Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1939, p. 10

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PAG E TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSAARL1,13 METROPOLITANoul RUES bour LIFE CONTINUES back PROGRESS IN 1838 twhh peoplt Haif a Billion Dolla= Paid "TI Policyholders for Seventh Reave SEVENTH IINSTALLMENT ced Brentwood where they lived be- do. 1 haven't got ten cents of my Sh fore hrfahr lost bis job. own." said Betty ruefully. OTTAWA, April 3rd.-Pamns rec Synopsis le"O.hlh.. yes. you have," iaughed Mar- tW Metropoitan Life -PoUyhulers it mip Whn h walh fstrpaens "Oh. l'Il straighten it a little. But .Irie. 'Look in your purse. 1 put and benefliciaries during 19M ex- hni of Mariorie Wetherill both die shie , wish you would go up with him some in there this aflernoon wbile ceddhl a billion dollars for the hangli f inds a letter telling that she has a this time. I hale to meet him look you were down at the store and it's seventh conffecutive year, accordingsik twin sister, that shka-dpe igti a.Iripdtesev for Christmas shopping and nothinj to the 72nd annual report of the whnbr w aej s oul d f- haîfoutof y. d e last igbelse." ngCompany released todaY. The report time," whe he ow paeig coidnt a- hlf ut f m drss ast. nghtalso shows that dlvidends paid to "Sui fordto upprt othof hemandwhen I stoopedf over to pick up "Do you think I would go Christ- ocylerduigteptynrhd Sunny. and I've just spilled seime mas shopoing with your money?"' amounted to, $103,947,384, and that a scout, that ber real îîame is Dorothy Gay. grease down the front of it. 'mn a asked Betty scornfully. StUR larger sum $118,042,8132 - cr Alone in the world, but withi a for- sight! And this is the only dress I "It's not my flloney," laughed bas been set asd o lvdnstat. tune of her own. she considers look- have. 1 couldn't Possibly gejiMaor,"t'yur.Igv itt payable in 193o. Nearîy one-haif of m i ing up ber own family whoin she washed out and ironed and on before you s0 we could have some fun. this amount, or $57,765,510, wrn hae has nlever seen. A rieighbor, Evan he cornes." You don't think it's .ADy fun. do yo pald to Industrial POIICYholders; He Brower, tries to argue her out of it "Oh, I can fix that," said Mar- to do ail the shopping myself, andà $57,452,174 will be paid on Ordiiiary voîce1 and tells ber hie loves lier and asks jorie smiling, "you'll wear one of not have anybodv else bie getting up Pollcs and $2,825.148 On Âcident wood ber to marry blimi. She promises ydess fcus. W'ejutsces too? Nw dntatta and Health policies. Included la the hiP think it over but decides first to see the same size. so it's sure to fit you. way." payable to IndustrIal Policyholders lars to ber familv. She goes to their ad- JLt's open my suitcase and rum- "And I used to thinkyo weei1991anim f9,0,0selI dress, finds that they are destitute. mage." efih1"sidBttsroul whIl139c b em of $9er,0th elord Her sister and brother resent her sefsl adBtysrofly . hhwIlll eaPPlied to furtbrtewdi beinR there, but ber mother and Betty's eyes lighted with sudden It was Sunday niorning while Coifpafly's program, In effect for Reaver fathr ar ver joyul oer i. F n b bu ler lips set in a thin tbey were getting breakfast tgte several years, 0 nraigte Te ally, wben she buys them aIl the line. that Mariorie asked quite casually: benefits under old Industrial Poli- tl i thigsthy ee te hoe*fail ."Indeed I couldn't deck myself out "Where do YOU go to, church? Is ciez. The 1939dlvidends, wbentalfi tbings ther aned the. wbol e lm in wnefu lte.Icolr' tfr rm ee"added to bonusesand dividends toward le raot tber app erance.pl eyc e a l- d a o r w n er u l t es o l n t f r fr m h r "PreV îOUSîY pald to Po licyholders, fui eyc herabot he ondrflpacecal ota Betty stopped stirring the pancake brlng the total up to $1,4U4MOI95 further _______________________ No ?" said Marjorie teasingly batter she was Prepariniz and stared Thse fact that the Metropoitn la a yet the "Suppose I deck you then? Corne at ber. mutual Company, operate solely for Peace Il m muon. let's see what I've got that will "Go to church ?" she laugbed. thse benefit of Its 29 mllion Dolicy- could b KI S O Rbe suitable." "We 'don't go. We* haven't since we holders, Io commented lapon in the a young She ashd ito he ron hal, lft renwoo. Fr oe treport which also shows that during G Sh dahedint th f pnthal, ift renwoo. Fr oe ting we the year 1M3 a total of more than brought back ber airplane baggage didnthv h lte og hr he-ureso ilo olr TIKLU F EL NGand opened ih right there in the od nthveethlte s td or go there thee-qarters 0f a llirsor dllar T FEELIN ~ ~~~~kitchen beforc the ravisbed eyes of thinakw1 ees WeAd re a othrwa aidoios-hler r de lier eautystarvd siser. ' cou ed sh ere aIlto otdis- ýo funde held for their beneft.t GO DBYE! Mbe r e y-trec sisteerthe na bu hrh epedn'tfe Pepl«is Many Suffer Low nîooi muslin packing bags that contained much interested in going to churcb Count-And Don't Know lit. frivolous evening things and pulled wben thev are having such a time (Ir The baffifag tbing about low blood oca - out two knitted dresses, simple ofaswvehl.I n'esytMie la that you oan welgh about as muoh as you line, loveiy of quaiity, and rich of a ev a.I s' ayt eiv The ever dd - ee look eallhy nd strong, yetcor.na God who lets people likeMac you eufe as Ifyo ail dI rour . Father n Mother suf fer as tbey legs, dopey. lied and Pae»a. "There 1" said Marj orie bappily, hv h r Low blood mont means yau baven't rot 'aeyu ik hn br' v done. I don't believe in a Ged .The....r. enough red blood coriiuscles. It in their via blue one here sômewbere, too. Yes. ctre l'O to err ie-sgilnt oxygen from yourmsef"uno uffl lrugout pour body. And just as at here it is, and site flung it across Marjorie looked at ber aghast fetri tmsoye oePoeasln nyur car acar "Put them ail on and see "'Oh. Betty! That's awful I You ii very nic and male the power to turu the wheels.5no wihyulk h et1 nsnttl ht, ~rid Fou muet have plenty of oxyzen to explode hc o lietebs"mun'takht way." Hnsa ,ae energy Iu Four body and give Fou going Betty stood spellbound. 'Why not, I'd like to know? Do " the direc Get Dr. Willams Pink Pilla today. They "Oh, I couldn't wear those lovely you believe in a God?". The tha are world-famous for the help tbey give In things. It wouldn't seem right_1" "Certainly." forward lnermaing the number and atrengtli of red "Now. Please, Betty, don't-spoil Adamns. corvuscles. Then wit!, your blood CouituOp, thing yojcin.Pthe o W d u? you'Illfeel like bounding up the tars as il grbiojetinsrPtthm n hydoyo? fou wDr Wllaat nkaiPille toay drualist one at a tirne and let me see whicb Marioi1e looked at bier thougbt- found ri frD.WlimPnPil oa. is the most becoming." fullyAirs. Du -----------Betty f inally chose the dark blue. "*I neyer stopped to think about Memoria "It is less dressy than the others," why," she said slowly, "but 1 do, I work isi Business Directory fly mr. old' skayh cg"ertil. Idia't mean ta, worry ands.or _______________________handsorner on this earth. I neyer you, only you asked-about going to retary Bi tbougbt I'd have a chance to even church. and I suppose you'll be dis- to get ni LEGAL try on one of those wonderful hand- appointed in us if that's what You pianoso knit costumes. expect of us. Not ont of us goes to, HA.RRY D. WRIGHT Adamns.