Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1939, p. 10

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PAGE TEX TuE .\N.DI.\ STTI SI.\N BOW.\N-ILL: ONARIO-rTL;NL-D)r -IlSÇ5tlL 1T EN GAGEMENTS Me. and Mes. Leslie C. Thomp- The ew c stl Ind pen entson, Tyrone, wish te announce the PHON CLRKE 114engagement of their daughter, PHN CAKE11 Susie Viola, te George Watson Graham, son cf Me. and Mes. Geo. Mes. Wm. Cowan. Orone. ,,was'contests that he has been putting M W. ret aham plaSr., Bom ne a weekend guest of her daughtee, on frorn place te place. Lueky Arl Mes. Austin Turner. winners of door prizes were: Mes. SCOUT NEWS Arl Me. Ross Cobbledjck took a car F. Graham, Mrs. R. E. Morton.____ The engagement is annouîiueed load of hockey fans te Toronto Master Ted Hoar. Newcastle; Me. of Helen Mac, enly geand-daugh- Saturday evening te see the Maple and Mes. L. H. Guy, Oshawa; Miss The First Pack has been foeced ter of Me. and Mrs. E. S. Trimm, Leafs-Rangers garrie. jAudrey Adams and Me. Jack te close its membeeship as 1forty- Tyrone, te David Scott Park. eîd- Miss Ruth Heney, Victoria Col- Helmes, Lake Shore. Rev. R. E. five Cubs have now been invested est son of Mrs. S. Duval, Peter- lege, Toronto, and two girl friends Morton moved a vote cf apprecia- which almost makes twe complete borough, Ontario, and the laie T. spent the weekend xith her par-j tien te the lecturer and the audi- packs in one. Any boys wbo wish D. Park. Sunderland, England. ent, e. ndMrs Go. ony. ence signified its hearty approval. te join the pack are advised te The marriage te take place at the Me. Adair Hancock of the Kerr- wait until the faîl when it will beTyoeProgenApilth Addison Mines, Nerthern Ontario. necessary te f111 several vacancies. ____ and lady feiend. spent the week- Due te the large waiting list it Field Co o ptto J2.nLerprlse bas becorne necessarv te place Co o ptto end with his parents. Me. and E tr rs every Cub under ver y strict aI- Mes. J. C. Hanceck. Optuu tri lit liirs f c i urlit.îu A number ef Newcastle people \t... Cluaý. aîîd 13usd Taylor1 tendance cules. Cuttuiah erîeîutltuurali Societ\ il. have been going te Bowmanvillc e ri.leIiili tti ~umiut Tuesday night many first star1\Os tlei)\ude Seer uitas. te sec "The Citadel" at the Royal' I ltRe itl] tekan(l N1olldaîs utiglit. tests ivere passed but a number 'WC atts, udc frtîer's Theatre, having bought tickets Nuýr. anîd Nirs.. 5. liiîî and \suiite o 0eCbs1d0rube1i1thior.ntuitîtfho r aiinldiugpi ftuem Bwavil ih eol,,îîNr..1.efîsi uda. ieIS î.skipping. Balthrowving and leap IStî 1ý).39 .Varietie.. cf calstfrii stuens. lii Nofati..Sîuîdc.feogs seemed te be thc favorite ltuistcrcd I'Bsutmer. Rýecisteruil 'r e- "Thc Live Wires." the young Ncra .\are las t (s jtiIt - test. Erie Ssindells introducedSl ' .*\ilc ed r)ai. Gevt. <t,111- 11 men's class of thc United Church mue be;at Nîr.. ',i Mleu. new game which was aeceptedlaýrd N,-. 1. 