Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1939, p. 11

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_____ ORONO NEsWS The King's Grandfather "Shoots" the Chaudiere Having fulfilled an important purpose of his visit to Canada in 1860 - the cornerstone of the new House of Parliament in Ottawa "ýwell and truly lad"-H.R.H. Albert Edward, first Prince of Wales to visit Canada, turned to lighter things. Fêtes, en- tertainments and receptions were climaxed with a descent of the Chaudiere Falls on the Ottawa River. The Royal party, some tment1 people, embarked tapon a cri b, part of a large rumber raft, which floated down slides or inclined planes adjoining the Falls to the smooth water below. The whole slide was divided into sections, some much steeper than others, by "floating aprons" of timber to break the speed. The trip was found "very exciting". -j . The year 1847, thirteen years prior to this historic visit, witnessed the birth of the Canada Life, the first Canadian life insurance company. In 92 years of progress, the Company has grown to be one of the ongest of co-operative organizations, snd now distnîbutes an average of approximately five hundred thousand dollars each week to those it serves. The Gnadia i4e Canada's Oldest Lite surance Company Miss A. Thornton, sud Mr. James Esglesou celebrated their birth- days together at dinner parties at the homes of Mrs. R. Moon and Mrs. J. Eagleson. Mrs. Herb. Ruudle, Bowman- ville, Mr. sud Mrs. George Arm- our sud daugliters Nellie and Bertha, Hampton, Mrs. Delbert Flintof sund sons Doniald aud Glen, and Mr. Clifford Johns, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. GOOD FRIDAY US CELEBRATED BY PARK ST. CHURCH Easter music, an appropriate sermon, and beautiful hydranges and Easter hules flanking the al- tar, brouglit the Easter message to a good-sized congregation at Park St. Churdli when a special Good Friday service was held at 1l o'clock. The minister chose as text, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," and preached on the trial and cruci- fixion of Christ. The choir rendered the suthem "I Arn the Resurrection," and Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smithi render- ed that beautiful and heart-stir- ring duet "Alone" in fine voice. An off ering wss taken which will be given to the cause of the refugees. Throughout the service a uiet- ness prevaied that could alrnost ho foît, and the sweet perfume from the flowers poured forth the incense s0 appropriate for a ser- vice sudh as this, where the sad- ness of the crucifixion is the thought prevaiing Wedding Henderson-Ransberry Tue marriage took place Satur- day, April 8th, at St. Paul's Par- sonage, Bowmuville, of Mae Ransberry, third daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. James Rsusberry of Orono, to Keith Henderson, Sud- bury, son o! Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson of Orono. Rev. W. F. Banister officiated. The bride looked charming in a suez colored frock with acces- sories to match. Witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Ern Lunn of Bow- manville, aSiter and brother-mn- law of the groom. Followîng the ceremony a wed- ding supper and reception attend- ed by about 25 was held at the home of the bride's parents. Tue hiappy couple lef t for Oshiawa that night sud the next day be- gan the journey to Sudbury where tliey will make their home. Prior to their marriage the bride was the recipient of many useful and beautiful gifts. The best wishes of their many friends liere go with them to their uew home. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS County News From The Orono News of May 7, 1914 Four issues of the papers being lost, and thus interfering wîth the feature "The Dim and Distant Past," county uews from other issues is being substituted for the month.