Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADI.\N STATESMAN, r',OW1MAN VILLE, ONTARIO THURDY AC N,13 SaeriGi.t ICiiL rnds ronT D- RESSMAKED HAD Prepare To Live senss and we see clearly that our standing f the problems with BSilemal'onte. IIaId national and personal welI-being xvhich wè deal as voters and i .~I h~rcî ctviie hveb~iiatSk'ilkn dtire illnmuhiate \t'cIft.T (Continued from Page 1) dupends upon our own efforts and which we have such lamentably All hurh ativtie li_____i TOQUIT SWN sflesi en etoe yI w iiesi.wa edrhp a standstill last wvek winii tn bad unemployment conditions which Destructive Forces Never Produce Take Up Our Cause O L NSE I road and wcatlier conditions. HnsSolnWt are as wasteful as they are in- is for our own good and -History tells us that men rare- MisI.______,Tw. is ei H y o Rheumatism tolerable. Canada's good that wve have been ly find life worth living until they A dS r e vistinz lier sister. 'Mrs. F. L. Scluair Barricading rgescnpldtoakli eiluv.he a cause frwihte are and bas hectn on the sick list for y' er 1 Nucriiî \-iit)rs: Pitv this poor direqstsakcr! Niue- 'Because of the poverty of their Wc know now that there can be prepared to die. Today the world Our Experienced Optometrist AsrsYuPoe a week but is imo)rovine. NIr. Gordont CowIn Dixie. visited tentlis of bier work corsilt of sew- leadership, a number of politi- no such thing as a moron-made is full of men willing to die for Mr. C. Pollard bas bllen nuite ~ tri rtomne. ing - an( site was not able to cians are building barricades of prosperity; that only intelligence what \ve believe to be evil causes. Fitting 'Glasses of Quality ataVrLo Pie disrosed for a week or more. Mîiss .\udrev Tlîonirion is visiitin y sew. Rheimatismin ie bands xvas provincial rights to hiait the forces and industry can bring prosperity But what is our alternative? Will ___________________________________ cluiite tnumbr o sande ateredil Bowianville. lier trouble. and Site tried anv numii- of national progress. The pur- and happiness. We see clearly we continue in our apathy and in- te salnerof e . R. ieesated Ms.A Ra adMisFr b er of remiedies. But nothinz lhebîed poses of the Canadian people are that good business and good citi- difference in the face of forces Thrdvadrpr ucsflBradlcv are visitintz at Mr. F. Asir- Thrce and a biaif vears azo."suie being thwarted by petty power- zenship are inseparable partners: that threaten to destroy us or SeilPie sale, ton's. Toronto. niuicl - unttil she came to Kruscb ekr voeptitehrzn htdsrciefre ee r- will we take up a cause that is rie Mr. and Mrs. T. Sx kes eltertain- 'Mr. \Wm. Trewsin is vlsitinc ait rites. 'il hallaviolent attack of ale one ytei ovi oii-dc ontutierslt.wrtyo urhg$INnies, PinesS pFae cd friends Fridav eveninc. it heinzl.Mr. Wiîn. Smnitli's. Wlîitby. rbeurmatic n)ains. Mv feet and biaud, a fne. Need For Education a cause that was worth the lives 3lrePcae u tbe occasion of 'Miss E. S-kshrb- Cuc srienetSnaya 'ere swoln The pa,-in ivas ter- 'Great projeets based upon a "The citizenship of Canada war and is worth the dedication 20Vlet ise $III day when she ; va; niade tervice ieit Sti.3lp.mairible. I wis reahlv quite crilcd united national effort. which muist be graded up. The bîgh cost of the lives of 11,000,000 Cana- 20 aiDtaTsse ofa hnumber of baeaite ifieft3) . Hm n eolCu e anaîd leliless. wudultimately solve our un- of ignorance bas brought us to dians in the cause of peace. 