Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 1

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[NG oiet arrn fer 'ady nlew Iflts to and St. 11-1 DU uni or one for ore 3re -er -t f A- in ce. T Ist in cd c- a, e- if 3 ~br ORONO NEWS On Page 9 NECASTLE NEW lan ît fteuln NEWOn Page 10 W - - . ..~. auPenueI1rAnd The urono News VLM85BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAy, MARCH 23, 1939NU ER1 HerHte' aer0 isDIRECTORS WILL i BOWMANVILLE BOY AND HRS HOBBY CLUB CHAMPIONS Amazn ipa ZerHte' aerO isCONERCOM MITTEE'WIN TITLES eY zn ipas0 cec ZONECOMMTTEENARROW_ MARGINS And Bro en Pro is s A lyAgrieultural Society Hods MeiMsSR.Jmsad .ObreAnd A rt Astonish iio s A in o eid n rjet adTaeSeverai Tities At Bad-__V Outlined At Canadian Club NeomtesmntnTunmn igh School HasUp nfo s F o llo w in g a n a d d re ss o f G . . Mh n u l c u o r a e t o Linton on Conservation and Re- Bowmanville Badminton Club on BEGINS NEW SERVICE Willson Woodside, Weil forestation, directors of Durham Tusa a lnObreadSuet n eces DGTG A IL su.Central Agricultural Society de- TMrs ySRames an sboe tsand -__DC_ Bowman~iîe Publc Librai borne onnthe en's an cided at theirmeetingsinsththe-outstitem Knon Wite, Sg- cied t teirmeeingin he g- ngplayers of the evening. Os- Demonstrate Resuits thîs ' ileek uulaed iary essN mm daericultural Office in Bowmanville ibrewnte nssinglesan _______ whitd e%* gst o m edaelnMndynih, ochprae7of Group Prolects to brghtouraetonhs onrvcMonday nightmbr Fatoo cooperate hthwas member of the teama Lage u.jh Awee ser'plce whereba ~m e mber Feaaof W or d W r wth hezone com m ittee in stag-* won the m en's doubles and the bLarfficais o the town ma' pace hî n me n ',,at ng a Forestry Field Day this year. mcap havebbeen delîvermes cap-ro- in g list fo r an ', b o o k . W h entu e th la i s s n g s the ook s reurnd mi iedf doubles.ig tMrslla JamesMr.________ddresTheltfirsturedthethate' aille taxe an is avaiabie, the lîbrarian %illii do not tell a little one 50 that 0no the need for education and en- ladie oble aes. S ehBoowas transformaedyHgh Phone or send a card to the 'one wîll believe 'ou, but tell such couragement in the project which' lares ows atendd t h il wsrldsfirmeo nTrsa Wthmeeeredrtet mmean odtebofo abion htnon ihsu-h ad begun in western Ontario and Lanto aodsmentndd threqtte lred*sbair nATrii 12.Wi hin, or hier for 24 hours. The pect it is a lie, said Mr. Willson was spreading across the country matches which saw several upsets night when science, art, modern year aylre weswl ne%,. service, which -wil un- Woodside in quoting from Hiters rapidly. He stated that there were ina vnn 0 xeln n construction and superb enter- find terbi aeil> e doubtedl prove popular, ',i~ll 'publication "Mein Kumpf" when thousands oof acres of land i h close competition. Results wr tainment were combjned to com- duced cost the iember ony 5 cents addressing the Women's Canadian rd esetin of Durham and Nor- lth oghtis is otni vh endaer m hefoTPlce S 'eseias follow: peeams neetn vn.Tescn tmwsams Per book. Club on Monday afternoon. Mr. thumberland which were of no[Ldes:igls-Mr.S 1R 'ar the h hih seol haseod sVetnsttgtht13 Woodside, being a free-lance writ- use for gawnganthngbu James defeated Miss Kit Storey,"Oe House,"a er, lecturer and well-known au-treanthtreslnedite "Open the auditorium tatashv benecie SCHOOL FAIRSthority on international affairs. region would decrease consider- Men's 