-E.R. Darliugtou council wiil psy $5.00 reward to auy person de- stroying a dog which is found in the act of worryiug or killing sheep. Congratulations to R. Gillies on passing his examination in French at Queen's University, Kingston. -Port Hope Guide. Cobourg lias appointed su ad- vertising firm Industrial com- missioners, who are to receive a commission based on tee aunual psy roll of any industry tliey lo- cate there. Mr. George Preston of Ennis- killen had an unexpected Easter guest. Tue door lad been left open for a member of tee family who expected to be home late, and wlien lie arrived lie found a strsuge man in lis bed who would give no account of himself. From the interest shown at the football meeting at Hampton Fni- day night teere is sure to be a good season of football. Already four teams have entered - Tyrone, Soins, Enniskullen sud Bowmsu- ville - sud we uuderstand Taun- ton will also be represented. 0f- ficers: Hon. Pros. - C. H. Auder - son; Hon. Vice Pros. - Chas. Stain- ton; Pros. - Dr. C. W. Slemon; lst Vice Pros. - Herb. Scott; 2nd Vice - John Baker; Sec. Treas. - R. W. eatlisreoedantero Scout Investiture Unique Event EASTERVISUTORS Miss Dors Graham witli Mrs. Eight Boys Take Solemn Promiïse Mr. A. G F. MDnl iie Bownnanville Scouts and Lea- USCOTTY" WINTER Archie Watson with Mr. sud der Oonduct Oeremony On PASSED AWAY Mrs. A. Watson. Thuray Nght-ChaterMisses Tourjee, Toronto, wlte ThrsayntegTo-Crter UN TENTH YEAR Mrs. McPlierson. PresntedTo ~oopMiss Ethel Stark with Mr. sud Il is with sad heart that today Mrs. W. J. Stark. For the first time in the history we pen the words which will Mr. H. Cobbledick with Mr. sud of Orono a Scout investiture was notify the public that a citizen o! Mrs. W. S. Cobbledick. lield on Thursday night, sud tels ton Years' standing lias passed Ms nrsadLmeta unique sud impressive ceremony away. He will be missed sadly- Mr. and rs sudH Limbert at will long romain in the memories especially by the young people of r u Ms .H.Bons o! tlie parents of the Scouts sud tee community.' Miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, a few ivited guests who witness- No longer will lis patient eyes with Mr. sud Mrs. C. Lowden. ed il. shine as a citizen greeted him Mr. Wilfred Sherwin, Veterin- Among those present beside the wite kind word sud geutle pst. ary College, Guelphi, at home.. Oronoites were: Messrs. Raîpli N ogrwl l uhjyul Helen Wilson sud Nancy Jamie- Stutt, Josephi O'Neill, Scoutmas- N ogrwl i uhjyul ter Cliff C. MacNair and ten forth to welcome lis family sud son with Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Scouts from Bowmsuville. a great mauy particular frieuds. Mr. Jack Cobbledick, Toronto, Following a few stunts led by No longer will tee calling of with Mr. sud Mrs. N. Cobbledick. John Grady, the Orono scouts "Scotty" briug hlm forward, to Mr. sud Mrs. Harold Seymour were cslled to order, gave the leap joyfully about, waggiug lis with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour. customary salute to the flsg, sud tail. Mr. John Millson, B.Sc., Well- fees and roll caîl were attended to. No! Scotty is gone sud his mas- aud, with'Mr. sud Mrs. H. Mill- Rev. S. Littlewood was called ton "Scotty" Gordon Winter, who sou. ou to present the charter to Mr. lias just completed a successful Mr. sud Mrs. H. Galbraithi sud J. J. Mellor. In lis short speech year as co-manager o! the rink Marjorie at Mrs. Thos. Patter- Mr. Littlewood congratulated tee with Ross Wood, mourus the loss son'ls. leaders sud expressed lis pleas- of! Ms devoted dog, as also do all Miss Viola Gilfillan, Kincardine, une