Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1939, p. 5

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PAGE(,1Fi\ F THîE C.\NADIAN \ ST \TESNL.\N. lt",' N\ Iii..(îlN'.u f -- ------------ Georgie Caverly Receives Diploma mi- oatrt f thet vIin sh h. :h ttrie d I ltletht t 't ardl I raiiniuScli t ti for (XCorsures in For iti a, ,i itaiîîeîl lier difftîixa aý 1 1ru n, 1 î Icr-,ttie.r(, and ài i ked l t h u irt fivee ii tuthe c.nir>c Thii i r t 11-e îciîîîieîl i l ltritti il ini I fi ttiliv.ti. lldi( hdiai su l ii (lîd tht' i)r î )r; i i i ti\và ittr-titlla aand saricd. 1-1,li a Iu îmîîîî l;rtu i l pat\î Mî~i Il ki itu 1bttrchw ai I î , i lîtru *ilî ( t l'\ at, îî itei tis in îr ot tii îrnt , whita ul wts -i Ii tonîli t.oîarîiîi flitînthe i.Rox al \trk. a lîîffet hilîltiîuî nhemîîî, îr sd a itrîsarîi,. Frîdax tî îî n the >11144111> itI t lîtlîi i thtl ivîirdilitiîas. aftt r Ivliîcli elvi- vi t l"% tt(l a 10cmi CONSIPATION TEARS «Ç OWN 0 Is your constipation becoming a burden, flot only to you but to those around you ? Is it wrecking your dis- position as welI as your health? Many sufer needlessly, for common constipation is usualiy due to noth- ing more than a lack of "bulk" in the diet. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is a ready-to-eat cereal which supplies the 'bulk' necessary to regular bowel movements. Eat ALL-BRAN every morning with milk, creamn or fruit, or in, the form of delicious muffins. Drink plenty of water. Gve regular habits a chance to rebâild health and happiness. tllei by Kellogg In tondon. Canada. At your grfeefi, C HILDREN of ail ae tbnlve on "CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP. ihe never tire otite delici- Ouaflavor and It reallyi lam good for them-so give the chldren "ICROWN BRAND" every day. Leadin hysicans pro- nounce fCROIVN BRAND CORN SYRUP a niost satis- factory carbohydrate ta use as a mnlik modifier in the feedlng of tlny Infants and as an eneroy producing food for growing ciildren. THE FAMOUS ENERGYÇ VICKS VATRO.NOL -a few drops Up each nostri> at the frsi sneeze sOLO Vi PA FRE- 1 l sîa u fl e 1l --------------maniville where there were 109 MUSIC EXAMINER Deaconess Returns active menibers. T iso il Demneracies and Religion T iso il UnesteCrsindmja From Ireland i fcies demonstrate their %vill andi osatisfing anti happy for the mnass- » iliUTSTAN OlND esa elas for tebig interests 111v (d~\'îtIt lifi ta>' so that ail may bchappy ufder ai>a(lI!lý Ifkv\V /1 1 ~~itors like fascism and communism "\îr -i'u.ît in îî i ie 'MNmay otîtrun the present ortier ant tiaxltTî îrtGege efod "î~N Tîiitttcîi-- ~VL SA -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- f p ro d u c e . in a fe w y e a rs a so c ia l T i r i l WINTERING IN BERMUDA iminister of St. Andrew's Church, - h iî t atthîrhili Ca.d. iOshawva, bld the Presbytery. %%-Il,)si>las ), li lîe t ieiîc arettt" IThe address which was exhaust ctiit'Re\\.iaiMr-.Tii ive i its treatment of the sub-~Cititai xtn.Blat o L < i. tîîînti. t'. rutllrninu a t the itrzett ject "Democracies and Religion? W A LE R ' iprovedti 1 bc deeply thought-rîn. i,\îîeî' is.oîr provoking. The only alternative 551 aril iiitake ut1) wîtrk ini the Ret to chaos xvas 10 put the KndmiSruî~rt lt t. lîrn h of God through the political or-itîplart oi 1938 -lit liiiteîntîîrarv der. Rev. Mr. Telfonti contendeti. the world during the past several wo ri'. iii the thilrclî if Sttaîi itt he- Printed Crepe vears hias been one of crisis from t au, il-i fth tr '-tcal.