Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 7

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TH-URSDAX', MARCH 2ND, 1939 TuE C\N.\I XX TATENIAN BO~c *,dPAXGELE OTARJ 4,.-.' Have Your Alterations Done Here - Work f0 the town in 1919, be bhas _kep au Ldt . htbv m.Xidî rtailý.Ad1taioi utrE U IsWl oeadPie1 esn ble imself informed on municipal Ge-mfei.Strat ford;l '.\Ir. afl NI r..AchîfaiomliifrEM Is el Do e nd rie 1 R aso abe. affaira. Levi Eilwamds. Nr. Scilu î %-ariî.. 2 auu- blespoons lioiex fa cadi 5V- s O InIla1867 ho was married to NIr. sud Mms. Jack Iiîvac-.Ne Ieamiffb ake uîii fcîîc-hoflr. Baste oc- *OObe ~lI ~ .. ~Catharino Belîman wbo prede- aîlNil5. Ilicuarul.NicConS, 'Mm. NVcAsi emSauixwt lce lîoe it A Imc (arc apu-esNA leuM cCr3-o ceased hinu a number of years ago. Coxxamî. ail of Oshiawa: 'xreeT. cpleSac Dhih and Misa SassaArtanr, d eedIl.iLckfNfr. auîd -ItteGi(leîfihe %l 5 a-bout 0ave fs ned a flces NIEDc riSTR Agents For Gossard Corsets and Mli udruAr tanl, dese, 1.i.oofkhir.an'r uvlio atemîloc- 5 f lic e - Pf avroutwelle n cd ppi e- Poe54 Ms lfodCvry bora of the union, Mr. Stanley was vcars azo suas also auîu hiose whli thick itnfo a biîftercd baliî ih AGENCY Phone 792 DRUGS Bowni l given binu loving and devoted life-loni f ricnd. ouslv xith a mixture of . .....a .....u M ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BUl'.'fý\\\-jj O.NTARIO The Statesman. It seems like get- adbon ua1hl tbepo ting a letter from home. Another Minstrel an rw sua (lftbepo Mr. Dn ca geM f ta xhe E po yhasCcntiuued from Page 1) Cul bread into sinali squares and I I T L f l~ Sn( IAL AND IIEKSU N A4 L be ncag o h mivover the applesauce with il. Bake IN THE DIM AND~ DISTANIi~ ment Bureau at Peterboro. hias day (,, lhe big showv. Do you re- moîrcovnnilseri we bee apoined rovncil I- Icognj" i in- body in that picture? nu Iujjd and Iappilesanice i. Ichekd __________ Phone 663 ________ spector for Eastern Ontario under we --eue het i ' ac dcra From The Statesman Files ma esrc o 99a hsthe Dtaest. tffabou. an gSaveI tbree Guy brothers. but nobody Apple Dessert TIVENTY FIVE YEARS AGO 1 ncil: reresae fa cut e s r c o 9 9 a stetit a te m n t f a e u Sa u -else. s, : r. B atem an pointed out C t squ ares of s îonzer cake about ý i s l a meetin day. ew we ks, wa mC Oea N E W S a yoU' g good looking c ap in the tîree lches f0 ftic side. Sprad From The Canadian Statesm an, There is 0. Ye r Isu Mises arin cot an Irne th shuld e well on its wav h a trlcmetto owi isecnd r. Bho ate ne oinet hick1v wjth applesauce. Toi) witî February 26, 1914 column ths iHirst, Queen's Universit-y, King- and when cold weather depar ts Tbaek in 1889 is missing finom our ston, spent the xeekend with Mr. so do Corbetts Homemade Hum-i progress in the first troop will end minist re aggregation in 1910 in whirmecereami. b n1 193AI< and Mrs. S. M. Scott. bugs. Why not stock up the candy Marc h 28, when the prizes will Osha'ý. a and spent a year xith Apple Surprise Emficld: Thoq. Collins is movinep files. St. Pul'sC. G