2 Packges17 ______________________ tiel îuvrrnris iUoutempîoviment and production prob- the verge of economie ruin. The oin tat ecndor for -Tuesdav eveninz with C ..\verv rire- liîcr ss. Till 1 starter-lou Krus- cesiaeblceIbIIoewb o level of education in Canada Canada if war cornes again couîd 100 A.SA. Tablets 19c _________________________sidini.,in thc absence (if A. HuIcieas.. îdatreemul.Inget tbeir duieead opprtun-aeoytinligtenubfrtdy1mkeCaaaladn- ________________asseettei llgdcibt in does not serve our purposes. We I nvlewa ecnd ie 2 MERC ANTS! ~~vcn iv jsîis Besie îîiîî aiil ~u cdlienýtlîanane i r onîlorîtb. ton aud C. \verv: iailo solosopportun rntsks an otntes. I oto wbicbougorusda wud DddsPs -2 DiMyu no haNtS!oucan Mrs.R. ichardss: mitli raui wr %as (utite ivîl acaini..\s I liain J Never More Disharmony iprtv htorpol budb ru olv n o hc 0 lusPi C. C:roSsiiau: andl a v oral SIoo lNe drrssinakrr. %-ii rau iniacille ivlbat '-Statesmen wbo bave devoted b'e better fitted for their work and tbey would gladly die again.'0BlusPil 5 itil nîrnt to ie trot to bc able to their lives to the good of Canada terdte sctzn.Mr. Atkins was introduced by Feiiows Syrup - 87e purchase McCaskeys famous :souo I% Gordonî Slriîîon: laterii i '\«"k 111V ~s nifuachîiner. wuiat a b ave reluctantly reacbed tbe con- No Place For Prudes ýGeo. W. James. Joe O'Neill ex- 25e Noxzema-- 15c line of Counter Check Books slide..and a verv iiter-tutalle. n' r tri teie able te ivalle. to work,. clusion that nele in their x aain need be neither ppressed the gatbering's apprecia- Ht--omne Ieaiiificatieu ivas i i and te lie frec froinnii. Mr perience was there more dishar- sanetimoniaus nor prudisb in tion of tbe speaker and also on at b~~~~lv E. .A. Stimuler. of Biiaîîu S. mony than there ils todaý~ Their exincing a lively coneern for good tbh fo heLorClt net iksDos ---43 egaate Cep bonnztifiilva cl I-biva. Ev.lh heaire ooirisr -r n îepineland patriotism are beard tbrougb-cpbehnuiusl-relian ng evening. JOH ST N'S it 11 otel outth ntio. apble idutrius slf-elan George Atkins, President of Nyai Nose Drops - - - 25c to so orcuho 00K ST RE ladies. rta.iueaiulriieiitîoutbnainciinsxicmaeaainpo- Oakville Rotary Club and Editor BOOK STOREriirliriu bruieI relie f.lbe- Minorities Thrive In Dungeons permis and not the few who are of the Oakville Record, accomp-ý Laxacoid, breaks a coid 25c mouc erflyeui- Phn 51frInomtinralisc t ucip to diýsolve tilî'c Making a noise among us, tcl0, selected from among tbem 1 anied bis brother ta the meting Bke'sWhte Rb- 50c ed Lr ote-$0 Phon 65 fo In orm tio . ~triiblinzc rvstals and to xipelt i are those minorities who yearn to carry on government. Todayý-*s and brougit greetings fr m ee ngOeak- - c Ilanpon riî It -u-tni.I urntbir hikin ad tei sef-conditions demand that lines be Roeîuary Cl1u b. _______ ~~~made enemies over 10 some dicta- dr1 bten odTnhadad e pragram uincluded numbers tor in eun o eimne lvsIat those who would save chr i ber ar A. ctette, whose Giant neui Vsios:I e ad d sifactreioens. T h e country in an hour of world Ibir by ýtbe Rot A.R.y 'b ScODrTC.E$.dVT aIVstr: ek r .ndsadistic R.VagiiD.sfructinenhe bes ieCD SLiniment Mn. and Nîrs. R. Brooks and l tlu.