-. sToddt the threat that ta offereti by te1 h are eaee ine tatii te t', ilsaii hftitie lle ai are dictator states -bv Hitler antiCdeae.e inetiî,iit antimilsrfortue liîrhe) ar 5 Mussolini - bo the deinocracies of Cwuda ogaist and choirmas- iîuttltîltiit iu.wlittx DRESSES theo.vorld, stated Rev. Mr. Tel-de h mdwnenaxi.and(i Si-ltlier Tillich -ticce>s.lii fr.Oeueu euto ht wl odcth i 'vIlit 1r lit eld tt. (New Shipment) threat is that dcmocracy is being u.iniito sic ie orntoBolia-: .,Idîit-'d atco<i lcneast %i oiiGded~dcee impelledti 10examine itself. 2"*tr ,vnn 1l*,ýelacoN irgto nGy nwritdces Democracy lhas been the pro- Febru 22. Dr. Pea e lir ailer"- eliîîrcliîat (liftitsîark, ntesao' oua duel of centuries of slow growth. hsa og srig of academic let- andt liadtilt t il.it-îxrti tectihîg î vitiii h eso' oua By the beginning of the 201h cen- eatrhis ame. In 1925, hie itiatîx wltuî lîtî kn<twn lier as a ciilîlI . styles and colors. Sizes tury it was generaliy accepted as bcam a Musc Bachelor of the iii '-iclit ttiaces as Lishoirti andîti aiis 14 to 44. Special a desirable goal of human pro- nvriyo Toronto. Tw..o vears xaiîic. gress. Beginning with the Great lateri.le x\vas matie an associate Tiirîig h te kindiness of the of-- '- War. however. profound changes of tIhe Royal College of Organistsl fice-Ihearer'. a fareweli social wvas began to appear. To-day in, Eu- in Londion, Eng., anti uas award- lîtîItî(itîlasexttinr. selîcii tut s- ~ocratic states: the remaining states 1929. lie became a Fellow of the ilu-c. the Cirai Uniton. the cliireh are under some form of dictator- Ro.vaI College of Organista. This choir andi a zoutl tinuiier of tht ship. itss;ressivc academie record îvaset tiLartaýatlioii ass-tiiîl( ltii ii uict'- cappeti ai a recent convocation of titre lilall. Ntor -everai kiîit-ils H ampton Churchtht University cf Toronto. when '.îîutdîe'.amîiil vîfîlIrograii. Itue Hamptn Chrchilit tiegrec of Muhsic Doctor %-as clîairiiiaiîitrucriteti te Ný\ilsiTtttitia - Circuit Meeting coîferncd on hlm. Dr. Peaker is lit tîtîifil liiilaî,,. t îiitiînci a s.il)- C4IDE ' ortýaiîjst of Walnricr Roati Baptisi j.î.tîi;jjtll,, Iîf iiîîîandi î.irii.CHILDREN'S ILDE' Congregational meeting of the Cui.Toronto, anti is conductor i tfîhjcttil (-If eev i(i-Botany WooI f Hampton Uniteti Church ,,,-as helti cf the University of Toronto's lier 1 f tlifiI iîiiai-. * vee nthi Januanv 27th. wvith a gooti attend- Part Hotise Gîce Club. As a fac- NI-- TtitI.W ich mui îi-H E ance. uit'. member cf the Toronto Con- pi oýi-tI iitt îii ie'.Xîteetti a i fi. l I 2 C n.