Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Ti-IF C.\NADI \N STATI SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 23RD, 1939 FOURTH INSTALMENT Synopsis Xheîi the steaitlitsfoster parentst of Marjerie Xetleriii both die sll finds a lutter teilintitat shie liasa twim siýtir. tilat site wa a d ii wheui lie r îwli imlarerits ci iidii't ai - ford te n h tioth e f tiem ai that lier rualiliame ij- Doritll (iGay. .Mlme ititi sorid, lut ss tiia tiii - tue et iti iw. 'lie cîtsdcr> 1 Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 791. Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. ý M EDICAL DR. HAROLD FERGU SON of Enniskillen has taken over the practice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell. Office Hours: Week days. 2 till 4 o'clock; Evenings. 6 till 8 p.m. Sundays by appointment. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVfTT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee' Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR! FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment. Am-ý bulance and Invalid Car. Cal Phone 480 er 734, Assistant 573. "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Dý-igni'r antid 14nrii Monuments, Tablets. Markers, etc. ,In Granite and Marble. Tud i e Lcis ail i tir tIte'cits sîtmv Oi. tti, î t! sa itld NIa rj oni lie zet', resiurate. ie,1ii e e ~ttý e' îîîiîîg iîîî,e aîîd pîttiîg lier armns ___________________________________________ -'ii ii erîtait', leca t ',i lie saiti i i ' ait' twut lier ,i ,te r. "N \s tes r !I htIinîk j iitttfiui ',utnethiig ci-e titi iwu are Loiigti litic aci 'tuer a E NTERTAINER tnitrming ig eu coîne Iîack aud Let1i at 1 Secure RALPH GORDON, the chair aumi taku it te the îîasembrrîker. tI*t isa. vent stili intmhit little tIruars 1 He fut ie otuglit ii t e sevu oit citaIkitcheu fr -a miunîte s','iÂe tieti'ito wonderfully versatile e n ter- ,a', soonîtas ius',ille. luit lie lhatudt hl-caioerls.'Hn itainer, for your next entertain-1 glive rni) tht' ast chair." Bil t' i i it iml atîie ie ci.~ . Tit ment. Illustrated circular free. *'Oh.itny lear 't 'aid î(. arjorit', lier Éi l'tgad y oite cîtune..mîsaY1 Address 628b Crawford Sitreet, ets'. loudril sitit tean, tif sctijIatîý t' 5ie said. "'u een tîîîîîerfîui ai- Toronto. 'Oh. i f 1 had oil knîîsem soer *' i riads'. AnîdFim glad fuir Motiier tuai "Oh, deu t stii crs' " ',aid Bett. j site mîce imt fret fer '«hat site did antv "t'ecoei.aund I caî't tell voit m uire. As sîout as the diitor', hiei h enc e alt ho tell lier. It ieil cure ier j ush b kuoseyen arelient'. I h i kîtot i el." "XXý'eii. s'ou'd better a',kthti ii ttor LU M B R ~ E ~'J ING ifit %'«cuit excieihi r tin huitici Ther ! Isuit titat thte Ptîr e r- 1 1ihalls Ie's conute!I Buti t i ,'t qîi u t" 1 eo o'ciock! ilttu huicîil t,, aîî',eu ti'he tl., Y ou Need For and amriNajorie linîgerng il, the kiteltuti 'sse tItnouvh titi crack tif titi ilîtr itait wsathe dotietr. liîtt \tot' , a - I~I IIII*i hi tipstair, mltt tute'amIi ar-jîrim £ALLAJ.1~..5 14/ ' tittirfuir a uinuteiti lit(!ieki ti hit be si itis', ieukiîg totut.a Yes, Spring lis going to b Then i ie r n'îIiiiertl thviti trhere before you know lit. So tihicli sit'liad beeuit timhitut. ti iglît' you bad better get busy now s(!ttitg tIti iti)iplie' m uait tnulrid and plan those repairs and fix- iii.'tlltitC lthiitetilv', lng up jobs. We have the de- i uthei f. amui tîtîoria',iîutiieu ru Ii,- t pendable materials you whll ui uîî" crackeî i etuî sithu littie need and at right prices, such 'ticke-t', intit. XVenî ut%-ilkii ticket- I as- tir a lat ? Siti eilet fi tte 4'lif. s !i)tel)ùd îiîtî'î tith tIti.'cuit iii lii luaitti, andmui fttilihiuenutxsiiitg theiti Canada Paint his f papîr. ach onc a oiie-n o1Rubberset Brushes tix itiati .steniiig ,iiiiit1), stîiu. 