Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 4

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P.NGE FOUR THE C.NNAI)l.NN STATESNh.\N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAX'. NI.-\RCH 2ND, 1939 theuzlht of lier omi unknown famiil,, te bc donc N'ou will let me bandle it ini the back cf lier mind. for sou. %Vill vou promise" OUR ENGLISH LETTER "Oh. that i.. dear of vour motbcr. Nlarioric was still for several sec- 'n The Editr' Mail Ev'ýaît!" .ltc said. "I do anpreciate i ii nd. lookinz cdown at lier Iîands lir a lot. and s e mne o Wb er tim e I'd love clas ted tiL tîs' before er. th n s le __L O N D ON__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Ite corne. but iiust iîew I don't feel 1 '.aid slowlv. scriouislY: cýtlI""I wilI Promise to tbink over what Pickering, Ont.B MisIoe Fie settled dowîî comfortahlv t,,su said. Ez,"rs'ltlisg that voirlisse February 20, 1939 cobtler u, a fle a x aid.l Dear Sirs--li.iti 99 iccein oha ir u toaos i leba c-(To bc continuced) We hav e been eut off your mdil- \er.TurksRilsas aacc 'Yeîîre verv kind !" said Marjorie ing ltst and mtss your splendid hns.PriasIetil..Ial First nstalmnt Nvtli trtibledzaze.butumoeiandpaper very much. Please continue iaiîs. Gerieaîs ,i. \îîisitrian.. tisi d P(lovreo- Fis ntietl an d lier feoter tîother izreatIv ceinint i tie. Se. ni iti',hland set nmore certain that she wasn't izoii'i C u tc edn sTeSaemn pn ae ieain h tiet studv- Marierie Wetiîeriii had awv stre.,sed the fact that whiie NMarierie about it te sec wlîat lie ceîtld do. He 1te accetit. Thun sitddeîiiv site iifted fin Boftack stkandarn ofmilifer mc eîîid ha iitevLCC.l She bad be watanîdoselen .liesaslad îl co en borîtier hy own. her sa n d cv re tiîtoelîr farva.o t ira k ve1e iiMisses Mars Riznek and Pauline with Cartwright Township in gen- etiiir Ilstitlite ii Soîho. heeal ee ol vie l cass i iîesi. î eaudtheyive e -rVoir needt etaavt ue Ynsec. Evati. tteres sortetlîie ,Altil sDonsored a surprise partv for erai. My wife is also a native of Trc evinsa ckfd young tîat it meant iîothiitgat ail a i 0ieb.ati oltvwleelecould î h ih aet i frthfr aie u itc' itr sLrainei- arwrgh Twnhi. aiivrepeettiv aroup fntue te lier. And as the vears weîît bv eth ita t u a eei cr beand be ou i n t f ,ti r il.', ans sîlîcIire anti hegit life azain." tii. Osbawa, on bier i8tb birtbday. Truly yours. wvorld's natienalities gaticred iii and sire was surrouîîded b', nt r5lotvie es cvtd -annd iîivmti U evi teie 'Soîîethinz virihave te (Io? Wliat Twentv-six persons gathcrcd for tire W. C. Murkar. cr se isrost erici luuv sr hoih ltl iove s.Wteil a dvtdpa-%-ilie she wsa stilliniiithe hosrpîtal. dov tir euali lie tiirned puzzled. liappv event at 'Mr. and Mirs. Pauil c_____________olertio iuiur. uetbuubtutleefit uct.anti .he anîd arjorie svere dear that site shouid give ber consent t ei aii v~uotle..ni's a"ivl it vr e languiage. The stidents must sit Onesie h -a nbc coicompanuons. oeue adeiîtiîî%-ou. \Ir. Wethcrill Yeîikttess liii ailadopted chiid. ceix-cd bs-the cruest cf bonour. Var- 40 Bowmore Rd., Toronto close toectlier :Japanese ttext to1 she had askcd