Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1939, p. 10

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PAGE TENTiIC\N\ItSATNANBOXANIENTROT RDANAC 2D 99 and Douglas Langman the men'sI this evening that Mrs. Thos. consolation, a cake of soap. Lunch Brown, a member of the western of sandwiches, coffee and cake 'rural group, fell and dislocated were served. her shoulder. T e N w a te Id p n e tNewcastle school boys wvho Rev. R. E. Morton preaehed his The New aste nde end nt went to Orono to play hockey îast conciuding sermon onhlis series ofA -----------_PhoneClarke_1114 ________________ghad a iuhteSvnCuce fAi Ln Phon Clrke 114time of it coming home. Some of 'day morning. Although it was a Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Cowan hav.e son and Pete Springham arrived the cars were 412 hours maki ng, very stormy morning the junior both been iii with the flu. home fromt their visit to Florida1 the trip and it xvas 2.30 arn. be-1 choir was eut eighteen strong and Mr. Geo. A. Walton has been ili on Sunday, finding considerable fore some of the boys got to bed led in the serv ice of song, singing with the f lu since Thursdlay. difference in climatic differences, but not ail in their own homes.two anthems. The f irst was par- One cent a word cash, each ID A H Mr. Wesley Nodien was taken t especially as they have been here It had been snowing much of the ticularly worthy of note andý the ineto (iiuEcag _________________ Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. this past week. day and blowing during the night congregation was much impress- 25c). Charge of 25e extra is BROW\N - StiddcnIv at Rjehîîîoîd. MsJa.HuhTootws Wm. Perrin says he hasn't seen 'and the road, especially at Trick- ed with the wav the young singers made when advertisement is icc onFb26i.19.R. aMrs. Jags. agTo ro no, Mvs 5 much snow in 40 years, and he ey's Corners, was covered deep rendered it. The anthem w,ýas. not paid same week as inser- (Sanii)eci G. iBroewn. in itli, 72nd s Rcatr. aole weked ustofMndMs. is probably correct. Last Sunday with drifts. To make it worse one God's Way is the Best Way, and tion. Extra charge of lOc ,%hen trenaticnod MrleyH.So. rto ahda Ernie Alldread, with the big rub- car ran eut of gasoline and some the tenors and altos sang the replies are directed to a Itrin tRciod Mevrs. H.aS. Brtoh as u ad %a ber tired farm tractor wvas haul- Of the boys walked a mile and a stanzas with the whole choir jeitn- Statesman box number. JEF Y- dBakt. I. seer atak fth fu ndw sing cars through the snow filled quarter into Newcastle after a ing in the refrain. The two young Births, deaths and marriages 26th. 1939. Niarv Proîîîî lelx-ed still confined to her bed this ~eek. road between here and Orono. galion. But eut of such experiene- mnfrigtetnrscin 5cec.I eoim,5e wf iSîuiJffr.iile Her sister. Miss McKenzie. has J. H. Jose and Lewis Clark at- es come heroes and hockey cham- were Bert Jarvis and George Mil- for notice plus loc per line for 61sar Inrettt.biî been with her.' tended Mrs. Stephen Luke's dis- pions, ton. while the three young ladies ves. lssfedavete cr. Black t toc . GanReard a ndenJohnabaicket persal sale of Hoîsteins at Fox- David Gray who was thrown singing the alto in harmony ,vere ments accepted Up until 6 bnutat the boro February 22nd, and Mr. Jose feom a wagon into the ditch when Grace Powell, Louise Hancock p.m. lVednesday. Oi)ELI, - .