Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 8

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0 On ~~~~~~~ these occasion.s theyba SHE COULD NEITHER Township Council aeta te~ieba-o%. bo teou 'otik WLiO LE Fred Samis and Wilfrid upheld } woul mea loing he bll DARLINGTON COUNCIL the affirmative. and Misses Helen1 -bStark.andtBessieoPascoe the nega- 1iis lots of room for improveen-t Darlington Council met Feb. 4th tive.Jugspounethd- here. Foster, Taylor and Gilles Arnu and Feet Swollen With with Reeve Chas. Carruthers pre- cision in favor the of the affirma-LE A I pie were leaders for Peterboro, siding- iltve an1 rw.Msn n aa e Rheumatism The case of relief for Herbert! 1.L oh h-dt 1 G .GUD .. LB t N0the local team to victory. This wvoman suf fered for mnany Calberry was left in the hands Of the farm of Mr.ID.Ferguson, hav- Barrister, oiioNtr P. C. I. (34) -- Centre, Foster yas Pain sapped hier srnt Reeve Carruthers and R. R. Ste- ing rented it for a termi of years. Phone 351i 0(10); forwards, Cutting (5), Tay- unltil she lostIhope oIrcvtr.vens.RoaBnkBd.Bwm vil 0o (8); guards, Gillespie 8 \faniv remeudies were tried. but no- Jh icarwsgvnpr n====n======----- ------------- ohnston (3), ubs. Moorherad, 11 iiniLoe the erir aofli er cr 1ntBukekcas n ispr-Zion Brit rNtr • " tryving to mull downi that lead. the B. H. S. (37) - Centre, Fagan netrsauddhrt teKuce Salvation Army was given a Solicitor forBn fMnra Twenty-Six Goals Scored In Final \\'hirlhviis played flive men ni) and (8); forwards, Brown (10), Mason sa lts grant of $10.00. eet\iios i.dMs . Money to Lon1hoe71 the offenisive broke throughi this (9); guards. Colville (7), Cas-, antad e wrs% Clerk was instructed to bill Palmner and faia\' ithv tir BwavleOtro barraze and piled up) their lead still bourn: subs, Graham, James,'Mc- i \l rm'ndfetwresollen Thurlow Township for 30% of Rav me,,\r.b ti Sched led unio Game On F idayhigýher. the finaliscore beinz 7-2 forj Ilveen (1) C. McIlveen (2).'". r tS relief given Emerson Shaw and tin and Grace at NIr. B3ruc uks L. C.MAOB. the Tailtwisters. The goal-ietters b Referee - Doc Worton, Peter-,a OO1ithinie did mie any lIastin, e good. 1938yfrmJn8tOc. 31, (')hlawa. .'. \liss,\Vera Fýisher. To-- Barristr-Soiio for thle \\birlwmdi(s \were G. Nic- boro. I a o hpls f ee etn s tn d l ronto. at Afr. -\]an Fishier's. . . fiss Notary u lc -E c Arcadians Defeat Greenshirtsi a hutout over the Cardinals whlile 1,ven. 1:l. Coninors. 1. wvhile those butter. I lost mvi, iood nature en. counicil re crushing ofreravel. Annie Killen. Oshawa. ait Nfr. Roht. Law inalitbrnhs 14-12 in "Fun" Game in in the last zaame the first place chikiniz un points for the Tailtwist- tirOlv. Then my -hulsband ve(rsuacd axColecorandR'd up Killeni's. . . AlIr. and Afrs. .1. Cruick- Office immeditl ato oa Port Hope - No (c fi rker, Biii Cr torhdIl lesgj.Bricks and Bouquets tregen edgeir r eperiis nel as rt e Poe:Och"888Hme5. Penalties Fauýcl) t 1. \MI the izamcs wr (By Nelson Osborne) 1 persevered, and in six weeks 1I was Road Superintendent for 1939. ed ifiromili Toronto. . iss BerncME CA lavd a th Pbli Scoo rik o I th seondgae-te-Dke-an---nehousýework. Later. 