8 ines1-4. Ohonedelgamd many we ter o- aninsd hruhbe rmn took as bis subject, "What Will ably the damage done by spring feedJackBighe A 5-sbre15-. rdatobegan exhdisan levefre- i, argorsaarr- featedwascfilled long5before-the pro-oand thaheailhperso sndavlng A DJU ST D TO itier Do Net?" - very populr frehets.Ladies' Doubles - Mrs. L. W. without hearing the entertain- quir ed uc ae o e lti CU RRICU LUM 'question at the moment. It was also suggested that an ~dM , f mn a rlcnefrec nnt In connection with the quota- attempt be made to have a survey îippell and rs. James deeatedmettac tion I will cite the different slips made of the district so that trees ViiaM ilsAde ikr n isi h mi up fteOh District Agricuitural Representa-Hitler has made in bis list of might bo planted in places where î Mein'sFole - S1, 1-. iames tagged poochess ann the townh I e etA eebr o brknpoiecniud the tey xould do the most good in' ob -SîR ae nterestedpate oSehewr dgi ti',es M et A Peerboo To bro en pomiss. onti ued he n . s boe dfae od carried on by the students as well a g Discuss Alterations speaker: the rpudiation of the curbing the flood waters. A drain- t:andund Oseoenethe owner Gord LoaroTray:te str niage basin survey is being made adE.Famn 41,1-,1-.as to examine several projects and Pu coup; the march into Sudetenland, this year of Ganamaska, near Port Lde'Duls BScin their application to school work. a> 0mcpedafoIt Plans for adjusting school fairs and the breaking of the Munich' Hope, and Willmott's Creek,îi isDrtyKoxadMs n nthW Dpeauitoim rnia .ke MissheDorothyhKnoxcandiMissmIoene In thetheditoriumioPrincipalhL. keepoand dvhereeItMesentuani ' to h e n e s h o o c rr c u u m f a c b t e a n e at o n 0f z e h o w s s at d.H a r y C . A ll n . B o w m a n v ille sta tio n a t H o rn b y , sp e n d s m u ch i W h e e le r a n d M iss e t T a m b ly n , e x ce lle n t o p ro g a mn f a t r n th e b e d o t s t e a n B w studies that went into effeet a slox'akia. E. A. Summers. agicultural re- boyý,"who was on the mechanîcal, of his spare time at bis hobby of 115-8, 15-9. Bet 'ahoo1 choir and frcesatune m year goago e c nerereconsideredopinoat oatiInd my popinion, forcunhainuedy, M rtafrefsentativeastnfora- Durbamg wcountydes.CKGWie- leadershipes ( ) of. Francistof Frutton.tto M us.s conference of district representa-i Woodside, Hitler could neot and mentioned the efforts they wvere tioeaeshpo tives of the Department of Agri- did not w'ant to fight but rather Imaking in rural achools in Man- to es i taf f rad casî ndsta- masing xoistng modnel. Bobileian M ent Dbles ()A. BanitBc. ic or usc iheaubr- nii' ndrol an culture and Public School Inspec- acquire what he wanted by a piecej vers Twp. to bring children to, a te staff moved to Hornby, is stilli bis dad explains the workings of and S. Casbourn, 18-15, 7-15 15-5. lic anid High Scbools. Other num- I W s tos r n'th am a e o c nra m a. n e ar t he Ro e realization of the value of trees. at his old hobby. He is no wý living, the tiny steam engine which is a Mixed Doubles - Mrs. D ippell bers n cded readings of sceniesW tri omatthe offie ar0 fF.c.ntPal- Berl.In pregrdip. Hthéemcu- ahcidwiltî eat Oakville and bas a complete part of the threshing outfit. Mr. jand A. Osborne defeated Mr. and (Continued on Page 7) Sot Amrc OtroathofieoF.CPaî ahcidwl hsyar plant t > erson in Peterboro Thu sday. aged Italys interest in Spain bv 'six trees, it is expected. The