'Oi' hînîts',ei',etîtt.'aiui ait- i Hardwood Flooringhu."'i>char- 1, B.C. Red Cedar Niariîtniî statrî'î1 at tItitu i jti a~ , hut' reai ued stiat tti'>-'- hit', i i ý taitiei'r î1m11>t bu. 'I*ihuit s', irt' la t N. B. 'W hite Cedar ticki(t' , Titty tlini',um1ttithr iiii vi fali tif a hotnte! A't î ftnîîîîî , îtîtît 'I Lumber of ail kinds t'.iî'r. ie lien os'. i fli-li amuilîlî i :i.tul lit ii! Tloronto Asphait Site eVent on ithtit-t ticket'. "()liei i ilIus enth-btrd. "Six uiliitîii-r' 'ti Roofing clhair',." 'iue stîîîd 'tti(ly-ilig tituni, tnt uii and of course arough îwstimnate o~ft' tire Blue Coal ti (i"îdeut1 iii% liv esni ti' k nirthe . ili:inti;umi a id a lut3's s'uiee saiti t J \iXXiat'., tIt i iea, Betts. tifliaviîg ai S EPPARD & G ILL. LU MB ER CO. thitii t %a: '«utdeo t ct*?l)is i tit LIMITED n u joieturneti stantIcd, iettiuîg l Phore 715 Bowrxanille jil),- Jttii t tikit', miiiiaîk imtît tit-il ('i1mî1, tti f.îeimtg himît. mît t 1 'alii'ig 'q ii t >I'lit- til ieiuI thie iilt iii liern t ts tlu a ' ,iî f rît!lihait amîi Iii L "tut si, tat lîttu 'green tlightt, in Ilu it tl i ut l lie'r' fîn,t s'iit a I t - tt Z1 Gý ZG ýmt luigtii cin'tt li I t iiisiiirlti 1t' a' î u it if it î ît Iti ui i ,t i igut ,uti n tIti ' iimmuîî ' l.g CIGAiEfTE TO BACCO Il,id rt liftingttlits a iuiii iii ' S t ;iid ha\ t i.til l k ii i i h li ii i ut aitd luv Ycf)îm cii CotisettShelîpanti & Gi il, rni e ff uel 1.. i3.75 tueso moe iiî ilence . Nlarj',trie iBelh T'Iup'tiitî o. stitît a htd St lien thntumt ti,hii nieChies........ ..-........ 22 tue t'.ile tirohiuî cfberluS Whiin amuindCo.. supieis 21.66 Theut lt h îcard the deictor's ýtii C t: J R. RevIs îî'. relief ........... .00 'No, i dotit expîct hîr fevt t F. L. Bvaii relief ..........................~ 14.26 gti Iiii&er timighit. Oh luinlap- a j. 1). Ilt 'artt. ........... . 45 littie more. Ail she mids i,- tt c. fi. Rointsontrenue f..... ....6.94 aud utoutnishmemt sud foodîî cari. Be 1 -. 1'iudumck. rilief ......................14.01 careful aboutt the tempenature tif tIte Arthutr Bisheut. rontuti. 0f course dotut lit lien get Cartaîe Relief Fuel ......... 2.00 ciiieî. Tiat is the gnuatest dattg.'n. Wm. loocv. Cantage X'îîîîd 7.35 No. Iftiemît think ber iuuîgs ar 'e un- E G *Smîith. voIved vit. Gcod cane amind estamîd Cuttimic aud Dnaseinîc XXooîu 15.60 tite rigbt food tei.l seurk seoutn'r." J. \Ice rthit,. Cluttimîg "Doett niuts'Sther - lias iueet amîd Draweiîg Wod ................ 2.001 ateute ome hume. Sbc bas jîst Corne Harold Bturgess. hack. Deo't'entiik it 'i h lurt Draseittu 'ood . .................4.00) îtMithe kto kno titi' lias corne She G. F. 'tutus. Auditor ...... ........... . 25.00 lias heeu îtnîving te lhavetimer ahR. K . Sqcain. :\iuîitor--n-------25.tj Iltlut. ,Rîaîis aud Bridgîs, "X'bat kiud is site? %Wilh tht s' îr-y M a i t....... i75Y) vomir inotimen. or ssili she be a hiellu"Citas. Warremt. "(3h site'l he a hit. Shet nmttlmer Reitairinu, Chairs ...... .....