Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 23RD, 1939 T----------T\TS .\N OW'\N ILE NT\I AMA ING DIPLA S R TA Y C UB turning it down so that he might and one son Tom, predeceased AMA IN DSP AY R TA Y LU rman n Bowmanville. him. (Coninud frrn age ) (optiuedfromPag 1)Some (If the clerks who worked Pallbearers were: two sons, Wm.' SOCÇIAL AND> PERSONA~L (otne rmPg )(oiIudt ae1 with Mr Martyn and who highly J. and Fred; two nephews, Glen from Disraeli and Macbeth, under he x'l go from a large gathering prized his friendship included: and Jack Martyn: and two grand- PHONE 663 instructor Miss Dorothy Bonny- of school children ta theWod John T. Hooper, Lvall Corden, T. sons, C. G. Morris and Ross Stev- castle, and a French chorus direct- bine race track. I cann ocî-mH.Kniphi. Frank Tdhm omes ed by Mr. H. Longworth. him for that, said the speaker, Thickson. and the late William Friends and relatives from ai Durham County Club of Toron- don Mitchell attended the funeral Following the auditorium pro- when by his actions he creates a White. distance who attended the funeral11 to meets to-night. of their aunt, Mrs. Harry Good- gramn. the visitors crowded into stimulus for gambling, whether His hobbies were those of an included Mr. Will Martyn andý Mrs. H. Patterson, Ottawa, is man, in Toronto on Sunday. . the gymnasium where Miss M. it actually receives the sanction of ardent sportsman, and for many Mr. Earl Martyn, Port Perry; Mr. visiting her brother, Mr. M. Com-: Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus.Bac., Maguire directed about 70 girls in the king or not. But I stili ac- years, he along with Thos. Bas-!Alex Martyn, Scugog Island; Mrs. stock.j Director of Music in Public and intricate drills and exercises with dlaim him as the Reigning Sov- sett and John Higginbotham spentj Thos. Rennick, Toronto; Mrs. E.i Mrs B.M. arnca s vsit ýHigh Schools, and Mrs. Sutton a precision born of much practice. ereign, yet feel f ree to criticize a portion of their summers at'Caldwell and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds,. Mr. . .Wania sviitn are attending the Music Educators Almost every room was decorat- hs actions. Lake Se gog where they fised, Port Hope, and Mr. Will Dwyer, aew oar..W.WricOh Conference at Detroit, Mich. ed with displays showing how the Mr. Beech was introduced byswmadgnrlyada onCou u. awa. ~new course in art can be applied Rev. S. Davison, and Dr. J. C. derful t re together. Basebali _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Annual Lions Club "At Homne" The committee behind the Girl to business practice, health, Latin. Devitt moved the vote of appre- was also ()ne of his favorite games: wl ehl oor%,FiaGuide Movement are hoping the English, geography and history. ciation. and it is said he possesJsedthpîent1y WEST INDUES night in the Badminton Club. whble they cornarundpor oders They also demonstrated h o w H. M. Black, Oshawa, wvas the of skill ji hsgame. I h al____ ghnte oearudfrod rouscnwr oehro n us.PeietR .Se-and winter. bunting and skating (continlued from Page 1) Miss Mona Watson, Toronto, for Hot Cross Buns. The hearty ruscnwktoeh naolygs.PeidtR..Sev took up rnkch of his leisure time was a weekend guest of Miss response to the îast appeal wvas common project. ens was in charge, and Geo. E. and it i< onlv a fewv years ago selves, struck me as being some- Margaret McCready. greatly appreciated. A prize for outstanding displays1 Chase led the sing-song in the ab- that members'of the younger gen- thing worth 'writing home about.' MissHarietBartett Toont, Anounemet -D