à M. G. V. GOULU, BDA., LL.B. "Weil. l'Il be awfully careful Of church except Tedl. He's the re- 8eCOnd iVSe-Pre8sdent aind Manager "Our Ne: BarseSlctr oay it," comprornised Betty, "and li ligious one of. the f lock." fr Cnd,11trpltn Àauîbia.fi Barrste, Slictor Notry f~ ~~nad, Me roolsan Âfegroups th Phone 351 take it of f as soon as the doctor bas "Ted P" said Marjorie lifting as- fnauranSi Company, wIso reporta h wr Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvjfle gone., tonished eyes. increaired <nvetment8 in Canada tewr - "Nonsense! You'll do no such "Yes. Ted. He's as faitbful as the for thre benlu of poîsesjloU<era. Special W. B. STEIKE tbing " said Marjorie. "You'Il wear dlock. He walks away back to were: al Barisrter SolicitorNtrà it wbenever you like. Here, I've got Brentwod every Sunday. He's got ConnnentIng upon the Canadian tice. and Solicitor for Bank of Montreal a ouple of little cotton house a crusb on a, young preacher back business of the Metropolitan, Second Johnson, Money to, Loan. Phone 79. gowns, sort of aprons tbey are, to there, and we can't keep him away. Vice-Presideat H. D. Wright, J. Gearir Bowmanviile, Ontario. 9. slip over another dress when you're Îïe'Il poal at e aky Ma nager for Canada, stated that Teacher actually working. You take the blue i pot rabi t to waif you g the total amount of life insuranc e d la c L. C. MAISON, B.A one and l'Il take the pink and thenwaouterwih imfwecnelech thrpr.W'l gest church to him."ousg foroe haïd shown a satisfactory c t Barriser - o.icitr put tellon fokthen woar." hy Id ov t o, sidMa- rease during the year. .--Th. prove M. B"riser - olicior pu thos on fr kithèý wrk. I-Wh. I'dlove teaoysaprogr-etsdyyearrsa, ter a yer y sonssoswerr Notary Public - Etc. "You make life a kind of play" jorie. "Why don't we botb go? It's indicates thse continued confidence next six Law ina ai its branches. saBtyoe-a h odrnl a zrgeous mornsng. 0of thse people of tluîs country in ilite Rev.. Her saidBety asshewondriniy oey Thanks. no." said Betty coîdly. Insurance," lie said. He pointeid out was in chý Office smmediately east of Royal crd. "It doesn't seem right to be Il don't feel religiously inciined, that Metropolitan lavestments la iast meeti Theatre. dolled up like this to makre a bed." ayaIhvntaca.YuCnd ald oiin Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Peetyte er h otrand ay, Ihvntaca . YuCnd nldng Dmnopro- W. C. Sr comsn up the porc d e tty couldn't i ust dîvîde your coat wîtb vinclal and municipal bonde continue Wornen' DEN ALinghe sim bhe pdrss wndt ty niethough, I presume you would to Increase and now total $267,781,, borne of DENT L inthe lim luedres wen to penif it were possible. Besides, it's you 040. Commenting upon thffeeila where tw( DR. L. C. DEVIT the door. ber hair a little gold fame ta wants to go to cburch, not me. vestments, Mr. Wright pointed out ing. of ligbt about ber sbapely bead. t Alstant: Dr. E. W, Slsson Marjorie, standing back in the tiny Here, Ted," as the boy came in that sinoe thse compaay isad com- We cor Gradateof RyalDenal Cl- arlo alostout f vew bil imef romu the street, "here's a candidate menced business In Canada la 1872, Ion receivii lGerau to. f Royl e ntar leCol- arot ie t ut oflookwohad te to go to church with you." tie total amount pad by the com- dancing ai loge To ont . O fic : J ry ubi ee o n tic th qu ck ook 0f ntt est Ted looked a t M arorie w itb a Panfy to Ca iadiais, plus the as.i n t H all A m al Bld. Bowmanville. Offle hours in the doctor's face as e took ac- sudden sparke in is eyes. now lvested her for their beneft, Pocket F, 9aM . to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- count of the exceeiitgly pretty girl "uel' tk br"hesidi-ecededtIeoalpemmsc-luynu day.wbowasmeeing îm.andthelitîe fdenly. "But you haveta walk. lected la Canada by $188.500.00 with other Phne79. oue hoe 83 flush of rose that crept up into Tbtre's no carline except a long Tus-nlng to tihe Healtis and Welfare the same, X-Ray Equipment i Office. Betty's cbeeks as she met bis gaze.l roundabout way." ictlvltles la Canada undertaken on Mr. Ra Then the docçtor turned and look- l"l -.owlk"sidMrjrebelaf Of policyholders and la the mther. Md FUNERAL DIRECTOR ed keenly at Marjorie. SIl I i oadlk sid Mtersa~red ntýrests of publiceIsealth generally,'n Oh o'ete e itrarent o Mrio riead e bohe atdMr. Wright said that thse Metro- FUNERAL DIBECTORS u"h you're teasn st. 