I. . me Wed ish ow xith coule ofpouns. b awaded.them c;solo cornetist. That vas .Add I c. crafed appfle f0 1 packaef c o san . lisPso dis n w it acouleofp.nd i a ar ed . ppd re m rors S.Pu'C.GI.Tme e-sever]d vears after Tom Brown cherry orsfrawberrv ielly powde afion avaubl are f onola- "itakIEfotThspeaue 1234 nesday evening and decided to They seil for 20e a lb. and are a had t l them for h i ad-Srewt ~ @n take up soap carving and knitting. real treat. There will be a Scouters' meet-havill r ut n the bi vude-tardvae. Hafhton:ppd cream or cus lar uent lasundhttrul h 1Il1 1S16118 charge of the worshisevc. aenethhokymchtte ton, Sunday, March 5. Ail leaders Mr. Bateman was born in Cook- Coddled Apples been ouf of school wif h chicken vox. -JeremyTalr 19 20 21 292 94 2S Mr. Bort Worden, Toronto, who Maple Leaf Gardens Saturday are requested to attend. sbire. Que.. and camne to Oshawa Clips boilinz \water. 1 fa 2 cups "Tec lrcha a h o-he pulicpesrso ah 02 J 2 2 3 31 ndrwnta erou oertin nfrom Deseronto to Play in the 8 appies. Makc a syrup fu rtf orsuirppiin fhe Butter Fac- greater par fmnkn r West8 2 3 î ner n H ao s ertlios nopeaio c it in om patn w h a gr hup f The attdan e n the Frtband ai Bradley Bros. ice and liiz iesuizar an(]I wafer five minutes. is au h-sut forrei w itiz- e ns fromha t ings hen t e a k la ro n t p r oller skating rink back in 908. amd ar aip s: oo sow v E i kî c : M r. and M r. W . H . esig te H optae s of o- R e e 0 ta ov rs nt d P c a r wn t u h p o-At thct time lho was recog ized trareh'ce Mr. ercin.atothe Shomenosiadug-Dit Clapper. defense plaver wi th 1 t ions that it xvas found necessa..Arrgyjubrgahr V.Sobl la rcvee teBotn rinwiha iveio isd sary (c af the best cornet pian s evu: oer closclv and watch 'Moore enferfained friends M.\onday ________________ frMlirs.EVce li hsan s ocrd oMrBLrnegStevens.teBsoirun.wt 4ile odvd t into three sectintenrhsoetwsa n carul. \\în ede.lfOci iromler orcent iness andisback A C. Bra gg, Ram i Ata. o srvceadge and test work. Each sec- a longrtScauilii to The Statesman for 1939. Spencer Tracy. well kno l ion will have a leader. assistid rmany of the bAds from apple,. acid a liffle lemon luiice f0c d aft te home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M s L. C an To o t .visited just like getting letters from old m ovie actor. wvas given top aw ard the Eaw a shiae wa, n 28 years cv i ax 'ou S e r il l e xv T he icîN orv nd P es nt h withlie couinMrs M. caalesma\ bcfilld wtil el orstufon ris daxup and prcs efed t ho tahei forks. in reco Bandon8ofeMr wthck uin s . Comn- friends. last week for tho finest perform- New Patrol Leadiers and Sec- ago. .So Mr. Bateman %vas no. raisins or rasiuiccrrx îjam. aneoIh eri By on, nshv eneetdi chairs and a case of silx'er knives Mr. Jesse Hunt. Scugog St.,lbas Mr. J. T. (Bey) George haliiC iibepaigt'heRalPFstTo.Tsropas nowboultra_ ( thisMMtry wenBui l lirer coresadprea-a]ioîta n rdiiecnit rice asMr. been off duty' for seven weeks and He Glf ad Coudntrv Club bogi teMMrtyBiligjWah