i g a & ould be dîvided between the I sence of Song Leader F. 0. Mc- eration were astonished several 0 oreetn so ao Ms are atetToot, Anuemn-Dinginan&miniature model of King Street Ilveen. time teurseM. Matyn n sktesf mfjth visited ber uncle and aunt, Mr. Edmondstone will continue to re- tstores from Division Streetkatosimpotnenactyuo us Joh an Mss vaHelya, oermodl atsan tae rdes tor Tmernce vio Street h oel ~io doing fancvý figure eights and ands of eating places of aIl kinds, Surdal new millinery. Headquarters in -Health House" constructed ai- DlIREC "TORS WILL. ohritîaefasa h oa from the ultra swank hotels ta, the Miss M. Brenton, Campbll rear of Edmondstone's Meat Mar- most entirelv of foodstuffs. rn humble Automat. Therefore, I croft, visited ber cousins, Mr. ket. Phone 376. 12-1 The street model showed ever C onitrued from Page 1) Reading and writing were twoi feel I must tell you that we had eonanrisyf elyr of bis ether hobbies. His readîng'lunch at Schraft's and a delicious Miss Madeline Street, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason plete to the smallest detail, paint- !field crop comeionts a i'vhsor qfvroudne naltl pcealdte was a recent guest of Mr. and over the weekend, returning to ed in color as close as possible to1 year and each planter must use counitries. wbile bis wiigde "Schooner" near Radio City which Mrs. L. A. Parker. Toronto Sunday night with ber the actual color of the store. enly Guvernment Standard No. 1 attention from everyonfo e fcu e a rcflshoe Dr. Harold V. Slemon, Hospital daughter Betty and Mr. Jas. Everytbing was included, even the See approved by the department. cause of uwbat he wrote, but ber-1 decorating the menu. frSk hlrnToot aBowes. window displays. Highest part of Registered Banner and Victory cause ef bis superb penmansb p. After dinner we went up to the with his parents, Dr. and iMrs. C. 1 Mr. Donald Mason was bost on structure was nearly three feetmet inelat rban sedit could i stîe\-ite a beaulbanhetopofRadio City and a gîgantîc W. Slemon, over the weekend. Frîday to about 25 friends at a bigh and the entire construction be otaied fom everitoythowbih i thee dys 0 hurie be obtaied from everfairythandhcityn ofelights ogreetedd Mrs T.S. olgte nd r. r-St. Patrick's dinner party at the -as about 30 feet long. Teacher.. ueysItw avr clr MhrsKet S.eHolgate an r.Ar-o home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ainslie was responsible for junior farmers who bave been scrawls u-as a deligbt to bebold. ingaudeyes.Itwas abery ea fr hr Ksen aend dHueofC.H. Mason. Following dinner the idea, and after designer Ron- grwng tteps er wc r atnsyuhu miles. It was truly a beautiful berLister-in-law, ay H gesthe entire group attended the Higb ad Richards and chief constructor G Direct ors wilI be M. J. Ellitt, school mates w o remained life'sgt ain. ulty o nel in inday n Tesdy.Scbaol "At Home." Bill Brown had worked out he eo.F. Annis, T. W. Jackson, F. long friends of bis wer telaeigty haicb mae ityoe eat- Mr. Joe Edgerton, Toronto,' was ThAieJakoMsinBnd etis assisted by valunteers B. Lovekin, Geo. Cain, H. J. Saucb, M. A. James, editor of The States- ing. Merely by the way, before a weekend visitor witb MrI and TeAieJcsnMiso addtis Mrs. J. Living and family. <hurch met in Trinity Sunday schaol an from all forms, the art depart- Roy BaIl, A. J. Tamblyn, Kyle man, and Rev. E. A. Tonkin. we descended, we heard sweet Marcb 20tb. The meeting opened ment under Miss Marion Wagar Squair, Wm. Armstrong, Carl Real estate was one of Mr. Mar- strains of swing from the famous Street. witb