+n UitS Thes, horie are 1 and 1i nb- Devotional perioti x.'as in charge1 sers iiory cf Music. hoe specializes iiilnaauitrinu-. an itîle 1 2 itokte L U I~ bcd and pure silk plated on cf Young Peop)les Union. wbien i h teaching of orgats anti alirtciiiitçiofi tlîc livcea tSa l and furl-ar mercerized cotton. Popular Misses Doris Crytiermian. Gladys tlîty is-lîi i aiiv kîif sl-Sizes 2, 3, 4 -Reg. $1.19 b egl. 50c -s 6ai Trul. Elsie H-atiten anti Bertha Reg.___50c_-__Pair Armour took active parts. anti ham vcho was cisairmian. Secre: Mrs. S. Davison Hints Fo omehooies6925 Colonsel ant \i Ms. R. S. Mc- oîstise Paget Shsore. Mn. Mc- tary IMiss L. Horn rend the min- Guest Speaker At Written for The Statesman Lauitghliiî. cf Osha-wa. snappeci in Lnughliîî is chairman cf tIse boardtiutes. As a prelutie 10 the business front cf iheir cruiser at the dock cf Geiseral Motons. Canada, anti several fitting poems were reati Home & School Club b MISSES' PURE BOTANY WOOL in Hamilton. Bermuda. Tiese c- cnc cf the Vice-Presitients cf by the pastor. Laughlins anc owncrs cf 'Cedan Genenal Motors cf U. S. S. S. Superinteistent Gco. Bar- Bowxmanville Home anti Sehool -.-Jessie Allen Brow'n - Loige" their palatial \\-inter honme non spoke in, the interest of the Club met in central achool Weti- The Cash Customer Sunday Scisool which as stated nesiay es'ening last. The meetingI You uvouldti tink that in, a city' P U L L O VE RS hlas few changes in, efficers anti opeiset with Mns. M. J. Hutchin- lof ail places. the cash customner Boat-neck style in Rust, Turquoise, White, Royal, teachers. Chas. A. Johns la a 2nd i scon presitiing anti sxas then turn- I ,vouldi be appreciateti. But flot se. and Mint Green U nited Church Oshawa Presbyteryi assistant superintendent Mssed over te Mrs. J. Abernethy. con- If you have a charge account you ie 4 6 8 -Rg 10 Adl BbeCls, ihMis1vnrfor the cvening. :are a scliti citizen. but if vou pay Szs3 6 8-Rg 1O Gru ey oasit, xants hr1Getsekr r.S.Dvsncsyuael n aafly - Nominates President Bay of Quinte, to M~r F.nJ. rts astan t ed gvenG ie stingand tough- ,5b-nigt. W are nturacn ash~79 a _____by Mns. S. Kensey. v.ith a fina- pncvokiîsg talk on "What is Ibis custonsens because if we can af-79 a quet fom etantaleCîuncs tsa cial statemoint by Lewis Cryder- ihing calleti Life?" The remain-'ford a thing at ail we caîs pay (Ccontinued from page il qetfomCdrae hrhta man. ien of the pnegram censiisteti cf cash for il. Be- Rev. H. G. Crozier be permitteti "Gleaners" Ladies' Bible Clasa upiano soles by Alan Strikc. Ber- ýfore t b ts. i nt Trîae omtieb mO-te continiue as miîsîstor thene for. was neportet b-, Eliner Sykes; isard Jones anti Barbara Wlight. othen cities. we C A K R S O M erred te iransfen yeuîsg mets abouit 'Mn. Cnaig's y oun 2g mens clasa by A veny httmonous anti appropriait'. have becn ai- ins tIse cborch Nwhene thein scrv'ices Christian Education commî'ttee Rackham: Beys' Club by H. Purdy, anti a vocal solo by Misste change ac-Phn 45Bo m vle are needeti anti wherc thse: shaîl calleti attenstion 10 "tIse senîctis Faulkner f(Leader) vî,lo voiced i liîtn Naylon. couxuts and ti l__________________________________ bc requit'edtit serve for a twýo - s'naecfcniaesfrts is appreciation of thseliselp fnom Tepiewn 0M.Top looks