ire.or Tadeatr r)-sicc)irnfendent of file Sundav Schooi been eiecteteddctr' caeproe slfa dentrvCbfotoretwe. rc i e-four patrols of approximrately over caxvear ago and converted itic. edflu inciis. cook iumtil ce f or 40 vears, havinz refircd ro-' is still under fhe doctor's came.tured %wifh Mickey Rooniey v.huoequal size facilitating easier n- i lvnmdm aatet.W Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Knighit, a second termi. is fast becoming the outstanding struction and more competent a n lo frmdoutherartet V ictr 55 mn as for coddied apples. Place centlv. Mr CcciG. M rer M.P.P. for y'outh in pîctures. Aiso coming t discip line. The now Patrol Lead- Manor prmnsgtisnae uafrf ri.\!k eo an:Ascg odfoî or Ot aa d M spe t he voed A l n d v t r m). o n a i o n F - th o R o.N al T heatr o is t e p ic ur e rs a in d S econds are as follo w ~s: V ictor ls r. B atem an *s m i dd î lex. s ine s-r np in xhic h app e . lice. 'M r. and M rq. M ". G . R niçle. Mr.andMrs Frd Aun.day and among his numerous calls Yo Cant Take If With Yu Beaver - P. L. Lionel Pa rker,.jname.xc co \da hI oloxn r- md\ise adadEli pnl D r. M arye L. k n o rfw a v.T o r n o. w s - t h e W o d S n a e v o f d in th e s a m e c o n te s t a s th o j S e c o n d J u n io r N a l: M u s k r a t -,n__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f rt io,,, : 2 ta le sp o o n s z ra n u la te d Ie t h sd a. x c e e f r a n da'r Js.tteweedwt Dr. D. M. Miss Gladys Oke. Oshawa, fillest pîcture of the y-ear. P. L. Roy Swindolls. Second Ger- dtn.Acpoi weca. eretrandal\' spent the weekend xith Mr. and-iaid Purdy; Eagle - P. L. Harold Sde eaW. Vigxao. îosmer eon Brh an et rd n waie. f Miss Pauline Wagar. B.L.S., lhas Mrs. Leonard Martin, Brada h awl SCasbourn. Secnd Art Hooper; ridividîm uai o.ilef been appointed Librarian at Fort Street. iCsoun SecodAt____e rimîd. i cur lernom i jico. - Mosmn\irtadMr.ae Laverv. el WIATCI-I REPAIR Frni Lbay n et hswekO iuLar1esj Cobra - P. L. Paul Symons. Sec- ruoid f(o-r idvda olsi de- ,lmd. a daughfer. ond John Living, Biih Tait, for- Cofnedfe ag ) ircd pouîr a liffle jcllxv and Jet stand maro oenetbsdcddSE V E F r a nc ii r y a n d l e t oh i s.we e k Mi s i o e s n. d a u g htor e , r e n h t e , B o n i i e r P . L . o f t h e M u s k r a t P a t r o l , hI . î î î îtdl i w l l b e m i l n e a r l v s e t : a r r a m i e a n p l e s a n d i tri oL S ' h bia ,kec d e TonCuclw xotxiii Wellington St., entered fraining n la enpooe oisrco.J t etc-Lk ciozwt lr, D o of Mrdvnih.Th a rt elel. adMs .L son, Ien hteBwave hsbenpooe oisrco.greatly missed. Married in 1891 xvhomiset pour iniellus' f0nearlxv fi bs i r Dsan obil i metMna ih.Te a aeWlelvHospital, Toronto, this Afler a month's ilînessa ayoung ii 'Josephine H. Sit, of fingerlines and to bc-mildserv a fish- r oLinsay.you changh 01 ______ xs~~\eek. lîfe was eut off in its prime when attention since the passing of bis Unionvle Otrsrws creammi amnd suzar. Tosn fJs akrad sTe htaotyu Mear eog ad eisLgh-the angel of death carriori