aboutt ber own peopli Wbn i cauais. or utofcurinsilin r.WetberiIl died M\ar- aizreeinc te tfianlce the treaîîîîenî tio tset cx iaskestescms cepae ihzs.Fbur 5 99 Chtîesc Gertîaîîs hesîde Russîaîîs casalN. or on o cuioistv thai lri e was still itt her sciioci life. and hotu volîr father aîîd littie si-ter. r ha. vtîtn ii, v ati :" Geranids ason ene ftesinn e t. FDear M.15ames:9 pessibis eventi lat vouini Spaîiart i because ef aîîv feit nced for tlîem. suie atnd the niother sserc brontcht 1Onîce. wlîen soit werc abeout tliree 'ha . .eha% o o rsEN utisatth eatiut conte GrtChesnebr i ha M neyaer s: ln sm ri îenietett nIai and siteliîad beeri toid that tiiev even doser tozrteber, so hat he î rnth, eîl s or nintler svreîtc ie. \'l--ys ifcu.bt lta h at frn eog m i i t ewth u iotlirinc e ns. Tueairtioes were respectable People wbo lîad hýta o o(owt t nteba ots:wt eremn scerwn od ihu ben itfetnae ndcoiiî afodNîrs. Wetheriii ssas suddetiis-strick- beccine tlîat she nîizht ceulie andti Tiîev- vere sittitîlr on the deuii Vetzai beatinz bis vouniger oepotents The Statesman. Have read it ever ie t Puise %wîtiîcriss-crossine waves tebrim iru atbe c uid alrcik ith auir iness tîîat tues- otu sc el,nbut I persuaded lier tirai it couichi 'roiea (1eend, Evaî at one of tbe other camnes. Wm. since your father teck it over It of liate. Tiere does îlot arîtîcar te kiîss scui b ss'ft ndfaaltb seiluibcbetcter ferlils ail if site tîI(] îîear 'the etiier. but iess- be eatiîd Parker. Osbawa;: Gcrald Baison, is greatly improvedi since »the be eveti a niilt rescueîîmt felt is- te bave lier brougbt ti. It hiad al irl spent the Iast moîîtbs cf lier inet. ' acro ss ith a conîfortinz maîtîter Zioti, and John Pritts-. Toronîto, early days. You have grewn up ails ete fer atîvoîle else. been vev vagu. BuitNiariore 5V55fosteriiiotier'~ lie iii tmost ies e-r Buit lîeîî.aboutia veartige. iust atti ieeed itaodlierance. s-cee pthes (om a ditance.fith te expeienceTceeditrg a Tu air i eiectrc sviti tiîer cace li icftumiiv. %[v-ozi't familv. 1 NMr. and Nîrs. Harry Baldwsin. NMr. paper. Your father xvas much lîlterest. tîteir initens'e concentration u iceili. Thes- are îîiy ossn 'pl.and Mfrs. A. E. Phair and dauiglters eider than yeu when be began the e)il everv steil tessard sslat is. fei- I E~~~~~~~vaiî ! vstdM.at Ms itrPar work and made a success cf it. Se seie of tlieti. the lancutace tlîe% 'usinessDctise!r Ne\iiîitiicef the kitll( Osbawa. yen have prebably an inheritance muîst tise tor tire rest of titeir iives. BuiesD1etr said FEvan liftitîîghis weii-rnodulii Mr.atid Ms Ernest \Vatton and for the wr as bwel' as experi- .\t he iiscn LEGAL eeîitecteti ssitiî tieni titnI1ain. side. and 'Miss Ivv, Bartletts'iîî bea Statesman and a James for mlts. .