\t Woodstock. Fehrnarv King Edward Hotel, Toronto, in bought two of the fuliy accredited a truck struck his outfit last faI, îand s stor o soerexper.ncs as concinwt h edDslyand blood-tested cows. just due te again figured in an accident last oi tr fsm xeinSho ts)co- ahro fs held at the King Edward Feb. 20 freshen. Mrs. Merkley Clark and week and was fortunate te come a young minister in Algoma BIRTH ErSeol setor t of Clzrand r to2.Mrs. Jose accompanied the men off with oniy some bruises and where he used oda porae R. -A. NacDoiîgali ,f \Vocd0(stock. A three act play, "Truth Takes folk te Belleville ,and in the even- scratches. In company \vith Frank organ around from point te peint BALL - Aýt Bewmraîîville Hosp)itai. aind brother of Coi. J. \-. deli. a Holiday" will be presented in, ing they all attended a small Gray and John Rickard, each on a handsieigh was more thrill- Feb)ruarv' i6th. 1939, te 'Mr. and Cohontr2. Internent Cobourg Uni- the U.C.S.S. hall on Friday even- birthday partv given by Miss driving a team on a sleigh, he xvas ing than many a tale of fiction er Nf rs. Leonard M. Bail (nee Ferîx ion Ceineterv. ing, March 10, by the Wesleyville Mabel Foster at hier new home in on his way te George Stapleton's fact written in books. Beomneil). Taunton. a son. Roland Dramatic Society under local aus- Belleville. woods north of Newtonviile te Xeslev. SIIOTTER - Ilii oxaniî.on pices. Admission 25e, childeen 15e., The Newcastle Orchestra, Me. bring home a ioad of wood. On PROF. A. P. COLEMAN DEAD îhrccShoti er ar of r. 1a3i Herbert Gibson, Hubert Ander- Stanley Rickard leader, held their the way down when the roads _____I."orTerr olvGoee- NncS. Wjili aîn . hter . ad ________________ _____weekly practice at the home ef were aillhard and icy after the WsSno omrNwateiew "Foas hevArtine lan od thelr- sNcrs Vian S. nîot nteraent7 Mrs. E. C. Hoar and Sons on Sat- Sunday's storm his team took MiSon sfrierr os a e t venine xaaente re Powmand 7 Cmntes. nemn Surday evening. The orchestra is'fright at a truck and ran away. ________de fte vnnzwssen n BoraiileCmec-" growing in interest and in variety Dave was puiled off in front and Mr oman Allin and Mr. W, a scil s.werthcard and heT. L l otiiil.(1 In Rcfrsinstsrurmenrtsdandrie TChasl. Bslenans lle lx NNon ofistuens M.Chs Ce- both front and back bobs went C. Ashton received word Monday itests departed for theinlhomîes after tiav. Pelinnuarv 27th. 1939, Sarahi ence, formerly in the violin sec- over him. A telephone pole with of the death of Dr. A. P. Coleman, 1 ishjîî Nf r. andI Nfrs. Howsain andi MNer-v Toe. -idosx of the late tien, now plays a tuba, and Mr. one herse each side of it stopped Professer ole % Bert Jarvis is the most recent ad- the teamn. Ui EmetyofTrtsof Heologyinfamnilv suce~adhpiîs i icr L .X.Tl.ac$ a- dition with a trombone. What is There has been much activt nvriyofTrnolewsi%%- home. ternielît Bowmiaii\ llh Ceixietetv needed next perhaps te suppiy