr.Ryod ;Rnl alrA ________ rindnibes hnba bennie heleetisket ontat y mleNewcastle eighty years ago and_____ Gr. Hl - Anna Ferjo B; Grant lursi Cartagena and speaks Spa- and a hiall long dam. We saw a liuer has spent all hier life in this dis- Williams A. yca r gn eth oent te9ing ulrnugh these locks at Gatun. trict. She is survived by three Mrs. Samuel Jeffrey, Blaekstock Gr. I - Julia Ferjo B; Jean Rey- w TH£nntent h oznt h daughters, Mrs. Walter Barrett, nolds A. T ttaxi-drivers nr anynne cisc. Alter The ships do not pass through under Hilton, N.Y., Mrs. William Sharpe: Mrs. Samuel Jeffrey, one of, Walter W. Blackburn, teacher. S TERLINO TRUSTS visiting mv cnusi's house and sec- their nwn vower, but are towed by Welland, Nellie, at home. There Blackstock's well known and CORPORATION ing on the road much ta aur excite- lcctric loccmotives wlhich run ou are aiso two sons, Peter of North highly respected citizens, passed nient, a twoansd a hall foot iguana trscks along the inck wails. Oshawa and Stanley ut Burketon. away on Sunday, February 26, Canadians Lead The STERLING TOW(tizard ta ou), aur car climbed up Froin Gatun we tank the train The funeral was conducted 1939. In taillng health for the Wo dAsG et t STMM TOWR TOONTO ta the ruiins oi a fort catted San again ta Gambas where we chauged Monday from the Luke Burial past few years she fell an easy Terld Asneaes Fetippe. There wve et through the aur mode ai travel ta a Goverumeut Company by Rev. W. Harold Reid prey to pneumnonia. e phn Takr dungeons. whicli gave me s creepY boat sud passed through the mnst of Knox Presbyterian Church and In 1863 the deceased was born. feeling. Dowu crumbliug stcps sud impressive part ni the canal, the intermeut took place in the Union on the "Proutt Homestead" in Canadians continue to lead the througlh passages carved out ai the Culebra or Gaillard Cut which is Cemetery. Cartwright Township, Mary, a world as the greatest telephone rock iu the sixtceutti century and sa ten miles long sud xvas blasted aut daughter of the late John Proutt taîkers but have yielded second dinitv lit hat I had notrouble lu oi sheer rock. The rocky sîdes tow- Mrs. John B. Barr, Brampton 1and Ne ancy S it. On Sept. 15,tplace th ew Zmelanointehest imiagining the prisouers chaiued lu Ped above us as a lecturer reed186sewauitdnmrige erotenmbrttelephne agauiziug positions ini the littte off a staggeriug amnunt afinîfor- Mter an iîîness ut nearîy two to Samuel Jeffrey and their whule per 100 of population, according & ~niches which wc psssed. The Spauisli mation regardiug the catiat. Here is years, Mrs. John B. Barr passed married lite was spent in the vil- to the most recent figures on wec past masters lu the art nf tor- somne which yau may fiud interest- away at her home in Brampton, age herbiesr. meenhatabot aord-w sge teepun eeeop- turc. No lighit, n air, n roonita ing: wliin Balboa reached the Paci- April 5th. Born in Argylshire, sdsu uies etaduaejs eesdb stand up straiglit, oue's arma chain- lic lu 1513. he couceived the idesai Scotland, 65 years ago, she was Todnhe at rs.ndJefire asachitaitiazepatennth cd above onues head, just darkness s canaL but the Spauish said it wass ormerly Miss Sara Macpherson, good nebreand aine citien, beneath the earth sud the prospect impossible sud let it go. For long a daughter uf Aflan Macpherson',lasitrse n ayhn nf a spccisi torture chamber ahead. vears gnld aud silver was hauied who was a schoolmaster at Kil- that pertamned te the welfare ut One ni the passages is believed ta acrass the Isthmus by the Gold Road chuan. Comning tu Canada, she the church and cummunity. She lea taa curc luthecit, bt i whch au hrngh teaiugswapslived at Tyrone and Elmbank be- was a lite long and taithful mem- CHILDRi2N of ail agea has ilot becu possible to get coul- where malaria, yeilow lever sud frmaineprsiec n rm-ber of St unsAgi a huh fIL66 CROW itlkhruh nn nkows. bbnepau a apn. A ton nine years ago. She was au activeme eru svais thr O , SYU p. I a la ugset nut ontoe sun- iCagu the raauintds Aere ember uf Christ Church. organîzations, and an efficient sec- BRN)1 nRIY P 1w sd ro mt no h sn-Crtgea the gnd Tyron wee e ndesAlir an and Jac in o! rtay fthe CrW.ihtA g ric ulturC H They nevetire of Ite deici- lighu again and sec the beautiful view reshipped and sent hopefuily ou uhei rvedes he hsbon,Toshe inur- ear o! he W.A. foad re umbr onu s fvoi Sud lit realyU 18go8 ofthe city adharbor fomthe nId w unteSpain. TeCaliiornia vived by hre, sola n hoaskin Oute