as ifil _ yentag rf pediioti.or te Thapriy wtiseoMrproposai i 1 yas aprovetinabotrieropas ai- ministry" ins tIse hunch. It was tise Womeîs's Institute sxho bolp -on for the teaciser lsaviîsg the may is a p p e n ,visaprve btmake thein meetings more pions- i most tuotisens present. Refresis- agaîn. The large , - bced mae ortise atitatertesin- to r hoti issntrttio thclas -x oia eshv . be matie in, the twinkling oifgan taheiacx'ctîu taIpovs orase o nec stuctiontastse s- iant socuIal\. Home Dept. wsaa e- 1monts îvere serveti antiasca l sptoel sihave Ev esign Education ma ttîrt to hiîs osxn ceîference if lho Chistian prnîcîples ting the preib r.G ror c-t~ ~ ~Iv feye mcaionareyandmake a siigtL se tiesinti axutitîsat tiis be tusne pre-Lîsicîs pnioti. uernîce. by' G. Barron; Mi1ssion- enations forl.sfermxueatipta11e J s eiead httibcmr r-etnpro.any. by Ruby Colwill; Cratile Roll,. their chlua rg eus the bottom of a buttereti cup, ~ - And clearly siaieti. Going To Burlington Miss M. Hornn; "Busy Becs." Doris' customers. 'You-tienpt in a spoonful cf jam anti Sevenal lettons were rend by tIse Ilis ntopiing the report cf the Crytiderman: Treasorer of S. S.. C. can boy anti- Jesi lln coerwthmreeitseticcaty secretany. Rex'. P. L. Joli. fronu a Pastot'al Relationss cemmitice Rex'. A. Johns: Younug Peopies Uxnion,. des on sale b rw1r hsmxueIsem e isuimben cf theological sttiteist Russell OBrien of Wliitby svas Austin Barron: Y.P.U. Missions by, i phone if you charge tbem. YoBebnta hepeaeylu bodiies in church colleges express- granteti lis nelease from the Pres- Ruth Colwill: W. M. S. by Mns. A. cax anst ]luav'e the store wrap- requires a botter oven than the4 -B> îxsg their disapproval et the pro- bytery te take up bis change un E. Billett wiuo reponteti a mcmn-i pet i tp anst sent homec on approval, regular hiscuit tices. Any biscuit' C.I-.Tuck posai, especially tise part scîsere B'tiliugton. The necommexdatien . bershîp cf 26; M. & M. Fond cf if -'eu change it: but just try ant I tough shoulti be ssf scnb tuîey claiseti ne pr'ovsion for tise that Rev. T. H. P. Anstersons cols- chunch. F. G. Keralake: Church get anythîng if you pay cash. Even ' hantileti. I neyer bother rolling Ot student*s return s as set out. tinue ns paster of Albert Street Treasurer, Hilton Petena: Proper tesmlemte of cnshing a eu0 h rprt lu icis .Eeih Against the Measure Cistrcis. Oshawxa. xs'ns alse con- tv Committec. G. Armour: Audi- cieuebcmeecnolmtets froe esnte aedffci Rex. . . aîisen Bxxmas-formeti. tors' report, W. Wilbur, vîbe sxitls OSHAWA -one who pays cash. It is not ai- to hantihe if matie witis as much Sleiis vill. sas.ersFouapeexuaganat Thee hai ben .76afailis M. Caigwer reapponteo: l- __the_______________ savscon'enhntle o t tie bnk iquti a tie Dcipopeuirs.neypDisey Idg tis mnsre hsxctlt etalîis o 1.78 eron mmbnsoftieres G. Bannoîs anti W. Wilbtîî anti if you charge voix can gel aal biscuits are about as gooti anti o..O> ciass distinctionulhe claimeti, antiUnited Chri x ie rsstn'wene ne-appointeti. anti Stewvardsa Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. !cheque caslied tia ny