a on th ar f rup fthe his 86th year and, was acknowv- FOI deficiency is an alto hemn or a W.M.S. and the W.A. of the Unit- lged ags on of tad.He foemsa v iola. After Saturday evening*s ed Church the past few geologîfi stosinof Canad. AHews ad_________ practice Mrs. Hoar served re- W.M.S. groups have been meetk5 irsnosnogrs li' n freshments. at homes of members and holdingMr stn mheheleMs.K g wa Mes. Percy Browns group of quilting becs. Mes. Percy Brown's Benjamin Ashton. and a son of prre.icItHerirtxa' FLOWER SHOP Rev Fancs olean mnïser t)rzrss1-eL1( i atv . lO 0R A L (*Iti'XXTlICNS -Baskets, The Bray Chick does the trick. the W. A. of the United Church group of the W.A. met at hier of RecFans Ctoleman, ministe da ,r n]Nr.CclAais.a( Iry.atoial Letme howya th Plce held a crokinole party in the kit- home Tuesday week and complet- ofNwcsleMthdst . 2? 4th. Arotind 50 persons wvere linilivicluaity arrangýd ly ert de- yourorderhere. Nowriting. No chen of the community hall on ed arrangements for their crokin- from 1859 tee 1862.,innRevf.tFeancîs -s bother. Call or phone. Tuesday evening. Eleven tables ole party held Tuesday. Mrs. R. Coleman and family were the Deet h uk inrc u îies iwr o hocsos were in play. Wellington Farrow T. Rutherfords group met at hec first te occupy the new parsonage ladies' Drizc was M.\rs. Lloyd XViI Phones: 772, 2632 or 2633 cdbuilt during his term as minister on. and of thc cenitlemienis. Nfr. Jack Bowmanville F. L. BYAM won the mens first prize. a jar home on Wednesday and decidebd r at .Mse adte'Walter. Nfrs. Blake Okec and N'Mr. Tyrone, Ont. o pickles. and Patricia Pearce upon a plan te make some more T re.vHrtl.i wexxan the cnoain NM M RA .E.NC O S N won the ladies' prize. a jar of money. On Thursday evening sold te the church trustees by Mr . AMian rviwo tecnslin INM ORA J. E.NICH LSON marmalade. Mrs. H. C. Bonathan Mes. W. J. S. Rickard's group held Massey. This is the house now DrIzes. Rcefreshimenîts %ere serveel Pontypool, Ont. w'as awarded the consolation a social and discussion gtei occupied by Me. Tracy Maines. 'aîd a ver%- eniovable limne %vas sDcnt. GI I3SON - Ili Ioviiîe reiîcmhraice ateigRev. Francis Coleman and famiixv irocecds are for Building zFx.nd of cf Rohcert Xiliaiii Gibson. wî prize, a package of jelly pewder, at Mes. A. O. Paeker's. It was on ýýr lived in it 78 te 80 years ago. Coîîrtice Sundav Sehiool. I xasscd avavsuxddeiîiv oxnari _________________________________'MNr. andi Mrs. Fred Balsuxi seerc 5Sîh. 1930., dearIs helos cd Ihîn-hanid the stirprised enests of lhonourir n ,f Olla .\. Cibsoxi. - 15 ýaturdasv evenine sehi relatives and I*1î sne ciisc ~ Oli teîo'iîhcurs eaîlîcred at tîxcie home r Ni iw isad n ah.\'i 1cfr a îaresvcîl parts. Ne n Nir cii~Iuhn and iile.r, I R-cetX i.itors, ,aliainhave livcd at the swestern side rlae Njîlr. li, 1 pa7-ci s slh NIliss B. Cîiaîuian i si ited lier ý "f I)arlix i e t i s ii li p fo r a lahin-m Nl i i lî. 1937 llli%\ 1nl ents at Pickeriiiîe. i)er c f Sear-. and îthev v isxIiei ii îiîielî N Ilis cnîo tiiics I ii SPRING NI i Ethel WVilkins. Oshawva, atinliss(_-d fronutîxceir circle of friends.liii 1 NGJ. \V. BP,asoiî",. Tliev xx ere the reeiiiettscf