pro- 0rsi g o ti n te b s m n . lî s a boh r 0 Norman, jM s. S. James, 11-5, 15-12, 15-7.Ms li C ruh r Scbool faims are to become a; ject is being tied in with the visit bf is home. Harry, who is a William and Alvin Allian a MxeDobs(B-Mssar joint enterprise of the two Dpart- (Continued on Page 7) of the King and Queen. transmitter operator at the Cana- son-in-law of Mr. and Airs. H. H. joie Badt and B. Vanstone de- ELDEST SON 0F _______________ ments, and are to be bought into After considerable discussion, dian Broadasting Corporation's Dilling, Queen St., Bowmanville. featedMmanMr.RCorne TH S BO REL dloser practical relation witb agri- the Society decided to give what 1 5-7 , 18. ,adMs .Ccrae H S ý T ELEit culture and ural life, Mm. E. A. NEED VETERANS jassistance they could to make te ther clubh Is C iticizenBy Pracher pUd fNLrt inearfuture Summers told The Staesman in a I field day a success. It would prob- w o hena uue.1Tann reportof tof mt tie g.meeting. F O RIN 1PA T R O L LI NtheGoabofyantake. M o naehformr it0fz eany entire ThiaturdaySatseveral daughterd B ttrof, 5r.SuandedMrs. d u.hH Chief Inspector Present DURING VISIT j day, combining authoritative ad- 'o iv0 local teams will compete in theLenrBote,57Sueede- Carruthr, Bwaniente ljdresses with visits to counties rCenngtral u mnun Ontario Badminton Tour- back In Early Life But Became1 accompanig atcl ecie tended, including C. F. Cannon!Legion Calls For Ex-Srvc9Mn ofoexctiewaaandei$5cap____ aaaA nmetatLnday heloa cu and Col. E. E. Snidem of Durham ' To Patrol Toronto Streets and will be a com m ittee in chargecesu in i n ng a m j rt 0fau d E po ee I S iein r si g ev ts o a t p wl c County, and the agricultural re- During Visit of King lof the plan. Rev. Eugene Beech Presents by birtb rather than selection," testrophwniesutacmpeion s Dat ewitb tarfinasd oaie byMsT.Wse presentatives were E. A. Summers, and Queen The Better Homes project was Interesting Address At said Mr. Beech. , xetdt esrne hssa en ssoTatud Mar iBt-, pubhsed we of Durham', Ian MacLeod of Nor- _____also left in charge of the execu-o ittr r ocdt ae1sn trell on Stray, Mach lhnbs e t thumberland, Fred J. Webster of' tive to work out the details and oayCu when after spending the eveningl Prince Edward, H. L. Faim of Hast- The District Officer Command- put themn into operation. Friday blood purges to rid the country of 1 lîstening to the radio, hie com- ings county, C. W. Buchanan f, ing M. D. No. 2 as asked for in-' Erban oats w ll be ncluded in their po ee ie.be mus t plin d f a be da he and reir d arc ,O9F Lennox-Addingtoîn. M. H. W intem formation as to the number ofg ad t er po e e a s t e D F L O W Fe ry Hs sse dn t u e s For the d znlf p o l h e a rl y . H s si stS .ES .a N e w Y o rks of V(toria, and' Mm. Paterson, i men ivho can with reasonable cor- (Continued on Page 7) Comparing the value of a mon- have no basic reason for being R N P OVDabuhscodtnadwe he1aiI with e. K. Green, Chief Inspector; tainty be counted upon to be archy with that of a republic or head of the government. went to investigate, found that lie others woarinestd for the Department of Education, available under the colours of the a dictatorshp, Rev. Eugene Beech, Appeasement will nver work FINE PROGRAM was serously ili from a heart at- going to gv o u da0 h and Norman Davies, Inspector of Canadian Legion, as withouttis Newtonville, presented sevemal in- with dictators because