12-2 Sunday Sehool, iwill conduct the \lis,.. latîei..uu i, %iiud M Ni. i- iith geeat interest.r____________________ church service Sunday evening. tInai t'clîrante Satirdsv. Maeh 6. fIlchoe f oung Nr."Ild r. . st.lun ud The competition ends for both li________________ men will lead in the singing with f,îiiis vi.ited ie0r i-licter at Cul- the first troop and thc first pack' one of the class members. Laur- îiiubi. . svth the meeting of March "8th ence Morton, at the pipe organ.! Nîr. anid Nîr.. auTltîiiî... Suitable aivards have arrived and Me. Kay of Scarborough will give it,!fauulcattîl Nr.sind NIlr...TIi.. are certainl3' worth the -vork that the address. Thc junior choir wilI î.essi.. atuufliuils îutt sutlas sîîu has been put forward by each sing at the morning service. \Ilr. and Nr-..-1. E. Ratiu.lcrr"s\ group. The sinning six of thc Mr. and Mes. P. C. LeGresie - Nît. anud Nr.. Garutet Grhteuut anucl Cbsiste be alse teeated te a hike Grubbe at W0f Chandle ornaîi N - oc. Hîc.Several first troop Scouts are_____________ Westn an Etbicoe .ing tlîî.ess %-ii attetuded hue hot after their badges and are on Sunday. Mes. P. C. LeGresleNy danice at Puits pooliscreNiMr. aild setting eut on hikes Satueday af- had gene te Westen a fesv days Nîrs.. Cias. Tas 1cr asud sons . Nîr. and trenwt hscdaeefr-l l A R carlie onlearnng o 0cr roth r- Nî. 1en l..ldrcad. Nîr. sud Mn.. most in their thoughts. Walteer in-law's critical condition. He died fl'shRaum.lurrN and Mi.ss Be...ie Geode was wclcomed back aS As-it March 17th. He la survived by Psttersm . Mi.s Pattersîn ivoi lite sistant Scoutmaster ef tOca first BOWMAN VILLE bis widow, feemerly Miss Amy E. fir..t îrizc for ladies. treep after being absent since T us n.-St Balfour, sister cf Mes. P. C. Le- Nîr. sud Nîr... Har"ld Hoces-, Wil- Septembee. T us -Ii -St Geeslev. and one daughter. Miss <alaitd Lili . i.iied lier atut. Nir-. Ir Eveyn eube. e ias p om-uitii Nîffatt. The Sceuters Club wilI hoîd a MÀRCH 23 - 24 - 25 mnent member cf St. Phi1lip*s An- -Nîýr. ll os 1a....o.sa oilevnn vt saao S0 APNS î glican ChurcO. Etebiceke. Aftee J e,,.ass(r assca vnngwt saa o DMINUTESO AJIESe th fnealMr.P - .P'îplirrîuilitIi, part cfitte tsusiiTuesday, March 28. A large eroun retuened te Newcastle withh0cr s eel edersfrom O c wnewly son and husband. _______leaders______h _________________formed geeup in Orono have also been invited. TOc meeting is te Amateur Gardener Lake Shore, Clarke be held in St. John's parisb hall. Adrese Lja Mr. and Mes. Leslie Alldread. Horticulturists; Maple Geove, and Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread. Newcastle, ce- "Dick. The Amateur Gardener! cently visited Me. and Mes. Leslie who speaks over station CKOC at, Allin. Hamiton vervweekdayfrom Mes. Hueman Peters, Port Bei- Hamiton vervsvee day tain visited with Me. and Mes. 12.30 te 12.45 p.m., dccxv a large Clarence Mitchell. ccewd of people înteeestcd in Lake Shore Homne and Sehool flowers and gardens when he ap- Association met March 151h. A e pcaeed personally in Newcastle Shaw's Home & Sehool Club put IE N W on Friday evcning. Maech 17t0. on the program. Owing te bad G IE N W TOc counicil chamber xvas filled eoads thccc were few fcom SOaw's te capadity as il xvas hast ycar-peesent. Mes. Jim Brown, accom- Te11GieCmaype when "Dick" lectueed in New- panied by Mes. Otto Bragg, fav- sened an