1I\was able A By-law ý,setting the estimated anNnPtebr. aNtstr. AoT tutrdiay mrm .Iaronis were unable to score a miar- tl, ao for a wvalk. Now 1 ami free ,ýexpenditurýe for, roads in 1939 atS:nns...Ar a.Naseot DR. HARODFRUO 1-iimlii h inut the r < larsieu * * *-in over each o-ther and( the gamne Collect 50 Pomnts fromin inii and I feel Lgrand."- $ 18,000.00 was passed. ot. at Nir. 1. W Nc\te'. of Enrniskillenhstknoe h of the aeshore IllrTheI hrthade cBes lheld the enided 3M3.Owing to absence at 0Only-one gýame hlas been played b1 (.\r, F.W. The following orders w er e --NiAr. and Nfrs. Chas. Fereuson. practice of thelt rJ .Bl azrouv. I owmanville .\rcadlians,1nos- Wns even termns in the first lyes)On .Allin had to "imiport" the Breslinijtes ic atti oun Reuaimi omnycue drawn on the Treasurer: B1ohh)v andi(l arion. Thornton's Corn- Office Hoursn ekdy,2tl ed out 1,or t Hone Grce nhirtsl- a rid.n ier team hIaving ani ed, e ib A lcll\-een and it proved to bie a smlacked vout in the eve. and that tilt hv dlepo(sits of diric acid crsa , Ontario Hospital,rnaint. ers. Nliss Ethel W lis sa a o'clock- Evenns il8 pm Po4 to12orie o a e I te lav. Howev-i erhe Bes fat w\ise choice as Gib sneaked through p rovided the scorincr record for the which lodheein the mslsand CJ.nPes rins.S 5. Ahs I Lou \.ias Folev.Aa\e r. at Sundys yapitet Port one. .~~~ Itered in the second neriod and twvo 2 filuke shots into the Dulke s net, vear. Fouirteen gzoals with sixteen i iints. Kruschien belps to break u1 C u te1ras1)o. l.L .Blo'.. is ar WVith the two teamis assured oit quick eoals, hv the Wingzs settled the Don11Allin ief notchinz aniother assists were zathered in byv the Aýr- theuse denosits, of trouiblinez crystals pitals Maint. -11L.88 :\Win.. Bowm-iianville. atiAMr. W. IRDE TA second and last iplace rspcivl. sue ard and Njorris were Ithe one. lPoints iwere ipretty wvell dividedcdasadPr oecletd2 n ocnette noahrls Dr. H. Ferguson, services Robbmns'. ..NIr. Lloyd Stainiton the izame hiad nio bearing on1 the . coal-tetteàrs. Al\orris scoring on)i an in, the Barons as K. Hanmm. R. Fice noints to make a irrand total of 51 -lution, whIich is remnovedl throuzlh M. O. H. 9.80 sSent Ithe weekend in Oshuma.. DR. J .DVT standinz so the bovs w;ent (out to idvda ffr fe r akingaayand C . Lemon each lhad a turn at points ilte game.Crawford adthe natura] channiel -- the kidnevs. Dr. C. J. Austin, services Nir. and Mirs. A. T. 1Stainton. fisses Assistn:D.EW.Ssn hae go tmean he hd ifrom a canziniz attack and maki bain, the icoaltender. Anderson, the rival coalies, were all LGBrf .189dBrmean ile aeAr R ees The Red Raiders stressed oftenrse ton istake nBeainlisma. ak heic asfatad t asa iedouerovfshnitecucsot--2---5Bl3Tlehoe srvce .5 Kdrn .. rs Rlh lape.Tv Gadae f oylDeta Cl and thvdd'iwryaotn e es dret nly pecnayJ c l Tesureto s d thes bo s vea troft net . . É te )UIT. M. Slemon & Son, relief 12.00 rone. 