\îstrians and Czeclis. I tlîiîk M.G .GUD ..L..Tues cave %soittiti! I sioid tliiikNMr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers. iseio sln a a ed dlike tuix- tcaclîitig trieur.i il M.G.V.GOLD BA.VL.B sitsviuild neyer isatit to sec or licar Sunbeam Mission Band met Fcb. im enclosing my renewal. musltt bci satisfvinz sort cf ieb. 1 Bai rtser, Soiciter Netar ci tieni !"'23rd witli tbe boys' croup in charge. Yussncrl, Sortie of theiti are so kecît. actîîîg a, Phene 351 Soinething in tirie larsbîîess cf hli Mrs. Clarence Peîîfound. MIrs. Lloyd Coca A. Pasce.tiioiieh thev love everv ssord as il Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanville 'tite madle Niariorte (,ive a 1 ,tile Courtice and 'Miss Ann WiIkiiis. is îîîeîîorizcîi hecaiise thes- (ccl iltot WV. R. STRIKE liver aîîd drasi lier l'and QUiietls leatders. sverc all prescrit ..ssistant Newcastle, Ont. lie tîe lantcae of frectlei awav from îîîînier ii,. Secretarv Ross Wilson read minutes. February 25. 1939 Lt is eniv iii tuee xpressin titat Ba:'rister, Soliciter, Notari "I tlei't feel tliat ssav. Evaii an d Treasîîrer. Tosepbine Courtice Dear Editor:- these inleas sceni rather stage' anti Solicitor for Bank cf Mentreal ~lie sidi gttîs. rarveiinc that afier r1ave ber report. It sias decided te I dent think the Church bas nîeclodrauîîaîic. MoneN' te Loan. Phone 791. 'lier linuoircf deiiht she sîîddcnlv fuiit.eild letter-, of aipDreciatioîî te the failed any more than Gevernment**** Bewanvlle Otaro. iiar it lier iminti about tte matiur. nortli groîtp for Ilp i)at tire Xalelii 1r Industry, that is organized, HFiecati sve atpreciate isîtat ste L. C. MAON, B.A.Xii liiikit--seail abo utt il. or ii tille 1parts :te the Nissioii Circie forIcommercialized indlustry. These e i le bact eiit Britr- seSolicitor î ctie. 'î hu-caîîdv. andi te the \Xorld Frietid'.. are the three institutions that 1 t, Barrister Solicitor ~~~~~ ~~iru. NI-tîter lefi a lutter tellinziicl Tire budcet for 1939 wsas presetitet i practically govern the lives. ex-en r* eseîiîît\iral'urhi Ntary Public - Etc. aboetuit i iieand ti £tiestinz ili-, bs [()ai.\îtil. andîticift boixe s were - the ver'.'existence cf the masses sitiA îî,îîcilîtîet Ailtiaoiîcli Ofaice in eailyit bans . f'oyl ui tereas aivt itihie1 ll titi )t 'd itrileiit. Birthldav Box receisedi f people. I read the paper fotr te the uiin i rofessin iý île oi OffIe Thmeatr atc ea ci hee esaîtîîcIcut te ocriotribuitions. NMrs. Penfound ian heur or se eacb nigbt and I tue refîîgc tîuds iz IVilihl aih(i *Phores: Offieatre8; iHomrti5ett." - rest-iited ibe Band witli a certi ficate !don't need to tell yen about the Ii-ttie Office 688; Home 553. ~~~\îîîl 1 stili sas. 'Let sleepîîîc legs roni the Dominîion M.\ission Band ar appalling conditions the xvorld is Rceîs-itofie tilhtti MEiD ad vt cllv.n titihL reward for rcacltiiî a rececnized in generalîy. 0f course we aredii îeîiî iiî-îa-irca- laid CAL hatni otîce more onberý intanîdard. -e vrsbiiî period w -cii eloff areund here, but w-e duetstutte tezacsie tirakitictilss He satchd aiber andsagai. a ossesivewav s ifhe onedlier. - s %ih erse biv the tîresi- mustn't be toc smug about it.