'er, oII curch. ilb ahme f epoltan isad participated la 91 Service, any hour, any day. You twin5? You lo ovr nc u us o'Ib sae fm, different health campaigna during F. Pc MORRIS Co. alike. I doubt if I coutld have told we're hR on't mmd,8Wthesw0ere ear; f h ltb tessarly Modern Motor Equipment, Arn- you apart if I hadn't met Miss Betty "No," said Marjorie thoughtfully, adtsog Ieoeaino t bulance and I1valq Car. ClIseveral times. 'adtruhteoeaino t Phne40 r73.A san 73 Mrjre okig ucuCtali"F'n not ashamed of you, l'mn proud nursing service isad made 385,674 Phon 48 or734 Asistnt 73. aririelooing up augt aof You. Tbîngzs lîke that are oniy com- visita to sick policyholders wltisout ___________________brigbt fiarne of color on Betty's paative nwy rnttePTe diinlcag o hm face and thougbt how prettvy she vepnwyare' by h>'adtoa hag otes _________________________sbouldn't have any part in going to, Referring la tthe company's total Iooked in the new dress. She won- church." business la Canada and thse United "LstWeFoge'dered in passing if this nice plea- Ted eyed bier speculativeiy, and f in- States, thse year's report shows that A. H. BO0UNSALL sister ?otrws neete nbraly ventured another question: tise Mtropolitan ended 1.988wlth a Bety lngeed moentat he I guess vou're saved, aren't you ?" new igh total offe I lsuranoe ln Designer and Dealer' in Btylnee oeta h "Saved ?" said Marjorie aitogether force, tise amount of such protection Monument@, Tables, Marker*, etc. door taîkinR with the doctor, asking started.Teihaewsntcmo en 2,1,0,9,o hc 1 In_ Ganiead____________________abutier___er' arnongz the voung people she knew. or $11,556,261,130 was owned by diet and medicine, and the young "'You haveta be born again, you Ordinar>' policyholdersi; 83% or ________________________doctor iooked at bier approvingly know" $7,550,816,755 by Industrial pollcy- and srniled as hie finally went out. She gave hirn another keen look holders; and 16% or $3,505,825,709 Ever snce she had iarrived Mar- and as if he were answering the b>' Group policyholders. There was jorie had been planing what she question in lier eyes he said*: also in force Accident and HeaitIs ENTERTAINER would do. but there badn't as yet "You believe, yu kowtha's ow Insurance carrying a principal smm Secure RALPH GORDON, thse been time to carry out bier plans. you Ret to be born again. That's how benefît of $1,449,927,200 and weekiy 0"Monday you and I ought to go You Ret saved. You just believe." Indemnity of $18,500,602. More than Wondertuily versatile en t er- out and do sorne Christmnas sbop-- "Believe ?" said Marjorie inquir- $1.800,000,000 of addltional lIfe lanefo OU uet nerai- pig" ai aroiet Betty as ingly. She didn't sa "believe what?" Insurance protection was provided suent. Iustrated eircular free. tbey were putting everything in But ber tone said it, So he answered. by nte 30,5y e w oicerise Addreua 628h Crawford Street, sbiningr order Saturday evening after "Believe that Jesus is th SonofdulgUs er Toronto. supper. Gdn id~tk u isuo The asets of the Metropolîtan "Cbristndsdshopping, myoeye!iAsHirnse ncreased by Use sum of $223.179.590 lot"fChristmas shopping I could A H.me If and suf fer their penalty." which brought the total of thse funds ________________lotof__Christmas__shopping___1____________ explained it gravel>', as if be had Iseld by thse company for Use benefit done it before. and understood thor- of policyholdera and beneficlaries to oughly wbat it meant. , .