away.,wife. married lîfe wsdsa priua Duteh Apple CakeHoxadMGl. ante.xre watch whihi mc ie ernoss. Bowmanville, and Miss ýto her heavenly home on February The funerai of this aged and happy ane. Surviving himt besides 2cmsfom..btapoî aii adlv iniured xvhile sleigh-ridinz ahie Greta Mitchell, Oshawa, attended 123rd. Irene Shotter, beioved dau- highiy respected pioneer xvas held his wife. are bis son, Dr. Allyn vcoxvder. i ccc. 3apls teasp o om aki dwîlîi z'cmn i otat1 in this mhn e antI the party Saturclay night at Mr. 1ghter of Mr. and Mrs. William iSaturcav:fternoon from bis late Browrn. of Pittsburg, Pa.. and saîf. 1-4cn ufr 2 p nîk. i o a d o f bil b omiiincongin. hFor ths eaonwead Alf Mrrs' Egi Sree. Shttr.CalileAvenue, Bov- 'residence. Queen Street, Rev. S. tbree daughters. Mra. Thomas Si- fahl.iesooamîs sugar. 1-4 feaspoon cin- The fire brigoade was called oufthgrin dig ndcuoigre EN E O E Miss Winnie Morris is in Bo\w 1mavle Br nJuiy 23, 192 1, aiocndteth ceremony, gurdson. o Spokane, Wash., ar iaon. Sf the dry imîredient s Fridav Ilooif0 exfinguish a fire in is ae yourvae manvlleHosita, hvin falenend of last termi when she remain- been one of thrift, public service Mrs. Jack Cleveland, of Danville. or rab iii the buffer. add the milk Street. The damage was serious. bat on erkheem 1f t e dyg jut ed afhome to help lhem motber Iland lhard work. The casket xvas There are also these brothers and adhaeieggadmiy pdcvre i msrne nitia ot hchYcag S EIL above the ankie. with domestie duties. Being very' banked with a large number of sisters who survive: Thomas A. inch thick on a shalioxx hm.ttered MisJsi iga olo li a aeyucnieal fond of chiidren she was often in beautîful. floral tributes. Brown, Ottawa, Mrs. Enocb Stev- idai ae n î- h pls Missf te skaing ink fîerdaonet e nyseateron Security gummed, superjor For the Lenten season, there is demand to take came f neigbbors' Pa.Il beamers included: Messrs. ens, Hampton, Ont., Mrs. Sidney s in ezh ie ad sti o sl feno n rk irrzta m quality, blue lined (look no botter treat you can off er youm cbildren. She was a member Of L. . Wood , Geo. Thompson. R. E. Gamsby. Spokane. Wash., Mms. sectinlnfîxieadsfnrosfenonndbkehmihtrm proof), No. 7 envelopes, suit- f amilv than a few deliciously St. John's Anglican Churcb. and Osborne, T. H. Knight, F. O. Me- Robert Grant and Miss Ettie omn ftle îouehgitih fhe sharp edzec.. The first carnivai of fthe scason at able foi business or personal fresh Hot Cross Buns. Buy a d oz- i was keenly interested in sports. Ilveen and Sam Snowden. Inter- Brown, Telfordviile, Aita., and 1rcsied liLhtliv int o the daucli: sorin- T lrs mn. j eda'ngb vs * a1 ~a a While They Last Oi 0 oe.I25tb fmom St. John's Church, with Cenîetery. A son. Frank, xvas killed in the ckeiiaotvn25o 0mnuteshct cosfumcd lady. 