- 125 s'.oumie rflmi!"' Ct mci i adjoiurutet tto ileit 'tî ri I Ted stue a suddcut shîsuiet giauice 8tm at 10.30) a ni. St Nfarioîrie.,'.eith the' fieken 'f a J. 1). Hogarth, Cienk. gril oit)f apetlugs inutIii, y'îumug fla(. XV .thleut, tel ii e u'r abut ttltbsy ____________________ s 'iti ettir eve t il she smtku, im.'M ore Situidents To XX'lî'mî tti i- lium l-eitî'u htimîtithe W rite Examinations iii eto r no rie i ad a s tîdem uvci- tmg tif ivt dtiti asi f sîshe w tidti i sit uhtît muantîlcry' sejùlireliefi. New',' neutiimu',for umtrance ehas', feits ', face as, agi'r , lie staîîîmmue that seil] novnîse sutii carn mii o ut ti ciitolue k itehei. Shue s utu' rit'. froi ttutii'Dei) rt meut ltiof hi iukit st rai tîit St NI anjoirie, irtausEd uicat tut am i i acu'ils'.'iththe licali site îîil't set' Teil St f i st. exaîn atio oilt'anti' t',iliittri thîmîll s1 "I h t hi muk',us a bi s', i iit i'tua v.c camu that mita usinnt' .r- t lîuît s ili îîî'îîîîtin .t m fti'r ail." sîi' ',ami îîth thte itulitv '.5iii iii rituiredtî iisNviti' nîîief. tests tian wstiu'tîîmnars' ni foirneri '*( )Il.Tell.yits gîît iî;ck se s ears. beilt~ t tiuinrtt Y' u i tt ,'it The i )uîantitutu t tif Etiicat ittt t'.tht lais lîrîakiaftiamnd ti't ati lias atiîîîîîîîe'î urtstic ciuatuttt.', inititi ii,, iier i' isshuglui ' cit auîi'nuiiiireli î' i i'ec "' s. teladlîaya thiîîk i, -- A tîmutars schtoids. Theii' xamnuiîtiun .îîiti ' t" ,tui 1 "id. rutade liti)tifttnsîectionsî. cnîiti i ..1 tetît kî'elîimîg ttic hoi'lut amnI ttî'î. 'ititithi', siarirtîi ii fin huiii." aid Niarjîru. "h lueuti.i,,inciîdi Iîsieîîî. nauu thm u tîîa'ntîd liii.' S c tuetia htitl otit 1--)'x art. amu i trimîcitiai. iteulil ontîutmiiut ,tîuh blittmg lit tt'the thei' ntro, , ittle. s-oumîst'r,fuir staîmulint iin titi",i "ut ', tf fe t ti, amud a 'li'.'if No.,'tîtîder tte ricumatiot' t .uusan ihes. Slie set thietthiti, lie - cnuiiLtt heIti uxaunuîmutiîus iilimite foi-' luiiii. frrttuiti t iti m i e >(li', i a.u sttt', " " t' i1' sa iii '['ii (11u1t11itf-.>1'iiitit. ( e c atls autel his'1 tr i . se itti!Ci'., "tX d r (,iltiget ail tli i',iiy tt "'heath. uisic. art. craft.h omeiîiiî 'X onuliut kiuuie s. lat", hiti il i tti ciomn is anmu tuerie t iltiti t'. Titi ,ic. titinlî'ft, 'rutîîîîiîîrî' ' :'t maitinits tuf failtînîs ini ttihe aSt tir miraucle'lias coulîe, titat','whtat 1!;*.tiid at letst s larcg- utriemutaci if th iIt' hy" i~ se tri i ut îtiît n .î t lin, falut ris huave*' hî'îmîi i d'etii li ti n s -mîil 'e'. inst hi ki Satumîha mm Site antid ct r I f tit umîlut', (tiottt lit i itail F, oehttim staîtul igritu m nîtmtt, v.tIti' "<otii!-I'smîiîî fuî. t'riuuklink is is % it ritin ii ri 'tit tt"ît',t,. nmce mîititîgiiimus lintîu "but 1 i il î't îimuk t tuuglut tiitaku' b.' butsuitn titt aumdl îi umuu titid i lt. sît 1i let ulie hastv Il, r \% i,. Ni rjitrit fuît a sumuîltuitiiji i ii ,1- tir, tut mît lîtitti. Sit fuIt s- iltdtt tîmlav ',atti'îliuinttatm I tii ii'. fuI hurait', t'iiiusite femî',tî'u ontit (ttifat if ti]tt.lad iTii lItC" tiîtuu'îi The littie felhews are alwtu,ýys' i the moat dangeroîts. A miuqiuito 48 H is more hleocd-thinsty than a liton. sntieintrusion of~ a stratîger S A PPAN HOnOtPEE 1oER presented to the City of Akron