____ ames they cboose, the shirts tbey choose carefully between the txxo. W. Slemon, Geo. E. Chase, M. S. 69e daneblter aud Nfrs. Cnumberland. To- Tîîere slnciicin-Sna wear, and the flags they wave, Need For Minds and Hearts Dale, D. R. Morrison, F. 0. Mc- 981 5 ronto. liss Constance F-ariicnimlb. rexinecîrl iSîîla mr noeaditcion among Te price of democracy isbh Ilveen, W. R. Strike and J. M. Zambuk Osbawa. ixere weekend ,lie SfI fcunllie li he Siiii<l ix ilnn matkenoTbe aldstraeau ibcteiHeu Mr. nd Ms. eo. aruoînh. tle i<,itiie r"'tv for a ess of petreut ion.service of the nation*s best minds James.M v i g 1 Nran\r5 e.Frio. th eter etfoameso escto.andl stoutest hearts. The duties of Ratarv President R. R. Stevens Ointment Bb op MrtrdBllt.Tr itt..ent Nrinuis rhrBl.B\- u he r o ueoseog iisi at bedishrg was in charge of the meetingand tMr. weed aiEt. PToront.s îîvîle isited 'tifr. and 'trs. Carl nor sane enougb te, make any pro- by the mere payment of tax buis Lon residient J. J. Brown made 47 NMr. and .Mrs. C. E. Horn air(, A cx gress among Canadians unless however large. The saving power se,ýeral announeements at the Chase 's ivere in Toronto Satnrdav. , [iss., Mldre<l Davex spleuttusmene h len s h ancouere- of democracy is altcuism and1conclusion of the evening. Con-ermiciFoo Miss Jessîr Knox returneulitr lier îlxeekeuat homeenibpdoksadrpe-wbenever it finds expression life1 Guests included ProvincialereF d duties as teacber at Haîdon slIcol Tire Chili \vas l Id Nîîdax v sion. Tbey tbrive only in the riscs ta new high levels. The spirit stable D. P. Morris and Fred J. 49c49 8 Owiztoivate ndra cni jciiiwthPeidltCarl 0fpescuialndma-wbicb moved our giorionus troopsIMitchell.0le Bin tednea h udvsr ntecar h nets ille ie hi i frfedo i weeks ago, the Lions Neurotonic speakerd anrhstaie ruhtntonodtoCnr Club took charge of a joint meet-Tbet i- vics ws sall Re. W Rakhan . I. Sapis. is omeiv0 wihe and die in the fresb air Of Th, same spirit appiied ta our ing at Rotary headqiUarters in the alt Mainv ble au bebsrî l \vîi ale r Arthur Bell No matter wbo they are or what happiness greater than Canada was the return meeting. _________________________________ Mav ubican htr shol ti-r(iilec( acoile isolos. tbev advocate they menace Can- ba1xerkon INrr t - ada oniv when they organize vio- -( 'tIrrnt.Mr . N l n e ti n h.rl h d an 3oiie B st B a O K Y40c se rn o t Pa e OR heIvlou Rs - bhli. the secret armoury that tbey can 'Canada has men of great ca-' 1___0Sc Pohlci ot rs FO Y URE llei) us- hs iner ad isbe stopped with the fuil support pacity ready ta serve their count- îContiunued from Page il Both for 0)!ric nti;ditit t\' f Canadian opinion and a self- try. the means of mobilizîng their r ccew stepped ont andi checked the ______________________________ tellîcblîkunldfaxbioîîldiinier ;I, Hcw To Tell The condemning knoxvledge of their brains sbould ho immediately1 favoured Rangers ta a standstill. SERVES AS A IBLANKET 'Iý1oîdav te sece o maux tcainsisl.id< Age 0f A Horse on guilt. mstdn~il on by the gcvernent of Can- JIl xvas the best game of the year. PHONE D ~ *,u.u V FOR YOUR HOME ielin nireÏ}1ryoka andr, lîrtl Canadas Dangerous ies ada. A national econamic counceil The game svas onlv seconds aid 65 D P PlIILI h comrpetent ta advise the parlia- 6bn95 adiasbrk1[t EL E hIt was xxth rezret tlîat tirue îanvTnîeîteacfaiylr.. znsodyrebseworer- ment and people cf Canada is aJ lead tbey neyer reiinquished. Me- 0 Here is the insulation ~uhav reîl m rîuautielee<i liisunell the loîrer v of orse. zen toaydiaie tus mb hotil ia edoy mmn.I sMle sipdaps vct been waiting for-Red 'lop ln-u RIx.S. I .Brownu. Ricluii,Iid. ( Que. .te oe iw o us. iîvbo auid estr osthle qutue impassible foc a busy states- ýMoses xbo relax-ad the puek ta laun oo ealybanes 0îrn enicdrrfh5 uidn a..