(teIsiie acsprtc_1 ih DR. HAROLD FERGUSON as%-n"Tlies iitiizirn Nis ever cared aîîvtbiîîc i . r deint. Doreeni Phair. follosset bv ýThe churches are doing prettv tect. as %veil as muisic, acttit! andi of Er.niskillen bas taken ever thel tienti telier. \\'beîî it ws-oser anti avu-seeraiainzi-n Is oitor tîîev %wouldî'tthave soid 'cilttiet îîîîsic plaved I)v Nîrs. Peul- . ell bere toc on the w-hole, al- lziauaes h sas takeit ill. lTle icai practîce ef the late Dr. J. C. Bell. ,b.hea, aicte. she feit uitterîs de-lsai Sciiecl, sotr ie titier canie iii the first place. Andînitos'-veoi rc, -s evc ta iiteg esold' u o b iilce ilector. nassiz ssithet Office Heurs: Week days. 2 till 4 solate aînd lue qseemed barrenti ideed. te sec me. a hine îof anteîer ss-rldtiriai tîi- cag c is ins:Dirls tes1o hadolrsanlenst i lîi, Lii!Iisli lesseti. iurried Sund-îys by appountment. coîurse. for tue \Wetiieriiis bail a Sule looketi so nîuîch like V-loitliat 1i tc vetr irfe aind i tv te (,et v. t v(ýii-i aî Ofd Gran Cvascr- akeni vweaspts rItbyinwe'e on the I tthhe boss assit proabe. . \îî aîI- DENTAL largze fieasatît secial circie. and ihere begati to feel like a criiîîiiîai Slite ,iîroiîertv asvay frein soit! IiiHri "li.adRvNca. epeadwems ieteonce sycl-te-do umari 1-.badIvi)iii itect1 sere instantiî nvitations for tiro- isvatîted te scec soir.P-ut I ssîiitd nt it des irlaî rve sa fee o u cuc rdtfrta.Several tot raeiiv. lie refiised to acciiî .artDR. J C. DVITTlonged vit-. itere anti there. huit:let her. I ficît t wse cît a catas-- . oie(revlirha decîdedlv Banis heei msicav fc eksaoIca is fofcr ee. atnd îîîntuîret atter tire bovy DR. Js.aCt: Dr.E V. Sson Nari,()r ieliîad î leiîaet to co. She r trouile for Vent at sotietiiie .of ]if,-. assav frontui îdeeitis acai atî -i( V1'c IlLerte Pcifottid eîîtertaiuîed cf Maple Grox'e Sunday School healtlî for niass afters-ar-. ictoat r.E W rso e ifor -oincoiie cf lier cst.The ! Ycur bicii liotozraiîb taken iii voir jsi-id tiir). ber ossitchiîî liftcdduni- ssiti a pianoe soIt. Thie Stuic% Bocl, and I thcugbt it w-as astonishing Aiictlîeî'stitet sas the ilaiagr Grad-iaie cf Royal Dental Col- su erlil seenîc tenp)ts and uniutercst-! cradtiaiiiue dre-.-, wst-'.ounthie tie-k fianîls-.lier ees'blriihît ant ininnz- satkt $Nr.Lot oitc nbactlgeo bcbwork- of a \'ietna bank. lie ws a'. aieci lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubtîce itL. antd I showed il te ber. an iîd îuallv ilaîti. B otk u\ 3,(b u 1 BIdg.. Bowmanville. Office heurs Then one morîîinc about tell davs cave it te ber. " Voir ! \'tit nîot talk thtat t ite ilmAbera" aru ic. ad uic- eers rtotf Ho n. R. B. 10 itrae î Iiii . a-ut li-l it et 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily except Sun- hifore Cbristmnas. because she could Site %venît astav siîbiriv and 1 have ss as ! V'ersittîtls ot luidesiaitn o- fteBtn.s-ssisî tn ms e ed i.Bt giotlers.. bai tîîbc assisted is- a re day. atte oantaIl.".an e-nve oroci l.oerateni bv Sini Penfoîîîîtland Ro-s 1remember Gox'ernment and labor uuîge irgautizatieii te pav lus event Phone 790. House phone 883. cautsette ie t erials-hin delse. n ez tee erotn* But. tiarline bc reasoitahie !" said Vl-,~ remploying Indnstry conld do shilii'.nzs indsix tpence -(abouit lS X-Ray Equipment tn Office. cueseladbeiamstdeduc \iid utîîsvthat I arn; boutt tle tn Wilolsoibn.eword btnt vekvîîiiîafe ______________________________te ce over lier beioved foster nictii- .q eelI hiat 1-.hculd leave hehiuîd tler -.vatî softeuîiîîc lus veice. N I art--rie Svmptteîv is extutdeti to tîte(arn- R.JNERAL DIRECTOR eî's itimate paplers. sue %weit uraveis ihis infoîrmationîî tat vouillas îidî't es eî tnctice ie had called lier ils of tîîe late Robert D. Pre - f Nwithout tbe Cburcb.1 Four vtitng stidetit-.. irotlterand Io rs. W'etheril's dcsk in the lis-- is-iteu si. ntenatrdarliute. Itsvas stîcli a conitimil P n ou l IYenrs. sî'.