at beiug sssociated with the theeSouth ward citizens who con- with lier brother, Mr. J. J. Gil- Scout movément. Mr. Meilor re- sidered him s friend. fillsu. plied briefly, teanking Mr. G. M. Lînton for liaving the chanter Robert sud John Keane, To- framed and expressing lis sud ronto, witli Mr. sud Mrs. A. H. the Scouts' determination to live Local Bird Batters Kesue. up to Scout laws. Ho sîso paid Entertain Miîîbrook Stan Bruton, Toronto, sud Ce- tribute t0 teose behind the move-____ cil Bruton, Mldlaud, with Mns. ment, which was heartily eudors- Bruton. ed by the boys. (edoe rmls ek isRt oanrei Mn. C. MacNair, Scoutimas ter of (e- ve fotrstaek issing t oan, nur hse in the Bowmauville Troop, couduct- Onono Badminton Club enter-tangaiomavleisia, ed tee Investiture. tained Milbrook Badminton Club at liome. Tuis ceremony wss conducted Moudsy, April 3rd, about fifteen Mr. sud Mrs. Syd Huglison sud amidst almost absolute quiet sud coming from the neighboriug vil- Gien, Toronto, with Mr. C. J. the boys' voices rang oui as teey lage. Huglison. took their oath 10 do their duty to Followîng the games, lu whicli Misses Margaret Dickson sud thoîr King sud Country, 10 elpMllibrook provod to bo winners, Marlon Diclison with Mr. sud Mrs. ail people at ail times, andiieo sandwiches, coffee sud cake were Jas. Dickson. obey the Scout laws. Eaci o! served, with Misses Betty Rowe Mr. sud Mrs. Artliur Smith, eiglit Bowmauvibbe boys adopted sud Mary Tamblyn acting as liost- Markham, with Mr. sud Mns. one o! the eght Orono boys sud esses, sud Mrs. J. C. Gamey pour- Rowland Smithi. oachinl turu, assisted by the Or- mng coffee. Tue tables were decor- ono Scoutmaster J. J. Mellor, ated beautifully, tle color sclieme Miss EtIel Davidson sud Mn. plsced various parts o! tee Scout being green sud yeîîow. Will Davldsou, Marklism, with costume on the boy alter ho hsd Only one thing marred tee Mr. sud Mrs. W. J. Stark. taken tle vow. Tue boys iuvested pleasure of the evening, uamely Mr. Vernon Saundens sud Miss wero: Ronald Patterson, Donald Mns. O. W. Roîpli fl sud hurt Helen Orr, Toronto, visited with Staples, LeRoy Myles, Jini Lin- lier wrist, preventiug her piaying Mr. sud Mrs. A. Saundens. ton, Edwin Manning, Franklin for thee emainder of tle eveniug. Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, Tamblyn, Roy Forrester Jr., Msu- ____an_____ sd Mr. Jim Gilfillan witli their loy Littlewood. parents, Mr. sud Mrs. J. J. Gil- Following tee final saluting o! EASTER SERVICES UN fillan. the uew Scouts, Mr. MscNair ssid Mr. H. Davy, Mr. sud Mrs. Ken- a few words, congratulaîing tle ORONO CHURCHES note Fralick sud Ruby, sud Mr. Scouts sud Scout Leader. Mn. W. H. Dunu, ailuo! Toronto, at Mellor repled, exprossiug lis Sp- Tue fragrance o! Easter Mies, Miss M. Davy's sud Mrs. L. Fra- preciation o! the Bowmanville inspiing Easter music lu hymus ick's. troop comi ng down 10 conduct tle sud snthems, sud the telliug o! ceremouy. tee glsd story o! île Resurrection, N The closiug (salute, silence sud foatured dhurcI service lere Sun- PIONEER RESIDENT National Anthem), followed by day. games conducted by Mr. MacNair, Iu Park St. Church at tle moru- PASSED AWAY IN brouglit an unforgettable evening inig service, Rev. S. Littlewood WINNIPEG, MAN. 10 a close. A lovely lunch o! close-.as topic "Tue Easser Mes-____ sandwiches, tants sud coffoe was.sage," lis text being "Because I <FmTu Reodr seredhi hescoolluchroom lîve, ye shall live aiso." A full Boissevain, Man.) to aIl preseut by tee Scouts. choir rendered three antlems, "The Saviour L i v e s A g a i n"' lu tle passiug o! Alexander Mc- "Christ Is Risen" sud "Why Woep- Neil on Saturday, April 1, a te ORONO COUNCIL est Thou?", wite Mrs. A.A. Victoria