'ir. and NIrs. \Wmr. Le ilan< lege, Toronto.Ofc:Jr uie fence.Severa timesthe enire tem 1ooehitionseofhs oker caft of** *ththemngesnhetwekbu t I's Provincial Treas., insulin 6.51 Gne.Welcome .at fr. F . .Bldig., Bowmnvil.Ofc or welci bcealhtinup thueie bu wo in-us:Flind\ ms-.xerimny toomtf theeater LooLeds corn 1ost certain that the \\m'and W. R. Strike, legal servic's 5.00 Glasnel's. 9 a.m. to 6 p..diyexetSn d "ud b"n.uliClark.e ieSouthehCl.k-,forrtie, ' Nor al.Nca. tardinals wiliul meet thinveththeouLfirstcrinamerdnJl RvRI ldetliefle 8.00 anday.y cared .1ad R w.is satisfatorv,. the two top teamis vill lewee n tis pge ae th.ndteBrRs.iltakeRheany-Ído nolds, reli . 8.o li>ss Eilveen Stainton entetrtainied Phone 79. H uep o e83 Aforizan and Buirkhart wvere given BesWsmnpketLmn lav of t for the chiamplinshi \\ed -scorinz records of the Juniors an-ers in the secnd contest. Because Eric Forde, reliefseie 3 the C.I.T. ilsaudy X-Ray Equpeticfie Bleav,-e a vthceaniiing an 0 sd \.elsh. .Ak(er.nsa mh.ther p)rove quite initerestinLz. Lqn. the Cardinals have won oe more !J. D.Hogarth. registra- n . t.and NIrs. Ros Leeand ian(lt. F Bird were out with iniuries so Si<l * * * * Wisemlanle d in total points \with 27 amethan the Brins and also be- tiorn fees n.Ar.adAr.FtrSowe. UN R LD EC O Rundle wvas the oýnly alternats to Sadn at the end of schiedlev: :md\was first in assists with 17. IIe cauise thev have a better zoal scor- J. D. Hogarth, postage, etc. 2.0ro*1,N. fis>(ss ery Gsl and .mnake the trip. Tomnn V Depew lav in the seýcond methe uinand W 1L For.Agt Pt>s wasuscond to Tom 'Depew in heat. inilaverage althoughi thev are tied 1F. I B'vamn relief 3.00 HrieCamnatne a birth- FUNERA&IETR ed the fil] sixtv mmuiiites and col. Cardinials stazed an eve n atchud 1Tailtwisters 3 0 21 10 (1 ino-the tcoaltendfers. DepýIew gettiniLg in 'ins. the Cardinals will he given 'W . J. Daviclsonrelief 6.00 dai\ part at AIr. .>\ T. Stainton's. Service, anyh ua yd y I eted nie 1 ints.eLon 1 e s r nd (itest with nithue side biin able hil yinds 2 1 f)9 4 aniel ndozen counrters with Wie-secnd olce in the standing. T e E id c ,rle 14.00 atrda n ht celel)ratin iiiýl\rs.F F. M R I CO eighit scorino- poýints. Ward and guain timei. lHil E r1ial .nn netn 10. Bird wva., second in \ei vs ill he fifteen miiiius in C. H. Robinson. relief 7.01ntn n r ow n Modern Motr E up e .Am Runle ecIve t o ad Nchls outed duin2theovrtie;o 1vethe assist colhiinn with 13. \\iseman iilenieth and the -,amei(s will be sud- Wm. Hooev, cartage relief irNl,l aspel's lirth<l ulne an n ald C r. C l one to total thirtv nouints for the the Bruins a victorv. E r alo-al") led in the lina t tcollectini-g dýindeath \with the wmvners meetinu :i fuel 2.8o0 11. vi \ re ha> e to l, eaPhone 480 o 3, sita t53 teami. The -score bv periods \was 4-2. drew threepealie.B.M.S.Basketball "" ""q' "-j "'""""""'"" %Vil]"" esuatatQ45sar. fliefst . fuessl atg e-trahld 9- ~ n I14 1 entences I>iiis- ) ý,,lOlL and four iniors fr ome wil tat&t .4Bsar.iiegf e san . 12.00 ne.us:BrnsD.I-reso. Proves Exciting As totl f s inuites Twenty-five****Rod,-rdgsMit 150.00 "etW ogt Re r ouitt s rhnde tar ou vti ler. \van.