largesoeje'sae time. Andti talam substitote tise prnjciple cf cocrc- in tise pat yenr. The Wornnsj H. Salten anti C. E. Heorrtsneg.oiooigoey u-ms uulnao o sn teObwPoe11 ioxn for persoasiexu. Tise plan MUissionany Society liati a baîanco A vote of appreciation svas toîs FEB. 16 - 18 icher onrtinog store. te say n îig Iprepaneti fleur. If you hsave neti ubr7 sioili e ouni îsxokale.lu c S 1.48 siuc s a nsincrease 1 deretiRex'. W. Rackbam wiso its A od1 of tise gas station. For a cashs useti it try il anti you will finti it me 7 nua-Ointai odnct.x.W E Honev e f S1'er 8.that h prsicsAyar f nplyvoieMubisappacitin efcuatomer tises' soultiprobablyjbas many uses. 1fisese premature condii ti o ns, mvrntlas Ie ngisttIev.mcs'oe. Sof 7e xlainigth at )of ssons: toiel chunc is atiite atiofnrofi Technicolor caîl a cop. You may buy just a ts1 Browned Canned Lobster howcver, may be overcome but 'Il ans xot afraiti of tise bogie Sl.000 bati been reteiveti from a te tise miafortune of tise spire bc- JEANETTE MlacDONALD mucis but if you pas' cash tisey'! Uxtil I went le Nova Scotia my those conditions due te age can of cuexiun" decianeti Rex-. George bqes-Fo iNELSOeNtsei EsDDYx'iblihniu o-Is exc kc i.Ionly acquaintance witis lobster .only finti relief witi tise assist- Telforti cf St. Audnexx"s Cisorcis. churcis iati reccîveti S145.30() it:9th of Julie, wviicis ilroughiisio-- ESN Y- Too Much Motor-Car xvas with tise canned variety. Af-, ance of tise necessary glasses andi Oshuawa. Ho expresseti tise siexx' svs sînteti. ance was a fortune xexenieies,, in We have become very' tepenti- ter baving eaten quantities of are neyer cureti. Relief witistise tisat if tise yoîxng moxu sere nsd Ans' legisîntiexu xhicis sxotilt in cfecting necessany repaira to . ent on tise meon car. but tise olti- fresis lobster. tise canneti lest'glasses isowever, is very valuable sen 1 tie issox fîitsth iepoii frcmeaîeientheiebuilding syhicis Hampton is 'SWLLIflLARKI' er ones at least remember i'ien xu'uch of its former attraction. help because tise proper correction seidtoer mon sion l s t ge.Tise pîaimenîfoxu tmeise Sabbat er'-sProuti te possesa. ,there svere other ways of getting However, I hav'e foundtita if it will make tise eyes xnomal witis exerimene g c aie uusuigo. k trienosy o s et b tse Prs- A summars' of year's work is a- Added - WaIt Disney Cartoon Iplaces. Net se, tise youngcr ones. is brownet in butter it tastes sur- thein use. svxiprov gied vc n vubie te a sterusy. fs oloxving he restonfollows: Total raiseti on charge 'Mother GooseGoes Hollywood' 'fisc'must divie. One somnmer pnisixgly like fresis lobster. Break Tise patient being well advanc- youug inste hoclimoi.Ho xnsonnimusl psaci:$6115.00; by Suntiay Scisools. ex'cnixug a yotîng girl was svaxuter- tise filis into cbunks anti bnown in cd in years may oiten fear tisai $85s4b.stpot00; ts x-TeReouio mid-xxeek organizalicîs REVIVAL ing anotindth ie bouse aimlessly. plcnty of butter over a gentle tise vision is seriously endanger- pressicîysupfroxs ex'.iW.th.ex-Tbasobeeionlim $49250.00; Women's Assec i a t 1i0o sO1Her motisen saiti, 'I tisougisl you ieat. A