they must tack. Mm. Bottrell passed away highlightsol etIde n Agiýurlclsss ifomain t simpossible for OLDEST MERCHANT teresting arguments before Boxi J always be doing something to 1 before a doctor could be sum- South Amiccrseaodth Ag7iual comptitive classes hm ", irtoe dtail plans for the LAID TO REST IN manville Rotary Club mem-bers 1 Justify their position and must ai- Florence Nightingale Lodge Hosatsmin ~- S. S. New ok fo r iros lv so k o lry ii f T er aete o T -on Friday. His topic was "And ways be reminding people of their. To Visitors At Local Hall B r n B w a vle 5 er To be in t te b gning i flowrgrirts, livtab es toll cck pou-îtri îto 0 h i aesis t o L O C A L C E M E T E R Y the King W ill Pass This W ay.' past accomplishments. W ednesday N ght ago, deceased was eldest son of quite often a g o hn , b t i tinued as formerly, but not for It is part of the general scheme 1 As this is the first time a roign- There is no such need with a Mm. Thos. J. Bottrell and the late dth, odinary school class work sucb as that ex-service mon through their J. B. Martyn, In His 88th Year, ing sovereign bas planned to vîsît monarcby. No one challenges'Wdedyngtwsardlt Mrs. Bottrell. His earî er a flash-bk t tsnn as writing, art. sewing, cooking, organizations will be asked to S ccumbs To Bief Ilness - Ias Canada, we sould think of is their rght to be king. The trou- tom htingaîghtwasa e weelentin Bo ma vlle weres uni u m r h us n n crap books wvhich are to ho sown help lining the streets along Their Co sd r d Ex et S e value and is place in the world ble as ben in history that the Lod g t ien Faorenceaign fo u e reen mpoed Mrs. T. W. CawkFor and I rod in future only as part of the school Majesties route. Judgej to-day, began the speaker. Ho is kings decided to be more than a Orono, eaded by P.D.D.G.M. W. fute years lie was epoe r.T exhibit.l not a supreme legisator, no m a symbol of unity and wanted to Riddell, sponsored an Orono in the finishing department of the horsebac k n ln ed ti s wh n a d p tti n fon iecie itc ooig F r a tu n at m o n o 9E, w e exii.The arrangements are in the The dpîîth of John Brown Mar-, Super général, but la a symbol to mule as well as reign. Because of ih. Dominion Organ & Piano Comp- cape to t1 aiba.Ta a Non-competitive exhihits w i 1 1 hands of the District Officer Coin- tyn on March 8th, took from u iteal peoples in the Empire. this, King John was forced to sign Ngh. any, where bis father was also wbere theide a on be armanged to cover one or more manding the Military District con- Bowmanville its oldest merchant, Loe0gn'Ronryo mieteMga at nnhre unusual event took place science. arts. crafts. English social bAIl ax-serviceanmon in thisusDis- an impossible and a vague was bung after bis country had:drn og esonwe lr mye d. wiHo ahso spent th ire r neoew n, tfotse subjecsersieandn n0ton.Dis-ness, and one who from ealy b~n eas e aentse een plunged into civil war. 011- ec ihigl ereTeam, tse, subect an soon.tI..suthonce Nigbtinganotsee Cyeatinadtreyaswt trict ,who would cae t asme youtb maintained a réputation o o e f o mof t h r- e r m el h n rs o h o e r P. G. Fred M oore, exempii- t e o od raTi nd ree 3'ear Co w it e md t o o r om f _ nor setfoot on lehDogree TCers- witCrtmwelRiverdaoeetoTiretgrewieunhilFiittwas inevita.ble.p Suggested Discontinuance this duty are asked to communi- honest industmy and unquestion- fore we are drawn around a sym- and gave