-Tems Wi, TieLose u of "ll" \"a se"ti" n -1, B.H.S. Basketeers Break Even ad. .Collacutt, refund The Shahi of Persia is menensed A .B U S L Referut: 'uut Gif:soil as te teains trike. ame.ns.lTraianWrnceivedLotheelltner The' HidhIlScO< tî11Ba1kot tad orkr8.800 again ebecauseh the nFrench d word fflaved clea.n hce.Defencemnan Bill adnl -H'Frlun.Dd mirmtdottoteAcdas 1i lu i ho i l.s eer al.- Salvation Armyv Grant 10.00 for ,cat" is pronounced like the 1~ee n1 elri \\ard. whsldom miakes hiswar s-n. 1Lemon. Kili)atrick. loe NAc- Threwa qit avaret i te ltgehe tmioroînncs er ta lriurrie or ie o- ouci ajornd oteetruers .ite.Tht ugt o akeMoumnt, abet. arer. tc into ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c thltakn oe a ddt lle.Hvs baskeba games a atye i h e d is h oclcu oeson Frdaýnmeht at the local March 4th at 10 o'clock. the cats mad too.- Sherbrooke In GraitanMrbe score a zcoal this seaso.:.Su with tive , 4School Friday night, when the Io- ,,,, -amwe hrgta vnbe .D oatCek eod mn:nuites to gLo. \\Vard and Deinew ex.-. cal teams lost one, tied one, and .l"the gamnes w ith I eterbo\ý)rn. Smcv changed oositio-ns and after three fin the final conitest oi the triple- won one. All the games proved Goalies Split Time and Goals ther. had lost all thre Crmes, to the attemots. Ward banre one in. He hedr- h agr a nes exciting enough for the fans and fin the ten<,amies of the reguilar Peutes in Pterilth week befiore. then saunitered1 back to his bluie line timescoinetheir win'l. Cap)tain ou the crowd rose to their feet sev- scheduile the team flaved a total Of the oultcomle oi these &games Nwas fari Enfield dutnies with a contented air. L-arkin scored three o(al s,onle (On eral times, cheering the players. .310 inuites o(f holckey and the tw, fr-im certain. Lineups: Bowmanville - oal i ssfom botherRa; dmn-Senior Boys won the last game aaisPslit that timre abnOst to the * *Gibet * *tane Crwod: defen.ce. Nichols an<dstncontdtwcewth COxN'hu by a 3-point margin, 37-34, as the jseconld. Hlýooper and Crawford eacxh Girls Pull Surprise Tie Mrs. FakGletetrae TA H ET N Ward: centre. Deinew: winzs. WV'in the first one and Stuitt etn an Peterboro squad were dealing Played four full izames: and divideýd The liunior hr roe a onei- the W. A. at her home February TA H mand and cMulleni: Alterniate. assto teseod.Qine soe blow after blow to try and tear the timin th Ile other twvo. Not enh l oint gamle to the Pletes in] a thriller. 8twt odatnac.Po LOR POLU HN RS une.the othier O-oal for thle Rangýers and dowvn the lead. did ther si)lit thle timie flaved buti the Seniior Boys won a thlree-poit grm onisedofa apr.On f hp bg b ký I hn -7-.,r SEEDLESS Flour 41c Oranges 24-b. hag when packed 2 f"r 35C GEnw - - .25c GOOD S l Bl TAPIOCA- 2 lbs. .15 1Apples NUT CRUSH ">J; oz.25 29C 6 ot. CORN"Go1ln 16-o. 0 Bantam Tin Special Values Effective Until February 18th At last Ithe L ion ocker LeaguL. Church Hockey ha iidtheir sche<ffle with Don Sche ule omplted ýof;jthe heap. There was a doubl- edr fonday nizht. with the two , The final moirrningý's, activities in, hilghl teamns. and the two low teamIls thie Church League betore the r)lav. atcin Sk. o'ffs comm1-ence, saw the Bees lose * * * * ,stic thieir last chanice of makingL the rpost 1In the first vamle between Don qeason series hbv losinz to the Flvin, Wirwnd"th(- former te-am took anetra ierind ttcie lt eaBrutis .