îi ri lu irot tecth the tale ixilI tellgroups. wowuddsrytemno nme la WoL ealyblnkt vurlerr(à1 f is u\îrssnzouT exicri uoit n1ea ipe. spirit wbicb has made Canada amo a rank and file mmbe Lemon and Doug made no mis- ho. 9Pays for itselfin fuel saxings Siia. V xeidou Inra Andv t, ntion. and woud padlock theof parliament 10 know all Ibat take as be beat Spencer in the Easyto istaU Firt cot islo. Irs IE. S us ii the dratliofihlerTxxe îîîîdrle i iiîrs xoiibelîold national mind with petty provun- h reî akovaottecn-Rne es ae ntepro IG T LA Ku lemesb etn htu b Fe p r o o f. V eo r s m i l n d f. r m hmr t r. a n d t eo ( t ie r rela tiv e s. I e fo r c tit (e c o lt i s tw xo x c k s n d : i c ia l p litic s . is- o w o u ld d e n y Ju s - pB e x' f e m a n p r o b e s f C a n d . L m n a s d t M M l e Ou Oli re lîd s cr e d M tt u me r nen. skfo smpe ndfuîler Iîaîîr it I Brnîherlueurd xx iîî blul a Beferre einlîiteeles Suce more ixilIl ice or cbarity ta fellow-Cana- i u ain rnhso anmicther clamdte na ol rtier-fo d details. A product of Canadiunbatiquru iiieeiniat H-amnpton CîIrci- culBuin. nthero a nhe bstofbCansa- na oteroa e nd a t loh o tidCrd- ORieP ordelce emn ieatcnr Gysm opnyLdyu wro ilt.Nac l ldian activity there could be as- hi the starry Lemon. Boxumanxulle 'Midzets defcated tire scored b1Lri 2. arsn() ranty of quality. bled__abodyofmen__ cuîîn. J n "Canada appears ta be cracking 10 advise upon policies wbicl' scocing tbrust in the second stanza tersonanMeîen Tie ilside erooxes iill disappecar up. Capitalizing on the suffecing wonld make the mast of cuir hbijas Edmunston canvected a pass a wide onen zame. The came ixas RED T P E n n skill n Froi niil<lle tien ii just oie vea: caued by worîd chaos and te man andomteriaireso rcesnUn.heomtQnnneysensth thir ses- featued îvtb mnb sînzeine aaid REDTP_______ en rotii tW x cars from tsecond pl failure of aur leaders ta cape with til sncb an advisory body is pro- sian the Rangers spoiled wbatever slaslinke. Dick Pattersn of Orono INSULATIG WOOL ~ece Brdlcv. 0lua Ila. tbrec vars 'corutesetod air hacanging conditions, those .vho perly constituted, Canada WilI ýchance thev had as Doug Lackin icas pit in biis lace by Gîb M\c. itei îath'iei ike _______ Miss'n 'tiîlslr"crnes"tooar bdc.serve seîfish ends or seetional un- continue ta muddle along ivithout rr' tîopnate adwil oIlenicorplcdCbcnatl n 'harl.A Io ueiirîefipescîo treî eelabemkngpocayasuac ta ewilfnal asofth adinas apd oeth eenead i ra oo a x u tl l e n r e ît n. aî <l M -. E. ~ b < e th e S e c o n d r a i r- c a n t s to pD g e s a i o a n t s b e t n u d l h o g .t r e e m o r e g o a ls . D u g L e m o n o f it. A s is u a l 1 Ha s bly B ir d c r ri e ' ir t i r s n t l f a s a d a o AN O NE~T uBracîlex. tiWlîeîî fte : r Pýred.sNational trade is bampered:S 'tIr. . Rabn. I-leeui an Rov f dur ears od the bird air an oflenprevened by roviniaidConcil Visdioi n Vison oscoedtthefirsttufoIbsttrioonraobsostic araunstickOcono layersheIc wo pratises l xî'il haieneigb Uîîirîî au tir XX.. Rltin. \ fie a uillliee se li shnd. otins. Ivntenati o ciaerl "Sucb a caunicil cauId give us ps rn culn asdt els ln iteaanfaurdbur.