cntereaCnmmnante par castle. Otherwise known as Mr. ored with two vocal solos. Mr.ensadfid ltWdedy R. F. Gunel, Hamilton, Oc is one E. A. Summees showcd sldes evns anStfrJnds as h Hdcsal of thc leading horticulturists of "Beautiful Homes Across Can-feven"0gCnadt. JoOn Parh-ll the province and is Director for: ada." They- wece enjoycd by aIl. cutt sang "Be a Good Guide." the Otarie Horticultural Associ-' Me. Gordon Martin Oas pue- Thc girls under tOc direction of atien of District No. 6 compeising chased thc Robt. Douglas estate. Mes. A. Emmett prcsented gym- the counties of Wentworth, Halton Mes. Milton Brown is home nasties and the sailors hocnpipe' and Brant. He spoke Ocre last feom Oshawa. Thc play 'Behind tOc Scenes' was Friday evcning under the sus- ___________ a lutaiesi nGielf picres of tOc local hoticultucal r and wousrk, w sit olenoGuie Wiht secttsMe.J. . Jsepreidet rand Florence Densem in t0e lead- His instructive address, richly in- Salem igrls uhHthno n teespersed xith humne, was il-ing rls. Ruth Hutc ehinson and fr lusteated with lanteen sldes. TOcPheDniel xiie hi first of these was a set of 24 pic- lc..titc thie iad r'îad ai uve-atîer elocutionary talents xith charac- turcstakenfcom ehbs'Gacdndc>îcitions ootutSuutda% IRev... \ teristie monologues. Guide Cap- Book for 1939. He put these on NI'ari-înaazedc to get tiruumgliufreintanMsR.Qinskebif- as s conteat and ssked evccyonc T-%r"me amîtî crîuuîuc flute es-euuiutg ..- and prcscntcd a spray of springl te wite owntOc amesof be ice.flowecs te Mes. Emmett. Accom-I fo wers sown.tes. ade of he ..ineiueNarl Itua.panying at tOc piano xvcre Mes. flowrs how. Mr. Mdde of ý'I>.. inetiz Narch15t wa W. Mutton and Patrol Leader Bar- Oshawa was the winner of the opviiecd bu-tOc President and prayer bars Rehder. Thc music under tOhe peize for this, aving 20 eut of tOc 1c Nec. Nîanchu. Thte linourani %%a directio f Patrol Leader Mac- 24 correct. Me. Madden aIse had iii charge cf Nfis.. J, Nesuo-it. Ciii- lonne Mahood 100k t0e form of s 20 cecredtly named. The lecture zei.hit, Vice, sud imstead orf tOc pow-wow or sing-song ending said lOis was thc highest record iisi na rocnaiiî M r. R. Hall Ipreictîncd with 'Taps' and God Save tOc yet sttained by snyone in these: s radie> for <lue cveniîug sud thueI King. n but h lad the ieastiurc 'if i.tt u- îig tri Re. Calot. Rais ..eîuu.Dr. Il. h3iuce aud NIrn. CG. NcCumîaglt gi-el iddres..eb o'th(le Leaîden..Iimi L,,'u L u n l.ç S p e l'ga Othier iiiîuber..onthi le tîrognaien ce neadiuugs by Nis,. hi'. Handvolte cf thîaîuks was tendcred te Mr. Ammonia ...........2 pkgs. 9c IHall forn li.. kimidues.. imn rocurnug Chocoate ie radiou. .\îcîdaîîcc 23. ChoclateOu i S. Patrick's Day tOceIPublic Drops ............ 2 lbs. 25C Sclitmil scliolars aîîd teaclier, Mr. F. lIacklurîi stageci aitthuen afternooui Clover Leaf in Tomate Sauce -. t 1I-l1imite'she li dtuits(cf tte H'errings ........... 2 tins 21 c ieigluonor)id sucere iîuite!d (c corme aud enios UiceJ>n'îgrain sud suen New ~~tresîcîl t' a dlaitty ichieii, taii.I Cheese .............. lb. 17C a sers cjuisable afteruiooui. - NIr. WX V. lie.. aud faîîiîs lias-e Oranges dz lOc - iirîulihîr NIr. G. Cortiislu's- flouise Orne ......dz 1c-1C - 'ru Nîaii%-crs Roaçl. Chocolate -NIr. R. Frnicis i.. still c>'u uied (rli Marshmallow Biscuits ...... 