\adheen4-a n tand el veen fory 1939 Merchandise BUY NOW .f -u are interested in buy- ingr an Electric Range or Refrigerator or other appliances this year. - See us now and save money. SAMPLE SAVINGS ELECTRIC RANGE - Reg. $115.00 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR Reg. $189.00 Sale - $139.00 WASHER -- Reg. $79.00 Sale - $54.50 INDIRECT FLOOR LAMP February Clearance $5.95 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES REDUCED 1938 sampics At Tremendous savings Refrigerators - Electric Ranges - Radios Vacuum Cleaners - Washers and Ironers- 38 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 84 OPEN EVENINGS PAGE FIGilT THEll \.D\NSTATE -<\1\N. B WM NVLL. NTARIO (- THURSDAY. FEBRUARY ló)TH, 1939 t o1 th e est book s have ever read and why- was extra well given by. Mrs. Alf. Prescott; piano solo b'y Mrs. Jas. Parr; readings by Miss Vera Stinson and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Lunch was served. Annual congregational meeting of Enfield United Church was held Wednesday evening after the Y. P. U., with Rev. Hl. Lackey in the chair. Minutes wvere read by Fred Samnis. Officials of the dif ferent societies reported and near- 1ly% all had a balance on hand wýhich seemed like a very success- ful year.. Following were elected: Session - L. C. Pascoe, Hoskin Smith, Frank Smith: Stew.ards - Fred Samis, R. W. Pascoe and Wilfred Bowman: P ar s ona g e Board - Alf. Prescott and L. Simp- son: Ushers - L. Wotten and Stewý- ards: Treasurer - L. C. Pascoe: Treas. of M. & M. Fund - Mrs. Alf Prescott. Mrs. G. Bowvman -was again asked to be organist. A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed hier for her past services. A voe Hoaacke cationhiwasetendered Y. P. U. meeting February 9th wvas open by President Miss Helen Stark. Frank McMullen wvas in charge of program, consisting of a reading by Howard Ormiston, and a debate "*Resolved the roll- Port Hone-zoal. D. Adro: defece. P. Anderson and Pott, - centre. F. Hills: winrs. Bradshaw and 1. Hills: subs. Pemnberton,. Deus.. as. Wamlamn. dwhardson iiand Cm- bel. **** Mo att hainged lhome the lone ma.rk,- er io)r the 1-aý-le. Omne drew the onh-v penaltv. Lar-il. C x, Stultt. Sliencer Eagls-Aantl .\ofiaitt dr ! .1-, Il ., 1 iý 1 - A .1- -- 1 -1- - .-A J no Bosthev- al>o shared the goals s rd ictory and the i rlspulled thehi- a antthe Raiders. lHoovier lttne ert surjlrise of all Ihv ting ý the Junior Boys were behind P.C.I. 8ethhiwhlCrwodw Ittts \wekrvisteIit- 6-2 at the end of the first half and cfred ponh\ imes. lock rafor rillsAd wn v a29to 6 Lcore never rnanaged to catch up. After c.rd o 7tmu.,rsla ý, l 1 o( Peterboro boys' onslaught*at the TIt lani as ua le scored 114 111thetie wýas 1reaIll .1a Duralvictorr first, it took the locals until the r55 1cncde ,t the oosn1:ýýn i r thll(ocak .\At that theled ost 11- next half to rally, but when they md ient111 it:.