quiet music. Miss Clark told carried on and completed the Billings, Milton Cornish, R. R. tyn's other fancies and wbenever RainbowRom MisDlm a adM. lfa stary, and some new hymns painting. Stevens, W. S. Maffatt, Harry J. he found bimself a few dollars! On to a show wbicb was on e fard Martin, Claremont, spent were Su'ng. Those who took part in this pro- Jose, Don Gibson, A. E. Morton, abead, his friends would soon long laugh, caused b the inimi- ardar tnr.adaw sre. A quiet wedding was solemn- ready mentianed- Designers and Wm. J. Riddell, E. P. Bradt, C. hear tbat he had bought another table Beatrice Lillie, and other ized onrFridayrvening attrimco ready mentioner- Designers and Carveth, C. Allun, R. E. Osborne, building or bouse. At the time m*mbers of the cast of the Noel ize onFrdayevein atSimoebuilders: J. Graham, R. SwindllsR. Sutton and E. A. Summers. of bis death be owned mare real Coward revue "Set to Music." Mrs. JohlenieR. Doulhsp er treetawUnite CW.uRc . paong, A. Martin, C. Hoar, R. Hall, G. Auditors will be C. F. Awde estate than any other man ini There was wit, both subtle and two litl ni ce , uel h, sp nt sh wa by ev W R. Ta to M Feeters, W . Jam es, D. M ason, and J. J. M ellor. -tow l. obvius, good m usic and a tap thr. and rsJ. Deerprng swht DHaean, ath0fndArBurketon . um, L. Sleep; Window A communication was read When bis large family of seven dancer who gladdened my heart.À Messrs. T. A. Dustan and Gar- were united in marriage. ' Dressers: C. Martyn, I. Tbompson, from the T. Eaton Ca. again offer- cbildren was quite young he mov- The next morning, March il, _____________________E. Thompson, A. Echierman, M. ing $30.00 in prizes in the bacon ed into the bouse on Queen Street, we came on board the "New ___________________ The Biennial meeting of Bay of Westaway, B. Emmett, D. Harn- bag campetitian pravided the So- naw occupied by Dr. H. Fergu- York." It was fun ta be an deck _____________________Quinte Canference Brancb of the denB. Elliott; Painters, V. Mc- ciety will also provide $15.00 in son, and in 1912 moved to the amidst ail the cheerful and tear- Woman's Missianary Society Of Allister, F. Densem, J. Richards, prizes for the same campetitian. large bouse on King Streetinflhlaaoofarelsad United Cburcb of Canada will be S. Densem, C. Lemon, B. Flaherty, Their aff er was accepted. wiih id H odbsQen fua may pople o red off thnd hed n amrdg S. huc, A. Dusenbury, I. Jackman, L. Mc- Officers Hon. Pres. W. H. Car- Street residence to the late Dr. boat at the "all ashare that's going Lindsay, on April 25, 26, 27th. Roberts, H. Wight; Assistants, H. ruthers, President 0. W. Roîpb, A. S. Tilley. ashore" signal that 1 wandereedif R EC R T Further annauncement after April Bird, K. Roberts, E. Jacobs, J. lst Vice Neil Muttan, and Secre- Tedybfr i ueatoteewauld be any passeers l5th. Noble, E. Marris, H. Tait, H. Sum- tary J. C. Gamey were present. little lads came ta tbe door and left. Oh yes, and one girl was ATowL This Saturday afternoon at 2 mersford, E. Harnden, E. Lymer, Treasurer M.H. Staples was ab- asked if tbey could sec Mr. Mar- left on board as tbey started to p.m. thiere will be an organization and others of 2nd Form. sent due ta îllness. tyn. Asked if they had known Mr. take away the ramp, and it bad meeting in Genosha Hotel, Osb- The Health House was con- Martyn, tbey quickly replied: "Oh,1 to be put back again for ber. The With Modern awa, for the purpase af formîng structed by students of Forrn IlB L RSC R E yes, lie always used to give us, band played vocîferously aSw Walipapj a flying club in the district. Any- wbo are taking the new course in HUT peautsandgumat he aîlslid away from the dock and we one înterested in flying, wbhether Health Education taught by Miss games.'