2 lbs. 25c l iitseiriiget l lij)ath\*. th'- fîtuils cf (lue laie F ..hh i i Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Large Assortment t' ii.e is as mjite sifldcuily on Mr 'l'lue fit i..: til sers- lrevalenit, 'uue i f tîte s ietiîîîs beiîug Ntr.,,a d E . L U N N Nu..C. lie-rtil>mirg a soii iO'iuieîîemm- be .r, 'f ti r iiitg (.ail tr îîliîî Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanville faiftie,. i f:îîîiiî areit ~it mcthutir ileu- îîîuî NI . i riîtis.. liaýiiuig lhrltsd tht-i iro' >,n att- tte 3 Ic.a bS ut ri -to, P it, 'su r Ithltîtrthues stilltesih ii i- I EXTRAORDINARY OFFE R _! _____ thtflicS.S. Sîiîicniiteii-uiit at SaIt-ti. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Men's 3 Piece Suits Do You Know Why You j Ladies' Plain Dresses are Consipated? M en's and Ladies' Sp ring Coats 8I )thi e -;rytyou (rit isu fted l nWtfii " foit, irei wary 'e-, yor alimnt uît ithat léac V(s,i cati i jl tct. B>rewi. meunt, aotsiie? lu ttat edoii't loo~k iiiy fiîrtlîer. You pi ,I-,j y suiffer frrni lack of bulk " Anid lulk dîsm' lîei ilt ity, bu t the kîîd of f,.,it tait lis ot ionipieteiy si ni ilii d anrd I cavsso ,ftmigs in the i',wei,, that heips the b,ýwe.- nîcie. If your diet Jacks bullk', the Sol u tion 1.4a bowi of Kei iogg's cri,,p Al-Bran for breakfast every day. It c>ontains the neicessary bulk- and Vitamin Bi,. the naturaliIntestinal tonic. Eat Borne Ail-Bran every day. drink lots of water and become ..regular.1 Made In London, Canada, bY Kellogg. At ail gro- cerS. i -i.jinlcs as the World's Favorite comics deliver their funniest hiti Dmod by ub0h . hhy'ta Aiso Return o f the Scarlet.Pimpernel Froin the famous novel by Baronees Orczy Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Monday - Tuesday MARCH 27 - 28 Dolores Del Rio and <Geo. Sanders in "International Settiement"p Matinee Monday 4 p.m. FOUR DAYS Wednes. - Thursday Friday - Saturday MAR. 29 -30 -31 -APR. 1 MUSICAL SINCE THE THRILLS 0F "ZIEGFELD" 1 IMatinees Wednes, 2.30 p.m. Satuday2.30 p.m. iln i c a P Ila [RFaods - ai Te DI ___DEATNS AýLLIN - -In Darli-ngteon Friday Nîarcu î7tlî, 1939, F.reden!ick W. MlIi uu, bel cved iisbaud "f Sanali Jamue Alim, ase 73 %-car>.. Imiter- mettHauitîtoiCuuue COLVI Lt. - 11,Bossinsusille. coi StI'd,îs, M,,rclu 19, 1939, Nltrani,r--,tr ColisilI, wclidocf (hue Iste ,joli,, T. Colsvil, iii Item- 84tîu s tir, u terlt i B ow ii suisil he Ctuuuctenî CLA\RK - il, Clarke.(oui Satlt- chas. NMardli 18.19.39, .Alicc ele- "f id \\" X illiamu1-l. Clark. ini lIuer 77t hi s usr. I ittcriiîtu i .t h I'td ilea ualCeutte-rv. HU.GH IES - Oui Nîa;jjcju 18, 19.39, it ids.as . Ladv iiglues (liee Ei iy MNars Bur ke 'if BssiaisIc. iie ouf<lue late Lt.-Getî. Sir Sain Iligt..Itternuent Riverside Cciii- uterc Luidsay. IN MEMORIAM "fi îum dear inotlivr. Nlrs.. NI. R. XXlmnu. lue îiasscd assai s>(o r.ih i l i Trentonî, oui Nla rclu 22, 1929: al.. miii dear fatiier, NI. F. WXilliauuj. îslio îas.d ais 5v ai Nesy-castie Fel. 26, 1935. S.,llî nuieclClanra XWilliamsi. 