the people a taste of a undamxce The Department of Agriculture I1eate and give their names to R. M. able integmity. blthkig hesmasethe iRoaSthegeedorA. Smthapthewooderreto&Abubbe Co. fimeieta antdnigw as been considering a change in C ton, .. Bowmanville, by M . Martyn was born at En- bo, he in, m c tesa e s a dictator by being a militar des- leRoland mt and A. Sm Sn ith , in ya Ngo ew eTron. Ab iou e tit m n ovr he hoe hn sc oo f im p li f r ue î st ye r. S t r day PM mc125lafirgeCh ta ua> in D a lin to ath ers arou n d its pot. In 1660, E nglan d w as hanaa d Arpipmyth b in yea m ao, h e e r e o i o e an e rt m y n t bl s o j aet.Wben we sing "God Save tmetmetmbmnrcyeT rs and son and al e. ing in Bowanvruni iîebe eh ivdtbing themdtatulyegtr and at one stage it was suggested As usual the dutxy is entimeîy Township in 1851, son of Mm. and thepirng"sr.o hnigo ere hta igM.Rdelwsitoue s Athuhqieatv nsot omt t h t b o b i s o n i n e d e t i e l . o u n a r . h e e w i l o oW i l l i a m M a r t y n . T o u g h i s o n e p K i s n " b uw e a hro aoh i n ,0 f ie a m n e d ,h a t k n a w o ' d leb r s o r o o L d e .w t i s f a lecu n t b i y e a t hu t i e i N wY okae Howevem, the Minister Hon. P. M. oraîwnenm iltaso-ather and most of the family cperson, antsto MC.as inMorrdis Altbugb uteatiei sot sk e tut eal cm on butorathor 0f a mon-ruleiis badsbut a ditatorn emciairmandbyN.G.oC.:G.rMorris duing bsaccdesc en e as at eta20r wee m Dewan disapproved of that pro- tation be povided, nor provision wemo expert tillers of the soil, the arbyanepend urwn os. Theo àllowing pograni was givesotngacdn we ewa W0bretIdonteremiaesoa the responsibiiity of the School 1away from home. Each man must known, forsook the land adcm epygu oehrinasal etwnelfare ehv h mih oa ut;H et a, adcplebeaeavle e-1aot Inspectors, and linking up the faim ho e propared to provide for him - to B ow mianville in 1866 cmer e f r of g v r m n .r g t t v r a d v n t c i - T mb y ,J T m l n a d D n ld p yé w th h e i m s h e m r u d 1 wobejekceiigussogemerin stblemen an webelevewe avetself.thvoal uet H.Bes, Crl andcapho ecae avalod m-sbou, ad uualy nverge agrcutue eaume ae o e up- I nig t e n cosay t e k in is g ocery store. H o also The succession syste mn used in cize the king, continued Mr. Hamm, b ass quartet; Mrs. Stan ployed im and was most co m-l ervse by th A ric lt ra Re p int t h on pa ad ea îy in lived with the M urdocks. selecting m onarc s by their bith- B oc .ly Payne and M att Harrison, a inl the town in w ich h o was born m v w y fo t e d c s u preisentativead aculademce-1pisthmoniginoon to he time After sevemal years apprentice- right becomes more effective than 1When the King visits Toronto bUmomous dialogue; Miss Lo~is Surviving are bis father; three that comesat. umsntvebtes, o n spectors.ie is exete d rnn Trno eh0 a.m. sbip of intensive training as a systems of choosing leaders bhy sisters, Mae, of Bowmavle Iko tie b h SholIsecos. i xpcedt e .0 .. good grocer, lie changedi stores vote. Everyone knows the kîn'g <Continued on Page 7) (Contiriued on Page 7) Edna and Greta (Airs. E. J. Dopp) I people whobv ent e and was witb Peter Consul, who bas a rigbt to reign, but chosen Toronto; threo brothers, Irak on'ifyu kist.W lvdin the bouse now owned by leaders wbo bave gained their of BowanîleNoma otNw B.H.S. Teain Loses Basketball Titi - Vastone in Westmount. positions by influence often havee B eo. Mc au hlngT