«inlil th 'h'fa the Lame fbit near the end ol th11 did the visitors wvere kept busv " ,,,, nl. h>lcl.,m eew- mamntaining their lead. It was , .ectdther perm-tiitted thu 1 et-' 1" good. clean and hard-fought bas- Changes in Line-up tie. it u11-. ketball all the way, only nine several chn ls ave beent made in ** fouls being called on the two the tam ince the firs-t vame. \rt Seniors Could Tie For Top teams. Scott, Clarke and Moore \,shton of Whithv. failed t., make \All thireeu aesfeatuired crowd- starred for the winners, while D. the urade and has been dropped a- blaine ban :d if augurý %wel] for Jackmnan and K. Slemnon brought ha, .\fackar of the samne town. Roth the future. li thesenlior Hvswin honors to Bowmranville squad. wrebilu' linec artistý. W terdeih .e t 1ithir gaimes thev % will lo Final score was 17-16. lha> retirud iimaking -,three de(àfnremen nl wer than tie the Petes for the P. C. L. (17) - Clarke (6). Scott who h Iave been dltd from the too no, iin and if t11( Cbourl (2). Moore (4), MlcPherson (4 ), jr,,ster. ErIiu l .i archi came in after teaàm o l ainnen t,, trim Pe1tetr. Gillespie (1). Hall. Dundas, Kav, the ,chedule Nwas under war and w ias hr in ithe litle u ou< ardmleu Moorhead. deo re ia a miotor acci<,int. Last can. well .. . Ti< w ekthe tears , B. H. S. ( 16) - Slemon (5). Me- wekit Nwas thouerhit that theu like- e to.indavto olav. Ilveen ( 1), Jackman (6). Morden. ;ab)1e little >t)eed(ste r woufld hl, able t., * * Crawford (2), Allin. Tamblyn. resumiie his llace in time for the . lav-GM.Mn Meet St. Kilts Friday McFeeters (2), offs buit the doctor Ihas ord, red lhim TeGaaAeawl eth'. Referee - Alex Colville, Bow- to stav out of hiocker for the rest tli. ma vle f the vear. Burkhart al- i,,ined i h th e ds --, Arcahani, : Scorine zr!coýr( Viseman )erew cNfuilen ird itheriulee or2an illin<r urkhart ard unldle ichols shton ackav .e' F 'ý Vi1nal Standinif Gals G A_ fta l in m1t rW . Lt, 10 17 28 fi8) m er 1 12 Il 2.3 4 (2arlnal 8 10 18 6" , rzin 2 2 1 5 l3 la 1o Vvnu, inz,2 1 2 l1 8 4 12 1 6 C FJ 1 ,3 4 3 4 FaN ten, ra e btwen1 He0 ,3 112 anld Eale tose o t eaue Be 1 2 3 i) ,laved mei ihh daver and sinceu 1 1 2 0 g m did nlot aitect sa di .it was 1 o 1 4 n>tr la e . 0(0 0 4 - - T ailtwisters Tops 64 66 130 111 In Lions League W De Mc Bi Wi Mf Dl Bit W- Ru Ni AI M > býth tht ý n o s and Iiior er Toital . Senior Girls the team miidwar during -,the l-ason tec it(nF idavnight the Senior Girls had a four point and is one o(f the mnta sSidl M.lMten take on Tist. Cathinesin edge at the end of the second ifunlegt min'il timle to l - the hesecond gameofa Ibest (of ithac half, but the P.C.L *s spirited last fimal two , amnes in the schedukiil- but eries. Theu first -,amie wil] he pla - quarter drive earned them a tie. it i lkelv that iniexp)erienice will keet) e in st. kiitts(.1n W ednelsday andl if The game throughout was bitterly hiin oult ,t the plIayo-ffs a third came i.i, iIncessairv it wil.Lie. contested, with both teams checki- * * * * pl eiin >Gh1%aa'in Mondfay nlight. ing hard, passing beautifully and Bobbie Nets a Shiner**** shooting well on the offensive. Flashly Line-up quarte. hen hev almoste s -in n )vtý, tua i v iit t ý L x h Ii h 11 the shr I t led the P.C.I. score, but the visi- dIoubtiul if he %wil] l(be. ea<v r two Leau e in scor ing