* Tbev were welcomed in- were really off! It was thrilling Hudrds0fbeutfu snile they bave had any training or Maguire. It was about three feet (Continued tram Page 1) to the home, for me because it is the first time Hunres f bauifl smpes not, is asked ta attend. There is higb. the outer surface plastered The funeral w~as beld March'I have ever been on a liner. in Iatest designs - Sunworthy no obligation to jain. wîth oatmeal, f lour and water sending Nvar materials and also by 10th from bis late residence. Rev. 1 suppose I must confess we and Suntested W a 11 p a p e r. Messrs. W. L. Paterson and mixed. Window silîs were made keeping Mussolini occupied in S. Davison conducted the funeral were sea-sick. But when I learned Phone our store for personal James Coyle of the Downbam of sliced Iveiners, with shutters Spain, he w~as able to effect the and paid bigh tribute to a man: that there were a great many home service. IVe wilI bring Nursery Co. were in Strathroy and roof of ligbt coîored wafers. 1 Austrian coup. Another compen- wbo bad meant much to the bis- keeping us companly. and some oýf sapls ayor oe nd-Friday' and Saturday attending Cheese and celery' were used for sation to the Axis was to Iend bis tory of Bowmanville. His body those experienced travellers. I sape oyu oead the annual convention of the eni- the small porcb. Curtains were of support to Mussolini in bis de- was taken to Bowmanville Cern-dd' els bdyaoti.Ms 9ssist you in planning an effec- ployees of Downham Nursery Co. lettuce. and the garden of choco- mands on France for Tunisia. This tery for btirial. of the people got sîck the first tive but economical redecora- Reports showed the largest busi- late cake xvas filîed witb smnall gave Hitler the opportunity, tu an- Surviving are bis daugbters, evening and during the nigbt, but tive program. ness in the bistory of the comp- shoots of celery. radishes and nex Czecboslovakia without any Mtrs. F. W. Coucb (Mabel). Car- I was fine and patting myself on any. other foods. The xvalk was of cut interference whatsoever. To keep riewbe bad been a devoted the back until 1 tried to get up macaroni. and a fence around the the Slav countries in subjection,1 daughter and companion of ber . the next morning. I wvas assured entire lot was made of meat the old scare of the Red menace father since the deatb .of ber that it wasn't a rough sea at alI, New French W'ool ODDFELLOWS skewers. The climax was a chim- was revived and the cutting off of, mother 12 years ago: and sons, but believe me there xvas certain- AbsIucigurated ottaney using a tinv bottle of milk. trade relations was threatened. W. J. and Fred C.. Bowmanville, ly a rock and roll motion. How- Asrtink no ate hothe (Continued from Page 1) Other display s of art included The Pales have stood out con- and Harry Lamne, Saskatchewan. lever we are fit as fiddles again shrik nomattr ho theniaps of various countries witb sistently against Germany, main- His wife, Elizabeth Hooper. and j and eating quantities of the de- garment is washed. ! Wood, vocal soloist, accompanied products attached. maps of con- tained the speaker, and they baveI two daugbters, Fannie and Editb Jliciaus fodta ston*elw Specially suited for by Miss Jean Logan; a bumarous quests made by historic figures showed their determination ta oadta s toe lo i sketch by Miss Eileen Riddell, and peoples and of explorations; figbt for