$,4,0,1 tts n fts er "Why, ITues $4.9evet2at'Ws,41he ep t mend ofatthese at ,e4,»lm VI a T FUI EU T ab dm m Uk ROY NICHOLS Bowmanvllle upper hip, though e was smart, who, bas been ver>' ilI but is now re- i smoke more cigarettes in an covering. rthan anybody 1 ever heard of, Mr. Eric Ford. MavIe Grove, visit- YO ,I1J wore is at ia> off on the ed friends here Tuesday. Y U ,C N HAVE bis wrd n hogt ews r Afe Wes, Toronto visited BEA UTIFUL FLOORS. od oasoiaewihcomî Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers IF YOU ALWAYSUS 7hnsedentko ienwere with friends at Leaside, S ien h oentkowGdo Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bridges and sons. Coîborne vîsited Mr. and Mrs. o. she wouldn't be introduced Paul Antil, Iay when 1 brought birn home. Mrs. S. Paternoster, Oshawa was said sht didn't care to know horne. bers. tbey would bore er, and ght: be embarassing to ae hirnà ig around. Oh, she makes me e- s o m e t im e s ." C a n a d i a n G a r d e n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ guess she's a rather a bard 2 suggested Marjorie gently.Sevc These should be sown just as soan - Teaching parrots ta tale pro- ie. And bsbe' eenil agod B'GronLasy aî as ground is fit ta work. vides a New York woman wlth a time An shes ben a-god B Goron indsy Sith A second common n-stake is living. worked like everything to take(---- planting too deeply. Authorities ________________ of Mother and Father, and ail recommend as a general mule only ________________ but stilî-sometimes she makes Rock Gardens planting ta a depth of four times-1111111116 ick."Primaril>' rock gardens wero the diametor of the seod. This suddenly broke off and bis used to transform some difllcult means that seeds like peas and1w 't grew jubilant. "There's Brent- portion o! a garden inta a spot of beans will ho covered witIs about ldN R now S e i u th re on he unusual beaut>' and charm . W h re an inch of soil, but tin>' thlags w l I" e y oee hme Andthts urhouetha lngthe ground sloped away s0 rapidly sucb as lttuce and poppies w.111 \ FIT PoB ;nd thaour bouse tha htelong that mains loosenod the sail, tIsé be merel>' pressed in. ontbose it th witepi- new kind of gnrdening helped, Spacing is important as even- so the porch? Isn't that some and it also formed a pleasing con-: Use onthusiast dots flot came to location? And there! Upon my nection for rougIs land leading up spond much tima kneeling and ~ if there doesn't corne Gideon ta woaffland at Use hack o! Use thinning. Lahor can ha saved b>' ýnow 1". garden propor. propmi>' spacing tIse soed as an Mariorie looked Up to sec a In rocent yenrs, howevor, thea planted. Corn, heets, pas and R ineiy buiit young man corning rock garden has becomne sa papu- similar planta with big seeds canCbad's Saulet Finish er witb astonsing wonder- lar Uat people ara going out o! easily be sowrr at Ue distances o ssINOECA res tht seered to ave seen teir way to mako an excuse for advocated on Ue packet. WitIs OESINOECA * into life than most men se, one. TIe>' will build Ueir lawus tin>' seeded lttuce or alyssum .. RUSIES PERFEcTLY ey had a deep sweet settled up on two diffament levels wlth a however it h practicall>' impos- DRIEON O1Ml n them. She wondered if il rockc garden in between. sible ta space b>' hand, but il tIse se real. She had neer seen These gardans. are made ta e- seed hs first mixed with a ittle 1R man who ad that look. semble miniature alpine ranges, sand and Ue whole sown care-M and in temn alpine fowers are ful>, Plants will be spead ou.' (To Be Continued) grown. These are usually tiny Naxt Waek - Perannials, Smooth ýshort spmawly Usings, Usat requime Lawns, Plnnting Tlps. little moisture during most o! Use year. TIse>' ara speciail>'llsted ln Ço rtc Use hatter seed catalogues. To A. E. MeGREGOR & COMPANY _____Iold tIse sharp>' sloping sail, faoir TIsehast of madicino is some- HEardware - Phono 774 size rocks of Use roughest passible timnes unpalatnble. TruUs h no Ring Stroet, Bowmanville, ont. ntended for Last Week) nature, prefomabl>' weather beten exception. houlders, ara huried to about two- Not the ability you have but H. C. ONATHAN Sunbearn Mission Band met thirds aI Useir depth irregular>' Use ahilit>' you bring ta hear will Phono 4422 - Newcastle, ont. 30 for their Easter meeting. throughout thse shape. Good pac- avorcomne your obstacle. gr m was in charge of the kets o! sandy sail are arranged _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ roup. An Easter pageant betwen tIsa rocks, The lwers... 