a Ixaxti- M iatcno ella oýa Nl5 .n i. Killeii, O.,hia%%a, al fnl tri -lizlht floor latn)i. NIrs cd aI'îîe kîî'îvs how% I iîîis5 lî Nîr.R. illxîs.Baîcîii.,a inxîîer ili Wiîiiî Ilîi a hoine that i, lonesomie NMr. andi M\rs. Ed. Hiixkiiî.I lar- .ssciatiiiii aîid NIe. BaisnisoTrea- toll- ieday. ie Sn mix. ai N.I r. Haiîý Ceisherger'- sîeri h BiîiieFîî 0 Ie aî nisdlx V eaîdSn Nu5 ean Leacli. Soiiia. at XI r. ëi rtice Stîndax Sehloil.Hcr. .....Normaxn Leaclî.s. . XSHTON. Carîxie- lie, i a XWA.iiiiltiii' l.\iii nd I, Kioxxs xx hat shoîxid basve beexi ____v.__C___-Loxiiels' rernecxbercd )v tIi. IV.aile G.rve I Rî,r 'îs ni'iii oit. Ie. T 'în Baie xx asi l rîîit COMING EVENTS xx ii i ii ru i- hîî.-'f IlhiS S re î aîo î ilî. x ix Pr' liax ofn lx -tic Ies inJ1.ar ni tîx- itIsi \~\î cd lii't larli iiî. '*î0F. Hll. xonI.iirclî it01andI 2thi Chat- i i 'x týlrci id t i iixlvi~îe 'ieix îe c i i.-. i iW , ili G. E. Refrigerators G. E. Washers - AlsO Ask to See Our Trade-in - Department Bargains. 10 REBUILT GUARANTEED ELECTRIC RANGES Moffatt, Gurney, Hotpoint, Westinghouse From 519.501 4.95 NORGE, KELVINATOR, SPARTON & FRIGIDAIRES anD Reduced ini Price to Clear at 99.0 EASY WASHER .. To Clear At $39.50 12 ICE BOXES Upwards from $ 4.95 When You Want Electrical Merchandise, Buy At Christian 's, Where Your Dollar Buys the Best For The Least. HUNDREDS 0F ADDITIONAL BARGAINS Nie. axnd NI rs. "'its. ( )-Iiîx Nîr. L Wx' ood X ii, - Ii~li,' sîîîî. Li.x ,.axdiî îl,chtex .NIer-. lîhx CI a rk. Chlathiamx. NIsBtyStexeix., sixîlit xx eeic j ithî hecoux.iii,. hî N Ilelexcx' diexi. Toirontlo.À S uxtias' Schîx iii anxdlClitiirch 5ervsice scei. ithîîîanaxxîStnilax v xxmrti issu xxcaihserndaiîlroatîs. Ahi, utit 25 voinig peoplec Ira'ed thse j rîîaîs onxîTi.slaý v eciiiivandulvisited Zio lixiVOnuCI Peopiîle andI repoirit an ciiovaîuie ixe. Thiis .coiinitx'extenil- lîcarticat coiicratulaticiîs tii NMr. andx Mrs. 1. 1). Stevenx s hsuionxiNîarcîxlst celc- hîaicîlthîir 4tIî xx'ddiîiî aniier- sans'. Solina Receiit Visitons: Nîjss Ruthi Niescxxk i>, xiîhî ier si.,ten. NIes. Eveneti hFliott. tOshawa. NIi uses 1I lesaxîlnd Muriel Baker, i'etenrîî s. isitei l iciir 1:11iv ts andt IatteuiîîeiIthe Dewxei-Tiik 'ldîc Nir. andMu NIrs. Ilîriev Il' s-s- of NevstIito iix. ere cliests aSthbie i)se l- T inmk x"lxiieand siîîext thei' xxeceîî ai NMr. R. C. Scott', Cr'iLratiiîlsiiiis,, tii NI11r. Pencv I e- xel I andxitiNss Evel s xi l uk io tihiin euent uiarriage. Presideiit îf V. 1P. U..Xi-., Ilei BaIsoix. îîresiîieîi for tlxi îpçîiî Se's.sii Iion ,uîîlax' i îit. CIiiin nCiti - iexsslsiiuî eoniexier. Hanvev Vullowcees. xxa. ini charuc rof the plrin ,îî : Dv- sotixial iions' as isen blxxl'siiiv Smahes. andîla ixislo îîhîî l iu Balsumu : Nis. XVexhex v b< xle sî thie- chîsuiten frnn 'Thie Skx' PIjot Pearl I.cachx cave a rean, .anîd Walter Blackbun itîxîk tlei p oiec ii "Coimuisi n amni Si ci alI, i. xx' A coxtesi was plut on lv Hansey Ycl- lxxx'les. A't uuuîxer <if îtxe xeicrixtotrs cf NIr. andMuIN s. Cias. Hiixvsaxxu muvaiexh tîxci r homue I r <as' xii lxit ..siien Iaîtlîîhr uxeiixue sx'ithm theîxîsand i lii f ileuix furexvcii he frire l'as mut ,our ecoiiiinimîs'foîr thxir uiexx' i 'iies' lir 