îers. ri -n Spîainî. st-itaittr inriti- FUNEKA DIBECORS izeroom. nnlocked ih. and bec-an te chaijet ilsun tfo ce--prase îof the niav. and Evan %waý a netH. R. Pearce. itlerhleîud et Scottisli atnd Sîîatuîuslî look oser the pters iii the ptceon îiî o tros-tnohr erv close frietîd. But lus seice ws fca ha-.rstc n annea Service, any heur, any day. lîcles tinz f wnmthe.Yules-. ageressive nets. more geîîule - Scotch as NîacTas-ish. canuscd a cooti %viCetbapeanti ttoadfortsie.ciber.eaak F. F. MORRIS CO. .As she wett rom drasuer 10 atndi,,lu are free to do ',vat vo~uir i er lîuDand stiii bi îd br. ass- 1.Ke136 Glenholme Ave.. deai cf coniecture until tueur stors Modemn Motor Equipment, Amn- drasser. emets-iri everv picecn-bele. %s i-,h sviîiî it. of couîrse. - girhnd nhsan r\iil I endai Toronto. Feb. 19. 1939 ssas tohd. Witb Spatuisit Christiati bulance and Invalid Car. Cal] sud burninc in the fireutiace sucît lie-r iearer tr imî. "Listeut. ittl ie ________ Georee : iarnes and Scottislî stir-ulaune. andî Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. thinirs as had t-i be destrovedi. she Se1Iati ivine vorutvour moticr's fiionare realis-serions'.aboutituhis iReceîit isitors: NIr. and Nrs. X'hiie Isvrite this inote the bound îlot a seorn cf Eiiglisb amolli,,tiretnt. __________________________________carne finatîss tithe littie -secret hue.niadrs. D sîtcve inz. cf course il t'illhave to> lieH îarîsatnd Shirley siriutNfr. cer cf 'Ture Obsersver" for the. -car tire%, camue te tire Instittte ti leartu draier. and there she fîîuîud aincti-, X'iur lovitt Niotiier. ibe hetter n'ît. but if veutrutaxcetsci Nie.Ir. NGle er s-tle. set ter lctt .r ute'tandn. Isil lin txeud --- 8is maio alits s'.a itesiVn t sanidItheiui e. ndtir a.areth ei MK severai otiier importanît usuels s 1.ias- D. XN'wcastle.'withlier fn al, oa essiesi tadttu -Lîieifr'aes.atrti MavsD.îlîr conuscienice te it. I hez s-- îî seil niotiter. Nîr,. ..Darlingtoîî. -\Irs. ithev sili bie iiust sixts' s-ars old. tiîtbrcak of tsar in Spain. "Lest iVe Forget" tiîick letter f-r ierseif. P-dits-%sas air address iii att ent- let inc do lte iliîvctigatiulc fieoitriitt ~î~. u iittes~~eî~Ttr ssulegeipee-t e Tt tr fiti c ti.îs NDaes .taricrie :" it reani. et î' -IanalserIkts c VO urî- t ti t f f- o itiiou î-sîan Tier pe re o c T hetta to- loack eihîtv scar- sui- u A.H.B UN A L as-e tever told scîtteuundiabot i i*- .ItaîîuaOas iers. kion-d dtopo ml tîtît.. ir-.N I ttîke Te - 1 t )ac.Ticeaeýrn au-,c akcilt ar otl Detr t ir îu e te Ittl o eils rNJie'. - tct soîtr oscil -itîcl-. that ustfaeier er- te s hil t½.signer and Dae n jvtroviPe, .Iddio elv1465 As-ter Street. stexcr s-orintersesandiione c- doî-. er t. . .N . f.PI , k t - -.îutuî,îenl itt iClvclaih U.