'Miss LopinEprtWthan lc -Councillor B. B. Furber was Rev. Canon Spencer in charge, A large number of relatives and Great War. Serve liof xih lcîîîon or biard sauire. Dancasf or: do girl. Normia Muir *earn 50 Envelopes - 9C brougbt home from Toronto Gen- witb interment in Bowmanvilie friends were present from the dis- The funeral xvas beld February Applespta SaucemulnceoCaketry.Frc-s rema is;:tît. nddPorcspins.2Piper:alers Udtdehubox1 upwhieone 463 - uter-i owrdBowmanville, Nril-i 500 Envelopes - 85c Sunday. Ho is progressing favor- tance included: Mrs. George Wil- Ricbmond, with intemment at St. p)inch c-rf sait. I chips appiles limce. I_______________ ably. kins and Miss Florence, of Tor- Robert Greenfield. Bowmanville Anne's cemetemv. 'Rev. E. W. S. Beat sacar. sait and butffer xv>l f- Replenish your stock at this Miss Ethel Osborne. Simcoe, Mm. j onto; Mm. and Mms. George Daven - A\ knadr- Coates, of Melbourne, was in cether. fiemi adc- apicicsaucc: mix 2 Iow price. Lloyd Osborne, London, Mm. Craig 1port and Miss Grace Reddingt on, .vidi iaci n- fcll e charge, assisfed by members of cimas fiahîr : ;_feaspoomu cloves. iafi- Masoscar. Hamilton, xvere xeek- Oshawa: Mrs. F. C. Shotter, Mrs. 'iucce citizeni of Baxviaiîvillu fom the Minlisferial Association of the mcc Land c-eiînanîan, 2 feaspoomis bakl-~ J C U II WALLPAPER enidguests of Mm. and Mrs. E. L. Donald Shotter and Mr. Stanlev river 5ý0 vears. Rrîe ;eufed Presbvtcry. while Rev. J. D. Me- ime soda. 2 clIps seeded raisimîs am I LU N N SP Oson.Shotter, Bockville: and Mr. Freàdc-h-ii udicebospifal Feic. 14,inih.i>ii Crae, -aifSf. Lambert, xvas the Padc-I fathe appicsamc mx ar. i Our nexx- designs and lou.ýer Mr. and Mrs. Howvard Challîs Williams of Oshaxwa. Paît boarers r 9 h .xear. He iiad i ec-i ahIl c- special s.peaker. xvl nMae i ndra vn O prices in W'allpaper have met and Mms. Manson Coulter were inxere Ed and Ron Hooper, Ken- iîeaifh for several \-carsI. h ihh is Mr. Brown served for four years abot 40 minutes. Iaerigo ie. . . . o 5 with enthusiastic response. W'hyi Toronto Friday visiting Mrs. Chai- neth Nichols. Dave Bowler, Ted icas..iiic xas hiasfemîcd 5v* a 'treke as chairman Mf the Home Mission W'aldorf Salad Quaker Corn Flakes.......3 pks 23 not drop ln to-day and sec lis' cousin, Mms. Cliff Hilton xvho Sheehan and Jack Mimne. Floral \ viicliî sized i limîî luh. 11111. Board of the Quebec United 'îv cptr ppc vf a Connor's Kipper Snacks .....2 is 9 them? b~~~las been seriousiy iii in the Gen- conriuton i P.de xreaths Mm. Grcifilcd xvas boni ai t Scck- Church Conference, and bad an î i ~ a C IOc rol and up erai hospital. from St. John s A. YPA., St. tanami-Tees. Durhiami Coinnus. 1Fac- extensive acquaintance through- om celezy and - cap of xxamiifs. Cil O yol. . . .s al9 -lrg 23 1 Oc roll Mesaandinnlubwiî eepIJohn's Men's Club. St. Jh' . S anîd. ad amîcicîîe taCanada xx ithlisli..out fleprvneHe\a a mem- flic aDppes and the ccierv in snl xdl .... smaii c le henw tte'sBaaioa lubHotel to-i Orchestra, St. John's Choir, the faîiilvin 1878 sefflimîc in Parkdalo. ber of the Masonie fratemnity, and clice and comibine xith miavonliaise Sec thenew althe Bamoral otel t-nightRecreation Club and the Engin- Toromnto. The samine voar hoixv Ont i had serxed several ternis as Dis- or creamn dressing. Add xvalnuf s iist etc -N wCabgs u Wallpaer Rem ver Iu, MA.