-uufiii SATUnCS r'irn. atE. . bRa etliers. At uluuiclu a etli Sow. tionw hs b herish n a vision of anc passibilities, plan Burns for the second and Moses tn. ni.. Traveli. Oshawa. Tbe deer blacke spots icill pass front 'democratnic ideals is made difficult n courses of constructive pragresstaldtefilnareuasi- A DVA CING li.,,1-tael Pekins.Oshaxa. a ~ romIlie iddletwc nd the waste of dissension is that would eliminate mucbth 0f the si1Crdna sors I OkIN Iaes. cis O hw . tviw rippling constructive Canadian waste of ur aphazard deveop- DOugtLemonx ada hdin fivoesSEL NE T W E Buy now while we are stillil r Miss (;advs Bradîexitb bier sixsT- esrnIud pair at seveiî x'ear.s: efr.. eIoserve ou r duassetsand I fpre-n easoddhi hr sellng t th ol prie hec. 'tirs. Earl Luke, Tvroc. At ciulit the spot eacb cornier cîcars. The Real Canada soyerve thnbe ducationand uemu- iof thebe an be als th irstshae seln a h odpic. .iiuial XV. MýS. fuiltjn., ia- lieîd l"But the ceai Canada is flot lness of anc people. It is not im r lin sane years that the team i fn- Suitsa d l g i a- usial ai the uhomerf 'tIr..Iluir Fr ii ini iIle "npon'hnrerjae Canada As It Appears. The real r possible ta provide empiovment ishing on top of the regular sebe- mnaster. althuzlutheie catber suas > i;ete îa ,sos ul îl- Canada is a nation based on vastiopportunities for all fit Canadians C dule as -aiaed t oi inter; e-layoffsndP J erv stornv. aboeut 14 ladies xx cru se(rVunuirresauruces, sufficient ta overcomnen!but it is improbable that ive shal ienc- Gont al. Hons:pere,eCla dan Prs Ping Poog Tables i, suas E lse -en iWds ti-Pcorners lirlt. i.ial union, ex oti rdcioianb~ ~bi ~ ?n o oe inr:7 CEc after xelich 'tirs. C. Cro-smnair. on time e.OCi onthIe li(rseiiic and cIosed and semi-closed mac- t, the task cf solving anc grave ,o: lerae Hayes.7 5 $14.OO omplete haîf of thesociety. tluauked 'trs. kow Jkets. 'Resources. xvich, wasted as nainl1olm.A navsr Rangers - Goaal, Spencer: de- Burzinaste. who so wllinz orletbev bave been, are yet sufficient economic Council, aur ablesî eitî , Quinney and Edmunston: Oshw anr r l M k s a d a ta l h n b e r s a ster. wh om e s o tii reiiig < tl' i5 T b ln iaz e i L re - si I d r iera e t ete p c s ri y owC n - z n s c o u ld g i e u r r e p r e s e n ta - B i d w n g , D L a iî a ds ha L u d y& D rC e n n go .t d M a e a d al t b e h n e na î u h m 0 îc c itv Tî v o geIe - p cc efore. ada, aw ait on y the re-aw aken i*ng tives guidance in en arging anc: R. L arkin; alternate, Stutt.r P hone - B ow Tanviiie 41 flot in us for playing. ýhe anulx r.ic Till tiveuîv. subheti sue know unc more. o f the spirit of goodwill and co- econamie freedom vwitbont im- n ___________ most practical table on the sua.; utelsl iîutheIcanuu uiinrs e-D.E .San hei nioa prto hc rnh h paiing in anv degree anc politicaln market to-day. Ask about hu ectî nrritjrns rniîv à a l J cou ntry from colonial status to liberties.PU LS R T R them at uuuie atidî.Rev. Il. I.ackes nationbood.1 Must Have Immigration TO BSKRETBA L I_______________________________ Shepad Gi as a