'n l-rrv,. Mn. Jack Biaker acteil as cîxuiemnaui andî after î'xpainiîie thei- naxux of thxe uxcuru uinonuous uatixirimic. calicîl ouin ier..Cordon Leask sx'ho<îri.axla niuIvxîs' xeînl lx Crtit eii.nî. iiiNIe. ;uaind ns. 1 hoixx-;xiN I e'ssrs h1huisurdNil Nlsoxu anul («iurîiii Lt',sk ur Mî lx l Is. loiw',sa mx i i i x iia l ie xeekcxii Cas(. andMuiNr. Iiîuxx'amx xx ih.a leatixer brie jficase'. anul l ix i 'unninilen i lîîxx amis . Nnd ~Miîris.I loiwsamxm x'îxh'ivdthmixkixxx'tliuîixfrix'uuul-for thxe xicvix"xifis. ~isox tlivir lîmîxîl mxtiomi of tlIv i' niimd.,iii iff hux' e' 'iiinibs'it <lxx nuct hie tels sear.n teib isIu, e l scî her ni.NI . Ilox'saîx sa il thîxt lixa s tras"ill dcast amnI xxest lxxii Ices iot ipl ýtimk t hît'nu-ix a liciter i 'iiimiiiitv 1iu lise iin hmumîthe cicthies' areneIas'- Found F01 \l FOX îlOU, ND, Al t i lit 91i tii 1 am Admiîîssion 25c, 9-i ýT Card of Thanks j*Nie. an Mîtris.XVilIisiii Sbxîtte ndît Flornemce deeuîîv a1îxîciate thîe surl vices rexîdencîl bx' Docton.,. thîe Hos- iîab Suxintendext aixlnd ee'.amnu the as of lxidile.s. Of'-,'~-c svîîîxîatlîx andxl heaxîtijul floraIoffen- iimu., irnsk ixîlfriexîus aniici it îo rs <lxx n xcthle rueeit ili xi'ss axndlitreavse- Auction Sal Lutiher Bannabali, Lot .34, GCixees.,iois 3. DarlnnI i(iitNoxrth iof VX ',in s Camp) t siI Isell bx- ibhl ie meictio lus farnîx stock. iîîîiffeîîîexîs. lianîxess. rnaxxi. ens.ilage. etc. Sale aii I î.iii Ternis cash . XlbernI NMortoni. Clenk, Te l Jack-soniiu. \xchioiieer. 9-I l:riîîss Nianchi lOtîx - X'. S. 'ixlii'Ik.Lioi 20t. Co.x x5, Clarke (6th Ihue)sx'il seI luhi., fanmx ix 'k immsmxctiexîexxu. Lraixu andI feeti. Sale 1 1)i111. Te <iJacksonm, A'itîei, mîen A. E. Mortnisi.t em kl> Shorthorn Sale ixrbxauxs tîstumts' Sîxron A ssoxc- jiatio uîxxsil]I olilIhîcirn I8ihiAnximial AmeîxxxuîSale cf mine lîncîlShort- hiormis on Thîxrsdas', Marchi 9iiî. ai thxe Lx'vekiîîFarnm, occîuîied h1w Nie. Abex irout, xxhiclî is located 1-4 nmile soxihs of Kxîr- lIiincmx No. 2 iliihxxxxas'. Thmrc sxihhlic uffcnuil axipnroxmuxxately : 12 buls, 4 voixux cews. Oeeof xxhich has bull caîf at foot. anîd 12 heifers. soie cf f whiclu anc bred. This is a s'ers- choice i f ferluxe. .'\l arc froîn acceediieti hîcnîls anxd negzative te thxe hîood test. For catalogue write S. Chas. Allimx. Secnetars-Treasuncr. R.R. 4, Biîw- niaussille. 8-i Auetioneer Licensed Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Hampton, Ont. Speclallzing in Farm, Llvestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date te: Bowmanvilîe 2428. Sealed Tenders Seailcîl 'I'ciders will lc eccvx x thie ixlersigzneil uter 12.00 e'clock. ioox itîî\INotiilaiNiarcli 6tli, 1939, for Huixiliiiiicoiiiectioithx'il î, oosed Lavaton, i'[cxcixI hall, i Cobotire. Lowcst on anv Teifler îlot lieceS- sarilv acccpied. AIl Teîîdcrs ho hi- scalcîl axîtl piaitiîv markcd "Teixîler cii olisidle coverînz. Specifications înav lie seen at Coxînties' Clerk's Of-r fice. Cburoe. E.Lobo ahtn Counties' Clerk Chicks For Sale FOR SA\LE - XVHITE LEG- bonuis anti Barred Plymouth Rock Baux Chicks frein Goerniment ecl suad blood-tcsted stock. XVniie for onrce list. H. J. Brooks. R.R. 3. Boxvnianviile. Plione 2636. 