by! tlicr pivae mserý SH RP AIN SH T CO PLEES 0 Y ARS Presi.cînt P. W. Litchfield. It is Thiei lie savthe cut)iniii er litaiTdlh.U III the centerpiece of a new cic and i )ittinîîg dîîwîi tiebucket ofic ";'I1IJLUI1 H KNEESmail, created across from Akron's Ilie>liai picked from the dumî î__lie___City Hall. a M3 M tepled tîver andii( heci)'p1ioanSfeed1 er They also attended the World's, tiokth cli Wma Sferd 0 easFair of Rubber. a comprehensive e Tia vouli'intcrest ou,- ie Slieiii i leefri ngarubber display which depicted said tilIvîrviî0hcasrix. rte, il vthrough use of dioramas and ani- "Teil I saidlMarierie %volait "I avest tii bdIvfriiimated displays the vast ramifica- "Ili s otr sister! Deî't speak t mlirercmtcpin.1 ult dicin tions of rubber's present applica- tlîat wav! loins inmntand hvetken tion to the field of transportation. in i)lironfii \1(Ilslc nefii i t is ,juist to have it: "NIv sister!" aid Ted scorîîfllil\ cococtions utntil 5, as tirtil spenîd- onthe subjan otstandîg dîsMra Iiýiýr:e. \ fe hthi Evi ai ur . a anîd have sonmething "Xcl I ca't hehp it if voir , ili v nvmones'. I licardlof Krîîschei onathy subdjeTet o ubb e x-Mr tisto ruel. ro fi l to t. ad nt lbu frigiîtencd about tilat doesî't give -vOu a riglht tii Salt s o o fen. that I thonighî Oeeprssetmnh nispeaa ýl1I tul ier ie i vierandi kl \othirand I tier. liisuret'eIl esc iinti, our lrisate affairs, dcs tday'dtrv filîai.By ti huitt tonad vnrubrnresfo liert mar I ii.SI r -,ilaitr îiva or venrsel t.butli t .ý\tî augri' flush lad sthIl t. kkuces iacre frequenti ftill of tir- tSumatr-a, half way around the itik toe u dcdfrt I t ý Iiov art li) I eini, thiamkiui for the buis leazi cheeks and his u, u, rible pains. I bouiglit a boretteof 1world, were brought in to com- se ifil iv. Siegos l te et l igst ilui nu. M as lici we sre baril as steel. Krtisclieui, anîd t ok taitt ii plete the cycle from raw material' Ilrus fititat tie- r diti k nlc\ i (e.taid i( oittiiii, \\-lien -"Oit, tlease. doi't!I.'said Nfari,-rie teremoruîig. It had noii et.1 to finished product. The drama-1 ý1le11( i i tir tie iN i n -m ire. But ivo irec ' cuiverilng lier face sithliber hamid.. - i Bt nmv lhusbanid saitJ I'virsîscrui1 tization of the life of Charles ical, ier ihr i ik adhi itd iandi iained t i i ifr beitig 1a asn't rviitg. i1teas trvine to Giv-e il a chance t i tt XX iii i Goodyear and the Goodyear Tire îiat'r ha' mino itlieri' 'tutiîreat'. hettet' i,, * 't r oIo- 1 ' l)- i ndbfr on i% -ne ue& ubber Co. was produced by a oit tr ut it-il)i.luit f itlit atti.'t 1ýt!f %Itat tt i to ir 1 iu ,itî etheîeed youî hi i i it.aie t ee ir nli- tireîuî a u- pnrefsinltop na nprn \itttit.azrcî' t ia.. iah)v t o li.. is 1siita. waiked foutr iles ltiti-"The entire nation joined in a t,, bt% coali ,nd f dr l t" e.î ttted t iîey seet it ut voir sec.Titid l' t trr(d its' ,ndfe it fie. %vicrca',trihute to Inventor Goodyear at a 1Liii tîItitîUr mi N.e'r't:abouttt Il-.M\Iotliter vs i'itî r. 'n i onc f thefaintilv ihi'ii iri' 1cituldid ardis tiali k tir,,,s huge civie banquet which marked te ait! is a. V - \', ad si titix Bettt antd I arc wokingtgt'vl tire flor."- i MNf.) E\ the close of the centennial cele- .'îîîîV> iîî sick1: ats- . icre i îii.anti I " itt t1Doussîîrn itog elt \Vliî nmore îoued 1tic sa abo i bration. Two national radio chains - c'îîed li I tir 11, . . k ~ atîd kitits'vîtir are huere? XXlicru is s1u" the relief that Krusclien Saits caitcrîdtepora n nisra clie tii î îk ,î! ... '%" . 