mterstnetaleon\iicrs Jesus organized the cburcb, More Than iMalerial lVeaith "Ony troub te srvie a that Ovcrccieth he\Vru. tiwbicb is bis vineyard. He com- "Canada is sametbing more;'n etctzn a e oet TE D0 X M r 'tIcpart \&neGie-iseu l t mands aIl ta go into the vineyardn than material wealth and vast en( eteftues)t n LUMBER CO. LTD. uianlo. adt r'nge.area, orjil conld not bave existed got fCnd santo.N Phone 715 - Bowmanville ' ll eIS S ls Ic« Persecution bas nat crnshed ia amhgone n pol a vrbe emte otHp aktalTan Vl tbn.se oiffîcers President-Hoarid power bas not beaten t back, tue the Fatherhood of God and th to enjoy the tise cf a vast and! Visit Local Gymnasium Fridav Oku Se - l I bs nt batd ts ore -occeBrotberhood of Man. It is a vaiabie area sncb as Canada Night - Locals Hope For Jim Simnu).on. Bnshnell. searcbfo the greatest good t without accupying and developing' Championship ________ te reatest number. It is a neyer-,11. Canada. like il or not. mustn ending qnest for buman bappu-! bave extensive immigration ai n After a week's layonfacfo the 4 nss It is thýýe vision wbieh fnsed people and capital if we are ta purpose ai doing battle wutbý its varions peopies ino a nation continue ta bold and develop Ibis iexanis basketball cames back1 seeking broader freedoni, greater country. Empîcyment for tbose again 'Ibis Friday. Part Hope us S m r F o c k s Ic r a in I justice and world peace. Because to whom we nist open ur dors chduld to bring hree eaîs '! 1il bas been and wil continue toaud hep ,op oitaithose aifus r ia othe lacal lgym,. and Cohot h on d e vot edaut o tmh e- c om1 ,o n - -g o ar î d h e a r se w r e i I c e p n n , a s a p s t i n t ou .n 1.11.UIdiuig un tne sure! nsources.,--,,I plaY.,IFridayS -tuISsle Will iikely v uprýak.........t n S ____________foundation of that faith, %we caný!-( ainlEdcto o i-provide plenty cf excitement.KpptteSnacks......... .... 12 nat fail ta croate a camman good zs-nsbip, a national prajeet ta __________ greater than any yet realized hy eqnip Canadians for intelligent Tris................................................. fo 10 mankind, wilhin wbich ive uIl self-government.Trnp notfal o fndlatig stifa-iSalmon, whole fish..........l. i2 Once n 'Notbing less than justice and Fresh Fillets............... b. 5 OneAgain Life Is Real !<<luuit, in cuir ecanomnie arrange- Ilinie and Srbool Association wil oe ilt.........b 5 "The Canada To Camne cails for ments of the fuiture ivill serve as J «heI ii Slas's Schuool oni SmokdFles...... the devotion ai aIl goad Canadians a basis for the cealization afi nc daNfarchi 7tlu, at 8 p.in. lnterestiuie Fesh V tota he cauuse ai their country. Th, national clestiny. Eclcalioii muist procraîn is bcinz prepared. a one- reh egetables ~~..2,P'ALKER ~ ~ ~ moronie roth ci the sait, silh' press forward aat an aecceleratedatira'tarîn Off Fatîsor iiH AR LAK R S T R S IM IIIZ.1J bie bas been hlown cff hy thie r hîu<. Unequal naw ta cur econ- lue nrosnled hi' first classloa:AL M BOWMANVILLE jile is ceai. The crash cil sanie-rist ' tulcuit. nefrisnamonlanwof be re. PHO E 41 Jthîng.ar-aîbng p ec u Ia t i v e 1 lsuudership and educatuon camne as ramec andi eniai' a profitable and e ý sehemoes bas brought ns ta anc quickly as passible ta an under- nîceasant eveninz.____________

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