1lIane. S1'A î'ITON --Ili Ihosiuîg mieniîcry 'f aî duar liîi..bamud andî iathuer. ' Th, milýs. Staplîltotu. îslicI a.. ..e<I is as Nfarchu ltlu. 1929:- t.,îiuianid IeacufitiI i li.. .ee'ii S% oUute ..t rt .t tht pain,' - .1 u Wc sihic Icicd iun sadlv mis ii...liiii. Bu limi>u.t iii Goîl t" iieut ziait - . >.t eiieiic edfsXX Wi lu and tt')LCII --Iii 1oiîi liii u y iuuu' fa GOODM[AN - 0O, March 17, 1939, 1>.iiirs tutu Coîucl iîu icî'a..'asu ai at Tront, 1-uisaE.,laruli 2.rd. 19.38:- St oi uit, Limia E. ssîr'si"~ G-'ui i.. the face wsu ed e .>o dear lieh i-s G> s imait uand dea r iuîihit Sut uit is thle i die s c cut r om je.ssie L anidHeuirs Ilu-seillic G'eh muait, iii lier 8S.3rd s tan. Sis.ttî it a raa o ilto peh "f r.. MIi tcell . BHinaitnîvsil 1 srass*i r igitorsîcul N Itei 1t M in IIaa t ei iii t -to fan fo'r tIi' 't'eut t- I terîuîcuuî iomt PIe..aut Ccii- SNuet tri reine miie r lie r, i%%hoi 'lce FLORISTS w Oclire, p Xiii siuc. tluý'ihuIt ah-t-uit. i.. jIum.t Ki gs aya..dean. b 'S.îdlî nuu..ed Oc Il tu..Oauid, FLOWER SHOP I)aiug'lutur andîlGi sttlhiliu ti til silOSiriys. artistiuîv iiv:îui Livestock For Sale 'iii'liahv tni _iui 1iiiti s int - nir.Floici nrs for rîlocsons. i Pullets For Sale F OR SA \LE - 60 LAYING PUL- lets: a pair tif gue.e dcat> for qîuick sale. \\c.lcs Ls..cr. R.R. 4, Buis-iaiuv-illc. 12-2* Real Estate For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE aud lot. Qixeen St-. residemuce cf thec late \Vin. Brock. Apply WVal- ter Hatelîv. Qiiecu St., or R. L. Mîitchecll. Canadian Bank cf Ceom- muerce. Bowmanî-ille. 5-tf Painting &Decorating 1' INTRR & DECOR.\TCR - 400 o.uu'u rf paper t" clu' 'e frîriu., and frece c.tiits chuterhfilîs gisvi tut, o calîrnix jtu,. ttti l'h 'ut 31i). il FAR'M FOR SALE OR RENT - Lot 16. Ccii. 3, Dariîgtouu. 140 acre..100 ssonkalle. lbalanuce iuood snd tasture. 35 acres fall vlosycch tntdtclatc tbsessi.u Iv han NI. Laisvi mluOsu ci 10-3* M iscellaneous %VEST END GARAGE AXND MA- chine Sluop - W\'c specialize in mîschincnv rep)airs, cenenal Lcaratre retuairs. sieldinix. tesvintr service. . L. Dernerlinz, Prop)rietor. Phones: 772, 263_2-or 2ý633 IAND5 PXN(1 I C-~F.au ' .XISC\IRN Bowmanville rl'tcl-n lar.. ni..itlg.) andul4:I1 \\X.XTE)-OLD HORSES AN D -Ilr )2es. IIl 1it it ccw trifeleu i) li cattle for fox nmeat. Norby Ftr linmtiur, l)uceased. Card of Thanks \V-înh A.t : aIl.c iaNeiwc 'lIsu astlel rOe.Phcte 415 6tilt l-..ttte 'if ,JamnesCatneroiî, late XX.....<ai. Nc12-.l lh u* Cutuef t1tu Tons.hip itîiiDaniiigttii, in Nîr.. Gecorge Rogt is sis t yutueth le Cotuite cf I)tirLrii. Farnuer, De- amk u ueglbî-. aufniisf or i c.I.v DN -IL IXlZ 5 'RIXN. -VOea.e. 5h, (lied oit or about tOc l8th t-un~~~~~~ k!ml extn. stri rc. iqa g .il i criss. dume NIar rel 4 u. X iak-c a ce fior tbut limt!- s :i.u r ti rt s-ueile. 19 r îr ild ltait i fîm IflIoral ItribOtte.. re iule . 1I lke Biiten , R.R. 0, Boss musm- rli i bnt. $2.00. $3. 50. SS5.o)11 . 50.s iii f ied te, filhe ith tlîc uidcrsigned ut nr i ent ai I futrt-as tielîit. ile. 1 l'h. >038. 1 2-1 * [ris. luesutc Parluur. on oi tr huefone itue l3tlî dat of April, -19.3'). fuliII i rnt ictîlan.. 