bmHibMs ascl-Ivr'cea a wt tesn hn ontoVan anduem neghs of P ero. wemefruaeeog ohv Later, ho and John Lyle, for,1- their rigbt to the position disput- E ns iln B r e .M L u hi bae yRv .J ofya t er town clerk and véteran mer- ed with a civil war resultin- Jbraed by Revma.nJCaoff huc eteya .jînbrgtly ny ato h F h a n t oJ osd p h 'sce rR o m ane sC a t hool i e b eC h u r c b e % o u ea he m t o h c rb e t d a In One Sided Gaine Against Petes can, pnhaagrcve bsies I onthe lin e osr would red At Banquet In Oshawa Bownianville, March l4th. Th~ e! ysrn odwn in the store now used for a bowl- chave beon the long yoars ofpiestrîfe ing alley by bis son, W. J. Martyn. in Spain or the trouble in Czecho- chomdeirnasîstd. ntilermeter.was' e u aei n aei i Hr FogtBte iPot COMING FRIDAY In 1881 tbey dissolved patnersbip, slovakia if Benos bad been king MCometer>'. of a stendCARmuggle atFora times to retained ne' ha HardFougt______inort____Mr.____________ onun-For a triutes aederelceives d o s t ehda oey Hoe-maimEd tii 1924 wben hoe left bis sons W. J. Function Sponsored by as well as the following: Mater- enue (the lde ilko b iScore of and Fred to dispose of bis stock SALVATION ARMYd eeiin ep. God itws o ____ileetanotonga utilli IOndNIL CLERATESouth Ontario The flrst serions accident il n eciigDp.,Go-i as lvoy)an ad te d B. H. S Se i r1 oy b s et al ,n w as no o ged by t l e oC a n dan A N N I VE R SA R YS ociety of the year in this district year T ire & R ubber C o., B ow - la t m n t ur b s o h a seed a d foed s ore in t e officehappened M onday m orn ng at m anville; G oodyear Récr ation 1 cruise. Th e d s in f t e h g Prest annvîllesoresixthmilescewestVRS0fYClubs of Bowmanville and New, store windosismtinwhc B. . . enorbos asetal nw ccpid y heCaadanSons of the soil joined bands Bowmanvllle, when two cars Toronto, and from bis old shop- I may be r ondfravg team blot the Lakeshore League Ntoa xrsdmcl'ara with brothers of the cty in whole over n idsiPre Ig he h ol thd intersc b ola tic c h a m pio s hip a n d .th e ro ad f ro m is o ld sta n d , In - W l e e b a e 5 Y a s A t v ity h e a rte d trib u te to a ie ad n g citi- s c oiiid e d in a le e sw n ip e nr - P ma tes C o at t e mnioyr. s g é h ~ r , e e the tire block in which this sititcdn h hnondtreenas With Special Services Featur- zen of Oshawa, George W. Mc- jured. Mrs. Dorothy Putnamn, Fiends and relatives from a asth betiu cotste- in the COS.SA. play-downs by ' oated, havng puchased it fom ig G eToAr Mon From in t n a op l Ont a wain,. andn hothcortdud onbager tieingk trouncedhi byorPeterbomouesin ay Mn .rIm Laughlin, tacmlmetr i- Peterboro, was d ig ivest distance woattended tefunemal (o sueigtnedt play-off amein athe late Peter Bounsaîl. Ho added Torntonom n te Genosh HtelOcaarand ac jrdng to police,he includied: Mm. and Mms. E.àJ.àDopp_________ Trini>' C lleg, Por Hop, Sa- se eral dditons o the nomtomn humaa>' o onin. ca o aent ntoasski as s e Eu ene opp J.,J M ..an Mrs urdaiy Caftegeoon Hoe,. -part of the building. The fifty-fifth anniversamy Mcagof bswo he aprahe hePrsonîle NrmnBotoî,MisEda utes iteoo a tou b heAoal w e ho aemnate bew een soîl - o o ot lb on Dviin tee am h 2thnnd M joilG e n an rb n dw lerzlkeohe b t ec n ehce, o ne m. H m ce M rk, Mr linr 1 Frm, ttwa wo aèthý----- -alu wi >eitv. vW. F. Banister Pas- I employed a ora-j1 on Rend By 12,000 People Weekly

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