and who is in so s rallied and tied it up in the wees et . He tat ti me (.t he( tea l i ne fr a Mai)le Laf tr vouIt. Fl anik- closmng mmnutes. Bowman v i 1 e may(behanwiniin u hirskates. il- um n \il l.thie lashv Wuinke girls have improved remarkably Biohhv Lird is the latest casuialtv. Ini Smiith and( Cl i tiaundre-IHwh o since visiting the Peterboro gymn, la oractice ses>ion ilast week lhe-tried likes trc> wait lfIr golden op rtuntities> and show promise of a champion..II to stoo-a Wuck with hl, is ndthe Mainistav (if thedne will b'. the ship group. The star for Peter. -ve lcst. As a reutlt Feather is port- oaýk solid IDoc Ro de)wi barinei, boro was E. Saunders, and Helen ini,-,a worecous black Ivelle %war If st. Kitts npr will bli Glanville led the point-getters**** the agLile P'(-L. IHurst than wýhomi from Bowmanville. Probably Play Friday thieir is nonie better in, theleaguýjýe. P. C. L. (21) -- E. Saunders (16), At the ipresenit wriiting ti ng 1Leadliniiin, the St. Catha;rinesL,ý ist R. Dalliday, J. Ottewell, E. Craig djefinlite is knlown about whlen Bow-irne .colored sýtar whoJi,,s (1), M. Juby, D. Glover, L. Reed, maviewl tr h lav- ffs hr'alwvs gooir a tew thrills A. Richardson, H. Beatty, J. Cole- ntvle\i]sa heoAI*I man (4). against whomn. Co-bour i ave a post-i Saturday St. M1ikes Play vill H.S.( 1t.Stth i e s ae tm ,on Frav o n ehw th n t ii .i liit h s T e a t b o et rnpire H . G San dilers, ) P eter- o thtt tror M na cls r nJ r ^Sp ne nceor1)ysBoys g.D. ame, round. will n eoft hi sa thehnli' n B o w m nvlee were bh i nd ow a the -. P a y -ffl e i ne-up coaches er "ff I i n la O v la and he a wa s a end ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -ik1 othfishafbuthstm ... afst.hity ie-up underhs win thler ra lonfh asta f a he le lv in eu F ri iit wrt ï* * *. * , 41m- h 38 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Phone 84 EXTRA SPECIAL EG SG GRADE "A« EGGS LARGE CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM SODAS ;.9 PICKLES MIE AUNT JEMIMA PAFCAKE FLOUR PUR E LA RD - PERFECTION FLOOR WAX PA IT-.. ·.·.·. JELLY DROPS OLD COLONY MAPLE YS UP 32-oz. S'YAUP Bd. .4 BULK CuicK oe . lain ROLLED OATS Carton of 12 2 .I19 2 .35 2: .r 23 Pkg. .:L 1-lb 2 lb..10 16-oz. Bti. @25 ls.' .25 sucsf l, la in1h fn l cr un ill he ('rawlerd n the nets. Billy Tay lor St ill Are fligh of 37 34. This gamev was one of!u n d and E bol on m teC" Bird lh-hetv avese et in te ,(ma. ýp ndPi4%it -d p ssing *- t i, a rvi týIý un, Iwle had, xele t shots anrd fme t eam - n11t(n heiront II and work.Durig the final minutes of tý fIc. T taril he k- the gamen(. the fas4t pliaving stars d.unonterer rh w llth tw c ka, Iin, hadt- the crowu.d fto theilr fe.et ;a it r -d Il, ah u h 1 r s tub- il spe- ech you thought wvas too) Smtmsone wonders if an tul ]war Could be much vworse han the present war of speeches. -Salt Ste. marie Star. It is folly to dispute wvith al fool, nd it doesn't make the situation, me1( whit more satisfactory to <now that your adversary is hinking the same.-Guelph Mer- cury. Do Chisia Eletic SPECIAL VALUES A T - DMNO

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