\ Ihoe M1 numnents. Tablets. Markers. etc. -knoîsv tuch ivslf te tell. itmiil about Nuiiî-ithtiipeiu. itatittevels-o n stres t dn flc i n e.ti Nro nt Ne-tCci Iiî,i u hid in C erUS.tee. -1 -ic tGranite and Marble. tss-ovears ai. NIN, huîsbanl arraitîr hict seitutiittcetaiîlsa.i.fsetIrN.aiaindI isfrs.î il Cecisoil-Glass ~ - T,~ cdI esersîuiîîg abotuît the adep)tion.ii ' i(e~a eof ra-,iiicil:kixei.littîe girl -, ranitNr. antîlNie-...i ifî'kiu sîteut Oneietem I>tie te reau un ',oue -lty Co __________________________________1_ tes-er ton irtutthtat s\oit scu rc . . e us tyvIliiehithiex calîcî She lookenl up at Iîîin tan -' I Tliti'.dla - ceiliutie sitîtNI r. andtiNîrs itLI)er '. 'Iîl the DiianditiDi'.tanit c -lui ft- il. ,txs( iii tiiie Il- tall-iti. I iltýi-ut R-hilut-. P fu fits -car-. agi. Oneie tul N'e sser a er huaîti ii haîx- ti va- 1 i-r- tus . 5te5 e ter -. fil i r-t ilivlc îî-eeer -iiithe lat sveck'. i'.sueie sa'. nrtu hte ___ atnl-., %va-. sur tus iii s-.ti-.-r. s'î- Sli î x c ir lcai-ou the ht1r .i i - s- le Itail iiit'.b1 en a ~ nei'- liittt iiiait o e z serv-ice'. cf Triitv CG 'tire- wup-.,nî îufoî hss-îuatioa'. ttuîc ue-naueetiui. thue nem- t11utc1 îx alir e aî,its-u. ir.i fî iue ,ul m ui-e frietni. a -.hlS- ut- 1-r) - . tuttI uhîtit fi ituil-. bn-iitr Preseii TE R A I . an a fri e11,ktitis-ît.atlst lt h ail kîî'\-sii, aud thîctifuce the 1)- -cn a lin tuer ii dîlit-. -l, n tum r frýad tiir f od h,-,pre - I- T. Nott. preacluen i q lu a:t iel Secure RALPH GORDON, the (tîtutîi iPiuitîte'.tjeîjgtlîatsixrhttire 1. - o Terý fti vnizWi pt;H lu ttle ch anîcet- lise tiîîiess she cîîuld l 1ifiI t luniudîl otri. lI sl t utti -n-ît- br ue-.Ilu id f tt, -l i t ic un '. s upe it o si -a h rc o R ý i uuonderfully versatile e n t e r- hta e a t e eration ant i tecial tru-at- tt iiI i aI utl I î îaî IttI -- Slît nr ew u- i ack an di t r iet-I et ils e t,,i atl, c uhtcuts u-W nl îî at dt 1i t hcii itlî fo .t- Is N tainer. for your next entertain- tîtent. sst ch s eutr Parent -, St cr! u- i- ai in t i'. e - -vî-lut \itlasu- lttii Ill- ts e i erii uc litnii e ti a fi ls att îr-s --tdiiu'it, I.ttu e 5 l tleen. Il sr t d cic lr fe. abe t- cv ie.t tus ls uI ltt ie.Itr e -st(i izî hiîL'iiiucr.. Cact ll tta ate s'ei asai.\u-u mernt. eatiniai iatu--.lf-rfree. alt ili. setlIer.si it-rlîet - u hty tt-rit-lt-r t-r ttucl ii'. fscnî s tttî itue cn t'i'.nl îral tCrslîsarelc it-î--tinea fthte Iîpi i c -aa.-rc..- t - liii- -il - Itîpatu ortVoiric tak-tuir. ht sfitixvaT EI sc Toront.i ucndeditani , a'omiiin. eî 1ieraueudrî ' - D rth t lev iuri id tid n- .uiuîc îeîîk cii -tir usul r cerils- l-îk- st-es, te i lv r \ ir c - -u ilt tth y ve irt - I-ttii tamît suce s rîuil lîsl l f bu NI "" tclfr'. R N i cr suva'. ei c i Il)\-i mile ît eni iid b i xt'. car, l o~ î YaraVika dvetiingheabeeu asad uonbu BoTd Ptee -%VTu. t iith tlevîtuini tîtît lettîit> tct heace. uit erlist- îtakiss Il,,selatdttva' snîuie eas- ag aLICED . Di tl: terbhislocd sItecaîloftif tueBbevur'ta W UM M M ~~~s\ n-IdiiIl ha lthwu .' l it-e!Antitfi l e iit)au '. i Inlte îr'lii l tlx si, 1 uc sa :R' . luelizau-iri - E tr oe: 'h l- sc biýter - raiizn lbo e rs.fe aui -.ss c t hî aua. amui uîz tak o lpai ;toiiiiken litr pair chiannuský v US A E e.