\,liPae . . am trh- eering Department of tbe Good- Jîrinipfctcii hereliîe worked on flic triet Deputy Grand Chaplain. beo srii.Gniixifîcerr at Reasonable Prices Waliape Re ove lu, MA.,.Pad.,Heamaser vfear, as xvel as innumerable Grandc-lTrumîk Raiixvav. If xvhee slas fuis This sanadimax- u servcd iii *c Bottie Trinity Coliege Sehool, Port Hope, 'floral remembrances from sym- hoe met lus uilfe. Anmiicliamne Fletcher, His l as iAsit 1 7bis n a e clp.t, Ipc will speak on 'Education for Mo- pathizing friends. Brown asi Agut197 venapi Cii5 l ernj.Life "h ssrvvdb e dauchter of Nim. amnd Mrs. Gordomn tbe Durham Old Boys Reunion 6180nBett onW.J W E L pthe blSo*acks t t e youwllfnd M rs .N Lwi wna leamidl xorked f wo vears for a wxvlo ieh preached in the churcb of bis Islanîd Greeninga and righfmioxuw 1 I Phone 556-- Bowmanvillle encsetheck lif o 1939 and 40 .J.N areBomnle sale crocorv firm. Thon bis faflier. boyhood at Enniskillen which was Northern Soies mav be used - 4 i OANGE ABL ea We look forwar each eek to .\ftcr ciii ilmess cf aboaut txo Sqiîel Greenfield. sfarfod a roc- a joy and inspiration botb f0 hîm apples. pared and sliced.1 u bra i3 C 12 _____________________________________________________________1 es ancIeho vrkd wif h hmmî and bis many old fiends who crumts. 4 fablospoons buffer. i capr ofheaeJohN_______pase4-lb.evic.tmnn c-i ficlae oiîî . ..wre.f)ar m tvovoar.. X'hlethere loie - attended this memorial sric. broxumi suar. ý feaspoomi cinnamoil DLOWIL mîaco fîmlv in lier efermial re:t Feh.icoed f0 the York G.remnadiers 1-4 culp cold xxafer. 1 feaspoon lemnlon VALUABLE ........CO. 0 ELLOWc 1/ i8tli. inhlier 7.3rd c-lsar. NMrs. Laxvrie reîmetfanîd suas also a menmber of icefdsrd.Cv blo ofIEER P COUPON A r u9 e xas born in Damlingfomî Taxvmsliiîcp.,arkdaýle Fire Dcoarfmeîîf. Apple Annie bf fild ai smrd Coveh r b o ~~nrr'!A!m ~ ~ biciîcthe onuls niister of Johnmianci Commuiig f0Boxvmîamvillc lie uorkodl tes Ou ih caver with slices of appiles: sprinkle CA RTER S SPrECIA LS faneho Ncpllcrsoli. Ilii .priî 2S. 5 ~fogtdprîîtothhe G.90f ts part of flic sagar wifh the cinîîamon. ___________________________ he .xas married f0 J .N. Laxxric sac-IT.R. for over 17 s cars amîdiflicil King O r liiS c-cfwifh buffer. Repeat ummîfli]I --li-che ailli]\-lva ei dei Bomîian-acccpfed a position as shipper xitii imîrediemîfs arceîscd. Thon pour E . L Ul N N Saturday Only ville al l iese voars. NIlr. ,axxric tlic old Durhîam Ruibber Co.. amîd "Apple Annie" say-s fhere is no0 xafom over top. Bake in moderato Phone 596 GROCERBo anie lied sflddc-emlv abouit 10 s1cars ago. lafer xith flic Goodvcar Tire & Rub- frafli in the report alie is enc-agcd ovemi 3-4 iioumr. Serve xitlî sxx'ef Omie claiicciter. MNldrec-. xxas boi t ber Cc-'. uifil hie vas rîemsiomîed off f0 wed "Kiîîg Apple." Slie is lucere- croani or liard sauce. -li 11)1apc) hilldcl. i s c-ni tflic 1,3 vs-c arsao. lv stepping ouf hand in hand