their freedom and the chid's wear. 1 Mrs. S. Payne, and Messrs. Harri -a camplete design for a bospital retention of the Polish Corridor. son, Morris, Allin and Riddell. several stories bigb, covers for Consequentlv a ten-year treaty 2-oz. bail - 50e A bearty vote of tbanks was books, model airplanes, a drawing bad been agreed upon by the two THIS WEEK: BARGAUNS UN I tedrdta Orono brethren by of a power plant to generate, countries The next move in Hit- N.G. C. G. Morris, and the tbanks transmit and distribute power, ler's game. it would seem. would J H IT N S of Orono Lodge ta the Bowman- and several samples of commer- be the taking over of Hungary Ç50 MA N SA00 ville bretbren by Chairman Rid- cial advertisements. In the adver- and eventually Roumania.50 A N S T1 BOOK STORE dell. tising and other commercial art ed gay Mr. Woodside describ- Afulsz 0 ueo ot at o Phone 651 Bov.manville Refresbments were served and features, eacb student bas been e as being on the horns of a Afl ie5etb fTohPsecn tlhe balance of the evening was encouraged to develop bis or ber dilemma, undecided whether to neutralizes any acid condition in the m( spent in square dancing. owýýn alphabet and several new figbt for their newly acquired in- _______________________________designs in lettering showed con dependence or by assuming th-e siderable originaîity. protection of Hitler, recover their Second Form students also dis- Iost territory - Tran s y 1 v a n i a. 5 A E D R S A played several muraIs, done with Some. hope was beld that the ec- L ws sbowcard inks on ordinamv wrap- onomnie sanctions being imposed Lw s Has a delightful fragrant lavender odoi GR C R P C A Sping paper. One r ep r ese nted on Germany by Englaiid and thfe Prices ical because of its copious ahrndis "Sped- ithmodemn Stream- United States migbt have some ef GRO CERY SPECIA L linedairpîanes, speed boats, trains et and automobiles, and others par- In any case the speaker felt that 1fhvn S eil AT HARRY ALLUN'S trayed evening costumes in 1800, there Aras no immediate fear of i ~/5cW db and a third, animals of Africa. Th 9'ar. Sain rem2 Redpath Sugar Science rooms were filled with President Mrs. L. T. McLaugh--Savn rm Fine& Medium baffling devices ta show the wprk lin introduced the speaker. Mrs. ofa_____________25e_________ Vdonc under instruction of Prihci- L. W. Dippell in moving the vote *I ** 92cWobr cwt. - - $5.30 pal L. W. Dippell and teachers of appreciation thanked the speak- After-Shave Talcum 2 R. M. Ainsle and G. C. Calmaer. er for- bringing ta the ladies of Aylmer Events bad been timed so per- the club the trutbs of this matter 60e Value --39C 4 TornatoJuice fectly that tiny chicks were break- for wbîcb tbey were ahl seeking. D .W S ' 21 oz. ing through their shelîs in the in- cubators. In one carner, roped off, APL S 3 for - - - 23e was an ordinary kitchen tap witb OLDESTr MERCHANT S P E C 1 A L Wardonia Rokwater flowing from its spout with- cniudfoPae1 AP LE ( edRokout any apparent con n e c t i n g <Contnandtr2mcPage ! IPumpkin source, except an electric ligbt Montreal and at one tine was of- 2o ad2c ot -wire. fered a high 1001o n slryTOH BRUSH of Blades. for HfEALilI 3 go. tins- 25eC s In another place a spindle per- with a Toronto seed bouse. Wben I AT N'i o ScSliced ssted in running uphill and an business was a little down he used I AT NAlfr ---29c iP intermittent siphon glass kept to recaîl that offer and wondered s Pineapple emptying itself of water, but nat if be bad done the right thing in 254 Size i stin - - - - 1 cIu n t a r c ti raly fui . ______ _______5__Blue________ No.1________________tialy fll NEW GILLETTE TECK. RA AplsPost's baîl was spinning in tbe air sup- o t P se EVER-READY RAZOR Peck 35Cparted only by a Stream of water. we aPasteave-o-r-Standard the many unique, interesting and 101 Tracter, powered by pop- OT I PRATT'S POULTRY REMEDIES AND TONIOS entertaining endeavours. ular 6-cyl. Chrysier moter. It E M U LS ION PRES9 On Friday night the annual At has electrie st ar t er an d FEED OLASSS - SL Hoe washeldin enaIor rakes. information see =00=0= 5ICV FEED OLbeEStiful y de oa t ed in re a ndFou raf te r s 8lc wite St. Patrick's day features - 'Od nother effort of the hard-work- iart department. Olie Wagar's V e S. TAPIES <'"' 13 R Y A L NOrchestra from Oshawa supplied s'O"e'arl Daer-UNTD JRN Phone 367 - 368 GROCER Bowxuanville music and the large crowd appar- Phonsey-ari'ele781IE CGR TR ently bad a wonderful evening's Kn t et-BwavleAEC Phone 792 recreation. Lunch was served in Kn t et-BwavleAEC hn 9 the gymnasium. aIl boums of the day and night. It was wamm yesterday Momo- ing, Mamcb 12, and is getting a[ little wammer ail the lime. We are in the Gulf Stream 0f course and the water is beautifully blue and seems as calm as Lake Ontario' to-day. There is an orange c1l- oured sea-weed that is quite beau- tiful. We are deligbtfully lazy and spend a lot of our timne lying in deck chairs in the sun with a grand cool breeze blowing and SPRING COAT SHOW SATURDAY, MAR. 25 2 to 6 p.m. A Representative of Manly Cloak Co. TORONTO wîiI be at our store wlth a beautiful stock of Spring Coats and materials. Reasonably Prlced. We invite you to attend the show without obligation te buy. Rave You Obtained a Free Hosiery Card? 3kI2 4éD14& ShOA2 Agents For Gossard Corsets Phone 594 Mns. Clifford Caverly BETTER VALUES IN FOOD FOR EASTER In keeping with the Easter season, we have the largest and most varied stock of bun- nies, chickens, eggs and other chocolate novelties we have ever haxidled. See them to-day. Hot Cross Buns doz... 20c 1-omemade Humbugs Everybody's Eating Them....... lb. 30c CREAM GOODS - RICH AND DELICIOUS This is the life! There are a great number of activities for those wba have the energy - swimming, ping-pong, bridge, dancing. And you must let me get a kick out of us lying around in sîacks while the cold winds bow back home. It is a very satisfying feeling, if fot very nice. To-morraw, March 14, about noon we dock at Port-au-Prince, Haiti, were we stay about five ous. So for now.. auf wiedersehn, CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 Our wagon is on your street every day OTH PASTES N HVt ntaining 50%/ Milk of Magnesia. Polish ,Vuth.M our, contains the highest grade ingred:g soothing and beneficial to the skin. Tooth Paste ------- Specials 20c Colgate 's Tooth Powder 25c Cashmere Lotion 45c Value --33e Tooth Brushes 25c Value - - 9c Plate Brushes 35e AÂZOR 49c 25c THS PEIA I I ITIT 45ý VALUE YOURS FOR ONLY 33ý itch 's Shaving Cream - - - - 25c lutax Toothi Paste 25-33 larbasol - - - 25c-49c Colynos Tooth Paste - - - 23c-39c isterine Shaving Creain -- -- ---25c Nova-KtE 150'8 300's -- 750's -- Contest CI, 12 KINDS HEINZ JIU 2 fo: CRipTUiONS A SPECIALTy McOGREI DRUGS OC CREAMS FOR 50c es the teeth and FOR 35c ents, is econom- FREE NEWV WOODBURY LOTION wvith 3 cakes Woodbury Soap Ail ,fr 23c eUp Tablets '$ - .79 - - - $1.39 - . . $2.79 oses March 27th 3 for - 25e JNIOR FPOODS )r - 23e 8 months and over OR Bowrnanville .1 UBL--dýd TIIE C.\\Alýl.\N STATESMAN, BOW'ý'ý\NVILLF., ONTARIO rOOTH PASTES AND SHAVIK m m

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