*.M Oly~ T e h ia ail ssi>all( t e r! Fý,r ait ntt ets !Ictaultisl uîk ir Ob-\crtituary -te l ninaiîPovin ckii l erui HS 1 hita %assotisvae-a o Unspcilze mdcaio ou hadt al lggd pfrm lc l,;r ke thut intthe-ilcuice lîetxfceut o uilinistatuoe filu!V rstl for ase nd uper hroa negecte col Va-ro-ol buxîg lic-el tut uerlîdit fWttîA Yfietld îl sutiteheni i u inh.tR.I. -tatt hre Moa od tr ofmtgrle.I lkyclears it-urtîi - ir nice thea r. snl.c thm it ae blit-e bck - Mrs1v.ir TvfflHllasndr c Groalum. 13Lk t.S.Ctaie Iden ifi s away theal mde- ecleggingr iana. mucus, reducid(ci1esit iu ts diors 'te-lTh lels Pet of tevM I SE-DonO F swoUnlmem -ei xii te fiîu an-udlIee(t li'.cîracn- iia. aP(]eterbortough ads stire nWLasbsof eBbe rititoi watunilmlerbicod eveop. raes hlp FELilstiighn and.'îbc I--titi ti. tut t ha vi--i'11 le ciîilnî 1' lic '.auîl st"-,i,îii-thtutti a Fe' Attevryfrtwmnn ne e e ee he edato n towork utiîî u-.r ,midc tit n0t,,ht bnek'-ii-ir(ucer etutx lrtîî-[i I mh , i TI ,îsu De T wdb ent Tot. 93 Lampker »sne, onal irritatin-ptia f sius eais amem . iui t a ý,brku t i resol.I urlic ha uu.i lcelli tl-nSu- i-tee.-tetruy l 1.i m st aibonrr avln wit dmpnfVcsV-r-e pec einglcked lV-r-o rns hreiadle ,vtitiv e h l uthda hesti re modt cly sed in tine by tn e lief.vIt uCKS îtr esasutr tn adles c- tc ito utî?l ii s- t l, i-ve - Vatonl epwo rvn ted- Ieth y o!ng uut' eucs ili ier se- t itî île te lsse a iia itcudua\v letu-s î,f min-sels s. hom s ixHenryuGîaham, coupLa kS i t-et Ctare s re-e t 144m PeventColds eve1o9 --Dn'tSut'e ucsh- i.ii lierto dît ,tltise eur. ceiseibrae'oueerboreghkThyWasItv rfforth 1939. vebopmnt f meay cold d op.braethelpan A ROOs ae Iehî,tîat t er -. i-iuenthafer - i il - kie a1 iI n d îi Iest-.N-i-hu-Luis-îl se1e4 eebtIs-ud Atth er frt- arig nez,,o ephe dî.t. iIi--iforlier -w1 tufîte aIl hun it. r iaunutun-sr thi-iulrt -t s1)()"t occuîu uîînh Sl'.er T 679rnl -f N-rG-o.rge:k-saanotcîIstospo su,!h il itnitie ltîiti lte îc tuuîu. st1. 'ttt ut ii r 'I îf r umiautu T ofeui- I ruu . TSue ba il iveni ii go d b . T e t o ,13 s ifeorn slirtto -u afe , sn ssfo I Sintut lt- irea-t %aiîî5l t. \-,il rui liu the ituiOsi lu vo i erînieie-i fe i- . 1 , t-. I amuflt alliss-d tedc ng ui - luroutpstîoft- Vt.îlksr- ulttt5r ii- îoi h,-pi inach îl--sei' t c-secîuuîuîe (' -t utttî î us i-lui - - sde s-rk -e - t rstandn arnn nostil mmeiatIy.Use in ime bythecol- VCKSin ,N- jrjj,?lov cople f bcksif e ae t rN ~ suit' îî-. t-t .1-ttI fhiriuuti-, u e-k --oi jitl un îh lt ku-- -- li-r - .1 ;tir. ti NI ir lii te ofice bitsbxtIn lepiig t OVtonlhls opeett eR 1etsyou R ._O litî t ssa-. -rit f.en have ffa Lu es he'î.a -jea ,aiî- i i e cr.t()')tirc, -v vouro-.v sîosuhy ttub o r93.i veltî'tîofl iy -ldt coethtiain. uni-. i ti sr-e haltuttît Nv4tue-hîluii r- -uit-tl titiu lSliv was aire Deiksat holidt-gt1- 4at. t cebut d w homo' - 'oi ,î - lekti- ui -i utul s lt-. îf(eiîi-.. t.itni l l'-. . I.iNca book. Has'et't publisheni one S h p ar G l um e C . M I, ad c-ittizlL! Ii- av a i-'Site111li ( - f ýi NI rr.