8-tf Real Estate For Sale PROPERTY FOR S..LE-HOUSE axnd lot. Qeenx St.. nesideisce of thec laie XVxi. Brock. Apply Wal- ter Haîciv. Quecîx St., or R. L. NMitchsell. Caîsadian Baxnk of Cern- îîîcnce. Bownianvilie. 5-if For Sale TIRE CII.INS FOR SA\LE - pVr'neDlouîble Duiv Tire Chsains ion saile uit a hiz sacrifice ini thei folîowixie pcptiiar size- 30x5.00; 29x4.40: 32x5.00: 32x6t)t.0. pplv .NInu. E. C. Hoar, Neswcastile. PhIone: Clarke 3320. 9-l*. FOR SALE - A SET 0F BOOKS cf Knowledge 20 books, seliig for Iýalf onice. Wriie Box 226. Bownmaîivillc. 9-1 FOR SALE - BARN 40 ft.x30 fi., S25.00 cash or 55 ft.x,30 fi., $35,00. C. 1. Nii' esxcasile. Phsone: Clarke 1914. 9-1* To Rent FOR RENT - FOUR-RiOONIED lieuse wiili ihrec-piecc bath, liard- %vood floons. bîîiiî iin cepheards. !randei. Aîpivy J. J. Niason & Soxi. Boivinanville. 5-if APARTMENT TO RENT - FIVE roems. Apply Statesman Office. 49-tf FOR RENT - FIVE -ROONIED .X.tixantiîcs. îîmodernx coxiseîiieices. hecatel xxitli Fess Oil Buirier. car- se. xsissessici înipi Is, iienio e't relit Furthxenrpiietlan-. X n Conicli. In..Newcaastle.Nie A. TFaxt nins îaxîille. 9-t i Board and Room BO13ARD) AND ROONI-CENTRAL 1locaioni. Apply F. Nî\clndoo. Plioxie 894. Küîî St.. BoxvxnaisvilIe. 9-lt Watch Repairing EXPERT CLOCK. XVATCH AND ljcsvelnv nepains bv N.\r. C. E. Nîills (tnavelliîîe repaie xn). XVe ne- îîaxn clîicks iin sourn homîe. XVite t' ius. ai Nonrth Oshasva. (Fixe P'oints)t. 8-2* Notice to Creditors Inx tIse lîatter ocf'tie Exit i ELAITH MNAY WXILhKINS,. decaed Axxidiin the iliaiher of tIse Eti oîf NMORLEY XWILKI NS.,ilecea.îid. thxe Estat.' îf lEciithM výA wsn ha i ilas- i lk-inî ansd ixr Nfoi-le\-Wilkinis, iIeeeasedl, whlx did i cx'abîoxxtthie 24thî îav ocx Xxx';'193(. andîlthe 7th aibis 'f Nas, 13.resiiectiveiv, lire lierulis' ioti- heud 10 sentI pariicxxlaî Ci of îui leti the xnderxiieel on oîr befîre Iie 25tli ibis'(if NMarcdi. 1939, after 's.vliicl dlate itbi Exhales xxil l ie dit rilixeîl hiavixie rezarîl oxîv tb he claixîs; cf xx'liclî tIse xîîîîrsieîîed shah t1hex. have nottice. l)ateil at Oshxaswa iis 23rd dav cf F-elîrîxars-. 1939. the' XViiI axîxexeil of the Estate ,f Edith Nas' Xilkiixx. andîl hîîhîî XXilkinxis, and A.Xnsie XXilkinis.i Exectitors oîf tIse Esiate oif Mforlev WViikiiis. bv thîeir Soic- xiior. Ruxssell D. I Iniiitnies .. 24; SixincixeSi. N.. Oshawa'. Ontiario. 9-i Feed Special VELYFEED SPECIAL - Sîva BeauNi'\cal. S1.70 Der cwt. offer eoîl îîxtil Niarcli 9îl. F. C. X-aiitoiîc. Phione 777. 9-1 Wanted XV'.N TED - FARMS AND .\ereafe. XV*e have waitiiiî clients. soine witîx cash. C. H. Frenchi. 19 Ontiarioi St.. Oshawva. 9-2 XV\-NTED-OLD HOR SES AND cattie for fox ixîcat. Norby Fur Fariii. Tvroîîe. Phene 2415. 6-tf Farm H-elp Wanted AV.N T ED - EXPE'RIENCED fariîlîclîx fol- dairsv farm. sinzle. nrxiarried man wiilî nc fainily. 10 lise i. inonx sîker. XVritc C.L.. hnasvcr B. BowianvxilIe. 9-I ,NI\N XV.NTED - FOR GEN- crai farnxisxork: soii experîeîîcc siîlîcrdîs 10 becîiat once. Ceone . Xaltiui. Newvcastle. 9-l* Beauty Culture KEEP YOUR HAIR XVELL znociîed. Have a Hot~ Oil treai- mentîî. Slîaiipoo iaind Finewavc. Cîxl S1.00 Iris Beaiis Parleur. Phonie 2601. 