xuitlî SUNS COCOANUT ilaiiîcsaf fPp AeueaS r~ a rosinient c-i fuis toxuliMm. "TIîeK'ng" these dava in an endeav- RE M PESli cio. Toroto1>rtirs. Lawr , ui' syca;d lias is ourjuta nake flic people of Onîtario-mo - be ons oa and ulds in xvlich lie îlavod an alto Ahhibev Onaioîl Nie I'ilAnnie h. iivernOntariofpople are S E I L Topped with Dacvid c-'l cs . Toonto. li r . r- le uas a neber c-o f lice . W afirir te.Rc.D.Ni c cicinalIvaim rn aî- r eafîie f00 îîaîîv fomeigmu - croxxî _________________FOR _____TH IS___ Whipped Cream 1>lierscim niiticflxci N.s.hecI I îNie hm.Ho aiso playcd xithî fruits.Slue says Onftario afvIfes arc- 3 fl<~~ five i car.. aco. tiiesc banîds: D.O.&P. Ca.. Fuirnifamre ifo aî cfclmeit.' 30c .\partfraiii lier home îlite trcsfs. Factors. Du-ramî Rubber Co.. Cifi- '*Ji clîildrcmî were alloxvec- frec E V E T T S U .\îrt faook ail active part in zes Ban d and Canadiani Legiomi.,access f0 apples. flîcre xvouldnlît Se Y L L I chtnrcliix-crk. Forcmmiamîx- s ars shie He also oflaved a violin in sçverai lichec-ccd of s0 ilaix medicimie btofes LAYER CAKE xxas a îîîemîîîer c-c St. 'atl's Pros- locail orchestras. 1lis fixe sous fol- Oi ftie baflîroomîî shof.' suc Vic-or-Bo of20Bx f50 2O d z.Date and Nut i btcin lt ei.Lttr she has Iowed i their fafher's foofsfops ouslv declames.Bo of2 0OX f5 0 20 o .beoit a mienibor of Sf. Auidrew'siiumisicaliy as ecdi plaved i bandc-s af "Aiple Aiiîiie" lias preîîarcd a lisf 3 30c Presbvferiaii Clitrcli wherc slîe xas variaus limies. of reohies she xvould ike vou f0omUso. aî retilar attendc-ant, and xorker in Ho uerivec- a gzroaf decil of plea- Hiere uiiov arc. XXciui voul tr fiieii? Lowest lic Voicns uxiliar. sure amd satisfaction as hobbies. in Apple Crisp Pudding Prices TI SU 3Fo F unE C T R ~ J V I Il er l oRexplacîe ) 2 s r m a mt urg * oz -flic S t d k t d iii i c P cI a d ore 6 iii 8 apples a d D dd s il s e- 27 TH C RT R A M LYt'niired ficauvr cardeits ini ucxxn. cul jhh slices ý inchi tlick to mîake 4 BaesFrToGnrtosservice. Bearersxerc : F. O. 'Nfc- NI r. andc-I rs. Greeifielcid clcirafeui cs a fposc1fapou'iliaiol PHONE 855 Bakers BOWMANVILLE lveemi. Cal. L. T. NicI..atmîii, 1. R. flimm 5flixvcudimîz Slui e pt. 7rv Scpf ons buiffer. S cao uxafer,I NozmlcSRT LfK PHONE 55 BOW ANVILL 12tli 1938.cap) .hgam. 3-4 cul)fi lciar t astrv oc-cm2e. Noxzm - -5c BE'M Ra Sfuiff. W. 1. Patersoni. 1).F. lîçiîrvI>S13 cake)i Baffer casserole. ac-d- appiles. 50c Pinex - - - 32cN .mci R E. Lozcimi. MN v cd u s lo ti fni I c.n ic s 1h s ecthrc-cxx-uic su i fO. 55 lic floaltrciies .urrammc-ic- fie a..ct i..ilI. ia eicate siat fe cîîaîtîî. ime fim oi xr fi vfm cr flraltîm ssuruioiîccî xilcfliizhecmî.-rc 1 u x ci., 5v fixe sous. Normnamu otc-c-licr sumar, cmimaiim. fioîîr. andti for 3ucoa laii x-. ml i i emhad.. lV xx F cicff-c re-erc t. i Su ,iffhxi fl fiiii.tr tlis îUîi Icm iim-iii. - -' 'iha e aftomaiiTorlhc-fomî raif Cci .,ckSur cc oxFlakes 2f3 0t iaie andiccxhI cci i f fliilx m theupi iiixumesfîm

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