îs S. aLtits for 8 N-ars and w -nt somethunga S hepar & ui umbr Co Lt.-lit-ti .(!(lnîtiaiiiandtr ie' V%, t ('huîuu -ht lîîîîull-tisva iI, tui.t bit extra for the I l(th aluiuers- oftsrTTER.IG Kinz St. East. Botumanville Phone '715 chuîhl-,. 'lu înu cIll tIglisiii. -rri- n i mîtn'.Haseve it n tnpN'or tws-eofF0R9ETT1RL1GMT iI'eteu lîtnd ttvîàthtehl. ;. ýThe Scrcech Ossl" sotit coîticî Iikýýt', 1(.1plier !ýtNreatvsuphîress lte r'xtrl)itiit ,Fred R. FoiheN-O thi tniI tloste of phelstirc andîninteN-. itie 1 1g ii11t li lu sI îtkt- \ ii ut-IcurinîsitN-, niquitotis )Il.sui.,;and A senti onîtiîr 5Vt5 uîused iin a * I. --r- ut .«Dk iues l. th-rt' w-ould h lie i'hegm-it nities! ss-ck, Ami încons'entional girl1 THEM-ERNFU L OR OLD OM - ilFluet.ttti-îi .Ni, t0tttle" The tecestînrieus of life do ntgi l- appcarcd with two weeks' growthî tint i i e-îîcîrî vi 1ii.'kI urN"---uucc part of tte of e',crs- -Toronto Globe and TUNE IN on "The Shadowi evry St. 7to 7.30 p.m. ovor station CBL Iitu eITîte haetest kinin f a h- c casion f e 1 Mi l. CAN AD IAN GENERAL EL JE 0F NATIONS Sl Stephenson- ~ nliScotilman wIte went to St)ain te itractice nmedicinc. He married a Sîîaniii voinan. Thecir son eventu- ais camne back te Edinbu)irzh to take his. nedical dleec. after which he returtied te Si)ain. and. like bis father. inarried a Spaniard. So that the third L-eneration. possessed of a Scettish naine and British national- itv. itst attend eveninz classes to learti Eîîlislh The ,rand-daughzlter of Toistoi, the Russian novclist. studied Enzish ;ît the London Colunty Counicil In- To the delizlht of evervofle. an- etiier stîîdent was a 1%oroccan sheik in cemplete national costume, burn- ous~ and ail An atniosfflîere of fat cupids bcar- mcz chain., of roses %vas crcated a svcek r twe aze whcn NMrs. Brian Gri-vcr starterl a course of eve-unLy class,c.in Envi'.h. I suI)PosC even Canadian and Amnerican tpaters car- ricd the r mtatii storv of Brian Groe rs flio-ht to Russia to seek bis heloe wsife. There tlîev sit. thrc eveninkrs a %*Cuk. rctprcentativ-es of imany col- ors. class'es and creeds., relizious and imitical. .A decent lot of jpeoffle. thev seeni. Hard to imiagine anv eîîciies arnonz them. But tliere. take awsas a mian's fpelitics andI he's i ust as huniani as %-ou are! \Vlicli rcnlinds me fer ne good reasen. ef a rernark licartl ut a Las- nia..k quieie. last Setptembiler durin(y the' cri si Oh '0 w 'iv 1wish 'itler w o ld inar rs 1andsettle clathn! 1-. bel H. Sterphensqon. Cartwricht Gardens Club. Loendon. W.C.l. îE îiland. In Canada you can say any- thing you desire and flot be arrest- ed for it: and in your home you can say anything you wish and no one xvili pay any attention to ! t.-Brandon Sun, 33/4% On Guoranteed Trust Certificats A legal investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guarante.d STERLING TR*ST CORPORATI ON11 iTitRufflTownl rOQONTo unts gMost e Thriftiest u can buy DETTER SONHT-USE rmALDA LECTRIC CO., Llmlted 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 2ND, 1939 PAGE FOUR THF CAXADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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