CartSewasiahlady ietr godfrthem-m ive the. sentry look-out. The nid days nîay rush first brnught a Panama Canal Brampton; also a brother and a Society.C H childreft ..OROWN BRAND" have been glamnorous, but they were un the minds ni Americaus sud was sister, John E. Macpberson, Cedar The funeral service was held semy day'. lusufut sud cruel. We returned tn the cause oi a rsilway being built avenue, Turonto, aud Mrs. Mary frum the Anglican Church on Lmd4CP 9 e the present sud drove out into that froni Atlantic ta Psciiic. Shortiy T. Stewart, New York City. A Tuesday, February 28th, conduct- »Uc Llavelv suberb I mentioued, Baca after , the French cugineer De sou, Roy Barr, died on Marc]4,27., ed by ber rector, Rev. E. S. Wood,fo CORiN SYRVP a moet ath- Grande, along s iovciv wide street Lesseps wvho hadl juat compieted the two years agu, the Saturday ater assisted by Rev. H. Bell, pastor f a c t o r y c a r b o h y d r a t e O u e w t t e b u o e n o o e s d , n u z a a . f o m d au tp n e o d F i d y f t h e U n i t e d C h u r c b . ou te bilda cnalat anaa.iutfisnteeuneand neamilI modfir In he ta uiinds lese i a ie, n e d ezcanal rmePsanam pa nyuta GooTheFuria.took place ou Sat- Rematus were laid to rest in St. " i hts SU u energy produclug food suatcly paînis thrnugh wiich the ides was merely ta dig a huge ses- urday afternuon from Christ John's Cemetery. for 1rowng hilden.other ide. Beiund the painis were level ditch f rom onue side te the Churcb ta Brampton cemetery. PsUl bearers were Messrs. Ray geuitlhmswt ardeus where other. Luckiiy for the wvorld, he was and Frank Malcolm, Ivan Proutt, THE FAMOUS grew bougainvilîca, hibiscus and prevented ironi succecdiug by the George Moore, Enfteld Harold Nesbitt, John sud Thos. ENRYmsny other itnwers unknown ta us. sickucss sud dcath of his laborers Smith. 1FOODWe had lunch lunue ni uhese lovely (the inumber reached war casuaity Oue of North Darlingtun's high- Beautiful floral offeriugs wbich çOD * 4~houses, as the guests ai a iriend ni proportions). I ssv iuckiiy, because ly respected farmers passed away testified to the love sud esteemn My cousins. Talk about Southern the tides of the Atlantic at the Isth- Friday, March 24th, in the person in which the deceased was held, hospitality! Froni aur experiences on mus varv only a foot, wtîile those o! George Moore. He suffered a were carried by Messrs. Chas. the cruise, we wouid sas' that lu must ni the Paciic risc sud fait twelve stroke ou March 23rd from which Smith, Harvey Malcolm, Leonard Sbegin south ai the Mason sud Dixon feet, nnue knows wby. Que eau be neyer rallied. He was born in Joblin sud N. S. McNally.......... hune sud grnw lu proportion untit onlv imagine what would have hap- Reach Township, June 24, 1865. She leaves tu mouru ber pass- S u8 he Equatnr is reacbed. The bouses peiqed. Forty-eight years agu be married ing ber sorrowing husbaud, four CAMDA TAM are spaciaus, high-ceitinged sud cool, At anv rate, the United States Maria Bray of Raglan who is lef sisters sud twu brothers, Mrs. J. Ï ï g~compANYIui with tited flbars. The ever preserit aiter trying te make a deal with the to mouru bis loss. Tu this union R. McLaughliu, Blackstock, Mrs. _______________________________________________Republic ni Colombia. iinally closed six children were buru - John e.Nsit Toronto, Mrs. Jas. wit th ue Paama Repbliasd Claytou at home, James ot Malcolmu, Prt Perry, Mrs. Rubt. wihthbe en w an Panama.bi Columbus, Ivasun of Oshawa, sud Bartun, Vancouver. She was pre- For 10billioendollars.of anama-une daughter (Luella) Mrs. Roy deceased by three sisters sud une nFaorentaili of $250.000an anhe Webber, Bowmanville. Que son brother, Emmea, Jennie, Florence, nua rnti f 25,00 heUnited Edgar paid the supreme sacrifine udGore States ieased in perpetuity a strip lu the Great War. Two brothers The deep sympathy o! the comn- f ive miles either ide ai the canal, sud une sister alsu survive, Dr.mutyiexuddtthsorw *%still ta be dug, sud ta be kuown, as James Moore o! Bruuklin, Allen igrltossdfius p-the Panama Canal Zone. The wortd o! Shirley, and Mrs. Alexanider ___ ~usaid the project was impossible, but Stern (Maude) ut New York. in ten years at s coat ai $366 million He was sa oduibbrsd J J ar thlgan the canal. 