'f thin clainîs. T h e f a rn il c îo f t h e la t e G e o rng et 1-H . FO R s X L I I R S C X f I 'E M N I . X N E I - W , . V S "T)It ii c i t l , î r a d d t , t t wtl) t is i .îtrr thuikiltn fncul. -u-ml iis jd a uu' iiiu .WlISîtcsu ls .gt ar I -iîîg. f a....t izîî t - I)ates.ad iiI d is- t u.. of s..situpatîti%-sud thue teautiful tîuhlîîu.îîupNr..Xuu.Si- tnce.. $35,0. l'Tlu.rfe td. \rlrtt as bug regard îîuls 10 dcaims so ir 1 i ut r ti e un t lc 'tl. Ilampton. i i, r i h"te 2547. 15ih. ki mutl y muakt-u sour sapp'oint- f iled. t v i i teras tmuit.12-1 e t-uar\i.. A. G, t i J unt. Iacla sa a h 0h yo ---- Miitactr. 12-I1Nîarcht. 1939. COMING EVENTS îFiORS XIE TR.ni:012 OUNG Grier.' ut.Creigutmi& Fraser, ___________lrn.es al.cColotradoi' XXlu,itt. 1Lhiid HeIp Wanted Csuîsdiat Banuk of Commnerce Sjase tou î m 'iut n.fir HIot tnt .i Crag t, R.R. 2. Brîîumuîsuîille. 12- 1* Chuanubers, Oshtawa. Ontario. mis tulI thue (nGur lide-. c"mie XXXNTFI) - IlA.NDY MNI 5'170-rSrolicitoirs. fîr lue ,Admîinistra- tiid. FOR SA5.LE- 12 SIX \VEEKS lti I eurls r uOsii "..1- IcI îîig.. \îplv Pai lHa% ltaI, f'Iii ithan n t' îlk- nd i liaFîîf ____________________________12_______ 3 Tlic neguilar mueetinug if \XVoiu.. s' Nîaîiîe Grois . R. Noî. 3 Busc- j rutcar.Xri*'e I.aN.,le iaicu rd3 .ltiiute iiIleht l uebc .ri.lu maiv.ilue. Il-2* 1'rsiauil.12'1 Notice to Creditors al. lîu-a' .MNancu .3O)tlî, at _______ ________ Agents Wanted! MEN! HERE IS GOOD PAYING %vcrk vitl a large înanufacturing concern cf 200 dailv necessities uised in everv home. Sure and quick re;,eatcî... No experiencc ueded. Go 'd rav cvery day if active, and permanent business cer tain if per- scver1iti'. Investigate ur plan at 01ce. Catalogue frc, Familex Co., 570 St. CIL-ment. Montreal. 12-1 Notice to Creditors Ini the Es t ate o f R O B E R T DOUGLAS. Decceased. All per,.ons haviing daimis azainst the Estate of the above mnentioned. latc. of the Townsîip cof Clarke. in the Countv of Durhami. ho died oni or about the 23rd dlav of Dec- t-înber. 1938. at the Citv cf Oshawa, ini the Couiitv o f Ontario. arc re- ouired te file nroof of saine with the undersimncd on or before the 7th dav of Avril, 1939. .\ftcr that date tlic Public Trustee wvill mirccccd to distribute the estate. liav i rezard onlv to thec daims of whjchi lie shiaîl tlien biave hiad notice. l)ated at Toronto thi.. 3rd day of Mardi. 1939. A. N. 'Middleton, Public Trustee, Ostroode Hall, Toronito. Ontario. 10-3 Notice to Creditors 2.30 p.ni. Vistr, eei.SedF rSl WANTED -M.AN FOR F\M InitteE..tate cf WESLEY S. l),îîc atSdi:5I lu. îîc.di. OR .\L -400BUSELS0F wurk. "ood rnilker and teamitrNo1)1EN', Dis.e&..ed. Dance t Solila lill. 1 0 K ALE - 00 BUHELS O lionsmiloker. Apply Blake ,Sho."rt, -ALL per-sons liav-iti- daimrs against Marcli 28tli. NtI nic b\ G ena d Ot,.. a quantitv nfîiiv:ilirec Bowina;îi ille. Phonxe 2479. 12-1 the E..tate of Wesley S. Noden, late - rclîe.tra. utiîcilî ers 'A uc the I lone go)od work hor..cs. lIbl1ie Bo%%_-- cf tlhe Village of' Newcastle, De- a"ud ScO-(l ladje..Adiioin 25c. inanville 2234. 