Hospital, Winnipeg, the Drummônd as soîoist intelt ranks o! the pioneers o! tels dis- Council moi Tuesday, April 4, ter antheem. trict wero furîher deploted. Mr. with ail prosout. At tee evening service tle min- McNeil was boru at Orono, Dur- Iu answer 10 a comimunication ister chose as topic "Overcoming hiam County, Ont., in Jsuuary from tle Reg. Gen. s resolution the world." The choir reudered 1859 sud at the lime of lis de- was passed eudorsing tee clerk as two sutems, "Alleluis! The Strife mise was 80 years sud 2 montes issuer of manrage licenses. Is O'erl" sud "Christ Is Risen," old. Council as a whoie plban to look witli Miss K. Stark takiug the solo At the age o! 21, whicl was in over several proposed parcels o! part in tee latter anthem. tee spring o! 1880, lie came 10 land for purpose o! reforestation. Mr. Neil F. Porter favored with Manitoba sud located in tee Was- The pool table by-law was sigu- s vocal solo "Were You There?" sewa district. Iu 1882 ho marriod ed, sealed sud numbered. Bote services were largely ai- Jsne Cowan, also o! Orono. Mns. M. H. Staples sud G. M. Lintou teuded. McNeil predeceased lier husbaud addressed tee counicil ou behauf o! in 1894. Of tee marriage four tee Boy Scouts sud a grant o! At an aflemnoon service at St. chiîdren were boru: Herbert, who $5.00 was made. Saviour's Anglican Church Rev. diodi 1900, Alan passed awsy The followiug mou appeared D. R. Dewdney preaclied an ap- in 1905, Gien of Wassewa, and before the counicil nepneseuîing propniate.sermon sud administer- Charles o! Winnipeg, aloug wite their flnms on behalf o! a rosd ed sacrament aitee close o! the four grandchildron. One brother, maitainer: Mn. Horuing o! Road service. Thomas of Orono, sud two sisters, Grader sud Machinery Co.; Mrn. A unique ovont was tle giving Mrs. John Staplelon o! Newcastle, A. Noarlie o! the Alice Chaumons o! the mite boxes by tle chibdreu sud Mrs. J. Hallowell o! Orono, Co.; T. Turnbull sud S. Sandoîl o! following tee telling o! tle Esir survive. tee Adams Mschiery Co.; Mn. story by tee rector. This procoded For tee past several months Mn. Dunkloy o! tee Dominion Road ithe regulsr cdurci service sud McNeil did not eujoy the best of Machiuory Co.; Mn. T. Turmmondlfollowed tle regular session O! bealte. About a month ago le was o! tee Leunox Equipmeut Co. ne- the Sunday Sclioob, tle chldren a patient in Victoria hospital, suf- preseuting Sawyer & Massey Co. msrchig in from the classroomn ferng !nom kidney complaint; Mr. Press of tee Blythe Construc- for tle evout. altor ten days' treatmeut le wss tion Co. addressed tee counicil re- discharged, but on the Tuesday gsrding bridge repairs. befone is demnise lie lad 10 ne- The fobowing bills were pasa- PICTURE ATTRACTS turu 10 tle hospital for a recur- ed: O ronce o! tee trouble sud his weak- Roîpli Hdwe ----------------$ 42.98 MUCH ATTENTIO eNoed condition was 100 mudli 10 Patterson's - relief ---------- 34.75 kta ovencome. Wsnusn's, Kirby, relie! -- 2.001 We saw s picture this week M. lIaiason f h ms Mrs. Clydesdsbe, relief -----12.01, brouglit back sweet memonies o!f Mn. cNsflfreil sofne dlistt R. Wood, labor sud ,achool ile - namely a pictune of succeaful 4 eso farmteistrict, caretaker ------------------- 12.75 tle O.C.S. wite a big banner sable re24ieHcar ffnm i wa 'Orono Weekly Timfes ---- 10 50 "Welcome" across its doors. aab nd1 rtire. Ho came 10Boiase Smith & Porter, insuranîce 12:00 This was taken in 1915 wiien ve a sd tok up esdetncesu Deau's Bakery, relie! --- -- 5.04 the school wsdedicated !ollow- ton years er ovned t10 Winni- C. B. Tyreil, office supplies 3.45 ing ils building, the ceremnouy o e Whler ecnt oueth e asie. Ms ana,R vs F----- 40.00 iug oneo h most impressîve district