'z Easter bymns, Easter bible find a faatbold here and trail over nd Easter readings were given Ue boulders. cely b>' Betty Antil, Eleanor Shruhhery and trees are ar- and Betty Marie Taylor under ranged as background for thesa ction of Miss Ann Wilkins. rock gardns. An odd tree or bush EVERYTHING nk - offering was brought near tbes middle wil do no harmn 1bv Stella Gray and Phyllis as most of Usa rock plants ara n- and f fertor>' pray r b>' ustam ed t a s m a shade. Y u N e o nt Doreen Phair. Mrs. Pen- For Tenants Y u N e o ead part of a letter f rom. Pleasures of gardonîng are nat urnin of the' Elizabeth Long'canfined ta Use owner of proper- "FIXING W 'D aL Scbool, Kitamoat, whose t>. Even Ue tenant wha mayas L A I U U a special object for Mission iregularl>' ever>' spring mn>' have rayer was made for ler and a gardon which wilh rival Uat of e, S rn l on e b k. Minutes were read b>' sec- 1tIsh m stpermanent nature. O!fho e B efore y la ou n o i e ilI Nernis. A special attempt couýrseUse tenant ia not inchined e 1bfr okowlt s more coupons was urged. A ta spend a grat deal of mane>' yen had btter getbusy now bi was given by Phyllis an shrubs and treos. These Usings and Plan those repaira and fix- M~rs. Lyod Cortice took up take some years ta ranch matura xt Neighbour," British Col- beaut>. He can and does, how- .. nt up Jobs, We have Uic de- from tht Study Book. The ever, get mucli Ue samne affect pendable matertails >ou wlil hen went to their places for wiUs aninual lowrs, and vines. . need and at rfght priees, sois kero.Thra are at least a score ofas beid ig bush>' annuals like dahlias, Z s 1features of Sunda>' Scbooi cosmos, african marigalds, n n d reading by Josephîne Cour- castor beans which, will reach a C nd an 1a song by Master Barrie higlt o! three ta ight fot b>'aaa an Oshawa, randson of Mrs. mid-July. These will l u r n i sish Rubberset Brushes ng, prîmar>' cîass teacher. ample background far Use Isun- ýrs' Training Cass complet- drods af dwarl ta medium Isigt ad odForn ourse of studies at Mapeannual flowers which are listod ad o F orn farcb 29. Tht first two les- in an>' seed catalogue. ..,. Red Cedar -y. rhed at Ebenezer and the To scren vrandals or un. :at Courtice public school. sghtla fnce, such things as scar- bert Foe', Bowmanville let runer i4ans, maning glanies N.B. White Cedar hag f the chass, and at the 1o hops wihl do the o b in a IowLu ero ai knd ti9was thanked b>' R ev.waks. L nhro i id mihof Ebenezer Cbh. oat at t Theaverge mater sartsop-Toronto Asphait s A ssociation m et at th te I e a o a o a a e r s a t p Mrs. Clarence Penfound, erations days or sometimes wooks vo quits were in tht miak- to son and. stops long eore Roofing satisfactory gardening can can-an ofcu e agRratuhate Miss jean Antil Iie. With tIse general rua O! n fcus ng first prize for er tp vegetables and lowers, Uera hs no advantago singotting Usinga lalu C o and singing at tht Legion whilo Usere' hs still danger o! sari- lteur contest hast week. "A, oua lrast. One sot-hack lrom a nber. She wiIl compete Use oarly stnrt and mn>' indeed 'EIF :r winners on Api-il 12 at men aphanting tIse whola gar- W U IIE lace.e. This caution o! course dos Pon 15BWM aBfl alpb Toohe>' visited bis not appi>' to, very Isard>'yovga-1 loe75B ia m Ers. A. S. Toole>', Toronto tables or llowers or ta, grass sood t --~-é~> r~- ~ I - *114rf - -", 7 te ROY NICHOLS

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