12-1 Furniture Repaired 'ccaseil wlo died oni or about the 7th dav cf Niarcli 1939, ar hereby îlot- .Amateuîr iiglît, Tiîîu..das .. pril lý FOR S.L - NorBAIZB BAR- FURNITURE REPAIRED 0 R ified to seiid iii to t>t?Y li!idersig!ied ,tSolina , liI Suiil uiîtriu.. ý 1ev. 60c alusiasike, $6.50. T. alturc(l Have tlîat high bed -head Execuitor or lus Solicitor on or be- I'u,,rl I adi~~~~ ~~. 1. I Laiip1i ) Baker.- R.R. 1. Hlampton, . i'hce eutdc. Hand mnade liall-treces,fretcltda i.ri,13,ui ilISli Etr fu it ljOe 2472. 12-1I wardrobes, fancy tables ec o atcia. fterdis 1;ailltuditr 2-1 sale. Oren"is overliauledl ). liîuediatelx- after the saId loth Suuilu alin Iicii(:, ndFOR S.\L.l'- NOPARB B.\ R- (t-(eper, Hre St..0Bcwuîanville. dav f .\îril, 1939, thîe assets of tOc f l ean illt r':etii De îur. ttratlirs nîaefr .e.hav ile, i 1ne 628. 12-3 tetator ivill lue di..tributed amnongst caiai a lt oltil)~ tac 'ansd the kiîîd Nou will liîku %wrkiîî t le parties cîîtitled tliereto, haviîîg al t onwaii1Ii % tii. crîce 75c rper bus ..\iso K.at-_lio g g sruizardl îIIv to cdaimis of whiclh the l. îîSaiîîrdo. Nlarcli 2Sîl at aliadiîi jotatoes frein certified sced ly.eg-s :ciîtor shial then have notice. at S1.25pe bag. S. Chla.. lljin. M RIAES - F IRST A ND 'Dated a Bowimauville this 22nd Pletitilk ijiaJi 'ý r sAi rclî RER. 4, Phonec 2198, Bowîiauvillc. se-cond inortga!-es, agreemnts for (lit\.cf Mardli, 1939. .\ al.î. îiîîal -Atî ii, s to be 12-2 sale 0nu farin, cit% anud lakesliore James Robinison, Execuitor, licd iilriIa, u-il 28îl ait the FOR SALE- 50 13AGS NIED- Realt,_ opnLmtd le - lsSlctr .Rs B'alîn ,raI Hotel. Ru..ervc tliis date. Im size potatoe., ,gccd for CoedpanrLisNtd Shlgr 13 veies ole. trW Rs 12-2 a bau (I sued, Building, Oshawa, Phioti 3130. I 8ike.BwiniOtro 122 'oaal)a a ct\vi caive..xatiîtcd. .IîeBomanill 12ntaiu Suu late..t advaîîceîiuît îî inicdert n iI one 2,3.35. 12-1 1-f2- tarini 'iaclîîîiery by Ahi.. tialiner.sER)GR.\I N FOR SA\LE _____________________________________________ C'. illt..tratud Oc taîkie Inves at al Cartier Oat-. NobarO Bar- Oluhawa li..sioiiarv Collietu, Tuîes- lus . .pplv \V. J. S. Riekard &n'rh s M r h H-amptonu Trowni hall, lritiav ,Mardic-lD oi is .31, at 2ptîni. Evurvllv ssc. ________________1_______________ \\'î.lir. a im & Sous, Dealr.,IOI0 FOR SA\LE - SF.ED B.\RLEY, a %%*a, tv,' rowed, oui conîtract. Biurkcton 1DU AU E Elevator, place veur order iiiw A uction sale ý,-rn, y aIvile 23.32, "r lP'orit Cakes Woodbury's Soap and I rida) Nlarcli 31 - \ eti aI! 1.- Bottie Woodbury's Lotion of farm stock anud inipleiiis. the rr es-Atnin 35c Value for Only............... 23e i'rcncertv cf NI. J. Pcreinaîî, L.ut,. 4 FR ES -FRSTS-. aud 5. Eas.t Wlitly. N ru,'rVe.F\RE- FRS\TIr 5 F \C-l uroeCodCe 5 tioni anI profit luse Sui-Gain Fer- 2eN xe aAlP roeC l ra 5 Terin. cash. Sec posters.. Sale atitilie ndsn tluaPet tour 1"c .Or, Viî.Nsv tc ertîlator sold bOs R. E. 0so. GREY Hrî ticîlee. 12-2 Plioîic 473. 10-4* ~ RY H I? So ns Lnm n Tuc.dyNarh 2tî ir cciReutored to ltâ natural color Sons Lnm n P. re.1, os 32 anîd 33, C'ic..îî For Sale th auiwy*wc Relieves Aches 1,3, icii.i14 II"pe, five ami a lialf I 31and Pains ilil., si u.t o ci \leciii and(ltwo jandl I I RSALE -IRAMN, I N 601>OODI a1 half muile.. ua.t cf Newtonii'llu, conidition. 