lie served s termn or two W. J. Riddell, bulbs and largely altended ever held inou lhe council sud for a number for hall ------------ -------- --3.60 Orono.!o erwaascoluteeH Conp. Town Bowmanville- 5.72 We wish space would permitao!'s was a e clroo DruteedgH relief J. Bird) synopsis o! whst occurredat tee:AsF &A. Mmbeo! Dronc Ldge J. J. Mellor - gsthenlng but fate wiîîstErwîse -A. -F.4& A.41M . ope!rmd e -I Clare U ion absence of Mrs. C. RobnsonIlt L quilting at the next meeting, and 14r. Colin Colville is a delegate to change day of meeting to the 1to the O.E.A. Convention at To- second Tuesday of the month. ronto, also Mr. Kenneth Hill and Miss Laing, Pres., urged the of- Miss Dorothy Scott for the Home ficers to attend a special meeting & School. for officers in Oshawa, April 20. Mr. Sandy Watson is on the Program was i charge of Mrs. sick îist. Willis Jones: Mrs. J. T. Pearce gave the Easter scripture reading; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power Miss Laing read the devotional and daughter spent Sunday with leaflet; Mrs. Redknapp sang a her mother at Starkville. solo very sweetly; Mrs. E. L. Beech Mr. Oswald Sandercock is busy gave a talk on Easter Custorns. sawing wood for the farmers Of Recent Visitors: the section. Miss Isabel Bruce, Toronto, at Miss Marion Rickaby, Toronto, home. spent Easter with her cousins, Mrs.Hary BaleyandE 'le Misses Annie Nesbitt and Alle Msoc. HryBie n le Nesbitt, Toronto, with Mr. and Mr. Arche Watson, Kingston, Mss Arey eBurey PrtHo spent Easter with his parents, Mr. hMsAe. uly Pr oe and rs. iex atso. . Miss Stella Checkley, Hamil- Mr. Fred Graham, Orono, 15. en- ton with hier aunt, Mrs. Wm. gaged witli Mr. H. J. Souch for Milhîgan. Mr. Evmeret an.oo~ Mrs. F. I. Moore, Carl and Mr. vertt CinTorotoBlake, Castleton, with Mr. and spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. lM!is. Jas. Stark. Geo. Cain. Master Bud Jones and Miss Fae Prof essor Milton Staples Of Jones witli their grandparents, Mr. Guelph was in this section look- and Mrs. D. Merrili, Warkworth. ing up Jerseys. Mr. Staples lias a Miss Ruth Savery, Starkville, fine herd of Jerseys at his farm with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sav- at Orono. ery. Mrs. W. C. Lane with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Colborne.. Brown's lMr. Percy Hoskin in Trno _______Mrs. Gordon, Millbrook, with her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Mc- We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kay Wilkins (nee Annie Tkatch) to Miss Ethel Harnden, Por' Hope, our community. with Miss Mary Burley. Miss June Brown spent the- Mr. and Mrs. Lew Truscott and Easter weekend at home and vis- daughters, Toronto, with Mr. and iting hier sister, Mrs. Cecil Malley. Mrs, S. R. Jones. Visitors: Miss Doreen Burley, Newcastle, Miss Myrtle Clark with Mr. with Misses June and Pat Ware. and Mrs. F. Couch. Mr. F. Hawkins and two dau- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred .and ghters, Canton, with Mr. and Mrs. Hotson witli Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. A. Barrie. Les.. Alldred, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Geo. Stephenson and Bobbie, Napanee, and Mr. and Mrs. C. and Lloyd Stephenson attended Turner and Sammy, Newcastle, the hockey game in Toronto on with Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethick. Friday. Mrs. Leucliner and Roger, Nia- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huggins with gara, Mr. E. Symons and iiez, Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham. Morrish, with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Ray Brown and Fred Couch at- tended the hockey game in To- ronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woodlock