1' itu t i'v'ie, îpar, tt itlithe i 1 - liing i i ferers frontri tit iiaitt]\in Ciii '-tte f iti 1; i.uit err leaders a v r te n to x iii' t , tie cu t 'tý: .* . .- tr"it si fit.. ti rieîuatiiîî?XXilivîii 'ii jîiti(îi ,i ' changed greetings with Akron ex- îîi Niar- ssOrsi' r'in 1 ..IîiitîîîîîîdI)Nii The flirt is one who educates t kîmoMohe dnts.1Ihtavemi t seenlii' J'.wr ~~iTithe icciilt)alitiiig trtic1Li t ati.man ho marry seme other woman. .lie r armu aaitiizît - - . :,. A:î, he ir tol etbita.s soitas 1teri shewi, tl %as Gulha.cuy tittC titi itair hic.. :'l' iutt-luit a sosick 1 hegged Bette te get tfitiiu lhtee mîîat eut3 \ei foeeai Ut,,l as a 0. sa'dctr onk seiteumoia i, .a DARLINGTON COUNCIL lahuiiiitms i' i iil- titi lîack if ler tuk- -: B~t~-ds.vers' treacherous disease." - tuto oucl e '\arh tns ar',. but ats aýs ilii titi' aiiie O E N E P RE C A.ý.Bl1ves;departmetit. Aitiietight lie i.,fenid of MOErN XPE E C "Xii3. ei"rc c. ,id sc:.s." r .. ý ¼ a ualiN itrlffer iwotid pas the doetor ?"asked Titri 4tlî. sith Reeve .NIs. Carrutiier', bowling in ttie inter aitditetîti', inii .Te-ucmeo 21Ya dear s' -bu aid. i"c.en !et , l îi.îgo. Site'i in that hard coid 'yeutug voice ,, mIi! presidine. .. ummier. il looks, as i f hotu wvililie and .ittoserthe rrz-e rlV ' :*gciîieî ht Viît faiicvaî chirric.M.Hoppc)r, Assistant District nlegii.ctci iiow that .Arnoild bas tour fteut'. ami.'2% .7 e a "tsWeili. .'i ss'îtld crs "Oit. Ted ! l'Il îîay, of course"i'. Etiineer. addrcsstŽd the Cîmuimeil n etiglit liiitiseli fa hointe. XVliat sitit a "N i ' Nol'iniail irikzbi. >insisttcd a -i : Shei ad \Ir. Wetlierill . -' .and sehat do yen think M.Rad1îdodM1hîer.Ii i-littie repiair-hure, a littie itaîittere. Betty. rait.ing ber hîcad anîd hbmi camei to hi- s'.hi': bî tva. sveak and W'etheriil will say te that ? ster te a enestien rezardinz calcium n ,arcii ie1 allewl asv aehir tears. "1I ust cant umder- i chioride as a road stahilizer sd. and aîai differemit ail cf a suddemm. F,-ýin j . etttiaite hiave the rîîad st-cil Pire- %ork aritimi tileitihome' a. lie and tbe bloiuse. anidlteat. and a chantce tis îîared hefene apitinz the calcium te NIr. Lelih have tt'o fie ciîilreîî, k i dsmi 2et the hest resuits. Re aise stateil Matli aîd Tiaiett."WO 'Bu \-msdear. 'tiic arccl tta aiîtnitas a o'neat oreserva- I elce omninta n 'ae hn.Cueltnegtitise of roatls atutlied as a dtîst laser. L eicti oneitio ttttt ustmi ibnu.Cim lu ni gi 'm- H futiir aleied itiCitnci tia~ f his kzratest loves is a iîeated gatnte ', a umic luth unch.'it 'eoîuld hi toti exicnsive foîr ime of soceur. A fcs e cars agit lie %%-as Nîanjorji inadi Betty .iî tutti t ai itinicipialits- te hu%,a stoîte erusiier onu fth iitsidig iaer ut cat. a's titiamenîît ohfssork hme-seouuid te istrict btt otal výct -Nother .aid the stitva, tie ut hav'e te doin mtoui sear seotld uiet kar .til. ii', amis i fe has as.tit'id a tlmiimg she bad tasted in ut sik. tiiuswarranmt so ireat ail expeuiditure. poitioni oit.ettitrol anti lie lia-. mrot saiui a, sime ate hIlntgris . The cierk seas uinstructed tii cali hi iii * iactivse. iit tîtat litreîi u iis. *Hase sou - tîîid lier about umire tir teumders fer the crisitine cf fourin-___________ h,ý \lir - ltte 'he wS ecatitît,. Autdlbc- ',betimtc receitîts tif S95.