1'hone 875. 12-1* 33c - 63c 011i 1 ligluo'avNI'. 2. îîill sdIhiFR .LE-ON EViNPR publllic auicti' n al luhi.. arini tock. --- - îiie)i-iiîuuut>,. p 't;tI '..grain. etc. Sale amI 'iii Su t .,li onalu... NI ... .. at1.0..urîTu i. c,'l'Ie lit ;'ig tBci 12-iusliu ELKAY'S MOTH FUME CRYSTALS 39e tlîrk.11-2 r i c.%R>î e ,For.- LIIciI 4%"a All«--- 1~ii ~ - s.îuî'j~ c~ti im-.LI.i Auctioneer ta1r b u~;ftt;îChuîîa tabilitkit Licensed Auctloneer ' iir lutIlelteihil article, <o uic stl ELMER WILBUR liniatel- ;al..î îmuuse ifî, ale!. lu Hampton, Ont. qîuiru R. Il. Xetii.lIi ie 612l Specializing ln Farm. Livestock, 1-~ Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE To Rent Phone for Terms and Date to:I Bowmnanvllle 2428. f)RjT -six - R (>1 N R1 hi>.'. liot waterliîcatimîg. , ar Chicks For Sale gettxIs NIai .-Mn.Jîtu FIDRSALE -BABY CIIICKS, T RT -TV X1R us litu I '-glu' muis aul lu r redI r' )cks, imeiti 'iii K inmg St.,îand iof fice o t ..txt>I " luxc, Il-rdîe.i- I ii-isiuui St. P'tssessirntIt)Xîril l.i i u'wk. ýreO hiv jietignecd lRD . 1 "Isb.X.Nants ut, Bl uîî:îm t ,cunh. \t-ra- gg.. . t iCe -il v. 20+) uiceto triile OîSm.~ tuîtedî1- il luIts offul ci'ckurds.-\ . Il. Cie- F:OkRIR RNT - ..111F4 XI R RS iimt.. 'u"ut 24.3.3, liiiutui.ii,. grm u luil i o i îg' '- Strvt.t N., Illif iitlluilitg 1-4 aset- icf srasîliennuv FO70R S.XLR1, - XXHITE LEG- îlui.amI1- en"fi:.tlnn Items anti Barrel PPl'mouth Rock l*thi.. GI. i-s-ri Bab~v Chicks from Gos-rnment toe....Xîîiîs-375\or- 821.>i12im-1 culîcîl and boodtcsted stock. Write J ,ou tuît 35u 2. 1- for price list. H. J. Brooks, R.*R.* 3 APARTM~ENT--TO RENT - FIVE Boivmanvillc. Phone 2636. 8-tf eooms. Apply Statesman Office. 49-11 WOy is it, in Turkey, when ar FOR RENT - FIVEý - ROOMEB mac dies they bury hlm in sand Anartments. modemn ccnvenmcîuces, for 72 houes, then parade hlm on heatcd with Fcss Oil Buirner. zar- a liller of flowcrs with six beau- sLe, possession April lst, moderate tiful girls? rent .Further narticulars. Mr. H-. Ans. - If he doesn't wake up Couch. Ir.. Newcastle. Mes. A. then, they KNOW he's dead. Tait. Bowmanville. 9-t f mil I1. ruIrUI5 c"KLMI PALMOLIVE Shaving Cream PONDIS CREAMS SEIDLITZ POWDERS MEAD'S PABLUM KRUSCHEN SALTS VACUUM BOTTLES VICK'S VAPO RUB Sîze Tub Coud or g 29c -49c For Burns23 45 or Ctuts 2 e-45 Fresh and 2fo c Pre-cookscd Baby Food Giant Size Package To Fit Your For Head and 43 Chest Colds 3 Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream AIKALIZE with 19c - 33c ALKA - SEL1AER (2 for 65c) 'Keeps Teeth Whiter ..SmiIes 29e - 57c Brlghter" JURY U& LOVELL Phone 778 for Speedy Delivery Or Combination of Each BEAUTIFUL (2LEANING - - SMART PRESSING 2 for $1 ALDSWORTH CLEANERS & PRESSERS PHONES Newcastle Orono CHAPMAN'S STORE - 1204 KUMRITE INN - Zirl Bowmanvllle Hampton McGREGOR HARDWARE, 774 REYNOLDS' STORE - 2562 -:We Pick Up and Deliver 25e - '45e Giant 45c 69C B11"nil TIIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO\V.NfANv1i-j-jýý, RNTARIO Nf-ýRCH ').IRr) 1010 r or moupn Red Skin Bowmanville

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