9-i* M iseellaneous THE CHOSEN SON - CHURCH xvonkers anceixivited to arranLge with Nlr. C. N'%ijls. Nonth Oshawa. 10 brie lus g ospel message in votîn ciîxrch bv coloxîned pictures antispecial xîstxic. FLe as the Lord irxiits. 8-2* X\'EST END GARAGE AND MA- Chîine Slîop - XVc specialize in îîaclîinenv nepaîrs. cenenal garage neluains. svldinz. iowinz service. J. L. Dexnerlinz. Prep)rieton. Rawleigh Products N O\ VISHINC R.XXLEIGH l'rn,çlicts ean Cet sainîe frnMn5. Jaiîes Nk5 Libentv Street, at axv is îîe. Heinrsh \stoxn, Ao'eit. l' nII lope. 9-2* Readings NIRS. BR.\NTON. O SHAW\XVA, wxiiiliCix b sxîavî.ci nFni- las . NIanci h i. Foir aîipoiiîtineiit lii'ni. 574. 9-2 Have You Any Livestock To tell? IVe are in a position to pay you highest prices for al kinds of livestock or w~ill xvork on commission and dir- ect you te highest prices at ail times. Trucks geing daily to To- ronto w..here %ve m a r k e t through the United Farmers Cooperative. If desired, we ill buy your stock at your farm and pay you cash. Buik your livestock together and save yourseif considerable mar- keting expense. At the present time. we could place stocker cattie. horses or pigs. Hlave you anything to seli? Phone Ernest Werry Bouwmanville 2570. Electric Refrigerators Ranges and Washers Clearance Sale of Brand New 1938 Models - Big Discounts for Model Changes Hotpoint Ranges McCLARY COMBINATION Coal and Electric ]RANGE Used 6 Months - Reg. $15400 Sale Price MARCONI CABINET RADIO 7-Tube Performance, Overseas Receptiof.A f Reg. $84.50. Sale Price -49.50, (And Your Old Radio) 50 RECONDITIONED RADIOS Mantel, Console and Car Models. Sale Price Upwards From OSHAWA Thurs. - Fri - Sat. MARCH 2 -4 'Jesse James' Starring TYRONE POWER - HENRY FONDA - NANCY KELLY Filmned in Technicolor. Added - Cartoon "Doomnsday ' in Color. REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. 'True Confession' Starring - CAROL LOMBARD - FRED MacMURRAY. Monday - Tuesday MARCH 6 -7 'Trade Winds' Starring FREDRIC MARCH - JOAN BENNETT - Wednes. - Thursday MAIRCH 8.-9 Big Double Bill 'The Great Man Votes' Starring JOHN BARRYMORE - PETER HOLDEN - VIRGINIA WEIDLER and 'Say It In French' Starring - RAY MILLAND - OLYMPE BRADNA. COMING Friday - Saturday MARCH 10 - 11 BOBBY BREEN In 'Fisherman's Wharf' DON CHRISTIAN EETI 138 Simcoe St. N. LOWEST DRUG PRICES - ARE AT - Your Rexali Store Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oji 4-oz. bot. 67c 16-oz. bottle $ 1.69 Eno's Fruit Saits....... 4-oz. bottle 47c 8-oz. bottle 79c Bayer Aspirin Tablets .... 22c - 39c - 98e Nulol .. 8oz. 29c - l6oz. 49c - 32oz. 83c Bile Beans, to help constipation box 47c Nova-Kelp Tablets .. 150 79e - 300 $1 .39 Absorbine Jr. Liniment....... 98c - $1.95 Kotex Sanitary Napkins .. 48 in pkg. 69e Hot Water Bottle ............ each 33c Lady Dainty Cleansing Tissues 200 9c 9eIO 500 - 23c23e Regular Size Better Quahity ,07 Modess - 69c69e 50 in pkg. JUIRY ULOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 778 Lowest Drug Prices -OSHAWA - Open Evenings die WANTBADS THURSDAY, MARCH 2XD, 1939 TLIE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWMANý, ILLE, ONTARIO

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