>X25.8() amduiAkron Centennial ixiututtilittire', S94,921,25. ide', Father bad cotune in anîd drop-____i_ lied clowtsn oii tire ctîer euige if tii' Road Siîeriuitcnuieuîtvwa'tistruiet- Messrs. A. M. Hardy. C. Cat-i lied. i e wet riglît off te ,icî. d tii utrcitase a Nio. 3 erailur tfr tran. M. A. Neal and H. M. Nan- "on sieke 'if Titi. i. bc Cir uîiîauaîeert'e, o returned home ses'eral daysI reesasir osrvc brutbcr ?' arjorie asked. iTeteusliip decidedtithis' fiee toits ago from the Goodyear Centennial the Bank of' Montreal wh "0f couirse. Haduit site heard of (it .Calcium chienide. and Home Coming at Akron, Ohio. the bolders of its more th hit. citlimr? H's almost seiuutiu. She turned, starthed, letting the tickets faili. Bv-lase sa pîassed atîîoiutiîîc They were four of 2,100 Good- acut.Yuwl no i ndli'sader.1 o'tk-owwat1 etc-vewrsad ),ti(-keier. year Tire & Rubber Company re- acut.YuwI no tîeuîd aer doîî't kteteFatfeie-ieser nduîîni-kcir. presentatives from all over the .of Montreal because jr gi sec ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n xeudhv ocsiieFti ikamdidnit realize fîilv seiat "She w't ttsay aiiythiiig, Tfi jB-lats'was lpasscd ho attirizc world who gathered at Akron for '«as 'ick if it hadu't hecut for Titi, site i.s adoiig. Father '.5as tIîreatum- i She's dcad !" Titîesas a hit ioi althe Weodhrido' aumd Vauczhan Teie- the company's third Home Com- that customers appreciare. He wiunked early aud late. Itîst like a cd sitit tuhercuiosis aîîd MXr. \Xetlî- soli ii Marjorie's voici ium siite ,iîîm tlione Ce. Ltd.. te erect anîd maiu-i- ng. mîarm. Hi 's tînt ueow huitiuig for tome crili îirimised toii tit hit uit a farmn her best efforts. taiuî poies. '«ires or cablîs 1ttPQI the Feature of the four-day pro-i kilîd of a joîb. Aiid hi liasuitlIîad amni start lîjîn tînt. Be'id', lie gave Time but itîtked at lier speenIatis - Iiihwavs of Darlinztitu Totusiip. gram was the dedication of a imnchi toeaet for a day andtia liaif. theiti (luite a ,ut iiitf imies tiihave'ish.uand fnoietii Tciedr «midaetd.ubonesau fCale od A Heiliad a reai desîerate look eti his nie treatid. It secems I wsnt't vin I e.uaect ifefuiy sAtiTesen - ywee nont ernthesankne nt arerwGood-ESTA r dL face sen hi weimt asevttetiis inort- striiuicanîd liata l iltitmier a Site-l didu't yuîu ever tuirt up hfone wseii Cuite Treas. discovered the secret of vulcanriza- iuîg. 1 Isiîthi euilî Conte lîack aute iaiist fîîr a loitr time. Tîie% said I Motiuer s',as fretiumg for yîuî?" Hîîspitaiization ................. o., tien just one hundred years ago. gîtn ',mtii e indste cat.Bth"ci ttli'tleifIddtia"scil'hli,"Bceause 1 diduit kutîseanythumîg1 E. C. Ashtonu. relief tecti .......1.50 The entime H'ome Coming, whîch Bowtnanville Branch: F. C. etie tîil u iuds iuetiut,.' rttltit." about lier tir suis tif yte except thut Towneî tf Bosemanvilii. Court marked the Goodyear company's 'Oi.'