44 miles lu lengtb, witb kind friend. He neyer sought ub leustctyl fu isWe are residencee suds ai- i three sets ai ocks, was completed. public life but took well ta the W r netdt isNii The main reasan for success was the interests ut bis uwu home snd Taylor, Nestletan. for the fottowing drive againat disease before construc- fsmily from whére be is sadly abituary ciipped f ram the Dearboru n itinu ever began. Panama City is naw missed. paper ai J. J. Par whose parents fro. hs ait rsidnc, ad l- asalso a uepbew ai the late, c Leaviug uthe Gaverumeut boatu, ve thuugb the ruads were uearly hin-ExRev n ar-4,1 W<S*~ Q m k ng:re taken ta the Hotet Tivoli in passable, a large crowd assembled Jameso« IV e re Acon. subrhon Panama Cte psy thejir last respects toa ngt Township: 1 'W e re m kingFriends f rom aIt walka oi 111e, for a deiciaus lunch. Then we tour- esteemned frieud. Palîbearers were made lu a tifetime ai iriendiiuesa ed he citv where we saw the mast frhsflo-aipi ia r-Y S e r T Tbeautiful bouses yau cauid imagine:fobis felow-au, pooa fneal sri-i r E R.S O ± A..L L L0 A. N Scanal, ,pale green sud yeilow with servic14bue suday aoserhn. aan au f unrat>,-* red tule roof ssud griited doars adsu sgh d I L uca LIOD eriesfoWNspbJ'PrZesen- windws.and urruntd bybeati-dant of pianeer settlers in aid Dean- winows su surQutedbv ea And baru sud a liielong resident of the ai tue battet placesAlu hextrapucsfarty per cent u ndfnoefatfe er of thehottet plaes imereîcanscswear glasses grouud Dearboandfrters e er we hd no sufere duing he dy Aericns Ptos.bad resided au 22374 Garnison ave- sud now a lovcby cool breczce blew t eiv y tansm -ne ewsenl3e yteCt OZouh hepaCY. bauiflThe symptums are caused hblà ofue He w.as aniple by the Ctyrc ut truhtepln. A batflever, rut by pur struggle f ao eabr. sabllrispca .utc ýîýýýAt)S (.ýeGET SELINGnighit. We were imnmeusely content. knowledge sud puýwer, but by lu wbicb capacity be aiso served the And s0. on ta Havana. But w'e those afflictions to wbich ail tlesh Michigan Inspection Bureau sud the (1 AS TTT B C Ohave twa gloioius days ni cnuisung seemas heir. Employers Liability Insurance Can- in the Caribbean before we reacb Jungle eyes apparently need poratian. Cuba. glasses for the same reasons that For years be had traveiled tbru- eg £: Elsie Carruthens. ours do." out the state, iuspectiug boliers sud Very Finest Quality TUA- American Telephone sund Tele- phone dev graph Company. These figures Dominions therecrd u anury 51other over bring tercr oJnaylt Canada ge 938. advantage, For some years Canada bas reports 11.1 ranked first in the number uf dred o! puj early conversations per capta Canada's Il and witb 236.0 for 1937 compar- is well to tl ed with 222.4 ut the yer prevuUs listed smoi bhis lead in talkiug by telephone tries are to is well maintained. Ca nads's 11.75, Der nearest contender for tis bonour Switzerlanc is the United States wich reports erage figur 220.2 conversatians for the aver- whicb med age man, woman, sud cbild dur- quite twu ing the year. Next iu order camne buudred p( Denmark witb 182.13, Swedeu witb nt is ine: 70.5, sud Norway with 101.1. cotn t Te peuple ut Great Britain (sud 21o050n000 Northern Ireland) apparently do b1,!5the0i nt use the telephane to the same sud theatn extent as the peuple in North witb over A.merica for the former bave, su more than one year anly 46.4 conversations Russia, Ch per capita but even then it is su! - in wbicb ficient tu lead Germany, wichaprx witb 40.1 is rsuked far down thbe awporî'sP list. olsp: New Zealand as aI 1551 wrest-- ed rom Canada the coveted posi- tion o! being second tu tbe United Lave for IStes in point a! view ut telle- the creatui bave vied with eacb a long period with ?nerally holding a sligbî but uow New Zealand 97 telephoues per bun- )pulation compared with 1.90. The United States the fore With 15.09 wbile Drig the first five coun- o be found Sweden with Lmark with 11.25 sud id with 10.26. The av- ne for tbe world is 1.79 dicates there are nul )telephones for. every people in the world. eresling tu note thal the o! North America with telephones bas over nstruments in tbe world, the City ut New York 1,623,000 telephunes bas n the combined total ut !ns, sud British India countries can be fouud imately une-halit the opulation. )r God inceludes love for ares be bas made. Quck Relief jf fl$ çO~ 51v Juat L a f eÉdop.. end you breathe eas!Iy aga ini Va-tro-nol clears cloggiug fnms, reducesswollefl mem- branes - brings wel- caine relief. 1%w- Used ln Tisse, He1Pe Prevent Many Colde EVROLET w- priced car combininf lest at Lowest Cost" B UY A CHEVROL T! ROY NICHOLS Bowmanville 1i * i i .1 -'t <v i I ~ i 0" ltàw»m- -,, - t' 1 Il- -

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