simple salati makes ac.Ws nafx ae ii a Smvliasof PortnPenny.d'W50e.00: W.M.S. $155.00; M. & 1\1 Friday at 10:45 pm wene going dancing te-nigisi.' Tise gooti compiement. Cisoppeti ccl- 'be truc, tise majority ef cases ne- s studnt softbePorngt tî Ls tisaIit is e intenution ofFond $793.00. ~it 1 answer te tisaI sas tisat Joix, en', coarsely cisoppeti ieatilet- spendti thie correction anti many R. go.wa M enton tnionofaie s e troduce legisiatien relative te tise 30: burials 17; marriagos 8; axnd car ran te tise vers' door of tise tise combination I useti anti it fill- people. It is sati indecti, te meet fas'. oroftise propeal. Hpoe im- observance of tise Lords Day. we baptisma '7. iaflusome' place wisere tisey isatiplanneti toeetitise bill nicely. witistisat case in tise very ad- cd isI is SttemntBearcitiesire te place ouracîves on re- Musical numbers N'ere gixOxi. widance. Wisex soxue one suggestetiSnm anwce vanceti life wscrc tise patient ex- Isisoulti properly be an organ of corti as bcing definitely oppoett inclutiing vocal trie by Misses ,tise' migist have taken tise street- Oecne ih ed oa-1peets te have vision normal or ch General Council. te any extension on tise Lert's Edutis Rackham, Nellie Armotîr -IRENE DUNNE - car, se was igisîs'indignant and ti Oec anethii eais t e an- ,bte adwl nss h fgas Re. .R.Tntncaim fD-tv of (1) privileges fer trade anti Eileen Wray'; anti duet bs' Mn. RANDOLPH SCOTT. siigistly amusedt t iink tisat any- otis er.I stimtismatdicesaii es are worn tisey muat be guar- Ro. . . faIo, isin an ad commence, (2) commercial anti Mrs. Bort Stevens. one wouîd imagine goung in tish p-aeti sisrimpsuisantiwiciscs aiay tise Freabyters', siatedt tie hwsas atals ek lc fhr-ia htntigcnb 100 per cent in faveur of tise re- 1 anti professionai sport, (3) dom- A social lime ws eonjoyeti dur- T A treet-car. So six yeung people ca te l as eep u ofsaroud o anetir te sttycm inlcv ery y mit if caus wAeins _î_i ro1Imerciaiizeti entertinment. 50 tisali iîgtise serving of nefresismexuts Monday - Tuesday I iti notising at ail because tisere ,coo-eti-egg-waa-put1onkalob o matie YVAPoReWlatanrprex'Io th ex'. L'\\b' LOOc"àn I Off The Record' a ieo bk limi Bil ECAUSE bontratexs'.Ilie msade ta stî'ong pion ft Afîice iith straijglut sitien mufinutinss. ituse -ru onthratal pastorstoi tuake atinitioxual <'f- hI eardfiotux'for u' ilng chest, and bock forts aieîug evaxugeixstic linîss. 'Plue ____________________ LATOREWA t ls si usksalgu Unuitd Ciurxclî seas xîoteti for'it L Q JIu F S EJOAN BLONDELL dunsplîxug tiîaxu Icaîs isako a ' of edix'wok cf tiîis ty'pe, lue stuxie. Matince at 2.10 p.m. - Eve Last otisor was'. h lasoney liaxuts'fer D p N A L 'f boere isat been eminoxîtly sa desserts. I drop spoexusful of tise - -* * * * isfactery progroas ixu the yoixng ý A U [N 1 1INE Compicte Show at 8.20. tioîglu on a jtxicy fr'uit, suds ns peeple's Tonuperance Fetieratioxu I NO *M cherries, xaspbcrries or bîtîcier- in n cach Vcks f'dclîage jwiti tise largeat brancis in Bow- ries anti bake. Tisis dessert can efails of the Pla, m

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