- aid\Ianiorie. "iîil(itint I g' ilButtý ' s y s grivse'ttiriîs 'it youî t lia lt ni lue ado;tted !' Cît îdBiifsFu,...113 0hAnvra a eiae îuît ati indhtîti itttimie,.The Itardnes it te liui u oottSaî n tuc to the memory of Mr. Goodyear, iiettv', eues filleul utitiu tear'..huit s triacis suiîtiTi',thiyoîadiaxd '116 wosenSmethcoipny bars.I BANK AND HOW YOU slii siiied titroticit teitet. amud! lut lit mite i. I titîuglît Nothuir diî!mît Ttuithe%- huard ttie doet 'r cint- tT ucTc............They witnessed the dedication lier lîraîl. , NI. Siiinu & Solui, ________________________________________ situent .ittv euen iuttt filuieeieat ail. ',be uîmontî firy ii lic ditteirsn,. îith letty j tm.t lie- 1 relie'f of the Goodyear statue, which was1 :and co-operation about ,ich appeals strongly ip tan one million deposit rbanking with the Bank ;ives the kind of service 9ONTREAL 1190 1097 ). McILVEEN, Man#er JMAY US E 1T"., for bookie, O gÎEP Uto a Pontiac' STEwUitlout eavinq the Lowest*Fhlce field! Y ES! You can siep up to a Pontiac - e cost bas been stepped douan as much as $100 compared with iast >'ear. MNake no mis- take-any new car buycr can ride %vith pride in a Pontiac "Arrow". It's priced R i g bt - with the Iow est! Pontiac's got the bigness - the smartness and distinction-wide doors-level floors- room for six husky "six-footers". Unisteel Fisher Bodies have been entirely re-designed for better vision-sinply great fromi the "drivcr's point of vicw". Sutper-I bri fty engines are packed wich pep and action. Effortiess controls make Pontiac a joy to handie-leave your mind f ree for the road. And the "Newrest" Ride! It's the high spot of comfort - makes riding akin tc flying. Be fair to yourseif! if you want top value in the car you buy, sec and drive the two great Pont iacs-the 'Arrow" and the "Chieftain". One of these tu'o is the car for you. Con- venient terms arranged through the General Motors Instalment Plan. "ARROW" STANDARD EQUIPMENT in utudes such plus fesatures as: 6.00 x 16 Tires - . . Duel Tait Lemps.. Controlîed No-Draft Ventilation . .. Autonatic Voltage Regutator . . . Heet Indicetor . .. Independent Futty Rubber-Covered Running Boards . .. Gravet Deflectors . .. Sedan-Type Front Seat (in coachu) . .. Glove Coin. pertment Lock . .. Special Tool Compartment. Handi. Gear-Shift (optionat-onty $13 extra). IPONTIAC "'CHIEFTAIN" -comnpanion car to the Pontiac "Arrow"-introduces riding comfort never before offered in the low-price field, provided by Most Advanced Knee-Action Front Wheets and New Reer Cou4 Springing. ROY NICHOLS Ctourtice .Bowmanville Ammma "There is a beauty in the name appropriated by the Saxon na- tions to the Deity, nequaled ex- cept by His most venerated Heb- Srew appellation. They called him "God" which is literally "The Good." The same word thus sig- nifying the Deity and His most endearing quality."-Turner. -God is Love. Can we ask Hlm to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not alreadycomprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept?" - Mary Baker Eddy. "The very word "God" suggests care, kindness, goodness; and the idea of God in his infiriity, is in- ,finite care, infinite kindness, in- finite goodness."-H. W. Beecher. "How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven. - George Macdonald. "Live near to God, and s0 all things will appear to you littie in comparison with eternal reali- ties."-R. M. McCheyne. BD BANKING SERVICE tr' Successful Operation ... 1 PAGE FOUR THE. CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWINIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, 'MARCH 23RD, 1939

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