Sak il and Douglas and Miss Audrey Brown visited Mrs. J. BroWn and Easter lias corne and gone, leav- Archie. ing us wîth quite a heavy fali of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson snow. and Betty and Peggy in Toronto. The f lu epidemic is very pre- Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and valent in this neighborhood, near- Sam wîth Mr. and Mrs. Brock ly every home in this community Pethick, Newtonviile. have cases. Little Ross Todd, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Todd, is recovering Kendal from his illness. ________On account of so much sickness Miss Marjorie Patton, Bow- there were very few out to Shilol manville, with hier parents, Mr. to enjoy the glad Easter message. and Mrs. Norman Patton. Mr. Elijah Bullied was taken to Mr. Leonard Buckler, Newcas- the liospital on Monday. He has tle, at Mr. and Mrs. John Patton's been quite iii at his sister's, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Woodyard, Jackson in Newtonville. Orono, with her mother, Mrs. E. Easter Visitors: Underwood. Miss Beulah Halloweil, Toronto, Miss Dorothy Swarbrick, To- with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Haiiowell. ronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Howard Farrow at Port Mrs. Jim Swarbrick. Hope with lis father, Mr. Robt. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid, Crook- Farrow. ed Creek, with Mrs. Wmn. Carscad- Mrs. Fox and fandiy, Toronto, den. at hier sister's, Mrs. G. Silver. Mrs. W. Elliott with Mrs. J.' Mr. Raymond Farrow, Peter- Tamblyn, Orono. boro, Miss Marion Farrow, To- There was a good attendance at ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Victor the Y. P. U. on Thursday even- Farrow. ing, with Arthur Thompson and Miss Tyler, Toronto, with Miss Leonard Falls in charge. Scrip- Norma Hallowell. ture was taken by Jenny Wright.- Master Gordon McKay, New- Rev. E. Beech's talk was interest- tonville, at Mrs. John McKay's. ing on the state of the éountries Mrs. Carlos Taniblyn, Orono, at i Europe. An iteresting reading lier motlier's, Mrs. I. Stark. was given by Wilma Carson, and Mr. Wilfred Walker, Toronto, Myrtie Falls favored with an in- with his aunt, Mrs. S. G. Halia- strumental. The topic was taken well. by Leonard Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- Mr. and Mrs. A. Mercer and clough, Wesleyville, at Mrs. John family, and Miss Mabel Wilson McKay's. and friend visited wîth Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Ballagli, NewtonviIie, Mrs. R. Wilson. is at hor daughter's, Mrs. Wmn. A. Mr. D. Little, Bowmanville, Hsllowell. Mrs. Ballagh is r.ot with his mother, Mrs. W. Little. feeling well. Miss Annie Wright, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trini at Mr. her mother, Mrs. O. Wright. and Mrs. Bert Trins. Mrs. E. Little, teacher at Marsh A car load of friends from Osh- school, is home for Esster holi- awa visited at Mr. and Mrs. M. days. 1Shutks's. There was a fine attendance at1 Mr. Wm. Savery visited his church Sunday. Rev. E. Beech dsughters in Oshawa. delivered an excellent Easter ser- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savery mon. The choir furnished special and fsmily, Newtonville, at Mrs. 1music. Wm. Savery's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newto ville Muldrew, at Elizabethvilll:. visited her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ira Thompson, Kendal, lias E. White, Elizabethv'llle. been wsiting on Mrs. Arnott wlio lias been ill. Mrs. Fred Burley, Newcastle, Thank-Off.rling T« has been nursingt Mrs. Robt. Bur-___ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN

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